HA4.3.3.Student Communication Quiz môn English | Trường đại học kinh doanh và công nghệ Hà Nội

If Student C wants to help her flat-mate manage her finances better,which of the following suggestions would be the most constructive? a) Have you considered creating a budget to track
your spending? b) Just stop buying things you don't need. c) I can't help you anymore. d) You should get a job to pay off your debts. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


English( HUBT) 23 tài liệu

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HA4.3.3.Student Communication Quiz môn English | Trường đại học kinh doanh và công nghệ Hà Nội

If Student C wants to help her flat-mate manage her finances better,which of the following suggestions would be the most constructive? a) Have you considered creating a budget to track
your spending? b) Just stop buying things you don't need. c) I can't help you anymore. d) You should get a job to pay off your debts. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

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lOMoARcPSD| 46672053
HA4.3.3.Student Communication Quiz
Total questions: 10
Worksheet time: 10mins
Instructor name: Ms. Rosie Lee
If Student C wants to help her flat-mate manage h
er finances better, which of the following suggesti
would be the most constructive?
Have you considered creating a budget to track
your spending?
Just stop buying things you don't need.
I can't help you anymore.
You should get a job t
o pay off your debts.
After listening to her flat-mate's explanation, w
hat is a good follow-up question for Student C to a
How do you feel about your current financial
What will you do if you can't pay your rent?
Are yo
Why do you think you need to buy so much?
u planning to stop shopping?
When Student C's flat-mate asks for money to pay
her rent again, what is a good problem-solving
approach for Student C?
Give her the money without question.
Lend her th
e money and hope she changes.
Refuse to lend her money and ignore her.
the importance of paying back loans
before lending more.
After explaining her problem, Student C listens t
o her flat-mate's response. What is an effective wa
y for
Student C to show she is listening?
Change the subject to something more
Interrupt her flat-mate to share her own
Nod and maintain eye contact while her flat
mate speaks.
Look at her phone while her flat-mate talks.
lOMoARcPSD| 46672053
5. If Student C feels overwhelmed by her flat-mate's financial issues, what is a good problem-solving
strategy for her?
a) Blame her flat-mate for the situation. b) Seek advice from a trusted friend or mentor.
c) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away. d) Start charging her flat-mate interest on
borrowed money.
6. When giving advice to another student about a similar problem, what is the most important thing to
a) Share your own experiences and solutions only. b) Listen to their concerns before offering advice.
c) Make sure to criticize their choices. d) Always tell them what to do without listening.
7. If Student C wants to encourage her flat-mate to change her behavior, which of the following is the
best approach?
a) You should just stop being so materialistic. b) You need to change your ways immediately.
c) I can’t believe you’re still doing this. d) Let’s find some fun activities that don’t
involve shopping.
8. If Student C decides to confront her flat-mate about her spending, what is the best way to frame her
a) I can't believe you borrowed money again. b) You are irresponsible with money.
c) You should be ashamed of your spending d) I noticed you have a lot of clothes that you don’t
habits. wear.
9. Student C is concerned about her flat-mate's spending habits. What is the best initial response for
Student C to express her feelings about the situation?
a) You are ruining your finances. b) You need to stop spending so much money.
c) I feel worried about your spending habits. d) Why do you buy so many clothes?
lOMoARcPSD| 46672053
What is an important aspect of effective communi
cation that Student C should remember when
discussing her flat-mate's spending?
Focus on her flat-mate's feelings and
Use aggressive language to make her point.
Avoid discussing the issue altogether.
Make joke
s to lighten the mood.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 46672053 Worksheets Name
HA4.3.3.Student Communication Quiz Class Total questions: 10 Worksheet time: 10mins Date
Instructor name: Ms. Rosie Lee
1. If Student C wants to help her flat-mate manage h
er finances better, which of the following suggesti ons
would be the most constructive?
a) Have you considered creating a budget to track b) Just stop buying things you don't need. your spending? c) I can't help you anymore. d) You should get a job t o pay off your debts.
2. After listening to her flat-mate's explanation, w
hat is a good follow-up question for Student C to a sk?
a) How do you feel about your current financial
b) What will you do if you can't pay your rent? situation?
c) Why do you think you need to buy so much?
d) Are yo u planning to stop shopping?
3. When Student C's flat-mate asks for money to pay
her rent again, what is a good problem-solving approach for Student C?
a) Give her the money without question.
b) Lend her th e money and hope she changes.
c) Refuse to lend her money and ignore her.
d) Discuss the importance of paying back loans before lending more.
4. After explaining her problem, Student C listens t
o her flat-mate's response. What is an effective wa y for
Student C to show she is listening?
a) Change the subject to something more
b) Interrupt her flat-mate to share her own interesting. experiences.
c) Nod and maintain eye contact while her flat
d) Look at her phone while her flat-mate talks. mate speaks. lOMoAR cPSD| 46672053
5. If Student C feels overwhelmed by her flat-mate's financial issues, what is a good problem-solving strategy for her?
a) Blame her flat-mate for the situation. b) Seek advice from a trusted friend or mentor.
c) Ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
d) Start charging her flat-mate interest on borrowed money.
6. When giving advice to another student about a similar problem, what is the most important thing to remember?
a) Share your own experiences and solutions only. b) Listen to their concerns before offering advice.
c) Make sure to criticize their choices.
d) Always tell them what to do without listening.
7. If Student C wants to encourage her flat-mate to change her behavior, which of the following is the best approach?
a) You should just stop being so materialistic.
b) You need to change your ways immediately.
c) I can’t believe you’re still doing this.
d) Let’s find some fun activities that don’t involve shopping.
8. If Student C decides to confront her flat-mate about her spending, what is the best way to frame her concerns?
a) I can't believe you borrowed money again.
b) You are irresponsible with money.
c) You should be ashamed of your spending
d) I noticed you have a lot of clothes that you don’t habits. wear.
9. Student C is concerned about her flat-mate's spending habits. What is the best initial response for
Student C to express her feelings about the situation?
a) You are ruining your finances. b) You need to stop spending so much money.
c) I feel worried about your spending habits.
d) Why do you buy so many clothes? lOMoAR cPSD| 46672053
10. What is an important aspect of effective communi
cation that Student C should remember when
discussing her flat-mate's spending?
a) Focus on her flat-mate's feelings and
b) Use aggressive language to make her point. experiences.
c) Avoid discussing the issue altogether.
d) Make joke s to lighten the mood.