Individual Proposal Structure

Tài liệu học tập môn Business research method tại Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Tài liệu gồm 1 trang giúp bạn ôn tập hiệu quả và đạt điểm cao! Mời bạn đọc đón xem! 
1. INDIVIDUAL: RESEARCH PROPOSAL (maximum 5000 words)
The structure of a research proposal is:
a. Research project title Abstract (maximum 300 words)
b. Introduction/ Backgrounds of the research
Rationales and Problems statement (What are the problems? Why do you want to choose
that problem/ issue?)
Significance and Implications (What is benefit of your study)
Research objective and/or research questions
c. Literature Review: Theoretical background & Related studies
You should present theories, concepts and results of previous studies that will be used as a
foundation for your research. You are encouraged to discuss and criticize why or why not
those theories/ models may apply for your research. The sources of information should be
included. Please follow the principles of citation of APA or Harvard. You can use Internet
or Library to come up with a preliminary list of references that you could use for your
research. Ideally, you should have a few references in each of the following: (a)
publications related to the topic (b) publications related to the theory or model you will
adopt for your research.
Definition of the key concept(s).
Parent theories, theoretical background related to the research topic
Analysis of previous studies. Discuss the gap(s)
[quantitative research] Model development with hypotheses
[qualitative research] Framework or list of expected factors generated from
literature d. Methodology
Research Design
Research Process
Sampling selection
Data collection method
Measurement Scale
Structure as required, length, format 20%
Justifications of the research problems, objective and significance of research
Literature review 20%
Research design 20%
Citation and reference list (APA or Harvard) 20%
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1. INDIVIDUAL: RESEARCH PROPOSAL (maximum 5000 words)
The structure of a research proposal is:
a. Research project title – Abstract (maximum 300 words)
b. Introduction/ Backgrounds of the research
Rationales and Problems statement (What are the problems? Why do you want to choose that problem/ issue?)
Significance and Implications (What is benefit of your study)
Research objective and/or research questions
c. Literature Review: Theoretical background & Related studies
You should present theories, concepts and results of previous studies that will be used as a
foundation for your research. You are encouraged to discuss and criticize why or why not
those theories/ models may apply for your research. The sources of information should be
included. Please follow the principles of citation of APA or Harvard. You can use Internet
or Library to come up with a preliminary list of references that you could use for your
research. Ideally, you should have a few references in each of the following: (a)
publications related to the topic (b) publications related to the theory or model you will adopt for your research. •
Definition of the key concept(s). •
Parent theories, theoretical background related to the research topic •
Analysis of previous studies. Discuss the gap(s) •
[quantitative research] Model development with hypotheses •
[qualitative research] Framework or list of expected factors generated from
literature d. Methodology • Research Design • Research Process • Sampling selection • Data collection method • Measurement Scale ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:
Structure as required, length, format – 20% •
Justifications of the research problems, objective and significance of research – 20% • Literature review – 20% • Research design – 20% •
Citation and reference list (APA or Harvard) – 20%