Personal Best B1 Grammar Tests Answer Key - Tài liệu Tiếng Anh

Exercise 1 State verbs – feels, don’t remember, hear, want, don’t mean, think Action verbs – gets, are you calling, is making, share Exercise 2 1 What do they do for a living? 2 Do you have an address for Leo? 3 Who is Vanda’s friend talking to? 4 Is Tom looking for something? 5 Who did you share an apartment with? 6 What am I going to do? 7 What part of the city do they live in?. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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Personal Best B1 Grammar Tests Answer Key - Tài liệu Tiếng Anh

Exercise 1 State verbs – feels, don’t remember, hear, want, don’t mean, think Action verbs – gets, are you calling, is making, share Exercise 2 1 What do they do for a living? 2 Do you have an address for Leo? 3 Who is Vanda’s friend talking to? 4 Is Tom looking for something? 5 Who did you share an apartment with? 6 What am I going to do? 7 What part of the city do they live in?. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

114 57 lượt tải Tải xuống
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
Unit %1 %%
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1 8/0+!'(!+/#5!'(!"(,!0!$292)4:!
2 ;(!5(6!/09#!0)!0'',#%%!"(,!<#(:!
3 8/(!2%!=0)'0*%!",2#)'!+0$32)4!+(:!
4 >%!?(-!$( ( 3 2) 4!" ( ,!%( -#+/2)4 : !
5 8/(!'2'!5(6!%/0,#!0)!0@0,+-#)+!12+/:!
6 8/0+!0-!>!4(2)4!+(!'(:!
7 8/0+!@0,+!("!+/#!72+5!'(!+/#5!$29#!2):!
8 82$$!5(6!102+!"(,!-#!/#,#:!
9 8/0+!2%!/2%!"09(,2+#!%(77#,!+#0 -:!
10 8/(!2%!+/0+!1(-0)!12+/!.$()'#!/02,:!
Unit%2 %
1!! +((3!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!10%!@$052)4!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!'#72'#'!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!/0')*+!+,09#$#'!A!/0'!)(+!+,09#$#'!!!!!!!!!!
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10! 10%!102+2)4!
1!! 6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!6%#'!+(!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!6%#!+(!A!6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!6%#'!+(!!!!!!!!!!
6! 6%#!+(!A!6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!6%60$$5!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!6%#'!+(!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!6%#'!+(!
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
Unit%3 %
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1 7(,,#7+!
2 G#!$(%+!/2%!10$$#+&!whichAthat!/0'!HIJJ!2)!2+K!
3 >!"#$+!%(!%(,,5!"( ,!/ #, !@ 0,# ) + %&!whose!/(6%#!10%!'#%+,(5#'!2)!+/#!"$(('K!
4 >!'()*+!4#+!0$()4!12+/!@#(@$#!whose!()$5!2)+#,#%+!2%!-()#5K!
5 ?1(!%+,##+%!(9#,!2%!+/#!/(6%# !where!-5!"0+/#,!10%!.(,)K!
6 ?/0+*%!L/0,$2#*%!%2%+#,!Jo,%who!2%!M(.*%!@ 0 ,+) # ,K!
7 8#*,#!+032)4!5(6!+(!0!,#%+06,0)+!whichAthat!/0%!1()!010,'%!"(,!2+%!"(('K!
8 7(,,#7+!
9 >%!+/0+!+/#!@# ,% ( ) !who!1()!+/#!$(++#,5:!!!
10 ?/#5!+($'!+/#!%+(,5!+(!Jon,%who!+/ #) !+($'!#9 #,5( )# !#$%#K!
Unit%4 %
1!! -0)5!A!0!$(+!("!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!$2++$#!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!@$#)+5!("!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!#)(64/!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!+( (!- 0 )5!A!#) (6 4/ !!!!!!!!!!
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1!! 0%!4(('!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!-(,#!%+5$2%/!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!+/#!5(6)4#%+!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!1(,%#!+/0)!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!7() 9#)2#)+! 0%!!!!!!!!!!
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Unit%5 %
1 >’ll!come%/!will%come%+(!+/#!-(92#%!12+/!5(6!2"!+/#,#*%!0!4(('!-(92#!()K!
2 <#+!-#!3)(1!2"!M(.!calls!2)!+/#!)#N+!+#)!-2) 6 +# % K!
3 >"!+/#!%+(,#!'( # %) *+ !-03#!#) ( 6 4/ !-()#5 &!2+’ll%clo se %/%will%close.%
4 L(6$'!5(6!70$$!-#!0%!%(()!0%!5(6’re%/%are%,#0'5!+(!$#0 9#:!
5 O)$#%%!/#!sees!2+!12+/!/2%!(1) !# 5# %&!/ # !1 ( ) *+!.# $2# 9# !2+K !
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
6 >"!5(6!don’t!10)+!+(!4(!+(!+/#!@0,3&!1#!70)!4(!%(-#1/#,#!#$%#K!
7 8#!won’t!%+0,+!+/2%!-##+2)4!6)+2$!#9#,5()#!2%!/#,#K!
8 >"!@#(@$#!don’t!$23#!+/# !"( ( ' !2)!0 !,# %+0 6 ,0 ) +&!+/ #5 !' ( )*+!6 % 60 $$5 !,#+ 6 ,) K !
9 P(6!won’t!%$##@!9#,5!1#$$!2"!5(6!'()*+!%+(@!1(,32)4!)(1K!
10 8#!6%60$$5!4(!(6+!"(,!0!10$3!()!Q6)'05!0"+#,) ( () %!6) $#%%! 2+’s %/%is %1#+K!
1!! 12$$!4#+!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!-05!(""#,!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!12$$!/09#!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!4(2)4!+(!4(!!!!!!!!!!
5! 12$$!/0@@#)!A!2%!4(2)4!+(!/0@@#)!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!*$$!@,(. 0 . $ 5!$ ( %# !!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!12$$!'#"2)2+#$5!0""#7+!!!!!!!!!!
8! -24/+!)(+!92%2+!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!2%!4(2)4!+(!/0@@#)!A!12$$!/0@@#)!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!-05!0$,#0'5!.#!
Unit%6 %
1 G(1!$()4!have%you%been%6)#-@$(5#':!
2 Q(!1/0+!have%you%done%0.(6+!2+!%(!"0,:!
3 7(,,#7+!
4 7(,,#7+!
5 R!$0%+!-()+/&!>!sent%-5!,S%6-S!+(!0!"#1 !B(. !04# )72# %!0%!1 #$$K!
6 Did%you%have%-0)5!2)+#,92#1%!5#+:!
7 R!>!didn’t%have%/!did%not%have!+/#!,24/+!#N@#,2#)7#!"(,!+/0+!@0,+276$0 ,!B(.K!
8 7(,,#7+!
9 D7+60$$5&!>already%thought%0.(6+!'(2)4!+/0+&!0%!1#$$T!
10 8#’ve%known%/%h a v e %kn o wn%#07/!(+/#,!%2)7#!1#!1#,#!2)!7($$#4#!
1!! *9#!.## ) !7 0 +7 / 2)4!A!/09 # !.##)!70+7/2)4!A!*9#!7064/+!A!/09#!706 4/+!!!!!!!!!!
4!!!!!!/09#)*+!.##)!10+7/2)4!A!/09#!)(+!.##)!10+7/2)4!!!!!!!!!5%%%%%%!*%!.## ) !%0 9 2)4!6@!A !/ 0 %!. # # )!%092) 4!6@!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!
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10! /09#)*+!1(,3#'!A!/09#!)(+!1(,3#'!A!/09#)*+!.##)!1(,32)4!A!/09#!)(+!.##)!1(,32)4!
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
Unit%7 %
1!! /09#!.##)!2)+,('67#'!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!2%!'6..# ' !!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!.##)!0''#'!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!2%!6%#'!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!0,46#!!!!!!!!!!
6! )##'!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!0,#!1#!.#2)4!0""#7+#'!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!0,#)*+!/#$@#'!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!-05!$(%#!!!!!!!!!!
10! %/(6$'!.#!%+6'2#'!
1!! M#U6#%+!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!D.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!D.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!D.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!F(%%2.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!F(%%2.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!!
7! M#U6#%+!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!F(%%2.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!F(%%2.2$2+5!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!D.2$2+5!
Unit%8 %
1!! '2')*+!%/#!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!'2'!5(6!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!1(6$')*+!2+!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!0,#!+/#5!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!2%!2+!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!'()*+!+/#5!!!!!!!!!!
7! %/(6$')*+!>!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!2%)*+!2+!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!1(6$'!5(6!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!7(6$'!1#!
1!! %/(6$'!.#!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!;2'!/#!/09#!+(!1(,3!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!%/(6$')*+!4#+!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!/0%!+(!%@#)'!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!%/(6$'!+,5!!!!!!!!!!
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10! /09#!+(!4(%
Unit%9 %
1!! $((3%!$23# !!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!*%!$23#!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!8(6$'!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!%-#$$%!$23#!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!+0%+#%!$23#!!!!!!!!!!
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7! )(+!+(!+#$$!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!W(+!.#2)4!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!%##2)4!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!+(!.65!
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
Unit%10 %
1!! >!7(6$'!,# -#-. # ,!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!*'!B6%+!0 , ,29 # ' !!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!/0'!.##)!%)(12)4!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!7064/+!!!!!!!!!!
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10! 7(6$')*+!429#!
1 >"!5(6!helped!-(,#!12+/!+/#!/(6%#1(,3&!>!1(6$')*+!.#!%(!+2,#'K!
2 >+!-24/+!.#!. # ++ #, !2"!1 # !trav ele d!+/ #,# !.5!+,02) K!
3 >"!1#!$29#'!/# ,#!0 $$!+ / #!+ 2-#&!1#!could!10$3!()!+/#!.#07/!#9#,5!'05K!
4 >"!>!were!5(6&!>*'!$2%+#)!+(!/#,!0'927#!9#,5!70,#"6$$5K!
5 ?/2)4%!1(6$')*+!.#!%(!.0'!2"!5(6!didn’t%have!+(!7(--6+#!#9#,5!'0 5K!
6 8#*'!0$$!/09#!0!"0)+0%+27!+2-#!2"!5(6!came!()!9070+2()!12+/!6%K!
7 >"!5(6!bought!0!@$07#!)#0,!6%&!1#!7(6$'!%##!#07/!(+/#,!-(,#!("+#)K!
8 >"!+/#5!'2')*+!10)+!+(!%+05!12+/!6%&!+/#5!could!%+05!0+!0!/(+#$K!
9 >*'!'#"2)2+#$5!$#) ' !5 ( 6 !+/ # !-()#5!2"!>!had!2+K!
10 ?/#!@($27#!1(6$')*+!0,,#%+!/2-!2"!+/#5!didn’t!+/2)3!/#!10%!462$+5K!
Unit%11 %
1!! 0!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!0!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!+/#!A!0!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!0)!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!XYZ!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!+/#!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!+/#!!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!XYZ!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!0!!!!!!!!!!
10!! XYZ!
1!! *'!/0'!A !/ 0 ' !/0'!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!-24/+!/09#!4(++#)!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!/0')*+!1(3#)!A!/0'!)(+!1(3#)!!!!!!!!!!
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9! -24/+)*+!/09#!#)B(5#'!A!-24/+!)(+!/09#!#)B(5#'!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!/0')*+!7/0)4#'!A!/0'!)(+!7/0)4#'K!
Unit%12 %
1!! >!'()*+!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!W#2+/#,!'(!>!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!>!'( !!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!Q(!'2'!>!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!W#2+/#,!70)!>!!!!!!!!!!
6! W#2+/#,!12$$!>!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!>!7(6 $' !!!!!!!!!8!!!!!!Q(!/09#!>!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!>!1(6$' ) *+!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!Q(!0-!>!
Personal)Best)B1+"©"Richmon d"2018"
1!! -05!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!-24/+!.#!!!!!!!!!3!!!!!!-6%+!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!!-6%+!.#!!!!!!!!!5!!!!!!70)*+!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!-6%+!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!-24/+!!!!!!!!!!
8! 70)*+!/09#!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!!-6%+!!!!!!!!!10!!!!!!7(6$'!
| 1/6

Preview text:

GRAMMAR ANSWER KEY Unit 1 Exercise 1
State verbs – feels, don’t remember, hear, want, don’t mean, think
Action verbs – gets, are you calling, is making, share Exercise 2 1 What do they do for a living? 2
Do you have an address for Leo? 3
Who is Vanda’s friend talking to? 4 Is Tom looking for something? 5
Who did you share an apartment with? 6 What am I going to do? 7
What part of the city do they live in? 8 Wil you wait for me here? 9
What is his favorite soccer team?
10 Who is that woman with blonde hair? Unit 2 Exercise 1 1
took 2 was playing 3 decided 4 hadn’t traveled / had not traveled 5
were riding 6 jumped 7 realized 8 had escaped 9 opened 10 was waiting Exercise 2 1
usual y 2 used to 3 use to / usual y 4 usual y 5 used to 6
use to / usual y 7 usual y 8 usual y 9 used to 10 used to 1
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018 Unit 3 Exercise 1 1
Intention 2 Arrangement 3 Offer 4 Instant Decision 5 Instant Decision 6
Intention 7 Promise 8 Arrangement 9 Arrangement 10 Intention Exercise 2 1 correct 2
He lost his wal et, which/that had $200 in it. 3
I felt so sorry for her parents, whose house was destroyed in the flood. 4
I don’t get along with people whose only interest is money. 5
Two streets over is the house where my father was born. 6
That’s Charlie’s sister Jo, who is Rob’s partner. 7
We’re taking you to a restaurant which/that has won awards for its food. 8 correct 9
Is that the person who won the lottery?
10 They told the story to Jon, who then told everyone else. Unit 4 Exercise 1 1
many / a lot of 2 little 3 plenty of 4 enough 5 too many / enough 6
too 7 much / a lot of 8 no 9 a few 10 aren’t any / are no Exercise 2 1
as good 2 more stylish 3 the youngest 4 worse than 5 convenient as 6
most exciting 7 hotter than 8 the nicest 9 more spacious 10 as friendly Unit 5 Exercise 1 1
I’ll come / will come to the movies with you if there’s a good movie on. 2
Let me know if Rob calls in the next ten minutes. 3
If the store doesn’t make enough money, it’ll close / will close. 4
Could you cal me as soon as you’re / are ready to leave? 5
Unless he sees it with his own eyes, he won’t believe it. 2
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018 6
If you don’t want to go to the park, we can go somewhere else. 7
We won’t start this meeting until everyone is here. 8
If people don’t like the food in a restaurant, they don’t usually return. 9
You won’t sleep very wel if you don’t stop working now.
10 We usual y go out for a walk on Sunday afternoons unless it’s / is wet. Exercise 2 1
wil get 2 may offer 3 wil have 4 going to go 5
wil happen / is going to happen 6 ’ll probably lose 7 wil definitely affect 8
might not visit 9 is going to happen / wil happen 10 may already be Unit 6 Exercise 1 1
How long have you been unemployed? 2
So what have you done about it so far? 3 correct 4 correct 5
… last month, I sent my résumé to a few job agencies as wel . 6
Did you have many interviews yet? 7
… I didn’t have / did not have the right experience for that particular job. 8 correct 9
Actual y, Ialready thought about doing that, as well!
10 We’ve known / have known each other since we were in col ege Exercise 2 1
’ve been catching / have been catching / ’ve caught / have caught
2 have you lived / have you been living 3 haven’t seen / have not seen
4 haven’t been watching / have not been watching 5 ’s been saving up / has been saving up 6 have you known
7 ’s been going / has been going 8 ’s been listening / has been listening 9 Have you been
10 haven’t worked / have not worked / haven’t been working / have not been working 3
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018 Unit 7 Exercise 1 1
have been introduced 2 is dubbed 3 been added 4 is used 5 argue 6
need 7 are we being affected 8 aren’t helped 9 may lose 10 should be studied Exercise 2 1
Request 2 Ability 3 Ability 4 Ability 5 Possibility 6 Possibility 7
Request 8 Possibility 9 Possibility 10 Ability Unit 8 Exercise 1 1
didn’t she 2 did you 3 wouldn’t it 4 are they 5 is it 6 don’t they 7
shouldn’t I 8 isn’t it 9 would you 10 could we Exercise 2 1
should be 2 Did he have to work 3 shouldn’t get 4 has to spend 5 should try 6
can’t tel 7 don’t have to worry 8 ’ll have to give 9 ’ll have to meet 10 have to go Unit 9 Exercise 1 1
looks like 2 ’s like 3 Would 4 smel s like 5 tastes like 6
does it look like 7 like 8 feel like 9 ’d like 10 ’s it like Exercise 2 1
Eating 2 to discuss 3 to do 4 cleaning up 5 to say 6 not having 7
not to tel 8 Not being 9 seeing 10 to buy 4
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018 Unit 10 Exercise 1 1
I could remember 2 ’d just arrived 3 had been snowing 4 caught 5
had broken 6 had walked 7 was expecting 8 ’d hidden 9 he’d done 10 couldn’t give Exercise 2 1
If you helped more with the housework, I wouldn’t be so tired. 2
It might be better if we traveled there by train. 3
If we lived here all the time, we could walk on the beach every day. 4
If I were you, I’d listen to her advice very careful y. 5
Things wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have to commute every day. 6
We’d al have a fantastic time if you came on vacation with us. 7
If you bought a place near us, we could see each other more often. 8
If they didn’t want to stay with us, they could stay at a hotel. 9
I’d definitely lend you the money if I had it.
10 The police wouldn’t arrest him if they didn’t think he was guilty. Unit 11 Exercise 1 1
a 2 a 3 the / a 4 an 5 (–) 6 the 7 the 8 (–) 9 a 10 (–) Exercise 2 1
’d had / had had 2 might have gotten 3 hadn’t woken / had not woken 4
’d been / had been 5 wouldn’t have known / would not have known 6 might have stopped 7
’d have arrived / would have arrived 8 hadn’t rained / had not rained 9
mightn’t have enjoyed / might not have enjoyed 10 hadn’t changed / had not changed. Unit 12 Exercise 1 1
I don’t 2 Neither do I 3 I do 4 So did I 5 Neither can I 6
Neither wil I 7 I could 8 So have I 9 I wouldn’t 10 So am I 5
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018 Exercise 2 1
may 2 might be 3 must 4 must be 5 can’t 6 must 7 might 8
can’t have 9 must 10 could 6
Personal Best B1+ © Richmond 2018