Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 1: My new school - lesson 1 | Globle Success

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 1: My new school - lesson 1 | Globle Success với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Unit 1
Lesson 1: Getting
English 7
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What does he/ she like doing?
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Getting
English 7
lexical items related to ‘Hobbies’
English 7
English 7
1. Who are they?
 Ann and Trang
2. Where are they?
 Trang’s house
3. What are they talking about?
Exercise 1 (p.8) Listen and read
English 7
Ann !"
Trang: #$$$
Trang: &  '     $    (   $ !
Ann: 
Trang: &
Ann: '$
Trang: $-
Ann !"
Trang: #$$building dollhouses.
Trang: &  '     $    (   $ !
Ann: horse riding.
Trang: &
Ann: '$
Trang: $-
Exercise 1 (p.8) Listen and read
English 7
horse riding
Exercise 2 (p.9) Read and underline key words.
English 7
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
English 7
Anndollhouse make it yourself"
Trang: Yes#$$$
Ann%"Is it hard build"
Trang: &'cardboardglue(
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
English 7
Trang: &All you need $(use a bit of
Ann: '          horse riding
clubs+&%,$every Sunday
Trang: $-
Ann-#at 8 a.m.
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
English 7
your points
English 7
steal points
blow points
Student picks a number
Answer the question to open the box
horse riding
making models
collecting teddy
collecting coins
cưỡi ngựa
làm mô hình
làm vườn
sưu tập gấu bông
sưu tập !ền xu
làm nhà búp bê
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Exercise 4 (p.9)
Work in pairs. Write the hobbies from 3 in the suitable column.
doing things
making things
making dollhouses
horse riding
making modelsgardening
collecting teddy
collecting coins
making dollhouse collec!ng coins collec!ng teddy bears
gardening horse riding making models
Find someone
Work in groups
In 3 minutes
Ask your classmates which hobbies
they like.
Use structure “Do you like …?”
Write their names in your worksheet
Find someone who likes:
horse riding
building dollhouses
collecting teddy bears
collecting coins
making models
English 7
1. *"
A# B+$$ C-
2. =
' >
, $$
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See You Next Time
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English 7 Unit 1 Hobbies Lesson 1: Getting started File Edit View What does he/ she like doing? English 7 Unit 1 Hobbies Lesson 1: Getting started English 7 Objectives
lexical items related to ‘Hobbies’ English 7 1. Who are they?  Ann and Trang Tr T a r n a g n 2. Where are they? Ann  Trang’s house
3. What are they talking about? English 7
Exercise 1 (p.8) Listen and read Ann: Yo : Y ur house is ver is v y y nice c , Tr , T an r g. g Tr T a r ng a : Th T anks ank ! s Le L t's e go g o ups up t s ai t rs r . s I'll show o yo y u o my r m o y r om o . Ann: I lov o e v yo y ur dol do lhou ho se. It's amazi m ng. Did yo y u o make ak it yo t y ursel ur f? Tr T a r ng: a ng: Ye Y s. My hobby i bb s b s uild buil in di g do ng d ll ol ho l uses. houses. Ann: Rea : R lly? y Is it hard t ar o d t o build one o ? Tr T a r ng: a ng: Not o rea r lly. y Al A l yo y u need is som so e car c db ar oa o rd r and gl g ue. Then just us use a bit of o cre r ativ a ity. W y hat ha do do yo y u o do in yo y u o r free r time m ? Ann: nn: I like ik ho rse horse rid r in idi g. ng. Tr T a r ng: a ng: That's r Tha a t's r the a r unusual. Not many an y peopl o e do th o at. a Ann: nn: Act Ac ually, ly it's mo m re r co c mm m on o than yo y u o think. There r are r som so e hors r e s riding clubs ub in Ha Noi o now o . I w go g to t th o e Riders' Cl r ub ev e e v ry y Sunday nda . y Tr T a r ng: a ng: I'd lov lo e v to t o go g to t o yo y ur club this Sunday da . y I Iwa w nt t n o t t o learn how o to t ride. Ann: Sure. r My lesson esso st s a t rts at ts a 8 a.m. a.m English 7
Exercise 1 (p.8) Listen and read building horse riding dollhouses English 7
Exercise 2 (p.9) Read and underline key words.
1. Trang needs help with building dollhouses.
2. Trang uses glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse.
3. To build a dollhouse, you need to use your creativity.
4. Ann goes to a horse riding club every Sunday.
5. Ann’s lesson starts at 8 p.m. English 7
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
1. Trang needs help with building dollhouses. F
Ann: I love your dollhouse. It's amazing. Did you make it yourself?
Trang: Yes. My hobby is building dollhouses.
2. Trang uses glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse. T
Ann: Really? Is it hard to build one?
Trang: Not really. All you need is some cardboard and glue. Then just use a bit of creativity. English 7
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
3. To build a dollhouse, you need to use your creativity. T
Ann: Really? Is it hard to build one?
Trang: Not really. All you need is some cardboard and glue. Then just use a bit of creativity.
4. Ann goes to a horse riding club every Sunday. T
Ann: Actually, it's more common than you think. There are some horse riding
in Ha Noi now. I go to the Riders' Club every Sunday.
5. Ann’s lesson starts at 8 p.m. F
Trang: I'd love to go to your club this Sunday. I want to learn how to ride.
Ann: Sure. My lesson starts at 8 a.m. English 7
Exercise 2 (p.9) Check and write T (True) and F (False).
1. Trang needs help with building dollhouses. F
2. Trang uses glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse. T T
3. To build a dollhouse, you need to use your creativity.
4. Ann goes to a horse riding club every Sunday. T
5. Ann’s lesson starts at 8 p.m. F English 7 GAME: • Student pick TYPHO s a number ON
• Answer the question to open the box your points steal points blow points ENGLISH 7 building dollhouses horse riding making models gardening collecting teddy bears collecting coins
 horse riding /ˈhɔːs raɪdɪŋ/ cưỡi ngựa
 making models /ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈmɒdlz / làm mô hình  gardening /ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ/ làm vườn  collecting teddy bears sưu tập gấu bông /kəlektɪŋ ˈtedi beə(r)z/
 collecting coins /kəlektɪŋ kɔɪnz/ sưu tập tiền xu
 building dollhouses /ˈˈbɪldɪŋˈdɒlhaʊsiz/ làm nhà búp bê File Edit View Exercise 4 (p.9)
Work in pairs. Write the hobbies from 3 in the suitable column. doing things making things collecting things horse riding making dollhouses collecting teddy bears gardening making models collecting coins making dollhouse collecting coins collecting teddy bears gardening horse riding making models ENGLISH 7 GAME: Find someone who • Work in groups • In 3 minutes
• Ask your classmates which hobbies they like.
• Use structure “Do you like …?”
• Write their names in your worksheet Find someone who likes: Names horse riding building dollhouses collecting teddy bears collecting coins gardening making models … English 7 RECAP
1. What did we learn today? A. My school B. Hobbies C. Sports 2. Odd one out. A. horse riding B. making models C. gardening D. hobbies File Edit View THANK YOU See You Next Time
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