Giáo án điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 12 : Robots - lesson 2 | Globle Success

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 12 : Robots - lesson 2 | Globle Success với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Lesson 1: Getting started
understand (v): Hiểu
feeling (n): cảm xúc
guard (n,v): người canh gác, bảo vệ
pick (v): hái, thu hoạch (hoa, quả)
broken (a): bị hỏng, bị v
c. our feelings
a. fruit
b. the washing
e. plants
d. as a guard
Match the verbs in column A to the words or phrases
in column B. Then listen, check and repeat them.
a. fruit
b. the washing
c. our feelings
d. as a guard
e. plants
Work in pairs. Tell your partner the activities in 1 you
can or cant do now.
I can pick fruit but I can’t understand
your feelings.
Work in pairs. Read the information about what V10,
a robot, can or can’t do. Ask and answer questions.
Skills of V10 Can Can’t
Repair a broken machine
Do the washing
Work as a guard
Read our moods
Water plants
Understand what we say
A: Can V10 do the washing?
B: Yes, it can.
Falling tone in statements
Listen and repeat the following sentences.
I o7en water plants a7er school.
My dad makes delicious meals at weekends.
WB2 is the strongest of all the robots.
5. H8 is a home robot.
Shifa can do many things like humans.
Falling tone in statements
Xuống giọng trong câu trần thuật
Our voice often goes down at the end of a
Giọng của chúng ta thường đi xuống ở cuối
We go to school every morning.
Practise saying the statements in the following
paragraph. Then listen and repeat.
My robot is Jimba. Its a home robot. Its
very helpful. It can do the housework. It
can also water plants and pick fruit. It
can work as a guard. I love my robot
very much.
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UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 1: Getting started Vocabulary Vocabulary understand (v): Hiểu feeling (n): cảm xúc
guard (n,v): người canh gác, bảo vệ
pick (v): hái, thu hoạch (hoa, quả)
broken (a): bị hỏng, bị vỡ
Match the verbs in column A to the words or phrases
in column B. Then listen, check and repeat them.
A B 1. understand c. a .o f u r r u ifteelings 2. pick a. b .f r t ui het washing 3. do b c . the our w feas e hing lings 4. water e. d .plan as t a s guard 5. work d. e. as a planguar ts d
Work in pairs. Tell your partner the activities in 1 you can or can’t do now. Example:
I can pick fruit but I can’t understand your feelings.
Work in pairs. Read the information about what V10,
a robot, can or can’t do. Ask and answer questions.
Skills of V10 Can Can’t Repair a broken machine Do the washing Work as a guard Read our moods Water plants Understand what we say
Example: A: Can V10 do the washing? B: Yes, it can. Pronunciation
Falling tone in statements
Listen and repeat the following sentences.
1. I often water plants after school.
2. Shifa can do many things like humans.
3. My dad makes delicious meals at weekends.
4. WB2 is the strongest of all the robots. 5. H8 is a home robot. Pronunciation Falling tone in statements
Xuống giọng trong câu trần thuật

Our voice often goes down at the end of a statement. Giọ Ex n a g m c ple
: a chúng ta thường đi xuống ở cuối câu We go to school every morning.
Practise saying the statements in the following
paragraph. Then listen and repeat.

My robot is Jimba. It’s a home robot. It’s
very helpful. It can do the housework. It
can also water plants and pick fruit. It
can work as a guard. I love my robot very much.
Document Outline

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