Mid-term test 3 on phonetics phonology - Ngôn ngữ Anh | Đại học Mở Hà Nội

Question 1: What is a phoneme? How are phonemes classified? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
Question 2: What is stress? What are the rules applied for affix-words? Give examples to illustrate your answer. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

Test No: 3
Full name: Khổng Hồng An
Date of birth: 01-04-1996
Group: FDNBD217A / 22C7137D1035
Question 1: What is a phoneme? How are phonemes classified? Give examples to illustrate
your answer.
Question 2: What is stress? What are the rules applied for affix-words? Give examples to
illustrate your answer.
N.B:* -The answers can be typed or written by hand, then changed into PDF form.
-Only answers in PDF form are accepted.
-The assignment which is copied or identical to others will be given mark 0.
The answers
Question 1:
- A phoneme is a unit of sound that can distinguish one word from another in a particular language.
Ex: PAN and BAN differ only in their initial sound: /p/ and /b/ are phonemes.
- The phonemes are classified into consonants and vowels.
· English has 44 phonemes which include 24 consonants (ex: n, m) , 12 vowels(ex: u:,i: ) and 8
diphthongs (ex: ae, ei).
Ex: Letter “A” can be pronounced: /ə/ in “ago”, /ei/ in “today” or /æ/ in hat”.
Question 2:
- Stress is the prominence given to the syllable. The prominence is made up of 4 factors: clearer,
longer, higher and louder.
· 3 types of stress
+ Word stress
+ Phrase stress
+ Sentence stress
Examples: father /'fa: ðə/ , information /|infə'men/
- The rule applied for affix-words often come into two main types, pre-fix and suffix word.
+ Stress in Pre-fix words:
- Do not affect the stress placement of the root words though some prefixes have their own stress.
Example: honest /’ɔ:nist/ - dishonest /dis ’ɔ:nist/
polite /pə ‘lait/ - impolite /impə ‘lait/
smoking /’sməu kiŋ/ anti-smoking /’ænti ’sməu kiŋ/
+ Stress in suffix words:
- Suffixes that carry their own stress: ese, ette, esque, ee…
Example : Japan /dʒə ‘pæn/- Japanese /dʒa p ‘ni:z/
- Suffixes that cause the change of stress placement to the preceding syllable: ial, ic, ion, ity
Examples: president /’pre zi dnt/- presidential /pre zi ‘denʃl/
economy /I ‘kɔ nəmi/- economic /,ikə ‘nɔ mik/
- Suffixes that cause no change to stress placement of the root words: ful, fy, y, er, ness, less, ing, ly,
Example: beauty /’bju ti/ - beautiful / ‘bju ti fəl/ - beautify /’bju ti fai/
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Test No: 3 Full name: Khổng Hồng An Date of birth: 01-04-1996
Group: FDNBD217A / 22C7137D1035
Question 1: What is a phoneme? How are phonemes classified? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
Question 2: What is stress? What are the rules applied for affix-words? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
N.B:* -The answers can be typed or written by hand, then changed into PDF form. (HANDWRITING IS PLUS)
-Only answers in PDF form are accepted.
-The assignment which is copied or identical to others will be given mark 0. The answers Question 1:
- A phoneme is a unit of sound that can distinguish one word from another in a particular language.
Ex: PAN and BAN differ only in their initial sound: /p/ and /b/ are phonemes.
- The phonemes are classified into consonants and vowels.
· English has 44 phonemes which include 24 consonants (ex: n, m) , 12 vowels(ex: u:,i: ) and 8 diphthongs (ex: ae, ei).
Ex: Letter “A” can be pronounced: /ə/ in “ago”, /ei/ in “today” or /æ/ in “hat”. Question 2:
- Stress is the prominence given to the syllable. The prominence is made up of 4 factors: clearer, longer, higher and louder. · • 3 types of stress + Word stress + Phrase stress + Sentence stress
Examples: father /'fa: ðə/ , information /|infə'meiʃn/
- The rule applied for affix-words often come into two main types, pre-fix and suffix word.
+ Stress in Pre-fix words:
- Do not affect the stress placement of the root words though some prefixes have their own stress.
Example: honest /’ɔ:nist/ - dishonest /dis ’ɔ:nist/
polite /pə ‘lait/ - impolite /impə ‘lait/
smoking /’sməu kiŋ/ – anti-smoking /’ænti ’sməu kiŋ/
+ Stress in suffix words:
- Suffixes that carry their own stress: ese, ette, esque, ee…
Example : Japan /dʒə ‘pæn/- Japanese /dʒa p ‘ni:z/
- Suffixes that cause the change of stress placement to the preceding syllable: ial, ic, ion, ity…
Examples: president /’pre zi dnt/- presidential /pre zi ‘denʃl/
economy /I ‘kɔ nəmi/- economic /,ikə ‘nɔ mik/
- Suffixes that cause no change to stress placement of the root words: ful, fy, y, er, ness, less, ing, ly, ment…
Example: beauty /’bju ti/ - beautiful / ‘bju ti fəl/ - beautify /’bju ti fai/