Listening bank AV1- solution - Tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Lâm Nghiệp

Listening bank AV1- solution - Tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Lâm Nghiệp được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

LISTENING 1 (1.55, p.31- sb)
Listen to Libby talking about her school. Choose true or false.
1. She gets to school before 9 a.m
A. true B. false
2. She wears a uniform
A. true B. false
3. She has lunch at school
A. true B. false
4. She stays at school after 3 p.m.
A. true B. false
5. She does homework every night
A. true B. false
6. She takes exams at the end of the year
A. true B. false
LISNING 2 (L17, p26-WB)
Listening to the dialogue between the boy and the girl. Are the sentences true (T) or
false (F)?
1. The next lesson is history
A. true B. false
2. The boy doesn’t like history
A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 1
3. They never get lots of history homework.
A. true B. false
4. The girl likes physics and maths.
A. true B. false
5. The boy is good at physics.
A. true B. false
6. Their second lesson today is physics.
A. true B. false
LISTENING 3 (L6, p5- wb)
Look at the information in the chart. Then listen to six sentences. Are they true (T)
or false (F)?
Name Liam Clare
Age 18 19
City/ country New York, USA Chicago, USA
Favourite food Pizza ice cream
1. A. true B. false
2. A. true B. false
3. A. true B. false
4. A. true B. false
5. A. true B. false
6. A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 2
LISTENING 4 (L 10. P13-WorkBoob)
Listen to the dialogue between Lucas and Sienna. Choose true or false
1. It’s Sienna’s the first day at school.
A. true B. false
2. She is in class 11 B
A. true B. false
3. She hasn’t got any brothers or sisters.
A. true B. false
4. She is from Scotland.
A. true B. false
5. Her mother works in Scotland
A. true B. false
6. She likes her new house.
A. true B. false
LISTENING 5 (L 11. P13-WB)
Listen to the conversation between the boy and Emily. Choose true or false
1. It is Emily’s the first day at school.
A. true B. false
2. Emily is from the UK
A. true B. false
3. Emily’s father works in UK
A. true B. false
4. Emily is in 11B
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 3
A. true B. false
5. Emily doesn’t have any sisters or brother
A. true B. false
6. Emily likes England.
A. true B. false
LISTENING 6 (L12. P17.wb)
Listen to Joe saying what he does on Saturdays. Choose true or false.
1. Joe hardly ever his on Saturday. does homework
A. true B. false
2. Joe often football in the morning. plays
A. true B. false
3. He usually watches TV.
A. true B. false
4. He never to music. listens
A. true B. false
5. He goes out on Saturday evening.
A. true B. false
6. He always goes dancing.
A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 4
LISTENING 7 (L 13, p18- wb)
Listen to the radio programme. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Nick is 17 and Shelly is 16 years old
2. Nick and Shelley are dance champions.
A. true B. false
3. They train five times a week.
A. true B. false
4. Nick is Shelley’s . boyfriend
A. true B. false
5. They complete in four or five competitions every year.
A. true B. false
6. Their next competition is next year.
A. true B. false
LISTENING 8 (L14, p21- WB)
Listen to Ryan and Julie talking. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Ryan likes football
A. true B. false
2. Ryan watches football on TV, but he doesn’t play it.
A. true B. false
3. Julie isn’t very keen on football.
A. true B. false
4. Ryan and Julie both like hockey.
A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 5
5. Julie thinks Al Montoya is awful.
A. true B. false
6. Julie thinks Al Montoya is all right, but he prefers Mark Stuart.
A. true B. false
Listen to the conversation between two people. Circle true or false.
1. The girl doesn’t like films
A. true B. false
2. Both of them like The Hobbit film.
A. true B. false
3. The boy likes Transformers and X-Men.
A. true B. false
4. Both of them like Transformers and X-Men film
A. true B. false
5. Both of them like Avatar.
A. true B. false
6. The boy can’t stand Avatar.
A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 6
Listening to the dialogue between the boy and the girl. Are the sentences true or
1. The next lesson is history.
A. true B. false
2. The boy doesn’t like history.
A. true B. false
3. They never get lots of history homework.
A. true B. false
4. The girl likes physics and maths.
A. true B. false
5. The boy is good at physics.
A. true B. false
6. Their second lesson today is physics.
A. true B. false
LISTENING 1 (track 1.32 ) –p18-SB
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Emily: I’m really in sport. I love volleyball. I play at the sport centre every weekend. I go
with my brother. He doesn’t play (1)……….. He swimming. But I’m not very keengoes
on swimming, probably because I’m not very (2)…… it.
Andy: I’ve got an Xbox and a TV in my room. When I come home from school, I play
video games with my brother. He loves (3) ………. games like Call of Duty. Call of Duty
is OK but I prefer Bourne revenge. I really like board games, too. I play them with my (4)
……… and also with my friends
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 7
1. A. volleyball B. valley C. play ball
2. A. wood B. good C. would
3. A. ball B. bored C. board
4. A. friendly B. family C. mystery
LISTENING 2 (track 1.35 ) -p19-SB
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
I usually get up late on Saturday morning at about ten or eleven o’clock. I have a shower.
I never have (1) ………. I play online games or I do my homework. I hardly ever watch
TV in the morning. The programmes are always really (2) …….. In the afternoon, I
usually go out with my friends. We play football or basketball in the (3) ………In the
evening, I sometimes watch sport on TV with my dad. At about ten o’clock, Mum always
says “go to bed”. But I never tired at ten o’clock. But I go upstairs and I often read
magazines in my bedroom, or I do my homework. I’m always in (4)………. before
1. A. breakfast B. break first C. bread
2. A. worrying B. boring C. body
3. A. dark B. park C. mark
4. A. bad B. sad C. bed
LISTENING 3 (track 1.51-p30-SB) )
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Eton College is a very famous private school near London. It is (1) ……… 570
years old. There are about 1300 students in the school and they all live in the school
during the (2) ………….. There aren’t any girls in the school - only boys. They take a
special (3) …………. exam and they start at Eton when they are thirteen years old.
Eton is a private school and it is very expensive. It (4) ………… about £30,000 a year to
study there. Most Eton students come from very rich families, for example, Prince
William and Prince Harry.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 8
1. A. over B. lower C. older
2. A. turn B. term C. ton
3. A. entrance B. enters C. lanterns
4. A. got B. C. lostcosts
LISTENING 4 (track 1.55-p31-SB )
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
I get the bus at quarter past eight in the morning and I arrive at school at quarter to
nine. School starts at five to nine. I (1) …………my own clothes to school. We don’t
have to wear a uniform. There are five lessons in the morning. The last lesson finishes at
12.30. Then it’s lunch. I sometimes go home or have lunch in town. We don’t have to (2)
……… school, but there is a canteen so I often eat there.
There are two lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at quarter past three. We can go
home then. Or there are (3) ………… after school, but we don’t have to go to them. We
get homework every night of the week, and we have to do it or the teachers get cross with
us. But the homework is important, I suppose, because we have to do (4) ………… at the
end of the year, and there’s a lot to learn!
1. A. where B. well C. wear
2. A. stand B. stay C. play
3. A. clubs B. plus C. but
4. A. exact B. exams C. enhance
LISTENING 5 (track 2.3-p38-SB) Part 1
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Jamie: We wear a uniform to school , from Monday to Friday- you know aevery day
jacket and tie. But at weekends, I never wear a (1) ………….. I always wear black jeans
and a blue (2) ……………..
Daisy: During the week, I wear a uniform to school, but it isn’t a smart uniform- just a
green (3) ……………… and a green or red sweatshirt. The boys wear the same. Well,
they wear a sweatshirt, but not a skirt! They wear trousers, of course- grey trousers.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 9
Anyway, at the weekend, I never wear a skirt. I always black (4) ………….. and awear
1. A. jacket B. market C. basket
2. A. sweat skirt B. sweatshirt swimming shirtC.
3. A. shirt B. skirt C. cut
4. A. leggings B. sledding C. clapping
LISTENING 6 (track 2.3 ) -p38-SB part 2
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Adam: We don’t wear a uniform at my school, so I just wear jeans and a (1) ………… to
school. At weekends, I do a lot of sport play football on Saturday and tennis every
Sunday. So at weekend, I always wear (2) ………. and a T-shirt.
Phoebe: We wear a school uniform at my school. I wear black (3) ………. and a white
shirt. It’s OK. I like it. At weekends, I usually wear joggers with the white (4) …………
and a top- at home and when I’m out with friends too.
1. A. sweater B. sweeter C. speaker
2. A. hot B. costs C. shorts
3. A. blouse B. trousers C. flowers
4. A. trainers B. planes C. blames
LISTENING 7 (track 2.4-p40-SB) part 1
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
In the USA, Halloween is a popular festival. It’s on 31 October and adults and teenagers
often go to fancy dress parties. The theme of these parties is usually horror or the
supernatural . Restaurants and clubs often have special events too: They prepare (1)
…………. and drink with a Halloween theme, show (2) ……….. films or invite gothic
rock bands to play.
Children often go trick or treating. They wear scary (3) …………. and visit friends and
neighbours asking for sweets and chocolate. They also make Halloween (4) …………
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 10
with candles inside and they play traditional games. The festival comes just after harvest,
so the games often use apples.
1. A. wood B. could C. food
2. A. horror B. bother C. borrow
3. A. costumes B. customers C. buttons
4. A. lengthen B. lend C. lanterns
LISTENING 8 (track 2.4-p40-SB) part 2
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
There are a lot of different beliefs about Hallween. For example, some people think that
the candle in a Halloween lantern keeps (1) ……….. away. If the candle goes out
suddenly, a (2) ……………. is in the room.And if 31 October is your birthday, that
means you can see and talk to spirits!
Other countries have similar festivals at the same time of year. For example, people in
Mexico (3) ………….. a festival called Day of the Dead on 2 November. Families go to
the local graveyard to visit their dead relatives and they often have (4) ……….. there. In
some parts of Mexico, they stay there all night!
1. A. evil B. event C. interview
2. A. spring B. spirit C. split
3.A. ceiling break B. celebrate C. spread
4. A. B. pick it C. speakpicnics
LISTENING 9 (track 2.14 ) (part 1)- p50-SB
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Vegans are vegetarians: they don’t eat fish or meat. However, most vegetarians eat
eggs, (1) ………….. and other dairy products, but vegans don’t. In fact, they don’t eat
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 11
any food from animals eggs and (2) …………., for example. Why do people become
vegans? Usually they believe that it’s wrong to kill animals for food or keep them for
milk, eggs, and other products. They also believe that (3) …………. animals is bad for
the environment because it needs a lot of space. A small farm with animals can produce
food for 20 people; but use the same land for vegetables and it can feed 240 people. Farm
animals are also bad for the environment because they need a lot of (4) …………….
1. A. cheese B. please C. peace
2. A. money B. hungry C. honey
3. A eating B. keeping C. skipping
4. A. water B. want C. walker
LISTENING 10 (track 2.14- ) (part 2)p50-SB
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Fruitarians are vegans: they don’t eat meat, fish or any other animal products. But
there are other (1) ……….. too. Fruitarians don’t cook their food and they don’t eat any
vegetables, rice, bread or processed food. So what can they eat? Well, (2) ……….. and
seeds are OK. They can eat sweet fruit like bananas and apples, and also olives, peppers
and tomatoes because these are fruit too. Some people are fruitarians because they
believe it is (3) ……………….. However, most doctors believe that fruitarians do not
have a balanced (4) ……………. The human body needs some vitamins which aren’t in
fruit or nuts.
1. A. rude B. rules C. rulers
2. A. nuts B. cuts C. but
3. A. wealthy B. healthy C. happy
4. A. died B. bye C. diet
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 12
LISTENING 1 (track 1.06-p6-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Which animal does the boy have?
A. a cat B. a dog C. a rabbit
2. Which animal does his sister have?
A. a cat B. a dog C. a rabbit
3. Who or what is Floppy?
A. the rabbit B. the dog C. his sister
4. What is his sister’s name?
A. Floppy B. Sam C. Eva
5. Where is his brother?
A. He’s at home B. He’s at school C. The boy doesn’t know.
LISTENING 2 (track 1.26 )-p14-SB
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. What class is the girl in?
A. 10C B. 11 A C. 12B
2. Where is she from?
A. Paris B. London C. New York
3. How many brothers and sisters does she have?
A. one B. two C. three
4. How old is her sister?
A. 10 B. 14 C. 18
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 13
5. What class is her brother in?
A. 10C B. 10D C. 11C
LISTENING 3 (track 1.37-p20-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. The cheerleaders are all
A. twelve years old.
B. seventeen years old.
C. sixteen or seventeen years old.
2. The team
A. is only for girls.
B. is for boys and girls.
C. isn’t interested in having boys.
3. The team trains
A. more in winter than in summer.
B. less in winter than in summer.
C. the same in summer and winter.
4. At the competitions
A. the teams just cheer.
B. the teams do their routine and they cheer.
C. the teams just do their routine.
5. When do they cheer?
A. At school sport events
B. When they win
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 14
C. At their competition
LISTENING 4 (track 1.43-p24-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
Dialogue 1
1. A. Lily’s favourite singer is Rihanna.
B. Lily’s favourite singer is Justin Bieber.
2. A. Lily and James both like Katie Perry.
B. James likes Katie Perry, but doesn’t like her.Lily
Dialogue 2
3. A. Sean plays football and ice hockey.
B. Sean doesn’t do sport.
4. A. Hannah sometimes goes running.
B. Hannah often goes running.
Dialogue 3
5. A. Sally thinks that The Lord of the Rings is brilliant.
B. Tom thinks that The Lord of the Rings is brilliant.
LISTENNING 5 (track 1.45-p27-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Anna’s favourite subject at school is
A. French
B. English
C. Chinese
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 15
2. Libby’s home is in
A. East London.
B. the centre of London.
C. South London.
3. At school, Libby
A. plays football
B. plays tennis.
C. goes swimming.
4. Libby doesn’t enjoy
A. shopping or swimming.
B. sport or music.
C. swimming or music.
5. What do Libby and Anna think of Johnny Depp?
A. They both like him.
B. Libby likes him, but Anna doesn’t.
C. Anna likes him, but Libby doesn’t.
LISTENING 6 (track 1.53-p30-SB) (cat bot file nghe)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. What kind of school does she go to?
A. private school B. state school C. semi-public school
2. How old is her school?
A. 50 years old B. 15 years old C. 60 years old
3. How many students are there in the school?
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 16
A. 800 B. 580 C. 850
4. How many classrooms are there?
A. 53 B. 35 D. 45
5. How old are the students when they start school?
A. 11 B. 16 C. 18
LISTENING 7 (track 1.59-p36-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Luke is at a boarding school in London because
A. His parents don’t live in Britain.
B. There isn’t a good school near to his family.
C. He doesn’t want to live with his grandparents.
2. Which is not true about Luke’s life at school?
A. He has got company all the time.
B. The teachers are unfriendly.
C. He regularly contacts his parents.
3. Which subjects do all the students in Luke’s school study?
A. maths and biology B. history and French C. technology and art
4. Like is especially interested in
A. politics B. economics C. art history
5. Which is Luke’s favourite sport?
A. cricket B. swimming C. tennis
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 17
LISTENING 8 (track 1.60-p36-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Where is Matthew’s school?
A. In the center of London B. In the center of Bristol C. in the center of the city
2. How many are there in his school?students
A. About 800 B. about 8000 C. about 18000
3. How much does a meal in the canteen cost?
A. 5.20 B. £ £2.50 C. £ 2.15
4. Which club is Matthew a member of?
A. The tennis club B. the swimming club C. the football club
5. How often does the club meet?
A. Every Tuesday B. every Saturday C. every Friday
LISTENING 9 (track 1.61-p37-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. What sport does Monica play?
A. football B. basketball C. volleyball
2. How often does she play it?
A. When it rains B. When the weather is sunny C. Every day
3. Why does she only go swimming in the summer?
A. The swimming pool near her house only open in the summer.
B. Because the summer is hot.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 18
C. Because she only has free time in the summer.
4. Does she watch sports on TV?
A. Never B. Always C. When there are big events
5. Does she enjoy watching the Olympics?
A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. It depends.
LISTENING 10 (track 2.11-p48-SB)
Listen to three dialogues. Choose the best option.
1. Dish 1
A. there isn’t any butter on the potatoes.
B. The potatoes aren’t hot.
C. The potatoes don’t look nice.
2. Dish 2
A. There are only six prawns.
B. The lemon is green.
C. The prawns aren’t ready.
3. Dish 3
A. The beef isn’t pink.
B. The slice of beef is very big.
C. The slice of beef is very small.
4. Dish 4
A. The grapes are brown.
B. The cheese is very old.
C. The cheese has blue bits in it.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 19
5. Dish 5
A. There aren’t any peppers.
B. The mushrooms are very small.
C. The rice is hard.
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Preview text:

LISTENING 1 (1.55, p.31- sb)
Listen to Libby talking about her school. Choose true or false.
1. She gets to school before 9 a.m A. true B. false 2. She wears a uniform A. true B. false 3. She has lunch at school A. true B. false
4. She stays at school after 3 p.m. A. true B. false
5. She does homework every night A. true B. false
6. She takes exams at the end of the year A. true B. false LISNING 2 (L17, p26-WB)
Listening to the dialogue between the boy and the girl. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. The next lesson is history A. true B. false
2. The boy doesn’t like history A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 1
3. They never get lots of history homework. A. true B. false
4. The girl likes physics and maths. A. true B. false
5. The boy is good at physics. A. true B. false
6. Their second lesson today is physics. A. true B. false
LISTENING 3 (L6, p5- wb)
Look at the information in the chart. Then listen to six sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)? Name Liam Clare Age 18 19 City/ country New York, USA Chicago, USA Favourite food Pizza ice cream 1. A. true B. false 2. A. true B. false 3. A. true B. false 4. A. true B. false 5. A. true B. false 6. A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 2
LISTENING 4 (L 10. P13-WorkBoob)
Listen to the dialogue between Lucas and Sienna. Choose true or false
1. It’s Sienna’s the first day at school. A. true B. false 2. She is in class 11 B A. true B. false
3. She hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. A. true B. false 4. She is from Scotland. A. true B. false
5. Her mother works in Scotland A. true B. false 6. She likes her new house. A. true B. false
LISTENING 5 (L 11. P13-WB)
Listen to the conversation between the boy and Emily. Choose true or false
1. It is Emily’s the first day at school. A. true B. false 2. Emily is from the UK A. true B. false
3. Emily’s father works in UK A. true B. false 4. Emily is in 11B
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 3 A. true B. false
5. Emily doesn’t have any sisters or brother A. true B. false 6. Emily likes England. A. true B. false
LISTENING 6 (L12. P17.wb)
Listen to Joe saying what he does on Saturdays. Choose true or false.
1. Joe hardly ever does his homework on Saturday. A. true B. false
2. Joe often plays football in the morning. A. true B. false 3. He usually watches TV. A. true B. false 4. He never listens to music. A. true B. false
5. He goes out on Saturday evening. A. true B. false 6. He always goes dancing. A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 4
LISTENING 7 (L 13, p18- wb)
Listen to the radio programme. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Nick is 17 and Shelly is 16 years old
2. Nick and Shelley are dance champions. A. true B. false
3. They train five times a week. A. true B. false
4. Nick is Shelley’s boyfriend. A. true B. false
5. They complete in four or five competitions every year. A. true B. false
6. Their next competition is next year. A. true B. false
LISTENING 8 (L14, p21- WB)
Listen to Ryan and Julie talking. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Ryan likes football A. true B. false
2. Ryan watches football on TV, but he doesn’t play it. A. true B. false
3. Julie isn’t very keen on football. A. true B. false
4. Ryan and Julie both like hockey. A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 5
5. Julie thinks Al Montoya is awful. A. true B. false
6. Julie thinks Al Montoya is all right, but he prefers Mark Stuart. A. true B. false
Listen to the conversation between two people. Circle true or false.
1. The girl doesn’t like films A. true B. false
2. Both of them like The Hobbit film. A. true B. false
3. The boy likes Transformers and X-Men. A. true B. false
4. Both of them like Transformers and X-Men film A. true B. false 5. Both of them like Avatar. A. true B. false
6. The boy can’t stand Avatar. A. true B. false
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 6
Listening to the dialogue between the boy and the girl. Are the sentences true or false 1. The next lesson is history. A. true B. false
2. The boy doesn’t like history. A. true B. false
3. They never get lots of history homework. A. true B. false
4. The girl likes physics and maths. A. true B. false
5. The boy is good at physics. A. true B. false
6. Their second lesson today is physics. A. true B. false PART II.
LISTENING 1 (track 1.32–p18-SB)
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Emily: I’m really in sport. I love volleyball. I play at the sport centre every weekend. I go
with my brother. He doesn’t play (1)……….. He goes swimming. But I’m not very keen
on swimming, probably because I’m not very (2)…… it.
Andy: I’ve got an Xbox and a TV in my room. When I come home from school, I play
video games with my brother. He loves (3) ………. games like Call of Duty. Call of Duty
is OK but I prefer Bourne revenge. I really like board games, too. I play them with my (4)
……… and also with my friends
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 7 1. A. volleyball B. valley C. play ball 2. A. wood B. good C. would 3. A. ball B. bored C. board 4. A. friendly B. family C. mystery
LISTENING 2 (track 1.35-p19-SB)
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
I usually get up late on Saturday morning at about ten or eleven o’clock. I have a shower.
I never have (1) ………. I play online games or I do my homework. I hardly ever watch
TV in the morning. The programmes are always really (2) …….. In the afternoon, I
usually go out with my friends. We play football or basketball in the (3) ………In the
evening, I sometimes watch sport on TV with my dad. At about ten o’clock, Mum always
says “go to bed”. But I never tired at ten o’clock. But I go upstairs and I often read
magazines in my bedroom, or I do my homework. I’m always in (4)………. before midnight. 1. A. breakfast B. break first C. bread 2. A. worrying B. boring C. body 3. A. dark B. park C. mark 4. A. bad B. sad C. bed
LISTENING 3 (track 1.51-p30-SB) )
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Eton College is a very famous private school near London. It is (1) ……… 570
years old. There are about 1300 students in the school and they all live in the school
during the (2) ………….. There aren’t any girls in the school - only boys. They take a
special (3) …………. exam and they start at Eton when they are thirteen years old.
Eton is a private school and it is very expensive. It (4) ………… about £30,000 a year to
study there. Most Eton students come from very rich families, for example, Prince William and Prince Harry.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 8 1. A. over B. lower C. older 2. A. turn B. term C. ton 3. A. entrance B. enters C. lanterns 4. A. got B. costs C. lost
LISTENING 4 (track 1.55-p31-SB )
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
I get the bus at quarter past eight in the morning and I arrive at school at quarter to
nine. School starts at five to nine. I (1) …………my own clothes to school. We don’t
have to wear a uniform. There are five lessons in the morning. The last lesson finishes at
12.30. Then it’s lunch. I sometimes go home or have lunch in town. We don’t have to (2)
……… school, but there is a canteen so I often eat there.
There are two lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at quarter past three. We can go
home then. Or there are (3) ………… after school, but we don’t have to go to them. We
get homework every night of the week, and we have to do it or the teachers get cross with
us. But the homework is important, I suppose, because we have to do (4) ………… at the
end of the year, and there’s a lot to learn! 1. A. where B. well C. wear 2. A. stand B. stay C. play 3. A. clubs B. plus C. but 4. A. exact B. exams C. enhance
LISTENING 5 (track 2.3-p38-SB) Part 1
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Jamie: We wear a uniform to school every day, from Monday to Friday- you know a
jacket and tie. But at weekends, I never wear a (1) ………….. I always wear black jeans
and a blue (2) ……………..
Daisy: During the week, I wear a uniform to school, but it isn’t a smart uniform- just a
green (3) ……………… and a green or red sweatshirt. The boys wear the same. Well,
they wear a sweatshirt, but not a skirt! They wear trousers, of course- grey trousers.
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Anyway, at the weekend, I never wear a skirt. I always wear black (4) ………….. and a top. 1. A. jacket B. market C. basket 2. A. sweat skirt B. sweatshirt C. swimming shirt 3. A. shirt B. skirt C. cut 4. A. leggings B. sledding C. clapping
LISTENING 6 (track 2.3-p38-SB) part 2
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Adam: We don’t wear a uniform at my school, so I just wear jeans and a (1) ………… to
school. At weekends, I do a lot of sport – play football on Saturday and tennis every
Sunday. So at weekend, I always wear (2) ………. and a T-shirt.
Phoebe: We wear a school uniform at my school. I wear black (3) ………. and a white
shirt. It’s OK. I like it. At weekends, I usually wear joggers with the white (4) …………
and a top- at home and when I’m out with friends too. 1. A. sweater B. sweeter C. speaker 2. A. hot B. costs C. shorts 3. A. blouse B. trousers C. flowers 4. A. trainers B. planes C. blames
LISTENING 7 (track 2.4-p40-SB) part 1
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
In the USA, Halloween is a popular festival. It’s on 31st October and adults and teenagers
often go to fancy dress parties. The theme of these parties is usually horror or the
supernatural . Restaurants and clubs often have special events too: They prepare (1)
…………. and drink with a Halloween theme, show (2) ……….. films or invite gothic rock bands to play.
Children often go trick or treating. They wear scary (3) …………. and visit friends and
neighbours asking for sweets and chocolate. They also make Halloween (4) …………
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 10
with candles inside and they play traditional games. The festival comes just after harvest, so the games often use apples. 1. A. wood B. could C. food 2. A. horror B. bother C. borrow 3. A. costumes B. customers C. buttons 4. A. lengthen B. lend C. lanterns
LISTENING 8 (track 2.4-p40-SB) part 2
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
There are a lot of different beliefs about Hallween. For example, some people think that
the candle in a Halloween lantern keeps (1) ……….. away. If the candle goes out
suddenly, a (2) ……………. is in the room.And if 31st October is your birthday, that
means you can see and talk to spirits!
Other countries have similar festivals at the same time of year. For example, people in
Mexico (3) ………….. a festival called Day of the Dead on 2n November d . Families go to
the local graveyard to visit their dead relatives and they often have (4) ……….. there. In
some parts of Mexico, they stay there all night! 1. A. evil B. event C. interview 2. A. spring B. spirit C. split 3.A. ceiling break B. celebrate C. spread 4. A. picnics B. pick it C. speak
LISTENING 9 (track 2.14- p50-SB) (part 1)
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap.
Vegans are vegetarians: they don’t eat fish or meat. However, most vegetarians eat
eggs, (1) ………….. and other dairy products, but vegans don’t. In fact, they don’t eat
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 11
any food from animals – eggs and (2) …………., for example. Why do people become
vegans? Usually they believe that it’s wrong to kill animals for food or keep them for
milk, eggs, and other products. They also believe that (3) …………. animals is bad for
the environment because it needs a lot of space. A small farm with animals can produce
food for 20 people; but use the same land for vegetables and it can feed 240 people. Farm
animals are also bad for the environment because they need a lot of (4) ……………. 1. A. cheese B. please C. peace 2. A. money B. hungry C. honey 3. A eating B. keeping C. skipping 4. A. water B. want C. walker
LISTENING 10 (track 2.14-p50-SB) (part 2)
Listen and choose the best option to complete the gap. Fruitarians
Fruitarians are vegans: they don’t eat meat, fish or any other animal products. But
there are other (1) ……….. too. Fruitarians don’t cook their food and they don’t eat any
vegetables, rice, bread or processed food. So what can they eat? Well, (2) ……….. and
seeds are OK. They can eat sweet fruit like bananas and apples, and also olives, peppers
and tomatoes because these are fruit too. Some people are fruitarians because they
believe it is (3) ……………….. However, most doctors believe that fruitarians do not
have a balanced (4) ……………. The human body needs some vitamins which aren’t in fruit or nuts. 1. A. rude B. rules C. rulers 2. A. nuts B. cuts C. but 3. A. wealthy B. healthy C. happy 4. A. died B. bye C. diet
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 12 PART III
LISTENING 1 (track 1.06-p6-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Which animal does the boy have? A. a cat B. a dog C. a rabbit
2. Which animal does his sister have? A. a cat B. a dog C. a rabbit 3. Who or what is Floppy? A. the rabbit B. the dog C. his sister
4. What is his sister’s name? A. Floppy B. Sam C. Eva 5. Where is his brother? A. He’s at home B. He’s at school C. The boy doesn’t know.
LISTENING 2 (track 1.26 -p14-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option. 1. What class is the girl in? A. 10C B. 11 A C. 12B 2. Where is she from? A. Paris B. London C. New York
3. How many brothers and sisters does she have? A. one B. two C. three 4. How old is her sister? A. 10 B. 14 C. 18
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 13
5. What class is her brother in? A. 10C B. 10D C. 11C
LISTENING 3 (track 1.37-p20-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option. 1. The cheerleaders are all A. twelve years old. B. seventeen years old.
C. sixteen or seventeen years old. 2. The team A. is only for girls. B. is for boys and girls.
C. isn’t interested in having boys. 3. The team trains
A. more in winter than in summer.
B. less in winter than in summer.
C. the same in summer and winter. 4. At the competitions A. the teams just cheer.
B. the teams do their routine and they cheer.
C. the teams just do their routine. 5. When do they cheer? A. At school sport events B. When they win
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 14 C. At their competition
LISTENING 4 (track 1.43-p24-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option. Dialogue 1
1. A. Lily’s favourite singer is Rihanna.
B. Lily’s favourite singer is Justin Bieber.
2. A. Lily and James both like Katie Perry.
B. James likes Katie Perry, but Lily doesn’t like her. Dialogue 2
3. A. Sean plays football and ice hockey. B. Sean doesn’t do sport.
4. A. Hannah sometimes goes running. B. Hannah often goes running. Dialogue 3
5. A. Sally thinks that The Lord of the Rings is brilliant.
B. Tom thinks that The Lord of the Rings is brilliant.
LISTENNING 5 (track 1.45-p27-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Anna’s favourite subject at school is A. French B. English C. Chinese
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 15 2. Libby’s home is in A. East London. B. the centre of London. C. South London. 3. At school, Libby A. plays football B. plays tennis. C. goes swimming. 4. Libby doesn’t enjoy A. shopping or swimming. B. sport or music. C. swimming or music.
5. What do Libby and Anna think of Johnny Depp? A. They both like him.
B. Libby likes him, but Anna doesn’t.
C. Anna likes him, but Libby doesn’t.
LISTENING 6 (track 1.53-p30-SB) (cat bot file nghe)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. What kind of school does she go to? A. private school B. state school C. semi-public school 2. How old is her school? A. 50 years old B. 15 years old C. 60 years old
3. How many students are there in the school?
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 16 A. 800 B. 580 C. 850
4. How many classrooms are there? A. 53 B. 35 D. 45
5. How old are the students when they start school? A. 11 B. 16 C. 18
LISTENING 7 (track 1.59-p36-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Luke is at a boarding school in London because
A. His parents don’t live in Britain.
B. There isn’t a good school near to his family.
C. He doesn’t want to live with his grandparents.
2. Which is not true about Luke’s life at school?
A. He has got company all the time.
B. The teachers are unfriendly.
C. He regularly contacts his parents.
3. Which subjects do all the students in Luke’s school study? A. maths and biology B. history and French C. technology and art
4. Like is especially interested in A. politics B. economics C. art history
5. Which is Luke’s favourite sport? A. cricket B. swimming C. tennis
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 17
LISTENING 8 (track 1.60-p36-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. Where is Matthew’s school?
A. In the center of London B. In the center of Bristol C. in the center of the city
2. How many students are there in his school? A. About 800 B. about 8000 C. about 18000
3. How much does a meal in the canteen cost? A. 5.20 £ B. £2.50 C. £ 2.15
4. Which club is Matthew a member of? A. The tennis club B. the swimming club C. the football club
5. How often does the club meet? A. Every Tuesday B. every Saturday C. every Friday
LISTENING 9 (track 1.61-p37-SB)
Listen to the dialogue. Choose the best option.
1. What sport does Monica play? A. football B. basketball C. volleyball 2. How often does she play it? A. When it rains B. When the weather is sunny C. Every day
3. Why does she only go swimming in the summer?
A. The swimming pool near her house only open in the summer. B. Because the summer is hot.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 18
C. Because she only has free time in the summer.
4. Does she watch sports on TV? A. Never B. Always C. When there are big events
5. Does she enjoy watching the Olympics? A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. It depends.
LISTENING 10 (track 2.11-p48-SB)
Listen to three dialogues. Choose the best option. 1. Dish 1
A. there isn’t any butter on the potatoes. B. The potatoes aren’t hot.
C. The potatoes don’t look nice. 2. Dish 2 A. There are only six prawns. B. The lemon is green. C. The prawns aren’t ready. 3. Dish 3 A. The beef isn’t pink.
B. The slice of beef is very big.
C. The slice of beef is very small. 4. Dish 4 A. The grapes are brown. B. The cheese is very old.
C. The cheese has blue bits in it.
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 19 5. Dish 5 A. There aren’t any peppers.
B. The mushrooms are very small. C. The rice is hard. THE END
Listening test bank – English 1 Page 20