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Mock test for mid-term examination Writing AE2 | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Task 1: The following contains some problems with the writing style. Rewrite the text to make it more academic. The underlined phrases or sentences are suggested places for editing? Task 2: Read the text below and create a graphic display or an outline that categorizes the points made in the text in the next page? Task 3: Write a compare/contrast essay on the topic below. Pay attention to the use of academic language and a clear text structure? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.
Writing AE2 1 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 696 tài liệu
Mock test for mid-term examination Writing AE2 | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Task 1: The following contains some problems with the writing style. Rewrite the text to make it more academic. The underlined phrases or sentences are suggested places for editing? Task 2: Read the text below and create a graphic display or an outline that categorizes the points made in the text in the next page? Task 3: Write a compare/contrast essay on the topic below. Pay attention to the use of academic language and a clear text structure? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.
Môn: Writing AE2 1 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 696 tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
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Date: ………………, 2022
(Only textbook allowed; No Dictionary; No Telephone) Duration: 90 minutes
Student name: _______Nguyễn Trần Hoàng Nhi________________________________ Student ID:
Task 1: The following contains some problems with the writing style. Rewrite the text to make it
more academic. The underlined phrases or sentences are suggested places for editing (30 pts).
Here are the indicators of academic language: • Full forms • Formal connectors
• Use of nominal groups (verbs made into nouns) • Use of the passive voice • Concise vocabulary
• Objective and impersonal point of view
Importance of Student Attitudes
Student attitudes toward small group learning are an important component of the educational process for
at least two reasons. First, we hypothetically say that student attitudes reflect the quality of a student’s
learning experience. So, knowing student attitudes toward small group work can facilitate the
implementation of cooperative learning in classrooms. The way in which cooperative or small group
learning is being carried out and the degree to which teachers persevere with this pedagogical approach
may be enhanced by understanding the impact of student attitudes in this process. A second reason why
attitudes are important to the educational process is that student attitudes are hypothesized to influence
learning behaviors. It’s possible that negative attitudes toward group work may jeopardize group
interactions and relationships, as well as student learning. Attitudes, once formed, influence how students
think, feel, and behave. “Attitudes and beliefs are a subset of a group of constructs that name, define, and
describe the structure and content of mental states that are thought to drive a person’s actions”. If we can
measure these student attitudes, we may get important insights about how these attitudes enhance or
hinder learning. What is more, student attitudes toward small group learning can be used to examine
relationships between the nature of the small group environment and student cognitive and affective outcomes.
In this research, we will examine how student attitudes toward cooperative and small group learning
impinge upon the effectiveness of this promising instructional approach. We also try to get a better
understanding of small group learning via two data sources; an instrument assessing student attitudes
toward small group learning and an observation instrument capturing group behaviors and interactions.
Write your answer here. Original word/phrase
Possible edited word/phrase 0 It’s It is 1 we hypothetically say that
Researchers assumed that student attitudes reflect student attitudes reflect 2 As a result So 3 carried out 4 If we can measure these
If these students attitudes can be measured, people can student attitudes, we may get get 5 This research examines In this research, we will examine 6 We also try to get
People also make an effort to get
Task 2: Read the text below and create a graphic display or an outline that categorizes the points
made in the text in the next page. (20 pts) Causes of Borrowing
A common cause of lexical borrowing is the need to find words for new objects, concepts,
and places. Many place names on the North American continent, for instance, were taken from
Indian languages: Mississippi, and Waukegan, to cite just a few. From the American Indians we
also received—along with the items themselves—the words totem, wampum, and tomahawk.
From the aboriginal languages of Australia we get the words kangaroo and wombat. The word
gnu, referring to an African antelope, is borrowed from the Bantu languages of that continent.
The paths of lexical borrowing reflect to a certain extent the paths of cultural influence. For
example, a large proportion of the Arabic words in English pertain to the realm of science: zero,
cipher and alkali. These borrowings, which came to English through Spanish, attest to Arabic
influence in science and mathematics during the early medieval period. The importance of Italian
influence in music and the other arts is apparent from the long list of Italian loan words that belong
to this domain, such as opera, piano, and niche.
After the Norman conquest of England, great numbers of loan words came into English from
French. Included among these borrowed words are scores of terms in such areas as government,
the military, law, and religion, reflecting the fact that the Norman French, as the conquerors,
exerted predominant influence in these areas. Governmental terms that came to English from
French include crown, state, reign, and nation. Borrowed terms pertaining to military matters are
battle, army, war, peace, and danger. Our legal vocabulary has been enriched by such words as
jury, judge, and property. Terms of religious and moral significance include mercy, cruel, and lechery. 2
The prestige factor is a very common cause of lexical borrowing. The great prestige of
French culture was also strongly felt among the upper classes of Czarist Russia. It was
commonplace for the members of high society to speak French instead of Russian, and French
expressions of course found their way into Russian conversations. Latin and Greek had great
prestige in the world of scholarship during the Middle Ages. Consequently, words from Latin and
Greek have been finding their way into English (often through French) and into other European
languages ever since the Renaissance.
Write your answer here.
New title: ……Reason for lexical borrowing.
…Category:… A common cause of lexical borrowing ………………
……………………………………………………………………………………... …………Sub- category :
- The need to find words for new objects, concepts, and places. - Cultural influence.
- From French came into English. - The prestige factor.
Task 3: Write a compare/contrast essay on the topic below. Pay attention to the use of
academic language and a clear text structure (50 pts)
Many universities have now introduced two types of classes: online and on-campus.
Both have advantages and disadvantages with respect to students’ benefits. Write an
essay of 350 words to compare/ contrast the two approaches of learning above.
Write your answer here.
Many colleges and universities now offer both online and on-campus education. In
terms of student perks, both offer pros and downsides. In this essay, I will compare
these two ways of learning.
Learn online to get the most bang for your buck. Not only the lecturer, but also the
students, will not have to worry about the cost of commuting between the location and the
center with online learning at home. In this regard, when comparing online and
conventional learning, online learning offers a considerable benefit. Because it not only
cuts training time in half compared to traditional learning, but it also improves learning efficiency.
When comparing the amount of time spent studying between online and conventional
learning, online learning is far superior. Instead of spending hours driving, students may be
more flexible and proactive in scheduling their time by relocating to the study site. The
most significant distinction between online and conventional learning is that learners are
not constrained by place or time. You will not be required to have a permanent study
location, such as a school or a center, nor will you be required to be punctual.
Through technological platforms, online courses have experienced a dramatic change in
student support and feedback. When comparing online and conventional learning,
traditional learning still offers a stronger teacher-student relationship. In online learning,
the number of students who finish the course is lower than in offline learning. Of course,
this is dependent on the course's nature and the student's degree of devotion. When
considering this outcome, you should also consider enrolling in the course. You should not
study at home if you lack self-discipline, initiative, persistence, or focus. 4
This benefit is not impossible to achieve with online learning, but it will be more
challenging owing to the geographic distance between pupils. When comparing online and
conventional learning, studying offline at the center will undoubtedly be a great way to
strengthen social ties. When you go to school, you will meet new people, exchange
information, and share your joys and sorrows. Instead of studying for hours at a time
online at home, a group setting might boost learning motivation. This will allow you to
examine challenges from a variety of perspectives, as well as receive direct assistance from others when necessary.
You will have a good grasp of the differences between online and conventional learning
after reading this article, and you will be able to make the best decision for you. Each of
these two learning approaches has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. You should think
about which one is best for you based on the learners' goals and circumstances.
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