Speaking Vstep B1 C1 Part 3

Speaking Vstep B1 C1 Part 3

Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Nhiệm vụ: Thí sinh được cho 1 chủ đề với 3 gợi ý, thí sinh phát triển chủ đề được cho với 1 phút
chuẩn bị. Sau khi trình bày về câu hỏi chính, thí sinh trả lời thêm 1 số câu hỏi về các khía cạnh khác
liên quan đến chủ đề của phần thi. Tổng thời gian là 3’
Các bài sau chỉ trình bày mang tính chất gợi ý cho thí sinh cách phát triển 3 ý trọng tâm mà đề cho
trước, một số bài mẫu trình bày thêm ý thứ 4, tuy nhiên phần lớn các bài chỉ tập trung 3 ý chính để
khuyến khích các bạn thí sinh sáng tạo ý cuối cùng.
BÀI MẪU: Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.
* Gợi ý 1 sẵn: increase knowledge
* Gợi ý 2 sẵn: reduce stress
* Gợi ý 3 sẵn: improve memories
* Gợi ý 4 tự chuẩn bị: a better vocabulary source
Từ vựng B1 B2
- Broaden their mind: Mở mang kiến thức
- Provides knowledge and experience in: Cung cấp kiến thứctrải nghiệm về
- Diving in the world of a book: Chìm đắm trong thế giới của ch
- Allow their brain to exercise: Để bộ não được luyện tp
- Memorize: Ghi nhớ
- Expose: Bộc lộ
- Beneficial: li
- Context: Ngữ cảnh
Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers because of some reasons.
Firstly, reading helps increase knowledge. There are a lot of interesting things in a book, so they can
broaden their mind. (For example, travel guide provides knowledge and experience in tourism,
self-help teaches them the suitable ways to live, and science helps them know more about the world.)
The knowledge they receive from a book can be very helpful in life.
Secondly, reading helps reduce stress. When they are diving in the world of a book, they will forget
the stress, worrying or sadness. It’s a good way to relax.
Another benefit of reading is it improve memories. People consider reading a way to allow their
brain to exercise so that it can be healthy to work/ function better. This helps we memorize and
remember better.
Lastly, it helps students have a better vocabulary source. When they read, they can expose to and
learn many new words, as well as see them in context. This is very beneficial for them to use these
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
words correctly. (Having good vocabulary source helps them better not only at reading and listening
but they can also speak and write better)
To sum up, the youth should be inspired to read books due to the benefits it brings
* Vì các bài tham khảo đều là bài nói, nên học viên cần dùng từ điển tra phiên âm ngay bên
dưới các từ/cụm từ in đậm hoặc các từ chưa biết phát âm và tập đọc kĩ, đọc to nhiều lần. Bài
mẫu chỉ mang tính chất gợi ý, khuyến khích thí sinh nói theo ý riêng của mình nếu có, các bài
mẫu thầy lược bỏ phần mở bài và kết bài để gọn gàng hơn và cũng để khuyến khích các bạn
giới thiệu và kết luận theo cách của riêng mình, khi trả lời các thí sinh cần có mở và kết bài.
Các bạn hoàn toàn làm đoạn mở và kết tương tự như các bài sẵn có.
Danh sách các chủ đềề tham khảo
1. Topic 1: Keeping a pet teaches children a lot of interesting things. (lợi ích của việc cho trẻ nuôi thú
cưng). .................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Topic 2: There are a lot of factors to be considered when choosing a job. (những yếu tố cần xem
xét khi chọn công việc). ........................................................................................................................ 4
3. Topic 3: The effects of Technology on Teenagers. (tác hại của việc lạm dụng công ngh đối với
các bạn độ tuổi
teen) .............................................................................................................................. 5
4. Topic 4: Smoking should be banned in public places. (hút thuốc lá cần bị cấm ở những nơi công
cộng). ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Topic 5: Mobile phones are useful tools at schools. (điện thoại di động là công cụ hữu ích với việc
học tập ở trưng). ................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Topic 6: Studying abroad can bring students a number of benefits. (du học mang tới cho sinh viên,
học sinh nhiều lợi ích) ........................................................................................................................ 7
7. Topic 7: What kinds of factors will students consider when they choose housing? (yếu tố các bạn
sinh viên cần xem xét khi chọn nơi ở). ................................................................................................. 8
8. Topic 8: Students should learn English. (sinh viên nên học Tiếng Anh). .......................................... 9
9. Topic 9: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people. (lợi ích của việc bơi li) ...........9
10. Topic 10: Teenagers should spend more time being outdoors. (các bạn tuổi teen cần dành nhiều
thời gian hơn cho các hoạt động bên ngoài). ...................................................................................... 10
11. Topic 11: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. (đi cắm trại có nhiều lợi ích với
sinh viên). ............................................................................................................................................ 10
12. Topic 12: Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. (đi nước ngoài là một trải
nghiệm quý giá cho chúng ta). ............................................................................................................ 11
13. Topic 13: Online learning is beneficial to students. (lợi ích của việc học online đối với sinh
. .... 11
14. Topic 14: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (cách cải thiện
hệ thống giao thông công cộng). ......................................................................................................... 12
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
15. Topic 15: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (nguyên
nhân giới trẻ bị thất nghiệp). ............................................................................................................... 13
16. Topic 16: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health. (bữa sáng bữa ăn quan trọng nhất
cho sức khỏe chúng ta). ........................................................................................................................ 13
17. Topic 17: Some benefits of living in the countryside. (lợi ích khi sống vùng quê). .................. 14
18. Topic 18: Benefits of watching films in the cinema. (lợi ích của đi xem phim
rạp) .................. 14
19. Topic 19: Reasons why cars should be banned in some areas in big cities. (xe ô tô nên bị cấm 1
vài khu vực trong các thành phố lớn). ................................................................................................. 15
20. Topic 20: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities. (nên khuyến khích việc đi xe đạp
trong các thành phố lớn) ...................................................................................................................... 15
21. Topic 21: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers. (các bạn trẻ
nên ngủ dậy sớm vào buổing). ........................................................................................................ 16
22. Topic 22: Benefits of shopping at supermarkets. (lợi ích của việc mua sắm siêu thị). ............... 16
23. Topic 23: Being married is one of the greatest experiences in one’s life. (kết hôn là một trong
những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất). ...................................................................................................... 17
24. Topic 24: Traditional music should be kept. (âm nhạc truyền thống nên được gìn giữ). ..............18
25. Topic 25: Childhood is the most important time of anyone’s life. (tuổi thơ là thời gian quan trọng
nhất) ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
26. Topic 26: Working in pairs helps students learn better at school. (làm việc theo cặp giúp học sinh
học tốt hơn). ........................................................................................................................................ 19
27. Topic 27: Some benefits of having a public library. (lợi ích của thư viện công cộng) .................. 20
28. Topic 28: Some factors causing stress at work. (nguyên nhân gây ra căng thẳng khi làm việc). .. 20
29. Topic 29: Ways to help others in the community. (cách giúp đỡ cộng đồng) ................................ 21
30. Topic 30: Some benefits of living in the city. (lợi ích của việc sống thành phố). ...................... 21
31. Topic 31: Doing sport has many benefits. (lợi ích của chơi thể thao). .......................................... 22
32. Topic 32: University is not the only route to success. (học đại học không phải là con đường duy
nhất để thành công). ............................................................................................................................ 22
33. Topic 33: The importance of friendship. (sự quan trọng của tình bn) .......................................... 23
Trả lời chi
1. Topic 1: Keeping a pet teaches children a lot of interesting things. (lợi ích của việc cho trẻ nuôi
thú cưng)
The first thing is the love for animals (1). A pet is like a little friend to the kid, who plays with him
or listens to what he says. (This connection leads to the kid developing the love for the pet and, for
the world of animals in general. In the future, he will make effort to protect them)
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Secondly, they learn responsibility (2). It’s important for the pet to have good meal, to get bath or to
go to the vet at the right time. If he fails to do these for the pet, there will be troubles. (By being
aware of this, the kid becomes responsible for the ones he’s taking care of, not only the pet but also
people around, and the works he will do in the future)
Thirdly, this will help him grow the care for the others (3). Pets have problems like human. They
may be happy, sad or worried, sometimes they get sick and don’t feel good. The kids will pay
attention to these feelings and will learn to ease their pets. (Furthermore, they will develop the care
for other people.)
Lastly, keeping a pet gives kids a chance to learn more about biological features of animals (4). For
example, he will notice different parts of the pet’s body and some of their habits. (These may help
them understand more about the world and maybe beneficial for their studying or in life later.)
* Vocab
- vet: bác thú y
- pay attention: để ý
- ease: chăm sóc, chơi đùa nhẹ nhàng cẩn thận
- biological features: chức năng sinh học
2. Topic 2: There are a lot of factors to be considered when choosing a job. (những yếu tố cần xem
xét khi chọn công việc)
Firstly, people can consider if that job is suitable with their interests (1). It’s important for a person to
work in a job that he is interested in. When he feels happy and satisfied with his work, he will work
very effectively and make effort to overcome all the difficulties to achieve success.
Secondly, money is an important factor to consider (2). A work with high salary will allow people
live a better life and support people around. If the income is too low, people cannot feel satisfied and
work their best for it.
Another important factor is working environment (3). Good facilities, an open-minded, reliable
boss and supportive, professional colleagues, the working culture in which the vision and
values fit them are very important. They make people feel comfortable and motivated at the
Lastly, it’s working enhancement (4). People really concern about whether or not they have
promotion, have training or workshop and learn new skills. This enables them to improve
themselves and achieve the goal of life.
* Vocab
- satisfied: hài lòng
- effectively: hiệu quả
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
- make effort to overcome: nỗ lực vượt qua
- achieve success: đạt được thành công
- income: thu nhập
- facilities: sở vật cht
- open-minded: cởi mở
- reliable: đáng tin cậy
- supportive: tinh thần hỗ trợ, cảm tng
- professional: chuyên nghiệp
- working culture: văn hóa doanh nghiệp
- vision: tầm nhìn
- value: giá tr
- motivated: động lực, nhiệt huyết
- working enhancement: thăng tiến trong công vic
- promotion: thăng chức
- workshop: hội thảo
- goal: mục tiêu
3. Topic 3: The effects of Technology on Teenagers. (tác hại của việc lạm dụng công ngh đối với
các bạn độ tuổi teen)
Firstly, it makes imagination become unnecessary (1). When they come to something that they don’t
know, instead of spending a minute imagining, they may immediately go online and search for it.
(When this is too easy for them, this will form a habit among teenagers, and it’s not good for their
Secondly, they lack outside activities (2). Technology offers a lot of interesting things, which makes
teenagers spend much time using them and ignore other activities, including studying, exercising or
going out with friends. (This is not good for their physical well-being)
Another drawback of technology on teenagers is it inhibits memory (3). They tend to be lazy to
memorize information because the technology devices and the internet will do it for them. (This
leads to the dependence on technology when they need to recall any information and could affect
their studying negatively)
Lastly, it may be negative for their relationship (4). It’s common to see a group of teenagers who sit
in the same place but only stick their noses into the screen instead of communicating with each
other. (This makes their real-life relationship become weaker)
* Vocab
- form a habit: hình thành thói quen
- imagination: trí tưởng ợng
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
- ignore: bỏ qua
- physical well-being: thể chất
- inhibits: ngăn cản, làm hạn chế
- memorize: ghi nhớ
- dependence on technology: sự phụ thuộc vào công nghệ
- stick their noses into the screen: dán mắt vào màn hình điện thoi
- real-life relationship: mối quan hệ thực sự ngoài đi
4. Topic 4: Smoking should be banned in public places. (hút thuốc cần bị cấm những nơi công
The first and foremost reason to ban smoking is that it is very harmful to smoker’s health (1). It
contains thousands of toxics which will damage their lungs/ respiratory system steadily. (Besides
the respiratory system, it also causes other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure)
Secondly, it causes negative effects on non-smokers (2). People around who don’t use cigarette can’t
avoid breathing in the smoke. This is even more harmful since they take it in without any filters.
Another reason to ban is because it causes air pollution (3). When a cigarette is burned, not only the
smoke smells bad but the toxics released contributes to air pollution, too. (Also, the crop of tobacco
causes the degradation of land and makes it become less fertilized)
Lastly, it often leads to fire (4). A lot of places, especially forests have been destroyed because of the
careless and irresponsible action of people when throwing their burning cigarette ends on the
* Vocab
- toxics: chất độc
- lung: phổi
- respiratory system: hệ thốnghp
- diabetes: bệnh tiểu đường
- blood pressure: cao huyết áp
- cigarette: thuốc
- filters: đầu lc
- crop: vụ a
- degradation: suy thoái, giảm chất lượng
- fertilized: màu mỡ
- careless: bất cẩn
- irresponsible: trách nhiệm
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
5. Topic 5: Mobile phones are useful tools at schools. (điện thoại di động công cụ hữu ích với việc
học tập ở trường)
Firstly, they play the role of mobile office tools (1). We can use the apps on it to create text,
presentations slides and record necessary things everywhere in school, without the need of a
Secondly, it enables us access the internet easily and quickly (2). We can search for information and
download materials as well as submit assignments easily and quickly, which is helpful for our
Thirdly, they are great means of communication (3). Phone calls and text messages enables us to
keep in touch with friends, teachers and parents. Social networks which can be accessed with a
mobile phone are also great way to interact with people around.
Lastly, it’s a way to relax after the learning hours (4). We can use it to listen to music, taking
pictures, surf the webs or play games in the break time and reduce stress.
* Vocab
- create text: soạn tin nhắn
- presentations slides: trình chiếu
- record necessary things: thu âm những thứ quan trọng
- download materials: tải tài liu
- submit assignments: gửii tp
- keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc vi
- social networks: mạng hội
- interact with: tương tác vi
- surf the webs: lướt web
- break time: thời gian nghỉ
6. Topic 6: Studying abroad can bring students a number of benefits. (du học mang tới cho sinh viên,
học sinh nhiều lợi ích)
Firstly, it enhances knowledge and experience (1). We have chance to broaden our mind greatly
when we access a more advanced or specialized education abroad. (Also, the studying and living
environment in another country is different, which give us valuable experience about the culture of
that country)
Secondly, it promotes career prospects (2). The training they get from a good education ensure they
can do their work well. With a degree as a proof for their enquired knowledge and skills, they can
have great job opportunities with much better salary.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Thirdly, it fosters personal growth (3). Students learn to be independent, to overcome homesickness,
perfect their second languages and so on. These helps them improve themselves and become more
Lastly, you develop a wider network of relationship (4) with friends and lecturer from other
countries. You may benefit from their support in many fields in the future.
* Vocab
- enhances: nâng cao
- broaden our mind: mở mang kiến thc
- advanced or specialized education: chương trình học tập chuyên sâu và cao
cấp - valuable experience: trải nghiệm quý báu
- proof: sự đảm bảo, minh chng
- job opportunities: cơ hội việc làm
- better salary: thu nhập tốt n
- overcome homesickness: vượt qua nỗi nhớ nhà
- well-rounded: toàn diện, tự tin
- benefit: hưởng lợi
- field: lĩnh vc
7. Topic 7: What kinds of factors will students consider when they choose housing? (yếu tố các bạn
sinh viên cần xem xét khi chọn nơi ở)
Firstly, students have more privacy (1). Unlike the shared space in the dormitory, they can be free
doing their own things without being afraid of being disturbed. Also, they don’t worry that someone
else will steal their own things.
Secondly, they are more independent (2). They can make their own decision on what to do with
their place. (In addition, if they live in an apartment, they will learn to deal with different
problems on their own, which will be helpful for them)
Thirdly, they have quieter studying conditions (3). When there is no one or only their roommate
around, they can really focus on working on their assignments and exams.
Lastly, they have more personal space (4). In the dormitory, there are often 4 to 8 students living in
a room, which makes it quite overcrowded. More space in the apartment means their life is more
* Vocab
- shared space: không gian chung
- disturb: làm phiền
- steal their own things: lấy đồ đạc của họ
- make their own decision: đưa ra quyết định riêng
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
- learn to deal with different problems: học cách xử các vấn đề khác nhau
- roommate: bạn cùng phòng
- focus on working on their assignments: tập trung làm bài tp
- dormitory: kí túc
- overcrowded: quá đông đúc
8. Topic 8: Students should learn English. (sinh viên nên học Tiếng Anh)
In the first place, learning English creates a better job opportunity (1). More and more foreign
companies have their branch in Vietnam nowadays, therefore knowing English will be a great
strength to attract employers.
Moreover, by learning English, you can read the online documents (2). There are so many sources of
information written in English available on the Internet so that you can enrich your knowledge.
Another reason student should learn English is that they can also make more new friends from other
countries (3) apart from Vietnam. Through Facebook, Twitter and What apps, it is now very easy for
you to make friends with foreign people if you know English. As a result, your relationship network
will be widened.
* Vocab
- branch: chi nhánh
- great strength: thế mạnh rất rõ ràng
- attract employers: thu hút các nhà tuyển dụng
- enrich your knowledge: mở mang kiến thc
- foreign people: người nước ngi
- widen: mở rng
9. Topic 9: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people. (lợi ích của việc bơi li)
First of all, sports are helpful for our health (1) and going swimming is not an exception. Swimming
which is a full body workout helps us keep fit. As we move many parts of our body like arms, legs,
head and so on, it helps us to burn calories and lose weight. (Swimming is sweat free. As a
swimmer, we never get overhead or feel sweaty because the water around us helps cool us down)
Moreover, going swimming is known to reduce stress (2). By concentrating on swimming, we have
no time to think of our stress and can relax after a hard day. We seem to forget all troubles or worries
as we are at the swimming pool.
Next, we can make new friends (3) through going swimming. Communication in the swimming pool
is inevitable and thanks to that, you will have many new good friends.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
* Vocab
- workout: quá trình vận đng
- keep fit: giữ vóc dáng
- burn calories: đốt cháy calo
- lose weight: giảm cân
- sweat free: ra mồ hôi một cách tự nhn
- cool sb down: làm ai đó thấy thoải mái, mát mẻ, dễ chịu
- inevitable: hiển nhiên sẽ xảy ra
10. Topic 10: Teenagers should spend more time being outdoors. (các bạn tuổi teen cần dành nhiều
thời gian hơn cho các hoạt động bên ngoài)
In the first place, spending time outdoors can help improve both physical and mental health (1). As
you are outdoors, you can breathe new air, socialize with other people and take part in many
exciting activities such as doing sports, going on a picnic and so on.
Moreover, you can entertain/amuse yourself (2) by participating in team sports so that you can laugh
and relax.
Another benefit of being outdoors is that they can improve their attention (3) through joining
outdoor activities. Team sports, as I mentioned before need a high concentration when playing
them. Without good attention, your team will lose the match and you easily get injured.
* Vocab
- socialize: giao lưu
- attention: sự chú ý
- high concentration: sự tập trung cao độ
- get injured: bị thương
11. Topic 11: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. (đi cắm trại nhiều lợi ích với
sinh viên)
First of all, it's good way to spend time with family or friends. (1) When we go camping, we often get
together with family and friends so we have a great time chatting, playing games and enjoying food
and drinks.
Secondly, campsite is often in the countryside so we can enjoy fresh air and tranquil atmosphere (2).
People can be close to the nature with lakes, mountains, trees and flowers around them.
Another advantage of camping is that it can help us to reduce stress (3). It's true that we can escape
from the noise/ hustle and bustle of big cities and enjoy peace in mind. It is a time for us to refresh
and relax/ wind down after a hard day/let off steam.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
* Vocab
- tranquil: yên bình
- escape from the noise: thoát khỏi sự ồn ào
- escape from hustle and bustle: thoát khỏi sự bồ náo nhiệt
- peace in mind: sự yên bình trong tâm hồn
- wind down: vui chơi, xõa
12. Topic 12: Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. (đi nước ngoài một trải
nghiệm quý giá cho chúng ta)
To begin with, when we travel to other countries, we can refresh ourselves (1). Visiting a foreign
country means that we have to live in a brand-new environment, therefore we have to change
ourselves to adapt to it (weather, currency, language...)
Next, we can gain many experiences (2), too. When we come to tourist destinations and take part in
certain activities there such as going around, playing games, enjoying food and drinks, we can earn a
lot of precious experience.
Another benefit of visiting a foreign country is that it gives us a great chance for us to make new
friends (3). In a new environment, we have to communicate with people that don't say the same
language as we. You will have many new friends from many countries in the world and broaden our
relationship network.
* Vocab
- brand-new environment: môi trường mi
- change ourselves to adapt: thay đổi để thích nghi
- tourist destinations: địa điểm du lịch
- precious experience: trải nghiệm quý g
- broaden our relationship network: mở rộng mối quan hệ
13. Topic 13: Online learning is beneficial to students. (lợi ích của việc học online đối với sinh viên)
In the first place, online learning is very convenient (1). You know, students can study whenever and
wherever they want. Only with a mobile phone or computer connected to the Internet, can students
get access to a rich source of information on almost any subject.
Secondly, it is very affordable to study online (2). Well, students can do research using online
resources at very low cost or even at no charge.
Moreover, because students can study at their own place (3), they can save time and money to travel
to formal classes.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Last but not least, online courses are more interesting thanks to the applications (4) of technology. It
is true that technology is a powerful tool to engage students. It can make students more involved in
the lesson due to the combination of sounds, images, games and so on.
* Vocab
- rich source of information: nguồn thông tin dồi dào
- online resource: tài nguyên trên mạng
- low cost: chi phí thấp
- formal class: lớp học chính thống
- engage: thu hút
- involved in the lesson: kết nối đếni học
- combination: sự kết hp
14. Topic 14: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (cách cải thiện
hệ thống giao thông công cộng)
The first thing we can do is to keep a better schedule (1). The running time as well as the recovery
time should be fixed and easy for passengers to follow so that they can save their waiting time.
Next, it is important to develop more customer service such (2) as installing Wi-Fi on bus so that it
will attract more and more students and teenagers to use. Passengers should be treated politely on
the bus.
Another way is offering more routes is necessary (3) at the present time. With the increase in
population and the number of private vehicles nowadays, more lanes for buses should be built so as
to reduce the waiting time of passengers. In this point, public transportation will become more
popular in Hanoi.
* Vocab
- running time: giờ chy
- recovery time: giờ quay về
- fixed: cố định
- installing Wi-Fi: cài đặt, lắp đt
- treated politely: đối xử tử tế
- population: dân số
- private vehicles: phương tiện nhân
- lane: n
- public transportation: phương tiện công cng
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
15. Topic 15: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (nguyên
nhân giới trẻ bị thất nghiệp)
I would like to take into consideration first is overpopulation (1). The rate of overpopulation is still
high in the society, especially in poor countries like India or South Africa, which really struggles the
government in providing enough job opportunities for youngsters.
The second reason might be the lack of qualifications (2). Many students start to find jobs
immediately after high school without entering university. Therefore, they aren't qualified
enough for the employers to hire.
Moreover, the problem also lies in the poor performance (3) among the youth. Even though they have
university degree, they just focus on theory, therefore they lack of practical experience in work as
well as the daily life.
* Vocab
- rate of overpopulation: tỉ lệ tăng dân số
- struggle: y nhiều khó khăn
- youngster: người tr
- entering university: đi học đại học
- qualified: đủ chất lượng, đủ chuyên môn
- practical experience: kinh nghiệm thực tiễn
16. Topic 16: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health. (bữa sáng bữa ăn quan trọng nhất
cho sức khỏe chúng ta)
In the first place, a healthy breakfast helps us to have a healthy body (1). Good food for breakfast
would provide us with enough energy for the morning. If we don't have sufficient breakfast, we will
suffer from vertigo and headache.
Moreover, it allows us to concentrate on our work or study better (2). Breakfast can improve memory
and concentration levels. Breakfast provides energy consumed all the night and therefore prepare
for our new working day better.
Another reason is that eating breakfast enables us to prevent some diseases (3). It is obvious that if
we don't eat breakfast, stomach has nothing to digest, which leads to stomach diseases and
sometimes even low blood sugar. (A proper breakfast ensures a healthy body so it helps us to stay
away from illness)
* Vocab
- sufficient breakfast: bữa sáng phù hp
- vertigo: chóng mt
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
- headache: nhức đu
- concentration level: khả năng tập trung
- diseases: bệnh
- stomach: dạ dày
- digest: tiêu hóa
- low blood sugar: hạ đường huyết
17. Topic 17: Some benefits of living in the countryside. (lợi ích khi sống vùng q)
Firstly, people living in the countryside can enjoy fresh air (1). It is because the rural areas have
many trees and the air is still not polluted by the act of industrialization. There are fewer
factories and traffic here.
Secondly, the living cost in the countryside is lower than that of big cities (2). They pay lower fees
for all services and products. Besides, they often have a large garden where they grow their own
vegetables and raise their own chicken or pigs for food. (They can also buy cheaper products, pay for
less bills and transportation)
Another benefit is that neighbors are very friendly and helpful. (3). They often help each other, for
instance, look after the house when their neighbors are away from home or help when there are
wedding parties or funerals. (People may have truly friendly neighbors. Compared to the lonely life
style in urban areas that people only know themselves, rural residents care much about people
around them and it helps create a close-knit relationship between them)
* Vocab
- polluted: bị ô nhiễm
- act of industrialization: tác động của quá trình công nghiệp hóa
- low fees: chi phí thp
- funeral: đám ma
- urban area: vùng đô th
- rural residents: dân quê
- close-knit relationship: mối quan hệ gắn
18. Topic 18: Benefits of watching films in the cinema. (lợi ích của đi xem phim rạp)
First and foremost, cinemagoers can watch movies with better sound quality and on larger screens
(1). Cinemas are often well equipped. Cinema owners invest much money in creating the best things
for the audience, and the sound is one of them.
Moreover, the cinema always has large screen which makes images become more lively, (2) it
attracts people's attention and concentration. It is possible to watch the latest movies which are
not shown on TV or elsewhere or might be on TV much later.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Thirdly, going to the cinema is a great chance for people to meet up with their friends and relatives
(3). They can chat with friends and relax after a working week. Hanging out to catch a flick and
taking pictures will be a memorable time for friends and parents.
* Vocab
- cinemagoers: người đi xem phim
- well equipped: được trang bị tt
- attract: thu hút, hấp dn
- attention: sự chú ý
- concentration: sự tập trung
- latest movies: bộ phim mới nht
- catch a flick: đi xem phim
- memorable time: khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ
19. Topic 19: Reasons why cars should be banned in some areas in big cities. (xe ô nên bị cấm 1
vài khu vực trong các thành phố lớn)
Firstly, cars are one of the causes of pollution in big cities (1) because they emit harmful smoke into
the air which damages people's health and environment.
Secondly, streets in big cities like Hanoi are very small (2) and a large number of cars definitely
cause serious traffic jam especially in rush hours. So, it is not convenient for us to go home after a
long hard day.
Another reason is that there is not enough parking space for cars in Hanoi (3). Therefore, we can see
that cars parked everywhere: on sidewalks, on roadways creating a chaotic view for the capital
* Vocab
- harmful smoke: khói bụi độc hi
- damage: gây hại
- sidewalk: vỉa
- chaotic: lộn xộn, hỗn độn
- capital: thủ đô
20. Topic 20: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities. (nên khuyến khích việc đi xe đạp
trong các thành phố lớn)
First of all, cycling to work can save our money (1). When we travel by bicycle, we just have to pay
money for repair, but when we use other kinds of vehicles such as motorbike or car, we have to pay
for the gasoline which isn’t cheap. Cycling is also cheap, so most people can afford to have a good
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Secondly, cycling is a great way to keep fit (2). When we ride a bike, we move all our body like our
legs and hands. So, we can burn lots of calories. I think everyone finds it easy to do this sport
because they learned it when they were little.
Another benefit is that we can protect the environment (3) by cycling to work. It is true that other
kinds of vehicles such as motorbike and car emit C02, that makes the air polluted. Cycling is surely
not harmful to the environment
* Vocab
- gasoline: xăng
- afford: đủ sức chi tr
- burn lots of calories: đốt cháy mỡ thừa trong cơ th
- emit: thi
- harmful: hại
21. Topic 21: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers. (các bạn trẻ
nên ngủ dậy sớm vào buổi sáng)
In the first place, getting up early can create better effective study (1). It is obvious that students find
it easy to concentrate when studying in the morning than in other time of the day, which create a
better learning result.
Moreover, as teenagers get up early, they have time for morning exercise (2) and it is really good for
their health. When people are at 17 or 18, I think it’s important for them to keep fit, and doing
regular exercise in the morning seems to be the best way to help them stay healthy.
Lastly, they can prepare better before going to school (3). Getting up early means that students can
have more time for breakfast, put on clothes and even review their lessons before school time.
* Vocab
- concentrate: tập trung
- learning result: kết quả học tp
- do regular exercise: tập thể dục đều đn
- stay healthy: giữ sức khe
- put on clothes: mang đồ
22. Topic 22: Benefits of shopping at supermarkets. (lợi ích của việc mua sắm siêu th)
First of all, shopping at supermarkets helps people relax (1). For example, family can have a quality
time with each other when shopping at the weekends.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Secondly, supermarkets have a variety of products (2) for people to choose. Different products of
different regions are at the reach of your hands at supermarkets. Actually, customers can find
almost everything including garments, jewelry, food, books and so on.
Another benefit is that supermarkets often offer a competitive price (3) and customers are often given
special offers. There are certain discounts on products at supermarkets that can help you save a small
amount of money compared to when buying at markets.
* Vocab
- quality time: thời gian vui vẻ hạnh phúc
- region: vùng min
- reach of your hands: trong tầm tay
- garment: áo quần, trang phc
- jewelry: trang sc
- special offer: ưu đãi đặc bit
23. Topic 23: Being married is one of the greatest experiences in one’s life. (kết hôn một trong
những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất)
First of all, when getting married, you can share life with others (1). You are not alone anymore. You
have a wife or a husband so you can share every joyfulness and sorrow with them.
Moreover, you can have more support (2) from your marriage partner. Instead of doing housework
alone like when you are single, now you can share it with your spouse. You also earn more support
from your soulmate in terms of finance and childcare.
Another reason is that you will get more motivation (3) when you are married. Researches have
showed that you are more inspired when you see your spouse better days by days. You wish to earn
more money to support your own family. Together with your partner, you wish to build up a
happier home life.
* Vocab
- joyfulness: niềm vui
- sorrow: nỗi buồn
- marriage partner: bạn đời = soulmate
- spouse: vợ/chồng
- childcare: chăm sóc con cái
- inspired: được thúc đẩy, truyển cảm hng
- build up a happier home life: xây dựng cuộc sống gia đình hạnh phúc
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
24. Topic 24: Traditional music should be kept. (âm nhạc truyền thống nên được gìn gi)
First of all, traditional music has cultural values (1). Music is believed to be a symbol for a nation’s
culture and different countries have different genres of music. Based on the rhythms, people can
recognize where a song comes from.
Secondly, traditional music brings historical values (2). It’s obvious that music teaches us about the
history of the country. For example, songs during the revolutionary period encouraged people to
live and fight against invaders during the war.
Another reason is that educational values (3) are present in traditional music. Songs are considered
basic building blocks of language. Traditional music especially lullabies that our mothers sing can
help us to develop speech and language. Repeating sounds, rhythm and melody in songs are essential
for language development in kids.
* Vocab
- symbol: biểu tượng
- genre: thể loi
- rhythm: thể loi
- revolutionary period: thờicách mng
- invader: kẻ xâm ợc
- blocks of language: khối, thành phần của ngôn ngữ
- lullaby: bài hát ru
- essential: cần thiết
25. Topic 25: Childhood is the most important time of anyone’s life. (tuổi thơ thời gian quan trọng
In the first place, childhood is the time when people develop their physical health (1) At this time,
their physical health develop fast, from a baby to a toddler and then a fully-grown person. Height
and weight of people are proved to develop fastest in these early years.
Moreover, kids can form personalities during childhood (2). Children learn, behave and interact with
people around them like their parents and friends, so these people might influence their way of
thinking. Our characteristics in the future will be the result of these first periods of life.
Next, it is believed that children learn things quickly (3) at an early age. They are interested in
exploring new things, observing, following and imitating people around them much more quickly
than adults.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
* Vocab
- toddler: trẻ nhỏ (vừa biết đi)
- fully-grown person: người đã trưởng thành
- influence: ảnh ởng
- characteristic: tính cách
- observe: quan sát
- imitate: bắt cớc
26. Topic 26: Working in pairs helps students learn better at school. (làm việc theo cặp giúp học sinh
học tốt hơn)
In the first place, pair-work allows students to improve social skills and interaction (2) When it
comes to pair-work, students have to communicate with their partners and many skills are used and
developed such as communication skills, debate skills, presentation skills, giving ideas and so
Next, working in pairs creates a valuable chance for students to learn from each other (3). This also
helps young people to learn better at school as two people can come up with more ideas to solve a
problem. Thanks to pair-work, students can easily find their friend’s mistakes and help each other
correct them.
Finally, leaners can be more active (3) when working in pairs. Everyone has to be responsible for a
part of a task. Pairs have to try their best to complete it. Otherwise, it will affect the whole pairs.
There are sometimes in their work that they disagree with each other, so each side has to give strong
explanations to persuade the opposite follow their ideas. Problem-solving skills are bettered as a
* Vocab
- communication skills: năng giao tiếp
- debate skills: ng biện lun
- presentation skills: năng thuyết trình
- valuable chance: hội quý báu
- come up with more ideas: nảy sinh nhiều ý tưởng hơn
- mistake: li
- correct: sửa li
- task: nhiệm vụ
- try their best: cố gắng hết sc
- whole: tất cả
- explanation: sự giải thích
- persuade: thuyết phục
- Problem-solving skills: năng giải quyết vấn đề
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
27. Topic 27: Some benefits of having a public library. (lợi ích của thư viện công cộng)
To begin with, public library is a great place for kids (1). There is kids-zone in every public library
that allows children to read comic books, play with their friends and even read books with their
Moreover, public library helps build a better community (2). It is where reading culture is promoted
because in this reading community, book lovers can communicate and exchange interesting
information with each other.
Finally, public libraries give everyone free - access to books (3). People can go to national libraries to
search for various sources of information. Readers can find any genres of books they are interested
in such as textbooks, novels, story books, dictionaries and so on. As a result, it is an ideal self-study
place for students or those who want to enrich their knowledge.
* Vocab
- kids-zone: khu vực cho trẻ em
- comic book: truyện tranh
- reading culture: văn hóa đọc
- book lover: người yêu sách
- various sources of information: đa dạng nguồn thông tin
- genre: thể loi
- enrich their knowledge: mở mang kiến thc
28. Topic 28: Some factors causing stress at work. (nguyên nhân gây ra căng thẳng khi làm việc)
The first reason for being stressed at work is bad management (1). Instead of dividing work into
smaller parts to get it done gradually, many people often delay their work until deadlines, so they
have to deal with such a large amount of work at one time.
The second reason is that workers have too much workload (2). Employees have to work long hours
or work overtime for such a long time. As a result, they feel exhausted. The problems also root from
managers who force their employees to deal with a mountain of work to earn more profit for the
company. Even they even don’t have any free time to relax.
Another factor is poor working condition (3). People might have to work at a very high speed and
under tight deadlines. Employees might feel stressed because their colleagues or employers do not
support them or they are even criticized.
* Vocab
- divide work: phân phối công việc
- gradually: từ từ
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
- deadline: hạn cuối, hạn hoàn thành
- a large amount of: một lượng lớn
- exhausted: rất mệt mi
- root: bắt nguồn
- force: gây áp lực, bắt buộc, gây sức ép
- a mountain of work: một núi công việc
- force: gây áp lực, bắt buộc, gây sức ép
- tight: hạn hẹp, rất ngắn
- criticize: chỉ tch
ard, parents can provide their children with the best education.
29. Topic 29: Ways to help others in the community. (cách giúp đỡ cộng đồng)
Firstly, we can help people with their daily task (1), which is a popular way to help others in the
community. Volunteers help feed children read books to children, do housework, and so on. Coming
to rural areas, students may help peasants harvest crops and do the transplanting.
Secondly, we can also run a club or organization to support the community (2) There are many
groups and governmental and non-governmental organizations are working effectively in helping
the community especially in natural disasters like drought, flood and so on. Famous people often
organize live shows or performances to raise funds.
Finally, we can also give poor people money, clothes and food (3). Warm clothes and food are
usually distributed to northern ethnic minority students as winter comes. We often give these
necessary things to poor people in remote areas or when people suffer from natural disasters.
* Vocab
- peasant: người làm nông
- harvest crop: thu hoạch mùa màng
- transplant: cấy (lúa, cây lương thc)
- non-governmental organization: tổ chức phi chính phủ
- natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên
- drought: hạn n
- flood: lũ lt
- raise fund: gây quỹ
- distribut: đóng góp
- ethnic minority students: sinh viên vùng dân tộc thiểu số
- remote area: vùng sâu vùng xa
30. Topic 30: Some benefits of living in the city. (lợi ích của việc sống thành ph)
First of all, people in cities may have higher standard of living (1) with higher quality health care
service, more entertainment facilities like cinemas, theme parks and shopping centers. For
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
example, when you are ill or you might have sudden accidents you will be taken to the hospital
Secondly, people living in urban areas have more employment opportunities (2) with much higher
salaries. There are many companies, factories and enterprises in big cities that you can easily apply
for different kinds of jobs.
Another benefit is that city dwellers can enjoy better education (3). In cities, students can get access
to modern technology that is helpful for them in their study like computers and smart phones. With a
higher living stand
* Vocab
- standard of living: tiêu chuẩn cuộc sống
- health care service: dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khe
- entertainment facilities: sở giải trí
- theme parks: công viên trò chơi
- sudden accident: tai nạn không may
- enterprise: doanh nghiệp
- dweller: người dân
- get access to: tiếp cận vi
31. Topic 31: Doing sport has many benefits. (lợi ích của chơi thể thao)
First of all, it is easy to realize that playing sports is good for health (1). It is because when you play
them regularly, the blood can be transmitted faster, the heart will be under less pressure and
therefore reduce the risk of many heart and respiratory diseases.
Moreover, you can also meet many people (2) through playing sports because the nature of sports is
that you hardly play it alone.
Lastly, you can also relax (3) when chatting with people while doing morning exercise or laugh when
your team win.
* Vocab
- transmit: truyền
- risk: nguy
- respiratory disease: bệnhhp
32. Topic 32: University is not the only route to success. (học đại học không phải con đường duy
nhất để thành công)
In the first place, if you do not go to university, you can start your career earlier (1). Starting work
early can help you have more hands-on experience from the real life. I strongly believe that these
experiences are more valuable than what you learn from books at school.
Speaking Part III + Writing B1 B2
Secondly, instead of studying at university, you can choose vocational training schools (3) where
you can learn a job in a short time.
Last but not least, there are many no degree required jobs (3) like manicurists, hairdressers,
salesman, etc. That can earn you a stable income. If you work hard and gain great deal of
experience, you even can set up and run our own businesses.
* Vocab
- hands-on experience: kinh nghiệm thực tiễn
- valuable: quý giá
- vocational training school: trường đào tạo nghề
- degree required job: công việc cần bằng cấp chuyênn
- manicurist: thợ làm ng
- hairdresser: thợ làm tóc
- set up: thành lp
- run our own business: điều hành việc kinh doanh của riêng bạn
33. Topic 33: The importance of friendship. (sự quan trọng của tình bn)
The most important reason can be that everyone needs at least a friend to share everything (1)
regardless of sadness or happiness. For me, I like chatting with my friends about what happened
every day and discussing personal problems.
Furthermore, our friends will be ready to help us out of our troubles (2). They will give us some good
advice and support when we are in difficulty.
Finally, thanks to friendship, we will have fun and enjoy a meaningful life (3). It is very fun and
interesting for us to spend free time meeting our friends at a café, doing some shopping and going for
a walk a weekend.
* Vocab
- regardless of: bất kể
- sadness: mỗi buồn
- personal problem: vấn đề riêng
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Preview text:

Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
Nhiệm vụ: Thí sinh được cho 1 chủ đề với 3 gợi ý, thí sinh phát triển chủ đề được cho với 1 phút
chuẩn bị. Sau khi trình bày về câu hỏi chính, thí sinh trả lời thêm 1 số câu hỏi về các khía cạnh khác
liên quan đến chủ đề của phần thi. Tổng thời gian là 3’
Các bài sau chỉ trình bày mang tính chất gợi ý cho thí sinh cách phát triển 3 ý trọng tâm mà đề cho
trước, một số bài mẫu có trình bày thêm ý thứ 4, tuy nhiên phần lớn các bài chỉ tập trung 3 ý chính để
khuyến khích các bạn thí sinh sáng tạo ý cuối cùng.
BÀI MẪU: Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.
* Gợi ý 1 có sẵn: increase knowledge
* Gợi ý 2 có sẵn: reduce stress
* Gợi ý 3 có sẵn: improve memories
* Gợi ý 4 tự chuẩn bị: a better vocabulary source
Từ vựng B1 B2
- Broaden their mind: Mở mang kiến thức
- Provides knowledge and experience in: Cung cấp kiến thức và trải nghiệm về …
- Diving in the world of a book: Chìm đắm trong thế giới của sách
- Allow their brain to exercise: Để bộ não được luyện tập - Memorize: Ghi nhớ - Expose: Bộc lộ - Beneficial: Có lợi - Context: Ngữ cảnh
Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers because of some reasons.
Firstly, reading helps increase knowledge. There are a lot of interesting things in a book, so they can
broaden their mind. (For example, travel guide provides knowledge and experience in tourism,
self-help teaches them the suitable ways to live, and science helps them know more about the world.)
The knowledge they receive from a book can be very helpful in life.
Secondly, reading helps reduce stress. When they are diving in the world of a book, they will forget
the stress, worrying or sadness. It’s a good way to relax.
Another benefit of reading is it improve memories. People consider reading a way to allow their
brain to exercise so that it can be healthy to work/ function better. This helps we memorize and remember better.
Lastly, it helps students have a better vocabulary source. When they read, they can expose to and
learn many new words, as well as see them in context. This is very beneficial for them to use these
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
words correctly. (Having good vocabulary source helps them better not only at reading and listening
but they can also speak and write better)
To sum up, the youth should be inspired to read books due to the benefits it brings
* Vì các bài tham khảo đều là bài nói, nên học viên cần dùng từ điển tra phiên âm ngay bên
dưới các từ/cụm từ in đậm hoặc các từ chưa biết phát âm và tập đọc kĩ, đọc to nhiều lần. Bài
mẫu chỉ mang tính chất gợi ý, khuyến khích thí sinh nói theo ý riêng của mình nếu có, các bài
mẫu thầy lược bỏ phần mở bài và kết bài để gọn gàng hơn và cũng để khuyến khích các bạn
giới thiệu và kết luận theo cách của riêng mình, khi trả lời các thí sinh cần có mở và kết bài.
Các bạn hoàn toàn làm đoạn mở và kết tương tự như các bài sẵn có.
Danh sách các chủ đềề tham khảo
1. Topic 1: Keeping a pet teaches children a lot of interesting things. (lợi ích của việc cho trẻ nuôi thú
cưng). .................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Topic 2: There are a lot of factors to be considered when choosing a job. (những yếu tố cần xem
xét khi chọn công việc). ........................................................................................................................ 4
3. Topic 3: The effects of Technology on Teenagers. (tác hại của việc lạm dụng công nghệ đối với các bạn độ tuổi
teen) .............................................................................................................................. 5
4. Topic 4: Smoking should be banned in public places. (hút thuốc lá cần bị cấm ở những nơi công
cộng). ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Topic 5: Mobile phones are useful tools at schools. (điện thoại di động là công cụ hữu ích với việc
học tập ở trường). ................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Topic 6: Studying abroad can bring students a number of benefits. (du học mang tới cho sinh viên,
học sinh nhiều lợi ích) ........................................................................................................................ 7
7. Topic 7: What kinds of factors will students consider when they choose housing? (yếu tố các bạn
sinh viên cần xem xét khi chọn nơi ở). ................................................................................................. 8
8. Topic 8: Students should learn English. (sinh viên nên học Tiếng Anh). .......................................... 9
9. Topic 9: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people. (lợi ích của việc bơi lội) ...........9
10. Topic 10: Teenagers should spend more time being outdoors. (các bạn tuổi teen cần dành nhiều
thời gian hơn cho các hoạt động bên ngoài). ...................................................................................... 10
11. Topic 11: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. (đi cắm trại có nhiều lợi ích với
sinh viên). ............................................................................................................................................ 10
12. Topic 12: Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. (đi nước ngoài là một trải
nghiệm quý giá cho chúng ta). ............................................................................................................ 11
13. Topic 13: Online learning is beneficial to students. (lợi ích của việc học online đối với sinh
viên) ........................................................................................................................................................ . .... 11
14. Topic 14: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (cách cải thiện
hệ thống giao thông công cộng). ......................................................................................................... 12
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
15. Topic 15: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (nguyên
nhân giới trẻ bị thất nghiệp). ............................................................................................................... 13
16. Topic 16: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health. (bữa sáng là bữa ăn quan trọng nhất
cho sức khỏe chúng ta). ........................................................................................................................ 13
17. Topic 17: Some benefits of living in the countryside. (lợi ích khi sống ở vùng quê). .................. 14
18. Topic 18: Benefits of watching films in the cinema. (lợi ích của đi xem phim ở rạp) .................. 14
19. Topic 19: Reasons why cars should be banned in some areas in big cities. (xe ô tô nên bị cấm 1
vài khu vực trong các thành phố lớn). ................................................................................................. 15
20. Topic 20: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities. (nên khuyến khích việc đi xe đạp
trong các thành phố lớn) ...................................................................................................................... 15
21. Topic 21: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers. (các bạn trẻ
nên ngủ dậy sớm vào buổi sáng). ........................................................................................................ 16
22. Topic 22: Benefits of shopping at supermarkets. (lợi ích của việc mua sắm ở siêu thị). ............... 16
23. Topic 23: Being married is one of the greatest experiences in one’s life. (kết hôn là một trong
những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất). ...................................................................................................... 17
24. Topic 24: Traditional music should be kept. (âm nhạc truyền thống nên được gìn giữ). ..............18
25. Topic 25: Childhood is the most important time of anyone’s life. (tuổi thơ là thời gian quan trọng
nhất) ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
26. Topic 26: Working in pairs helps students learn better at school. (làm việc theo cặp giúp học sinh
học tốt hơn). ........................................................................................................................................ 19
27. Topic 27: Some benefits of having a public library. (lợi ích của thư viện công cộng) .................. 20
28. Topic 28: Some factors causing stress at work. (nguyên nhân gây ra căng thẳng khi làm việc). .. 20
29. Topic 29: Ways to help others in the community. (cách giúp đỡ cộng đồng) ................................ 21
30. Topic 30: Some benefits of living in the city. (lợi ích của việc sống ở thành phố). ...................... 21
31. Topic 31: Doing sport has many benefits. (lợi ích của chơi thể thao). .......................................... 22
32. Topic 32: University is not the only route to success. (học đại học không phải là con đường duy
nhất để thành công). ............................................................................................................................ 22
33. Topic 33: The importance of friendship. (sự quan trọng của tình bạn) .......................................... 23 Trả lời chi t iềết
1. Topic 1: Keeping a pet teaches children a lot of interesting things. (lợi ích của việc cho trẻ nuôi thú cưng)
The first thing is the love for animals (1). A pet is like a little friend to the kid, who plays with him
or listens to what he says. (This connection leads to the kid developing the love for the pet and, for
the world of animals in general. In the future, he will make effort to protect them)
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
Secondly, they learn responsibility (2). It’s important for the pet to have good meal, to get bath or to
go to the vet at the right time. If he fails to do these for the pet, there will be troubles. (By being
aware of this, the kid becomes responsible for the ones he’s taking care of, not only the pet but also
people around, and the works he will do in the future)
Thirdly, this will help him grow the care for the others (3). Pets have problems like human. They
may be happy, sad or worried, sometimes they get sick and don’t feel good. The kids will pay
attention to these feelings and will learn to ease their pets. (Furthermore, they will develop the care for other people.)
Lastly, keeping a pet gives kids a chance to learn more about biological features of animals (4). For
example, he will notice different parts of the pet’s body and some of their habits. (These may help
them understand more about the world and maybe beneficial for their studying or in life later.) * Vocab - vet: bác sĩ thú y - pay attention: để ý
- ease: chăm sóc, chơi đùa nhẹ nhàng cẩn thận
- biological features: chức năng sinh học
2. Topic 2: There are a lot of factors to be considered when choosing a job. (những yếu tố cần xem xét khi chọn công việc)
Firstly, people can consider if that job is suitable with their interests (1). It’s important for a person to
work in a job that he is interested in. When he feels happy and satisfied with his work, he will work
very effectively and make effort to overcome all the difficulties to achieve success.
Secondly, money is an important factor to consider (2). A work with high salary will allow people
live a better life and support people around. If the income is too low, people cannot feel satisfied and work their best for it.
Another important factor is working environment (3). Good facilities, an open-minded, reliable
boss and supportive, professional colleagues, the working culture in which the vision and
values fit them are very important. They make people feel comfortable and motivated at the workplace.
Lastly, it’s working enhancement (4). People really concern about whether or not they have
promotion, have training or workshop and learn new skills. This enables them to improve
themselves and achieve the goal of life. * Vocab - satisfied: hài lòng
- effectively: hiệu quả
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
- make effort to overcome: nỗ lực vượt qua
- achieve success: đạt được thành công - income: thu nhập
- facilities: cơ sở vật chất - open-minded: cởi mở - reliable: đáng tin cậy
- supportive: có tinh thần hỗ trợ, cảm thông
- professional: chuyên nghiệp
- working culture: văn hóa doanh nghiệp - vision: tầm nhìn - value: giá trị
- motivated: động lực, nhiệt huyết
- working enhancement: thăng tiến trong công việc - promotion: thăng chức - workshop: hội thảo - goal: mục tiêu
3. Topic 3: The effects of Technology on Teenagers. (tác hại của việc lạm dụng công nghệ đối với các bạn độ tuổi teen)
Firstly, it makes imagination become unnecessary (1). When they come to something that they don’t
know, instead of spending a minute imagining, they may immediately go online and search for it.
(When this is too easy for them, this will form a habit among teenagers, and it’s not good for their imagination)
Secondly, they lack outside activities (2). Technology offers a lot of interesting things, which makes
teenagers spend much time using them and ignore other activities, including studying, exercising or
going out with friends. (This is not good for their physical well-being)
Another drawback of technology on teenagers is it inhibits memory (3). They tend to be lazy to
memorize information because the technology devices and the internet will do it for them. (This
leads to the dependence on technology when they need to recall any information and could affect
their studying negatively)
Lastly, it may be negative for their relationship (4). It’s common to see a group of teenagers who sit
in the same place but only stick their noses into the screen instead of communicating with each
other. (This makes their real-life relationship become weaker) * Vocab
- form a habit: hình thành thói quen
- imagination: trí tưởng tượng
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2 - ignore: bỏ qua
- physical well-being: thể chất
- inhibits: ngăn cản, làm hạn chế - memorize: ghi nhớ
- dependence on technology: sự phụ thuộc vào công nghệ
- stick their noses into the screen: dán mắt vào màn hình điện thoại
- real-life relationship: mối quan hệ thực sự ngoài đời
4. Topic 4: Smoking should be banned in public places. (hút thuốc lá cần bị cấm ở những nơi công cộng)
The first and foremost reason to ban smoking is that it is very harmful to smoker’s health (1). It
contains thousands of toxics which will damage their lungs/ respiratory system steadily. (Besides
the respiratory system, it also causes other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure)
Secondly, it causes negative effects on non-smokers (2). People around who don’t use cigarette can’t
avoid breathing in the smoke. This is even more harmful since they take it in without any filters.
Another reason to ban is because it causes air pollution (3). When a cigarette is burned, not only the
smoke smells bad but the toxics released contributes to air pollution, too. (Also, the crop of tobacco
causes the degradation of land and makes it become less fertilized)
Lastly, it often leads to fire (4). A lot of places, especially forests have been destroyed because of the
careless and irresponsible action of people when throwing their burning cigarette ends on the ground. * Vocab - toxics: chất độc - lung: phổi
- respiratory system: hệ thống hô hấp
- diabetes: bệnh tiểu đường
- blood pressure: cao huyết áp - cigarette: thuốc lá - filters: đầu lọc - crop: vụ mùa
- degradation: suy thoái, giảm chất lượng - fertilized: màu mỡ - careless: bất cẩn
- irresponsible: vô trách nhiệm
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
5. Topic 5: Mobile phones are useful tools at schools. (điện thoại di động là công cụ hữu ích với việc học tập ở trường)
Firstly, they play the role of mobile office tools (1). We can use the apps on it to create text,
presentations slides and record necessary things everywhere in school, without the need of a computer.
Secondly, it enables us access the internet easily and quickly (2). We can search for information and
download materials as well as submit assignments easily and quickly, which is helpful for our studying.
Thirdly, they are great means of communication (3). Phone calls and text messages enables us to
keep in touch with friends, teachers and parents. Social networks which can be accessed with a
mobile phone are also great way to interact with people around.
Lastly, it’s a way to relax after the learning hours (4). We can use it to listen to music, taking
pictures, surf the webs or play games in the break time and reduce stress. * Vocab
- create text: soạn tin nhắn
- presentations slides: trình chiếu
- record necessary things: thu âm những thứ quan trọng
- download materials: tải tài liệu
- submit assignments: gửi bài tập
- keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc với
- social networks: mạng xã hội
- interact with: tương tác với - surf the webs: lướt web
- break time: thời gian nghỉ
6. Topic 6: Studying abroad can bring students a number of benefits. (du học mang tới cho sinh viên,
học sinh nhiều lợi ích)
Firstly, it enhances knowledge and experience (1). We have chance to broaden our mind greatly
when we access a more advanced or specialized education abroad. (Also, the studying and living
environment in another country is different, which give us valuable experience about the culture of that country)
Secondly, it promotes career prospects (2). The training they get from a good education ensure they
can do their work well. With a degree as a proof for their enquired knowledge and skills, they can
have great job opportunities with much better salary.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
Thirdly, it fosters personal growth (3). Students learn to be independent, to overcome homesickness,
perfect their second languages and so on. These helps them improve themselves and become more well-rounded.
Lastly, you develop a wider network of relationship (4) with friends and lecturer from other
countries. You may benefit from their support in many fields in the future. * Vocab - enhances: nâng cao
- broaden our mind: mở mang kiến thức
- advanced or specialized education: chương trình học tập chuyên sâu và cao
cấp - valuable experience: trải nghiệm quý báu
- proof: sự đảm bảo, minh chứng
- job opportunities: cơ hội việc làm
- better salary: thu nhập tốt hơn
- overcome homesickness: vượt qua nỗi nhớ nhà
- well-rounded: toàn diện, tự tin - benefit: hưởng lợi - field: lĩnh vực
7. Topic 7: What kinds of factors will students consider when they choose housing? (yếu tố các bạn
sinh viên cần xem xét khi chọn nơi ở)
Firstly, students have more privacy (1). Unlike the shared space in the dormitory, they can be free
doing their own things without being afraid of being disturbed. Also, they don’t worry that someone
else will steal their own things.
Secondly, they are more independent (2). They can make their own decision on what to do with
their place. (In addition, if they live in an apartment, they will learn to deal with different
problems on their own, which will be helpful for them)
Thirdly, they have quieter studying conditions (3). When there is no one or only their roommate
around, they can really focus on working on their assignments and exams.
Lastly, they have more personal space (4). In the dormitory, there are often 4 to 8 students living in
a room, which makes it quite overcrowded. More space in the apartment means their life is more comfortable. * Vocab
- shared space: không gian chung - disturb: làm phiền
- steal their own things: lấy đồ đạc của họ
- make their own decision: đưa ra quyết định riêng
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
- learn to deal with different problems: học cách xử lý các vấn đề khác nhau
- roommate: bạn cùng phòng
- focus on working on their assignments: tập trung làm bài tập - dormitory: kí túc xá
- overcrowded: quá đông đúc
8. Topic 8: Students should learn English. (sinh viên nên học Tiếng Anh)
In the first place, learning English creates a better job opportunity (1). More and more foreign
companies have their branch in Vietnam nowadays, therefore knowing English will be a great
strength to attract employers.
Moreover, by learning English, you can read the online documents (2). There are so many sources of
information written in English available on the Internet so that you can enrich your knowledge.
Another reason student should learn English is that they can also make more new friends from other
countries (3) apart from Vietnam. Through Facebook, Twitter and What apps, it is now very easy for
you to make friends with foreign people if you know English. As a result, your relationship network will be widened. * Vocab - branch: chi nhánh
- great strength: thế mạnh rất rõ ràng
- attract employers: thu hút các nhà tuyển dụng
- enrich your knowledge: mở mang kiến thức
- foreign people: người nước ngoài - widen: mở rộng
9. Topic 9: Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people. (lợi ích của việc bơi lội)
First of all, sports are helpful for our health (1) and going swimming is not an exception. Swimming
which is a full body workout helps us keep fit. As we move many parts of our body like arms, legs,
head and so on, it helps us to burn calories and lose weight. (Swimming is sweat free. As a
swimmer, we never get overhead or feel sweaty because the water around us helps cool us down)
Moreover, going swimming is known to reduce stress (2). By concentrating on swimming, we have
no time to think of our stress and can relax after a hard day. We seem to forget all troubles or worries
as we are at the swimming pool.
Next, we can make new friends (3) through going swimming. Communication in the swimming pool
is inevitable and thanks to that, you will have many new good friends.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2 * Vocab
- workout: quá trình vận động
- keep fit: giữ vóc dáng
- burn calories: đốt cháy calo - lose weight: giảm cân
- sweat free: ra mồ hôi một cách tự nhiên
- cool sb down: làm ai đó thấy thoải mái, mát mẻ, dễ chịu
- inevitable: hiển nhiên sẽ xảy ra
10. Topic 10: Teenagers should spend more time being outdoors. (các bạn tuổi teen cần dành nhiều
thời gian hơn cho các hoạt động bên ngoài)
In the first place, spending time outdoors can help improve both physical and mental health (1). As
you are outdoors, you can breathe new air, socialize with other people and take part in many
exciting activities such as doing sports, going on a picnic and so on.
Moreover, you can entertain/amuse yourself (2) by participating in team sports so that you can laugh and relax.
Another benefit of being outdoors is that they can improve their attention (3) through joining
outdoor activities. Team sports, as I mentioned before need a high concentration when playing
them. Without good attention, your team will lose the match and you easily get injured. * Vocab - socialize: giao lưu - attention: sự chú ý
- high concentration: sự tập trung cao độ - get injured: bị thương
11. Topic 11: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. (đi cắm trại có nhiều lợi ích với sinh viên)
First of all, it's good way to spend time with family or friends. (1) When we go camping, we often get
together with family and friends so we have a great time chatting, playing games and enjoying food and drinks.
Secondly, campsite is often in the countryside so we can enjoy fresh air and tranquil atmosphere (2).
People can be close to the nature with lakes, mountains, trees and flowers around them.
Another advantage of camping is that it can help us to reduce stress (3). It's true that we can escape
from the noise/ hustle and bustle of big cities and enjoy peace in mind. It is a time for us to refresh
and relax/ wind down after a hard day/let off steam.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2 * Vocab - tranquil: yên bình
- escape from the noise: thoát khỏi sự ồn ào
- escape from hustle and bustle: thoát khỏi sự xô bồ náo nhiệt
- peace in mind: sự yên bình trong tâm hồn - wind down: vui chơi, xõa
12. Topic 12: Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. (đi nước ngoài là một trải
nghiệm quý giá cho chúng ta)
To begin with, when we travel to other countries, we can refresh ourselves (1). Visiting a foreign
country means that we have to live in a brand-new environment, therefore we have to change
ourselves to adapt to it (weather, currency, language...)
Next, we can gain many experiences (2), too. When we come to tourist destinations and take part in
certain activities there such as going around, playing games, enjoying food and drinks, we can earn a
lot of precious experience.
Another benefit of visiting a foreign country is that it gives us a great chance for us to make new
friends (3). In a new environment, we have to communicate with people that don't say the same
language as we. You will have many new friends from many countries in the world and broaden our
relationship network. * Vocab
- brand-new environment: môi trường mới
- change ourselves to adapt: thay đổi để thích nghi
- tourist destinations: địa điểm du lịch
- precious experience: trải nghiệm quý giá
- broaden our relationship network: mở rộng mối quan hệ
13. Topic 13: Online learning is beneficial to students. (lợi ích của việc học online đối với sinh viên)
In the first place, online learning is very convenient (1). You know, students can study whenever and
wherever they want. Only with a mobile phone or computer connected to the Internet, can students
get access to a rich source of information on almost any subject.
Secondly, it is very affordable to study online (2). Well, students can do research using online
resources at very low cost or even at no charge.
Moreover, because students can study at their own place (3), they can save time and money to travel
to formal classes.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
Last but not least, online courses are more interesting thanks to the applications (4) of technology. It
is true that technology is a powerful tool to engage students. It can make students more involved in
the lesson due to the combination of sounds, images, games and so on. * Vocab
- rich source of information: nguồn thông tin dồi dào
- online resource: tài nguyên trên mạng
- low cost: chi phí thấp
- formal class: lớp học chính thống - engage: thu hút
- involved in the lesson: kết nối đến bài học
- combination: sự kết hợp
14. Topic 14: There are some ways to improve the public transport system in Hanoi. (cách cải thiện
hệ thống giao thông công cộng)
The first thing we can do is to keep a better schedule (1). The running time as well as the recovery
time should be fixed and easy for passengers to follow so that they can save their waiting time.
Next, it is important to develop more customer service such (2) as installing Wi-Fi on bus so that it
will attract more and more students and teenagers to use. Passengers should be treated politely on the bus.
Another way is offering more routes is necessary (3) at the present time. With the increase in
population and the number of private vehicles nowadays, more lanes for buses should be built so as
to reduce the waiting time of passengers. In this point, public transportation will become more popular in Hanoi. * Vocab - running time: giờ chạy
- recovery time: giờ quay về - fixed: cố định
- installing Wi-Fi: cài đặt, lắp đặt
- treated politely: đối xử tử tế - population: dân số
- private vehicles: phương tiện cá nhân - lane: làn
- public transportation: phương tiện công cộng
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
15. Topic 15: There are various causes of unemployment among the youth in the society. (nguyên
nhân giới trẻ bị thất nghiệp)
I would like to take into consideration first is overpopulation (1). The rate of overpopulation is still
high in the society, especially in poor countries like India or South Africa, which really struggles the
government in providing enough job opportunities for youngsters.
The second reason might be the lack of qualifications (2). Many students start to find jobs
immediately after high school without entering university. Therefore, they aren't qualified
enough for the employers to hire.
Moreover, the problem also lies in the poor performance (3) among the youth. Even though they have
university degree, they just focus on theory, therefore they lack of practical experience in work as well as the daily life. * Vocab
- rate of overpopulation: tỉ lệ tăng dân số
- struggle: gây nhiều khó khăn
- youngster: người trẻ
- entering university: đi học đại học
- qualified: đủ chất lượng, đủ chuyên môn
- practical experience: kinh nghiệm thực tiễn
16. Topic 16: Healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health. (bữa sáng là bữa ăn quan trọng nhất cho sức khỏe chúng ta)
In the first place, a healthy breakfast helps us to have a healthy body (1). Good food for breakfast
would provide us with enough energy for the morning. If we don't have sufficient breakfast, we will
suffer from vertigo and headache.
Moreover, it allows us to concentrate on our work or study better (2). Breakfast can improve memory
and concentration levels. Breakfast provides energy consumed all the night and therefore prepare
for our new working day better.
Another reason is that eating breakfast enables us to prevent some diseases (3). It is obvious that if
we don't eat breakfast, stomach has nothing to digest, which leads to stomach diseases and
sometimes even low blood sugar. (A proper breakfast ensures a healthy body so it helps us to stay away from illness) * Vocab
- sufficient breakfast: bữa sáng phù hợp
- vertigo: chóng mặt
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2 - headache: nhức đầu
- concentration level: khả năng tập trung - diseases: bệnh - stomach: dạ dày - digest: tiêu hóa
- low blood sugar: hạ đường huyết
17. Topic 17: Some benefits of living in the countryside. (lợi ích khi sống ở vùng quê)
Firstly, people living in the countryside can enjoy fresh air (1). It is because the rural areas have
many trees and the air is still not polluted by the act of industrialization. There are fewer factories and traffic here.
Secondly, the living cost in the countryside is lower than that of big cities (2). They pay lower fees
for all services and products. Besides, they often have a large garden where they grow their own
vegetables and raise their own chicken or pigs for food. (They can also buy cheaper products, pay for
less bills and transportation)
Another benefit is that neighbors are very friendly and helpful. (3). They often help each other, for
instance, look after the house when their neighbors are away from home or help when there are
wedding parties or funerals. (People may have truly friendly neighbors. Compared to the lonely life
style in urban areas that people only know themselves, rural residents care much about people
around them and it helps create a close-knit relationship between them) * Vocab - polluted: bị ô nhiễm
- act of industrialization: tác động của quá trình công nghiệp hóa
- low fees: chi phí thấp - funeral: đám ma
- urban area: vùng đô thị
- rural residents: dân ở quê
- close-knit relationship: mối quan hệ gắn bó
18. Topic 18: Benefits of watching films in the cinema. (lợi ích của đi xem phim ở rạp)
First and foremost, cinemagoers can watch movies with better sound quality and on larger screens
(1). Cinemas are often well equipped. Cinema owners invest much money in creating the best things
for the audience, and the sound is one of them.
Moreover, the cinema always has large screen which makes images become more lively, (2) it
attracts people's attention and concentration. It is possible to watch the latest movies which are
not shown on TV or elsewhere or might be on TV much later.
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Thirdly, going to the cinema is a great chance for people to meet up with their friends and relatives
(3). They can chat with friends and relax after a working week. Hanging out to catch a flick and
taking pictures will be a memorable time for friends and parents. * Vocab
- cinemagoers: người đi xem phim
- well equipped: được trang bị tốt
- attract: thu hút, hấp dẫn - attention: sự chú ý
- concentration: sự tập trung
- latest movies: bộ phim mới nhất - catch a flick: đi xem phim
- memorable time: khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ
19. Topic 19: Reasons why cars should be banned in some areas in big cities. (xe ô tô nên bị cấm 1
vài khu vực trong các thành phố lớn)
Firstly, cars are one of the causes of pollution in big cities (1) because they emit harmful smoke into
the air which damages people's health and environment.
Secondly, streets in big cities like Hanoi are very small (2) and a large number of cars definitely
cause serious traffic jam especially in rush hours. So, it is not convenient for us to go home after a long hard day.
Another reason is that there is not enough parking space for cars in Hanoi (3). Therefore, we can see
that cars parked everywhere: on sidewalks, on roadways creating a chaotic view for the capital city. * Vocab
- harmful smoke: khói bụi độc hại - damage: gây hại - sidewalk: vỉa hè
- chaotic: lộn xộn, hỗn độn - capital: thủ đô
20. Topic 20: Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities. (nên khuyến khích việc đi xe đạp
trong các thành phố lớn)
First of all, cycling to work can save our money (1). When we travel by bicycle, we just have to pay
money for repair, but when we use other kinds of vehicles such as motorbike or car, we have to pay
for the gasoline which isn’t cheap. Cycling is also cheap, so most people can afford to have a good bike.
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Secondly, cycling is a great way to keep fit (2). When we ride a bike, we move all our body like our
legs and hands. So, we can burn lots of calories. I think everyone finds it easy to do this sport
because they learned it when they were little.
Another benefit is that we can protect the environment (3) by cycling to work. It is true that other
kinds of vehicles such as motorbike and car emit C02, that makes the air polluted. Cycling is surely
not harmful to the environment * Vocab - gasoline: xăng
- afford: đủ sức chi trả
- burn lots of calories: đốt cháy mỡ thừa trong cơ thể - emit: thải - harmful: có hại
21. Topic 21: Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers. (các bạn trẻ
nên ngủ dậy sớm vào buổi sáng)
In the first place, getting up early can create better effective study (1). It is obvious that students find
it easy to concentrate when studying in the morning than in other time of the day, which create a
better learning result.
Moreover, as teenagers get up early, they have time for morning exercise (2) and it is really good for
their health. When people are at 17 or 18, I think it’s important for them to keep fit, and doing
regular exercise in the morning seems to be the best way to help them stay healthy.
Lastly, they can prepare better before going to school (3). Getting up early means that students can
have more time for breakfast, put on clothes and even review their lessons before school time. * Vocab - concentrate: tập trung
- learning result: kết quả học tập
- do regular exercise: tập thể dục đều đặn
- stay healthy: giữ sức khỏe - put on clothes: mang đồ
22. Topic 22: Benefits of shopping at supermarkets. (lợi ích của việc mua sắm ở siêu thị)
First of all, shopping at supermarkets helps people relax (1). For example, family can have a quality
time with each other when shopping at the weekends.
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Secondly, supermarkets have a variety of products (2) for people to choose. Different products of
different regions are at the reach of your hands at supermarkets. Actually, customers can find
almost everything including garments, jewelry, food, books and so on.
Another benefit is that supermarkets often offer a competitive price (3) and customers are often given
special offers. There are certain discounts on products at supermarkets that can help you save a small
amount of money compared to when buying at markets. * Vocab
- quality time: thời gian vui vẻ hạnh phúc - region: vùng miền
- reach of your hands: trong tầm tay
- garment: áo quần, trang phục - jewelry: trang sức
- special offer: ưu đãi đặc biệt
23. Topic 23: Being married is one of the greatest experiences in one’s life. (kết hôn là một trong
những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất)
First of all, when getting married, you can share life with others (1). You are not alone anymore. You
have a wife or a husband so you can share every joyfulness and sorrow with them.
Moreover, you can have more support (2) from your marriage partner. Instead of doing housework
alone like when you are single, now you can share it with your spouse. You also earn more support
from your soulmate in terms of finance and childcare.
Another reason is that you will get more motivation (3) when you are married. Researches have
showed that you are more inspired when you see your spouse better days by days. You wish to earn
more money to support your own family. Together with your partner, you wish to build up a
happier home life. * Vocab - joyfulness: niềm vui - sorrow: nỗi buồn
- marriage partner: bạn đời = soulmate - spouse: vợ/chồng
- childcare: chăm sóc con cái
- inspired: được thúc đẩy, truyển cảm hứng
- build up a happier home life: xây dựng cuộc sống gia đình hạnh phúc
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24. Topic 24: Traditional music should be kept. (âm nhạc truyền thống nên được gìn giữ)
First of all, traditional music has cultural values (1). Music is believed to be a symbol for a nation’s
culture and different countries have different genres of music. Based on the rhythms, people can
recognize where a song comes from.
Secondly, traditional music brings historical values (2). It’s obvious that music teaches us about the
history of the country. For example, songs during the revolutionary period encouraged people to
live and fight against invaders during the war.
Another reason is that educational values (3) are present in traditional music. Songs are considered
basic building blocks of language. Traditional music especially lullabies that our mothers sing can
help us to develop speech and language. Repeating sounds, rhythm and melody in songs are essential
for language development in kids. * Vocab - symbol: biểu tượng - genre: thể loại - rhythm: thể loại
- revolutionary period: thời kì cách mạng - invader: kẻ xâm lược
- blocks of language: khối, thành phần của ngôn ngữ - lullaby: bài hát ru - essential: cần thiết
25. Topic 25: Childhood is the most important time of anyone’s life. (tuổi thơ là thời gian quan trọng nhất)
In the first place, childhood is the time when people develop their physical health (1) At this time,
their physical health develop fast, from a baby to a toddler and then a fully-grown person. Height
and weight of people are proved to develop fastest in these early years.
Moreover, kids can form personalities during childhood (2). Children learn, behave and interact with
people around them like their parents and friends, so these people might influence their way of
thinking. Our characteristics in the future will be the result of these first periods of life.
Next, it is believed that children learn things quickly (3) at an early age. They are interested in
exploring new things, observing, following and imitating people around them much more quickly than adults.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2 * Vocab
- toddler: trẻ nhỏ (vừa biết đi)
- fully-grown person: người đã trưởng thành
- influence: ảnh hưởng - characteristic: tính cách - observe: quan sát - imitate: bắt chước
26. Topic 26: Working in pairs helps students learn better at school. (làm việc theo cặp giúp học sinh học tốt hơn)
In the first place, pair-work allows students to improve social skills and interaction (2) When it
comes to pair-work, students have to communicate with their partners and many skills are used and
developed such as communication skills, debate skills, presentation skills, giving ideas and so on.
Next, working in pairs creates a valuable chance for students to learn from each other (3). This also
helps young people to learn better at school as two people can come up with more ideas to solve a
problem. Thanks to pair-work, students can easily find their friend’s mistakes and help each other correct them.
Finally, leaners can be more active (3) when working in pairs. Everyone has to be responsible for a
part of a task. Pairs have to try their best to complete it. Otherwise, it will affect the whole pairs.
There are sometimes in their work that they disagree with each other, so each side has to give strong
explanations to persuade the opposite follow their ideas. Problem-solving skills are bettered as a result * Vocab
- communication skills: kĩ năng giao tiếp
- debate skills: kĩ năng biện luận
- presentation skills: kĩ năng thuyết trình
- valuable chance: cơ hội quý báu
- come up with more ideas: nảy sinh nhiều ý tưởng hơn - mistake: lỗi - correct: sửa lỗi - task: nhiệm vụ
- try their best: cố gắng hết sức - whole: tất cả
- explanation: sự giải thích - persuade: thuyết phục
- Problem-solving skills: kĩ năng giải quyết vấn đề
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
27. Topic 27: Some benefits of having a public library. (lợi ích của thư viện công cộng)
To begin with, public library is a great place for kids (1). There is kids-zone in every public library
that allows children to read comic books, play with their friends and even read books with their parents.
Moreover, public library helps build a better community (2). It is where reading culture is promoted
because in this reading community, book lovers can communicate and exchange interesting information with each other.
Finally, public libraries give everyone free - access to books (3). People can go to national libraries to
search for various sources of information. Readers can find any genres of books they are interested
in such as textbooks, novels, story books, dictionaries and so on. As a result, it is an ideal self-study
place for students or those who want to enrich their knowledge. * Vocab
- kids-zone: khu vực cho trẻ em - comic book: truyện tranh
- reading culture: văn hóa đọc
- book lover: người yêu sách
- various sources of information: đa dạng nguồn thông tin - genre: thể loại
- enrich their knowledge: mở mang kiến thức
28. Topic 28: Some factors causing stress at work. (nguyên nhân gây ra căng thẳng khi làm việc)
The first reason for being stressed at work is bad management (1). Instead of dividing work into
smaller parts to get it done gradually, many people often delay their work until deadlines, so they
have to deal with such a large amount of work at one time.
The second reason is that workers have too much workload (2). Employees have to work long hours
or work overtime for such a long time. As a result, they feel exhausted. The problems also root from
managers who force their employees to deal with a mountain of work to earn more profit for the
company. Even they even don’t have any free time to relax.
Another factor is poor working condition (3). People might have to work at a very high speed and
under tight deadlines. Employees might feel stressed because their colleagues or employers do not
support them or they are even criticized. * Vocab
- divide work: phân phối công việc - gradually: từ từ
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
- deadline: hạn cuối, hạn hoàn thành
- a large amount of: một lượng lớn
- exhausted: rất mệt mỏi - root: bắt nguồn
- force: gây áp lực, bắt buộc, gây sức ép
- a mountain of work: một núi công việc
- force: gây áp lực, bắt buộc, gây sức ép
- tight: hạn hẹp, rất ngắn - criticize: chỉ trích
29. Topic 29: Ways to help others in the community. (cách giúp đỡ cộng đồng)
Firstly, we can help people with their daily task (1), which is a popular way to help others in the
community. Volunteers help feed children read books to children, do housework, and so on. Coming
to rural areas, students may help peasants harvest crops and do the transplanting.
Secondly, we can also run a club or organization to support the community (2) There are many
groups and governmental and non-governmental organizations are working effectively in helping
the community especially in natural disasters like drought, flood and so on. Famous people often
organize live shows or performances to raise funds.
Finally, we can also give poor people money, clothes and food (3). Warm clothes and food are
usually distributed to northern ethnic minority students as winter comes. We often give these
necessary things to poor people in remote areas or when people suffer from natural disasters. * Vocab
- peasant: người làm nông
- harvest crop: thu hoạch mùa màng
- transplant: cấy (lúa, cây lương thực)
- non-governmental organization: tổ chức phi chính phủ
- natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên - drought: hạn hán - flood: lũ lụt - raise fund: gây quỹ - distribut: đóng góp
- ethnic minority students: sinh viên vùng dân tộc thiểu số
- remote area: vùng sâu vùng xa
30. Topic 30: Some benefits of living in the city. (lợi ích của việc sống ở thành phố)
First of all, people in cities may have higher standard of living (1) with higher quality health care
service, more entertainment facilities like cinemas, theme parks and shopping centers. For
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
example, when you are ill or you might have sudden accidents you will be taken to the hospital immediately.
Secondly, people living in urban areas have more employment opportunities (2) with much higher
salaries. There are many companies, factories and enterprises in big cities that you can easily apply for different kinds of jobs.
Another benefit is that city dwellers can enjoy better education (3). In cities, students can get access
to modern technology that is helpful for them in their study like computers and smart phones. With a higher living s a
tand rd, parents can provide their children with the best education. * Vocab
- standard of living: tiêu chuẩn cuộc sống
- health care service: dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe
- entertainment facilities: cơ sở giải trí
- theme parks: công viên trò chơi
- sudden accident: tai nạn không may - enterprise: doanh nghiệp - dweller: người dân
- get access to: tiếp cận với
31. Topic 31: Doing sport has many benefits. (lợi ích của chơi thể thao)
First of all, it is easy to realize that playing sports is good for health (1). It is because when you play
them regularly, the blood can be transmitted faster, the heart will be under less pressure and
therefore reduce the risk of many heart and respiratory diseases.
Moreover, you can also meet many people (2) through playing sports because the nature of sports is
that you hardly play it alone.
Lastly, you can also relax (3) when chatting with people while doing morning exercise or laugh when your team win. * Vocab - transmit: truyền - risk: nguy cơ
- respiratory disease: bệnh hô hấp
32. Topic 32: University is not the only route to success. (học đại học không phải là con đường duy nhất để thành công)
In the first place, if you do not go to university, you can start your career earlier (1). Starting work
early can help you have more hands-on experience from the real life. I strongly believe that these
experiences are more valuable than what you learn from books at school.
Speaking Part III + Writing – B1 B2
Secondly, instead of studying at university, you can choose vocational training schools (3) where
you can learn a job in a short time.
Last but not least, there are many no degree required jobs (3) like manicurists, hairdressers,
salesman, etc. That can earn you a stable income. If you work hard and gain great deal of
experience, you even can set up and run our own businesses. * Vocab
- hands-on experience: kinh nghiệm thực tiễn - valuable: quý giá
- vocational training school: trường đào tạo nghề
- degree required job: công việc cần có bằng cấp chuyên môn
- manicurist: thợ làm móng
- hairdresser: thợ làm tóc - set up: thành lập
- run our own business: điều hành việc kinh doanh của riêng bạn
33. Topic 33: The importance of friendship. (sự quan trọng của tình bạn)
The most important reason can be that everyone needs at least a friend to share everything (1)
regardless of sadness or happiness. For me, I like chatting with my friends about what happened
every day and discussing personal problems.
Furthermore, our friends will be ready to help us out of our troubles (2). They will give us some good
advice and support when we are in difficulty.
Finally, thanks to friendship, we will have fun and enjoy a meaningful life (3). It is very fun and
interesting for us to spend free time meeting our friends at a café, doing some shopping and going for a walk a weekend. * Vocab - regardless of: bất kể - sadness: mỗi buồn
- personal problem: vấn đề riêng tư