Speaking test - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Speaking test - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

2. You are asking your boss for a week-long leave. Explain the reason(s) and how
you have arranged your work when you are away.
“Door knocking sound*
Uyen: Good morning boss, I hope you’ll have a good day. Are you
free/busy sth right now ?( Can I speak to you now?/ I wonder if you
have some time.
Binh : Good morning Ms Uyen, Yes, I’m free for now/No, I have no
works at the moment/ Sure, go ahead, pls/Come in, then
Uyen : I want to ask for your permission for one-week absent. There
are some personal businesses/issues I need to done.
Binh : Hmmmmm, I’m sorry that I might have to declair your absent
request since our company is in a rush-hourand you know what thats
mean, don’t you?
Uyen : I need to go home urgently because my family has some
problems. During this time, I will work online, and arrange projects to
complete them in full. I will ask colleagues to replace me in important
meetings. (Yes, I fully understand that. However, my family are having
a hard time now, and I need to be there ASAP to help them. Abt our
project/ the work, I will continute to work online and keep on track
with the progress, also I will ask my counterparties/ business partners
to re-arranged those meetings, in case this is unavailable, I will try to
ask some of my colleagues or change it to online meeting. I’ll try my
best to accomplish my part on time, I promise.
Binh : Hmmm, this plan should cover it up well. And since your
working-ethic is one of our best trusted-insurance, I guess I can
promote your case. You may dismiss now, I’m very sorry for your
family’s situation and I hope everyone can pass through with it soon
Uyen : Thank you so much, I promise I won’t let you down.
Binh : Please remember your promises and don’t overworked youself.
Have a good day, then.
4. You are shopping for a new gadget (a smart phone, a laptop, an iPod, etc.) in an
electronic store. Discuss the price and your preferences with the shop assistant.
Binh: Hello ma’am. Hop u have a good day. What can I help you with?
Uyen: Hi, I wanna buy a smartphone but I don’t know which one is
best for me/suit me most. Do you have any recomendations?
Binh: Definitely. May I ask for your budget and requiring functions?
Uyen : Well, my budget allows me in ... ( t điềền), and I want it to
have a high-quality speaker, good auto-focus camera, top security
lock, lag storage, hmmmmm... Yeah, I think those should be fine for
Binh : With that price, the iPhone 13 can both meet all the functions
for you and take beautiful photos. I think its very suitable for you.
Uyen : Thank you for your advises. I think I will take that iPhone 13
please. How many colors are available for this gen?
Binh: iPhone 13 goes with black, silver, Platimum, and midnight-mint.
Which one would you like?
Uyen: The Platimum one please. Thank you.
Binh : Sure. Please wait a sec while my colleague brings it to you from
our storage. Do you want to pay in cash or cards? We also accept
transfer from banks.
Uyen: I’d like to pay by card please. Here.
*Take out the credit card*
Binh: Here is your phone, ma’am. Thank you for the generous
purchase of yours. We hope to see you again next time. Have a good
day, ma’am.
Uyen : Thank you for helping me. See you next time.
Ask w best friend
6. You are having an online conversation with your best friend who is studying
overseas. Ask about his/her studies and daily activities.
Reng ring renggggggggggg
Uyen: Good morning Binh, how are you these days? its been a while
since I called you.
Binh : Oh, I’m fine, How about you? Is the study still stable?
Uyen : I’m fine, Just recently I entered a new university. Its name is
financial economics. It’s very happy, the teacher is enthusiastic and
comfortable and I have made many friends. How’s your study going?
Were there any language difficulties for you while there?
Binh : I study well. Everything is almost different from in Vietnam but
I have gradually adapted. I have made a lot of friends and learned
more English .
Uyen : Wow, so good. Have you adjusted to the hours there? What do
you do every day and do you go out as often as before?
Binh : I got used to it. Every day I go to school and in addition, I work
part-time. I spend my weekends relaxing and sometimes, I go out
with friends. How about you?
Uyen : I’m still the same, lately I’ve been going to the gym and
learning more language. How are your parents? It’s a long time since I
don’t see them.
Binh : Yes, they are still healthy. Sometimes they still mention your
name. Ask about you these days.
Uyen : Really? I’m so happy to hear that. please send regards to your
parents. Sorry Binh but I’m busy right now, I need to go out, see you
later, I’ll call back soon. Bye Bye
Binh : Ok , Goodbye, see you soon.
8. hotel
8. You are going to have a three-day vacation and you want to book a hotel room
on the phone. Ask the hotel receptionist about the available service and facilities.
Reng reng reng…..
Uyen : Hello lovely receptionist, Is this the Light Moon hotel? Are you
free right now?I need your advice on some issues.
Binh : yes, I’m here. Can I help you?
Uyen : I have a three-day vacation and I want to book a hotel room.
The 20 through the 23th.
Binh : What kind of room would you like?
Uyen : I’d like a single room, please.
Binh : hold on, please … I’m afraid all our single rooms are
reserve.The only room we have available is a twin.
Uyen : How much for the twin room?
Binh : sixty dollars including tax.
Uyen : does have include breakfast?
Binh : No, but breakfast is available in our room.
Uyen : Okay, I’ll take a room for next week.
Binh : I’ll need to get your credit card information to guarantee your
Uyen : Oh, I’ll take a picture for you after the call is over.
Binh : yes, please send it to me soon. see you in a week.
Uyen : Okay, goodbye, see you soon.
10. You have difficulty in learning and memorizing English vocabulary. Consult a
friend who is good at English on how to deal with your problem.
Uyen : Good afternoon Binh, How are you today?
Binh : Hi Uyen, I’m very well
Uyen : can you help me? I have a little problem with English.
Binh : Oh, What parts are you having a problem with?
Uyen : I have difficulty learning and recording English vocabulary. Do
you have a way to improve them?
Binh : Yes, I think improving it is not too difficult. According to my way
of learning, you can write down words and repeat them over again.
Every day as you learn new words, you can take notes and keep them
in the most visible places.
Uyen : That sounds good. thank you for the idea. I’ll do it your way
and see how it goes.
Binh : Okay. I expect good results from you. I hope your English will be
Uyen : thanks , binh . Have a good day
Binh : okayyyy, you too.
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2. You are asking your boss for a week-long leave. Explain the reason(s) and how
you have arranged your work when you are away. “Door knocking sound*
Uyen: Good morning boss, I hope you’ll have a good day. Are you
free/busy sth right now ?( Can I speak to you now?/ I wonder if you have some time.
Binh : Good morning Ms Uyen, Yes, I’m free for now/No, I have no
works at the moment/ Sure, go ahead, pls/Come in, then
Uyen : I want to ask for your permission for one-week absent. There
are some personal businesses/issues I need to done.
Binh : Hmmmmm, I’m sorry that I might have to declair your absent
request since our company is in a rush-hourand you know what thats mean, don’t you?
Uyen : I need to go home urgently because my family has some
problems. During this time, I will work online, and arrange projects to
complete them in full. I will ask colleagues to replace me in important
meetings. (Yes, I fully understand that. However, my family are having
a hard time now, and I need to be there ASAP to help them. Abt our
project/ the work, I will continute to work online and keep on track
with the progress, also I will ask my counterparties/ business partners
to re-arranged those meetings, in case this is unavailable, I will try to
ask some of my colleagues or change it to online meeting. I’ll try my
best to accomplish my part on time, I promise.
Binh : Hmmm, this plan should cover it up well. And since your
working-ethic is one of our best trusted-insurance, I guess I can
promote your case. You may dismiss now, I’m very sorry for your
family’s situation and I hope everyone can pass through with it soon
Uyen : Thank you so much, I promise I won’t let you down.
Binh : Please remember your promises and don’t overworked youself. Have a good day, then.
 Device
4. You are shopping for a new gadget (a smart phone, a laptop, an iPod, etc.) in an
electronic store. Discuss the price and your preferences with the shop assistant.
Binh: Hello ma’am. Hop u have a good day. What can I help you with?
Uyen: Hi, I wanna buy a smartphone but I don’t know which one is
best for me/suit me most. Do you have any recomendations?
Binh: Definitely. May I ask for your budget and requiring functions?
Uyen : Well, my budget allows me in ... ( t điềền), and I w ự ant it to
have a high-quality speaker, good auto-focus camera, top security
lock, lag storage, hmmmmm... Yeah, I think those should be fine for now.
Binh : With that price, the iPhone 13 can both meet all the functions
for you and take beautiful photos. I think it’s very suitable for you.
Uyen : Thank you for your advises. I think I will take that iPhone 13
please. How many colors are available for this gen?
Binh: iPhone 13 goes with black, silver, Platimum, and midnight-mint. Which one would you like?
Uyen: The Platimum one please. Thank you.
Binh : Sure. Please wait a sec while my colleague brings it to you from
our storage. Do you want to pay in cash or cards? We also accept transfer from banks.
Uyen: I’d like to pay by card please. Here. *Take out the credit card*
Binh: Here is your phone, ma’am. Thank you for the generous
purchase of yours. We hope to see you again next time. Have a good day, ma’am.
Uyen : Thank you for helping me. See you next time.
 Ask w best friend
6. You are having an online conversation with your best friend who is studying
overseas. Ask about his/her studies and daily activities.
Reng ring renggggggggggg
Uyen: Good morning Binh, how are you these days? it’s been a while since I called you.
Binh : Oh, I’m fine, How about you? Is the study still stable?
Uyen : I’m fine, Just recently I entered a new university. Its name is
financial economics. It’s very happy, the teacher is enthusiastic and
comfortable and I have made many friends. How’s your study going?
Were there any language difficulties for you while there?
Binh : I study well. Everything is almost different from in Vietnam but
I have gradually adapted. I have made a lot of friends and learned more English .
Uyen : Wow, so good. Have you adjusted to the hours there? What do
you do every day and do you go out as often as before?
Binh : I got used to it. Every day I go to school and in addition, I work
part-time. I spend my weekends relaxing and sometimes, I go out with friends. How about you?
Uyen : I’m still the same, lately I’ve been going to the gym and
learning more language. How are your parents? It’s a long time since I don’t see them.
Binh : Yes, they are still healthy. Sometimes they still mention your
name. Ask about you these days.
Uyen : Really? I’m so happy to hear that. please send regards to your
parents. Sorry Binh but I’m busy right now, I need to go out, see you
later, I’ll call back soon. Bye Bye
Binh : Ok , Goodbye, see you soon. 8. hotel
8. You are going to have a three-day vacation and you want to book a hotel room
on the phone. Ask the hotel receptionist about the available service and facilities. Reng reng reng…..
Uyen : Hello lovely receptionist, Is this the Light Moon hotel? Are you
free right now?I need your advice on some issues.
Binh : yes, I’m here. Can I help you?
Uyen : I have a three-day vacation and I want to book a hotel room. The 20th through the 23th.
Binh : What kind of room would you like?
Uyen : I’d like a single room, please.
Binh : hold on, please … I’m afraid all our single rooms are
reserve.The only room we have available is a twin.
Uyen : How much for the twin room?
Binh : sixty dollars including tax.
Uyen : does have include breakfast?
Binh : No, but breakfast is available in our room.
Uyen : Okay, I’ll take a room for next week.
Binh : I’ll need to get your credit card information to guarantee your room
Uyen : Oh, I’ll take a picture for you after the call is over.
Binh : yes, please send it to me soon. see you in a week.
Uyen : Okay, goodbye, see you soon.
10. You have difficulty in learning and memorizing English vocabulary. Consult a
friend who is good at English on how to deal with your problem.
Uyen : Good afternoon Binh, How are you today?
Binh : Hi Uyen, I’m very well
Uyen : can you help me? I have a little problem with English.
Binh : Oh, What parts are you having a problem with?
Uyen : I have difficulty learning and recording English vocabulary. Do
you have a way to improve them?
Binh : Yes, I think improving it is not too difficult. According to my way
of learning, you can write down words and repeat them over again.
Every day as you learn new words, you can take notes and keep them in the most visible places.
Uyen : That sounds good. thank you for the idea. I’ll do it your way and see how it goes.
Binh : Okay. I expect good results from you. I hope your English will be better.
Uyen : thanks , binh . Have a good day Binh : okayyyy, you too.