Keys Boat trip round Tasmania Page 2 - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Keys Boat trip round Tasmania Page 2 - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

17 T1 L2 IELTS Gladiator
Boat round Tasmania trip
So, hello everyone. My name’s Lou Miller and I’m going to be your ( ) Q1 _________ today as we
take this fantastic boat trip around the Tasmanian ( ) Q2 _________. Before we (Q3) _________, I just
want a to tell you few things about our journey.
Our aren’t see. We boats huge as you can already have three ( ) Q4 _________ on board and on
top of that, we can transport fifteen a further people that’s you around the coastline. But
please if note there are more than nine people on either side of the boat, we’ll move some of
you otherwise , over (Q11) all will in eighteen of us end up the sea!
We’ve recently our upgraded all boats. They used to be ( ) , Q5 _________ but our new ones now
have these red and green order comfortable dark seats a light- ( ) Q6 _________ (Q12) in to stand
out others help from and promote our company. This gives our boats a rather ( ) , Q7 _________
don’t you think?
We offer you a free lunch box during the trip and we have three types. Lunch box 1 contains
(Q8) 2 3 _________ sandwiches. Lunch box contains a cheddar cheese roll (Q13) and Lunch box
is ( ) Q9 _________ and also contains eggs and tuna. All three lunchboxes also have a (Q10)
_________ and chocolate bar inside. Please let staff you know which lunch box prefer.
I’m sure I don’t have to ask you not to throw anything into the sea. We don’t have any bins to
put but other guide, lunch litter in, Jess, myself or Ray, our will collect it from you (Q14) after
and a ( ) . put it all in large Q11 _________
The quite lot noise let tell engine on the boat makes a of so before we head off, me you a few
things about what you’re going to see.
This area is famous for its ancient lighthouse, which you’ll see from the boat as we turn past the
first to little island. It was built in 1838 protect a (sailors as number of Q12) _________ had led to
significant loss of . life (Q15/16) The construction itself was complicated as some of the original
drawings kept by the local council the show. It sits right on top of cliffs in a very isolated spot.
In the nineteenth century there were many jobs there, such as polishing the brass lamps, ( ) Q13
_________ and cleaning windows, that kept lighthouse keepers busy. These workers were mainly
(Q14) _________ until the middle of that century when ordinary families willing to live in such
circumstances took . over (Q15/16)
Some of you have asked me what creatures we can expect to see. I know everyone loves the
penguins, but they’re unfortunately, to from very shy and, tend hide ( ) , Q15 _________ but you
17 T1 L2 IELTS Gladiator
might see birds in the distance, such as sea eagles, flying around the cl iff edges where they nest.
When get inhabited fur we to the rocky area by seals, we’ll stop and watch them swimming
around the coast. ( ) They’re Q16 _________ creatures so don’t be surprised if one pops up right in
front of you . orca (Q17/18) Their predators, whales, hunt along the coastline too, but spotting
one these the other sometimes of is rare. Dolphins, on hand, can approach own on their or in
groups as they the ride waves . beside us (Q17/18)
Lastly, I want to mention the caves. Tasmania famous is for its caves and the ones we’ll pass by
are so amazing that people are lost for words when they see them. They can only be approached
by sea , (Q19/20) but if you feel that you want to see more than we’re able to show you, then
you you can take a kayak into the area on another day and one of our staff will give more
information on that. What we’ll do is to go through a narrow channel, past some incredible rock
formations and from there we’ll be able to see the openings to the caves, and at that point we’ll
talk to you about . what lies beyond (Q19/20)
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Preview text:

Boat trip round Tasmania So, hell
o everyone. My name’s Lou Mille r an d I’
m going to be your (Q1) _________ today as we take thi s fantastic boat tri p aroun d th
e Tasmanian (Q2) _________. Before we (Q3) _________, I just want t o tel l yo u a fe w thing s abou t ou r journey . Our boats aren’t hug e as you ca
n see. We already have three (Q4) _________ on board and on top of that, we ca
n transport a further fifteen people – that’s you – around the coastline. Bu t
please note if there are more tha n nin e people on either sid
e of the boat ,we’ll move some o f you over (Q11 ,
) otherwise all eighteen of us will end u p in th e sea!
We’ve recently upgraded all our boats. They use
d to be (Q5) _________, but ou r new one s now have these comfortable dar
k red seats and a light-green (Q6) _________ (Q12) in order to stand
out from others and help promote ou r company. Thi
s gives our boats a rather (Q7) ________ , _ don’t you think ?
We offer you a free lunch box during th
e trip and we have three types. Lunch box 1 contains (Q8) ________ _ sandwiches .Lunc h bo x 2 contain s a chedda r chees e rol l (Q13 ) an d Lunc h bo x 3
is (Q9) _________ and als o contains eggs an
d tuna . All three lunchboxes als o have a (Q10) _________ an d chocolate ba r inside. Pleas
e let staff know which lunch box you prefer. I’m sure I don’t hav e to ask yo u no
t to throw anything into the sea. W e don’t have any bins to put litte r in, but Jess, myself o r Ray ,ou
r other guide, will collect it from you (Q14) after lunch and pu t i t all i n a larg e (Q11) _________. ————————– The engine on the boa
t makes quite a lot of noise so before we head off ,let me tell you a few
things about what you’re goin g to see . This are
a is famous for its ancient lighthouse, which you’ll se e from th e boat a s we turn past th e first littl e island .I t wa s buil t i n 183 8 to protect sailors a s a numbe r of (Q12) ________ _ had le d t o significant los s of lif e (Q15/16 . ) Th
e construction itself was complicate d as some of the original drawings kep t by th
e local council show. It sits righ t on to
p of the cliffs in a very isolated spot. In th e nineteenth century ther e were many job s there ,suc h as polishin g th e brass lamps, (Q13)
_________ and cleaning windows, tha t kept lighthous e keeper s busy. Thes e worker s wer e mainly
(Q14) _________ until the middl
e of that century when ordinary familie s willin g to liv e i n suc h circumstances took ove . r (Q15/16 ) Some of you hav
e asked me what creatures we ca n expect to see. I kno w everyone love s the penguins, but they’re ver
y shy and ,unfortunately, tend to hid e from (Q15) ________ , _ but yo u 17 T1 L2 IELTS Gladiator 3
might see birds in the distance, such as sea eagles, flying around the clif f edges where they nest. When we get to th e rock y are
a inhabited by fur seals, we’ll stop an d watc h them swimming around the coast. They’r
e (Q16) _________ creatures so don’ t be surprised if on e pops up righ t in front of you (Q17/18 .
) Their predators ,orca whales, hunt along the coastlin e too ,bu t spotting
one of these is rare. Dolphins ,on the other hand, can sometimes approach o n their own o r in groups as they rid e the waves beside u . s (Q17/18 ) Lastly, I want to mentio
n the caves. Tasmania is famous for its caves an d the one s we’l l pas s by
are so amazing that people are lost for words when they see them. They can only be approached by sea (Q19/20 , ) but i f you fee l tha t yo
u want to see more than we’r e abl e t o sho w you ,then
you can take a kayak into the area on anothe r day an d one of ou r staff will giv e you more information on that. Wha
t we’ll do is to go through a narrow channel, past some incredible rock
formations and from there we’l l be able to se e the openings t
o the caves, and at that point we’ll talk to you about wha t lies beyon . d (Q19/20 ) 17 T1 L2 IELTS Gladiator 4