Listening practice test - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế

Listening practice test - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Listening tests (68 tests)
Answer key
Book 4
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 1: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write one word or a number for each answer.
Revision Mote
* Problem with: the brochure sample
* Company name: …………………… Hotel Chains(1)
* Letters of …………………… should be bigger.(2)
* The …………………… should be removed.(3)
* Change the description under the top photo to ……………………(4)
* Use the picture with …………………… of the hotel.(5)
* The …………………… should be in red print.(6)
* Translate into ……………………(7)
* Deadline: by the end of ……………………(8)
* Address: No. 9 Green Drive, …………………… , NY21300(9)
* Telephone number: ……………………(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 2: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
0. Emma has been taking drama course for …………………….(1)
1. Emma really is a ……………………. for others in class.(2)
2. The timetable for drama class changed because the ……………………. is too big.(3)
3. The new time for the drama class would be a …………………….. (4)
4. Dance class is ……………………. at the moment.(5)
5. The teacher suggests that Emma take ……………………..(6)
6. The vocal course starts at …………………….pm every Tuesday.(7)
7. Vocal course costs ……………………. dollars.(8)
8. The class teaches children to play instruments and how to ……………………..(9)
9. The music class costs …………………….dollars this term.(10)
10. The teacher for the class is Jamal (11) . …………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 3: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write three words or a number for each answer.
Location: north from the coast
Four-bed room available in (1)
Room price:
• in high season: (2)
• cheaper if you booked in advance(3)
Meal included in price: (4)
Must bring your own: (5)
Hotel facilities:
• a lounge with a variety of (6)
Activities available:
• collect (9)
• hire (10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 4: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write three words or a number for each answer.
Nationality: American
Contact number: (1) …………………………….
Send written quote by: (2) …………………………….
Price for renting: ……………………………. daily(3)
Special requirements for the room:
• an extra (4) …………………………….
• most important facility: (5) …………………………….
Extra equipment:
• they should have a (6) …………………………….
• as well as a (7) …………………………….
Pick them up from the (8) …………………………….
The caravan driver’s age: (9) …………………………….
The registered licence issued in: (10) …………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 5. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Oakham Surgery
New Patient Form
Example: Answer
New patient’s road: Dawson Road
Full name: Mike (1) …………………………….
Wife’s first name: Janet
Childrens’ first names: 1st (2) …………………………….
Address: 52 Dawson Road (3) …………………………….Melbourne
Health card number: (4) …………………………….
Wife’s health card number: will give later
Preferred doctor selected: (5) Dr …………………………….
Questions 6-10. Circle the correct letters A-C.
6. When is Mike’s wife’s first appointment?
A. B. C. Friday 21st at 2.00pm. Friday 21st at 2.30pm. Friday 21st at 3.30pm.
7. What is the surgery’s phone number?
A. B. C. 7253 9819 7253 9829 7523 9829
8. What is the name of the girl with whom Mike is speaking at the surgery?
A. B. C. Rachel Elizabeth Angela
9. What’s the night doctor’s mobile number?
A. B. C. 0506 759 3856 0506 759 3857 0506 758 3856
10. Which of the following does the surgery NOT make a charge for?
A. Travel vaccinations Consultations Insurance reportsB. C.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 6. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
First name Peter
553 ……………………………….Finsbury(1)
Postcode (2) ……………………………….
Date of birth 8th July ……………………………….(3)
Home tel none
Mobile tel ……………………………….(4)
Proof of residence provided ……………………………….(5)
Questions 6-8. Circle THREE letters A-F.
What type of books does Peter like?
(6). (7). (8). ……………….. ………………… …………………
A. Wildlife books
B. Romance books
C. Travel books
D. Historical novels
E. Science Fiction novels
F. Mystery books
Question 9-10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
(9). How much does it cost to join the library? ……………………………….
(10). How much does it cost to rent a DVD? ……………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 7. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Circle the appropriate letter.
What has the woman lost?
A. C. B. D. a briefcase a handbag a suitcase a wallet
1. What does her briefcase look like?
2. Which picture shows the distinguishing features?
3. What did she have inside her briefcase?
A. B. wallet, pens and novel papers and wallet
C. D. pens and novel papers, pens and novel
4. Where was she standing when she lost her briefcase?
5. What time was it when she lost her briefcase?
Questions 6-10. Complete the form Write no more than three words for each answer.
Name: Mary (6)
Address: Flat 2
Telephone: (9)
Estimated value of lost item: (10) £
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 8. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes. Use no more than three words for each answer.
Her first impressions of the town: Example: Quiet
Type of accommodation: (1) ………………………….....
Her feelings about the accommodation: (2) ……………………food.
Her feelings about the other students:
(3) ………………………….....
Name of course: Environmental Studies
Difficulties experienced on the course: (4) ………………are busy
Suggestions for improving the course:
(5) ………………………….....
First type of accommodation: (6) ………………………….......
Problem with the first accommodation:
children made
(7) ………………
Second type of accommodation: (8) ………………………….......
Name of course: (9) Bachelor of …………….......
Comments about the course: Computer room busy
Suggestions for improving the course:
(10) …………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 9. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Circle the appropriate letter.
How does the woman travel every day?
A. B. C. by car by bus on foot D. by train
(1). What are the parking regulations on campus?
A. undergraduate parking allowed postgraduate parking allowedB.
C. staff parking only allowed no student parking allowedD.
(2). The administration office is in
A. B. C. D. Block B. Block D. Block E. Block G.
(3). If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:
A. wheel clamp your car. fine only.B.
C. D. tow away your car and fine. tow away your car only.
(4). Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office?
A. B.
C. D.
Questions 5-10. Complete the application form using no more than three words
Application for parking sticker
Name (5) ………………………….
Address ( ………………………….Flat 16)
Suburb (7) ………………………….
Faculty (8) ………………………….
Registration number (9) ………………………….
Make of car (10) ………………………….
Questions 11-12. Complete the sentences below using no more than three words
(11). Cashiers office opens at ………………………….
(12). Where must the sticker be displayed? ………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 10. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Circle the appropriate letter
0. What are the students looking for?
A. B. Great Hall C. Old Hall D. Old BuildingMain Hall
(1). Where is the administration building?
(2). How many people are waiting in the queue?
A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 D. 300
(3). What does the woman order for lunch?
(4). What does the woman order to drink?
(5). How much money does the woman give the man?
A. $2.00 B. $3.00 C. $3.50 D. $5.00
Questions 6-10. Complete the registration form using no more than three words.
Name of student: ………………………………..(6)
Address: Flat 5/ ………………………………..(7)
Town: (8) ………………………………..
Tel: (9) ………………………………..
Course: (10) ………………………………..
Questions 11-12
(11). What did the man buy for her to eat?
(12). What must the students do as part of registration at the university?
A. Check the notice board in the Law Faculty. B. Find out about lectures.
C. Organise tutorial groups. D. Pay the union fees.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 11. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the form below. Write no more than one word or a number for each
Surname Jones
First names: Louise Cynthia
Address: Apartment 1,72 (1) ………………………… Street
Post code: (2) …………………………
Telephone: 9835 6712 (home)
(3) ………………………… (work)
Driver's licence number: (4) …………………………
Date of birth:
Day: 25th Month: ………………………… Year: (5)
Questions 6 – 8. Circle THREE letters A-F.
What types of films does Louise like?
(6). (7). (8). …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
A. Action
B. Comedies
C. Musicals
D. Romance
E. Westerns
F. Wildlife
Questions 9-10
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
9 How much does it cost to join the library? $ …………………………(refundable)(9).
10 When will Louise's card be ready? …………………………(10).
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 12. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-2. Circle the correct letters A-C.
Gavin moved into his apartment______.
A. two days ago. B. two weeks ago. C. two months ago.
(1). Gavin's apartment is located on the ______.
A. ground floor. B. second floor. C. third floor.
(2). The monthly rent for Gavin's apartment is ______.
A. $615. B. $650. C. $655.
Questions 3-6. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
(3) …………………………… $450
(4) …………………………… $1,150
Watches $2,000
CDs and …………………………… $400(5)
Total annual cost of insurance $…………………………… for a twelve-month period.(6)
Questions 7-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
Name: Mr Gavin ……………………………(7)
(8) ……………………………Biggins
(9) ……………………………
Date of Birth: 12th November 1980
Telephone: Home: 9872 4555
Nationality: (10) ……………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 13. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Circle the correct letters A-C.
The respondent is _______.
A. B. C. 20-33 years old 34-54 years old over 54 years old
Answer: B
(1). The respondent works in _______.
A. B. C. the professions. business. other.
(2). The respondent has a salary of _______.
A. 0 - £15,000 a year. £15,000 - £35,000 a year. over £35,000 a year.B. C.
(3). The respondent watches TV for _______.
A. B. C. relaxation. entertainment. information.
(4). Every day the respondent watches TV for _______.
A. 30 minutes-1 hour. 1 hour-2 hours. more than 2 hours.B. C.
Questions 5-7. Choose two letters A-E.
(5). The respondent mainly watches T V _______.
A. B. in the early morning. around midday. in the afternoon.C.
D. E. in the early evening. at night.
(6). On the new channel, the respondent would like to see more _______.
A. B. C. children's programmes. documentaries. local service programmes.
D. E. travel programmes. health programmes.
(7). The respondent would advise the new channel to _______.
A. B. spend more money on drama. train their broadcasters to higher standards.
C. improve sound quality. broadcast interviews with famous people.D.
E. talk more to customers.
Questions 8-10. Circle the correct letters A-C.
(8). The respondent feels that adverts should occur every _______.
A. B. C. 10 minutes. 15 minutes. 20 minutes.
(9). The respondent would like to attend special promotions if _______.
A. B. expenses are paid. he is invited specially. they are held locally.C.
(10). The respondent would like to receive _______.
A. B. C. no mail. requested mail. all mail.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 14. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
Example Answer
Address: Apartment 2, …………………………., Newton(1)
Length of lease: one year
Date moved in: (2) ………………………….
Questions 3-9. Complete the table below with no more than three words. Write A, B, or C for
question 4, 7 or 9.
A. if the repair will be done immediately.
B. if the repair will be done during the following week.
C. if the repair will be done in two or more weeks
Item Problem When to be done
washing machine leaking
(3) ………………………
(4) ………………………
(5) ………………………
Example answer: B
…………………………. flickers
(7) ………………………
…………………………. torn
(9) ………………………
Question 10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Workman to call between ………………………….(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 15. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Example Answer
Name of agent: Flagstone
Areas dealt with: (1) north suburbs
Rent: from (2) £ a month
Depends on: the area
availability of (3)
Properties available: West Park Road
rent £ a month(4)
including the (5)
Tithe Road
rend £380 a month
including the rental(6)
Viewing arrangements: meet at office on afternoon at 5.00 pm(7)
Need: letter from bank
reference from your (8)
Must: give (9)
notice of moving in
give deposit of (10)
pay for contract
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 16. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Programme of Activities for First Day
Time Place Event
(1) the………………… Meet the Principal and staff
Talk by the ……………..……of (2)
10.45 Talk by the ……………………..(3)
(4) ……………………o’clock Classroom 5 …………………….. English test(5)
Questions 6-10. Label the rooms on the map below. Choose your answers from the box below
and write them next to questions 6-10.
CL Computer Laboratory S Storeroom
DO Director’s Office Self Access RoomSAR
L Library SCR Student Common Room
MH Main Hall SR Staff Room
(6) (7) (8) (9) …………………….. ………………….. ………………….. …………………..
(10) …………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 17. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Number to book for: 45
Date of dinner: 21 December
Choices for venue:
• First choice ………………………… Tel. number: not known(1)
• Second choice …………………………Hotel Tel. number: 777192(2)
• Third choice ………………………… Tel number: …………………………(3) (4)
Price per person: £12
Restaurant must have vegetarian food and a …………………………(5) section.
First course - French Onion Soup OR Fruit Juice
Main course - Roast Dinner OK …………………………(6)
Dessert - Plum Pudding OR Apple Fie - Coffee
Restaurant requires from us:
(7) £ 50 ………………………… and letter of confirmation
and we must ………………………… the menu in advance.(8)
Must confirm In writing by: …………………………(9)
Put notice in the ………………………… (10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 18. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the form opposite. Write no more than three words or a
number for each answer.
Example Answer
Date of birth:
Sex: male
First name; Tom
Surname: Lightfoot
Weight: (1) ………………………………kgs
Length: (2) ………………………………cm
Colour of hair: black
Questions 3-5. Label the map. Choose your answers from the box below. Write the
appropriate letters A-E on the map.
(3) ……………
(4) ……………
(5) ……………
A. State Bank
St George’s
C. Garage
D. Library
E. University
Questions 6-10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Gift for Susan Gift for baby
What will they buy? ……………… ………………(6) (7)
Where will they buy the gifts? ………………(8) (9) ………………
Approximate prices? $15 $………………(0)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 19. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Number of trips per month: 5
Visit places which have:
• historical interest
• good variety of (1)
Cost: between £5.00 and £15.00 per person
Note: special trips organised for groups of (3)
Time: departure - 8.30 a.m. return - 6.00 p.m.
To reserve a seat: sign name on the (4) 3 days in advance
Questions 5-10. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Place Date
Number of
Optional extra
St Ives 16 Hepworth Museum(5)
London 16th February 45 (6)
3rd March 18 S.S. Great Britain
Salisbury 18th March 50 Stonehenge
Bath 23rd March 16 (8)
For further information:
Read the or see Social Assistant: Jane (9)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 20. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
0. How long has Sally been waiting?
A. B. C. five minutes twenty minutes thirty minutes
Answer: C
1. What does Peter want to drink?
A. B. C. tea coffee a cold drink
2. What caused Peter problems at the bank?
A. The exchange rate was down. He was late. The computers weren’t B. C.
3. Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
A. B. an old friend an American man a German manC.
4. Henry gave Peter a map of
A. the city. the bus routes. the train system.B. C.
5. What do Peter and Sally decide to order?
A. B. C. food and drinks just food just drinks
Questions 6-8. Complete the notes below using words from the box.
Tourist attractions open all day: ………………………. and Gardens(6)
Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: ………………………. and Castle(7)
Tourist attractions which have free entry: ………………………. and Markets(8)
Questions 9 and 10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than three words for each
9 The first place Peter and Sally will visit is the ……………………….(9)
10 At the Cathedral, Peter really wants to ……………………….(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 21. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or numbers for each
Example Answer
Name: Sara Lim
Age: 23
Length of time in Australia: (1) ………………………..
Present address: Flat 1,
539, ……………………….. Road(2)
Art Gallery Cathedral Castle Gardens Markets
Canterbury 2036
Present course: (3) ……………………….. English
Accommodation required from:
(4) ……………………….. 7th Septembe
Questions 5-7. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
(5). Sara requires a
A. B. C. single room. twin room. triple room.
(6). She would prefer to live with a
A. family. single person. couple.B. C.
(7). She would like to live in a
A. B. C. flat. house. studio apartment.
Questions 8-10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than one word for each answer.
(8). The ……………………….. will be $320.
(9). She needs to pay the rent by cash or cheque on a ……………………….. basis.
(10). She needs to pay her part of the ……………………….. bill.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 22. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Example Answer
Venue: (1). ………………………………
Invitations (Tony)
Who to invite:
- John and his wife Director
- the ………………………………(2).
- all the teachers
- all the ………………………………(3).
Date for sending invitations: (4). ………………………………
Present (Lisa)
Collect money during the ………………………………(5).
Suggested amount per person: $………………………………(6).
Check prices for:
- CD players
- ………………………………(7).
- coffee maker
Ask guests to bring:
- snacks
- ………………………………(8).
- ………………………………(9).
Ask student representative to prepare a ………………………………(10).
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 23. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each
Dreamtime travel agency
Tour information
Holiday name: Whale watch Experience
Holiday length 2 days
Type of
(1) ………………………………
Maximum group size (2) ………………………………
Next tour date (3) ………………………………
Hotel name (4) The………………………………
Questions 5 and 6. Choose TWO letters A-E. Which two things are included in the price of the
A. fishing trip
B. guided bushwalk
C. reptile park entry
D. table tennis
E. tennis
(5). ________
(6). ________
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than three words or a
number for each answer.
(7). The tour costs $………………………………
(8). Bookings must be made no later than ……………………………… days in advance.
(9). A ……………………………… deposit is required.
(10). The customer’s reference number is ………………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 24. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Minimum joining age: 18 years
For registration, must take
• two ……………………….. and (1)
• two forms of l.D. e.g. driving licence, ………………………..(2)
Cost to join per year (without current student card): £………………………..(3)
Number of items allowed: (members of public) ………………………..(4)
Loan times: four weeks
Fines start at £ ………………………..(5)
Computers can be booked up to ……………………….. hours in advance(6)
Library holds most national papers, all ……………………….. and magazines(7)
Need ……………………….. to use photocopier(8)
Creative Writing class
• tutor is John ………………………..(9)
• held on ) ……………………….. evenings(10
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 25. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than
three words or a number for each answer.
Customer Enquiry
Make: Lida
Engine size: (1)
Model: Max
Type of gears: (2)
Preferred colour: (3)
Customer wishes to arrange (4)
Part exchange? yes
Name: Wendy (5)
Title: (6)
20, Green Banks (7)
GU3 9EW7
Contact number:
(8) (for only) 0798
Make: Conti
Name: (9)
Year: 1994
Mileage: maximum 70,000
Colour: metallic grey
Condition: (10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 26. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or numbers for
each answer.
Name: Jenny Chan
Present address: Sea View Guest
House, ………………………………………..(1)
Daytime phone number: 2237676
[NB Best time to contact
is ………………………………………..](2)
Age: 19
Intended length of stay: (3) ………………………………………..
Occupation while in UK: student
General level of English: (4) ………………………………………..
Preferred location: in the (5) ………………………………………..
Special diet: (6) ………………………………………..
Other requirements: own facilities
own television ………………………………………..(7)
to be (8) ………………………………………..
Maximum price: (9) £ ………………………………………..a week
I Preferred starting date: (10) ………………………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 27. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Example Answer
Name of club:
Facilities available:
(1) ……………………………………
(2) ……………………………………
Classes available:
• Kick-boxing
Additional facility: …………………………………… (restaurant opening soon)(4)
Questions 5-8. Complete the table below. Write no more than two numbers for each
Use of
Cost of classes Times
GOLD All Free Any time £250 £ (5)
(6) £
from ………………………(7)
£225 £300
from 10.30 to 3.30 weekdays
(8) £
Questions 9 and 10. Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each
(9) To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s …………………………
(10) To book a trial session, speak to David ………………………… (0458 95311).
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 28. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each
Example Answer
Workshops organised every:
• Adults must accompany children under ……………………..(1)
• Cost: £2.50
• Workshops held in: Winter House, …………………….. Street(2)
• Security device: must push the …………………….. to open door(3)
• Should leave car behind the ……………………..(4)
• Book workshops by phoning the …………………….. (on 200765)(5)
Questions 6-10. Complete the table below. Write no more than two words for each answer.
Date Workshop title Children advised to wear Please bring (if possible)
'Building (6)
…………………….. ’
(7) …………………….. ……………………..(8)
23/11 (9) …………………….. (Nothing special) (10) ……………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 29. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write one word or a number for each
Example Answer
Application for a
Current bank
Type of current account: The (1) ‘…………………………….’ account
Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes
Date of birth: (2) …………………………….
Joint account holder(s): No
Current address: (3) ……………………………. Exeter
Time at current address: (4) …………………………….
Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland
work …………………………….(5)
home 796431
Occupation: (6) …………………………….
Identity (security): Name of his (7) …………………………….: Siti
Opening sum: (8) €…………………………….
to be transferred from Fransen dank, Utrecht
Statements: Every (9) …………………………….
Supply information about the bank’s (10)
……………………………. service
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 30. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for
each answer.
Example Answer
Title of conference: Future Directions in Computing
Three day cost: (1) £………………………………..
Payment by ………………………………..or on arrival(2)
Conference Centre
£ ………………………………..per night(3)
• near to conference rooms
Guest House
£………………………………..per night(4)
• approximately ………………………………..walk from Conference Centre(5)
Further documents to be sent:
, • ………………………………..(6)
• an application form Location:
Conference Centre is on ………………………………..Park Road, next to (7)
the ………………………………..(8)
Taxi costs £………………………………..or take bus (9)
number ………………………………..from station.(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 31. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
Example Answer
Distance: 147 miles
• Car hire
- don’t want to drive
- expensive
• Greyhound bus
- $15 single, $27.50 return
- direct to the ………………………………….. (2)
- long …………………………………..(3)
• Airport Shuttle
- …………………………………..service(4)
- every 2 hours
- $35 single, $65 return
- need ………………………………… (5)
Questions 6-10. Complete the booking form below. Write one word or a number for each
To: Milton
(6) …………………………………..
No. of
Bus Time: ………………………………… Type of ticket: Single(7)
Name: Janet ………………………………….. (8)
Flight No: ………………………………….. From:
Address in Milton:
Vacation Motel,
24, Kitchener Street
Fare: $35
Credit Card No:
(Visa) …………………………………(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 32. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or a
number for each answer.
Example Answer
Address: (1) ………………………….. Greendale
Contact number: 730453
Occupation: (2) …………………………..
Size of car engine: 1200cc
Type of car:
Manufacturer: Hewton Model: (3) …………………………..
Year: 1997
Previous insurance company: (4) …………………………..
Any insurance claims in the last five years?: Yes
If yes, give brief details:
Car was ………………………….. in 1999(5)
Name(s) of other driver(s):
Simon …………………………..(6)
Relationship to main driver: (7) …………………………..
Uses of car:
- social
- …………………………..(8)
Start date: 31 January
Recommended Insurance arrangement
Name of company: (9) …………………………..
Annual cost: (10) $…………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 33. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a
number for each answer.
Example Answer
Type of job required:
Student is studying …………………………………(1)
Student is in the …………………………………year of the course.(2)
Questions 3-5. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each
Position Available Where Problem
the ………………………………(3)
evening lectures
(4) ………………………………… in the Child Cane Centre too early
Clerical Assistant
the ………………………………(5)
evening lectures
Questions 6-10. Complete the form below. . Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Name: Anita Newman
(6) …………………………………
Room No …………………………………. (7)
Other skills: Speaks some Japanese
Position available:
(8) …………………………………at the English
Language Centre
Respond to enquiries
and …………………………………(9)
Time of interview: Friday at …………………………………a.m.(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 34. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer
First name: (1) ………………………………………
Sex: female
Nationality: Japanese
Passport number: (2) ………………………………………
Age: 28 years
Present address: Room 21C, Willow College
Length of homestay: approx (3) ………………………………………
Course enrolled in: (4) ………………………………………
Family preferences:
- no ……………………………………… (5)
- no objection to ………………………………………(6)
Questions 7-10. Answer the questions below. Write no more than two words for each
(7). ………………………………………What does the student particularly like to eat?
(8). ……………………………………… What sport does the student play?
(9). ………………………………………What mode of transport does the student prefer?
(10). ………………………………………When will the student find out her homestay
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 35. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
In the library George found
A. B. C. a book. a brochure. a newspaper.
1. In the lobby of the library George saw
A. B. a group playing music. a display of instruments. a video about the festival.C.
2. George wants to sit at the back so they can
A. B. see well. hear clearly. pay less.C.
Questions 3-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than two words or a number for each
NAME: George O’Neill
ADDRESS: 3 …………………………….. Westsea
POSTCODE: 4 ……………………………..
TELEPHONE: 5 ……………………………..
Date Event Price per ticket No. of tickets
5 June Instrumental group - Guitarrini £7.50 2
17 June
Singer (price includes 6
in garden)
£6 2
22 June 7 (Anna Ventura) £7.00 1
23 June Spanish Dance & Guitar Concert 8 £
NB Children / Students / Senior Citizens have discount on all tickets.10
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 36. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER for each answer.
Total Insurance Incident Report
Michael Alexander
Address 24 Manly Street, 1 …………………………..
Shipping agent 2 …………………………..
Place of origin China
Date of arrival 3 …………………………..
Reference number 601 ACK
Questions 4-10. Complete the table below. Write one word or a number for each answer.
Item Damage Cost to repair/replace
The 4 …………………………..
needs to be replaced
not known
The 5 …………………………..
The 6 …………………………..
of the cabinet is damaged
Dining room table
A 8 ………………………….. is
Set of china
Six 9 …………………………..
were broken
about 10 $
………………………….. in
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 37. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Name: Steven Godfrey
Example No. of bedrooms: Answer: four
Preferred location: in the (1) area of town
Maximum monthly rent: (2) £
Length of let required: (3)
Starting: September 1st
Questions 4-8. Complete the table below. Write one word or a number for each answer.
Address Booms Monthly rent Problem
Oakington Avenue
living/dining room, separate
£550 no (4)
Mead Street
large living room and kitchen,
bathroom and a cloakroom
the (5)
is too large
Hamilton Road
living room, kitchen-diner, and
a (6)
£550 too (7)
Devon Close
living room, dining room, small
(8) £
Questions 9 and 10. Choose two letters, A-E. Which two facilities in the district of Devon Close
are open to the public at the moment?
9. 10
………………………………. ……………………………….
A. museum
B. concert hall
C. cinema
D. sports centre
E. Swimmingpool
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 38. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for
each answer.
West Bay Hotel - details of job
Example Answer
Newspaper advert for: staff
Vacancies for (1)
Two shifts
+ Can choose your (2) (must be the same each week)
£5.50 per hour, including a (3) Pay:
+ A (4) is provided in the hotel
+ Total weekly pay: £231
a white shirt and (5) trousers (not supplied)
a (6) (supplied)
: (7) Starting date
+ Call Jane (8) (Service Manager) before (9) tomorrow (Tel:
……………………………… …………………………
+ She’ll require a (10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 39. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for
each answer.
Work at:
• Type of work: (1) ………………………………..
• Number of hours per week: 12 hours
• Would need work permit
• Work in the: (2) ……………………………….. branch
Nearest bus stop: next to (3) ………………………………..
£ (4) ……………………………….. an hourPay:
• Extra benefits:
- a free dinner
- extra pay when you work on (5) ………………………………..
- transport home when you work (6) ………………………………..
• Qualities required:
- (7) ………………………………..
- ability to (8) ………………………………..
Thursday (9) ……………………………….. at 6 p.m.Interview arranged for:
• Bring the names of two referees
Samira (10) ………………………………..Ask for:
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 40. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Type of accommodation:
.......hall.......of residence
Name: Anu (1)
Date of birth: (2)
Country of origin: India
Course of study: (3)
Number of years planned in (4)
Preferred catering
half board
Special dietary requirements: no (5)
Preferred room type: a single (6)
the (7)
Priorities in choice of hall:
to be with other students who are (8)
to live outside the (9)
to have a area for socialising(10)
Contact phone number: 667549
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 41. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Apartments Facilities Other Information Cost
Rose Garden
studio flat
entertainment programme: (0)
Greek dancing
Blue Bay Apartments
large salt-water
swimming pool
- just metres (1)
from beach
- near shops
terrace watersports £490
The Grand
- Greek paintings
- (3)
overlooking (4)
- near a supermarket and a
(5) £
Questions 6-10. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Insurance Benefits Maximum Amount
Cancellation (6) £
Hospital £600. Additional benefit allows a to travel to resort(7)
departure Up to £1000. Depends on reason
Personal belongings Up to £3000; £500 for one (9)
Name of Assistant Manager: Ben (10)
Direct phone line: 081260 543216
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 42. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Health Centres
Name of centre Doctors name Advantage
The Harvey Clinic
Dr Green
especially good
with 1 ………………………
The (2) ………………………
Health Practice
Dr Fuller
offers (3) ………………………
The Shore Lane Health Centre
Dr (4) ……………………
Questions 5-6. Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO of the following are offered free of
charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?
A. acupuncture
B. employment medicals
C. sports injury therapy
D. travel advice
E. vaccinations
Questions 7-10. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Talks for patients at Shore Lane Health Centre
of talk
Date/Time Location Notes
February at 7pm
room 4 useful for people with
or (7) ………………………
1st March at 5pm
the (8) ……………………
(Shore Lane)
anyone welcome
9th March
at (9) ……………………
room 6
all (10) ……………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 43. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Name: ...Andrea Brown.......
Address: 24 (1) …………………………Road
Postcode: BH5 20P
Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091
Heard about company from: (2) …………………………
Possible self-drive tours
Trip One:
• Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some (3) ………………………… parks with her children
• Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a (4) …………………………
Trip Two:
• Customer wants to see the (5) ………………………… on the way to Cambria
• At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping
• At San Diego, wants to spend time on the (6) …………………………
Questions 7-10. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.
er of
Total distance
(per person)
Trip 12 (7) ………………………… £525 • accommodation
One days km
• car
one (8) ……………………
980 km
(9) £
• accommodation
• car
(10) ………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 44. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1. Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Transport Survey
Travelled to town today: by bus
Name: Luisa (1) ……………………………
Address: (2) …………………………… White Stone Rd
Area: Bradfield
Postcode: (3) ……………………………
Occupation: (4) ……………………………
Reason for visit to town: to go to the (5) ……………………………
Suggestions for improvement:
better (6) ……………………………
have more footpaths
more frequent (7) ……………………………
Things that would encourage cycling to work:
having (8) …………………………… parking places for bicycles
being able to use a (9) …………………………… at work
the opportunity to have cycling (10) …………………………… on busy roads
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 45. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Parent or guardian: Carol Smith
Personal Details
Child’s name: Kate
Age: ………………………………….. (1)
Address: ………………………………….. Road, Woodside, 4032(2)
Phone: 3345 9865
Childcare Information
Days enrolled for: Monday and …………………………………..(3)
Start time: ………………………………….. am(4)
Childcare group: the ………………………………….. group(5)
Which meal/s are required each day? …………………………………..(6)
Medical conditions: needs …………………………………..(7)
Emergency contact: Jenny ………………………………….. Phone: 3346 7523(8)
Relationship to child: …………………………………..(9)
Will pay each …………………………………..(10 )
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 46. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Customer heard about Thorndyke’s from a friend
Name: Edith …………………………………….(1)
Address: Flat 4, ……………………………………. Park Flats(2)
(Behind the ……………………………………. )(3)
Phone number: 875934
Best time to contact customer: during the …………………………………….(4)
Where to park: opposite entrance next to the …………………………………….(5)
Needs full quote showing all the jobs and the …………………………………….(6)
Questions 7-10. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Area Work to be done Notes
the ……………………………………(7)
in the door
Fix tomorrow
Paint wall above
the (8) …………………………………….
Strip paint and plaster approximately
one ……………………………………. in(9)
One (10)
……………………………………. needs
replacing (end of garden)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 47. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
(1). How many people are Cindy and Bob planning the picnic for? .................................
(2). On which date will the picnic be held? .................................
(3). What is the total budget for food and drink per person? .................................
(4). Which food does Bob specifically say is unsuitable? .................................
Questions 5-8. Complete the following notes about the three catering companies Bob and
Cindy discuss.
Paris Kitchen
lack of variety of food
poor quality .................................(5)
Company Caterers
(6) for groups of 30 or more
new company
only .................................for picnics(7)
(9).................................dishes offers free samples
Questions 9-10. Answer the questions using only a date or a telephone number.
(9). When will Bob and Cindy go to Celebrations? .................................
(10). What is Celebrations“ telephone number? .................................
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 48. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each
Position Place Notes
Speak foreign languages
Have a
valid ……………………………(2)
Include ……………………………(3)
General Assistant
Pay is low
Free ……………………………(4)
Issue a ……………………………(5)
Catering Assistant Hotel 98
Wear ……………………………(6)
Night shift work Travel outside the city
Questions 7-10. Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for
each answer.
Complete a ……………………………(7)
Do a ……………………………about personal skills (8)
Participate a training course involving ……………………………(9)
Get a ……………………………about the work(10)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 49. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER for each answer.
Time of appointment: 10:00 am
Given names: Simon (1) .................................
Family name: Lee
Date of birth: (2) .................................1989
Address: (3) .................................Adams Terrace, Wellington
Phone number: 0211558809
Name of insurance company: (4) .................................
Date of last eye test: (5) .................................
Patient’s observations: Problems seeing (6) in the .................................
Questions 7-10. Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for
each answer.
(7). When must Simon wear his glasses? for.................................
(8). What type of glasses are the least expensive? the .................................
(9). What is good about the glasses Simon chooses? they are .................................
(10). How does Simon decide to pay? . in/by .................................
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 50. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Question 1. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
(0). What’s the name of the accommodation house?
A. B. Jerry House Thomas House Student HouseC.
(1). The accommodation was originally built as _____
A. B. C. student flat. local museum. private house.
Questions 2 and 3. Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which of the following TWO facilities
are NOT in the house?
A. bathroom
B. balcony
C. computer room
D. garden
E. (2) (3) garage ………………………….. …………………………..
Questions 4-7. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Bedroom and bathroom ………………………………(4).
(5). ………………………………room Use before 11 p.m.
(6). ………………………………after
11 p.m
Yard (7). ………………………………
Questions 8-10. Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer
(8). ………………………………is only allowed on weekends.
(9). The opening time of the front door is ………………………………
(10). You can go to Room 101 beside reception to get a ………………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 51. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Free activities in the Burnham area
0. The caller wants to find out about events on
A. 27 June. B. 28 June. C. 29 June.
1. The ‘Family Welcome’ event in the art gallery begins at
A. 10 am. B. 10.30 am. C. 2 pm.
2. The film that is now shown in the ‘Family Welcome’ event is about
A. sculpture. B. painting. C. ceramics.
3. When do most of the free concerts take place?
A in the morning B at lunchtime C in the evening
4. Where will the 4 pm concert of Latin American music take place?
A. in a museum B. in a theatre C. in a library
5. The boat race begins at
A. Summer Pool. B. Charlesworth Bridge. C. Offord Marina.
6. One of the boat race teams
A. won a regional competition earlier this year.
B. has represented the region in a national competition.
C. has won several regional competitions.
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Paxton Nature Reserve
7. Paxton is a good place for seeing rare ……………………. all year round.
8. This is a particularly good time for seeing certain unusual …………………….
(9). …………….. alarm clock
(10). …………….. CD player
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 56. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the notes below write ONE WORD only for each answer.
example answer
information source : found in the brochure
Included services ……………………….and accommodation(1)
Sydney arrival date: 15th of ……………………….(2)
Accommodation criteria: ……………………….(3)
Questions 4-6. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Room type: ……………………….(4).
Credit card holder: (5). John ……………………….
Total cost for one night: ……………………….(6). dollars
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentence below. Write no more than TWO words for answer.
(7). The ………………………. is within walking distance of the accommodation
(8). Hour customer books ……………………….
(9). Aboriginals stone carvings are in the ……………………….
(10). The Dreamtime can be experienced beneath the ……………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 57. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Product Incident Report
Example Answer
Product: rice cooker
Model Number:
Price of the Product:
£ (2)
Name of the Branch: ……………………(3)
| 1/54

Preview text:

LISTENING EXER Book 4 CISES Lis tening tests (68 tests) Answ er key T ❸ ranscripts LISTENING PRACTICE TEST
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 1: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write one word or a number for each answer. Revision Mote Example
* Problem with: the brochure sample
* Company name: (1) …………………… Hotel Chains
* Letters of (2) …………………… should be bigger.
* The (3) …………………… should be removed.
* Change the description under the top photo to (4) ……………………
* Use the picture with (5) …………………… of the hotel.
* The (6) …………………… should be in red print.
* Translate into (7) ……………………
* Deadline: by the end of (8) ……………………
* Address: No. 9 Green Drive, (9) …………………… , NY21300
* Telephone number: (10) ……………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 2: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
0. Emma has been taking drama course for (1) …………………….
1. Emma really is a (2) ……………………. for others in class.
2. The timetable for drama class changed because the (3) ……………………. is too big.
3. The new time for the drama class would be a (4) ……………………..
4. Dance class is (5) ……………………. at the moment.
5. The teacher suggests that Emma take (6) ……………………..
6. The vocal course starts at (7) …………………….pm every Tuesday.
7. Vocal course costs (8) ……………………. dollars.
8. The class teaches children to play instruments and how to (9) ……………………..
9. The music class costs (10) …………………….dollars this term.
10. The teacher for the class is Jamal (11) . …………………….
--------------------------------------------------- 2
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 3: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write three words or a number for each answer. HOTEL RESERVATION Example Location: north from the coast
Four-bed room available in (1) ………………………………. Room price:
• in high season: (2) € ……………………………….
• cheaper if you booked (3) in advance
Meal included in price: (4) ……………………………….
Must bring your own: (5) ………………………………. Hotel facilities:
• a lounge with a variety of (6) ……………………………….
(7) ……………………………….room
(8) ………………………………. Activities available:
• collect (9) ……………………………….
• hire (10) ……………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 4: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Complete the notes below. Write three words or a number for each answer. CAR RENTAL INQUIRY Example Nationality: American
Contact number: (1) …………………………….
Send written quote by: (2) …………………………….
Price for renting: (3) ……………………………. daily
Special requirements for the room:
• an extra (4) …………………………….
• most important facility: (5) ……………………………. Extra equipment:
• they should have a (6) …………………………….
• as well as a (7) …………………………….
Pick them up from the (8) …………………………….
The caravan driver’s age: (9) ……………………………. 3
The registered licence issued in: (10) …………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 5. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. Oakham Surgery New Patient Form Example: Answer New patient’s road: Dawson Road Full name:
Mike (1) ……………………………. Wife’s first name: Janet
Childrens’ first names:
1st (2) ……………………………. 2nd 3rd 4th Address:
52 Dawson Road (3) …………………………….Melbourne Health card number:
(4) …………………………….
Wife’s health card number: will give later
Preferred doctor selected:
(5) Dr …………………………….
Questions 6-10. Circle the correct letters A-C.
6. When is Mike’s wife’s first appointment?
A. Friday 21st at 2.00pm.
B. Friday 21st at 2.30pm.
C. Friday 21st at 3.30pm.
7. What is the surgery’s phone number? A. 7253 9819 B. 7253 9829 C. 7523 9829
8. What is the name of the girl with whom Mike is speaking at the surgery? A. Rachel B. Elizabeth C. Angela
9. What’s the night doctor’s mobile number? A. 0506 759 3856 B. 0506 759 3857 C. 0506 758 3856
10. Which of the following does the surgery NOT make a charge for? A. Travel vaccinations B. Consultations C. Insurance reports
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 6. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. WESTLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 4 First name Peter Flat Address
553 (1) ……………………………….Finsbury Postcode
(2) ………………………………. Date of birth
8th July (3) ………………………………. Home tel none Mobile tel
(4) ……………………………….
Proof of residence provided (5) ……………………………….
Questions 6-8. Circle THREE letters A-F.
What type of books does Peter like?
(6). ……………….. (7). …………………
(8). ………………… A. Wildlife books B. Romance books C. Travel books D. Historical novels E. Science Fiction novels F. Mystery books
Question 9-10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
(9). How much does it cost to join the library? ……………………………….
(10). How much does it cost to rent a DVD? ……………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 7. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Circle the appropriate letter. Example What has the woman lost? A. a briefcase C. a handbag B. a suitcase D. a wallet
1. What does her briefcase look like?
2. Which picture shows the distinguishing features? 5
3. What did she have inside her briefcase?
A. wallet, pens and novel B. papers and wallet C. pens and novel
D. papers, pens and novel
4. Where was she standing when she lost her briefcase?
5. What time was it when she lost her briefcase?
Questions 6-10. Complete the form Write no more than three words for each answer. PERSONAL DETAILS FORM Name:
Mary (6) ………………………………. Address: Flat 2
(7) ……………………………….
(8) ……………………………….Road Canterbury Telephone:
(9) ……………………………….
Estimated value of lost item: (10) £……………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 8. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes. Use no more than three words for each answer. KATE
Her first impressions of the town: Example: Quiet Type of accommodation:
(1) …………………………..... 6 ..
Her feelings about the accommodation: (2) ……………………food.
(3) ………………………….....
Her feelings about the other students: .. Name of course: Environmental Studies
Difficulties experienced on the course: (4) ………………are busy
(5) ………………………….....
Suggestions for improving the course: .. LUKI
First type of accommodation:
(6) …………………………....... children made
Problem with the first accommodation: (7) ………………
Second type of accommodation:
(8) …………………………....... Name of course:
(9) Bachelor of …………….......
Comments about the course: Computer room busy
(10) …………………………
Suggestions for improving the course: time
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 9. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Circle the appropriate letter. Example
How does the woman travel every day? A. by car B. by bus
C. on foot D. by train
(1). What are the parking regulations on campus?
A. undergraduate parking allowed
B. postgraduate parking allowed
C. staff parking only allowed
D. no student parking allowed
(2). The administration office is in A. Block B. B. Block D. C. Block E. D. Block G.
(3). If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:
A. wheel clamp your car. B. fine only.
C. tow away your car and fine.
D. tow away your car only.
(4). Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office? 7 A. B. C. D.
Questions 5-10. Complete the application form using no more than three words
Application for parking sticker
Name (5) ………………………….
Address (6) ………………………….Flat 1
Suburb (7) ………………………….
Faculty (8) ………………………….
Registration number (9) ………………………….
Make of car (10) ………………………….
Questions 11-12. Complete the sentences below using no more than three words
(11). Cashier’s office opens at ………………………….
(12). Where must the sticker be displayed? ………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 10. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Circle the appropriate letter Example:
0. What are the students looking for? A. Main Hall B. Great Hall C. Old Hall D. Old Building
(1). Where is the administration building? 8
(2). How many people are waiting in the queue? A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 D. 300
(3). What does the woman order for lunch?
(4). What does the woman order to drink?
(5). How much money does the woman give the man? A. $2.00 B. $3.00 C. $3.50 D. $5.00
Questions 6-10. Complete the registration form using no more than three words.
Name of student:(6) ……………………………….. Address:
Flat 5/ (7) ……………………………….. Town:
(8) ……………………………….. Tel:
(9) ……………………………….. Course:
(10) ……………………………….. Questions 11-12
(11). What did the man buy for her to eat?
(12). What must the students do as part of registration at the university?
A. Check the notice board in the Law Faculty. B. Find out about lectures. C. Organise tutorial groups. D. Pay the union fees.
--------------------------------------------------- 9
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 11. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the form below. Write no more than one word or a number for each answer.
VIDEO LIBRARY APPLICATION FORM ANSWE EXAMPLE R Surname Jones First names: Louise Cynthia Address:
Apartment 1,72 (1) ………………………… Street Highbridge Post code:
(2) ………………………… Telephone: 9835 6712 (home)
(3) ………………………… (work)
Driver's licence number: (4) …………………………
Day: 25th Month: (5) ………………………… Year: Date of birth: 1977
Questions 6 – 8. Circle THREE letters A-F.
What types of films does Louise like?
(6). ……………………………
(7). ……………………………
(8). …………………………… A. Action B. Comedies C. Musicals D. Romance E. Westerns F. Wildlife Questions 9-10
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
9 How much does it cost to join the library? $ (9). …………………………(refundable)
10 When will Louise's card be ready? (10). …………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 12. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-2. Circle the correct letters A-C. Example
Gavin moved into his apartment______. A. two days ago. B. two weeks ago. C. two months ago. 10
(1). Gavin's apartment is located on the ______. A. ground floor. B. second floor. C. third floor.
(2). The monthly rent for Gavin's apartment is ______. A. $615. B. $650. C. $655.
Questions 3-6. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words for each answer. ITEM VALUE
(3) …………………………… $450
(4) …………………………… $1,150 Watches $2,000
CDs and (5) …………………………… $400
Total annual cost of insurance (6) $…………………………… for a twelve-month period.
Questions 7-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words for each answer. INSURANCE APPLICATION FORM Name:
Mr Gavin (7) ……………………………
(8) ……………………………Biggins Address: Street
(9) ……………………………
Date of Birth: 12th November 1980 Telephone: Home: 9872 4555 Nationality:
(10) ……………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 13. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Circle the correct letters A-C. Example The respondent is _______. A. 20-33 years old B. 34-54 years old C. over 54 years old Answer: B
(1). The respondent works in _______. A. the professions. B. business. C. other.
(2). The respondent has a salary of _______. A. 0 - £15,000 a year.
B. £15,000 - £35,000 a year.
C. over £35,000 a year.
(3). The respondent watches TV for _______. 11 A. relaxation. B. entertainment. C. information.
(4). Every day the respondent watches TV for _______. A. 30 minutes-1 hour. B. 1 hour-2 hours. C. more than 2 hours.
Questions 5-7. Choose two letters A-E.
(5). The respondent mainly watches T V _______.
A. in the early morning. B. around midday. C. in the afternoon.
D. in the early evening. E. at night.
(6). On the new channel, the respondent would like to see more _______.
A. children's programmes. B. documentaries.
C. local service programmes. D. travel programmes. E. health programmes.
(7). The respondent would advise the new channel to _______.
A. spend more money on drama. B. train their broadcasters to higher standards.
C. improve sound quality.
D. broadcast interviews with famous people.
E. talk more to customers.
Questions 8-10. Circle the correct letters A-C.
(8). The respondent feels that adverts should occur every _______. A. 10 minutes. B. 15 minutes. C. 20 minutes.
(9). The respondent would like to attend special promotions if _______. A. expenses are paid.
B. he is invited specially.
C. they are held locally.
(10). The respondent would like to receive _______. A. no mail. B. requested mail. C. all mail.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 14. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words for each answer. MIC HOUSE AGENCY-REPAIRS Example Answer Paul Name: Smiley
Address: Apartment 2, (1) …………………………., Newton
Length of lease: one year
Date moved in: (2) ………………………….
Questions 3-9. Complete the table below with no more than three words. Write A, B, or C for question 4, 7 or 9.
A. if the repair will be done immediately.
B. if the repair will be done during the following week.
C. if the repair will be done in two or more weeks 12 Item Problem When to be done washing machine leaking
(3) ………………………
(4) ……………………… cooker …. ….
(5) ……………………… windows Example answer: B ….
(7) ………………………
(6) …………………………. flickers ….
(9) ………………………
(8) …………………………. torn ….
Question 10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Workman to call between (10) ………………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 15. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. Example Answer Name of agent: Flagstone Areas dealt with: (1) north suburbs ………………………… Rent:
from (2) £ ……………….…………… a month Depends on: the area
availability of (3) ………………………… garage Properties available: West Park Road rent (4) £ a month …………………………
including (5) the ………………………… Tithe Road rend £380 a month
including (6) the ………………………… rental
Viewing arrangements: meet at office on (7) afternoon at 5.00 pm ………………………… Need: letter from bank 13
reference from your (8) ………………………… Must:
give (9) ………………………… notice of moving in
give deposit of (10) ………………………… rent pay for contract
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 16. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
Programme of Activities for First Day Time Place Event Example
(1) the………………… Meet the Principal and staff 10.00
Talk by the (2) ……………..……of 10.15 Studies 10.45
Talk by the (3) ……………………..
(4) ……………………o’clock Classroom 5
(5) …………………….. English test
Questions 6-10. Label the rooms on the map below. Choose your answers from the box below
and write them next to questions 6-10. CL Computer Laboratory S Storeroom DO Director’s Office SAR Self Access Room L Library SCR Student Common Room MH Main Hall SR Staff Room 14
(6) ……………………..
(7) ………………….. (8) (9) ………………….. …………………..
(10) …………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 17. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. NOTES - CHRISTMAS DINNER Answ Example er Number to book for: 45
Date of dinner: 21 December Choices for venue:
• First choice (1) ………………………… Tel. number: not known
• Second choice (2) …………………………Hotel Tel. number: 777192
• Third choice (3) ………………………… Tel number: (4) ………………………… Price per person: £12
Restaurant must have vegetarian food and a (5) ………………………… section. Menu:
First course - French Onion Soup OR Fruit Juice
Main course - Roast Dinner OK (6) …………………………
Dessert - Plum Pudding OR Apple Fie - Coffee
Restaurant requires from us:
(7) £ 50 ………………………… and letter of confirmation
and we must (8) ………………………… the menu in advance. 15
Must confirm In writing by: (9) …………………………
Put notice in the (10) …………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 18. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the form opposite. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. BIRTH STATISTICS Example Answer 10 Date of birth: August Sex: male First name; Tom Surname: Lightfoot
Weight: (1) ………………………………kgs
Length: (2) ………………………………cm Colour of hair: black
Questions 3-5. Label the map. Choose your answers from the box below. Write the
appropriate letters A-E on the map. (3) …………… A. State Bank … St George’s B. (4) …………… Hospital … C. Garage (5) …………… D. Library … E. University
Questions 6-10. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. Gift for Susan Gift for baby What will they buy? (6) ……………… (7) ………………
Where will they buy the gifts? (8) ……………… (9) ……………… Approximate prices? $15 (0)$………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 19. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. 16
Questions 1-4. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. NOTES ON SOCIAL PROGRAMME Answ Example er Number of trips per month: 5
Visit places which have: • historical interest
• good variety of (1) …………………………..
(2) ………………………….. Cost:
between £5.00 and £15.00 per person Note:
special trips organised for groups of (3) …………………………..people Time:
departure - 8.30 a.m. return - 6.00 p.m.
To reserve a seat: sign name on the (4) 3 days in advance
Questions 5-10. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. WEEKEND TRIPS Number of Place Date Optional extra seats St Ives
(5) ………………………….. 16 Hepworth Museum London 16th February 45
(6) …………………………..
(7) ………………………….. 3rd March 18 S.S. Great Britain Salisbury 18th March 50 Stonehenge Bath 23rd March 16
(8) …………………………..
For further information:
Read the (9) …………………………..or see Social Assistant: Jane (10) …………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 20. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Example
0. How long has Sally been waiting? A. five minutes B. twenty minutes C. thirty minutes Answer: C 17
1. What does Peter want to drink? A. tea B. coffee C. a cold drink
2. What caused Peter problems at the bank?
A. The exchange rate was down.
B. He was late. C. The computers weren’t working.
3. Who did Peter talk to at the bank? A. an old friend B. an American man C. a German man
4. Henry gave Peter a map of A. the city. B. the bus routes. C. the train system.
5. What do Peter and Sally decide to order? A. food and drinks B. just food C. just drinks
Questions 6-8. Complete the notes below using words from the box. Art Gallery Cathedral Castle Gardens Markets
Tourist attractions open all day: (6) ………………………. and Gardens
Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: (7) ………………………. and Castle
Tourist attractions which have free entry: (8) ………………………. and Markets
Questions 9 and 10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
9 The first place Peter and Sally will visit is the (9) ……………………….
10 At the Cathedral, Peter really wants to (10) ……………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 21. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or numbers for each answer
ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM Example Answer Name: Sara Lim Age: 23
Length of time in Australia:
(1) ……………………….. Present address: Flat 1,
539, (2) ……………………….. Road 18 Canterbury 2036 Present course:
(3) ……………………….. English
(4) ……………………….. 7th Septembe
Accommodation required from: r
Questions 5-7. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. (5). Sara requires a A. single room. B. twin room. C. triple room.
(6). She would prefer to live with a A. family. B. single person. C. couple.
(7). She would like to live in a A. flat. B. house. C. studio apartment.
Questions 8-10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than one word for each answer.
(8). The ……………………….. will be $320.
(9). She needs to pay the rent by cash or cheque on a ……………………….. basis.
(10). She needs to pay her part of the ……………………….. bill.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 22. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. GOODBYE PARTY FOR JOHN Example Answer 22nd Date: December
Venue: (1). ……………………………… Invitations (Tony) Who to invite: - John and his wife Director
- the (2). ……………………………… - all the teachers
- all the (3). ………………………………
Date for sending invitations: (4). ……………………………… Present (Lisa)
Collect money during the (5). ……………………………… 19
Suggested amount per person: (6). $……………………………… Check prices for: - CD players
- (7). ……………………………… - coffee maker Ask guests to bring: - snacks
- (8). ………………………………
- (9). ………………………………
Ask student representative to prepare a (10). ………………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 23. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer. Dreamtime travel agency Tour information Example Holiday name: Whale watch Experience Holiday length 2 days Type of
(1) ……………………………… transportation Maximum group size
(2) ……………………………… Next tour date
(3) ……………………………… Hotel name
(4) The………………………………
Questions 5 and 6. Choose TWO letters A-E. Which two things are included in the price of the tour? A. fishing trip B. guided bushwalk C. reptile park entry D. table tennis E. tennis (5). ________ (6). ________ 20
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentences below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer.
(7). The tour costs $………………………………
(8). Bookings must be made no later than ……………………………… days in advance.
(9). A ……………………………… deposit is required.
(10). The customer’s reference number is ………………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 24. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. LIBRARY INFORMATION Example
Minimum joining age: 18 years
For registration, must take
• two (1) ……………………….. and
• two forms of l.D. e.g. driving licence, (2) ………………………..
Cost to join per year (without current student card): (3) £………………………..
Number of items allowed: (members of public) (4) ……………………….. Loan times: four weeks
Fines start at (5) £ ………………………..
Computers can be booked up to (6) ……………………….. hours in advance
Library holds most national papers, all (7) ……………………….. and magazines
Need (8) ……………………….. to use photocopier Creative Writing class
• tutor is John (9) ………………………..
• held on (10) ……………………….. evenings
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 25. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than
three words or a number for each answer. MINTONS CAR MART Customer Enquiry Example: Make: Lida Engine size:
(1) ……………………………………. 21 Model: Max Type of gears:
(2) ……………………………………. Preferred colour:
(3) ……………………………………. blue FINANCE
Customer wishes to arrange
(4) ……………………………………. Part exchange? yes PERSONAL DETAILS Name:
Wendy (5) ……………………………………. Title:
(6) ……………………………………. Address:
20, Green Banks (7) ……………………………………. Hampshire Postcode: GU3 9EW7
(8) (for ……………………………………. only) 0798 Contact number: 257643 CURRENT CAR Make: Conti
Name: (9)……………………………………. Model: Year: 1994 Mileage: maximum 70,000 Colour: metallic grey Condition:
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 26. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or numbers for each answer. HOST FAMILY APPLICANT Example Name: Jenny Chan Present address: Sea View Guest
House, (1) ………………………………………..
Daytime phone number: 2237676 [NB Best time to contact
is (2) ………………………………………..] 22 Age: 19
Intended length of stay:
(3) ………………………………………..
Occupation while in UK: student
General level of English: (4) ……………………………………….. Preferred location:
in the (5) ……………………………………….. Special diet:
(6) ……………………………………….. Other requirements: own facilities
own television (7) ………………………………………..
to be (8) ……………………………………….. Maximum price:
(9) £ ………………………………………..a week
I Preferred starting date: (10) ………………………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 27. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. NOTES ON SPORTS CLUB. Example Answer Kingswel Name of club: l Facilities available: Golf
(1) ……………………………………
(2) …………………………………… Classes available: • Kick-boxing
(3) ……………………………………
Additional facility: (4) …………………………………… (restaurant opening soon)
Questions 5-8. Complete the table below. Write no more than two numbers for each answer. MEMBER SHIP SCHEME An Use of Joinin Type Cost of classes Times Subsc facilities g GOLD All Free Any time £250 (5) £ 23 ………… … (6) £
from (7) ……………………… SILVER All ……………………… £225 £300 … … (8) £ Restricte from 10.30 to 3.30 weekdays BRONZE £3 £50 ………… d only …
Questions 9 and 10. Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
(9) To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s …………………………
(10) To book a trial session, speak to David ………………………… (0458 95311).
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 28. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer
CHILDREN'S ART AND CRAFT WORKSHOPS Example Answer Saturda Workshops organised every: y
• Adults must accompany children under (1) …………………….. • Cost: £2.50
• Workshops held in: Winter House, (2) …………………….. Street
• Security device: must push the (3) …………………….. to open door
• Should leave car behind the (4) ……………………..
• Book workshops by phoning the (5) …………………….. (on 200765)
Questions 6-10. Complete the table below. Write no more than two words for each answer. NEXT TWO WORKSHOPS Date Workshop title
Children advised to wear
Please bring (if possible) 'Building (6) 16/11
(7) ……………………..
(8) ……………………..
…………………….. ’
23/11 (9) …………………….. (Nothing special)
(10) ……………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 29. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. 24
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write one word or a number for each answer. OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT Example Answer Current bank Application for a account
Type of current account: The (1) ‘…………………………….’ account Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes Date of birth:
(2) …………………………….
Joint account holder(s): No Current address:
(3) ……………………………. Exeter
Time at current address: (4) ……………………………. Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland Telephone:
work (5) ……………………………. home 796431 Occupation:
(6) ……………………………. Identity (security):
Name of his (7) …………………………….: Siti Opening sum:
(8) €…………………………….
to be transferred from Fransen dank, Utrecht Statements:
Every (9) …………………………….
Supply information about the bank’s (10) Requests:
……………………………. service
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 30. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer. Example Answer
Title of conference: Future Directions in Computing
Three day cost: (1) £………………………………..
Payment by (2) ………………………………..or on arrival Accommodation: Conference Centre 25
(3) £ ………………………………..per night • near to conference rooms Guest House
(4) £………………………………..per night
• approximately (5) ………………………………..walk from Conference Centre
Further documents to be sent:
, • (6) ………………………………..
• an application form Location:
Conference Centre is on (7) ………………………………..Park Road, next to
the (8) ………………………………..
Taxi costs (9) £………………………………..or take bus
number (10) ………………………………..from station.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 31. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words for each answer.
TRANSPORT FROM AIRPORT TO MILTON Example Answer Distance: 147 miles Options: • Car hire - don’t want to drive
(1) ………………………………….. - expensive • Greyhound bus - $15 single, $27.50 return
- direct to the (2) …………………………………..
- long (3) ………………………………….. • Airport Shuttle
- (4) …………………………………..service - every 2 hours - $35 single, $65 return
- need to (5) …………………………………..
Questions 6-10. Complete the booking form below. Write one word or a number for each answer AIRPORT SHUTTLE BOOKING FORM 26 To: Milton No. of Date:
(6) ………………………………….. One passengers: Bus Time:
(7) ………………………………… Type of ticket: Single Name:
Janet (8) ………………………………….. London Flight No:
(9) ………………………………….. From: Heathrow Vacation Motel, Address in Milton: 24, Kitchener Street Fare: $35
(Visa) (10) ………………………………… Credit Card No: ..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 32. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. CAR INSURANCE Example Answer Patrick Name: Jones Address:
(1) ………………………….. Greendale Contact number: 730453 Occupation:
(2) ………………………….. Size of car engine: 1200cc Type of car:
Manufacturer: Hewton Model: (3) ………………………….. Year: 1997
Previous insurance company:
(4) …………………………..
Any insurance claims in the last five years?: Yes
If yes, give brief details:
Car was (5) ………………………….. in 1999 27 Name(s) of other driver(s):
Simon (6) …………………………..
Relationship to main driver: (7) ………………………….. Uses of car: - social
- (8) ………………………….. Start date: 31 January
Recommended Insurance arrangement Name of company:
(9) ………………………….. Annual cost:
(10) $…………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 33. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. Example Answer Part- Type of job required: time
Student is studying (1) …………………………………
Student is in the (2) …………………………………year of the course.
Questions 3-5. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Position Available Where Problem in Receptionist
the (3) ……………………………… evening lectures …
(4) ………………………………… in the Child Cane Centre too early in Clerical Assistant
the (5) ……………………………… evening lectures …
Questions 6-10. Complete the form below. . Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. STUDENT DETAILS Name: Anita Newman 28
(6) ………………………………… Address:
Room No. (7) ………………………………… Other skills: Speaks some Japanese
(8) …………………………………at the English Position available: Language Centre Respond to enquiries Duties:
and (9) ………………………………… Time of interview:
Friday at (10) …………………………………a.m.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 34. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer HOMESTAY APPLICATION Answe Example r Yuichi Surname: ni First name:
(1) ……………………………………… Sex: female Nationality: Japanese Passport number:
(2) ……………………………………… Age: 28 years
Present address: Room 21C, Willow College Length of homestay:
approx (3) ……………………………………… Course enrolled in:
(4) ……………………………………… Family preferences:
- no (5) ………………………………………
- no objection to (6) ………………………………………
Questions 7-10. Answer the questions below. Write no more than two words for each answer.
(7). ………………………………………What does the student particularly like to eat?
(8). ……………………………………… What sport does the student play?
(9). ………………………………………What mode of transport does the student prefer? 29
(10). ………………………………………When will the student find out her homestay address?
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 35. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1 and 2. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Example In the library George found A. a book. B. a brochure. C. a newspaper.
1. In the lobby of the library George saw
A. a group playing music.
B. a display of instruments.
C. a video about the festival.
2. George wants to sit at the back so they can A. see well. B. hear clearly. C. pay less.
Questions 3-10. Complete the form below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer.
3 …………………………….. Westsea
POSTCODE: 4 …………………………….. TELEPHONE:
5 …………………………….. Date Event Price per ticket No. of tickets 5 June
Instrumental group - Guitarrini £7.50 2 Singer (price includes 6 ………………...…. 17 June £6 2 in garden) 22 June
7 ………………..…...…. (Anna Ventura) £7.00 1 23 June
Spanish Dance & Guitar Concert
8 £ ………………...……………. 9 ………………...…………….
NB Children / Students / Senior Citizens have 10 discount on all tickets.
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 36. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER for each answer.
Total Insurance Incident Report Example Answer Name Michael Alexander Address
24 Manly Street, 1 ………………………….. 30 Sydney Shipping agent
2 ………………………….. Place of origin China Date of arrival
3 ………………………….. Reference number 601 ACK
Questions 4-10. Complete the table below. Write one word or a number for each answer. Item Damage Cost to repair/replace
The 4 ………………………….. Television not known needs to be replaced
The 5 ………………………….. The 6 …………………………..
7$………………………….. cabinet of the cabinet is damaged
A 8 ………………………….. is Dining room table $200 split about 10 $
Six 9 ………………………….. Set of china
………………………….. in were broken total
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 37. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example No. of bedrooms: Answer: four Preferred location: in the (1) area of town
……………………………. Maximum monthly rent:
(2) £……………………………. Length of let required:
(3) ……………………………. Starting: September 1st
Questions 4-8. Complete the table below. Write one word or a number for each answer. Address Booms Monthly rent Problem living/dining room, separate Oakington Avenue £550
no (4) …………………………. kitchen 31
large living room and kitchen,
the (5) …………………………. Mead Street £580 bathroom and a cloakroom is too large
living room, kitchen-diner, and Hamilton Road £550
too (7) ………………………….
a (6) …………………………….
living room, dining room, small Devon Close
(8) £…………………………. none kitchen
Questions 9 and 10. Choose two letters, A-E. Which two facilities in the district of Devon Close
are open to the public at the moment?
9. ………………………………. 10 ………………………………. A. museum B. concert hall C. cinema D. sports centre E. Swimmingpool
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 38. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer.
West Bay Hotel - details of job Example Answer
Newspaper advert for: staff
Vacancies for (1) ………………………………… • Two shifts + Can choose your (2) (must be the same each week)
Pay: £5.50 per hour, including a (3) …………………………………
+ A (4) …………………………………is provided in the hotel + Total weekly pay: £231 • Dress: a white shirt and (5) trousers (not supplied)
………………………………… a (6) (supplied)
Starting date: (7) …………………………………
+ Call Jane (8) ……………………………… (Service Manager) before (9) …………………………tomorrow (Tel: 832009)
+ She’ll require a (10) …………………………………
--------------------------------------------------- 32
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 39. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write no more than three words or a number for each answer. JOB ENQUIRY Example
Work at:
• Type of work: (1) ………………………………..
• Number of hours per week: 12 hours • Would need work permit
• Work in the: (2) ……………………………….. branch
Nearest bus stop: next to (3) ………………………………..
Pay: £ (4) ……………………………….. an hour • Extra benefits: - a free dinner
- extra pay when you work on (5) ………………………………..
- transport home when you work (6) ……………………………….. • Qualities required:
- (7) ………………………………..
- ability to (8) ………………………………..
Interview arranged for: Thursday (9) ……………………………….. at 6 p.m.
• Bring the names of two referees
Ask for: Samira (10) ………………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 40. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
.......hall.......of residence Name:
Anu (1) ……………………………………………….. Date of birth:
(2) ……………………………………………….. Country of origin: India Course of study:
(3) ………………………………………………..
Number of years planned in
(4) ……………………………………………….. 33 hall: Preferred catering half board arrangement:
Special dietary requirements:
no (5) ……………………………………………….. (red) Preferred room type:
a single (6) ………………………………………………..
the (7) ……………………………………………….. Interests: badminton
to be with other students who are (8) ………………………………………………..
Priorities in choice of hall:
to live outside the (9) ……………………………………………….. to have a (10) area for socialising
……………………………………………….. Contact phone number: 667549
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 41. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-5. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Apartments Facilities Other Information Cost Example: Rose Garden studio flat
entertainment programme: (0) £219 Apartments Greek dancing - just (1) metres ……………………….. large salt-water Blue Bay Apartments from beach £275 swimming pool - near shops
(2) ……………………….. terrace watersports £490 Apartments - - Greek paintings
overlooking (4) ……………………….. The Grand
(5) £………………………
- (3) ……………………….. - near a supermarket and a disco
Questions 6-10. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. GREEK ISLAND HOLIDAYS Insurance Benefits Maximum Amount 34 Cancellation
(6) £……………………….. Hospital
£600. Additional benefit allows a (7) to travel to resort ………………………..
(8) ……………………….. departure
Up to £1000. Depends on reason Personal belongings
Up to £3000; £500 for one (9) ………………………..
Name of Assistant Manager: Ben (10) ………………………..
Direct phone line: 081260 543216
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 42. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Health Centres Name of centre Doctor’s name Advantage Example especially good The Harvey Clinic Dr Green
with 1 ………………………
The (2) ………………………
offers (3) ……………………… Dr Fuller Health Practice appointments
Dr (4) …………………… The Shore Lane Health Centre …
Questions 5-6. Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO of the following are offered free of
charge at Shore Lane Health Centre? A. acupuncture B. employment medicals C. sports injury therapy D. travel advice E. vaccinations
Questions 7-10. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Talks for patients at Shore Lane Health Centre Subject Date/Time Location Notes of talk Giving 25th room 4 useful for people with up February at 7pm asthma 35
or (7) ……………………… smoking problems
the (8) …………………… Healthy 1st March at 5pm … anyone welcome eating (Shore Lane) Avoiding 9th March for injuries
at (9) …………………… room 6
all (10) …………………… during … … exercise
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 43. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
SELF-DRIVE TOURS IN THE USA Example Name: ...Andrea Brown.......
Address: 24 (1) …………………………Road Postcode: BH5 20P Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091
Heard about company from: (2) ………………………… Possible self-drive tours Trip One:
• Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some (3) ………………………… parks with her children
• Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a (4) ………………………… Trip Two:
• Customer wants to see the (5) ………………………… on the way to Cambria
• At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping
• At San Diego, wants to spend time on the (6) …………………………
Questions 7-10. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Numb Price er of Total distance Includes (per person) days Trip 12
(7) ………………………… £525 • accommodation 36 • car • One days km
one (8) …………………… …… • accommodation Trip (9) £ • car 9 Tw 980 km …………………… • days o ……
(10) ……………………… …
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 44. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
SECTION 1. Questions 1-10. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Transport Survey Example
Travelled to town today: by bus
Name: Luisa (1) ……………………………
Address: (2) …………………………… White Stone Rd Area: Bradfield
Postcode: (3) ……………………………
Occupation: (4) ……………………………
Reason for visit to town: to go to the (5) …………………………… Suggestions for improvement:
better (6) …………………………… have more footpaths
more frequent (7) ……………………………
Things that would encourage cycling to work:
having (8) …………………………… parking places for bicycles
being able to use a (9) …………………………… at work
the opportunity to have cycling (10) …………………………… on busy roads
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 45. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. 37
Questions 1-10. Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Parent or guardian: Carol Smith Personal Details Child’s name: Kate
Age: (1) …………………………………..
Address: (2) ………………………………….. Road, Woodside, 4032 Phone: 3345 9865 Childcare Information
Days enrolled for: Monday and (3) …………………………………..
Start time: (4) ………………………………….. am
Childcare group: the (5) ………………………………….. group
Which meal/s are required each day? (6) …………………………………..
Medical conditions: needs (7) …………………………………..
Emergency contact: Jenny (8) ………………………………….. Phone: 3346 7523
Relationship to child: (9) ………………………………….. Fees
Will pay each (10 ) …………………………………..
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 46. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. THORNDYKE’S BUILDERS Example
Customer heard about Thorndyke’s from a friend
Name: Edith (1) …………………………………….
Address: Flat 4, (2) ……………………………………. Park Flats
(Behind the (3) ……………………………………. ) Phone number: 875934
Best time to contact customer: during the (4) …………………………………….
Where to park: opposite entrance next to the (5) …………………………………….
Needs full quote showing all the jobs and the (6) …………………………………….
Questions 7-10. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. 38 Area Work to be done Notes Replace
the (7) …………………………………… Fix tomorrow in the door Kitchen
Strip paint and plaster approximately Paint wall above
one (9) ……………………………………. in
the (8) ……………………………………. advance One (10)
Garden ……………………………………. needs replacing (end of garden)
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 47. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
(1). How many people are Cindy and Bob planning the picnic for? .................................
(2). On which date will the picnic be held? .................................
(3). What is the total budget for food and drink per person? .................................
(4). Which food does Bob specifically say is unsuitable? .................................
Questions 5-8. Complete the following notes about the three catering companies Bob and Cindy discuss.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER. Paris Kitchen lack of variety of food
poor quality (5) ................................. Company Caterers expensive
(6) for groups of 30 or more Celebrations new company
only (7) .................................for picnics
(9).................................dishes offers free samples 39
Questions 9-10. Answer the questions using only a date or a telephone number.
(9). When will Bob and Cindy go to Celebrations? .................................
(10). What is Celebrations“ telephone number? .................................
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 48. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer Position Place Notes Speak foreign languages Parkview Have a
(1) …………………………… Hotel
valid (2) ……………………………
Include (3) …………………………… Pay is low Lakeside General Assistant Hotel
Free (4) ……………………………
Issue a (5) ……………………………
Wear (6) …………………………… Catering Assistant Hotel 98
Night shift work Travel outside the city
Questions 7-10. Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. RECRUITMENT PROCESS STEP ONE
Complete a (7) …………………………… STEP TWO
Do a (8) ……………………………about personal skills STEP THREE
Participate a training course involving (9) …………………………… STEP FOUR
Get a (10) ……………………………about the work
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 49. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. 40
Questions 1-6. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
A NUMBER for each answer. PATIENT RECORD
Time of appointment: 10:00 am
Given names: Simon (1) ................................. Family name: Lee
Date of birth: (2) .................................1989
Address: (3) .................................Adams Terrace, Wellington
Phone number: 0211558809
Name of insurance company: (4) .................................
Date of last eye test: (5) .................................
Patient’s observations: Problems seeing (6) in the .................................
Questions 7-10. Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
(7). When must Simon wear his glasses? for.................................
(8). What type of glasses are the least expensive? the .................................
(9). What is good about the glasses Simon chooses? they are .................................
(10). How does Simon decide to pay? . in/by .................................
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 50. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Question 1. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Example
(0). What’s the name of the accommodation house? A. Jerry House B. Thomas House C. Student House
(1). The accommodation was originally built as _____ A. student flat. B. local museum. C. private house.
Questions 2 and 3. Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which of the following TWO facilities are NOT in the house? A. bathroom B. balcony C. computer room D. garden E. garage
(2) …………………………..
(3) …………………………..
Questions 4-7. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. 41 RULE Bedroom and bathroom
(4). ………………………………
(5). ………………………………room Use before 11 p.m.
(6). ………………………………after Lounge 11 p.m Yard
(7). ………………………………
Questions 8-10. Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer
(8). ………………………………is only allowed on weekends.
(9). The opening time of the front door is ………………………………
(10). You can go to Room 101 beside reception to get a ………………………………
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 51. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-6. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Free activities in the Burnham area Example
0. The caller wants to find out about events on A. 27 June. B. 28 June. C. 29 June.
1. The ‘Family Welcome’ event in the art gallery begins at A. 10 am. B. 10.30 am. C. 2 pm.
2. The film that is now shown in the ‘Family Welcome’ event is about A. sculpture. B. painting. C. ceramics.
3. When do most of the free concerts take place? A in the morning B at lunchtime C in the evening
4. Where will the 4 pm concert of Latin American music take place? A. in a museum B. in a theatre C. in a library 5. The boat race begins at A. Summer Pool. B. Charlesworth Bridge. C. Offord Marina. 6. One of the boat race teams
A. won a regional competition earlier this year.
B. has represented the region in a national competition.
C. has won several regional competitions.
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Paxton Nature Reserve
7. Paxton is a good place for seeing rare ……………………. all year round.
8. This is a particularly good time for seeing certain unusual ……………………. 42
(9). …………….. alarm clock
(10). …………….. CD player
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 56. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-3. Complete the notes below write ONE WORD only for each answer.
information source : found in the brochure
Included services (1) ……………………….and accommodation
Sydney arrival date: 15th of (2) ……………………….
Accommodation criteria: (3) ……………………….
Questions 4-6. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. BOOKING INFORMATION
Room type: (4). ……………………….
Credit card holder: (5). John ……………………….
Total cost for one night: (6). ………………………. dollars
Questions 7-10. Complete the sentence below. Write no more than TWO words for answer.
(7). The ………………………. is within walking distance of the accommodation
(8). Hour customer books ……………………….
(9). Aboriginals stone carvings are in the ……………………….
(10). The Dreamtime can be experienced beneath the ……………………….
LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 57. Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed.
Questions 1-4. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Product Incident Report Example Answer Product: rice cooker
(1) …………………… Model Number: …. (2) £ Price of the Product: ………………………. Name of the Branch:
(3) …………………… 46