Press Reading Vocabulary - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Press Reading Vocabulary - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Section 1-3:
Fidget (n): (with st): keep moving your body, your hands or your feet
because you are nervous, bored or excited, etc.
Subsidize (v): = fund (v): give money to sb or an organization to help pay
for st: trợ cấp
Subsidy (n):
Immerse (v): become or make sb completely involved in st
e.g. She immersed herself in her work.
Immersion (n):
e.g. a six-day immersion course
Quest (n): a long search for st
e.g. the quest for happiness/knowledge/truth
Take a small first step toward st:
e.g. Kim had successfully taken a small first step toward demolishing what South
Koreans consider one of their biggest weaknesses in global competitiveness: the
fear of speaking English to Westerners.
Give sb/ get a leg up: help that you receive that gives you an advantage over
other people or makes it possible for you to do something difficult
e.g. A recent ruling will give terrestrial broadcasters a leg up in competing with
satellite radio.
Rote memorization: learning by heart: học vẹt
At the expense of st: resulting in the loss of st
e.g. Do we really want to speed the process up at the expense of safety?
Expose (v): let sb find out about st by giving them experience of it or
showing them what it is like.
e.g. We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.
Exposure (n):
e.g. prolonged exposure to harmful radiation
Expatriate (n): a person living in a country that is not their own
Flourish (v): = thrive: develop quickly and be successful
e.g. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
Earn a degree/certificate/ diploma:
MBA holder (n):
If all/everything goes according to plan: happens in the way it was intended
e.g. Did it all go according to plan?
Take an additional step into st:
e.g. If all goes according to plan, it will take an additional step into the Asian
Managerial (a): relating to a manager or management:
e.g. managerial roles/ responsibilities/ decisions/ skills
Be quick to pick up on the trend:
Be a matter of time/ urgency/ interest/ opinion:
e.g. The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency.
Shift (v, n): change
Renaissance (n): a new growth of activity or interest in st
Take st into account: = take st into consideration = consider (v)
e.g. I think I need to take his offer into account.
Advocates (pln) = proponents/supporters
Meet sb’s needs/requirements/criteria/demands
Be a major contributor to st:
e.g. Smoking is a major contributor to the high risk of lung cancer.
Release (v) = emit/produce
Pundit (n): = expert/specialist
Boost interest in st: encourage interest in st
A revival of interest: a re-emergence of interest
Benefit from sb/st:
e.g. We both benefited financially from the arrangement.
Paradoxical (a): seeming impossible or difficult to understand because of
containing two opposite facts or characteristics: nghịch lý, ngược đời
e.g. It is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest
areas of the country.
e.g. Paradoxically, the less she ate, the fatter she got.
Ecological impacts: effects of human activities and natural events on living
organisms and their non-living environments: tác động sinh thái
On the brink of a renaissance: on the brink of revival
Women and their counterparts: women and men
Burger flipper (np): a cook in a fast food restaurant flipping hamburgers
Be a drag on sb/st: make it hard for sb to make progress towards what they
e.g. Maggie thinks marriage would be a drag on her career.
Be a drain on st: st that continuously uses a lot of time, money, etc.
e.g. The war was an enormous drain on the country’s resources.
Close in on st: come nearer to st
Make deeper inroads into/on st: make some progress towards achieving st
e.g. We haven’t made much of an inroad into the backlog of work.
Incorporate st in/into st: include st as a part of group, system, plan, etc.
e.g. Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.
Incorporation (n):
Diminish (v): reduce or be reduced in size or importance
e.g. These memories will not be diminished by time.
Diminution (n):
Be a critical step in + N/ V-ing: be a very important step in …
See an improvement in st:
Controversial issues: các vấn đề gây tranh cãi
Address/ combat/ handle issues: deal with issues
Make progress: = make improvement
Mark a significant milestone for st: mark a very important landmark/ stage
for st
e.g. The opening of a branch in New York marked/ represented a significant
milestone for the company.
Spell trouble for sb: cause problems
e.g. This decision could spell trouble for all of us.
Egalitarian (n): based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have
the same rights and opportunities
Brim with st (vp): be full of st, fill st
e.g. Her eyes are brimmed with tears.
Marketing campaign: a comprehensive course of action to sell and promote st:
chiến dịch quảng cáo
Market share: the percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has:
thị phần
Retail sales: sales of goods to the public rather than to business, stores, etc.: doanh
số bán lẻ
Retailer (n): người bán lẻ ≠ wholesaler (n): người bán sỉ
To boom: sales increasing rapidly
Business is booming: business is doing very well.
Business competency: a set of particular abilities and knowledge that sets a
company apart from its competitors: năng lực/ lợi thế kinh doanh
Stagnant (adj): little activity or change
Stagnate (v) Stagnation (n)
Turnaround in sales: a change in sales from bad to good
Entrepreneur (n): a person who starts their own business
Resume (n): = CV: a document you send when applying for jobs
Shrink/shrank/shrunk (v): become smaller
e.g. The tumor had shrunk to the size of a pea.
Revenue (n): income
e.g. The company’s annual revenues rose by 30%.
Oldie (n): an old popular song
Subscribe (v) (to st): pay money to an organization in order to receive a
product or use a service regularly.
e.g. He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International.
Subscription (n):
e.g. cancel/ renew a subscription
Robust (a): strong and not likely to fail or become weak
e.g. a robust piece of equipment
Instantaneous (adj): immediate
e.g. an instantaneous response
Be compatible with st: able to exist or used together without causing
e.g. Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?
Bar (v) st/sb from st: prevent st/sb from doing st
e.g. The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.
Populist (a): trying to be popular with ordinary people and to represent their
ideas and opinions
e.g. a populist leader
Short-sighted (a): not thinking about how an action will affect the future ≠
long-sighted (a)
e.g. a short-sighted policy/ attitude
Choreograph (v): design and arrange the steps and movements for dancers in
a ballet or a show: thiết kế và dàn dựng điệu múa ba lê/ trong một buổi biểu
Choreography (n) Choreographer (n of person):
Assembly-line: = production line: dây chuyền sản xuất
Collegiate (adj): relating to college or its students
e.g. Collegiate life
Initiate (v): = set in motion: make st begin
e.g. initiate legal proceedings against sb
Initiation (n): the initiation of criminal proceedings
Characterize (v): describe or show the qualities of sb/st in a particular way
e.g. How would you characterize the mood of the 1990s?
Craving (n): a strong desire for st
e.g. a craving for chocolate
Enclave (n): an area of a country or city where people have a different
religion, culture or nationality from those who live in the country or city that
surrounds it
Emblazon (v): decorate st with a design, a symbol or words so that people
will notice it easily
e.g. baseball caps emblazoned with the team’s logo.
Frugal (a): = meagre: small, plain and not costing very much
e.g. a frugal lunch of bread and cheese
Frugality (n):
Penny-pinching (adj) = mean: unwilling to spend money
e.g. a penny-pinching approach
Penny-pincher (n of person):
Exhort (v): = urge: try hard to persuade sb to do st
e.g. They had been exhorted to action.
Exhortation (n):
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Preview text:

• Fidget (n): (with st): keep moving your body, your hands or your feet
because you are nervous, bored or excited, etc.
• Subsidize (v): = fund (v): give money to sb or an organization to help pay for st: trợ cấp  Subsidy (n):
• Immerse (v): become or make sb completely involved in st
e.g. She immersed herself in her work.  Immersion (n):
e.g. a six-day immersion course
• Quest (n): a long search for st
e.g. the quest for happiness/knowledge/truth
• Take a small first step toward st:
e.g. Kim had successfully taken a small first step toward demolishing what South
Koreans consider one of their biggest weaknesses in global competitiveness: the
fear of speaking English to Westerners.
• Give sb/ get a leg up: help that you receive that gives you an advantage over
other people or makes it possible for you to do something difficult
e.g. A recent ruling will give terrestrial broadcasters a leg up in competing with satellite radio.
• Rote memorization: learning by heart: học vẹt
• At the expense of st: resulting in the loss of st
e.g. Do we really want to speed the process up at the expense of safety?
• Expose (v): let sb find out about st by giving them experience of it or showing them what it is like.
e.g. We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible. • Exposure (n):
e.g. prolonged exposure to harmful radiation
• Expatriate (n): a person living in a country that is not their own
• Flourish (v): = thrive: develop quickly and be successful
e.g. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
• Earn a degree/certificate/ diploma: • MBA holder (n):
• If all/everything goes according to plan: happens in the way it was intended to:
e.g. Did it all go according to plan?
• Take an additional step into st:
e.g. If all goes according to plan, it will take an additional step into the Asian market.
• Managerial (a): relating to a manager or management:
e.g. managerial roles/ responsibilities/ decisions/ skills
• Be quick to pick up on the trend:
• Be a matter of time/ urgency/ interest/ opinion:
e.g. The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency. • Shift (v, n): change
• Renaissance (n): a new growth of activity or interest in st
• Take st into account: = take st into consideration = consider (v)
e.g. I think I need to take his offer into account.
• Advocates (pln) = proponents/supporters
• Meet sb’s needs/requirements/criteria/demands
• Be a major contributor to st:
e.g. Smoking is a major contributor to the high risk of lung cancer. • Release (v) = emit/produce
• Pundit (n): = expert/specialist
• Boost interest in st: encourage interest in st
• A revival of interest: a re-emergence of interest • Benefit from sb/st:
e.g. We both benefited financially from the arrangement.
• Paradoxical (a): seeming impossible or difficult to understand because of
containing two opposite facts or characteristics: nghịch lý, ngược đời
e.g. It is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the country. • Paradoxically:
e.g. Paradoxically, the less she ate, the fatter she got.
• Ecological impacts: effects of human activities and natural events on living
organisms and their non-living environments: tác động sinh thái
• On the brink of a renaissance: on the brink of revival
• Women and their counterparts: women and men
• Burger flipper (np): a cook in a fast food restaurant flipping hamburgers
• Be a drag on sb/st: make it hard for sb to make progress towards what they want
e.g. Maggie thinks marriage would be a drag on her career.
• Be a drain on st: st that continuously uses a lot of time, money, etc.
e.g. The war was an enormous drain on the country’s resources.
• Close in on st: come nearer to st
• Make deeper inroads into/on st: make some progress towards achieving st difficult
e.g. We haven’t made much of an inroad into the backlog of work.
• Incorporate st in/into st: include st as a part of group, system, plan, etc.
e.g. Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.  Incorporation (n):
• Diminish (v): reduce or be reduced in size or importance
e.g. These memories will not be diminished by time.  Diminution (n):
• Be a critical step in + N/ V-ing: be a very important step in … • See an improvement in st:
• Controversial issues: các vấn đề gây tranh cãi
• Address/ combat/ handle issues: deal with issues
• Make progress: = make improvement
• Mark a significant milestone for st: mark a very important landmark/ stage for st
e.g. The opening of a branch in New York marked/ represented a significant milestone for the company.
• Spell trouble for sb: cause problems
e.g. This decision could spell trouble for all of us.
• Egalitarian (n): based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have
the same rights and opportunities
• Brim with st (vp): be full of st, fill st
e.g. Her eyes are brimmed with tears.
Marketing campaign: a comprehensive course of action to sell and promote st: chiến dịch quảng cáo
Market share: the percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has: thị phần
Retail sales: sales of goods to the public rather than to business, stores, etc.: doanh số bán lẻ
 Retailer (n): người bán lẻ ≠ wholesaler (n): người bán sỉ
To boom: sales increasing rapidly
 Business is booming: business is doing very well.
 Business competency: a set of particular abilities and knowledge that sets a
company apart from its competitors: năng lực/ lợi thế kinh doanh
 Stagnant (adj): little activity or change
 Stagnate (v)  Stagnation (n)
 Turnaround in sales: a change in sales from bad to good
 Entrepreneur (n): a person who starts their own business
 Resume (n): = CV: a document you send when applying for jobs
• Shrink/shrank/shrunk (v): become smaller
e.g. The tumor had shrunk to the size of a pea. • Revenue (n): income
e.g. The company’s annual revenues rose by 30%.
• Oldie (n): an old popular song
• Subscribe (v) (to st): pay money to an organization in order to receive a
product or use a service regularly.
e.g. He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International.  Subscription (n):
e.g. cancel/ renew a subscription
• Robust (a): strong and not likely to fail or become weak
e.g. a robust piece of equipment
• Instantaneous (adj): immediate e.g. an instantaneous response
• Be compatible with st: able to exist or used together without causing problems
e.g. Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?
• Bar (v) st/sb from st: prevent st/sb from doing st
e.g. The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.
• Populist (a): trying to be popular with ordinary people and to represent their ideas and opinions e.g. a populist leader
• Short-sighted (a): not thinking about how an action will affect the future ≠ long-sighted (a)
e.g. a short-sighted policy/ attitude
• Choreograph (v): design and arrange the steps and movements for dancers in
a ballet or a show: thiết kế và dàn dựng điệu múa ba lê/ trong một buổi biểu diễn
 Choreography (n)  Choreographer (n of person):
• Assembly-line: = production line: dây chuyền sản xuất
• Collegiate (adj): relating to college or its students e.g. Collegiate life
• Initiate (v): = set in motion: make st begin
e.g. initiate legal proceedings against sb
 Initiation (n): the initiation of criminal proceedings
• Characterize (v): describe or show the qualities of sb/st in a particular way
e.g. How would you characterize the mood of the 1990s?
• Craving (n): a strong desire for st e.g. a craving for chocolate
• Enclave (n): an area of a country or city where people have a different
religion, culture or nationality from those who live in the country or city that surrounds it
• Emblazon (v): decorate st with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily
e.g. baseball caps emblazoned with the team’s logo.
• Frugal (a): = meagre: small, plain and not costing very much
e.g. a frugal lunch of bread and cheese  Frugality (n):
• Penny-pinching (adj) = mean: unwilling to spend money e.g. a penny-pinching approach
 Penny-pincher (n of person):
• Exhort (v): = urge: try hard to persuade sb to do st
e.g. They had been exhorted to action.  Exhortation (n):