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English Course (Eng1) 2 tài liệu
Đại học Gia Định 112 tài liệu
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Môn: English Course (Eng1) 2 tài liệu
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lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 1 School Year: 2023 - 2024 Thứ/ i
Buổ Lớp Tiết LESSON PLAN WEEK 4 Tên bài dạy Ngày TKB 5B 3
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 13 Lesson 1: 1,2,3 Sáng 5A 4
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 13 Lesson 1: 1,2,3 Thứ hai 4B 1
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 13 Lesson 2: 1,2,3 02/10
Chiều 4A 2 UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 13 Lesson 2: 1,2,3 5C 3
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 13 Lesson 1: 1,2,3 4B 2
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 14 Lesson 2: 4,5,6 4A 3
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 14 Lesson 2: 4,5,6 Sáng Thứ ba 5A 4
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 14 Lesson 1: 4,5,6 03/10 5A 1
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 15 Lesson 2: 1,2,3
Chiều 5B 2 UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 14 Lesson 1: 4,5,6 5C 3
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 14 Lesson 1: 4,5,6 Thứ tư Sáng 5C 2
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 15 Lesson 2: 1,2,3 04/10 5B 3
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 15 Lesson 2: 1,2,3 4B 2
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 15 Lesson 3: 1,2,3 Sáng 4A 3
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 15 Lesson 3: 1,2,3 Thứ năm 5C 1
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 16 Lesson 2: 4,5,6 05/10 Chiều 5A 2
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 16 Lesson 2: 4,5,6 5B 3
UNIT 3 WHERE DID ... HOLIDAY? Period 16 Lesson 2: 4,5,6 Thứ sáu 4A 2
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 16 Lesson 3: 4,5,6 Sáng 06/10 4B 3
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Period 16 Lesson 3: 4,5,6 lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 2 School Year: 2023 - 2024 WEEK 4 Class: 4A, 4B
Date of teaching: Monday, October 2nd 2023
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledges:
- Understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on
asking and answering questions about the characters’ daily routines.
- Correctly say the phrases and use What time do you …………..? – I ……. at …… to ask and
answer questions about daily routines.
- Enhance the correct use of What time do you …….? - I …… at ........... to ask and answer
about someone’s daily routines.
2. Skills: Listening and speaking 3. Competences:
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks 4. Attributes:
- Show their responsibility by noticing the time and follow the timetable on time. II. RESOURCES:
- Book, workbook, notebook, flashcard, projector, T.V, computer, hoclieu.vn. III. PROCEDURE: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: 5’ 1.Warm up: 5’
* Game: Which clock says ...?
* Game: Which clock says ...? - Listen to the teacher
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous - Whole class
lesson by having the class play the game - Individual work Which clock says ...? 2. New Lesson:35’
1. Look, listen and repeat. 5’
Goal: To understand and correctly repeat the
sentences in two communicative contexts
focusing on asking and answering questions
about the characters’ daily routines.
- Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b and - Listen to the teacher
identify the time on the clocks in the pictures. - Whole class
- Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the - Individual work recording for them to listen.
- Play the recording again, sentence by
sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat
individually and in chorus. Correct their
pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 3 School Year: 2023 - 2024 - Play in group
same procedure with Picture b.
- Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to -Whole class
listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. - Individual work
- Draw pupils’ attention to the exchanges What
time do you get up? – I get up at six o’clock.
and What time do you have breakfast? – At six
fifteen. Tell pupils that these are questions and answers about daily routines.
2. Listen, point and say.
- Listen to the T's instruction
Goal: To correctly say the phrases and use: “What time do you ? – I at - Individual work
.” to ask and answer questions about - Whole class daily routines.
- Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit - Pair work
the activities and the time from them.
- Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the
recording, and repeat the phrase (get up).
- Repeat the same procedure with the other
three pictures. Have the class repeat the phrases a few times.
- Point at the first bubble and have pupils
- Listen to the T's instruction
listen and repeat after the recording (What
time do you get up?). Point at Picture a and - Listen and repeat
have pupils listen and repeat after the
recording (I get up at five o’clock.). Repeat
the same procedure with the other three pictures. - Repeat
- Set a time limit for pupils to work in pairs,
point at the pictures, and practice asking and
answering the question What time do you ? – I at .
- Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to
take turns pointing at the pictures, asking and
answering the question What time do you ? – I at . 3. Let’s talk. - Individual work
Goal: To enhance the correct use of “What time do you ? – I at .” to
ask and answer questions about pupils’ daily lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 4 School Year: 2023 - 2024 routines in a freer context.
- Have pupils look at the picture and explain
that Nam and Lucy are asking and answering - Listen to the teacher
questions about Lucy’s daily routines. Get
pupils to look at the first speech bubble and - Whole class
point at the picture of Lucy getting up to - Individual work
complete the question What time do you get
up? Ask them to repeat the question. Then
point at the answer bubble and say I get up at
five o’clock. for pupils to repeat. Let pupils - Group work
listen to and repeat the question and the
answer a few times individually and in chorus. - Pair work
- Set a time limit for pairs of pupils to practise
asking and answering the question What time do you ? – I at .
- Go around the classroom to offer help where necessary.
- Invite some pairs of pupils to the front of the
class to take turns asking and answering - Listen to the teacher
questions about their daily routines.
* Game: Magic wheel (ppt) - Group work
- Press Spin to play. If pupils have the correct
answer, they will be added the same number
that shows on the slide. The team with the - Group work
most scores will be the winner at the end of the - Whole class game. 3.Wrap up. - Pair work
- Ask students to answer the following question:
- Listen to the T's instruction.
1. What have you learnt from the lesson today?
(- Use the phrases get up, go to bed, go to - Play in group
school and have breakfast in relation to the
topic Time and daily routines to talk about the - Whole class daily routines. - Individual work
- Use sentence patterns What time do you ? I at . to ask and answer
about someone’s daily routines.) Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 5 School Year: 2023 - 2024 WEEK 4 Class: 4A, 4B
Date of teaching: Tuesday, October 3rd 2023
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledges:
- Listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer
questions about daily routines and number the correct pictures.
- Complete four gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.
- Sing the song What time do you go to school? with the correct pronunciation, rhythm, and melody.
2. Skills: Listening and speaking 3. Competences:
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.
- Self-control & independent learning: perform learning tasks. 4. Attributes:
- Show their responsibility by noticing the time and follow the timetable on time. II. RESOURCES:
- Book, workbook, notebook, flashcard, projector, T.V, computer, hoclieu.vn. III. PROCEDURE: Student’s activities Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: 5’ 1.Warm up:5’
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous - Listen to the techer
lesson by inviting a few pairs to the front of the - Whole class
class to take turns asking and answering - Individual work
questions about their daily routines with What time do you ? – I at . 2.New Lesson: 25’
Activity 4. Listen and number - Whole class
four communicative contexts in which pupils - Individual work
ask and answer questions about daily routines Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 6 School Year: 2023 - 2024
and number the correct pictures.
- Have pupils look at the pictures. Elicit the
activities and the time in the pictures. Draw
pupils’ attention to the boxes at the bottom
right-hand corners of the pictures.
-Play the recording of the first dialogue. Tell
pupils that they will need to pay attention to the
activity and time (e.g. go to bed, 9:15) and look for the right picture.
-Play the recording of the other dialogues and
get pupils to number the pictures. Set a time
limit for pupils to swap books with a partner
and check the answers before checking as a
class. Correct the answers where necessary.
Activity 5. Look, complete and read.
-Listen to the T's instruction
Goal: To complete four gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues. - Individual work
- Get pupils to look at Picture 1. Have them
identify the time (6:00 AM) in the picture.
Elicit the missing words in the answer (six - Whole class
o’clock). Complete the answer.
-Repeat the same procedure with Picture 2 (six thirty).
- Get pupils to look at Picture 3. Elicit the
missing words in the question and answer from
pupils (What time; six forty-five). Then have
them complete the gaps (What time do you go
to school? – I go to school at six forty-five.).
Repeat the same procedure with Picture 4 (go
to bed; go to bed; nine fifteen).
- Set a time limit for pupils to complete the
exchanges individually, then invite a few pairs
to take turns reading the completed exchanges. Key: 1. six o’clock 2. six thirty
3. What time; six forty-five
- Listen to the T's instruction
4. go to bed; go to bed; nine fifteen Activity 6. Let’s sing.
Goal: To sing the song What time do you go to
school? with the correct pronunciation, rhythm, Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 7 School Year: 2023 - 2024 and melody.
- Whole class sing the whole song
- Have pupils read the lyrics to familiarize - Individual work
themselves with the questions and answers.
Check comprehension and give feedback.
- Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing
their attention to the pronunciation, rhythm, - Group work
and melody. Encourage them to point at the
pictures to reinforce their understanding.
- Play the recording of the song again, once or - Listen to the teacher
twice, for pupils to listen and repeat line by
line and do related actions, e.g. using a finger
to trace the words or clapping hands. - Group work
- When pupils feel confident and are familiar
with the tune and melody, ask them to sing the
whole s ong while doing actions or clapping - Whole class hands.
- Listen to the T's instruction.
- Invite a few groups to the front of the class to
sing the song and do the actions. The class may - Play in group
sing along to reinforce the activity. Game: Sentence Puzzle
Divide the class into groups of four. Give each
group a sentence that is broken/ cut into pieces.
Ask them to arrange them to make a complete
sentence, then read it aloud. The group who
makes it first will be the winner. - Whole class 3.Wrap up: - Individual work
- Ask students to answer the following questions:
1. What have you learnt from the lesson today?
2. What are the core values of the lesson? lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 8 School Year: 2023 - 2024 \ WEEK 4 Class: 4A, 4B
Date of teaching: Thursday, October 5th 2023
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledges:
- Correctly repeat the sounds of the letters t and d in isolation, in the words get and bed, and
in the questions What time do you get up? and What time do you go to bed?
- Identify the sounds of the letters t and d in sentences while listening.
- Say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
2. Skills: Listening and speaking 3. Competences:
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform learning task, solve problems 4. Attributes:
- Show their responsibility by noticing the time and follow the timetable on time. II. RESOURCES:
- Book, workbook, notebook, flashcard, projector, T.V, computer, hoclieu.vn. III. PROCEDURE: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: 5’ 1.Warm up: 5’ - Listen to the teacher
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous - Whole class
lesson by inviting two groups of three to the - Individual work
front of the class to take turns singing the song
What time do you go to school?
- Ask pupils to open their books at page 20 and 2. New Lesson: 25’
look at Unit 2, Lesson 3, Activity 1.
Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 2. New Lesson: 25’
Activity 1. Listen and repeat.
Goal: To correctly repeat the sounds of the - Whole class
letters t and d in isolation, in the words get and
bed, and in the questions What time do you get
up? and What time do you go to bed?
- Have pupils look at the letter t, listen to the
- Listen to the T's instruction
recording and repeat the letter until they feel Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 9 School Year: 2023 - 2024
confident. Correct the pronunciation where
- Listen to the recording and repeat the necessary. letter
- Have pupils point at the word get, listen to the
recording and repeat the word until they feel - Individual work
confident. Monitor the activity and offer help where necessary.
- Get pupils to point at the sentence What time
do you get up?, listen to the recording and - Whole class
repeat it several times. Then invite a few pupils - Pair work
to stand up to listen to and repeat the sentence.
- Repeat Steps 1 to 3 for the letter d. Go around
the classroom and correct the pronunciation - Listen and repeat where necessary.
- Give pupils a time limit to practise
- Listen to the T's instruction
pronouncing the letters, saying the words, and
reading the sentences in pairs or groups.
- Practise pronouncing the letters
Activity 2. Listen and circle.
Goal: To identify the sounds of the letters t and
d in sentences while listening. - Listen to the teacher
-Have pupils read the incomplete sentences.
Explain that they must listen to the recording
and circle the correct options to complete the
sentences. Check comprehension.
-Play the recording and have pupils listen and
circle the correct options. Then get pupils to
- Listen and circle the correct options
swap books with a partner to check their
answers before checking as a class. Correct the answers where necessary.
-Invite a few pupils to stand up and read the
completed sentences. Remind the class how to stress the target sentences.
Activity 3. Let’s chant.
Goal: To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation. - Whole class - Individual work
- Have pupils scan the chant, and elicit the
words ending with t and d in the lines (get,
bed). Check pupils’ comprehension of the
- Listen to and repeat the first verse, line by line Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 10 School Year: 2023 - 2024 - Listen to the teacher chant.
-Play the recording. Get pupils to listen to and - Whole class
repeat the first verse, line by line. Show them how to chant and clap hands.
-Play the recording of the first verse again for
pupils to do choral and individual repetition.
- Listen to the T's instruction.
-Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the second verse of
the chant. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary. - Play in group
Extension: If there is enough time, divide the
class into two groups to take turns chanting and
clapping hands. Each of the groups should sing
one verse of the chant. Then invite some groups
to the front of the class to chant and clap. Game: Spin and say (ppt)
Click the needle to start and then again to stop - Whole class
the wheel. Then say aloud the words to practise - Individual work the target sounds.
(Teachers can divide class into 2 - 3 groups and
let them take turns to spin the wheel (add star for correct answers). 3.Wrap up:
Ask students to answer the following question:
What have you learnt from the lesson today?
(- Correctly pronounce the sound of the letters t
and d in isolation, in the words get and bed and
in the correct questions What time do you get
up? and What time do you go to bed?
- Identify the specific information by listening
to 2 sentences to identify the target word.) WEEK 4 Class: 4A, 4B
Date of teaching: Friday, October 6th 2023
UNIT 2: TIME AND DAILY ROUTINES Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 11 School Year: 2023 - 2024 Lesson 3: P4- 5- 6
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledges:
- Read and match the activities in a paragraph with the clocks showing the corresponding time.
- Complete a paragraph about pupils’ daily routines.
- Draw pictures of their daily routines at home and present them to the class by using the target language.
2. Skills: Listening ,speaking, writing, reading 3. Competences:
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform presentation skill 4. Attributes:
- Show their responsibility by noticing the time and follow the timetable on time. Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: 5’ 1.Warm up: 5’ - Listen to the techer
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson
by inviting two groups of three to the front of the - Whole class
class to take turns saying the two verses of the - Individual work chant. 2.New Lesson: 25’
Activities 4: Read and match
Goal: To read and match the activities in a -Whole class
paragraph with the clocks showing the - Individual work corresponding time.
- Have pupils read the paragraph, the sentences,
and the time on the clocks. Tell them to scan the
- Listen to the T's instruction
paragraph for the appropriate time for the
activities. Model Sentence 1 (clock d). - Individual work
- Set a time limit for pupils to do the activity
independently. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary. - Whole class
-Get pupils to swap books with a partner and - Do the task independently
check their answers before checking as a class.
-Invite some pupils to stand up to read the paragraph aloud.
Key: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. A
Activity 5. Let’s write.
Goal: To complete a paragraph about pupils’ daily routines. Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 12 School Year: 2023 - 2024
- Listen to the T's instruction
- Tell pupils what they are going to do. Then get
them to read the incomplete paragraph. Ask them
what the paragraph is about (daily routines).
Remind them to pay attention to the contexts of - Individual work
the sentences before completing them with the appropriate information.
- Set a time limit for pupils to complete the
paragraph independently. Go around the classroom
and offer help where necessary.
- Get pupils to swap books and check their - Listen to the teacher
answers in pairs or groups before checking as a - Whole class class. - Individual work
Suggested answer: I get up at six o’clock. I have
breakfast at seven o’clock. I go to school at seven
fifteen. What about you? What time do you go to - Group work school? Activity 6. Project - Listen to the teacher
-Explain that pupils have to show simple pictures - Individual work
of their daily routines (getting up, having
breakfast, etc.) which they have prepared at home - Whole class
as homework. They will tell the class about their
daily routines in the pictures.
-Invite a pupil to the front of the class to model - Work in groups
the presentation. Help him / her stick pictures of
his / her daily routine on the board. Observe and
offer help with the presentation language where
necessary. Put the key presentation language on
the board (e.g. I get up at six fifteen.). Have pupils
repeat the key presentation language a few times
to make them feel confident when they present
their daily routines before an audience.
- Set a time limit for pupils to work in groups.
Each pupil shows his / her pictures to the group
and describes his / her daily routine.
- Listen to the T's instruction.
- Invite a few pupils to the front of the class to
present the project. Encourage the class to cheer to Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 13 School Year: 2023 - 2024 - Play in group praise the good presenters. Game: Sentence Puzzle
- Divide the class into groups of four. Give each
group a sentence that is broken/ cut into pieces.
Ask them to arrange them to make a complete - Listen to the teacher sentence, then read it aloud. - Answer the T’s question
The group that makes it first will be the winner. 3.Wrap up:
- Ask students to answer the following questions:
1. What have you learnt from the lesson today?
2. What are the core values of the lesson? WEEK 4 Class: 5A, 5B, 5C
Date of teaching: Monday, October 2nd 2023
Period 13: Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions about past holiday.
+ Develop 2 skills: Speaking- Listening.
- Ask and answer questions about past holiday fluently by themselves.
- Be happy and love past holiday. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS:
- Sentence Partners: Where did you go on holiday? I went to……..
- Vocabulary: Ha Long Bay, Phu Quoc Island, Hoi an Ancient Town, Imperial city.
III. RESOURCES: -Student’s book, notebook, flash cards, balls, projector, computer. IV. PROCEDURES :
Steps & Time
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up: 5’ Warm up: Game- Guessing the place
- Asks Sts to guessing some places in Vietnam: Ha - Whole class.
Long Bay, Hoi An, Phu Quoc island, Hue, Sa Pa.
Look, listen and repeat.
- Ask Ss to identify the characters. - Whole class. 2. Look, listen
Who is this? Who are they?What are they doing? and repeat: 10’ - Have Ss listen and repeat. - Give sts some new words. - Individually Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 14 School Year: 2023 - 2024
- Ask sats to read the dialogue in groups.
- Call some pairs to read the conversation. - Pairs or groups Point and say:
- Ask Ss t look at the pictures a, b, c and d on 3. Point and - Whole class.
page 18 to practice. Ask Ss to guess and say: 10’ complete the speech bubbles.
Where did you go on holiday? I went to……..
- Have Ss work in pairs to play roles - Pairs or groups
- Practice the picture a, b, c, d (p.18)
4. Let’s talk: 5’ - Ask and answer questions about: - Sts Practise
Where did you go on holiday? I went to……... - Whole class 5. Follow- up: - Whole class 5’ - Do the task.
- Learn by heart new words and do exercise
*Comment :…………………………………………………………………………… WEEK 4 Class: 5A, 5B, 5C
Date of teaching: Tuesday, October 3rd 2023
Period 14: Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Listen, read and match about past holiday.
+ Develop 3 skills: Speaking – Listening- Writing.
- Share the results with friends and help together.
- Communicate with friends and teachers more self-confidently. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS:
- Sentence Partners: Where did you go on holiday? I went to……..
- Game: Find someone who...
III. RESOURCES: -Student’s book, notebook, flash cards, projector, computer. IV. PROCEDURES : Steps & Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up: 7’ - Let pupils play a game: Let’s play
“Find someone who….”. - Practice
- Have pupils guess the name of the - Whole class.
students went to the seaside last summer. - Pair works. 2. Listen and Listen and match. match: 10’
- Ask pupils to open their students’ books - Individual on page 19. - Pair works. Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 15 School Year: 2023 - 2024
- Play the recording twice and ask Ss to listen and complete. - Group works.
- Play the recording again and ask Ss to
listen and check their answers. - Whole class.
- Have Ss give the answers and correct.
Key: 1…. 2…b 3…. 4….. Read and match. 3. Read and
- Have pupils look at the questions and - Individual. match: 10’ match with the right anwser.
1……; 2……; 3………..; 4…..; 5……. . - Group works. - Do the task. - Pair work.
4. Follow -up: 8’ - Ask Ss to do Ex at home and learn by - Whole class. heart the song.
*Comment :…………………………………………………………………………… WEEK 4 Class: 5A, 5B, 5C
Date of teaching: Wednesday, October 4th 2023
Period 15: Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions about means of transport.
+ Develop 4 skills: Speaking – Listening – Reading – Writing.
- Ask and answer questions about means of transport by themselves and know how to go to school safely.
- Learn hard and help friends. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS:
* Vocabularies : train, taxi, motorbike, underground.
* Structure: How did you get there? I went by……..
III. RESOURCES: Student’s book, notebook, flash cards, dice games, projector, computer. IV. PROCEDURES : Steps & Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up: 7 Warm up: Song - Whole class
- Sing the song: This is the way we go to school. 2. Look, listen
Look, listen and repeat. - Practice. and repeat: 10’
- Ask Ss to open their books on P.20
- Ask: Who are they? Where are they? What - Pair works. are they doing? Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 16 School Year: 2023 - 2024
- Have Ss listen and repeat the dialogue.
- Have Ss play roles to read the dialogue - Pair works. - Call some pairs to practice Point and say
3. Point and say: - Set the scence. - Group works. 10’ - Give some new words. - Pair work. - Give key sentence:
How did you get there? I went by…….. - Whole class. - Ask Ss practice a, b, c, d. Let’s talk - Group works. 4. Let’s talk: 8’
- Have Ss work in pairs to practice. - Pair work. - Call on some students
- Ask Ss to do Ex at home and learn by - Whole class. heart the new words.
*Comment :…………………………………………………………………………… WEEK 4 Class: 5A, 5B, 5C
Date of teaching: Thursday, October 5th 2023
Period 16: Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
- Listen, write and sing about means of transport.
+ Develop 3 skills: Listening – speaking – Writing.
- Practice listening, complete the sentences and sing by themselves well.
- Like speaking about means of transport. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS :
Listening – Writing - Song.
III. RESOURCES: Student’s book, notebook, flash cards, projector, computer. IV. PROCEDURES : Steps & Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up: 5’ - Let pupils play the game: Crossword puzzle - Whole class 2. Listen and write: Listen and write: 13’
- Ask pupils to open their Student's Book
on Page 21 find the characters in the - Practice. pictures: - Pair works.
- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and circle a or b. - Whole class.
- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ Tan Soi Primary School lOMoAR cPSD| 36133485 Teacher: Vu Thi Huyen Trang 17 School Year: 2023 - 2024
comprehension of the listening text. 3. Write about your
Write about your last holiday: last holiday: 12’
- Have pupils look at the questions and guess how to answer. - Pair works.
- Call on some Ss to report the answers . - Ask sts to works in pairs. - Group works.
- Have ss read aloud the answers they have - Whole class. written. - Check and correct. 4. Follow- up: 5’ Let’s sing.
- Sing a song: How did you get there? - Whole class.
- Repeat the content of the lesson.
- Do exercises in exercises book again. - Whole class. - Prepare new lesson.
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