Speaking part 1 - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế

Speaking part 1 - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Unit 5
How would you imagine your life at the age of 80?
+ I can imagine my life when I was 80 years old that I could not work hard and go to
many places because my health would not be as healthy as now, I don't think much about
work or study or study. . As now I live a relaxing life. Money is not important for me, just
live a peaceful life, live happily with my children and grandchildren.
An old lady aged 60 is not enjoying her life. Which advice would you give her to enjoy
her life more?
+ I will advise her not to think much about unnecessary things, set up a healthy diet, can
travel a few places to enjoy life and live happily with your children and grandchildren.
Which age do you think is the best in one’s life? Why?
+ I think the most beautiful age in my life is the age of high school. It is the age of youth,
playing with friends, not worried about everything. And you love anyone of this age is
still the most beautiful love because you do not worry much and still innocent like a
child. If I could come back, I wanted to go back to that time again to do what I missed at
that time.
Unit 6
How do you understand “Giving to others is also giving to ourselves.”?
+ As I think simple like this, when you help someone, your spirit feels comfortable and
happy. Not only that, helping others also connect love between people.
Do you do any volunteer work? What are some benefits of doing volunteer work?
+ I do volunteer work with the club that I come to help difficult families (or Support for
drinking water at the school gates every national exam).That action is very meaningful to
me.Volunteer work helps me learn and cultivate a lot of new knowledge and skills. There
are more friends, connect and improve teamwork better and make me feel happier and
more responsible.
Do you think school students should do volunteer work. What types of volunteer work
are suitable for them?
+ Students should do volunteer work to understand and improve their skills, can do
simple and meaningful jobs for students such as cleaning environmental sanitation,
donating old things to help the poor student...
Is there any charity organization that you would like to work for? Why?
I really like to do charity work, but I currently have to go to school and work, so I don't
have much time for this, but I still support charity a lot. And often do charity through
online support sites for poor and needy children.
Unit 7
When and where do you typically do your assignments? Do you do anything else at the
same time?
+ Every evening I often do homework for 3 hours and prepare a new lesson for
tomorrow. I did my homework in a quiet space like my room and I never did anything
else at the same time, I just wanted to focus on doing homework to complete early.
What were your attitudes towards homework as a school child? And now?
+ When I was young, whenever the teacher assigned homework, I felt depressed, did not
want to do homework and I hated when I had homework.And now I know that every
exercise is to help me improve the lack of skills or knowledge that makes me feel more
excited when I have homework.
Unit 8
Do you play video games? Why?Why not?
+ I have played video games when free time and play games with a moderate level I play
for entertainment when studying or working tired to let my mind relax.
What video games do you play? Why these games?
+ I play video games like FIFA, alliance. These games have tactical characteristics and
calculations to help our brain work and these games can play with friends so I feeling not
boring, so I like to play these games.
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Unit 5
How would you imagine your life at the age of 80?
+ I can imagine my life when I was 80 years old that I could not work hard and go to
many places because my health would not be as healthy as now, I don't think much about
work or study or study. . As now I live a relaxing life. Money is not important for me, just
live a peaceful life, live happily with my children and grandchildren.
An old lady aged 60 is not enjoying her life. Which advice would you give her to enjoy her life more?
+ I will advise her not to think much about unnecessary things, set up a healthy diet, can
travel a few places to enjoy life and live happily with your children and grandchildren.
Which age do you think is the best in one’s life? Why?
+ I think the most beautiful age in my life is the age of high school. It is the age of youth,
playing with friends, not worried about everything. And you love anyone of this age is
still the most beautiful love because you do not worry much and still innocent like a
child. If I could come back, I wanted to go back to that time again to do what I missed at that time. Unit 6
How do you understand “Giving to others is also giving to ourselves.”?
+ As I think simple like this, when you help someone, your spirit feels comfortable and
happy. Not only that, helping others also connect love between people.
Do you do any volunteer work? What are some benefits of doing volunteer work?
+ I do volunteer work with the club that I come to help difficult families (or Support for
drinking water at the school gates every national exam).That action is very meaningful to
me.Volunteer work helps me learn and cultivate a lot of new knowledge and skills. There
are more friends, connect and improve teamwork better and make me feel happier and more responsible.
Do you think school students should do volunteer work. What types of volunteer work are suitable for them?
+ Students should do volunteer work to understand and improve their skills, can do
simple and meaningful jobs for students such as cleaning environmental sanitation,
donating old things to help the poor student...
Is there any charity organization that you would like to work for? Why?
I really like to do charity work, but I currently have to go to school and work, so I don't
have much time for this, but I still support charity a lot. And often do charity through
online support sites for poor and needy children. Unit 7
When and where do you typically do your assignments? Do you do anything else at the same time?
+ Every evening I often do homework for 3 hours and prepare a new lesson for
tomorrow. I did my homework in a quiet space like my room and I never did anything
else at the same time, I just wanted to focus on doing homework to complete early.
What were your attitudes towards homework as a school child? And now?
+ When I was young, whenever the teacher assigned homework, I felt depressed, did not
want to do homework and I hated when I had homework.And now I know that every
exercise is to help me improve the lack of skills or knowledge that makes me feel more excited when I have homework. Unit 8
Do you play video games? Why?Why not?
+ I have played video games when free time and play games with a moderate level I play
for entertainment when studying or working tired to let my mind relax.
What video games do you play? Why these games?
+ I play video games like FIFA, alliance. These games have tactical characteristics and
calculations to help our brain work and these games can play with friends so I feeling not
boring, so I like to play these games.