Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 11: Our greener world - lesson 1 | Globle Successs

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 11: Our greener world - lesson 1 | Globle Success với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Listen and read.
Read the conversation again.
Complete the following sentences.
Use no more than three words in
each blank.
Match the pictures with the ways
to help the environment.
Lets go green!
Find someone who ... Work in
groups. Ask and answer to find
someone who does the things in 4.
Based on the ideas in the
conversation, match the first half
of the sentence in column A with its
second half in column B.
Listen and read.
Lets go green!
Mi: Hi, Nick.
Nick: Hello, Mi.
Mi: You’ve bought a lot of things.
Nick: Yes. We’re going on a picnic tomorrow.What are you doing at
the supermarket, Mi?
Mi: I’m buying some eggs. Hey, whats this?
Nick: Its a reusable shopping bag.
Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. Its be#er than a plas$c one.If we all use this kind of bag,
we will help the environment.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the way, you’re also green. You’re cycling.
Mi: You’re right. If more people cycle, the air will be cleaner. Right?
Nick: Yes. Oh, its 5 o’clock already. I have to go now. See you later.
Mi: See you, Nick. Bye.
Lets go green!
Read the conversation again. Complete the
following sentences. Use no more than three words
in each blank.
Nick is going on
People can buy green bags at
Mi wants to buy
5. Nick thinks that Mi is green because
The green shopping bag is be#er than the
_______ tomorrow.
a picnic tomorrow.
_______.plas$c one.
_______.the check-out.
_______ bag for her mum.
a reusable bag for her mum.
_______.she’s cycling.
b. than plas$c bags.
c. if more people cycle.
a. they will help the
Based on the ideas in the conversation, match the
first half of the sentence in column A with its second
half in column B.
1. Green bags are be#er
2. The air will be
3. If people use
reusable bags for
a. they will help the
b. than plas$c bags.
c. if more people cycle.
Match the pictures with the ways to help the
1 2 3
plan$ng trees
and 0ower
picking up
to school
using reusable bags
when shopping
picking up
plan$ng trees
and 0ower
using reusable bags
when shopping
to school
plan$ng trees
and 0ower
picking up
to school
using reusable bags
when shopping
Find someone who ... Work in groups. Ask and
answer to find someone who does the things in 4.
A: Do you plant trees?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Do you pick up rubbish?
B: Yes, I do.
| 1/11

Preview text:

Let’s go green! Listen and read.
Match the pictures with the ways to help the environment.
Read the conversation again.
Complete the following sentences.
Use no more than three words in each blank.

Find someone who ... Work in
Based on the ideas in the
groups. Ask and answer to find
conversation, match the first half
someone who does the things in 4.
of the sentence in column A with its second half in column B. Listen and read. Let’s go green! Let’s go green! Mi: Hi, Nick. Nick: Hello, Mi.
Mi: You’ve bought a lot of things.
Nick: Yes. We’re going on a picnic tomorrow.What are you doing at the supermarket, Mi?
Mi: I’m buying some eggs. Hey, what’s this?
Nick: It’s a reusable shopping bag.
Mi: Do you always use it?
Nick: Yes. It’s better than a plastic one.If we all use this kind of bag, we will help the environment.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy one for my mum. Where can I buy one?
Nick: At the check-out. By the way, you’re also green. You’re cycling.
Mi: You’re right. If more people cycle, the air will be cleaner. Right?
Nick: Yes. Oh, it’s 5 o’clock already. I have to go now. See you later.
Mi: See you, Nick. Bye.
Read the conversation again. Complete the
following sentences. Use no more than three words in each blank.
1. Nick is going on __ a __ pic ___ nic tto o m m o orrro o w w. .
2. The green shopping bag is better than the ____ plas _ ti _ c _ o .ne.
3. People can buy green bags at _t_ h _ e _ _ c _ h _ ec.k-out. 4. Mi wants to buy __ a _ r _ e ___ ba usable g fo bag rf he or r h m er um mu.m.
5. Nick thinks that Mi is green because _s__ he_ ’ _ s _ c _ y . cling.
Based on the ideas in the conversation, match the
first half of the sentence in column A with its second half in column B.
1. Green bags are better b a.. tthan hey plas will tic he ba lp g t s. he environment. 2. The air will be c. b if . t m ha or n e pe plas ople tic b c agyc s. le. cleaner 3. If people use a. they will help the reusable bags for ecn . vifi ro mnm oree nt pe .ople cycle. shopping.
Match the pictures with the ways to help the environment. 1 2 3 4 5 a. pla l nti an ng tre tr e e s s b. pic i king king u p p d. walking alking using reusable bags c. cyc y ling e. using reusable bags ling and an d flo fl w o e w r e rubb ub ish bis to t scho hool when n sh s op o pin ping 1 2 3 b. picking up a. planting trees c. cycling rubbish and flower 4 5 e. using reusable bags d. walking when shopping to school
Find someone who ... Work in groups. Ask and
answer to find someone who does the things in 4.

A: Do you plant trees?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Do you pick up rubbish? B: Yes, I do.
Document Outline

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