Practice Final - Critical Thinking | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Practice Final - Critical Thinking | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. “Let’s see what we should do with our 9
from such boring things.”
2. Linda: “My favorite singer has just got a big hit. It’s great!”
Ann: “Hey, how can you feel happy when your idol was violently attacked like that?”
3. “With their waves of rumors, social networks have negatively affected the lives of some famous
people. Therefore, social networks must be closed.”
Witness: “The robbers knocked the man down, hit him too hard in
Police: “No one came to help him? Were you standing there watching only?”
Witness: “I was. But the man was alright after
it was not that bad when I didn’t do anything, right?”
5. Mary: “An is just twenty years old. You can’t let him make a decision for the whole company.”
Tim: “But you are twenty years old too. And you want me to let you decide on what to wear and
where to go on weekends!”
Look who’s talking
7. “There is a flood of Mexican immigrants into the United States. Soon Spanish will be
positions. Isn’t it reasonable to require them to wear uniforms too?
11. My teacher, a Singaporean, said that it’s more expensive to live in Singapore than it is to live in
Look who’s talking
12. Father to son: “Either you go to university or people will look down on you. You don’t
13. Teacher to student: “If you skip class today, you will tend to skip
t of lessons and fail the course. You waste your parents’
money. It shows that you don’t love them. Thus, do not skip class today if you love your parent”.
15. “Good students always go to class on time. I go to class on time every day.” What is missing in
Life is just like chess. It’s a complicated game, but you can win if you le
“Professor Jacob can be a good researcher but a bad teacher. He never explains the lessons in
details. He doesn’t prepare the lessons carefully and never gives students a chance to discuss the
lessons in class. His armpits smell bad as well.” Which of the
. “Animals that are loved by someone should not be killed
by someone”.Which part of the argument is missing?
The premise: “Dogs are animals”.
The conclusion: “Dogs should not be killed for food”.
The conclusion: “Dogs are animals”.
. “Only nonprofit organizations are exempt from paying taxes, so the Red Cross must be exempt.”
The premise: “The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization.”
The conclusion: “The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization.”
“The Red Cross must be exempt from paying taxes.”
. “According to a survey on 121,759 parents of first graders in Ho Chi Minh City, 70% of them
in Ho Chi Minh City should not go back to school in December 2021.” This illustrates a ________.
to husband: “When I was at my house, I didn’t have to do any of the
your brothers and sisters?” Which fallacy may this argument contain?
. “Last week, I had a chance to visit RMIT. This is such a university for rich kids in Vietnam. I saw
wealthy families.”
. Mother to son: “I agree that you are grown
father. ” Which fallacy may the mother commit?
. Student to Student: “Providing free vaccination and treatment for v
and can hurt the entire economy. ” Politician B: “You have a cold heart. I never think you can be so
indifferent to your fellow mankind. You mean you don’t care even if the pandemic is getting serious
d thousands of infected cases every day. ” Which fallacy may Politician B
.“Many countries still maintain border restrictions, at least until the end of February 2022. It’s
on coronavirus variant is spreading faster than any other COVID variants.”
Argument from authority, in which the authority is “many countries”
Causal argument, in which the cause is “the spread of Omicron coronavirus variant”
Causal argument, in which the cause is “border restrictions”
Predictive argument, with the prediction that “Omicron coronavirus variant is spreading faster than
other COVID variants”
. “We use
up and your tooth ached more often. She must be the cause for all the trouble.”
“(1)The impacts of physical abuse on a child’s life can be far
other behavioral problems. (6)Aggression and “acting out” are common reactions taken as self
not react to protect themselves from other types of abuse later in their lives.” Which of the following
“A booster dose of the COVID
19.” Which of the following is the best paraphrase of t
“(1)In some countries, COVID
quick action. (6)The current pandemic is showing many systemic defects, actually. Which of the
“Mom, I need a new smartphone. Mine has broken down and the screen is too blurred. Either
know you are never a fan of Samsung, so buy me the iPhone 13 Pro Max.”
“I think you should stop following the practice by the organization called Energy Source. Just 2
an illusion or a hoax.
“At least ten deaths and three missing were caused due to a tower of rocks which suddenly broke
Brazil. It’s probably because the rock face was loosened by heavy rainfall for two weeks.” This
“Japanese electronics firm Sony Group Corp plans to launch a company in spring 2022 to e
manufacturing complex. Therefore, probably Vinfast’s shares also jumpe
trade in Vietnam.” This illustrates a(n)
Student to Student: “You are a Catholic, right? “Don’t you think that Christianity is the only
true religion?” Which fallacy may the student commit?
“According to a government
than 85% of Pakistan’s population also has antibodies against CO 19”. This illustrates a
“(1)In some countries, COVID
quick action. (6)The current pandemic is showing many systemic defects, actually.”
“Certain areas in
person dining.” This
“Our training program hasn’t received any negative feedback or complaints from students since
its opening. Therefore, we can claim that the program we’re offering is perfect.”
“According to a World Health Organization official, more evidence is emerging that the Omicron
variant.” This illustrates a ________.
Tom: “You should not stay up late to do the non
gets us ready for the next effective morning.” John: “Really? Who answered me when I sent you an
SMS after midnight last Saturday?” Which fallacy may John commit?
Look who’s talking
Jenny: “Amy is anxiously waiting for a ring from Leonardo. They are having an important
problem to solve, but she hasn’t heard from him for several days.” Cathy: “A ring? I don’t know that
Leonardo. Congratulations!” Which fallacy may Cathy
Reporter: “What steps would you take to deal with current issues involving immigration in the
US?” Politician: “I have been working hard to make this country successful for its citizens, unlike
rational immigration.” Which
Appeal to pity 29 Ben to Leo: “Most men smoke. Smoking makes you look like a real man. You should
smoke too.” Which fallacy may thi
“If you do not have a strict policy about being on time for class, students will arrive late. If
students who show up late are not punished, they’ll keep coming to class late. If they keep coming
late, they’ll start coming to class later and later until they skip the class. If they skip one class, they’ll
should have strict regulations about being on time for class.”
“(1)Domestic violence will be effectively prevented and properly investigated with the help of
neighbors’ reports and home security cameras. (2)This is because authorities can
door witnesses.”
Add the minor premise before statement (2), i.e. “Home security cameras are called CCTV.”
Add the 2nd premise after statement (2), i.e. “In addition, investigators can recover the videotaped
Add the major premise before statement (1), i.e. “Domestic violence is the responsibility of both
the government and the family.”
“That guy must be telling a lie to cheat all of us. Do not believe him, because he himself used to
” Which fallacy may the argument contain?
Look who’s talking (tu quoque)
“Of course, Ms. Brenda advises us to apply for a credit card at Vietcombank, not other banks like
serving nonsense.”
“Dear Sir, I have heard that you have put me on the prohibition list, because I’ve been
whole family. ” Which fallacy may the argumen
“(1)The impacts of physical abuse on a child’s life can be far
other behavioral problems. (6)Aggression and “acting out” are common reactions taken as self
not react to protect themselves from other types of abuse later in their lives.” Which of the following
A bully told his friends when he was running for an election: “Vote for me at the poll or you will
be having your long hard days every day. You’ve got to see me every day, right?” Which fallacy may
Policeman: “You passed the red light.” Peter: “Why did you just stop me? See, other guys are
passing the red light. Some even are NOT wearing helmets. You let them go, then you’ve got to let
me go.” Which fallacy may
“According to one study by the US Center for Injury Control, 85% of deaths from child abuse
from child abuse and neglect in the USA.” Which of the following is best to increase the strength of
give a description of “child abuse and neglect”
change “probably” to “certainly”
“(1)In almost all countries, New Year’s displays of fireworks have long been a popular way to
coming New Year. Which of the following is an appropriate sug
Add the major premise before statement (2), i.e. “Celebrations of prosperity and victories inspire
people for a new hopeful period.”
Add the conclusion after statement (2), i.e. “Therefore, Country X will celebr
victories next year.”
Add the minor premise after statement (1), i.e. “Country X has suffered from huge economic and
19 this year.”
“China, Russia, Britain, the United States and France have agreed that a further spread of
he spread of nuclear arms and a nuclear war. ” Which of the following is best to
add more countries after “France”
give a description of “nuclear arms and a nuclear war”
change “probably” to “surely”
“the United States”
Telemarketer: “Our tour will offer you an incredible experience you should not miss. You will
just $300/each tourist.” Which of the following can a target customer
use to refute the telemarketer’s offer?
“I can tell you that in the screen folding technology, Samsung Z Fold 3 is the best smartphone in
and no producer can make a better one than Samsung.” Which fallacy may the
| 1/13

Preview text:

1. “Let’s see what we should do with our 9
from such boring things.”
2. Linda: “My favorite singer has just got a big hit. It’s great!”
Ann: “Hey, how can you feel happy when your idol was violently attacked like that?”
3. “With their waves of rumors, social networks have negatively affected the lives of some famous
people. Therefore, social networks must be closed.”

Witness: “The robbers knocked the man down, hit him too hard in motorbike.”
Police: “No one came to help him? Were you standing there watching only?”
Witness: “I was. But the man was alright after
it was not that bad when I didn’t do anything, right?”

5. Mary: “An is just twenty years old. You can’t let him make a decision for the whole company.”
Tim: “But you are twenty years old too. And you want me to let you decide on what to wear and
where to go on weekends!” Look who’s talking
7. “There is a flood of Mexican immigrants into the United States. Soon Spanish will be culture”.
positions. Isn’t it reasonable to require them to wear uniforms too?
11. My teacher, a Singaporean, said that it’s more expensive to live in Singapore than it is to live in Look who’s talking
12. Father to son: “Either you go to university or people will look down on you. You don’t
13. Teacher to student: “If you skip class today, you will tend to skip
t of lessons and fail the course. You waste your parents’
money. It shows that you don’t love them. Thus, do not skip class today if you love your parent”.
15. “Good students always go to class on time. I go to class on time every day.” What is missing in
Life is just like chess. It’s a complicated game, but you can win if you le
“Professor Jacob can be a good researcher but a bad teacher. He never explains the lessons in
details. He doesn’t prepare the lessons carefully and never gives students a chance to discuss the
lessons in class. His armpits smell bad as well.” Which of the

. “Animals that are loved by someone should not be killed
by someone”.Which part of the argument is missing?
The premise: “Dogs are animals”.
The conclusion: “Dogs should not be killed for food”.
The conclusion: “Dogs are animals”.
. “Only nonprofit organizations are exempt from paying taxes, so the Red Cross must be exempt.”
The premise: “The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization.”
The conclusion: “The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization.”
“The Red Cross must be exempt from paying taxes.”
. “According to a survey on 121,759 parents of first graders in Ho Chi Minh City, 70% of them
in Ho Chi Minh City should not go back to school in December 2021.” This illustrates a ________.
to husband: “When I was at my house, I didn’t have to do any of the
your brothers and sisters?” Which fallacy may this argument contain?
. “Last week, I had a chance to visit RMIT. This is such a university for rich kids in Vietnam. I saw wealthy families.”
. Mother to son: “I agree that you are grown
father. ” Which fallacy may the mother commit?
. Student to Student: “Providing free vaccination and treatment for v
and can hurt the entire economy. ” Politician B: “You have a cold heart. I never think you can be so
indifferent to your fellow mankind. You mean you don’t care even if the pandemic is getting serious

d thousands of infected cases every day. ” Which fallacy may Politician B
.“Many countries still maintain border restrictions, at least until the end of February 2022. It’s
on coronavirus variant is spreading faster than any other COVID variants.”
Argument from authority, in which the authority is “many countries”
Causal argument, in which the cause is “the spread of Omicron coronavirus variant”
Causal argument, in which the cause is “border restrictions”
Predictive argument, with the prediction that “Omicron coronavirus variant is spreading faster than other COVID variants” . “We use
up and your tooth ached more often. She must be the cause for all the trouble.”
“(1)The impacts of physical abuse on a child’s life can be far
other behavioral problems. (6)Aggression and “acting out” are common reactions taken as self
not react to protect themselves from other types of abuse later in their lives.” Which of the following
“A booster dose of the COVID
19.” Which of the following is the best paraphrase of t
“(1)In some countries, COVID
quick action. (6)The current pandemic is showing many systemic defects, actually. ” Which of the
“Mom, I need a new smartphone. Mine has broken down and the screen is too blurred. Either
know you are never a fan of Samsung, so buy me the iPhone 13 Pro Max.”
“I think you should stop following the practice by the organization called Energy Source. Just 2
an illusion or a hoax.”
“At least ten deaths and three missing were caused due to a tower of rocks which suddenly broke
Brazil. It’s probably because the rock face was loosened by heavy rainfall for two weeks.” This
“Japanese electronics firm Sony Group Corp plans to launch a company in spring 2022 to e
manufacturing complex. Therefore, probably Vinfast’s shares also jumpe
trade in Vietnam.” This illustrates a(n)

Student to Student: “You are a Catholic, right? “Don’t you think that Christianity is the only
true religion?” Which fallacy may the student commit?
“According to a government
than 85% of Pakistan’s population also has antibodies against CO
19”. This illustrates a
“(1)In some countries, COVID
quick action. (6)The current pandemic is showing many systemic defects, actually.” “Certain areas in person dining.” This
“Our training program hasn’t received any negative feedback or complaints from students since
its opening. Therefore, we can claim that the program we’re offering is perfect.”
“According to a World Health Organization official, more evidence is emerging that the Omicron
variant.” This illustrates a ________.
Tom: “You should not stay up late to do the non
gets us ready for the next effective morning.” John: “Really? Who answered me when I sent you an
SMS after midnight last Saturday?” Which fallacy may John commit?
Look who’s talking
Jenny: “Amy is anxiously waiting for a ring from Leonardo. They are having an important
problem to solve, but she hasn’t heard from him for several days.” Cathy: “A ring? I don’t know that
Leonardo. Congratulations!” Which fallacy may Cathy
Reporter: “What steps would you take to deal with current issues involving immigration in the
US?” Politician: “I have been working hard to make this country successful for its citizens, unlike
rational immigration.” Which
Appeal to pity 29 Ben to Leo: “Most men smoke. Smoking makes you look like a real man. You should
smoke too.” Which fallacy may thi

“If you do not have a strict policy about being on time for class, students will arrive late. If
students who show up late are not punished, they’ll keep coming to class late. If they keep coming
late, they’ll start coming to class later and later until they skip the class. If they skip one class, they’ll

should have strict regulations about being on time for class.”
“(1)Domestic violence will be effectively prevented and properly investigated with the help of
neighbors’ reports and home security cameras. (2)This is because authorities can door witnesses.”
Add the minor premise before statement (2), i.e. “Home security cameras are called CCTV.”
Add the 2nd premise after statement (2), i.e. “In addition, investigators can recover the videotaped pect.”
Add the major premise before statement (1), i.e. “Domestic violence is the responsibility of both
the government and the family.”
“That guy must be telling a lie to cheat all of us. Do not believe him, because he himself used to
” Which fallacy may the argument contain?
Look who’s talking (tu quoque)
“Of course, Ms. Brenda advises us to apply for a credit card at Vietcombank, not other banks like serving nonsense.”
“Dear Sir, I have heard that you have put me on the prohibition list, because I’ve been
whole family. ” Which fallacy may the argumen
“(1)The impacts of physical abuse on a child’s life can be far
other behavioral problems. (6)Aggression and “acting out” are common reactions taken as self
not react to protect themselves from other types of abuse later in their lives.” Which of the following
A bully told his friends when he was running for an election: “Vote for me at the poll or you will
be having your long hard days every day. You’ve got to see me every day, right?” Which fallacy may
Policeman: “You passed the red light.” Peter: “Why did you just stop me? See, other guys are
passing the red light. Some even are NOT wearing helmets. You let them go, then you’ve got to let
me go.” Which fallacy may

“According to one study by the US Center for Injury Control, 85% of deaths from child abuse
from child abuse and neglect in the USA.” Which of the following is best to increase the strength of
give a description of “child abuse and neglect”
change “probably” to “certainly”
“(1)In almost all countries, New Year’s displays of fireworks have long been a popular way to
coming New Year. ” Which of the following is an appropriate sug
Add the major premise before statement (2), i.e. “Celebrations of prosperity and victories inspire
people for a new hopeful period.”
Add the conclusion after statement (2), i.e. “Therefore, Country X will celebr victories next year.”
Add the minor premise after statement (1), i.e. “Country X has suffered from huge economic and 19 this year.”
“China, Russia, Britain, the United States and France have agreed that a further spread of
he spread of nuclear arms and a nuclear war. ” Which of the following is best to
add more countries after “France”
give a description of “nuclear arms and a nuclear war”
change “probably” to “surely” “the United States”
Telemarketer: “Our tour will offer you an incredible experience you should not miss. You will
just $300/each tourist.” Which of the following can a target customer
use to refute the telemarketer’s offer?
“I can tell you that in the screen folding technology, Samsung Z Fold 3 is the best smartphone in
and no producer can make a better one than Samsung.” Which fallacy may the