Lecture Note 3 - Critical Thinking | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Lecture Note 3 - Critical Thinking | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

- Concept: an , etc. about a :idea, theory particular subject
- Deduction (deductive: diễn dịch): the process of learning sth based on facts and anything
specific related to them
- Induction: the of an or to ; act causing event process happen
the of from a set of process discovering a general principle facts
- Necessity: the need for something
- Pattern: a way in which something is done, is , or particular organized happens
- Necessarily: used in to "in every " or " "; in all ; as negatives mean case therefore cases
an :expected result
- Reasoning: the of about something in to make a process thinking order decision
- Hypothetical: supposed, or but not or :imagined suggested necessarily real true
- Syllogism (tam đoạn luận): a of in which two to a process logic general statements lead
more particular statement
- Categorical: (tuyệt đối, vô điều kiện) without any or of being ; doubt possibility changed
- Elimination: the of somethingprocess removing
- Modus(tạm ước, cách): a particular way of doing sth
- Antecedent: a word or phrase that a refers to; An antecedant is also the of pronoun part
a that the word "if."conditional statement follows
- Affirm: (khẳng định) to something as state true
- Consequent: as a of somethinghappening result
- Mathematics: the of , and using and usually study numbers, shapes space reason
aspecial system of and for themsymbols rules organizing
- Generalization: you say or write that something is all of the when it is true time
only some of the ; to make a that to many , things, true time statement relates people
or . when on conditions, esp based limited facts
- Authority: an on a expert subject
- Prediction: a about what you will in the statement think happen future
- Causal: causing thing to happen
- Statically: in one without , or not for a staying place moving changing long time
- Analogy (phép loại suy: suy ra từ những cái giống nhau): a between things comparison
that have , often used to similar features help explain a principle or idea
- Assert: to say that something is (quả quyết); to do something to show that certainly true
you have power
- Valid (hợp lý, có cơ sở, đúng đắn): on or ; to be based truth reason able accepted
- Validity: the of being on or , or of being to be quality based truth reason able accepted
- Foolproof (dễ sử dụng) (of a or ) so and plan machine simple easy to operate
- Conceive: to something (quan niệm, tưởng tượng); to or an imagine invent a plan idea
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- Concept: an idea, theory, etc. about a particular subject:
- Deduction (deductive: diễn dịch): the process of learning sth based on facts and anything
specific related to them
- Induction: the act of causing an event or process to happen;
the process of discovering a general principle from a set of facts
- Necessity: the need for something
- Pattern: a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens
- Necessarily: used in negatives to mean "in every case" or "therefore"; in all cases; as an expected result:
- Reasoning: the process of thinking about something in order to make a decision
- Hypothetical: supposed, imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
- Syllogism (tam đoạn luận): a process of logic in which two general statements lead to a
more particular statement
- Categorical: (tuyệt đối, vô điều kiện) without any doubt or possibility of being changed; certain
- Elimination: the process of removing something
- Modus(tạm ước, cách): a particular way of doing sth
- Antecedent: a word or phrase that a pronoun refers to; An antecedant is also the part of
a conditional statement thatfollows the word "if."
- Affirm: (khẳng định) to state something as true
- Consequent: happening as a result of something
- Mathematics: the study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually
aspecial system of symbols and rules for organizing them
- Generalization: you say or write that something istrue all of the time when it is
only true some of the time; to make a statement that to many relates people, things,
or conditions, esp. when based on limited facts
- Authority: an expert on a subject
- Prediction: a statement about what you think will happen in the future
- Causal: causing thing to happen
- Statically: staying in one place without moving, or not changing for a long time
- Analogy (phép loại suy: suy ra từ những cái giống nhau): a comparison between things
that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea
- Assert: to say that something is certainly true (quả quyết); to do something to show that you have power
- Valid (hợp lý, có cơ sở, đúng đắn): based on truth or ;
reason able to be accepted
- Validity: the quality of being based on truth or , or of being reason able to beaccepted
- Foolproof (dễ sử dụng) (of a plan or machine) so simple and easy to operate
- Conceive: to imagine something (quan niệm, tưởng tượng); to invent a plan or an idea - - -