Speangking study part 1 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Speangking study part 1 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1 . What is your area of specialization?
I studied English. As I enrolled in Hoa Sen University, I learned about the linguistic
aspects of this language to be able to teach it in high school.
To enroll (v): đăng ký (học)
Linguistic (adj): ngôn ngữ học
Aspect (n): khía cạnh
2. Why did you choose to study that major?
To be frank with you, I didn't study English well since I was a kid, it was not my first
idea to study English at Hoa Sen University. However, after failing the entrance
exam from the University of Economics, I was inspired by a relative to learn English
and become a teacher, so I decided to give it a go.
To be frank: nói thật thì
To give it a go: thử làm gì đó
3. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
As I’ve mentioned, I am not good at English, it was like a nightmare learning
academic English. I struggled a lot with it for 2 years, sometimes admitting that it
was not my cup of tea, but I can do nothing since it was my choice to enroll in this
major, so I have to keep up with it and then I gradually began to like it.
To struggle with sth (v): gặp khó khăn với điều gì đó, tình huống nào đó
To admit (v): thừa nhận
One’s cup of tea: điều ưa thích
To keep up with (v): theo kịp
4. What was your favourite subject as a child?
I liked Art a lot when I was a kid. Back then it was very interesting for me to draw
things and be creative. My painting always got high scores.
Back then: hồi đó, khi đó (dùng để hồi tưởng)
Xem thêm: Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh
5. As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my
hometown that provides both high-quality education and a supportive environment,
so I think I was quite lucky.
6. To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system does not promote creativity and the
ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too much about
grades which I find quite impractical.
7. Are you looking forward to working?
Absolutely! Especially when I can do the job I love. Not only will it help me cover the
living expenses, but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution to society.
To cover the living expenses (v): chi trả cho cuộc sống
Contribution (n): đóng góp
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1 . What is your area of specialization?
I studied English. As I enrolled in Hoa Sen University, I learned about the linguistic
aspects of this language to be able to teach it in high school.
To enroll (v): đăng ký (học)
Linguistic (adj): ngôn ngữ học Aspect (n): khía cạnh
2. Why did you choose to study that major?
To be frank with you, I didn't study English well since I was a kid, it was not my first
idea to study English at Hoa Sen University. However, after failing the entrance
exam from the University of Economics, I was inspired by a relative to learn English
and become a teacher, so I decided to give it a go. To be frank: nói thật thì
To give it a go: thử làm gì đó
3. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
As I’ve mentioned, I am not good at English, it was like a nightmare learning
academic English. I struggled a lot with it for 2 years, sometimes admitting that it
was not my cup of tea, but I can do nothing since it was my choice to enroll in this
major, so I have to keep up with it and then I gradually began to like it.
To struggle with sth (v): gặp khó khăn với điều gì đó, tình huống nào đó To admit (v): thừa nhận
One’s cup of tea: điều ưa thích
To keep up with (v): theo kịp
4. What was your favourite subject as a child?
I liked Art a lot when I was a kid. Back then it was very interesting for me to draw
things and be creative. My painting always got high scores.
Back then: hồi đó, khi đó (dùng để hồi tưởng)
Xem thêm: Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh
5. As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my
hometown that provides both high-quality education and a supportive environment, so I think I was quite lucky.
6. To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system does not promote creativity and the
ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too much about
grades which I find quite impractical.
7. Are you looking forward to working?
Absolutely! Especially when I can do the job I love. Not only will it help me cover the
living expenses, but it’ll also give me the joy of making a contribution to society.
To cover the living expenses (v): chi trả cho cuộc sống Contribution (n): đóng góp