Speaking 2 - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế

Speaking 2 - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Where is your hometown?
District, north, got to the secondary school- very far from my house- 25km, until now,
during the middle and high school, didn’t have many time to visit my hometown 1-2 times
per month, went to uni, many free time, weekend.
2. What is your hobby?
Painting has always been my hobby since childhood, 5-6, bought, a drawing book for
children, like, spent most of free time to draw, finished that notebook, only in 2-3 days.
Primary and secondary school, i was too busy, homework, exercises, didn’t spent a lot of
times to draw. But until now, whenever, draw as a way to relieve stress.
3. Do you like music?
Listened to Kpop songs with my older sister, maybe, started since then. more kinds of
music, not only… but also…, heal the soul, reduce stress, and make me happy. Recently,
“Daydreamer” - performed by KarLK, catchy song w/ positive lyrics.
4. Do you like art?
Since childhood, 5-6, bought, a drawing book for children, like, spent most of free time to
draw. Until now, whenever, draw as a way to relieve stress. learning about Claude
Monet's paintings- a famous French artist. The beautiful paintings of French nature he
painted made me impressed and more curious about his artwork. “Madame Monet and
Her Son” – the picture has a romantic and poetic scene.
5. Do you like travel?
I haven't had a chance to travel to another country yet, I have been to many places in my
country Vietnam. Every place I go, I discover a lot of interesting things, people, food,
culture. that makes me broaden my knowledge. my last trip was to TN 3 weeks ago. I
have enjoyed many interesting specialties such as "Gỏi lá", "Rượu cần". Those are
unforgettable memories, in the future I hope I can go to more places, explore all 63
provinces of the country.
6. Do you like playing sports?
To be honest, have no talent in…, recently, started play badminton w/ my friend. we
spend time in the afternoon, after school to play badminton at the park near our houses.
Newbie, it’s quite difficult for me to hold the racket properly and move quickly but I think
I can improve. I have maintained this habit for more than half a month and will continue
in the future.
7. What's your daily routine like?
Not too special, wake up at 6AM, have breakfast before go to school, return home to have
lunch and continue to go to school in the afternoon, after school play badminton with my
friend at the park near our houses. I think the evening is the busiest part for me. I tend to
get extremely busy at night, when all my work piles up. I’m up to my neck in finishing all
deadlines before the new day starts. I usually have the same routine every day but theres
a slight change on the weekend. I usually wake up really late on Sunday. Sometimes I go
shopping and go to the cinema in weekends.
8. Do you like your major? Why do you choose E. as your major?
Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be a teacher, I love to teach others.
Later, when I grew up, the first foreign language I learned was English, I really like how
to pronounce English, I find speaking English fluently makes me look cool so my dream
in the future is become an English teacher. Other reasons like…
9. Do you like films?
5-6, often watched Korean dramas with my older sister, maybe, started since then. more
kinds of films (such as action movies, thrillers and comedies). heal the soul, reduce
stress, and give me many lessons about life. Recently, touching movies like “Mommy
don’t cry” or “Hope”, that movie wakes up and condemns crime in society, and it made
me think a lot.
10. Tell about your family.
I was born in an extended family w/ 7 members, my grandmother, my parents and my
siblings. In the past, my father was the main breadwinner in the family while my mother
was responsible for taking care of my siblings so they didn’t have more time for themself.
Now that my siblings are grown up and have families of their own, my dad and mom have
more time to rest and relax. I am very grateful to my parents for giving birth and raising
us. I love them so much.
11. Who is your hero?
In my life I am very fortunate to have not only met one but many heroes. And two of my
special heroes are my parents. I was born in an extended family w/ 7 members, my
grandmother, my parents and my siblings. In the past, my father was the main
breadwinner in the family while my mother was responsible for taking care of my siblings
so they didn’t have more time for themself. Now that my siblings are grown up and have
families of their own, my dad and mom have more time to rest and relax. I am very
grateful to my parents for giving birth and raising us. I love them so much.
12. Do you like to go shopping?
Recently, prefer shopping online than…, firstly, online shopping platform has a lot of
discount codes and it is even cheaper than stores. save me more time, all i need is a
phone connected to the internet and i just need to be at home to be able to shop. There
are many incentives in the return policy so it is very convenient.
13. Do you play any musical instrument?
To be honest, have no talent in…, But I do love listening to music. I’ve always been a fan
of music and I appreciate people who can play musical instruments really well. “Canon
in D Major” performed by Bella and Lucas is my favourite piano music. Maybe in the
future, if I have a chance, I want to try to learn to play the piano, especially that song.
14. Do you like reading books?
My sister is the one who inspired me to read books. She has a huge bookshelf with a
variety of books from detectives, novels to comics. So from a young age I had the
opportunity to have access to all kinds of books. heal the soul, reduce stress, and give me
many lessons about life. My favourite book is “Without family” by Hector Malot. Loyal
friendship and honest conduct are the vital ideals of this story, and the heart interest is
eloquent with noble character.
15. What is your pros and cons?
There's a lot to say on this topic, but I'll probably just mention a few in particular. 3
adjectives to describe me are approachable, punctual and responsible. Maybe people
around me also see that is my advantage. As for the cons, I think it's emotional and a bit
ambitious. I realize that these are bad things and am gradually improving those
16. What is your favourite food/ fruits/ vegetables?
My top three favourite fruits are watermelon, plum and pear because all of them are both
nutritious and delicious. I think I eat fruits at home on a daily basis. My mom always
buys a lots of different fruits in the shopping mall in the weekends for my whole family.
With the hot weather and high temperature like this, I think fruit is an indispensable part
of my diet every day.
17. Who gave your name?
My name is given by my parents. actually, it doesn't have any special meaning because
my older sister's name is Thu Hong, so my parents wanted to name me Thu Ha, like Hong
Ha river in China. however, my nickname is very cute, it is "Xiu Muoi", because when I
was born I was quite small, so "Xiu" is a way for my parents to remind me of this detail. I
like people calling me that because I feel so cute and approachable, like a little sister.
18. What is your favourite TV programme?
I don't have much time to watch TV shows lately but my favorite show ever is the Korean
reality show "Running man". This show was first broadcast in 2010. I was only 6 years
old then, but my sister loved it so it influenced me a bit. I remember very well how
eagerly I waited until Monday to watch, even though the show aired on Sunday, because
I just understand the Vietsub version. I only watch it now and then but it's still very
special to me
19. What do your often do in the weekend?
Actually my weekend schedule is not the same every week. Sometimes I go back to my
hometown- Phong Dien district to visit my family, sometimes I stay in the city to hang out
with friends and sometimes I just sleep at home all day. There will be times when I'm
busy participating in activities, talk shows organized by the school and the city. No
matter what I do, I still enjoy this rare free time.
20. How many hours do you sleep per day?
Usually I sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to let my body relax. On the
weekends, my sleep time will be more because I have more time to take a nap. However, I
can't fall asleep in the noisy place like barking dogs, loud neighbours and city traffic
because I used to sleep quietly from childhood. So sometimes I appreciate someone who
can sleep well in whatever place.
21. Do you have many friends?
I am very proud to be able to say that I have many friends. Because I'm an extrovert, it's
easy to start conversations and get to know other people. So my number of friends is
quite large, from college friends, high school, middle school, primary school and even I
still keep in touch with my kindergarten classmates. I hang out with my friends to
somewhere from time to time. Normally if we have lots of time in the weekends, we will
go to the cinema to watch movies; but if we don't have plenty of time, we'll just have
dinner together.
22. Do you like to take photography?
I am a big fan of…, I always travel around to the stunning natural scenery with my
camera which my father bought for me. I have been in the habit of it for almost 5 years.
The main factor is that I can capture the precious moment in my life, such as the
graduation ceremony, or the moment with my family and friends, and also I believe the
photography will cultivate my mental development.
23. Do you like history?
I am a big fan of reading historical stories. When I was a girl, I usually heard my
grandmother tell stories about the historical events. Until when I was a high school
student, I take a class specializing in history-geography, I had the opportunity to learn
about a lot of interesting things about history that I didn't know before. I feel very proud
of my people, of the glorious victory against foreign invaders in the past. I feel that
history not only can cultivate my mental development, but also give me a better picture of
human society.
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Preview text:

1. Where is your hometown?
District, north, got to the secondary school- very far from my house- 25km, until now,
during the middle and high school, didn’t have many time to visit my hometown 1-2 times
per month, went to uni, many free time, weekend.
2. What is your hobby?
Painting has always been my hobby since childhood, 5-6, bought, a drawing book for
children, like, spent most of free time to draw, finished that notebook, only in 2-3 days.
Primary and secondary school, i was too busy, homework, exercises, didn’t spent a lot of
times to draw. But until now, whenever, draw as a way to relieve stress.
3. Do you like music?
Listened to Kpop songs with my older sister, maybe, started since then. more kinds of
music, not only… but also…, heal the soul, reduce stress, and make me happy. Recently,
“Daydreamer” - performed by KarLK, catchy song w/ positive lyrics.
4. Do you like art?
Since childhood, 5-6, bought, a drawing book for children, like, spent most of free time to
draw. Until now, whenever, draw as a way to relieve stress. learning about Claude
Monet's paintings- a famous French artist. The beautiful paintings of French nature he
painted made me impressed and more curious about his artwork. “Madame Monet and
Her Son” – the picture has a romantic and poetic scene.
5. Do you like travel?
I haven't had a chance to travel to another country yet, I have been to many places in my
country – Vietnam. Every place I go, I discover a lot of interesting things, people, food,
culture. that makes me broaden my knowledge. my last trip was to TN 3 weeks ago. I
have enjoyed many interesting specialties such as "Gỏi lá", "Rượu cần". Those are
unforgettable memories, in the future I hope I can go to more places, explore all 63 provinces of the country.

6. Do you like playing sports?
To be honest, have no talent in…, recently, started play badminton w/ my friend. we
spend time in the afternoon, after school to play badminton at the park near our houses.
Newbie, it’s quite difficult for me to hold the racket properly and move quickly but I think
I can improve. I have maintained this habit for more than half a month and will continue in the future.

7. What's your daily routine like?
Not too special, wake up at 6AM, have breakfast before go to school, return home to have
lunch and continue to go to school in the afternoon, after school play badminton with my
friend at the park near our houses. I think the evening is the busiest part for me. I tend to
get extremely busy at night, when all my work piles up. I’m up to my neck in finishing all
deadlines before the new day starts. I usually have the same routine every day but there’s
a slight change on the weekend. I usually wake up really late on Sunday. Sometimes I go
shopping and go to the cinema in weekends.
8. Do you like your major? Why do you choose E. as your major?
Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be a teacher, I love to teach others.
Later, when I grew up, the first foreign language I learned was English, I really like how
to pronounce English, I find speaking English fluently makes me look cool so my dream
in the future is become an English teacher. Other reasons like…
9. Do you like films?
5-6, often watched Korean dramas with my older sister, maybe, started since then. more
kinds of films (such as action movies, thrillers and comedies). heal the soul, reduce
stress, and give me many lessons about life. Recently, touching movies like “Mommy
don’t cry” or “Hope”, that movie wakes up and condemns crime in society, and it made me think a lot.

10. Tell about your family.
I was born in an extended family w/ 7 members, my grandmother, my parents and my
siblings. In the past, my father was the main breadwinner in the family while my mother
was responsible for taking care of my siblings so they didn’t have more time for themself.
Now that my siblings are grown up and have families of their own, my dad and mom have
more time to rest and relax. I am very grateful to my parents for giving birth and raising us. I love them so much.
11. Who is your hero?
In my life I am very fortunate to have not only met one but many heroes. And two of my
special heroes are my parents. I was born in an extended family w/ 7 members, my
grandmother, my parents and my siblings. In the past, my father was the main
breadwinner in the family while my mother was responsible for taking care of my siblings
so they didn’t have more time for themself. Now that my siblings are grown up and have
families of their own, my dad and mom have more time to rest and relax. I am very
grateful to my parents for giving birth and raising us. I love them so much.

12. Do you like to go shopping?
Recently, prefer shopping online than…, firstly, online shopping platform has a lot of
discount codes and it is even cheaper than stores. save me more time, all i need is a
phone connected to the internet and i just need to be at home to be able to shop. There
are many incentives in the return policy so it is very convenient.

13. Do you play any musical instrument?
To be honest, have no talent in…, But I do love listening to music. I’ve always been a fan
of music and I appreciate people who can play musical instruments really well. “Canon
in D Major” performed by Bella and Lucas is my favourite piano music. Maybe in the
future, if I have a chance, I want to try to learn to play the piano, especially that song.
14. Do you like reading books?
My sister is the one who inspired me to read books. She has a huge bookshelf with a
variety of books from detectives, novels to comics. So from a young age I had the
opportunity to have access to all kinds of books. heal the soul, reduce stress, and give me
many lessons about life. My favourite book is “Without family” by Hector Malot. Loyal
friendship and honest conduct are the vital ideals of this story, and the heart interest is
eloquent with noble character.

15. What is your pros and cons?
There's a lot to say on this topic, but I'll probably just mention a few in particular. 3
adjectives to describe me are approachable, punctual and responsible. Maybe people
around me also see that is my advantage. As for the cons, I think it's emotional and a bit
ambitious. I realize that these are bad things and am gradually improving those shortcomings

16. What is your favourite food/ fruits/ vegetables?
My top three favourite fruits are watermelon, plum and pear because all of them are both
nutritious and delicious. I think I eat fruits at home on a daily basis. My mom always
buys a lots of different fruits in the shopping mall in the weekends for my whole family.
With the hot weather and high temperature like this, I think fruit is an indispensable part of my diet every day.
17. Who gave your name?
My name is given by my parents. actually, it doesn't have any special meaning because
my older sister's name is Thu Hong, so my parents wanted to name me Thu Ha, like Hong
Ha river in China. however, my nickname is very cute, it is "Xiu Muoi", because when I
was born I was quite small, so "Xiu" is a way for my parents to remind me of this detail. I
like people calling me that because I feel so cute and approachable, like a little sister.

18. What is your favourite TV programme?
I don't have much time to watch TV shows lately but my favorite show ever is the Korean
reality show "Running man". This show was first broadcast in 2010. I was only 6 years
old then, but my sister loved it so it influenced me a bit. I remember very well how
eagerly I waited until Monday to watch, even though the show aired on Sunday, because
I just understand the Vietsub version. I only watch it now and then but it's still very special to me

19. What do your often do in the weekend?
Actually my weekend schedule is not the same every week. Sometimes I go back to my
hometown- Phong Dien district to visit my family, sometimes I stay in the city to hang out
with friends and sometimes I just sleep at home all day. There will be times when I'm
busy participating in activities, talk shows organized by the school and the city. No
matter what I do, I still enjoy this rare free time.
20. How many hours do you sleep per day?
Usually I sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to let my body relax. On the
weekends, my sleep time will be more because I have more time to take a nap. However, I
can't fall asleep in the noisy place like barking dogs, loud neighbours and city traffic
because I used to sleep quietly from childhood. So sometimes I appreciate someone who
can sleep well in whatever place.

21. Do you have many friends?
I am very proud to be able to say that I have many friends. Because I'm an extrovert, it's
easy to start conversations and get to know other people. So my number of friends is
quite large, from college friends, high school, middle school, primary school and even I
still keep in touch with my kindergarten classmates. I hang out with my friends to
somewhere from time to time. Normally if we have lots of time in the weekends, we will
go to the cinema to watch movies; but if we don't have plenty of time, we'll just have dinner together.

22. Do you like to take photography?
I am a big fan of…, I always travel around to the stunning natural scenery with my
camera which my father bought for me. I have been in the habit of it for almost 5 years.
The main factor is that I can capture the precious moment in my life, such as the
graduation ceremony, or the moment with my family and friends, and also I believe the
photography will cultivate my mental development.

23. Do you like history?
I am a big fan of reading historical stories. When I was a girl, I usually heard my
grandmother tell stories about the historical events. Until when I was a high school
student, I take a class specializing in history-geography, I had the opportunity to learn
about a lot of interesting things about history that I didn't know before. I feel very proud
of my people, of the glorious victory against foreign invaders in the past. I feel that
history not only can cultivate my mental development, but also give me a better picture of human society.