Speaking B1 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Speaking B1 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Speaking for B1 Level( đềề 1-30)
Code 1:
Part 1:
Topic 1: Holiday
1.What did you do on your last holiday?
I went to the beach with my friends on my last holiday. The beach is beautiful and I had a great time
2. Who do you prefer spending your holiday with?
I prefer spending my holiday with my friends. Travelling with the people who are at the same age
with me makes me more comfortable.
3. Do you prefer going on holiday abroad?
No, I don’t prefer going on holiday abroad because I don’t have enough money, I can’t use English
very well.
Topic2:TV programs
1.How many hours a day do you watch television?
I often spend one hour a day watching television. At weekend I often watch all day because I have a
lot of free time.
2.Which programs do you like?
I like some English programs on Star World channel. By watching them, I can improve my English
speaking and listening skill.
3.Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?
I prefer watching TV with my family because we can watch and share all the information and even
discuss together to know more about the world.
Part 2:If you won a lottery of 1 billon VND, what would you do with the money?
Buy a new house
Start a business
Deposit the money in the bank
If I won the lottery of 1 billion VND, I would buy a HOUSE because I am now living with my parents
and I want to have an independent life. After I buy house, I have a stable life and start a business to
earn money and send in the bank.
Code 2:
Part 1:
Topic 1: Birthday
1.When is your birthday?
My birthday is on 29 February.
2.What do you usually do on your birthday?
I usually invite my friends to my birthday. We have a small party to cheer it up and sing “HAPPY
BIRTHDAY” song together.
3.What is your favorite family celebration? Why?
There are many celebrations my family often have a year but my favorite one is TET celebration
because we can meet together to chat, to talk and share what we have done last year and what we
will do next year.
Topic2: Public transportation
1.What is the best way to travel in your town/city?
I live in a big city with crowded streets so the best way to travel in my city is by motorbikes.
2.What is the favorite means of transportation?
My favorite means of transportation is motorbike because it’s faster than bicycle and small enough to
go through narrow streets in my hometown.
3.Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why?
I think people should use public transportation more because it is cheap, convenient and safe.
Part 2:You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday present. How would
you use the money?
Saving up for the future
Buying a laptop for the study
Buying a fashionable smartphone
If my father gives me a sum of money as a birthday present, I will buy a new laptop because it is easy
to find information, documents and references for my study. I do not choose to save up for the future
or buy a fashionable smart phone because i think they are not necessary for me.
Code 3:
Part 1:
Topic 1:Music
1.Do you like music? If yes, what kind of music do you like best? Why?
Yes, I do, I like classical music because I feel so good and relaxed when I listen to this kind of music.
2.What is the most popular kind of music in your country?
Pop music is the most popular kind of music in my country.
3.How is music good or not good for people?
I think music is good for people because it can lead our souls. It is the reason why when you are
happy or in trouble you always want to listen to music.
Topic2: English
1.Did you learn English at secondary school?
No, I didn’t. I started to learn English when I was at high school.
2.What do you think about how English is taught at school now?
I think English is better taught at school now because there are so many teaching materials and
equipment to support teaching.
3.In what ways has children much improved nowadays?
Children nowadays learn English at very young ages that makes them more natural at learning
English. As a result, their English, especially speaking is much better.
Part 2:
An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your city. Which do
you think is the best option for secondary students?
- Photograph
- Swimming
- Dancing
If I have the right to choose an optional subject to add to the curriculum for secondary students in
my country, I will choose a swimming course because it is good for their health. I do not choose
photograph and dancing because in my opinion they are not suitable for them.
Code 4:
Part 1:
Topic1:Favorite places
1.Where do you usually go when you have spare time?
When I have free time, I usually go shopping in the supermarket near my house.
2.Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends?
Yes. There are. People can go to Cua Lo beach and Sen village.
3.In what way is café a great place for people to enjoy their free time?
Café is a place where you can sit for a while with Internet connection and enjoy a cup of coffee while
working on your computer. It is also a good place for people to enjoy themselvesor talking with
friends about everything in life.
Topic 2: Subjects at schools
1.What subject did you like most when you were at school?
I like English most when I were at school.
2.Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at school? Why?
I think English is a good subject for all of students at school because it’s an international language
3.Do you think students are learning too many subjects at school now?
Yes, I do.
Part 2:
You are going to take your secondary school students to the cinema. What kind of film do you think
it best for the students?
- Cartoon
- Action movies
- Detective movies
I think a detective movie will be the best choice for the secondary students because they are curious
soit’s a good way for them to learn how to think logically. I do not choose cartoon and action movies
because I think they are not suitable for them.
Code 5:
Part 1:
Topic 1: Hometown
1.Where do you come from?
I come from Hai Duong.
2.Do you like living in your hometown?
Yes, I do because people are very honest and friendly.
3.What is it famous for?
My hometown is famous for Thanh Ha litchi, it is very delicious and sweet.
Topic 2: Career
1.What is your job?
I’m a teacher of literature.
2.How long have been working?
I have been working as a teacher of literature at my school for 6 years.
3.Why do you like your job?
I love my job because I love children and the language
Part 2:
Your town plans to organize an Open Festival and many visitors will come. Which job below do you
think would be most suitable for you?
- A tour guide
- A traffic instructor
- A master of ceremony
I think being a tour guide will be the most suitable job for me. I can speak English understand the
history and events happening in the past so I can give information for visitors when necessary. I do
not choose to be a traffic instructor or a master of ceremony because it is very hard for me.
Code 6:
Part 1:
Topic 1: Hobby
1.What do you like doing in your free time?
In free time, I often listen to music and watch TV. Sometimes, I go shopping with my friends or my
2.Why do you like doing it?
I like doing these things because listening to music, watching TV, and shopping make me feel
comfortable and relaxed after a hard-working day
3.How much time do you spend doing that?
It depends, I can’t say exactly but whenever I have free time, I do that.
Topic2: English
1.Do you like English?
Yes, I do.
2.When did you start learning English?
I started learning English when I was at High school.
3.How do you improve your English?
I improve my English by watching TV, listening to music, reading English news and talking to foreiners.
Part 2:which plan below will you choose for your family this weekend?
- Going to the cinema
- Having meal in a restaurant
- Going to the beach
This weekend I do not have free time, so I plan to have a dinner out in a restaurant. I do not choose to
go to the cinema because I hate watching films. I will not go to the beach because
Code 7:
Part 1
Topic1: Hometown
1.When is the best time to come to your hometown? Why?
The best time to my hometown is the summer. Because there are many beautiful beaches in my
2.What do you like best about your hometown?
I like best about my hometown is the beautiful beaches.
3.Do you think your hometown is the best place to grow up? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do, I think my hometown is the best place to grow up because the air here is fresh and the
people-my neighbors are very friendly, the food is very delicious, it’s a good environment to grow up.
Topic2: Friends
1.What does your best friend look like?
My best friend is tall, she is beautiful with long black hair.
2.How did you meet your best friend?
I met her 10 years ago. It was the first day at the university, we started talking and became friends
when we sat next to each other in the class.
3.In your opinion, what is the best quality of a good friend?
In my opinion, to keep a good friendship, sharing is the best quality your best friends should have.
You should be able to share each and everything with each other.
Part 2:
What will you advise your friend to do on his first date this weekend?
- Going to a restaurant
- Going to the cinema
- Going to a shopping mall
I think he should take his girlfriend to a restaurant to have a meal. They can talk and share the time
while having meal. I don’t choose the other choices because they are not suitable for them. They can
not talk and chat in the cinema. Shopping malls are so noisy for them to express their love.
Code 8:
Part 1:
Topic1: Leisure time
1.What do you often in your free time?
When I have free time, I often listen to music, watch TV or go shopping.
2.Have your leisure time activities changed since you were a child?
Yes, they have. When I was a child I often played rope-skipping and played marbles, I think these
games are still popular. Now, I often play football, watch TV, listen to music and sometimes play
games on my computer or on the Internet.
3.Do you prefer to spend your leisure time alone or with other people? Why?
I prefer to spend my leisure time alone listening to music because I love music.
1.What kind of books do you like to read?
I like fiction and romantic novels because they are very interesting to read.
2.Do you read the same kind of books now that you read 5 years ago?
Yes, I do. I still read fiction and romantic novels now.
3.When do you think is the best time to read? Why?
I think the best time to read is before going to bed because reading books makes us relaxed,
comfortable and forgets a hard-working day.
Part 2:
Which present I the best for your parent’s wedding anniversary?
- A wedding cake
- A 3-days to the beach
- An album of the whole family
My parents’ wedding anniversary is coming. I will choose to make them a wedding cake because I am
good at it and they like eating cakes a lots. I do not choose a 3-days to the beach because it is
expensive. I also do not choose an album of the whole family because my parents have already had it.
Code 9:
Part 1
Topic1: Social networks
1.Do you like social networks?
Yes, I do.
2.What kind of social networks are you using now? If yes, why?
The social networks which I am using now are Facebook, Email, chat voice…because they can bring
me many benefits.
3.What is your advice for social network users?
My advice for social network users is using suitable network if not it will make them get addicted.
Topic 2: Fashion
1.How important is fashion to you?
I think the fashion is very important not only me but also everyone because it makes us more
beautiful, luxurious and elegant
2.What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear?
I often like wearing dress, sometimes I prefer to wear jean and T-shirt .
3.Do you ever have to wear things you don’t really like? If so, when, and why?
Yes, I do. I had to wear Kimono to take photographs for my wedding last year. I didn’t like wearing it
because it was uncomfortable.
Part 2:
If you won the lottery of 1 bilion VND, what would you do with the money?
- Put all in a bank
- Buy some valuable things like car, house, land
- Give some to a charity organization and then travel around
If I won the lottery of 1 billion VND, I would buy a HOUSE because I am now living with my parents
and I want to have an independent life. I do not choose the other choices because I am not very rich.
Code 10
Part 1:
Topic 1: Games and Sports
1.Do you take part in any outdoor sports regularly?
No, I don’t.
2.Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why?
In my opinion, I prefer to exercise in a class because doing exercises in a class withthe help of teacher
and friends provides me with strong motivation to practise harder and better.
3.What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why?
In my opinion, playing badminton is the best type of exercise because this sport is easy to play and it’s
suitable to my ability. .
Speaking test 11
Let’s talk about rooms in your house
Which room in your house do you like best?
B1: I like the bedroom most because that is where I can relax after long working day
B1: There are 5 rooms in my house including 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a
bathroom. My favourite room is a living room because this is a place where I can meet my
friends and all my family members to chat and talk about all things in life.
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing there?
B1: Just lie on my bed watching TV or read books to take a rest
Examiner speaking: Do you like having guests in your room? Why? Why not?
B1: In fact I am not really like having guests in my personal room as I cannot do what I
usually do.
Now, let’s talk about sports
Examiner speaking: Do you play any sports?
You know, playing sports is very important to our life because it helps us to have good health
and reduce stress after work. I often play badminton at my school after I finish my work in the
Examiner speaking: What sports do you enjoy watching?
There are many kinds of sports that are often shown on TV everyday, but my favourite is
watching football because it is the most popular sport all over the world. it is easy to play and
suitable for both male and female.
Examiner speaking: What sports do you enjoy playing?
I like playing football, I often play it at weekends with my friends
Situation: Some of your friends are visiting you this weekend. You would like to do
something fun with them. What will you do?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Cook a meal together in your apartment.
- Go to a local restaurant together.
- Take your friends out for sightseeing.
C1: I am a quite good cook so whenever my friends visit me, they always want to enjoy the
food I prepare. Therefore I think we will cook a meal together in my apartment.
Going to a local restaurant is also a good choice, but my friends usually prefer to stay at home
so that we have more time together while still save money. I also like taking my friends out
for sightseeing but the weather at this time of the year is not really beautiful, therefore I think
I will choose the first option.
Speaking test 12
Let’s talk about your reading habits
Examiner speaking: Do you enjoy reading? Why? Why not?
Examiner speaking: What types of books/magazines do you enjoy reading?
Examiner speaking: Where do you prefer reading?
- Oh yes, I really love reading because it helps me relax after a hard-working day.
- when I want to relax I find a lot of novels especially romantic ones, bit of love with a happy
Now, let’s talk about your free time
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing in your free time?
I like playing football, reading a book or a novel, newspaper…
Examiner speaking: Who do you enjoy spending your free time with?
- Certainly with my friends.
- Examiner speaking: Where would you prefer spending your free time? Indoor or outdoor?
- It depends on my mood really. After hard working, I just want to get home and read a book or
something to relax but sometimes I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play
volleyball in a team at the weekend.
Situation: You are about to study at university. Which of these is most important? There are
THREE options for you to choose:
- Cost of the course
- Reputation of the university
- Distance from home
C1:I will choose a university because of its reputation. A university which is well-known must
have good teaching and learning. So I can enjoy good study environment. If the cost of the
course is high, I will try to afford by doing some part-time job. Distance from home is not
very importance because nowadays the traffic is much better, making travelling around easier
and more convenient.
Speaking 13:
Let’s talk about ways of relaxing
Examiner speaking: What do you do to relax?
- I usually stay at home to read some fantasy cartoon books or something or only sleep to
relax after a hard – working day.
Examiner speaking: Where do you want to go to relax?
- I and my friends always go to the cinema to enjoy new films at the weekends and after that
we go to the cafeteria and discuss about this films. You know, it’s really good way to relax.
Examiner speaking: Do you like relaxing on your own or with other people?
- It depends on my mood really. After hard working, I just want to get home and read a book or
something to relax but sometimes I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play
volleyball in a team at the weekend.
Now, let’s talk about rooms at home
Examiner speaking: Which is the most important room in your house?
- It’s definitely my living room.
Examiner speaking: What make it important?
- Because when my friends come to see me, I can introduce to them a lot of family pictures
with a lot of family events in the living room
Examiner speaking: What do you do in the room
- In my living room, I always watch TV with my family at the weekend evening.
- Situation: Your university offers free courses for graduate students. Which would you
choose? There are THREE options for you to choose:
- A time-management course.
- A public speaking course.
- A team work course.
If I have a chance to join a free course that my university offers, a public speaking course and
team work course are not my choice because when I study at university, presenting a project
in front of my classmates and working in groups or teams are considered usual and regular
tasks I have to perform, so they are very interesting and good but it is not as necessary as a
time-management. I want to join this course because, to me, time is the most important and
valuable property that people often waste for useless activities. How to manage and use the
time effectively and efficiently during 24 hours is very necessary and if I can manage the time
suitably, I can do any things successfully and perfectly.
Let’s talk about films
Examiner speaking: Do you like films?
- Oh yes, I really like watching movies especially cartoon movies.
Examiner speaking: What type of films do you like?
- As I said, I really like cartoon movies because it helps me to relax after working hard
Examiner speaking: Who do you enjoy watching films with?
- I always watching film with my children because they are interested in cartoon movies like
Now, let’s talk about mobile phones
Examiner speaking: Do you use a mobile phone?
Yes, of course. It’s one of the most important equipment to me.
Examiner speaking: What are the good points of mobile phones?
There are a lot of advantages of mobile phones. Firstly, it’s a good way to communicate with
distant people. Secondly, mobile phone is very useful because you can access the internet,
check your email or even listen to music or watch movie.
Examiner speaking: What are the bad points of mobile phones?
You know, nowadays there are a lot of people much depend on mobile phones. So I think it
wastes a lot of time phoning and messaging on mobile phones and many people are wasting
much money buying fashionable smart phone in order to satisfy their tendency’s demand or
their interests. Moreover, the wave of mobile phone, according to statistics, is not good for
our health if we use it continously and regularly.
Situation: A student wants to do a part-time job where he can practice his English.
Which job would be best for him?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- A job at a souvenir shop
- A job at a travel agency
- A job at a take-away shop
There are a lot of part time jobs for example student can work in a souvenir shop or a travel
agency or a take-away shop… However, if he wants to practice his English, I think a job at
travel agency is the best suitable for him. You know, working at travel agency, you can be a
temporary guide in English. For example, guiding a group of Australian tourists visiting
Hanoi, you can practice English to describe and present about Hanoi’s sightseeing…
Speaking 15
Part 1:
Let’s talk about sports.
Examiner speaking:Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
I like outdoor sports because it has more exciting atmosphere
Examiner speaking: Which sports do you like best? Why?
I like football because each match brings a lot of surprises
Examiner speaking:Do you know why people like to play sports?
It is good for their health and helps them feel relaxed
Now, let’s talk about fast food.
Examiner speaking: What kind of fast food do you like best?
I like chicken best
Examiner speaking: Is fast food good for your health? Why?/ Why not?
Of course not I think. It is not organic food and may result in obesity
Examiner speaking: In your opinion, why is fast food popular?
it helps people save time.
Situation: Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is
the best way to pass time on a long journey?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Talking to other people
- Reading books
- Sleeping
In my opinion, the best way to pass time on a long journey is to talk to other people. When
talking you may forget everything around you and just focus on your chat. I don’t think that
reading books is good because on a journey as our eyes may become tired. Moreover, we can
get train-sick because of concentrating on reading. Sleeping is also a good way to pass the
time but we cannot socialize with others while sleeping. So for me talking to other people is
the best choice
Let’s talk about sports.
1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
To be honest, I prefer spending all my leisure time playing outdoor sports because outdoor
activities will help me become more healthy, bring me be closer with nature and expand my
2. Which sports do you like best? Why?
Football, of course, to me, this is the best team sport and it teaches me to be responsible and
try my best for the whole team.
3. Do you know why people like to play sports?
Well, I think people are keen on playing sports because it’s fun, it helps them to relax after a
long day working and it’s great to enjoy the feeling of a winner.
4. What kind of fast food do you like best?
To be honest, I’m not a fan of fast food. But I love hamburger. It is so tasty with a hunk of
ground beef served between two pieces of bun-configured bread and a variety of toppings and
5. Is fast food good for your health?
Not really, fast food contains large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, fats and salt. But I
eat it anyway because it’s tasty and convenient.
6. In your opinion, why is fast food popular?
Well, people now are so busy at work that they can hardly prepare a meal by themselves.
That’s why fast food is much preferred. Not only does it taste good but it also helps people to
save time and energy for other things.
Situation: Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is
the best way to pass time on a long journey?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Talking to other people
- Reading books
- Sleeping
Part II:
Talking: More positive experience about journey, makes new friends, more social, break out
of your comfort zone, enjoy the journey more
Sleeping: tired
Reading book: tired
Getting a long train on your own can be kind of tiring and boring; therefore, you may
probably prefer to find something to do to pass the time. Talking to other people, reading
books or sleeping are some options that, to some extent, are good to be chosen. As far as I’m
concerned, I would rate communicating with others higher than either reading books or
sleeping because of a number of its benefits.
Firstly, in spite of just isolating yourself from others, talking will help you get more positive
experience about your journey. It’s when you can share all about your life, your job or your
ideas with a stranger. And in fact, we often feel comfortable to openly tell a person we’ve
never met before our stories either the bad or good. By this, we can relieve our stress and
become happier. By communicating, we can spice up our tedious moments on the train.
Besides, talking is prerequisite for a friendship to flourish. Obvious as it is, no friendship can
be built in silence; and all of your friends were once strangers. Breaking out your comfort
zone and starting a conversation with a stranger may probably bring you a soul mate that
you’ve found for long.
In contrast, sleeping and reading book are by far less favorable. Focusing hard on a book
when the train is moving can cause and tiredness. The story conveyed will then be less
appealing and barely completely understood. On the other hand, after sleeping during the
whole long journey, you may feel weary to wake up with a possible pain in your head. The
longer you remain apart from others, the less you can enjoy.
In a nutshell, I think it is highly recommended that people open themselves to talk with other
so that they can greatly relish their long journey on the train and make new friends and turn
on their excitement.
Let’s talk about your habits.
Examiner speaking: What is your typical day like?
I get up at 7 o’clock then go to work at 7:30. I will be ready at my own desk at about 8
o’clock. At 12, I often eat my lunch box prepared from home. After finishing work at 5 pm, I
head home. I have dinner with my family at 7 pm. Before going to bed at 10 o’clock, I take a
shower, watch TV and read my favorite book. What a boring day, isn’t it?
Examiner speaking: Do you have any habits that annoy other people?
I think my habit of keeping the TV volume a bit too loud annoys my family. They often shout
“turn it down or I’ll break it!” at me.
Examiner speaking: What do you usually do when you are upset?
Sometimes I listen to upbeat music to cheer myself up, but sometimes I like to listening to sad
songs that really suits my mood at that time.
Examiner speaking: What’s the weather like today?
Today it’s a bit too cold and windy. Elderly people and children can easily get sick these days.
Examiner speaking: Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Why?
I prefer cold weather to hot weather. Because in hot weather I feel very uncomfortable. I hate
sweat. Moreover, in winter, my skin becomes prettier. I love winter fashion too.
Examiner speaking: Could you recommend some activities to do in different kinds of
In hot weather, you can go swimming, play beach volleyball, or play in waterparks. While in
cold weather, you can go to the gymnastics, go jogging and running in the morning. You can
even go skating.
Situation: A group of people is planning a trip from Thai Nguyen to Ha Giang. Couldyou
suggest the best means of transport? Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Train
- Boat
- Coach
I choose coach because coach is safe, cheap and comfortable. The distance from Thai Nguyen
to Ha Giang is about 250 km and it takes about 4.5 hours or 5 hours to travel. Going by coach
is relaxing and the cheapest among the three options. You can even sightsee through the coach
window. Moreover, you can reach almost exactly where you want to arrive at by coach
because it is easy to travel in roads. Travelling by train is noisy and more costly and boats can
give you seasickness which is really awful. More importantly, you have to take taxies or buses
from train station or boat port if you want to reach the place.
Let’s talk about your cooking.
Examiner speaking: Who does the cooking in your family?
Everyday, my mother and I do the cooking in my family
Examiner speaking: Do you think cooking is a task that only women should do?Why?/ Why
In my opinion, cooking is a task that both men and women should do because the men should
help the women cook whenever they are busy in their jobs or assist them for the family’s
parties or celebrations
Examiner speaking: Do you like cooking by yourself? Why?/ Why not?
I strongly like cooking because it helps me to improve my own skills of cooking and I am
very glad when I try my best to cook for meals for my family. I think all members in my
family are also happy to enjoy them.
Now, let’s talk about TV programs.
Examiner speaking: What’s the worst TV programs you’ve ever seen?
- I find TV programs very interesting and useful so I think they are not too bad.
Examiner speaking: How much TV do you watch every day?
- Because I am very busy in work so I don’t have much time to watch TV. I only wacth TV in
the evening with my family.
Examiner speaking: What are some advantages of watching TV?
Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human. There are many
advantages of watching TV. At first, TV programs provide us with useful information about
science, nature, society, entertainment, etc. Secondly, by watching TV, we can see many
things happened all over the world. Finally, watching TV helps us relax after strained working
PART II: Situation: Your brother is going to hold his wedding. He would like you to
give advice on who should be invited. Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- All acquaintances
- Only close people
- Only the ones that invited you to their weddings
The answer:
In my opinion, only inviting close people is the best choice for my brothers
wedding. As you can see, the wedding is seemed to be the most important event in life,
therefore, inviting close people such as relatives, neighbors or close friends to the
wedding has become a general rule. The presence of close people will make you happy
from their congratulations and they may help you to prepare for your wedding.
Two left choices are really unreasonable. Inviting all acquaintances may make
your family confused. Your family can not control the number of guests invited to the
party and accommodate them considerately. Inviting only the ones that invited you to
their wedding makes your wedding no longer significant in the event that you don’t want
to invite them for any reason. Moreover, there is a bad case that they come to the party
as a duty or responsibility when they only give you an envelope with money and come
back home.
Let’s talk about money.
1.How much did you spend last week?
As usual, I spend 300,000vnd per week. But last week, I had to buy a gift for my mother
for her birthday. Therefore, the total amount of money I spent last week was 800,000vnd.
2.What do you spend most of your money on?
I spend most of my money on books because I like reading. Each month, I use the
considerable amount of money to buy some books of my favorite authors.
3.Can money buy happiness? Why?/ Why not?
In my personal opinion, money cannot buy happiness. Money can buy things that make
us feel good in the short time. Money just helps us cover our needs. For example, when
we are hot and we need an ice cream, we can use money to get it, then we feel happy.
However, when we don’t feel hot, eating an ice cream will not make us happy anymore.
1.What is your favorite place to shop?
I like to go shopping at a small shop near my department because it takes me few
minutes to go on foot and it has reasonable prices.
2.What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Where and why did you buy
Last Saturday was my mother’s birthday. Because it’s winter, I bought her a wool scarf
of a famous brand at the mall. It was blue, which was my mothers favorite color.
Having seen this gift, she was extremely happy.
3.Do you prefer going shopping on your own or going with other people? Why?
I tend to go shopping with my friend especially whenever I go to buy clothes. We go
window shopping before deciding what we buy. She is really an expert in shopping. She
gave me a lot of useful advice. I am very excited to go shopping with her.
PART II: Situation: Your brother would like you to give him some advice on how to
lose weight. Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Skip meals
- Use drugs
- Exercise regularly
The best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly. Firstly, doing exercises helps reduce
belly fat and strengthen the muscles. Moreover, exercises allow more energy released
and help us stronger and healthier. Jogging or going to the gym every day is the good
Nowadays, some people often skip their meals or use drugs as the ways to lose weight.
These are acceptable in a short time because they can have negative influences on our
health. If people don’t eat any of three meals in a day, they tend to die of eating and
therefore they can eat much more in the next meals without control. As a result, they
become fatter. Using drugs can be able to affect negatively to center nervous system and
social activities such as low thinking and memory, ineffective work, easy mistake
making,… In conclusion, it is necessary to exercise every day to maintain a nice and
healthy body.
Let’s talk about museum.
Examiner speaking: Do you like visiting museums? If yes, how often do you visit
museums? If no, why not?
Examiner speaking: What are usually displayed in the museum where you live?
Examiner speaking: How is visiting museum good or not good for young people?
Now, let’s talk aboutspecial events of your country.
Examiner speaking: What are important events of your country ?
Examiner speaking: Can you name one or two things in common that people in your
country celebrate all events?
Examiner speaking: Do you think it is a good idea to celebrate all such events in the
same way?
PART II: Situation: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary
students in your city. Which do you think is the best option for secondary students?
THREE options are suggested:
- cooking
- swimming
- sewing
I will choose cooking because:
+ It helps them to cook for themselves
+ Children will know how hard their parents are to cook
+cooking make them appreciate the food more
I don’t choose swimming and sewing because:
+ It might be dangerous for children to do these
Let’s talk about secondary schools around where you live.
Are there many secondary schools where you live?
Yes there are. Exactly 3,my neighborhood is quite populous, so there are a lot of
children. Therefore, there is a need for schools, especially secondary schools. And a new
school is now being built, which will be a modern school in both facilities and teaching
What do these schools have in common?
Well, they are all newly built and equipped with modern facilities, such as new desks
and chairs, televisions, air-conditioners, projectors, and so on. In addition, the teachers
are quite young but well trained. They are very lovely and enthusiastic.
In what ways do you think schools play an important part in the Vietnamese
educational system?
Schools do play an important role in Vietnamese educational system. Schools provide
talented people. As we all know, in Vietnam education mostly means schooling. We
have kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, universities and
colleges and even higher levels. Schools are the main source of talented personnel
supply. Of course, there are many talented people who do not receive schooling, but the
number of these people is too small.
When did you start learning English?
I started to learn English when I was young, exactly when I was in grade 3. I first had
English lessons then.
Do you think English is a good subject for students to learn at school? Why/ Why
I think English is definitely a good subject for students to learn at school, and even the
best. English has so many advantages and applications in future job and without English
people will have a lot of difficulties in the current context of integration.
Do you think that students are learning too many subjects at school now?
Yes, I do. There are too many subjects that they have to take. Especially primary school
students have to learn so many subjects, a lot of which I think are useless for them. And
students need time for relax and playing, but entertainment time is quite out of their
reach now.
PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor
activities. Which do you think is the most suitable one for your students?
THREE options of activities are suggested:
- visiting the zoo
- camping
- drawing
I am planning to take my students to participate in an outdoor activity and I plan to take
them to the zoo. I know my students really like animals. Going to the zoo helps them to
widen their knowledge and satisfy their interest. And I think Thu Le Zoo is quite suitable
a place for us to go to. It is quite large with a lot of games for children to play. But most
importantly, there are a lot of cages of animals which students cannot see at any other
places. And my plan for that day is that we will start off in the morning, go around the
zoo and sightsee and play games for about three hours, then at noon we leave the zoo for
a restaurant for lunch. While having lunch, I will ask students to talk about their feelings
after the trip. This is really necessary, giving them an opportunity to express themselves,
talking about what they have learned from the trip, and especially enhancing their love
for nature and animals. I hope the trip will raise their awareness of protecting nature and
animals and at the same time, provide them with interesting and enjoyable moments.
Let’s talk about health.
Examiner speaking: What do people where you live do to keep fit?
They often play sport to keep fit.
Examiner speaking: Do you think that they are practising in the right way?
Yes, I do.
Examiner speaking: In what ways is doing gyms good or not good for old people?
Doing gym everyday enables older men and women to not only live longer, but also to
extend their active involvement in all levels of society. Lots of older people use gyms
and feel better for it. Doing gym is an effective intervention for improving physical
functioning in older people, including improving strength and the performance of some
simple and complex activities. It had a small but significant effect on improving physical
ability and on reducing some pain on old people. In fact, gym is good but the elder
should choose suitable type of exercise to their physical ability.
Now, let’s talk about healthcare service where you live.
Examiner speaking: What do people in your area usually do when they have health
People often talk to friends, family, and coworkers to find out the best doctor who can
treat them, after that they go to see him/her for checking their health problems as well as
asking for recommendations. Some others can check with their insurance plan for a list
of doctors in the area. Then they go to a local hospital, medical center, or nearby medical
Examiner speaking: Do you think that it is good to open private clinics ?
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals,
many private clinics offering specialized services also operate. I think that it is good to
open private clinics because they typically offer services with reduced wait times
compared to the public health care system. Moreover, in private hospitals your treatment
is usually in a private room which has hotel type services such as TV, menu choices etc.,
at a time to suit you.
Examiner speaking: What are the downsides of having too many private clinics?
It makes more and more people confused about the private health care choices available
to them. People tend to compare hospitals relative to infection rates, degrees of surgical
success, and many other metrics. When we are able to do this, hospitals will be driven by
quality, service, and cost all of which will be necessary to compete. Therefore, too
many private hospitals means that there is an open competitive market. We know what
happens in this environment. There are winners and losers. As a result, many clinics with
expensive and modern equipment will be closed which wastes a lot of money.
PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your secondary students to participate in
outdoor activities. Which do you think are the most preferable to them?
THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested:
- uniforms
- selected tops and shorts
- skirts
I think that selected tops and shorts and skirts are popular costumes that make students
more active and dynamic but theyare not suitable male students. Uniforms may be the
best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that uniforms highly
appreciate the community. All the rich and the poor are the same. There is no difference
and unequality between male and female. Moreover, when students put on uniforms they
feel so proud of their school and have a sense of responsibility to keep their school’s
reputation. Finally, uniforms make all students look more formal.
Now, the test begins.
Let’s talk about happiness.
Examiner speaking: What do you think happiness is?
C1:It is difficult to define happiness and each person has his own opinion. For me,
when thinking about happiness, I often remember a saying that “If I was in my perfect
place, would someone else there make it better?”. Therefore, in my point of view it’s
simple that the person who is always with you to share and to love whenever you need
makes you happy!
C2 : . For me,It is difficult to define happiness and each person has his own opinion
happiness is that I can do whatever I want.
Examiner speaking: Do you think that rich people are always happy?
I don’t think that they are always happy because I think there are more important things
than money in our life. Love is one of them. Although rich men can buy almost all things
that they want, they can never purchase a good human relationship based on love. In
particular, when they became elder people, if they are alone, they must feel miserable. In
conclusion, I disagree that rich people are always happy.
Examiner speaking: What do you do to make yourself happy?
Happiness is so interesting and I would love to be happier. To make myself happy, I
often spend time with my friends and family because I think that we are only happy
when we have family and have friends and almost all the other things we think make us
happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends. Moreover, for me
helping others with a smiling on lips can make us feel better since smiling is one way to
reduce the stress caused by an upsetting situation.
Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about money.
Examiner speaking: Do you think money is more important than any other aspects of
Money is important because it means being able to give your children the best – the best
education, the best health care, the best start in life. Of course, when it comes to kids,
money can also greatly spoil them, so it’s up to wealthy parents to find a way to give
their kids the best, while still teaching them the value of money and not giving them so
much excess that their view on life is forever skewed.
Examiner speaking: What would you do if you had a lot of money?
Examiner speaking: What are the downsides of having too much money?
Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor activities.
Which do you think are the most preferable to them?
THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested:
- uniforms
- selected tops and shorts
- skirts
Let’s talk about restaurants.
Examiner speaking: Tell me about your favourite restaurant.
Examiner speaking: What is your opinion of foreign food?
Examiner speaking: Why do people like to eat out?
People eat out for many reasons. Some people like to eat out because they do not like to
cook and do the washing up on their own. Some people like to eat out because they can
have food they do not know how to cook at home. People might go out to eat if they are
in a hurry. At some restaurants, food is prepared quickly or comes already prepared and
ready to eat. If a person does not have the time to cook a meal, he may go out to eat.
Many people go out to eat for special occasions. If a person has a birthday, for example,
she may invite her friends and family to a restaurant for a meal. By going out, the person
and her friends can enjoy a birthday celebration without having to worry about preparing
food or washing up.
Now, let’s talk about relaxation
Examiner speaking: What activities can people do to relax?
Listening to your favorite song is one of the best ways to relax. Sometimes belting out
the lyrics to a favorite tune makes everything seem all right and classical music can be
especially relaxing right before bedtime. Talking to a friend is also a good way to reduce
stress. When something’s really bothering you, it can help to share your feelings with a
pal. In fact, more talkative folks tend to be happier in general. So people tend to go to a
coworker or call a close family member and spill.
Examiner speaking: Tell me about how you like to relax.
Examiner speaking: In what ways can you relax without spending any money?
Situation: You are planning a holiday and you will be staying in a hotel. You will decide
which feature you consider to be the most important when choosing a hotel to stay in.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- The location of the hotel.
- The comfort of the hotel room.
- Reasonable price.
When having a holiday, your accommodation choice is very important because it can
make or break your holidays. In my opinion, the location of the hotel is not very
important because I will go by my private car so I can travel everywhere I want without
any worrying about the distance. Costs are another important consideration here but I
have affordability so I do not care about the price. I only want to make sure to check
whether the hotel prices are all-inclusive or not.
I consider the convenience of the hotel the most important when choosing a hotel to stay.
Travelling, either by land or air, can be exhausting. So I would be looking forward to a
comfortable and convenient stay when I arrive in my destination. Therefore, my hotel
should have the amenities that would help me relax and unwind. Things like a cozy
room, a soft bed, or a pool spa are a big plus. I can check these, as well as the type of
service they give, by reading reviews or guest testimonials on the Internet. Also, safety
and security should not be overlooked when selecting accommodation.
Let’s talk about housework.
Examiner speaking: How do you share housework in your family?
( n tr l i) In my family I ofen prepare meals and wash clothes while my husband does some ư aơ
technical work like repairing things. However sometimes when I am busy, my husband helps me
to cook.
( nam tr l i) In my family my wife ofen prepares meals and washes clothes and I some aơ
technical work like repairing things. However sometimes when my wife is busy, I am willing to
help her to cook.
Examiner speaking: Do you think children should help with the housework?
Yes, I totally agree that children should help their parents do the housework that are suitable
with their ages
Examiner speaking: What are some of the things that your family usually do together?
We usually watch TV together in the evening. Sometimes at weekends we go out to eat in a
restaurants or travel to some new places
Now, let’s talk about fashion.
Examiner speaking: Do you try to follow the latest fashion?
Not usually but sometimes in fact. Although I am not really fashionable, I think that I should
keep up to date with new fashion to keep my image in other people’s eyes.
Examiner speaking: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
in fact I like dress most as I think I look more attractive when wearing dress
Examiner speaking: Which do you prefer, shopping in a small shop or a supermarket?
In fact I like shopping in a supermarket more because I think its more convenient. There are lots
of things in a supermarket so I can buy almost everything I want without having to travel to
different places.
Examiner speaking: Alright. Thank you. That is the end of Part I. Now let's move to Part II. In
this part of the speaking test, you will be given a situation with THREE options. You have to
choose ONE to argue on. You will have to say which option you will follow and explain why. You
will also have to say why you haven't chosen the other two options. You have ONE minute to
prepare your talk and TWO minutes to talk. Here is the situation.
Situation: You are giving a short talk on language learning. You will decide which activity is the
best way to learn a new language.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Join a class.
- Self-study.
- Talk to native speakers
In learning a language, there are many different options such as joining a class, learning by
oneself and talking to native speakers. In my opinion, talking to native speakers is the best way
to acquire a new language. Communicating with native speakers can help people make sure
whether they can make themselves understood. What is more, it is a great chance for language
learners to practise their pronunciation and sharpen their communicating skills. Besides, having
talks with foreigners can act as a motivation for language learners. Joining a class is also a
good way but looking for a good classroom is not an easy job. Self-studying is necessary in
language learning, however it is more suitable for language learners of high level than low level
ones. All things considered, I believe that talking to native speakers is the best way to learn a
LEVELS 3 – 5
Let’s talk about friends.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your best friend?
My best friend is Tr ng. He’s a very good friend. He shares with me everything in life and gives o
me a lot of useful advice.
Examiner speaking: What is important about a friend for you?
I think a true friend is someone who understand me and I can trust, who share my happiness
and my sorrow
Examiner speaking: What kind of people do you like to spend time together with?
I would like to spend time with optimistic people as they seem to be happy all the time.
Spending time with them makes me feel relaxed
Now, let’s talk about houses.
Examiner speaking: Would you rather live in a big city or in the country? Why?
I would like to live in a big city because it is very convenient. There are a lot more hospitals,
schools, universities in big cities so we do not need to travel too far to get those services. Things
are also more available in big cities than in the countryside so it’s easier to find what we need in
the cities.
Examiner speaking: Could you describe your house/flat and the rooms in it?
My house is quite small with only two bedrooms and a living room. My bedroom is what I like
best in my house because it has enough appliances such as TV, air conditioner, DVD player,
computer which helps me deal with my job and entertain in my free time.
Examiner speaking: Which is your favourite place at home and why?
In fact my house has a small garden with a lot of flowers and this is the place I Iove most as
looking at the flowers after coming back home help me release stress I get during the working
Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous
city. Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- History of the city.
- Tourist attractions in the city.
- Famous citizens of the city.
If I have to make a presentation about a famous city, I think my emphasis will be put on the
tourist attractions of the city because it seems that this is the information that most listeners
want to know. People are usually interested in the beautiful places in a city so that they can
come when they have time. The history of the city is also important as it provides people with
the knowledge that they may know little about, but it should be brief as history is not always
interesting. I will not say much about famous citizens of the city except that one has special
contribution to the city
Let’s talk about schools.
Examiner speaking: What were your favourite subjects/lessons at school and why?
- My favourite subject at school is English because my English teacher is the person I
admire most and I want to be an English teacher like her.
Examiner speaking: What is an ideal teacher like for you?
I think an ideal teacher has to good qualification, good characteristic such as love
teaching, love students, care about students… and especially be ready to further study to
enhance their knowledge.
Examiner speaking: What are some of the best memories of your school years?
-I have a lot of best memories in high school. I took the first award for the singing
contest and have a boyfriend after that.
Now, let’s talk about jobs.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about the job you would like to have in the
- I always want to be an English teacher like my mother.
Examiner speaking: Would you like to be self-employed or an employee? Why?
- Actually I always want to be self –employed because I want to be independent and don’t
be controlled by others.
Examiner speaking: Have you ever had a summer job? If yes, could you tell me about
it? / If no, would you like to have one this summer? Why/Why not?
No, actually. I have never had a summer job. But maybe I try this summer because I
heard that a part time job is very useful for the future job.
Situation: Your local council has been allocated money to add one new entertainment
facility to the community in your area. Decide which one you would choose.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- A sports centre
- A park with a lake.
- A children’s playground.
I think it should be a park with a beautiful lake because you know in my town there are a
lot of private sport centres and a children’s playground. Firstly, having a park will make
a town beautiful. Secondly, people can go there to relax or doing morning exercises or
just to see a lake.
Let’s talk about food.
Examiner speaking: What do you normally have for your breakfast / lunch / dinner?
I usually have hamburger for breakfast because it is easy to go fastfood store and take it
instead of cooking at the kitchen.
Examiner speaking: How healthy is your diet?
My diet includes much vegetable and a little bit meat and I think it is healthy.
Examiner speaking: Where do you like to eat? Why?
I really love to have meal at home because I can eat with all of my family after a long
Now, let’s talk about sports
Examiner speaking: What do you do to keep fit?
I always do a gym or go swimming to keep fit.
Examiner speaking: How important is sport to your family members?
Sport especially team sport is very important to my family members because it ‘s the
time my family gather together and play sport to keep our heath better.
Examiner speaking: What sports are you interested in? Why?
I really enjoy swimming because it helps me to keep fit and relax after hard working.
Situation: You have been asked to advertise a play which is being produced by your
school or college. Decide which way you will choose to use.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Local television.
- Leaflets.
- Websites.
I think using local television and leaflets take me a lot of money and time to advertise.
So I will use websites to advertise a play. I have an own page so I put it on my page and
share it everyone thorough a click. It is very convenient and quite cheap.
Let’s talk about watching TV.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your family’s TV viewing habits?
We always watch television together in the evening after a long working day.
Examiner speaking: What are your favourite TV programmes and why?
It’s cartoon network because it helps me to relax and laugh a lot.
Examiner speaking: Which do you prefer, watching a film on TV or going to the
cinema? Why?
I really prefer going to the cinema to watching a film because of their large screen and
new films.
Now, let’s talk about transport.
Examiner speaking: Whats your favourite means of transport and why?
It’s motorbike because it’s very convenient and I don’t have to wait if I want to go
anywhere like public transportation.
Examiner speaking: What do you think of the traffic in your area/town?
Because the traffic in my town is improved a lot so I think it’s quite convenient.
Examiner speaking: Could you give me directions to the nearest shop from here,
You turn left right here and go straight to the end of the road.
Situation: Your local council wants to make your area more environmentally friendly.
Decide which way you would choose as being the best one to make your area greener.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Recycle bins in public places.
- Plant trees.
- Educate the people on the environment
I think it should be educate the people on the environment because it’s the most effective
way to protect environment. Moreover, although there are a lot of recycle bins in public
places and a many trees planted around the city, people still put rubbish into the road.
Let’s talk about holidays.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about a holiday you enjoyed a lot?
This is my family trip to Nhatrang beach. You know I can go with my family and enjoy the
fresh air and eat a lot of seafood that I like.
Examiner speaking: What kind of holiday do you prefer and why?
I prefer relaxing holiday than adventurous one because I just want to relax instead of
discovering sth.
Examiner speaking: What way of travelling do you prefer when you go on holiday? Why?
I really like travelling by car because it’s active and convenient.
Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about transport.
Examiner speaking: Whats your favorite means of transport and why?
I really love bicycle because it’s a friendly mean of transport to the environment
Examiner speaking: What do you think of the traffic in your area/town?
I think it’s very terrible because of much traffic jam
Examiner speaking: How do you travel to work/school everyday?
I always travel to work by motorbike because I work quite far from home.
Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous city.
Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your presentation.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- History of the city.
- Tourist attractions in the city.
- Famous citizens of the city.
- I think I choose to present tourist attractions in the city because there are a lot of famous
sightseeing in the city. If I choose history or famous citizens of the city I think I can’t do it
because I have a little time to prepare.
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing when you are on holiday?
I enjoy staying at the hotel near the beach to see beach view and eating seafood or walking
along the beach.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your dream holiday?
It ‘s a family trip to Nhatrang beach. We can enjoy the fresh air and sea food together and
have best memories with each other.
Examiner speaking: How do you prepare for a holiday?
I prepare clothes for the whole trip, book the room hotel, the ticket… and money to buy
present for my beloved people.
Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about food.
Examiner speaking: What does your family usually eat and drink on special occasions (e.g.
Christmas, Easter, birthdays)?
At Christmas we usuaslly go to the familiar restaurant to enjoy fried chicken.
Examiner speaking: Where do you like to eat? Why?
I always like to eat at lotteria because its food is quite delicious and the price is reasonable
Examiner speaking: Do you prefer traditional restaurants or fast-food places? Why?
I like fastfood places because it’s very convenient and I am really lazy to cook a meal.
Situation: The government is going to give an award to individuals from different
professions who have contributed positively to your country. Decide which category most
deserves to receive an award.
There are THREE options;
- Scientists
- Politicians
- Teachers
I think it should be scientist because nowadays scientist create something which is very
useful for people. I think they have a lot of contribution to my country. Politicians and
teachers maybe have contribution to one part of education or politic
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Preview text:

Speaking for B1 Level( đềề 1-30) Code 1: Part 1: Topic 1: Holiday
1.What did you do on your last holiday?
I went to the beach with my friends on my last holiday. The beach is beautiful and I had a great time there.
2. Who do you prefer spending your holiday with?
I prefer spending my holiday with my friends. Travelling with the people who are at the same age
with me makes me more comfortable.
3. Do you prefer going on holiday abroad?
No, I don’t prefer going on holiday abroad because I don’t have enough money, I can’t use English very well. Topic2:TV programs
1.How many hours a day do you watch television?
I often spend one hour a day watching television. At weekend I often watch all day because I have a lot of free time.
2.Which programs do you like?
I like some English programs on Star World channel. By watching them, I can improve my English speaking and listening skill.
3.Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?
I prefer watching TV with my family because we can watch and share all the information and even
discuss together to know more about the world.
Part 2:If you won a lottery of 1 billon VND, what would you do with the money? Buy a new house Start a business
Deposit the money in the bank
If I won the lottery of 1 billion VND, I would buy a HOUSE because I am now living with my parents
and I want to have an independent life. After I buy house, I have a stable life and start a business to
earn money and send in the bank. 1 Code 2: Part 1: Topic 1: Birthday
1.When is your birthday?
My birthday is on 29th February.
2.What do you usually do on your birthday?
I usually invite my friends to my birthday. We have a small party to cheer it up and sing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” song together.
3.What is your favorite family celebration? Why?
There are many celebrations my family often have a year but my favorite one is TET celebration
because we can meet together to chat, to talk and share what we have done last year and what we will do next year.
Topic2: Public transportation
1.What is the best way to travel in your town/city?
I live in a big city with crowded streets so the best way to travel in my city is by motorbikes.
2.What is the favorite means of transportation?
My favorite means of transportation is motorbike because it’s faster than bicycle and small enough to
go through narrow streets in my hometown.
3.Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why?
I think people should use public transportation more because it is cheap, convenient and safe.
Part 2:You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday present. How would
you use the money?
Saving up for the future
Buying a laptop for the study
Buying a fashionable smartphone
If my father gives me a sum of money as a birthday present, I will buy a new laptop because it is easy
to find information, documents and references for my study. I do not choose to save up for the future
or buy a fashionable smart phone because i think they are not necessary for me. Code 3: Part 1: 2 Topic 1:Music
1.Do you like music? If yes, what kind of music do you like best? Why?
Yes, I do, I like classical music because I feel so good and relaxed when I listen to this kind of music.
2.What is the most popular kind of music in your country?
Pop music is the most popular kind of music in my country.
3.How is music good or not good for people?
I think music is good for people because it can lead our souls. It is the reason why when you are
happy or in trouble you always want to listen to music. Topic2: English
1.Did you learn English at secondary school?
No, I didn’t. I started to learn English when I was at high school.
2.What do you think about how English is taught at school now?
I think English is better taught at school now because there are so many teaching materials and equipment to support teaching.
3.In what ways has children much improved nowadays?
Children nowadays learn English at very young ages that makes them more natural at learning
English. As a result, their English, especially speaking is much better. Part 2:
An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students in your city. Which do
you think is the best option for secondary students? - Photograph - Swimming - Dancing
If I have the right to choose an optional subject to add to the curriculum for secondary students in
my country, I will choose a swimming course because it is good for their health. I do not choose
photograph and dancing because in my opinion they are not suitable for them. Code 4: Part 1: Topic1:Favorite places
1.Where do you usually go when you have spare time?
When I have free time, I usually go shopping in the supermarket near my house. 3
2.Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends?
Yes. There are. People can go to Cua Lo beach and Sen village.
3.In what way is café a great place for people to enjoy their free time?
Café is a place where you can sit for a while with Internet connection and enjoy a cup of coffee while
working on your computer. It is also a good place for people to enjoy themselvesor talking with
friends about everything in life.
Topic 2: Subjects at schools
1.What subject did you like most when you were at school?
I like English most when I were at school.
2.Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at school? Why?
I think English is a good subject for all of students at school because it’s an international language
3.Do you think students are learning too many subjects at school now? Yes, I do. Part 2:
You are going to take your secondary school students to the cinema. What kind of film do you think
it best for the students? - Cartoon - Action movies - Detective movies
I think a detective movie will be the best choice for the secondary students because they are curious
soit’s a good way for them to learn how to think logically. I do not choose cartoon and action movies
because I think they are not suitable for them. Code 5: Part 1: Topic 1: Hometown
1.Where do you come from? I come from Hai Duong.
2.Do you like living in your hometown?
Yes, I do because people are very honest and friendly.
3.What is it famous for? 4
My hometown is famous for Thanh Ha litchi, it is very delicious and sweet. Topic 2: Career
1.What is your job?
I’m a teacher of literature.
2.How long have been working?
I have been working as a teacher of literature at my school for 6 years.
3.Why do you like your job?
I love my job because I love children and the language Part 2:
Your town plans to organize an Open Festival and many visitors will come. Which job below do you
think would be most suitable for you? - A tour guide -
A traffic instructor -
A master of ceremony
I think being a tour guide will be the most suitable job for me. I can speak English understand the
history and events happening in the past so I can give information for visitors when necessary. I do
not choose to be a traffic instructor or a master of ceremony because it is very hard for me. Code 6: Part 1: Topic 1: Hobby
1.What do you like doing in your free time?
In free time, I often listen to music and watch TV. Sometimes, I go shopping with my friends or my husband.
2.Why do you like doing it?
I like doing these things because listening to music, watching TV, and shopping make me feel
comfortable and relaxed after a hard-working day
3.How much time do you spend doing that?
It depends, I can’t say exactly but whenever I have free time, I do that. Topic2: English
1.Do you like English? 5 Yes, I do.
2.When did you start learning English?
I started learning English when I was at High school.
3.How do you improve your English?
I improve my English by watching TV, listening to music, reading English news and talking to foreiners.
Part 2:which plan below will you choose for your family this weekend? -
Going to the cinema -
Having meal in a restaurant -
Going to the beach
This weekend I do not have free time, so I plan to have a dinner out in a restaurant. I do not choose to
go to the cinema because I hate watching films. I will not go to the beach because Code 7: Part 1 Topic1: Hometown
1.When is the best time to come to your hometown? Why?
The best time to my hometown is the summer. Because there are many beautiful beaches in my hometown.
2.What do you like best about your hometown?
I like best about my hometown is the beautiful beaches.
3.Do you think your hometown is the best place to grow up? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do, I think my hometown is the best place to grow up because the air here is fresh and the
people-my neighbors are very friendly, the food is very delicious, it’s a good environment to grow up. Topic2: Friends
1.What does your best friend look like?
My best friend is tall, she is beautiful with long black hair.
2.How did you meet your best friend?
I met her 10 years ago. It was the first day at the university, we started talking and became friends
when we sat next to each other in the class.
3.In your opinion, what is the best quality of a good friend? 6
In my opinion, to keep a good friendship, sharing is the best quality your best friends should have.
You should be able to share each and everything with each other. Part 2:
What will you advise your friend to do on his first date this weekend? -
Going to a restaurant -
Going to the cinema -
Going to a shopping mall
I think he should take his girlfriend to a restaurant to have a meal. They can talk and share the time
while having meal. I don’t choose the other choices because they are not suitable for them. They can
not talk and chat in the cinema. Shopping malls are so noisy for them to express their love. Code 8: Part 1: Topic1: Leisure time
1.What do you often in your free time?
When I have free time, I often listen to music, watch TV or go shopping.
2.Have your leisure time activities changed since you were a child?
Yes, they have. When I was a child I often played rope-skipping and played marbles, I think these
games are still popular. Now, I often play football, watch TV, listen to music and sometimes play
games on my computer or on the Internet.
3.Do you prefer to spend your leisure time alone or with other people? Why?
I prefer to spend my leisure time alone listening to music because I love music. Topic2:Books
1.What kind of books do you like to read?
I like fiction and romantic novels because they are very interesting to read.
2.Do you read the same kind of books now that you read 5 years ago?
Yes, I do. I still read fiction and romantic novels now.
3.When do you think is the best time to read? Why?
I think the best time to read is before going to bed because reading books makes us relaxed,
comfortable and forgets a hard-working day. Part 2:
Which present I the best for your parent’s wedding anniversary? 7 - A wedding cake -
A 3-days to the beach -
An album of the whole family
My parents’ wedding anniversary is coming. I will choose to make them a wedding cake because I am
good at it and they like eating cakes a lots. I do not choose a 3-days to the beach because it is
expensive. I also do not choose an album of the whole family because my parents have already had it. Code 9: Part 1 Topic1: Social networks
1.Do you like social networks? Yes, I do.
2.What kind of social networks are you using now? If yes, why?
The social networks which I am using now are Facebook, Email, chat voice…because they can bring me many benefits.
3.What is your advice for social network users?
My advice for social network users is using suitable network if not it will make them get addicted. Topic 2: Fashion
1.How important is fashion to you?
I think the fashion is very important not only me but also everyone because it makes us more
beautiful, luxurious and elegant
2.What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear?
I often like wearing dress, sometimes I prefer to wear jean and T-shirt .
3.Do you ever have to wear things you don’t really like? If so, when, and why?
Yes, I do. I had to wear Kimono to take photographs for my wedding last year. I didn’t like wearing it because it was uncomfortable. Part 2:
If you won the lottery of 1 bilion VND, what would you do with the money? -
Put all in a bank -
Buy some valuable things like car, house, land -
Give some to a charity organization and then travel around 8
If I won the lottery of 1 billion VND, I would buy a HOUSE because I am now living with my parents
and I want to have an independent life. I do not choose the other choices because I am not very rich. Code 10 Part 1:
Topic 1: Games and Sports
1.Do you take part in any outdoor sports regularly? No, I don’t.
2.Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why?
In my opinion, I prefer to exercise in a class because doing exercises in a class withthe help of teacher
and friends provides me with strong motivation to practise harder and better.
3.What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why?
In my opinion, playing badminton is the best type of exercise because this sport is easy to play and it’s suitable to my ability. . Speaking test 11
Let’s talk about rooms in your house
Which room in your house do you like best?
B1: I like the bedroom most because that is where I can relax after long working day
B1: There are 5 rooms in my house including 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a
bathroom. My favourite room is a living room because this is a place where I can meet my
friends and all my family members to chat and talk about all things in life.
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing there?
B1: Just lie on my bed watching TV or read books to take a rest
Examiner speaking: Do you like having guests in your room? Why? Why not?
B1: In fact I am not really like having guests in my personal room as I cannot do what I usually do.
Now, let’s talk about sports
Examiner speaking: Do you play any sports?
You know, playing sports is very important to our life because it helps us to have good health
and reduce stress after work. I often play badminton at my school after I finish my work in the afternoon.
Examiner speaking: What sports do you enjoy watching?
There are many kinds of sports that are often shown on TV everyday, but my favourite is
watching football because it is the most popular sport all over the world. it is easy to play and
suitable for both male and female.
Examiner speaking: What sports do you enjoy playing?
I like playing football, I often play it at weekends with my friends PART 2
Situation: Some of your friends are visiting you this weekend. You would like to do
something fun with them. What will you do?
There are THREE options for you to choose: -
Cook a meal together in your apartment. 9 -
Go to a local restaurant together. -
Take your friends out for sightseeing.
C1: I am a quite good cook so whenever my friends visit me, they always want to enjoy the
food I prepare. Therefore I think we will cook a meal together in my apartment.
Going to a local restaurant is also a good choice, but my friends usually prefer to stay at home
so that we have more time together while still save money. I also like taking my friends out
for sightseeing but the weather at this time of the year is not really beautiful, therefore I think
I will choose the first option. Speaking test 12
Let’s talk about your reading habits
Examiner speaking: Do you enjoy reading? Why? Why not?
Examiner speaking: What types of books/magazines do you enjoy reading?
Examiner speaking: Where do you prefer reading? -
Oh yes, I really love reading because it helps me relax after a hard-working day. -
when I want to relax I find a lot of novels especially romantic ones, bit of love with a happy ending.
Now, let’s talk about your free time
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing in your free time?
I like playing football, reading a book or a novel, newspaper…
Examiner speaking: Who do you enjoy spending your free time with? - Certainly with my friends. -
Examiner speaking: Where would you prefer spending your free time? Indoor or outdoor? -
It depends on my mood really. After hard working, I just want to get home and read a book or
something to relax but sometimes I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play
volleyball in a team at the weekend.
Situation: You are about to study at university. Which of these is most important? There are
THREE options for you to choose: - Cost of the course - Reputation of the university - Distance from home
C1:I will choose a university because of its reputation. A university which is well-known must
have good teaching and learning. So I can enjoy good study environment. If the cost of the
course is high, I will try to afford by doing some part-time job. Distance from home is not
very importance because nowadays the traffic is much better, making travelling around easier and more convenient. Speaking 13:
Let’s talk about ways of relaxing
Examiner speaking: What do you do to relax?
- I usually stay at home to read some fantasy cartoon books or something or only sleep to
relax after a hard – working day.
Examiner speaking: Where do you want to go to relax?
- I and my friends always go to the cinema to enjoy new films at the weekends and after that
we go to the cafeteria and discuss about this films. You know, it’s really good way to relax.
Examiner speaking: Do you like relaxing on your own or with other people? 10 -
It depends on my mood really. After hard working, I just want to get home and read a book or
something to relax but sometimes I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play
volleyball in a team at the weekend.
Now, let’s talk about rooms at home
Examiner speaking: Which is the most important room in your house? -
It’s definitely my living room.
Examiner speaking: What make it important? -
Because when my friends come to see me, I can introduce to them a lot of family pictures
with a lot of family events in the living room
Examiner speaking: What do you do in the room -
In my living room, I always watch TV with my family at the weekend evening. -
Situation: Your university offers free courses for graduate students. Which would you
choose? There are THREE options for you to choose: - A time-management course. - A public speaking course. - A team work course.
If I have a chance to join a free course that my university offers, a public speaking course and
team work course are not my choice because when I study at university, presenting a project
in front of my classmates and working in groups or teams are considered usual and regular
tasks I have to perform, so they are very interesting and good but it is not as necessary as a
time-management. I want to join this course because, to me, time is the most important and
valuable property that people often waste for useless activities. How to manage and use the
time effectively and efficiently during 24 hours is very necessary and if I can manage the time
suitably, I can do any things successfully and perfectly. SPEAKING 14 Let’s talk about films
Examiner speaking: Do you like films? -
Oh yes, I really like watching movies especially cartoon movies.
Examiner speaking: What type of films do you like? -
As I said, I really like cartoon movies because it helps me to relax after working hard
Examiner speaking: Who do you enjoy watching films with? -
I always watching film with my children because they are interested in cartoon movies like me.
Now, let’s talk about mobile phones
Examiner speaking: Do you use a mobile phone?
Yes, of course. It’s one of the most important equipment to me.
Examiner speaking: What are the good points of mobile phones?
There are a lot of advantages of mobile phones. Firstly, it’s a good way to communicate with
distant people. Secondly, mobile phone is very useful because you can access the internet,
check your email or even listen to music or watch movie.
Examiner speaking: What are the bad points of mobile phones?
You know, nowadays there are a lot of people much depend on mobile phones. So I think it
wastes a lot of time phoning and messaging on mobile phones and many people are wasting
much money buying fashionable smart phone in order to satisfy their tendency’s demand or
their interests. Moreover, the wave of mobile phone, according to statistics, is not good for
our health if we use it continously and regularly. 11
Situation: A student wants to do a part-time job where he can practice his English.
Which job would be best for him?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - A job at a souvenir shop - A job at a travel agency - A job at a take-away shop
There are a lot of part time jobs for example student can work in a souvenir shop or a travel
agency or a take-away shop… However, if he wants to practice his English, I think a job at
travel agency is the best suitable for him. You know, working at travel agency, you can be a
temporary guide in English. For example, guiding a group of Australian tourists visiting
Hanoi, you can practice English to describe and present about Hanoi’s sightseeing… Speaking 15 Part 1: Let’s talk about sports.
Examiner speaking:Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
I like outdoor sports because it has more exciting atmosphere
Examiner speaking: Which sports do you like best? Why?
I like football because each match brings a lot of surprises
Examiner speaking:Do you know why people like to play sports?
It is good for their health and helps them feel relaxed
Now, let’s talk about fast food.
Examiner speaking: What kind of fast food do you like best? I like chicken best
Examiner speaking: Is fast food good for your health? Why?/ Why not?
Of course not I think. It is not organic food and may result in obesity
Examiner speaking: In your opinion, why is fast food popular? it helps people save time. PART 2
Situation: Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is
the best way to pass time on a long journey?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Talking to other people - Reading books - Sleeping
In my opinion, the best way to pass time on a long journey is to talk to other people. When
talking you may forget everything around you and just focus on your chat. I don’t think that
reading books is good because on a journey as our eyes may become tired. Moreover, we can
get train-sick because of concentrating on reading. Sleeping is also a good way to pass the
time but we cannot socialize with others while sleeping. So for me talking to other people is the best choice 12 SPEAKING 15 Let’s talk about sports.
1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? Why?
To be honest, I prefer spending all my leisure time playing outdoor sports because outdoor
activities will help me become more healthy, bring me be closer with nature and expand my relationships.
2. Which sports do you like best? Why?
Football, of course, to me, this is the best team sport and it teaches me to be responsible and
try my best for the whole team.
3. Do you know why people like to play sports?
Well, I think people are keen on playing sports because it’s fun, it helps them to relax after a
long day working and it’s great to enjoy the feeling of a winner.
4. What kind of fast food do you like best?
To be honest, I’m not a fan of fast food. But I love hamburger. It is so tasty with a hunk of
ground beef served between two pieces of bun-configured bread and a variety of toppings and condiments.
5. Is fast food good for your health?
Not really, fast food contains large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, fats and salt. But I
eat it anyway because it’s tasty and convenient.
6. In your opinion, why is fast food popular?
Well, people now are so busy at work that they can hardly prepare a meal by themselves.
That’s why fast food is much preferred. Not only does it taste good but it also helps people to
save time and energy for other things. PART II:
Situation: Your friend is going on a long journey by train on his own. Which do you think is
the best way to pass time on a long journey?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Talking to other people - Reading books - Sleeping Part II:
Talking: More positive experience about journey, makes new friends, more social, break out
of your comfort zone, enjoy the journey more Sleeping: tired Reading book: tired
Getting a long train on your own can be kind of tiring and boring; therefore, you may
probably prefer to find something to do to pass the time. Talking to other people, reading
books or sleeping are some options that, to some extent, are good to be chosen. As far as I’m
concerned, I would rate communicating with others higher than either reading books or
sleeping because of a number of its benefits.
Firstly, in spite of just isolating yourself from others, talking will help you get more positive
experience about your journey. It’s when you can share all about your life, your job or your
ideas with a stranger. And in fact, we often feel comfortable to openly tell a person we’ve
never met before our stories either the bad or good. By this, we can relieve our stress and
become happier. By communicating, we can spice up our tedious moments on the train. 13
Besides, talking is prerequisite for a friendship to flourish. Obvious as it is, no friendship can
be built in silence; and all of your friends were once strangers. Breaking out your comfort
zone and starting a conversation with a stranger may probably bring you a soul mate that you’ve found for long.
In contrast, sleeping and reading book are by far less favorable. Focusing hard on a book
when the train is moving can cause and tiredness. The story conveyed will then be less
appealing and barely completely understood. On the other hand, after sleeping during the
whole long journey, you may feel weary to wake up with a possible pain in your head. The
longer you remain apart from others, the less you can enjoy.
In a nutshell, I think it is highly recommended that people open themselves to talk with other
so that they can greatly relish their long journey on the train and make new friends and turn on their excitement. . SPEAKING TEST 16
Let’s talk about your habits.
Examiner speaking: What is your typical day like?
I get up at 7 o’clock then go to work at 7:30. I will be ready at my own desk at about 8
o’clock. At 12, I often eat my lunch box prepared from home. After finishing work at 5 pm, I
head home. I have dinner with my family at 7 pm. Before going to bed at 10 o’clock, I take a
shower, watch TV and read my favorite book. What a boring day, isn’t it?
Examiner speaking: Do you have any habits that annoy other people?
I think my habit of keeping the TV volume a bit too loud annoys my family. They often shout
“turn it down or I’ll break it!” at me.
Examiner speaking: What do you usually do when you are upset?
Sometimes I listen to upbeat music to cheer myself up, but sometimes I like to listening to sad
songs that really suits my mood at that time.
Examiner speaking: What’s the weather like today?
Today it’s a bit too cold and windy. Elderly people and children can easily get sick these days.
Examiner speaking: Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Why?
I prefer cold weather to hot weather. Because in hot weather I feel very uncomfortable. I hate
sweat. Moreover, in winter, my skin becomes prettier. I love winter fashion too.
Examiner speaking: Could you recommend some activities to do in different kinds of weather?
In hot weather, you can go swimming, play beach volleyball, or play in waterparks. While in
cold weather, you can go to the gymnastics, go jogging and running in the morning. You can even go skating. 14 PART II:
Situation: A group of people is planning a trip from Thai Nguyen to Ha Giang. Couldyou
suggest the best means of transport? Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Train - Boat - Coach
I choose coach because coach is safe, cheap and comfortable. The distance from Thai Nguyen
to Ha Giang is about 250 km and it takes about 4.5 hours or 5 hours to travel. Going by coach
is relaxing and the cheapest among the three options. You can even sightsee through the coach
window. Moreover, you can reach almost exactly where you want to arrive at by coach
because it is easy to travel in roads. Travelling by train is noisy and more costly and boats can
give you seasickness which is really awful. More importantly, you have to take taxies or buses
from train station or boat port if you want to reach the place. SPEAKING TEST 17
Let’s talk about your cooking.
Examiner speaking: Who does the cooking in your family?
Everyday, my mother and I do the cooking in my family
Examiner speaking: Do you think cooking is a task that only women should do?Why?/ Why not?
In my opinion, cooking is a task that both men and women should do because the men should
help the women cook whenever they are busy in their jobs or assist them for the family’s parties or celebrations
Examiner speaking: Do you like cooking by yourself? Why?/ Why not?
I strongly like cooking because it helps me to improve my own skills of cooking and I am
very glad when I try my best to cook for meals for my family. I think all members in my
family are also happy to enjoy them.
Now, let’s talk about TV programs.
Examiner speaking: What’s the worst TV programs you’ve ever seen?
- I find TV programs very interesting and useful so I think they are not too bad.
Examiner speaking: How much TV do you watch every day?
- Because I am very busy in work so I don’t have much time to watch TV. I only wacth TV in the evening with my family.
Examiner speaking: What are some advantages of watching TV?
Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human. There are many
advantages of watching TV. At first, TV programs provide us with useful information about
science, nature, society, entertainment, etc. Secondly, by watching TV, we can see many
things happened all over the world. Finally, watching TV helps us relax after strained working hours. 15
PART II: Situation: Your brother is going to hold his wedding. He would like you to
give advice on who should be invited. Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - All acquaintances - Only close people
- Only the ones that invited you to their weddings The answer:
In my opinion, only inviting close people is the best choice for my brother’s
wedding. As you can see, the wedding is seemed to be the most important event in life,
therefore, inviting close people such as relatives, neighbors or close friends to the
wedding has become a general rule. The presence of close people will make you happy
from their congratulations and they may help you to prepare for your wedding.
Two left choices are really unreasonable. Inviting all acquaintances may make
your family confused. Your family can not control the number of guests invited to the
party and accommodate them considerately. Inviting only the ones that invited you to
their wedding makes your wedding no longer significant in the event that you don’t want
to invite them for any reason. Moreover, there is a bad case that they come to the party
as a duty or responsibility when they only give you an envelope with money and come back home. SPEAKING TEST 18 Let’s talk about money. Money
1.How much did you spend last week?
As usual, I spend 300,000vnd per week. But last week, I had to buy a gift for my mother
for her birthday. Therefore, the total amount of money I spent last week was 800,000vnd.
2.What do you spend most of your money on?
I spend most of my money on books because I like reading. Each month, I use the
considerable amount of money to buy some books of my favorite authors.
3.Can money buy happiness? Why?/ Why not?
In my personal opinion, money cannot buy happiness. Money can buy things that make
us feel good in the short time. Money just helps us cover our needs. For example, when
we are hot and we need an ice cream, we can use money to get it, then we feel happy.
However, when we don’t feel hot, eating an ice cream will not make us happy anymore. Shopping
1.What is your favorite place to shop?
I like to go shopping at a small shop near my department because it takes me few
minutes to go on foot and it has reasonable prices.
2.What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Where and why did you buy it?
Last Saturday was my mother’s birthday. Because it’s winter, I bought her a wool scarf
of a famous brand at the mall. It was blue, which was my mother’s favorite color.
Having seen this gift, she was extremely happy.
3.Do you prefer going shopping on your own or going with other people? Why?
I tend to go shopping with my friend especially whenever I go to buy clothes. We go
window shopping before deciding what we buy. She is really an expert in shopping. She
gave me a lot of useful advice. I am very excited to go shopping with her.
PART II: Situation: Your brother would like you to give him some advice on how to
lose weight. Which do you think is the best choice?
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Skip meals - Use drugs - Exercise regularly PART II
The best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly. Firstly, doing exercises helps reduce
belly fat and strengthen the muscles. Moreover, exercises allow more energy released
and help us stronger and healthier. Jogging or going to the gym every day is the good method.
Nowadays, some people often skip their meals or use drugs as the ways to lose weight.
These are acceptable in a short time because they can have negative influences on our
health. If people don’t eat any of three meals in a day, they tend to die of eating and
therefore they can eat much more in the next meals without control. As a result, they
become fatter. Using drugs can be able to affect negatively to center nervous system and
social activities such as low thinking and memory, ineffective work, easy mistake
making,… In conclusion, it is necessary to exercise every day to maintain a nice and healthy body. SPEAKING TEST 19 Let’s talk about museum.
Examiner speaking: Do you like visiting museums? If yes, how often do you visit museums? If no, why not?
Examiner speaking: What are usually displayed in the museum where you live?
Examiner speaking: How is visiting museum good or not good for young people?
Now, let’s talk aboutspecial events of your country.
Examiner speaking: What are important events of your country ?
Examiner speaking: Can you name one or two things in common that people in your country celebrate all events?
Examiner speaking: Do you think it is a good idea to celebrate all such events in the same way?
PART II: Situation: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary
students in your city. Which do you think is the best option for secondary students? THREE options are suggested: - cooking - swimming - sewing
I will choose cooking because:
+ It helps them to cook for themselves
+ Children will know how hard their parents are to cook
+cooking make them appreciate the food more
I don’t choose swimming and sewing because:
+ It might be dangerous for children to do these SPEAKING TEST 20
Let’s talk about secondary schools around where you live.
Are there many secondary schools where you live?
Yes there are. Exactly 3,my neighborhood is quite populous, so there are a lot of
children. Therefore, there is a need for schools, especially secondary schools. And a new
school is now being built, which will be a modern school in both facilities and teaching methods.
What do these schools have in common?
Well, they are all newly built and equipped with modern facilities, such as new desks
and chairs, televisions, air-conditioners, projectors, and so on. In addition, the teachers
are quite young but well trained. They are very lovely and enthusiastic.
In what ways do you think schools play an important part in the Vietnamese educational system?
Schools do play an important role in Vietnamese educational system. Schools provide
talented people. As we all know, in Vietnam education mostly means schooling. We
have kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, universities and
colleges and even higher levels. Schools are the main source of talented personnel
supply. Of course, there are many talented people who do not receive schooling, but the
number of these people is too small.
When did you start learning English?
I started to learn English when I was young, exactly when I was in grade 3. I first had English lessons then.
Do you think English is a good subject for students to learn at school? Why/ Why not?
I think English is definitely a good subject for students to learn at school, and even the
best. English has so many advantages and applications in future job and without English
people will have a lot of difficulties in the current context of integration.
Do you think that students are learning too many subjects at school now?
Yes, I do. There are too many subjects that they have to take. Especially primary school
students have to learn so many subjects, a lot of which I think are useless for them. And
students need time for relax and playing, but entertainment time is quite out of their reach now.
PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor
activities. Which do you think is the most suitable one for your students?
THREE options of activities are suggested: - visiting the zoo - camping - drawing
I am planning to take my students to participate in an outdoor activity and I plan to take
them to the zoo. I know my students really like animals. Going to the zoo helps them to
widen their knowledge and satisfy their interest. And I think Thu Le Zoo is quite suitable
a place for us to go to. It is quite large with a lot of games for children to play. But most
importantly, there are a lot of cages of animals which students cannot see at any other
places. And my plan for that day is that we will start off in the morning, go around the
zoo and sightsee and play games for about three hours, then at noon we leave the zoo for
a restaurant for lunch. While having lunch, I will ask students to talk about their feelings
after the trip. This is really necessary, giving them an opportunity to express themselves,
talking about what they have learned from the trip, and especially enhancing their love
for nature and animals. I hope the trip will raise their awareness of protecting nature and
animals and at the same time, provide them with interesting and enjoyable moments. SPEAKING TEST 21 Let’s talk about health.
Examiner speaking: What do people where you live do to keep fit?
They often play sport to keep fit.
Examiner speaking: Do you think that they are practising in the right way? Yes, I do.
Examiner speaking: In what ways is doing gyms good or not good for old people?
Doing gym everyday enables older men and women to not only live longer, but also to
extend their active involvement in all levels of society. Lots of older people use gyms
and feel better for it. Doing gym is an effective intervention for improving physical
functioning in older people, including improving strength and the performance of some
simple and complex activities. It had a small but significant effect on improving physical
ability and on reducing some pain on old people. In fact, gym is good but the elder
should choose suitable type of exercise to their physical ability.
Now, let’s talk about healthcare service where you live.
Examiner speaking: What do people in your area usually do when they have health problems?
People often talk to friends, family, and coworkers to find out the best doctor who can
treat them, after that they go to see him/her for checking their health problems as well as
asking for recommendations. Some others can check with their insurance plan for a list
of doctors in the area. Then they go to a local hospital, medical center, or nearby medical school.
Examiner speaking: Do you think that it is good to open private clinics ?
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals,
many private clinics offering specialized services also operate. I think that it is good to
open private clinics because they typically offer services with reduced wait times
compared to the public health care system. Moreover, in private hospitals your treatment
is usually in a private room which has hotel type services such as TV, menu choices etc., at a time to suit you.
Examiner speaking: What are the downsides of having too many private clinics?
It makes more and more people confused about the private health care choices available
to them. People tend to compare hospitals relative to infection rates, degrees of surgical
success, and many other metrics. When we are able to do this, hospitals will be driven by
quality, service, and cost — all of which will be necessary to compete. Therefore, too
many private hospitals means that there is an open competitive market. We know what
happens in this environment. There are winners and losers. As a result, many clinics with
expensive and modern equipment will be closed which wastes a lot of money.
PART II: Situation: You are planning to take your secondary students to participate in
outdoor activities. Which do you think are the most preferable to them?
THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested: - uniforms - selected tops and shorts - skirts
I think that selected tops and shorts and skirts are popular costumes that make students
more active and dynamic but theyare not suitable male students. Uniforms may be the
best choice because of the following reasons. The first reason is that uniforms highly
appreciate the community. All the rich and the poor are the same. There is no difference
and unequality between male and female. Moreover, when students put on uniforms they
feel so proud of their school and have a sense of responsibility to keep their school’s
reputation. Finally, uniforms make all students look more formal. SPEAKING TEST 22 Now, the test begins. Let’s talk about happiness.
Examiner speaking: What do you think happiness is?
C1:It is difficult to define happiness and each person has his own opinion. For me,
when thinking about happiness, I often remember a saying that “If I was in my perfect
place, would someone else there make it better?”. Therefore, in my point of view it’s
simple that the person who is always with you to share and to love whenever you need makes you happy!
C2 : It is difficult to define happiness and each person has his own opinion. For me,
happiness is that I can do whatever I want.
Examiner speaking: Do you think that rich people are always happy?
I don’t think that they are always happy because I think there are more important things
than money in our life. Love is one of them. Although rich men can buy almost all things
that they want, they can never purchase a good human relationship based on love. In
particular, when they became elder people, if they are alone, they must feel miserable. In
conclusion, I disagree that rich people are always happy.
Examiner speaking: What do you do to make yourself happy?
Happiness is so interesting and I would love to be happier. To make myself happy, I
often spend time with my friends and family because I think that we are only happy
when we have family and have friends and almost all the other things we think make us
happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends. Moreover, for me
helping others with a smiling on lips can make us feel better since smiling is one way to
reduce the stress caused by an upsetting situation. Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about money.
Examiner speaking: Do you think money is more important than any other aspects of life?
Money is important because it means being able to give your children the best – the best
education, the best health care, the best start in life. Of course, when it comes to kids,
money can also greatly spoil them, so it’s up to wealthy parents to find a way to give
their kids the best, while still teaching them the value of money and not giving them so
much excess that their view on life is forever skewed.
Examiner speaking: What would you do if you had a lot of money?
Examiner speaking: What are the downsides of having too much money?
Situation: You are planning to take your students to participate in outdoor activities.
Which do you think are the most preferable to them?
THREE options of dressing for girls are suggested: - uniforms - selected tops and shorts - skirts SPEAKING TEST 23
Let’s talk about restaurants.
Examiner speaking: Tell me about your favourite restaurant.
Examiner speaking: What is your opinion of foreign food?
Examiner speaking: Why do people like to eat out?
People eat out for many reasons. Some people like to eat out because they do not like to
cook and do the washing up on their own. Some people like to eat out because they can
have food they do not know how to cook at home. People might go out to eat if they are
in a hurry. At some restaurants, food is prepared quickly or comes already prepared and
ready to eat. If a person does not have the time to cook a meal, he may go out to eat.
Many people go out to eat for special occasions. If a person has a birthday, for example,
she may invite her friends and family to a restaurant for a meal. By going out, the person
and her friends can enjoy a birthday celebration without having to worry about preparing food or washing up.
Now, let’s talk about relaxation
Examiner speaking: What activities can people do to relax?
Listening to your favorite song is one of the best ways to relax. Sometimes belting out
the lyrics to a favorite tune makes everything seem all right and classical music can be
especially relaxing right before bedtime. Talking to a friend is also a good way to reduce
stress. When something’s really bothering you, it can help to share your feelings with a
pal. In fact, more talkative folks tend to be happier in general. So people tend to go to a
coworker or call a close family member and spill.
Examiner speaking: Tell me about how you like to relax.
Examiner speaking: In what ways can you relax without spending any money?
Situation: You are planning a holiday and you will be staying in a hotel. You will decide
which feature you consider to be the most important when choosing a hotel to stay in.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - The location of the hotel.
- The comfort of the hotel room. - Reasonable price.
When having a holiday, your accommodation choice is very important because it can
make or break your holidays. In my opinion, the location of the hotel is not very
important because I will go by my private car so I can travel everywhere I want without
any worrying about the distance. Costs are another important consideration here but I
have affordability so I do not care about the price. I only want to make sure to check
whether the hotel prices are all-inclusive or not.
I consider the convenience of the hotel the most important when choosing a hotel to stay.
Travelling, either by land or air, can be exhausting. So I would be looking forward to a
comfortable and convenient stay when I arrive in my destination. Therefore, my hotel
should have the amenities that would help me relax and unwind. Things like a cozy
room, a soft bed, or a pool spa are a big plus. I can check these, as well as the type of
service they give, by reading reviews or guest testimonials on the Internet. Also, safety
and security should not be overlooked when selecting accommodation. SPEAKING TEST 24
Let’s talk about housework.
Examiner speaking: How do you share housework in your family?
( nư tra l
ơ i) In my family I ofen prepare meals and wash clothes while my husband does some
technical work like repairing things. However sometimes when I am busy, my husband helps me to cook. ( nam tra l
ơ i) In my family my wife ofen prepares meals and washes clothes and I some
technical work like repairing things. However sometimes when my wife is busy, I am willing to help her to cook.
Examiner speaking: Do you think children should help with the housework?
Yes, I totally agree that children should help their parents do the housework that are suitable with their ages
Examiner speaking: What are some of the things that your family usually do together?
We usually watch TV together in the evening. Sometimes at weekends we go out to eat in a
restaurants or travel to some new places
Now, let’s talk about fashion.
Examiner speaking: Do you try to follow the latest fashion?
Not usually but sometimes in fact. Although I am not really fashionable, I think that I should
keep up to date with new fashion to keep my image in other people’s eyes.
Examiner speaking: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
in fact I like dress most as I think I look more attractive when wearing dress
Examiner speaking: Which do you prefer, shopping in a small shop or a supermarket?
In fact I like shopping in a supermarket more because I think it’s more convenient. There are lots
of things in a supermarket so I can buy almost everything I want without having to travel to different places.
Examiner speaking: Alright. Thank you. That is the end of Part I. Now let's move to Part II. In
this part of the speaking test, you will be given a situation with THREE options. You have to
choose ONE to argue on. You will have to say which option you will follow and explain why. You
will also have to say why you haven't chosen the other two options. You have ONE minute to
prepare your talk and TWO minutes to talk. Here is the situation.
Situation: You are giving a short talk on language learning. You will decide which activity is the
best way to learn a new language.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Join a class. - Self-study. - Talk to native speakers
In learning a language, there are many different options such as joining a class, learning by
oneself and talking to native speakers. In my opinion, talking to native speakers is the best way
to acquire a new language. Communicating with native speakers can help people make sure
whether they can make themselves understood. What is more, it is a great chance for language
learners to practise their pronunciation and sharpen their communicating skills. Besides, having
talks with foreigners can act as a motivation for language learners. Joining a class is also a
good way but looking for a good classroom is not an easy job. Self-studying is necessary in
language learning, however it is more suitable for language learners of high level than low level
ones. All things considered, I believe that talking to native speakers is the best way to learn a language.
Let’s talk about friends.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your best friend?
My best friend is Tro ng. He’s a very good friend. He shares with me everything in life and gives me a lot of useful advice.
Examiner speaking: What is important about a friend for you?
I think a true friend is someone who understand me and I can trust, who share my happiness and my sorrow
Examiner speaking: What kind of people do you like to spend time together with?
I would like to spend time with optimistic people as they seem to be happy all the time.
Spending time with them makes me feel relaxed
Now, let’s talk about houses.
Examiner speaking: Would you rather live in a big city or in the country? Why?
I would like to live in a big city because it is very convenient. There are a lot more hospitals,
schools, universities in big cities so we do not need to travel too far to get those services. Things
are also more available in big cities than in the countryside so it’s easier to find what we need in the cities.
Examiner speaking: Could you describe your house/flat and the rooms in it?
My house is quite small with only two bedrooms and a living room. My bedroom is what I like
best in my house because it has enough appliances such as TV, air conditioner, DVD player,
computer which helps me deal with my job and entertain in my free time.
Examiner speaking: Which is your favourite place at home and why?
In fact my house has a small garden with a lot of flowers and this is the place I Iove most as
looking at the flowers after coming back home help me release stress I get during the working day
Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous
city. Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your presentation.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - History of the city.
- Tourist attractions in the city.
- Famous citizens of the city.
If I have to make a presentation about a famous city, I think my emphasis will be put on the
tourist attractions of the city because it seems that this is the information that most listeners
want to know. People are usually interested in the beautiful places in a city so that they can
come when they have time. The history of the city is also important as it provides people with
the knowledge that they may know little about, but it should be brief as history is not always
interesting. I will not say much about famous citizens of the city except that one has special contribution to the city
SPEAKING TEST 26 Let’s talk about schools.
Examiner speaking: What were your favourite subjects/lessons at school and why? -
My favourite subject at school is English because my English teacher is the person I
admire most and I want to be an English teacher like her.
Examiner speaking: What is an ideal teacher like for you?
I think an ideal teacher has to good qualification, good characteristic such as love
teaching, love students, care about students… and especially be ready to further study to enhance their knowledge.
Examiner speaking: What are some of the best memories of your school years?
-I have a lot of best memories in high school. I took the first award for the singing
contest and have a boyfriend after that. Now, let’s talk about jobs.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about the job you would like to have in the future? -
I always want to be an English teacher like my mother.
Examiner speaking: Would you like to be self-employed or an employee? Why? -
Actually I always want to be self –employed because I want to be independent and don’t be controlled by others.
Examiner speaking: Have you ever had a summer job? If yes, could you tell me about
it? / If no, would you like to have one this summer? Why/Why not?
No, actually. I have never had a summer job. But maybe I try this summer because I
heard that a part time job is very useful for the future job.
Situation: Your local council has been allocated money to add one new entertainment
facility to the community in your area. Decide which one you would choose.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - A sports centre - A park with a lake. - A children’s playground.
I think it should be a park with a beautiful lake because you know in my town there are a
lot of private sport centres and a children’s playground. Firstly, having a park will make
a town beautiful. Secondly, people can go there to relax or doing morning exercises or just to see a lake. SPEAKING TEST 27 Let’s talk about food.
Examiner speaking: What do you normally have for your breakfast / lunch / dinner?
I usually have hamburger for breakfast because it is easy to go fastfood store and take it
instead of cooking at the kitchen.
Examiner speaking: How healthy is your diet?
My diet includes much vegetable and a little bit meat and I think it is healthy.
Examiner speaking: Where do you like to eat? Why?
I really love to have meal at home because I can eat with all of my family after a long day. Now, let’s talk about sports
Examiner speaking: What do you do to keep fit?
I always do a gym or go swimming to keep fit.
Examiner speaking: How important is sport to your family members?
Sport especially team sport is very important to my family members because it ‘s the
time my family gather together and play sport to keep our heath better.
Examiner speaking: What sports are you interested in? Why?
I really enjoy swimming because it helps me to keep fit and relax after hard working.
Situation: You have been asked to advertise a play which is being produced by your
school or college. Decide which way you will choose to use.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - Local television. - Leaflets. - Websites.
I think using local television and leaflets take me a lot of money and time to advertise.
So I will use websites to advertise a play. I have an own page so I put it on my page and
share it everyone thorough a click. It is very convenient and quite cheap. SPEAKING TEST 28
Let’s talk about watching TV.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your family’s TV viewing habits?
We always watch television together in the evening after a long working day.
Examiner speaking: What are your favourite TV programmes and why?
It’s cartoon network because it helps me to relax and laugh a lot.
Examiner speaking: Which do you prefer, watching a film on TV or going to the cinema? Why?
I really prefer going to the cinema to watching a film because of their large screen and new films.
Now, let’s talk about transport.
Examiner speaking: What’s your favourite means of transport and why?
It’s motorbike because it’s very convenient and I don’t have to wait if I want to go
anywhere like public transportation.
Examiner speaking: What do you think of the traffic in your area/town?
Because the traffic in my town is improved a lot so I think it’s quite convenient.
Examiner speaking: Could you give me directions to the nearest shop from here, please?
You turn left right here and go straight to the end of the road.
Situation: Your local council wants to make your area more environmentally friendly.
Decide which way you would choose as being the best one to make your area greener.
There are THREE options for you to choose:
- Recycle bins in public places. - Plant trees.
- Educate the people on the environment
I think it should be educate the people on the environment because it’s the most effective
way to protect environment. Moreover, although there are a lot of recycle bins in public
places and a many trees planted around the city, people still put rubbish into the road. SPEAKING TEST 29 Let’s talk about holidays.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about a holiday you enjoyed a lot?
This is my family trip to Nhatrang beach. You know I can go with my family and enjoy the
fresh air and eat a lot of seafood that I like.
Examiner speaking: What kind of holiday do you prefer and why?
I prefer relaxing holiday than adventurous one because I just want to relax instead of discovering sth.
Examiner speaking: What way of travelling do you prefer when you go on holiday? Why?
I really like travelling by car because it’s active and convenient. Alright. Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about transport.
Examiner speaking: What’s your favorite means of transport and why?
I really love bicycle because it’s a friendly mean of transport to the environment
Examiner speaking: What do you think of the traffic in your area/town?
I think it’s very terrible because of much traffic jam
Examiner speaking: How do you travel to work/school everyday?
I always travel to work by motorbike because I work quite far from home.
Situation: You have been asked to give a presentation in your English class on a famous city.
Decide which aspect you think is the most important one to focus on in your presentation.
There are THREE options for you to choose: - History of the city.
- Tourist attractions in the city.
- Famous citizens of the city.
- I think I choose to present tourist attractions in the city because there are a lot of famous
sightseeing in the city. If I choose history or famous citizens of the city I think I can’t do it
because I have a little time to prepare. SPEAKING TEST 30
Examiner speaking: What do you like doing when you are on holiday?
I enjoy staying at the hotel near the beach to see beach view and eating seafood or walking along the beach.
Examiner speaking: Could you tell me about your dream holiday?
It ‘s a family trip to Nhatrang beach. We can enjoy the fresh air and sea food together and
have best memories with each other.
Examiner speaking: How do you prepare for a holiday?
I prepare clothes for the whole trip, book the room hotel, the ticket… and money to buy
present for my beloved people. Alright. Thank you. Now, let’s talk about food.
Examiner speaking: What does your family usually eat and drink on special occasions (e.g.
Christmas, Easter, birthdays)?
At Christmas we usuaslly go to the familiar restaurant to enjoy fried chicken.
Examiner speaking: Where do you like to eat? Why?
I always like to eat at lotteria because its food is quite delicious and the price is reasonable 27
Examiner speaking: Do you prefer traditional restaurants or fast-food places? Why?
I like fastfood places because it’s very convenient and I am really lazy to cook a meal.
Situation: The government is going to give an award to individuals from different
professions who have contributed positively to your country. Decide which category most deserves to receive an award. There are THREE options; - Scientists - Politicians - Teachers
I think it should be scientist because nowadays scientist create something which is very
useful for people. I think they have a lot of contribution to my country. Politicians and
teachers maybe have contribution to one part of education or politic 28