Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 12 lesson 3 global success: Robots

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 12 lesson 3 global success: Robots với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Superlave adjecves: short adjecves
We use superlave adjecves to compare three or more people
or things.
- Tom is the tallest in his class.
- This is the biggest of the three bags.
Write the superlative form of the adjectives in the
table below.
Adjecves Superlave form
Complete the following sentences with superlative
form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 is an example.
Bonbon can move 10 tons; its the
________ of all. (strong)
He is the
he is about 1.8 m tall. (tall)
This is the
we can put it in our bag. (small)
5. This robot is only 200 dollars.
Its the
This robot can understand all of what we say.
Its the
_______ in the robot show. (smart)
smartest in the robot show. (smart)
_______ in our class;
tallest in our class;
_______ of all home robots;
smallest of all home robots;
_______ in our shop. (cheap)
cheapest in our shop. (cheap)
Complete the following sentences with comparative
or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
My brothers room is
Travelling by plane is
Who is the
5. I think dogs are
_______ than mine. (dy)
dier than mine. (dy)
_______ desert of all is the Sahara and its in Africa. (hot)
hoest desert of all is the Sahara and its in Africa. (hot)
_______ than going by car. (fast)
faster than going by car. (fast)
_______ in your family? (tall)
tallest in your family? (tall)
_______ than cats. (smart)
smarter than cats. (smart)
Work in pairs. Look at the information of the three
robots: M10, H9, and A3 and talk about each of them,
using superlative adjectives.
M10 H9 A3
Age 5 7 10
Weight 20 kg 45 kg 50 kg
Height 80 cm 120 cm 150 cm
Price $1.800 $1.000 $1.500
A: A3 is the tallest of the three robots.
B: M10 is the youngest of the three robots.
Find someone who
Work in pairs. Ask your partner to find in
your class someone who is
the tallest
the oldest
the smartest
the shortest
the biggest
the smallest
| 1/10

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Grammar Superlative adjectives: short adjectives
We use superlative adjectives to compare three or more people or things. Example:
- Tom is the tallest in his class.
- This is the biggest of the three bags.
Write the superlative form of the adjectives in the table below. Adjectives Superlative form fast fastest tall tallest noisy noisiest nice nicest hot hottest light lightest quiet quietest heavy heaviest large largest
Complete the following sentences with superlative
form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 is an example.

1. Bonbon can move 10 tons; it’s the
________ of all. (strong) strongest
2. This robot can understand all of what we say. It’s the _s__ m __ art _ e _ s tin in t h t e he r o r bo o t bo tsho s w ho . w .(sm ar (sm t ar ) t 3. He is the _t_ a__ lle _ s _ t _ in in o o urur c class; lass; he is about 1.8 m tall. (tall) 4. This is the ___ sm ___ alles_ t o o f f all all ho ho m m e e r r o o bo bo t t s; s;
we can put it in our bag. (small)
5. This robot is only 200 dollars. It’s the__ c __ he ___ apes in t o in ur o s ur ho s p. ho ( p. c h (c e h a e p) ap)
Complete the following sentences with comparative
or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. My brother’s room is __ ti __ die _ r _ t _ than han m m inein . e. (ti ( d ti y)dy) 2. The ___ ho _ tt _ e _ st_ de de s see r r t t oo f f aall ll is is t the he S Saha ahar ra a aand nd itit ’ ’s s in in Af Afr r i ic c a. a. ( (ho hot t ) )
3. Travelling by plane is _f__ as _ t _ er _ t_ tha han n go goin ing g b y b cya c r. ar (f. (f as as t) t) 4. Who is the _t___ alle _ s _ t _ in in y y o o urur f fam amilyily ? ? (t (tall) all) 5. I think dogs are ___ sm __ art_ e_ r t t han han c c a a t t s. s. (sm (sm ar ar t t ) )
Work in pairs. Look at the information of the three
robots: M10, H9, and A3 and talk about each of them,
using superlative adjectives.
A3 H9 M10 M10 H9 A3 Age 5 7 10 Weight 20 kg 45 kg 50 kg Height 80 cm 120 cm 150 cm Price $1.800 $1.000 $1.500 H9 M10 A3 Example:
A: A3 is the tallest of the three robots.
B: M10 is the youngest of the three robots. Find someone who…
Work in pairs. Ask your partner to find in your class someone who is - the tallest - the shortest - the oldest - the biggest - the smartest - the smallest
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