Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 11 lesson 1 global success: Our greener world

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 11 lesson 1 global success: Our greener world với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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phrases (P. 49)
phrases (P. 49)
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Unit11: our greener world Lesson 1: Getting started By O th B e JE endCTIVE of this S lesson,
students will be able to gain:
An overview about the topic Our greener world and some vocabulary on how to help the environment. Develop communication skills and team work skills through joining class activities VOCABULARY 1. Reusable (adj) /ˌriːˈjuː.zə.bəl/ Có thể dùng lại 2. Plastic (n) /ˈplæs.tɪk/ Nhựa Look at Nick the picture Mi and an 1. s Wh w o e ar r e they? 2. Where are they? th At t e he supermarket q 3. ues Whatt imo ig n ht they be talking about? s They talked about ways to go green. L Mi: et Hi, Ni ' ck s .
Nick: Hello, Mi. go green! (p.48)
Mi: You've bought a lot of things.
Nick: Yes. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. What are you doing at the supermarket, Mi?
Mi: I'm buying some eggs. Hey, what's this?
Nick: It's a reusable shopping bag.
Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. It's better than a plastic one. If we all use this kind
of bag, we will help the environment.
Mi: I see. I'll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the way, you're also green. You're cycling.
Mi: You're right. If more people cycle, the air will be cleaner. Right?
Nick: Yes. Oh, it's 5 o'clock already. I have to go now. See you later.
Mi: See you, Nick. Bye. L Mi: et Hi, Ni ' ck s .
Nick: Hello, Mi. go green! (p.48)
Mi: You've bought a lot of things.
Nick: Yes. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. What are you doing at the supermarket, Mi?
Mi: I'm buying some eggs. Hey, what's this?
Nick: It's a reusable shopping bag. Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. It's better than a plastic one. If we all use this kind
of bag, we will help the environment.
Mi: I see. I'll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the way, you're also green. You're cycling.
Mi: You're right. If more people cycle, the air will be cleaner. Right?
Nick: Yes. Oh, it's 5 o'clock already. I have to go now. See you later.
Mi: See you, Nick. Bye. 2. Read the conversation again and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)
1. Nick is going on ___________ tomorrow.
2. The green shopping bag is better than the __________.
3. People can buy green bags at __________.
4. Mi wants to buy _________ bag for her mum.
5. Nick thinks that Mi is green because _________.
2. Read the conversation again
and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)

1. Nick is going on ___________ t a picnic omorrow.
Mi: You've bought a lot of things.
Nick: Yes. We're going on a picnic
tomorrow. What are you doing at the supermarket, Mi?
2. Read the conversation again
and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)
2. The green shopping bag is better than the one ____________.
Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. It’s better than a
plastic one.
If we all use this kind of
bag, we will help the environment.
2. Read the conversation again
and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)
3. People can buy green bags a t t ______________. he check- out
Mi: I see. I’ll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the
way, you’re also green. You’re cycling.
2. Read the conversation again
and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)
a reusable shopping
4. Mi wants to buy ____________________ bag for her
Nick: It’s a reusable shopping mum. bag. Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. It’s better than a plastic
one. If we all use this kind of bag, we will help the environment.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
2. Read the conversation again
and fill in the blank uisng NO more than 3 wowrds. (p.49)

5. Nick thinks that Mi is green because sh _ e ___ ’s _ c __ y _ cl__ in___ g _.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the way, you’re also green. You’re cycling. 2. Read the conversation again and fill in the blank
uisng NO more than 3 wowrds.
1. (p Nic . k 4 i 9
s g)oing on a picnic tomorrow.
2. The green shopping bag is better than the a plastic one
3. People can buy green bags at the check-out.
4. Mi wants to buy a reusable shopping bag for her mum.
5. Nick thinks that Mi is green because she’s cycling
3. Based on the ideas in the
conversation, Match the
sentences in column A with its
second half in column B (P.49) COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Green bags are A. they will help better the environment. 2. The air will be B. than plastic cleaner bags 3. If people use C. if more people reusable bags for shopping, cycle. .
MEMORY GAME: MATCH THE PICTURE WITH THE phrases Pick ic ing k 1 up up 2 rubb rub ish Using n g reusab eu le bags 3 s 4 cycl c in 5 g 6 when h sho sh p o ping Plantin Plant Wal W kin g g tre e tre 7 8 9 g t g 1o 0 and a flo fl w o ers w sch c ool oo 4. MA 4. M T A C T H THE PICTURE WIT I H T HE phr h ases as (P es . (P 49) . Cycling Planting tree and flowers Picking Using Walking up reusable to school rubbish bags when shopping Game: Find someone who… Na Find some-one who… me uses reusable bags cycles walks to school picks up rubbish plants trees uses reusable bags LET’S RECAP!
1. What type of shopping bag does Nick use? a. plastic bag b. backpack c. reusable shopping bag
2. Can you name some ways to help the environment?
uses reusable bags, walks to school, picks up rubbish, plants trees,….. Homework: prepare for the next lesson Thanks for listening!
Document Outline

  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 5
  • Let's go green! (p.48)
  • Let's go green! (p.48)
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Slide 16
  • Slide 17
  • Game: Find someone who…
  • Slide 20