ôn tập tiếng anh, trường đại học ngoại ngữ - đại học Đà nẵng

-    The Union Jack (Union Flag)

-    It embodies the emblems of 3 countries under one Sovereign. The emblems that appear on the Union Jack are the crosses of 3 patron saints.

-    Wales isn’t presented because when the first version of the flag appeared, Wales was already united with England.

1. The flag:
The Union Jack (Union Flag)
It embodies the emblems of 3 countries under one Sovereign. The emblems
that appear on the Union Jack are the crosses of 3 patron saints.
Wales isn’t presented because when the first version of the flag appeared,
Wales was already united with England.
2. British people
Britons, citizens of the UK
Historical context, “British” or “Britons” can refer to the , the Celtic Britons
indigenous inhabitants of Great Britain and Brittany
People in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland Celtic race:
Those : in England and lowland Scotland Germanic origin
3. Weather talk
Talking about the weather is an icebreaker because it is a neutral topic that
everyone can relate to. It is a way to start a conversation with someone you
don’t know well or haven’t seen in a while. Weather is also something that
affects everyone’s daily life, so it’s an easy way to find common ground and
fill awkward silences. In addition, weather can be unpredictable and change
quickly, so it can be a good conversation starter to gauge other people’s
4. Typical features of 4 lands of the UK
England has a moderate climate.
England is divided into 3 parts: the South, the Midland, and the North.
England is the most populated nation of the UK.
Can be divided into 3 distinct regions:
The Highlands
The Central Lowlands
The Southern Uplands
Famous for many lochs, the best known being Loch Ness
The kilt is the traditional Highlands dress, won by Scottish clansmen and
Scottish regiments.
Wales is almost entirely mountainous.
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Ques uk - On tập Cuối ki 201
Both English and Welsh are official language.
Wales is also called a land of music because many pp can sing well.
Northern Ireland:
Another name is “the Six Counties” as it has six administrative areas.
Temperate climate, with warm winters and cool summers.
Almost all residents of Northern Ireland speak English, a tiny percentage
speaks Irish Gaelic
1. What is the most typical form of transport in Britain?
Road transport is the most popular method of transport in Britain, carrying
over 90% of motorized passenger travel and 65% of domestic freight. The
major motorways and trunk roads, many of which are dual carriageways,
form the trunk network which links all cities and major towns. Nearly three-
quarters of households in Britain have regular use of a car.
2. Why does a pub attract many pub-goes in Britain?
One of the main attractions of the pub for all regular goers is that it offers
good company in friendly surroundings. The pub is the only indoor place
where the average person can comfortably meet others, even strangers, and
get into prolonged conversations with them.
3. How many types are there in Britain? 7
Adoptive family
Multi – generational
Nuclear family
Same – sex family
Single parent family
Extended family
4. What are the aspects of social etiquette in Britain?
Greetings and meetings
Time and punctuality
Eating etiquette
Behaving in public places
Body language and dress code
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Ques uk - On tập Cuối ki 201
Communication Styles
Building relationships
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9/11/24, 11:23 PM
Ques uk - On tập Cuối ki 201 UNIT 1 1. The flag:
 The Union Jack (Union Flag)
 It embodies the emblems of 3 countries under one Sovereign. The emblems
that appear on the Union Jack are the crosses of 3 patron saints.
 Wales isn’t presented because when the first version of the flag appeared,
Wales was already united with England. 2. British people
 Britons, citizens of the UK
 Historical context, “British” or “Britons” can refer to the Celtic Britons, the
indigenous inhabitants of Great Britain and Brittany
 People in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland: Celtic race
 Those in England and lowland Scotland: Germanic origin 3. Weather talk
 Talking about the weather is an icebreaker because it is a neutral topic that
everyone can relate to. It is a way to start a conversation with someone you
don’t know well or haven’t seen in a while. Weather is also something that
affects everyone’s daily life, so it’s an easy way to find common ground and
fill awkward silences. In addition, weather can be unpredictable and change
quickly, so it can be a good conversation starter to gauge other people’s mood.
4. Typical features of 4 lands of the UK England:
 England has a moderate climate.
 England is divided into 3 parts: the South, the Midland, and the North.
 England is the most populated nation of the UK.  Scotland:
 Can be divided into 3 distinct regions:  The Highlands  The Central Lowlands  The Southern Uplands
 Famous for many lochs, the best known being Loch Ness
 The kilt is the traditional Highlands dress, won by Scottish clansmen and Scottish regiments.  Wales:
 Wales is almost entirely mountainous. about:blank 1/3 9/11/24, 11:23 PM
Ques uk - On tập Cuối ki 201
 Both English and Welsh are official language.
 Wales is also called a land of music because many pp can sing well.  Northern Ireland:
 Another name is “the Six Counties” as it has six administrative areas.
 Temperate climate, with warm winters and cool summers.
 Almost all residents of Northern Ireland speak English, a tiny percentage speaks Irish Gaelic UNIT 2
1. What is the most typical form of transport in Britain?
 Road transport is the most popular method of transport in Britain, carrying
over 90% of motorized passenger travel and 65% of domestic freight. The
major motorways and trunk roads, many of which are dual carriageways,
form the trunk network which links all cities and major towns. Nearly three-
quarters of households in Britain have regular use of a car.
2. Why does a pub attract many pub-goes in Britain?
 One of the main attractions of the pub for all regular goers is that it offers
good company in friendly surroundings. The pub is the only indoor place
where the average person can comfortably meet others, even strangers, and
get into prolonged conversations with them.
3. How many types are there in Britain? 7  Adoptive family  Multi – generational  Nuclear family  Same – sex family  Stepfamily  Single parent family  Extended family
4. What are the aspects of social etiquette in Britain?  Greetings and meetings  Time and punctuality  Queuing  Invitations  Eating etiquette  Tipping  Behaving in public places  Body language and dress code about:blank 2/3 9/11/24, 11:23 PM
Ques uk - On tập Cuối ki 201  Communication Styles  Building relationships about:blank 3/3