Morpho test 1 - Hình thái - Cú pháp học | Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

1. Basing on the function, morphemes can be classified as _____. a. derivational & inflectional morphemes b. bases & affixes c. free & bound morphemes d. root & stem 2. By form, morphemes can be classified as_____. a. free & bound morphemes b. derivational & inflectional morphemes c. bases & affixes d. root & stem. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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14 trang 5 tháng trước

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Morpho test 1 - Hình thái - Cú pháp học | Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

1. Basing on the function, morphemes can be classified as _____. a. derivational & inflectional morphemes b. bases & affixes c. free & bound morphemes d. root & stem 2. By form, morphemes can be classified as_____. a. free & bound morphemes b. derivational & inflectional morphemes c. bases & affixes d. root & stem. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

299 150 lượt tải Tải xuống
Sinh viên điêền đáp án ch n vào khung đáp án
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i giáo viên
     
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Sinh viên điêền đáp án ch n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò li theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, trao đi v
i giáoênvi
          
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89:;*<=>E">" ++,"5 
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  " 
 (
HI>+" "
   (
89:;*<=>*"+""+ 5"
 
 (
HI !>+" )
 ( "  
EXPLAIN: inflectional morphemes: plural, possessive, continuous …. But some plurals take a different
datum --> data
medium --> media
child children
ox --> oxen
moose -->
moose 
  "  (
EXPLAIN: It has 2 morphemes /bi:/ and n/ in which /n/ is a bound
morpheme 0+"1 )2######+"
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Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên
dò li theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, trao đi v
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0" "+"1""234>
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0" "+"1V
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0" "+"1+"234######
 "D$ 
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0" "+"1
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 ""D
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"D 
Coordina&ng conjunc&ons / coordinatorsD/ >and, or, but, so, nor, for, yet. (X*=J\N4
0" "+"1+ " "234######
"$   "D
0" "+"1++""" 234######
"$ 
 
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0" "+"1 234######
  "D
10456/2"   +2Simon isn’t as tall as
his brother. Hoặc đặt câu hỏi “He is how intelligent?” => as sẽ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ
=> nó là adverb
0" "+"1 
0" "+"1"
"$  ""D$
./01 
Sinh viên điêền đáp án ch n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên
dò li theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, trao đi v
i giáo viên
   
   
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( ) " 5$
*" "!")
E +" M
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")"D$""$ 
 E + M
 * 
 * 
 * "!")"+"
" * ".
 E +"D$ M
 *"D$  "!
 *"D$   " $ 
 *"D$ "") $
" *"D$ ".
EXPLAIN: An adjective phrase is a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a
sentence. The adjective in an adjective phrase can appear at the start, end or middle of the phrase.
The adjective phrase can be placed before or after the noun or pronoun in the sentence.
 E +"$ M
 *"$ "!$"D$"$
 *"$ "$
 *"$ "")"D
" *"$ ".
Other subordinating conjunctions that can show cause-and-effect relationships and function in the
same way are for, as, since, though, due to, provided that, because unless, and so/so that.
;5>,>GG+++ )G G"-DG
)" "1E) $+<+5+234######
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 )" "1+2 " ) (+5++)
 , 234######
 
"D$ 
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Sinh viên điêền đáp án ch n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên t chấếm theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, trao
đ i v oi gviêná
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NDcbcND 
NDcbcWD-JD 
0,1d) 52#######
NDcbcND 
NDcbcWD-JD 
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0,1d" ) !2#######
NDcbcND 
NDcbcJD 
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0,1W "")""".2#######
NDcbcND 
NDcbcJD 
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NDcbcND  NDcbcJD 
NDcbcND 
NDcbcWD-JD 
0,10 5"++52#######
NDcbcND 
NDcbcJD 
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NDcbcND 
NDcbcJD 
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NDcbcJD 
0,10" "ad"2#######
NDcbcND 
NDcbcWD-JD 
NDcbcND 
NDcbcWD-JD 
./01 F
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i giáo viên
    
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Sinh viên điêền đáp án ch n vào khung đáp án
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dò li theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, trao đi v
i giáo viên
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lOMoARcPSD|47206521 lOMoARcPSD|47206521 Morpho test 1
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A D A A C D A C A B A A B B B B B A A
Choose the best answer (0.5m x 20 = 10m)
1. Basing on the function, morphemes can be classified as _____.
a. derivational & inflectional morphemes b. bases & affixes c. free & bound morphemes d. root & stem
2. By form, morphemes can be classified as_____. a. free & bound morphemes
b. derivational & inflectional morphemes c. bases & affixes d. root & stem
3. According to their meaning, morphemes consist of_____. a. root & stem
b. derivational & inflectional morphemes c. free & bound morphemes d. bases & affixes 4. A stem is a_____.
a. word to which an affix is attached
b. morpheme with principal meaning
c. segment of language with lexical meaning d. base or root 5. A base is a_____.
a. morpheme with principal meaning
b. segment of language with meaning
c. word to which an affix is attached d. mono-morphemic word
6. Bases are different from affixes in their form, their meaning and_____. a. their function b. their position c. their quantity d. their characteristics
7. The underlined part in the word ‘ being’ is a (n)_____. a. bound base b. derivational suffix c. derivational infix d. inflectional suffix
8. The underlined part in the word ‘ taken’ is a (n) _____. a. inflectional suffix b. derivational suffix c. derivational infix d. bound base
9. The word ‘heights’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
10. The word ‘better’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
11. The word ‘width’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
12. The word ‘father’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
13. The word ‘apparatus’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
14. The word ‘weight’ contains _____ morpheme(s) a. one b. two c. three d. four
15. The underlined word in “the boys hats” contains _____ inflectional suffix(es) a. one b. two c. three d. four 1 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
EXPLAIN: leẽ ra 2 inflectional phả i biể u hiệ n ra như thếế này boys’snhưng cái s bị bỏ vì theo grammar rule
the s of the possessive indicator is removed when standing behind a plural noun (however we must know that it is still there)
16. The word oxen’s contains _____inflectional suffix(es) a. one b. two c. three d. four
17. The underlined part in ‘ running shoes’ is a (n)_____. a. inflectional suffix b. derivational suffix c. derivational infix d. bound base
18. The underlined part in ‘a reserved room’ is a (n) _____.
a. derivational suffix b. inflectional suffix c. derivational infix d. bound base
19. The underlined part in ‘a moving elephant’ is a (n) _____. a. inflectional suffix b. derivational suffix c. derivational infix d. bound base
20. The underlined part in ‘a finished job’ with the meaning ‘a perfect job’ is a (n) _____. a. derivational suffix b. inflectional suffix c. derivational infix d. bound base Morpho Test 2
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v i giáoênvi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B A A D A C A B A C C A A C C A D A D D
Choose the best answer (0.5m x 20 = 10m) 1. A word is a ______. a. free morpheme b. free form c. meaningful unit d. free base
EXPLAIN:Words are free forms: forms that can stand alone with meaning in written and spoken language. 2. A free form is a ______.
a. form that can occur on its own in speech or writing
b. form that has a lexical meaning
c. morpheme with principal meaning d. mono-morphemic form
3. A complex word is a word with______. a. at least one bound morpheme b. more than two morphemes c. 2 or more syllables d. a bound base
4. A simple word is a word with______.
a. two free morphemes b. a free morpheme + a bound morpheme c. a free base + a bound base d. a single free morpheme
5. A compound word is a unit with______.
a. two or more words joined together
b. two free bases joined together
c. two bound bases joined together
d. a free base and a bound base
6. The word ‘ height’ is a ______ word a. simple b. compound c. complex
EXPLAIN: it has 2 morphemes: /hai/ and /t/ in which /t/ is a bound morpheme
=> Complex words: words containing at least one bound morpheme.
7. The word ‘sunset’ is a ______ word a. compound b. simple c. complex
EXPLAIN: A compound word is composed of two or more free morphemes, e.g. blackboard, sunset,
8. The word ‘mother’ is a ______ word a. compound b. simple c. complex 2 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
EXPLAIN: “One.” There appears to be two words—“mot” and “her”—within “mother.” However, think about this, does
the meaning of the word “mother” stem from combining the meanings of the morphemes “mot” and “her”?
=> Simple words: words containing only one free morpheme.
9. The word ‘oxen’ is a ______ word a. complex b. compound c. simple
EXPLAIN: inflectional morphemes: plural, possessive, continuous …. But some plurals take a different morpheme: datum --> data medium --> media child children ox --> oxen moose --> moose cactus cacti
10. The word ‘been’ is a ______ word a. simple b. compound c. complex
EXPLAIN: It has 2 morphemes /bi:/ and n/ in which /n/ is a bound
morpheme 11. The word ‘phonology’ is a ______ word a. simple b. compound c. complex
12. A ′dancing teacher is a______. a. compound word b. a grammatical structure c. simple word d. complex word Stress Pattern
Gerund (focus vào loại): the primary stress is on the gerund. Ex: A ′swimming pool; a ′dancing teacher.
Present participle (focus vào hành động present): the primary stress is on the noun. Ex: A
barking ′dog; a dancing ′teacher
=> A ′dancing teacher có stress rơi vào gerund chứ không rơi vào noun => focus vào loại chứ không phải focus
vào hành động đang diếẽn ra => nó seẽ là compound word.
Distinguishing Compound Word (CW) and Grammatical Structure (GS) a. By meaning
The meaning of a CW is a lexical / idiomatic meaning, not the meanings of the constituent
words. Ex: a hot dog = a kind of cake / pie; a green house = a special kind of house
The meaning of a GS is made up by the meanings of the words in the phrase. Ex: a
green house = a house which is green; a barking dog = a dog which is barking b. By stress patterns
CW: the primary stress is on the first word. Ex: a ′green house; a ′swimming pool; a
‘dancing teacher (thầầy giáo để dạ y nhả y)
GS: the primary stress is on the second word. Ex: a green ′house; a girl ′friend
13. A girl ′friend is a ______. a. grammatical structure b. compound word 3 lOMoARcPSD|47206521 c. simple word d. complex word
14. The process of word formation in ‘ periwig => wig’ is______. a. blending b. back-formation c. clipping d. derivation Clipping
Clipping is the process of forming a new word by cutting off part(s).
Ex: Disco (discotheque); cab (cabriolet); curio (curiosity)
Sport (disport); bus (omnibus); chute (parachute)
Flu (influenza); fridge (refrigerator)
15. The process of word formation in ‘ view => preview’ is______. a. blending b. clipping c. derivation d. back-formation Derivation
Derivation is the forming of new words by adding derivational affixes to a stem.
Ex: disadvantage; worker; friendship; undo …
16. The process of word formation in ‘ lazy => laze’ is______. a. back-formation b. clipping c. blending d. derivation Back-formation
Back-formation is the formation of a word from one that looks like its derivative.
Ex: greed <= greedy; laze <= lazy; donate <= donation; typewrite <= typewriter …
17. The process of word formation in ‘ baby-sitter => baby-sit’ is______. a. derivation b. clipping c. blending d. back-formation Back-formation
Back-formation is the formation of a word from one that looks like its derivative.
Ex: greed <= greedy; laze <= lazy; donate <= donation; typewrite <= typewriter …
18. The process of word formation in ‘ television + marathon => telethon’ is______. a. blending b. clipping c. compounding d. derivation
19. The process of word formation in ‘ donation => donate’ is______. a. derivation b. clipping c. blending d. back-formation Back-formation
Back-formation is the formation of a word from one that looks like its derivative.
Ex: greed <= greedy; laze <= lazy; donate <= donation; typewrite <= typewriter …
20. The original word of ‘sport’ is______. a. sportive b. sport-cars c. sportum d. disport
SYNTAX - TEST 1: Form classes: Words
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v i giáo viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B A A BBBBACACAADABACA
Choose the best answer (0.5m x 20 = 10m)
1. By form the underlined word in ‘in the late morning’ is a(n)______. a. adjective b. noun c. adverb d. verb
2. By form the underlined word in ‘I usually sleep late mornings’ is a(n) ______. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun d. verb
3. By form the underlined word in ‘he’s always late to school’ is a(n) ______. 4 lOMoARcPSD|47206521 a. adjective b. noun c. adverb d. verb
4. By form the underlined word in ‘the tent flap blew open during the night’ is a(n)______. a. adjective b. noun c. adverb d. verb
5. By form the underlined word in ‘the detective looked hard’ is a(n) ______. a. adjective b. adjective/ adverb c. adverb d. verb
6. By form the underlined word in ‘the detective looked hard’ is a(n) ______verb. a. action b. linking /action c. auxiliary d. non-finite
6. By form the underlined word in ‘the detective worked hard’ is a(n) ______ verb. a. linking b. action c. auxiliary d. non-finite
8. By form the underlined word in ‘if anything goes wrong, tell me’ is a(n) ______ verb. a. linking / action b. linking c. auxiliary d. action
9. The underlined word in ‘he turned the car around’ is a(n) : a. adverb b. adjective c. preposition d. conjunction
10. The underlined word in ‘he is sitting nearest the window’ is a(n) ______. a. adverb b. adjective c. preposition d. conjunction
EXPLAIN: sau nearest là danh từ / cụm danh từ => nó là preposition
11. The underlined word in ‘he is sitting by the nearest window’ is a(n) ______. a. adjective b. adverb c. preposition d. conjunction
12. The underlined word in ‘the winter is coming nearer and nearer’ is a(n) ______. a. preposition phrase b. adjective phrase c. adverb phrase d. compound preposition
13. The underlined word in ‘he was caught last night in connection with the recent crime’ is a(n) ______. a. compound preposition b. adverb phrase c. preposition phrase d. compound conjunction
EXPLAIN: ta có preposition + danh từ / cụm DT
14. The underlined word in ‘ in case of danger, call me immediately’ is a(n) ______. a. compound preposition b. adverb phrase c. preposition phrase d. compound conjunction
EXPLAIN: ta có preposition + danh từ / cụm DT
15. The underlined word in ‘in case you are in danger, call me immediately’ is a(n) ______. a. coordinate conjunction b. preposition phrase c. compound preposition d. subordinate conjunction EXPLAIN:
Coordinating conjunctions / coordinators
join equal items: and, or, but, so, nor, for, yet. (FANBOYS)
16. The underlined word in ‘concerning the weather, the trip should be cancelled’ is a(n) ______. a. preposition b. adverb c. present participle d. conjunction
17. The underlined word in ‘concerning the weather, we decided to cancel the trip’ is a(n) ______. a. adverb b. present participle c. preposition d. conjunction
18. The underlined word in ‘he is as intelligent as me’ is a(n) ______. a. adverb b. pronoun c. preposition d. conjunction
EXPLAIN: u sed for c omparing one person, thing, or si
tuation with another :Simon isn’t as tall as
his brother. Hoặc đặt câu hỏi “He is how intelligent?” => as sẽ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ => nó là adverb 5 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
19. The underlined word in ‘he is as intelligent as me’ is a(n) ______. a. adverb b. pronoun c. preposition d. conjunction
EXPLAIN: ta có preposition + danh từ / cụm DT
20. The underlined word in ‘he is eating the same food as he offered me yesterday’ is a(n) ______. a. pronoun b. adverb c. preposition d. adjective SYNTAX TEST 2
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v
i giáo viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BAAC D ACBBABDC D CCBCC D
Choose the best answer (0.5m x 20 = 10m)
1. A clause contains at least one______. a. Non-finite verb b. finite verb c. auxiliary d. linking verb
2. A subordinate clause is identified by ______. a . its function b. headword c. finite verb d. main verb
3. Which of the following is not true about subordinate clauses?
a. they convey a complete meaning
b. they must always go with a main clause c. they can never stand alone
d. they consist of noun, adjective, and adverb clause
4. Which of the following is not true about noun clauses?
a. A noun clause acts as a noun
b. A noun clause can perform the functions of a noun
c. A noun clause is identified by the introducing word
d. A noun clause can be at different positions
5. Which of the following is not true about adjective clauses?
a. Adjective clauses are in function of nominal modifier
b. Adjective clauses are also called relative clauses
c. Adjective clauses are introduced by relative pronouns
d. Adjective clauses can be at different positions
EXPLAIN: An adjective phrase is a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a
sentence. The adjective in an adjective phrase can appear at the start, end or middle of the phrase.
The adjective phrase can be placed before or after the noun or pronoun in the sentence.
6. Which of the following is not true about adverb clauses?
a. Adverb clauses can be modifier of a verb, adjective, noun, adverb, or sentence
b. Adverb clauses act as an adverb
c. Adverb clauses are introduced by a subordinate conjunction
d. Adverb clauses can be at different positions 6 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
Other subordinating conjunctions that can show cause-and-effect relationships and function in the
same way are for, as, since, though, due to, provided that, because unless, and so/so that.
7. By form the underlined part in ‘Where you are living is what I want to know’ is a(n) ______. a. adverb clause b. adjective clause c. noun clause
8. By form the underlined part in ‘we’ll delay the picnic until next week, when the weather may be better ’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
EXPLAIN: là mệnh đếầ đứ ng sau danh ừt , bắết đầầu bắầng which, where, when… =>ectiveadj clause
9. By form the underlined part in ‘I’ll see you the day before you leave for America’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
EXPLAIN: I’ll see you on which day? => before you leave for America => adjective phrase (Đặt cầu hỏi Which)
10.By form the underlined part in ‘I don’t remember where I was born’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
11.By form the underlined part in ‘I’ll meet you after you’ve graduated from university’ is a(n) ______. a. adjective clause b. adverb clause c. noun clause
12.A simple sentence is the one consisting of______. a. only one finite verb
b. an independent and a main clause
c. a main clause and a subordinate clause d. only one clause
13.By structure, the sentence “Listed below are groups of words that are only pieces of sentences” is: a. simple
b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d. compound
EXPLAIN: Finite verb: 2 chữ “are”, ko có FANBOYS => 1 chính và phụ clause => cầu complex (phần loại dựa
theo structure: 2 finite rôầi xem coi có FANBOYS ko?, xemsau FANBOY là cái gì, nếếu FANBOY đứ ng trướ
c finite verb; FANBOYS đứng trước chủ t ừ thì )
14. By structure, the sentence “while making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of
each sentence and don’t forget to end the sentence with a period” is______. a. simple
b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d. compound
EXPLAIN: compound sentence là 2 clause nốối bằằng 1 FANBOYS.nhiềằu/ clause bằằng nhau nốối bằằng những FANBOYS
15.By function, the sentence “while making revisions, remember to capitalize the first word of
each sentence and to end the sentence with a period” is______. a. complex b. simple c. imperative d. compound
16. By function, the sentence “Don’t open the door when you are at home alone” is______. a. complex b. simple c. imperative d. compound 7 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
17. By form the underlined part in ‘Come to see me the day after you graduate from university’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
18. By form the underlined part in ‘In case you are in danger, call me’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
19. By form the underlined part in ‘Now that you’ve mastered the first step, you can continue with
the next one’ is a(n) ______. a. noun clause b. adjective clause c. adverb clause
20. By structure, the sentence “ Go and do whatever you want ” is______. a. simple
b. simple with compound predicate c. complex d.mixed SYNTAX Test 3
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v
i giáo viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B D A C B D C C C DBADBABAADA
Choose the best answer (1m x 10 = 10m) 1. The
underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. NP / M b. NP / OP c. PresPP / M d. PP / M
2. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. NP / DO b. NP / M c. NP / IO d. NP / OP
3. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. VP / P b. PP / M c. V / P d. NP / DO
4. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. PP / M / Aval b. NP / M / Ajal c. PP / M / Ajal d. NP / OP
5. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters” can be analyzed as: a. PP / M / Aval b. PP / M / Ajal c. NP / OC d. NP / M / Ajal 8 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
6. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters” can be analyzed as: a. PP / OC b. NP / DO c. NP / M d. NP / OC
7. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls
f rom time-wasters” can be analyzed as: a. InfP / OC b. VP / P c. InfP / DO d. PP / M / Aval
8. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters” can be analyzed as: a. NP / M / Ajal b. PP / M / Ajal c. NP / DO d. VP / P
9. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated” can be analyzed as: a. NC / DO b. NP / SC c. NP / DO d. NP / CoV 10.
The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated” can be analyzed as: a. AC / M / Aval b. NC / CoN c. NC / OC d. AC / M / Ajal
11. The underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ can be analyzed as: a. inf / S b. inf / predicate c. verb / S d. inf.P / Predicate
12. The underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ can be analyzed as: a. adj / CoV b. adj / SC c. adv / M d. adv / CoV
13. The underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ can be analyzed as: a. prest.part./ SC b. Ger / CoV c. N / CoV d. adj/SC
14. The underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ can be analyzed as: a. NP / M b. NP / DO c. advP/M d. NP / CoV
EXPLAIN: “whose stock” là direct object của “handling”
=> The client who was having his stock handled died.
15. The underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ can be analyzed as: a. Det / M b. Pro / M c. adj / CoN d. Adv / M
EXPLAIN: có thể viếếtạl i là=> The client who was having his stock handled died. => whose = his
16. The underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ can be analyzed as: a. AP / M b. VP / Predicate c. GP / DO d. Verb / Predicate
17. The underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ can be analyzed as: a. Verb / Predicate b. adj / M c. adv / M d. inf / Predicate
18. The underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ can be analyzed as: a. VP / Predicate b. VP / M c. AdvP / M d. inf.P/ Predicate
19. The underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ can be analyzed as: a. Inf.P / Predicate b. VP / Predicate c. NP / M d. Inf.P/ M
20. The underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ can be analyzed as: a. Pro / DO b. Pro / CoV c. N / DO d. Pro / M SYNTAX Test 3b
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên tự chấếm theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đớ i v oi gviêná
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AADD A ADDC B AADC AB AD B C 9 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
Choose the best answer (0.5m x 20 = 10m)
1. The sentence pattern of ‘Sandy must have been the culprit.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
2. The sentence pattern of ‘They are in agony.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
3. The sentence pattern of ‘They are at the cinema now.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
4. The sentence pattern of ‘My favorite dog is under the table.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
5. The sentence pattern of ‘My favorite hiding place is under the table.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
6. The sentence pattern of ‘Seeing is believing.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
7. The sentence pattern of ‘The appointment is in the afternoon.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
8. The sentence pattern of ‘In a corner of the room is an old wardrobe cramped with old clothes.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
9. The sentence pattern of ‘The rancher told his guests a tall tale.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
10. The sentence pattern of ‘Jerry thought the proposal a mistake.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
11. The sentence pattern of ‘Jameson stood loyal to his firm.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
12. The sentence pattern of ‘Donald continued my friend, despite our differences.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
13. The sentence pattern of ‘The bird flew high in the sky.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
14. The sentence pattern of ‘The director found him a new costume.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
15. The sentence pattern of ‘The milk remained sweet for a week.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
16. The sentence pattern of ‘The coach designated Jane the new manager of the team.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement 10 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
17. The sentence pattern of ‘The patient is lying still on the hospital bed.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
EXPLAIN: The patient HOW? -> the patient is lying still (đang nằằm bấốtộđ ng)
18. The sentence pattern of ‘Who is at the cottage this week?’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Direct object
d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
19. The sentence pattern of ‘The board elected Mr. John the president.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier
20. The sentence pattern of ‘She fed him the baby food.’ is _______.
a. Subject – Verb – Subject complement
b. Subject – Verb – Direct object - Object complement
c. Subject – Verb – Indirect object - Direct object d. Subject – Verb – Modifier SYNTAX TEST 4
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v i giáo viên
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Choose the best answer (1m x 10 = 10m)
1. By position, the underlined part in ‘coming home, I found my dog poisoned’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. nominal d. adverbial
EXPLAIN: found What (vậy found là transitive verb)– my dog How => transitive – DO - OC
“coming home” => ngằn cách cho cấu thường xyền là modifer cho cấu => v-ing thì là present
participle => cả cụm đặt cấu hỏi When => ADVERBIAL

2. By position, the underlined part in ‘coming home, I found my dog poisoned’ is a: a. adverbial b. adjectival c. verbal d. nominal EXPLAIN:
Trong 1 cụm, vd cụm đó present participle/infnity phrase mà chữ headword đc gạch dưới => tền headword là
gì thì cứ thềố mà ọg i như ng chứ c nằng và ịv trí luốn luốn là predicate/verbal
=> sau coming có chữ home, tức là nó có đuối thì luốn là …. / predicate / verbal => present participle /
predicate / verbal
3. By position, the underlined part in ‘coming home late at night is dangerous’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. nominal
EXPLAIN: là subject nền auto là nominal
4. By position, the underlined part in ‘coming home late at night is dangerous’ is a: a. adjectival b. nominal c. adverbial d. verbal
EXPLAIN: dangerous là subject complement => có thể hỏi What và How => Khống đặt What được vì 2 vềố
bằằng nhau (gerund phrase >< tnh ừt ) => đặ khống t cấu hỏ
i How => adjectival
5. By position, the underlined part in ‘coming home, I found my dog poisoned’ is a: a. verbal b. nominal c. adverbial d. adjectival
6. By position, the underlined part in ‘to be successful doesn’t mean to be wealthy’ is a: a. nominal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. verbal
EXPLAIN: “to be wealthy” => Infnity p / subject complement
Subject complement có thể đặt What và How
11 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
Đặ t What được vì hai vềố = nhau nominal
7. By position, the underlined part in ‘your requirement is over my ability’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. verbal
EXPLAIN: Subject complement có thể đặt What và How
=> không đặt What được vì hai vếế ko = nhau => đặt How => adjectival
8. By position, the underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ is a: a. adjectival b. verbal c. adverbial d. nominal
EXPLAIN: To be là infnity đứng 1 mình (mà có đuối => chức nằng là cốố đị nh => infnity / predicate/ verbal
9. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. nominal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. verbal
EXPLAIN: whose stock = his stock
The client who was having his stock handled died. => his stock chịu ảnh hưởng trực tiếếp ủc a việ c
handled => Direct Object => đặt cấu hỏi What => nominal
10. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. adjectival b. verbal c. adverbial d. nominal
11. By position, the underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ is a: a. adjectival b. nominal c. adverbial d. verbal EXPLAIN:
Late đứng sau linking verb là to be, ko có chủ t ừ => CoV => đặt cấu hỏi How => adjectival
12. By position, the underlined part in ‘to be late to an interview is disappointing’ is a: a. verbal b. nominal c. adverbial d. adjectival
13. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. nominal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. verbal
EXPLAIN: mđ đứng sau danh từ, ko có chữ that => adj clause / => Modifer / adjectival
position của whose => bổ nghĩa cho chữ stock => adjtectival whose
stock: np / DO của handling / Nal was handling: vp/p/val
14. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. adjectival b. nominal c. adverbial d. verbal
15. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. adjectival b. verbal c. adverbial d. nominal
16. By position, the underlined part in ‘the client whose stock he was handling died’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. nominal
17. By position, the underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. nominal 12 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
18. By position, the underlined part in ‘I come here to see you ’ is a: a. verbal b. adjectival c. nominal d. adverbial
EXPLAIN: mình đang phần vần “to see you” là CoV (bổ nghĩa cho come) hay là Modifier?
=> mình nhớ thầầy kếu CoV ít lắếm, ườth
ngứđ ng sau possessive verb nhưlà have => mình đoán nó rơi vào
phầầnớl n là Modifier / adverbial
=> nhưng mà nó là CoV thì nó cũng seẽ có thể là nominal hoặ c adjectival => sai
19. By position, the underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ is a: a. nominal b. adjectival c. adverbial d. verbal
20. By position, the underlined part in ‘I come here to see you’ is a: a. adverbial b. adjectival c. verbal d. nominal SYNTAX Test 5
Sinh viên điêền đáp án chọ n vào khung đáp án
Sau khi hoàn thành bài test, sinh viên dò lại theo Answer Key. Nêếu có vấến đêề, traoổ đới v
i giáo viên 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Choose the best answer (1m x 10 = 10m)
1. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I didn’t want him” can be analyzed as______. a. PN / DO / Nal b. PN / IO / Nal c. PN / C o V / Nal d. NP / IO / Nal
2. The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he is always asking” can be analyzed as______. a. VP / P / Val b. NC / S / Nal c. InfP / M / Nal d. VP / M / Aval 3.
The underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is a question he is always asking” can be analyzed as______. a. NP / SC / Nal b. NC / SC / Nal c. NP / CoV / Nal d. NC / M / Aval 4.
The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for Mr. Manners “can be analyzed as______. a. PP / M / Ajal b. PP / M / Aval c. PP / IO / Nal d. NP / DO / Nal 5.
The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for Mr. Manners “can be analyzed as______. a. NC / OC / Nal b. NC / DO / Nal c. NC / CoN / Nal d. AC / M / Ajal 6.
The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for Mr. Manners “can be analyzed as______. a. PP / OC / Nal b. PP / M / Ajal c. PP / IO / Nal d. PP / M / Aval
EXPLAIN: giốống cấu: I bought a car for her=> for her là receiver nền là IO 7.
The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a cure for TB” can be analyzed as______. a. AP / SC / Ajal b. A / SC / Ajal c. Av / M / Aval d. AvP / M /Ajal
8. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a cure for TB” can be analyzed as______. a. NP / M / Ajal b. NP / M / Aval c. AvP / M / Aval d. AvP / M /Ajal
9. The underlined part in “A century ago, it seemed unlikely that we would find a cure for TB” can be analyzed as______. a. NC / S / Nal b. NC / CoA / Nal c. NC / CoA / Ajal d. AvC / M / Aval 13 lOMoARcPSD|47206521
10. The underlined part in “The managing director was largely responsible for the collapse of the
company” can be analyzed as______. a. PP / C o A / Nal b. PP / M / Ajal c. PP / M / Aval d. PP / C o A / Aval
EXPLAIN: CoA, CoN thường là một mệnh đềằ relative bằốt đấằu bằằnghữ that,c which, what, whom…
11. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. NP / M / Aval b. NP / OP / Nal c. PresPP / M / Ajal d. PP / M / Ajal
12.The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. NP / DO / Nal b. NP / M / Aval c. NP / M / Ajal d. NP / OP / Nal
13. The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. PP / M / Aval b. PP / M / Ajal c. PresPP / M / Aval d. GP / M / Aval
14.The underlined part in “We will delay the papers, pending arrival of the contract” can be analyzed as: a. PP / M / Aval b. NP / M / Ajal c. PP / M / Ajal d. NP / OP / Nal
15. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters “ can be analyzed as: a. PP / M / Aval b. PP / M / Ajal c. NP / OC / Nal d. NP / M / Ajal
16. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters “ can be analyzed as: a. NP / OC / Ajal b. NP / DO / Nal c. NP / M / Aval d. NP / OC / Nal
17. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters “ can be analyzed as: a. InfP / OC / Nal b. VP / M / Ajal c. InfP / DO / Nal d. PP / M / Aval
EXPLAIN: ta thường nghĩa DO seẽ đứ ng trướ c OC => trong ấuc này => DO là “to answer calls from
time-wasters” đứ ng sau OC là “part of the job” => It chằốcàl object giả
=> The trainees didn’t consider to answer calls from time-wasters part of the job.
=> đối lúc DO đứng đằằng sau OC
18. The underlined part in “The trainees didn’t consider it part of the job to answer calls from
time-wasters “ can be analyzed as: a. InfP / P / Val b. PP / M / Ajal c. Inf / P / Val d. PP / M / Aval
EXPLAIN: “to answer” là từ chính => là infnity (chứ ko phải là inf phrase)
19.The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated “ can be analyzed as: a. NC / OC / Nal b. NP / SC / Nal c. NP / DO / Nal d. NP / CoV / Nal
20. The underlined part in “He hotly denied the rumor that was then being circulated “ can be analyzed as: a. AC / M / Aval b. NC / CoN / Ajal c. NC / OC / Nal d. AC / M / Ajal 14