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● Android is an ecosystem
● Android platform architecture
● Android Versions
● Challenges of Android app development
● App fundamentals

Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
1 1
Where is
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Where is everything?
For a list of all the materials for the course,
see the course overview page at
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Introduction to
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
1 1
Build your first
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Lesson 1
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
1.0 Introduction to Android
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android is an ecosystem
Android platform architecture
Android Versions
Challenges of Android app development
App fundamentals
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android Ecosystem
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
What is Android?
Mobile operating system based on Linux kernel
User Interface for touch screens
Used on over 80% of all smartphones
Powers devices such as watches, TVs, and cars
Over 2 Million Android apps in Google Play store
Highly customizable for devices / by vendors
Open source
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android user interaction
Touch gestures: swiping, tapping, pinching
Virtual keyboard for characters, numbers, and emoji
Support for Bluetooth, USB controllers and peripherals
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android and sensors
Sensors can discover user action and respond
Device contents rotate as needed
Walking adjusts position on map
Tilting steers a virtual car or controls a physical toy
Moving too fast disables game interactions
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android home screen
Launcher icons for apps
Self-updating widgets for live content
Can be multiple pages
Folders to organize apps
"OK Google"
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android app examples
Pokemon GO
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android Software Developer Kit (SDK)
Development tools (debugger, monitors, editors)
Libraries (maps, wearables)
Virtual devices (emulators)
Documentation (
Sample code
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android Studio
Official Android IDE
Develop, run, debug,
test, and package apps
Monitors and
performance tools
Virtual devices
Project views
Visual layout editor
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Google Play store
Publish apps through Google Play store:
Official app store for Android
Digital distribution service operated by Google
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android Platform
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android stack
1. System and user apps
2. Android OS API in
Java framework
3. Expose native APIs;
run apps
4. Expose device
hardware capabilities
5. Linux Kernel
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
System and user apps
System apps have no special status
System apps provide key capabilities to app developers
Your app can use a system app to deliver a SMS
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Java API Framework
The entire feature-set of the Android OS is available to you
through APIs written in the Java language.
View class hierarchy to create UI screens
Notification manager
Activity manager for life cycles and navigation
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
Android runtime
Each app runs in its own process with its own instance of the
Android Runtime.
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Introduction to
C/C++ libraries
Core C/C++ Libraries give access to core native Android
system components and services.
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Android Deve loper Fundamentals V2 Where is everything? This work k is licensed un u der n a Cr C eative Andro nd id ro id D evelo e p lo er p Fu er nd n am d en am ta en ls ta ls V2 Co C mmo o n mmo s n Att A ribution ibution 4.0 4 .0 Inter n na n tiona tion l 1 1 License L . icense . Where is everything?
For a list of all the materials for the course,
see the course overview page at
This work is licensed under a Creative
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International 2 License.
Android Developer Fundamentals V2 Build your first app Lesson 1 This wor This k is work licensed is un licensed der un a der C a r ea Cr tive Int I ro nt du ro c d ti u o c n ti o to n to eative Andro nd id ro id Develo e p lo er p Fu er nd n am d en am ta en ls ta ls V2 Commo Co ns mmonAtt s r A ibution ttr 4 ibution .0 4 In .0 ter In na ter tion na al tional And A ro nd id ro id 1 1 License L . icense. 1.0 Introduction to Android
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 2 License. Contents ● Android is an ecosystem
● Android platform architecture ● Android Versions
● Challenges of Android app development ● App fundamentals
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 3 License. Android Ecosystem
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 4 License. What is Android?
● Mobile operating system based on Linux kernel
● User Interface for touch screens
● Used on over 80% of all smartphones
● Powers devices such as watches, TVs, and cars
● Over 2 Million Android apps in Google Play store
● Highly customizable for devices / by vendors ● Open source
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 5 License. Android user interaction
● Touch gestures: swiping, tapping, pinching
● Virtual keyboard for characters, numbers, and emoji
● Support for Bluetooth, USB controllers and peripherals
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 6 License. Android and sensors
Sensors can discover user action and respond
● Device contents rotate as needed
● Walking adjusts position on map
● Tilting steers a virtual car or controls a physical toy
● Moving too fast disables game interactions
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 7 License. Android home screen ● Launcher icons for apps
● Self-updating widgets for live content ● Can be multiple pages ● Folders to organize apps ● "OK Google"
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 8 License. Android app examples Pandora Pokemon GO Facebook Messenger
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 9 License.
Android Software Developer Kit (SDK)
● Development tools (debugger, monitors, editors)
● Libraries (maps, wearables)
● Virtual devices (emulators)
● Documentation ( ● Sample code
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 10 License. Android Studio ● Official Android IDE ● Develop, run, debug, test, and package apps ● Monitors and performance tools ● Virtual devices ● Project views ● Visual layout editor
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 11 License. Google Play store
Publish apps through Google Play store:
● Official app store for Android
● Digital distribution service operated by Google
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 12 License. Android Platform Architecture
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 13 License. Android stack 1. System and user apps 2. Android OS API in Java framework 3. Expose native APIs; run apps 4. Expose device hardware capabilities 5. Linux Kernel
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 14 License. System and user apps
● System apps have no special status
● System apps provide key capabilities to app developers Example:
Your app can use a system app to deliver a SMS message.
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 15 License. Java API Framework
The entire feature-set of the Android OS is available to you
through APIs written in the Java language.
● View class hierarchy to create UI screens ● Notification manager
● Activity manager for life cycles and navigation
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 16 License. Android runtime
Each app runs in its own process with its own instance of the Android Runtime.
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 17 License. C/C++ libraries
● Core C/C++ Libraries give access to core native Android
system components and services.
This work is licensed under a Creative Introduction to
Android Developer Fundamentals V2
Commons Attribution 4.0 International Android 18 License.