Giáo án Tiếng Anh 2 sách i-Learn Smart Start (Cả năm) | Semester 2B

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 2 sách i-Learn Smart Start trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài soạn của 35 tuần trong cả năm học. Qua đó, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 2 của mình.

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School: ………………………………………..
Class: …………………………….....................
Period: ………………………………….
1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills: Review Unit 6 to Unit 10 to prepare for the 2
semester test.
1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up an awareness of taking care of others in their
family or community.
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to
be a life-long learner.
1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Knowing how to share joyfulness or sympathize with others.
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Becoming responsible for others.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook.
3. Procedures
Warm up (5 minutes)
Sing the song “Jump, Run and Shout”
(Source: The Singing Walrus and join the game.
a. Objectives: Students can sing the song and join the game.
b. Content: Singing the song and join the game.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song and join the game correctly and
- Task completed: Students can sing the song and join the game correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can sing the song and join the game but with some difficulties.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Sing the song “Jump, Run and Shout”
(Source: The Singing Walrus
Option 1: Whispering game
- Divide the class into four teams.
- Have students from each team stand or sit in a row.
- Whisper a question to the first students in each row.
- Have the first students whisper the question to the second
- Have teams continue whispering the question until it reaches
the last students. The last student in the row has to say out the
question and answer it.
- Give the first team to say the question and answer correctly
one point. The team that gets the most points wins.
- Sing the song together.
- Follow and do as T’s guides.
- Join the game, in teams: try to
whisper the question until it reaches
the last students. The last student in
the row has to say out the question
and answer it.
Option 2: Drawing and guessing
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- Divide the class into four teams.
- Have each team stand in a line.
- Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group.
This child runs to the board, draw the picture.
- Have the other students in his/her team try to guess what the
picture is. The first team has the correct answer will get one
- Follow and do as T’s guides.
- Join the game, try to guess what
the picture is.
A. New lesson
Practise the following tasks (worksheet enclosed). (25 minutes)
I. Look. Read. write.
II. Look. Read. Complete.
III. Look. Read. What’s next? Write.
IV. Answer.
a. Objectives: Help students review vocab and structures lessons 6 to 10.
b. Contents: Reviewing vocab and structures lessons 6 to 10.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can do all the tasks given correctly.
- Task completed: Students can do all the tasks given.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in doing all the tasks given.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Give each student a worksheet.
I. Look. Read. Write.
- Have students look at the pictures and call out what they can
- Demonstrate the activity using the example.
- Have students choose the correct words from the box and
write under the corresponding clothes.
- Check answers as a whole class.
II. Look. Read. Complete.
- Have students look at the pictures and call out the things and
activities they can see.
- Demonstrate the activity using the example.
- Have students choose the correct words or phrases from the
box to complete the sentences.
- Check answers as a whole class.
III. Look. Read. What’s next? Write.
- Divide the class into four groups.
- Invite one student from each group to come to the board.
- Explain that the four students are going to race to write the
answers from their worksheets. The first student who finishes
all the blanks correctly gets one point for his/her team.
- Continue in the same way.
- Have students complete their worksheets
IV. Unscramble the sentences.
- Divide the class into pairs.
- Have Student A read questions.
- Have Student B complete the answers and write down on
his/her worksheet.
- Swap roles.
- Check answers as a whole class.
- Follow T’s guides.
- Look, read, and write.
- Follow T’s guides.
- Look, read, and complete.
- Follow T’s guides.
- Look, read, and write.
- Follow T’s guides.
- Unscramble the sentences.
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4. Consolidation (5 minutes)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Consolidation (5 minutes)
Option 1: Word Tennis game
- Have one student come to the front and play with you.
- Say a word from unit 6 - 10, and pretend to hit a ball to the
student. Have the student respond with another word and hit
it back to you. Continue until someone repeats a word or
can't go.
- Divide the class into pairs and have them play with each
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the
Option 2: “Asking race” game
- Divide the class into four teams and have them stand in
four lines.
- Invite one student from each team come to the board.
- Give four students the same amount cards. The students
who received the cards have to show cards to his/her friends
and ask questions about the given cards. (E.g., What day is
it today?) The first student in each line answers the first
question. If his/her answer is correct, he/she will get that
card from his/her friend then run to the bottom of the line.
The second student answers the second question and so on.
The first team that finishes asking and answering wins the
- Do as T’s guides
- Try to join the game.
- Demonstrate the activity in front
of the class.
- Do as T’s guides
- Practise asking Q & A.
5. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:
I. Look. Read. Write.
a T-shirt
a coat
Page 4 of 5
II. Look. Read. Complete.
an eraser
spell words
count numbers
pencil case
draw pictures
1. I can _______________ .
2. I can _______________.
3. I can _________________.
4. Pick up _____________.
5. Pick up _____________ .
6.Pick up _______________ .
III. Look. Read. What’s next? Write.
a coat
draw pictures
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IV. Unscramble the sentences:
Example: shoes / These / my / . / are
1. sock / . / are / These / my
2. the / ? / Can / see / boat / you
3. can’t / No, / . / I
4. up / your / . / Pick / ruler
These are my shoes.
| 1/5

Preview text:

School: ………………………………………..
Class: …………………………….. . . . . . . . . .
Period: …………………………………. REVIEW SEMESTER 2B 1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills: Review Unit 6 to Unit 10 to prepare for the 2nd semester test. 1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up an awareness of taking care of others in their family or community.
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner. 1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Knowing how to share joyfulness or sympathize with others.
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Becoming responsible for others.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook. 3. Procedures
Warm up (5 minutes)
Sing the song “Jump, Run and Shout”
(Source: The Singing Walrus and join the game.
a. Objectives: Students can sing the song and join the game.
b. Content: Singing the song and join the game.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song and join the game correctly and beautifully.
- Task completed: Students can sing the song and join the game correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can sing the song and join the game but with some difficulties. d. Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Sing the song “Jump, Run and Shout” - Sing the song together. (Source: The Singing Walrus
Option 1: “Whispering” game
- Divide the class into four teams.
- Have students from each team stand or sit in a row.
- Whisper a question to the first students in each row.
- Follow and do as T’s guides.
- Have the first students whisper the question to the second
- Join the game, in teams: try to students.
whisper the question until it reaches
- Have teams continue whispering the question until it reaches the last students. The last student in
the last students. The last student in the row has to say out the the row has to say out the question question and answer it. and answer it.
- Give the first team to say the question and answer correctly
one point. The team that gets the most points wins.
Option 2: “Drawing and guessing” Page 1 of 5
- Divide the class into four teams.
- Have each team stand in a line.
- Follow and do as T’s guides.
- Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group.
This child runs to the board, draw the picture.
- Join the game, try to guess what
- Have the other students in his/her team try to guess what the the picture is.
picture is. The first team has the correct answer will get one point. A. New lesson
Practise the following tasks (worksheet enclosed). (25 minutes) I. Look. Read. write. II. Look. Read. Complete.
III. Look. Read. What’s next? Write. IV. Answer.

a. Objectives: Help students review vocab and structures lessons 6 to 10.
b. Contents: Reviewing vocab and structures lessons 6 to 10.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can do all the tasks given correctly.
- Task completed: Students can do all the tasks given.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in doing all the tasks given. d. Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Give each student a worksheet. I. Look. Read. Write.
- Have students look at the pictures and call out what they can - Follow T’s guides. see. - Look, read, and write.
- Demonstrate the activity using the example.
- Have students choose the correct words from the box and
write under the corresponding clothes.
- Check answers as a whole class.
II. Look. Read. Complete.
- Have students look at the pictures and call out the things and activities they can see. - Follow T’s guides.
- Demonstrate the activity using the example. - Look, read, and complete.
- Have students choose the correct words or phrases from the
box to complete the sentences.
- Check answers as a whole class.
III. Look. Read. What’s next? Write.
- Divide the class into four groups.
- Invite one student from each group to come to the board. - Follow T’s guides.
- Explain that the four students are going to race to write the - Look, read, and write.
answers from their worksheets. The first student who finishes
all the blanks correctly gets one point for his/her team. - Continue in the same way.
- Have students complete their worksheets.
IV. Unscramble the sentences.
- Divide the class into pairs.
- Have Student A read questions.
- Have Student B complete the answers and write down on - Follow T’s guides. his/her worksheet. - Unscramble the sentences. - Swap roles.
- Check answers as a whole class. Page 2 of 5
4. Consolidation (5 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Consolidation (5 minutes)
Option 1: “Word Tennis” game
- Have one student come to the front and play with you.
- Say a word from unit 6 - 10, and pretend to hit a ball to the - Do as T’s guides
student. Have the student respond with another word and hit - Try to join the game.
it back to you. Continue until someone repeats a word or can't go.
- Divide the class into pairs and have them play with each other.
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the
- Demonstrate the activity in front class. of the class.
Option 2: “Asking race” game
- Divide the class into four teams and have them stand in four lines.
- Invite one student from each team come to the board.
- Give four students the same amount cards. The students
who received the cards have to show cards to his/her friends - Do as T’s guides
and ask questions about the given cards. (E.g., What day is
it today?) The first student in each line answers the first - Practise asking Q & A.
question. If his/her answer is correct, he/she will get that
card from his/her friend then run to the bottom of the line.
The second student answers the second question and so on.
The first team that finishes asking and answering wins the game. 5. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:
………………………………………………………………………………………… WORKSHEET I. Look. Read. Write. a T-shirt shoes trousers shorts a dress a coat Page 3 of 5 1.___ a_ _ c _ o _ a _ t _______ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5._______________ 6._______________ II. Look. Read. Complete. an eraser spell words count numbers pencil case ruler draw pictures 1. I can ____ d __ ra _ w _ _ pi _ c _ t _ u _ r _ e _ s .
2. I can _______________. 3. I can _________________.
4. Pick up _____________.
5. Pick up _____________ . 6.Pick up _______________ . III.
Look. Read. What’s next? Write. Page 4 of 5 1. Friday …… Sat …… urda y ………… 2. Monday …………… Wednesday 3. Wednesday …………… Friday IV. Unscramble the sentences:
Example: shoes / These / my / . / are
.................................................................... T .. h.. e.. s... e . .. a.... re . .... m .. y . .. s .. h... o .. e ..
s .. .........................................................
1. sock / . / are / These / my
2. the / ? / Can / see / boat / you
.................................................................................................................................................................. 3. can’t / No, / . / I
4. up / your / . / Pick / ruler
.................................................................................................................................................................. Page 5 of 5