Student - Book Top Notch 2 Answer Key

GRAMMAR READINESS SELF-CHECK The simple present tense and the present continuous A 1. are taking 2. is arriving, arrive 3. are going 4. Does it rain 5. is going 6. like Be going to + base form for the future A 1. A: are they going to do B: ‘re going to go 2. A: ‘m going to need B: Are you going to make 3. A: are you going to call B: ‘s going to wait 4. A: are you going to do B: we’re going to do 5. A: ‘s going to be B: is going to come. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!      

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Student - Book Top Notch 2 Answer Key

GRAMMAR READINESS SELF-CHECK The simple present tense and the present continuous A 1. are taking 2. is arriving, arrive 3. are going 4. Does it rain 5. is going 6. like Be going to + base form for the future A 1. A: are they going to do B: ‘re going to go 2. A: ‘m going to need B: Are you going to make 3. A: are you going to call B: ‘s going to wait 4. A: are you going to do B: we’re going to do 5. A: ‘s going to be B: is going to come. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!      

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Top Notch 2, Third Edition 1
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The simple present tense and the present
1. are taking
2. is arriving, arrive
3. are going
4. Does it rain
5. is going
6. like
Be going to + base form for the future
1. A : are they going to do
B: re going to go
2. A: m going to need
B: Are you going to make
3. A: are you going to call
B: s going to wait
4. A: are you going to do
B: we’re going to do
5. A: s going to be
B: is going to come
Can, have to , could, and should:
meaning and form
1. b . should make
2. c. can wear
3. b. has to
4. c. shouldn’t take
5. a. can take
6. b. don’t have to
Object pronouns
1. Please call us about it.
2. She’s buying it for you.
3. She doesn’t like them on him.
4. He wrote it for her.
5. Theyre giving it to them.
1. I gave her it yesterday.
2. The clerk gift-wrapped them for him.
Comparative adjectives
1. worse
2. more convenient
3. more comfortable
4. more affordable
5. better
6. hotter
7. longer
B Answers will vary. (Use these comparative forms
in the answers: cheaper, more popular, nearer,
Superlative adjectives
Answers will vary. Use the following superlative
form in each sentence:
2. best
3. funniest
4. most appropriate
5. most unusual
6. largest
7. most beautiful
8. shortest
9. craziest
10 . most interesting
The simple past tense: statements
1. went
2. got in
3. took
4. ate
5. had
6. didnt have
7. met
8. loved
9. bought
10 . said
11. walked
12. drank
13 . went
14 . slept
B Answers will vary. (Use the simple past tense:
went, got dressed, ate, came home.)
Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of
correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable.
Student’s Book Answer Key
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 2
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
The simple past tense: yes / no questions
1. Did Phil lose his luggage on the flight?
2. Did they drive too fast?
3. Did she write a letter to her uncle?
4. Did they find a wallet on the street?
5. Did Claire’s husband spend a lot of money at
the mall?
6. Did Ms. Carter teach her children to play
the piano?
The simple past tense: information questions
1. Where did you study
2. When did you meet
3. Who did you call
4. Who bought
5. How long did your parents live
D Focus on language
1. I could show you around.
2. We should keep in touch.
3. You look familiar.
4. What have you been up to?
E Think and Explain
1. He thinks he recognizes him.
2. No. He hasn’t been doing much.
3. So that they can keep in touch.
4. To show Taka around in Acapulco
LESSON 1: Get reacquainted with someone
1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
B Pair work
1. A : Has Jake met our new teacher?
B: Yes, he has. He met her in the office this
2. A: Have they been to this class before?
B: No, they haven’t. Theyre new at this school.
3. A: Have you eaten in the new school restaurant?
B: No, I haven’t. Is it good?
4. A: Have your classmates spoken with the school
B: Yes, they have. They spoke with her yesterday.
5. A: Has Beth seen the new language lab?
B: No, she hasn’t. But she has seen the library.
C Grammar practice
1. decided
2. have not seen
3. came
4. have fallen
5. have visited
6. have been
7. went
8. have learned
LESSON 2: Greet a visitor to your country
A Grammar practice
1. Have you gone sightseeing in London before?
2. She has already tried Guatemalan food.
3. Have they ever been to Buenos Aires?
4. We haven’t taken a tour of Prague yet.
B Listen to activate grammar
1. Has she taken a tour of the Taj Mahal yet?
No, she hasn’t.
2. Has he gone sightseeing in Kyoto yet?
No, he hasn’t.
3. Has she ever tried ceviche?
No, she hasn’t.
4. Has he already climbed the Pyramid of the Sun?
Yes, he has.
5. Has she ever been to Rio de Janeiro before?
No, she hasn’t.
6. Has she taken a tour of Sugarloaf yet?
No, she hasn’t.
LESSON 3: Discuss gestures and customs
A Identify supporting details
1 In most of Europe, a thumb and an index
finger mean “two.
2 In North America, a thumb and a pinkie mean
“two.” In China a thumb and pinkie mean “10.
3 Japanese point at pictures with an open palm
facing up.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 3
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4 To be friendly, North Americans greet others
with a light handshake. In North America a
light handshake may seem unfriendly.
5 Everyone uses the thumbs-up sign for “that’s
good.” The thumbs-up sign is rude in Australia
and the Middle East.
LESSON 4: Describe an interesting
A Listen to classify
1 b describes differences in body language
2 c was disgusted by something
1 d is fascinated by other cultures
2 e tries to be polite
3 f does some things that other people think
are frightening
B Listen for details
1a She visited over 25 countries.
1b When they say yes, they shake their heads
from side to side.
2c They prepared a meal with a lot of
delicious dishes.
2d He didn’t want to seem rude.
3e She has gone swimming with sharks.
3f She climbed Mount Everest.
2. Yes. She’s already visited Gastown.
3. No. She hasn’t been to the top of Grouse
Mountain yet.
4. No. She hasn’t seen the Capilano Suspension
Bridge yet.
5. No. She hasn’t tried dim sum yet.
6. Yes. She’s already gone to the top of the
Harbour Centre Tower.
B Answers will vary, but may include the following:
1. Have you ever eaten Brazilian barbecue?
2. Have you climbed Mount Fuji before?
3. Have you ever gone to the top of the Oriental
Pearl Tower in Shanghai, China?
4. Have you been to Venice, Italy, before?
D Focus on language
1. it’s my treat
2. I cant stand
3. Frankly
4. a bunch of
5. I missed
6. I’ve heard
E Infer meaning
1. film
2. violent, bloody
3. spectacular
F Think and explain
2. Did Anna see Gangs of New York? No.
How do you know? She says, “Nope, I haven’t.
3. What movie does Anna suggest? Ice Age.
How do you know? She says, “Well, there’s Ice
4. Who is going to pay for the popcorn? Peter.
How do you know? He says, “I’ll get the
LESSON 1: Apologize for being late
A Grammar practice
1. for
2. since
3. since
4. still
5. always
6. always
7. lately
8. best
9. so far
10 . already
C Listen to activate vocabulary
1. Ted’s late because he overslept.
2. Maude probably couldn’t find a parking space.
3. Theyre going to be late because they are stuck
in traffic.
4. First they missed the bus. Then they probably
couldn’t get a taxi.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 4
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LESSON 2: Discuss preferences for movie
C Listen to infer
Movie Genre
The Bottom of the Sea
Tango in Tap Shoes
The Ant Who Wouldn't Die
horror film
Chickens Never Wear Shoes
Goldilocks Grows Up
animated film
The Equalizer
action film
Twelve Angry Women
City Under the Sea
science fiction
A Grammar practice
1. A : I’d like
B: I’d rather not
2. A: Would you like
B: I would
3. A: see
B: I’d rather
4. A: Would
B: he would.
5. A: would like to
B: I would
LESSON 3: Describe and recommend movies
A Listen for main ideas
1 Popcorn
2 The Vacation
3 Aquamundo
4 Wolf Babies
B Listen to infer
1. weird; boring
2. romantic; violent; unforgettable
3. thought-provoking
4. violent
C Listening: Dictation
1. First up is Popcorn, a new comedy starring David
Bodine and Judy Crabbe.
2. Unfortunately, Popcorn is a complete waste of
3. Our next film, The Vacation, is a well-acted and
serious drama.
4. I highly recommend this wonderful film.
5. Aquamundo is no science fiction film; it’s based
on real scientific research.
6. A beautiful film. Don’t miss it.
7. Adults will find the story stupid, but children
wont forget these bloody, scary scenes for a
long time.
LESSON 4: Discuss effects of violence
on viewers
A Understand from context
1. An aggressive
2. encourage
3. murder
4. harm
5. prevent
6. a consequence
B Confirm content
1. Viewing violence can cause a growth in
aggression in children; children may find
violence “normal” and accept it in society;
children may do violent things themselves.
2. Most harmful are realistic violent action
programs and movies, and violent cartoons.
3. Some long-term effects of viewing violence are
that children who view violence may be more
likely to behave aggressively as teenagers; they
may commit violent crimes as adults.
4. A bad message that may come from violent
programs is that violence is ok or normal.
5. Parents can prevent young children from
seeing any violent programs. For older children,
parents can limit how many violent shows they
see and discuss violent shows with them to tell
them that violence is not ok.
A The following should be checked:
1. a romantic film
2. an animated police story
3. an unforgettable movie
4. a musical tragedy
5. a movie only for adults
6. a comedy
1. A : Have you seen a good comedy lately?
B: To tell you the truth, no. But last night we
saw a great action film.
2. A: How many times have they seen War of
the Worlds?
B: That remake of the old science fiction movie?
I think they’ve seen it twice so far.
3. A: Sally is such a musical fan. How long has she
waited for this film to come out on DVD?
B: She’s waited for at least six months.
4. A: I haven’t seen a drama as good as Twelve
Angry Men.
B: Really? I still haven’t seen it.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 5
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1. for 2. since 3. since
4. for 5. for 6. since
D Focus on language
1. put this on
2. give you a hand
3. checking out of
4. satisfactory
5. you‘re in a hurry
E Think and explain
1. The guest says she’s checking out.
2. The guest says her stay was very nice.
3. The guest says she’d like to put this on her
Vista card.
4. The clerk says the shuttle will be leaving in
twenty minutes.
1. wake-up service
2. bell service
3. shoeshine service
4. airport shuttle
5. laundry service
6. minibar
7. room service
LESSON 1: Leave and take a message
A Find the grammar
A: Hello? I’d like to speak to Anne Smith.
She’s a guest.
B: I’ll ring that room for you. I’m sorry. She’s not
answering. Would you like to leave a message?
A: Yes. Please tell her Tim Klein called. I’ll meet her
at the hotel at three this afternoon.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes. Thanks.
B Grammar practice
1. She’ll call
2. your colleagues wont be
3. He’ll need
4. Who will take
5. Your brother won’t arrive
6. The conference call will start
7. Do I have to
8. Where will you meet
C Listen for details
FROM: Mr. Ms.
Mrs. Miss
Please call Will call again
Wants to see you Returned your call
Judy Diller
He’ll be . . . at the Savoy Hotel for two days.
FROM: Mr. Ms.
Mrs. Miss
Please call Will call again
Wants to see you Returned your call
Hank Pitt
(Vicky) Denkus
She’ll be at 444-0987 till 6:00.
FROM: Mr. Ms.
Mrs. Miss
Please call Will call again
Wants to see you Returned your call
Collin Mack
(Carol) Braun
She’ll call next week.
FROM: Mr. Ms.
Mrs. Miss
Please call Will call again
Wants to see you Returned your call
Patricia Carlton
He’ll be at the meeting at 3:00. He’ll see you then.
(Sam) Hill
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 6
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LESSON 2: Check into a hotel
A Understand the grammar
1. factual
2. future
3. factual
4. future
5. factual
6. future
B Grammar practice
1. You won’t be able; you don’t hurry
2. they get; they’ll be
3. Will you reserve; it is
4. Will someone give; I need
5. will we call; we need
6. Will I have to; I use
7. you request; someone will bring
8. does she go; she needs
C Listen for details
Type of bed(s) Non-smoking
Bell service?
king-size &
LESSON 3: Request housekeeping services
B Expand the vocabulary
Answers will vary.
A Listen for main ideas
The following should be checked:
Room 586: Satisfied
Room 587: Not satisfied
B Listen for details
Room 586: The guest wants someone to take away
the dishes, bring up extra towels and a hairdryer,
and pick up a load of laundry.
Room 587: The guest wants someone to make up
the room, bring up skirt hangers, and turn down
the beds.
LESSON 4: Choose a hotel
A Draw conclusions
(Answers will vary but may include the following:)
2. the Hotel Newton
3. Yotel
4. the Plaza Hotel
5. Yotel or Casablanca Hotel or the Gershwin Hotel
6. The Hotel Newton
1. dinner; wake-up
2. laundry; hangers
3. make up the room; towels
4. shoeshine; room
2. rollaway bed
3. suite
4. king-size bed
5. twin beds
2. If you walk to the restaurant, you’ll be there in
fifteen minutes.
3. Mr. Wang will get a better job, if he does well on
his English test tomorrow.
4. What will Karl do if the airline cancels his flight?
5. If you don’t like your room, who will you call?
D Focus on language
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c
E Think and explain
1. Lets go somewhere for coffee and talk about
the old days and what has happened since we
last saw each other.
2. You shouldn’t do other things (like texting or
talking on the phone) when you’re driving a car.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 7
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LESSON 1: Describe a car accident
B Pair work
1. taillight
2. turn signal light
3. steering wheel
4. windshield wiper
5. gas pedal
6. seat belt
7. headlight
8. trunk
A Grammar practice
1. had
2. was driving
3. was paying
4. was waiting
5. rang
6. answered
7. stopped
8. hit
9. learned
10 . wasn’t speeding
11. had
B Listen to activate vocabulary
bumper, right headlight
LESSON 2: Describe a car problem
1. fill, up
2. turn, on
3. pick, up
4. drop, off
5. turn, off
B Grammar / vocabulary practice
1. I can’t turn them on.
2. I’ll drop it off at 10:00.
3. Which button turns it off?
4. What time can I pick it up?
5. Please fill it up.
C Find the grammar
A: I’m dropping off my car.
B: Was everything OK?
A: Well, actually the windshield wipers
aren’t working.
B: I’m sorry to hear that. Any other problems?
A: No. Thats it.
B: Is the gas tank full?
A: Yes. I just filled it up.
LESSON 3: Rent a car
A Listen for details
1. SUV
2. minivan
3. compact
4. luxury car
B Listen to summarize
2 The company didn’t have a minivan available
at the right time.
4 The caller was too young.
LESSON 4: Discuss good and bad driving
A Understand from context
1. multitasking
2. following distance
3. aggressive
4. inattentive
5. accident
6. blind spot
1. cut, off
2. tailgating
3. honking
4. gestured
5. flashing his lights
6. weaving through traffic
7. staring
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 8
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1. sunroof
2. brakes
3. windshield
4. dashboard
5. seat belt
6. emergency brake
1. was not paying attention, had
2. did not stop, was not wearing
3. was talking, damaged
4. was driving, occurred
5. were, standing, saw
1. turn it on.
2. fill it up.
3. turn them on.
4. pick us up
D Focus on language
1. Would it be possible to get a massage?
2. You’re in luck. Our eleven o’clock just
called to cancel his appointment.
3. How much will the massage and haircut come to?
4. It will be 110 euros in all.
5. Not a problem.
6. Well, that’s up to you.
LESSON 1: Ask for something in a store
B Listen to infer
1. shampoo
2. soap
3. sunscreen
4. hand and body lotion
5. toothpaste
6. hairspray
Grammar practice
1. any
2. lots of
3. a lot of
4. any
5. any
6. much
7. some
8. any
C Find the grammar
A: Excuse me. Where would I find sunscreen?
B: Sunscreen? Have a look in the cosmetics section,
in aisle 2.
A: Actually, I did and there wasn’t any.
B: I’m sorry. Let me get you some from the back.
Anything else?
A: Yes, I couldn’t find any razors either.
B: No problem. There are some over there. I’ll
show you.
LESSON 2: Make an appointment at a salon
or spa
A Listen to activate vocabulary and grammar
1. anyone, manicure
2. Someone, shampoo, haircut / cut
3. someone, manicure, pedicure
4. anyone, shave
B Grammar Practice
2. anyone
3. someone / anyone
4. anyone
5. someone
6. Someone
7. anyone
8. Someone
9. anyone
10 . anyone
11. Someone / No one
12. someone
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 9
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LESSON 3: Discuss ways to improve
A Paraphrase
1. “No, thanks.
2. unhappy
3. won’t
4. easy
B Understand from context
Answers will vary.
1. liposuction: surgical procedure that can
remove fat
2. hair restoration: a way of treating hair loss
3. a face-lift: surgical procedure that “lifts” the face
and neck to get rid of wrinkles and sun damage
4. a chemical peel: a procedure that removes the
top layer of skin without surgery
C Confirm content and apply information
Problem Dr. Weiss’s advice
Josephine wrinkles and
sun damage
chemical peel
Calvin hair loss surgical procedure
Dawson overweight try dieting before
LESSON 4: Define the meaning of beauty
A Listen to recognize someone’s point of view
Maya Prasad
I’m very lucky to be so beautiful.
All the contestants were beautiful. I was just
Physical beauty only lasts a short time.
Love makes people beautiful.
Ricardo Figueroa
Physical beauty is not important at all.
Both physical beauty and inner beauty are
Only inner beauty is important.
Prasad represents an almost perfect
combination of inner and outer beauty.
B Listen to take notes
warmth: She expresses her love for others easily.
patience: She’s a wonderful listener and lets
others speak. She doesn’t rush them.
goodness and kindness: She spends time
helping other people who have difficulties. Last
year she taught art to children in a public hospital.
1. sunscreen
2. soap
3. makeup
4. toothpaste
5. body lotion
6. deodorant
1. many
2. any
3. any
4. much
5. a lot of
6. someone
7. a lot of
1. shave
2. haircut
3. pedicure
4. manicure
5. massage
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 10
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1. B: face-lift
2. B: a massage
3. B: hair restoration
E Focus on language
1. I have no idea.
2. I’d better pass.
3. I couldn’t resist.
4. I’m watching my weight.
5. I had a craving for
6. I have to admit
7. turn down
8. just a bite
LESSON 1: Talk about food passions
B Listen to activate vocabulary
1. is crazy about
2. cant stand
3. is a mango lover
4. isn’t crazy about pasta
5. is an ice cream addict
Grammar practice
1. used to
2. didn’t use to
3. didn’t use to
4. used to
5. used to
6. used to
7. didn’t use to
8. didn’t use to
9. (answers will vary)
10 . (answers will vary)
LESSON 2: Make an excuse to decline food
B Listen to activate vocabulary
c 1
d 2
e 3
a 4
b 5
Grammar practice
1. A: Arent
2. A: Wasnt
3. A: Didnt
4. A: Hasnt
5. A: Isnt
6. A: Didnt
LESSON 3: Discuss lifestyle changes
A Understand from context
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
LESSON 4: Describe local dishes
A Listen for details
c 1 chewy, sweet
d 2 sweet; soft
f 3 crunchy, spicy
e 4 salty, looks
b 5 tastes, smells
a 6 crunchy, salty
A The following words should be crossed out: beef
and broccoli and noodles.
1. Isn’t
2. Wasn’t
3. Isn’t
4. Havent, had/eaten
5. Arent
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 11
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D Paraphrase
Answers may vary slightly.
1. I’m just joking.
2. I’m not sure the furniture would match it / look
good with it.
3. This is true. / Good observation.
4. Maybe we’re not looking at / thinking about
this correctly.
E Think and explain
2. Chad says, “You wanted pink
3. Chelsea says, I’m just pulling your leg, silly! Blue
would be great.
4. Chelsea says, “I’m not sure the furniture would
go with it.
5. Chad says, “I’d hate to have to get all new
6. Chad says, “All of a sudden, I’m thinking white.
7. Chelsea says, “And it goes with everything.
LESSON 1: Get to know a new friend
A Grammar practice
1. wants to make
2. suggest following
3. Decide to be
4. don’t feel like socializing
5. learn to show
6. Don’t expect
7. to become
8. would like to meet
9. Be sure to ask
10 . enjoy talking
11. Avoid talking
12. Practice asking
13 . begin telling / begin to tell
14 . decide to get together
15 . plan to do
16. don’t mind trying
B Find the grammar
1. Experts say red attracts the most attention.
Using red for traffic lights and warning lights
makes them more noticeable.
2. Studies have shown that being in a yellow
room makes it more likely for adults to lose their
tempers and for babies to cry.
3. Green is the easiest color on the eye, and it
causes people to relax. Painting a hospital room
green helps patients get the rest they need.
4. Research has shown that looking at pink can
cause people to feel tired. Some sports teams
have painted the dressing room of the opposing
team pink to reduce the players' energy.
5. Researchers in marketing have found that using
blue in processed foods is unappealing. They
believe that this is because blue is rare in nature.
Painting a restaurant red, on the other hand,
increases the appetite. Many restaurants are
painted red.
LESSON 2: Cheer someone up
A Grammar practice
1. in telling
2. about working
3. about having to
4. of flying
5. to talking
6. with being
7. of writing
8. (of) taking
9. about having to
10 . of flying
11. about going
LESSON 3: Discuss personality and its origin
A Understand vocabulary from context
c 1
d 2
b 3
f 4
e 5
a 6
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 12
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LESSON 4: Examine the impact of birth order
A Listen for main ideas
Children in the same family usually have
personalities that are determined by order
of birth.
B Listen for specific information
Part 1
1 True
2 True
3 True
4 False
5 False
Part 2
1 the middle child
2 only a little
3 Brian and Lucy
4 breaks
5 rebellious and
Part 3
1 b. 13 months
2 a. making other people laugh
3 a. She painted it
4 b. Others pay too much
attention to her.
Personality traits First child Middle child Youngest child
Breaks rules
Feels less important than siblings
Grows up fast
Grows up slowly
Has a lot of friends
Is creative
Is rebellious
Is self-critical
Plays by the rules
Shows off
C Classify information
1. down
2. an extrovert
3. an introvert
4. the environnment
5. genetics
1. about
2. in
3. with
4. about
5. about
6. to
1. introvert
2. personality
3. traits
4. birth order
5. personality
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 13
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D Activate vocabulary
painting fashion sculpture photography drawing jewelry
E Focus on language
1. I had no idea
2. I’m just not really into
3. to each his own
4. Believe it or not
5. How do you like that!
6. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
7. I find it
LESSON 1: Recommend a Museum
A Understand the grammar
1. The glass pyramids were added to the Louvre
Museum in Paris by workers in 1989.
3. Antoni Gaudí designed and built some of the
most famous buildings in Barcelona, Spain.
His plans for the Casa Milá in Barcelona were
completed by him in 1912.
B Grammar practice
1. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
in the sixteenth century.
2. That photograph was taken by Brazilian
photographer Sebastião Salgado in 2007.
3. The 2013 3D film Gravity was directed by
Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón.
4. That print was made over a century ago by
Japanese master printmaker Katsushika Hokusai.
5. These beautiful handbags were created by
Korean fashion designer Sang A Im-Propp.
6. Beautiful Persian rugs have been produced by
weavers for several thousand years.
LESSON 2: Ask about and describe objects
A Grammar practice
1. Where are; made
2. What are; made
3. Is; dyed
4. How are; sewed
5. What are; used
1. A: How were the [glass] cups made?
2. A: What is that [silver bowl] used for?
3. A: What is this [beautiful] figurine made of?
4. A: Where were these [wood] chairs made?
5. A: How was that [Chinese] bag made?
6. A: What is this cup made of?
LESSON 3: Talk about artistic talent
A Recognize the main idea
a Artistic skill can be taught
B Identify supporting details
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
LESSON 4: Discuss your favorite artists
A Understand from context
1. Ang Lee
2. Henri Cartier-Bresson
3. Valentino
4. Frida Kahlo
B Listen to take notes
1. Ang Lee
Films different from each other
Not afraid to try new things
From Taiwan
2. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Images of 20th century
Take at the right time
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 14
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3. Valentino
Passion for his art
Dresses; elegant and original
Designs flattering to women
4. Frida Kahlo
Hard life, sick as a child, accident
Her life influenced her work
Difficult marriage
1 e; beautiful
2 c; fascination; OK
3 d; great; dark
1. The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur were
designed by César Pelli.
2. Children of Heaven was directed by the great
Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi in 1998.
3. The print Icarus was made by Henri Matisse in 1947.
4. That photograph of John Lennon was taken by
Annie Leibovitz in 1980.
5. The Great Wave of Kanagawa was produced by
Hokusai in the early 1830s.
C Answers may vary.
Materials that are expensive: Silver
Materials that weigh a lot: Stone, wood
Materials that break easily: Glass, ceramic
1. fashion
2. sculpture
3. gold; silver
4. traditional
5. drawing
D Focus on language
b 1
d 2
c 3
a 4
d 5
LESSON 1: Troubleshoot a problem
B Listen to activate vocabulary
1 He needs to click on . . .
2 She needs to click on . . .
3 He needs to click on . . .
4 She needs to click on . . .
5 He needs to click on . . .
6 She needs to click on . . .
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 15
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C Grammar practice
Answers will vary.
LESSON 2: Compare product features
A Grammar practice
1. The new Shine keyboard is just as popular as the
one from Digitek.
2. The XCue joystick is just as easy to use as the
JRock joystick.
3. The C50 monitor is almost as large as the C30
4. Comtec’s new mini-tablet is just as small as
Sangos new mini-tablet.
5. The CCV speakers are not nearly as powerful as
the Soundtec speakers.
6. The Sentinel monitors are not quite as
inexpensive as the Icon monitors.
B Listen for details
LESSON 4: Discuss the impact of the Internet
A Understand from context
c 1
a 2
f 3
e 4
b 5
g 6
d 7
First listening:
1 She recommends the C40.
2 She recommends the Hip
web camera.
3 He recommends the new
Sender tablet.
4 He recommends the Play Zone 3.
Second listening:
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b
1. Click
2. tool bar
3. screen; bar
4. pull-down
5. save
George Thomas Sonia Castro Robert Kuan Nadia Montasser
buys products
downloads music
checks the latest news
participates in online groups
plays online games
sends instant messages
surfs the Internet
uploads photos
uses a computer at work
LESSON 3: Describe how you use the Internet
A Listen for the main idea
3 Robert Kuan
1. hacker
2. mouse
3. download
4. scroll
5. virus
6. attached
C Focus on language
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
D Think and explain
Answers may vary.
1. No, he doesn’t think Matt broke it because he
says, “I’ll bet it was already broken.
2. Noah thinks it would be easy to leave without
saying anything because “The place is empty.
No one saw (what happened).
3. He wants to tell the owner to make himself feel
better about what happened. “…if I ran out
without telling him, I couldn’t face myself.
LESSON 1: Discuss ethical choices
A Understand the grammar
The following should be checked:
1 If we ate in a restaurant, I would pay the bill.
4 His wife would worry if he came home really
5 If I were you, I’d tell him the truth.
7 If they sent me the wrong pants, I would
return them.
B Grammar practice
1. put, would, buy
2. would say, were
3. found, couldn’t, wouldn’t keep
4. were, would, say
5. had, would, give
6. would happen, snowed
7. would go, had
8. received, would, send
9. were, would tell
LESSON 2: Return someone else’s property
A Grammar practice
2. That is her coat.
3. The books on that table are Mr. Davisons.
4. Their car and our car are parked on the
same street.
5. Are those my tickets or her tickets?
6. The white house is my mothers house.
7. Is this painting your painting or
her brothers painting?
8. The newspaper under the chair is
his daughters paper.
yours theirs
9. Is this DVD your DVD or your friends’?
10 . Are these your son’s shoes?
B Grammar practice
1. A: his, hers
B: theirs
2. B: His, My
3. A: our
B: our, ours
4. A: hers
B: my
5. A: their
B: theirs
6. A: your, mine
B: my
C Listen to activate grammar
1. hers
2. his; hers
3. his
4. theirs
LESSON 3: Express personal values
A Listen for main ideas
1. a not OK
b doesn’t convince
2 a wrong
b OK
3 a not happy
b stay home
4 a worried
b not worried
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 16
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B Understand vocabulary from context
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
LESSON 4: Discuss acts of kindness and
B Interpret information
1. Because he had a good heart.
2. Because he saw someone who needed help.
3. (Answers will vary.)
(Explanations will vary.)
1. Yes. He thinks its OK for young people to get
tattoos, but not old people.
2. Yes. She has different rules for her son’s curfew
than her daughters.
3. Yes. He wants his son to open the car door for
his date.
2. Whose is; It’s his.
3. Whose is; Its theirs.
4. Whose are; They’re ours.
5. Whose is; It’s mine.
Lesson 1
1. What dishes has she tried in Mérida?
2. Who have you invited to the party?
3. Where has he worked before?
4. Which movies have they seen?
5. How have your children been?
6. Who has climbed Grouse Mountain?
7. What have they heard about the new school?
8. How many times has she taken that class?
Lesson 2
1. Has she finished the homework yet?
2. They haven’t seen the movie yet. /
They haven’t yet seen the movie.
3. We’ve tried fried clams several times already. /
We’ve already tried fried clams several times.
4. Has your father already left? /
Has your father left already?
1. I haven’t had dinner yet. /
I haven’t yet had dinner.
2. She’s already been to London, Berlin, and
Rome. / She’s been to London, Berlin, and Rome
3. They haven’t called home yet. /
They haven’t yet called home.
4. We’ve already finished our class. /
We’ve finished our class already.
C Answers will vary.
Lesson 1
1 The Pitts have lived in China since the late
2 Carmen has been living in Buenos Aires since
last year.
4 Ted has been visiting Paris since 2005.
5 We have eaten in that great Indian restaurant
for years.
7 My brother has been playing tennis for many
1. has been playing
2. has been waiting
3. have been worrying about
4. ve been talking about
5. ’ve been coming
1. finding
2. being
3. losing
4. putting
5. getting
6. saying
7. writing
8. going
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 17
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Top Notch 2, Third Edition 18
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9. making
10 . fixing
11. knowing
12. speaking
13 . hearing
14 . letting
15 . coming
16. leaving
17. driving
18. meeting
19. blowing
20. giving
21. running
22. forgetting
23. eating
24. paying
25. standing
26. thinking
27. buying
28. seeing
29. beginning
30. telling
31. bringing
32. taking
Lesson 2
1. They’d like to see the Woody Allen film.
2. What time would you rather meet?
3. Who would like to order eggs for breakfast?
4. Would they rather watch TV or go out?
5. Jason would like to have a large container
of popcorn.
6. I’d rather rent a sci-fi film tonight.
7. Her parents would rather not watch anything
too violent.
8. Who’d rather not see that silly animated film?
1. I would rather to stay home than to go out.
2. She would like buy a ticket to tonight’s show.
3. My friends would like download movies from
the Internet.
4. Would they rather to see an animated film than
an action film?
5. Do they rather see movies at home?
6. Who would like go to the late show tonight?
would like
7. My husband likes two tickets to the concert.
C Answers will vary.
Lesson 1
A Answers will vary.
B Answers will vary.
1. She will have to call
2. They will have to reserve
3. We will not have to cancel
4. I have to leave
5. You will not have to order
6. We have to take
Lesson 2
1. Water freezes when you lower its temperature
below zero degrees.
2. Whenever my daughter takes her umbrella to
school, she forgets to bring it home.
3. She goes on vacation every August if she doesn’t
have too much work.
4. He runs in the park if the weather is dry.
5. In my company, if cashiers make a mistake, they
repay the money.
1. like, will see
2. m going to talk, does
3. buy, ’ll make
4. see, ’ll drive
5. Are you going to study, offer
C Answers will vary.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 19
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Lesson 1
1. She was taking a test at school when she heard
the fire alarm.
2. While I was talking to my mother on the phone,
the TV show started.
3. Mr. Park was cooking dinner when Mrs. Park
finished the laundry.
4. Mr. Kemp was working in the garden when the
rain began.
5. While Claudia was picking up their rental car,
Alex called their hotel.
6. While Nancy was shopping at the grocery store,
she saw an old friend.
Lesson 2
1. We love big vans.
common common
2. The children broke the side-view mirror.
proper common
3. Ms. Workman picked up the car this morning.
proper common common
4. Rand loves sports cars, and his wife loves
them, too.
common common
5. A man driving a sports car hit our minivan.
6. I returned the rental car at the airport.
7. A-1 Rental Agency called me about the
Lesson 1
1. There aren’t any razors next to the sink.
2. We don’t have any nail clippers.
3. They don’t need any brushes for the children.
4. She isn’t buying any mascara.
5. The manicurists don’t need any new nail polish.
6. I don’t want any sunscreen on my back.
7. There isn’t any dental floss in aisle 4.
8. They don’t need any deodorant for the trip.
1. any
2. any
3. any
4. some
5. any
6. any
7. some
1. enough
2. too much
3. too much
4. too many
5. enough
6. too many
7. Too many
8. too much
1. fewer
2. less
3. fewer
4. fewer
5. fewer
6. less
Lesson 2
1. something
2. something
3. anything
4. something
5. something
6. nothing
7. anything
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 20
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Lesson 1
1. Did there use to be a large tree in front of your
2. Did Mr. and Mrs. Palmer use to go dancing
every weekend?
3. Did their grandmother use to put sugar in their
orange juice?
4. Did Luke use to be very overweight?
1. Jason and Trish didn’t use to get lots of exercise,
but now they go swimming
every day.
2. There used to be a movie theater on Smith
Street, but now there isn’t.
3. No one used to worry about fatty foods, but
now most people do.
4. English didn’t use to be an international
language, but now everyone uses English to
communicate around the world.
5. Women in North America didn’t use to wear
pants, but now it’s very common for them to
wear them.
1 When the school term ended, I was finally
used to the new teacher.
4 Because we lived in the mountains, we
weren’t used to fresh seafood.
5 I’m sure she’ll get used to her new apartment
7 I’m sure she’ll get used to wearing high-
heeled shoes.
1 I’ll never get use to the traffic here.
2 We didn’t use to take vacations very often.
3 Is he use to his new roommate yet?
4 Will she ever get use to life in the city?
5 What did you used to do on weekdays when
you weren’t working?
E Answers will vary.
1. would
2. used to
3. used to
4. would
5. would
6. used to
7. used to
Lesson 2
1. B: No, he isn’t.
2. B: Yes, he does.
3. B: No, I haven’t.
4. B: Yes, I am.
5. B: No, she wasn’t.
6. B: Yes, they do.
Lesson 1
DO 1 I enjoy watching old movies every night
on TV.
DO 2 Her greatest dream was to see all of her
children attend college.
OP 3 What’s the point of creating a nice
environment at home if genetics is the only
thing that counts?
S 4 Avoiding too much pressure helps children
become less critical.
5 My niece plans to study personality
development next semester.
Lesson 2
1. not being
2. gaining
3. riding
4. feeling
5. not having
6. not getting
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Student’s Book Answer Key
In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of
correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable.
The simple present tense and the present A continuous 1. worse A 2. more convenient 1. are taking 4. Does it rain 3. more comfortable 2. is arriving, arrive 5. is going 4. more affordable 3. are going 6. like 5. better 6. hotter
Be going to + base form for the future 7. longer A
1. A: are they going to do
B Answers will vary. (Use these comparative forms B: ‘re going to go
in the answers: cheaper, more popular, nearer, faster.)
2. A: ‘m going to need B: Are you going to make Superlative adjectives
3. A: are you going to call A B: ‘s going to wait
Answers will vary. Use the following superlative
4. A: are you going to do form in each sentence: B: we’re going to do 2. best 5. A: ‘s going to be 3. funniest B: is going to come 4. most appropriate 5. most unusual
Can, have to , could, and should: 6. largest meaning and form 7. most beautiful A 8. shortest 1. b. should make 4. c. shouldn’t take 9. craziest 2. c. can wear 5. a. can take 10. most interesting 3. b. has to 6. b. don’t have to
The simple past tense: statements Object pronouns A A 1. went 8. loved
1. Please call us about it. 2. got in 9. bought
2. She’s buying it for you. 3. took 10. said
3. She doesn’t like them on him. 4. ate 11. walked
4. He wrote it for her. 5. had 12. drank
5. They’re giving it to them. 6. didn’t have 13. went B 7. met 14. slept
1. I gave her it yesterday.
B Answers will vary. (Use the simple past tense:
2. The clerk gift-wrapped them for him.
went, got dressed, ate, came home.)
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 1
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The simple past tense: yes / no questions
3. A: Have you eaten in the new school restaurant? A B: No, I haven’t. Is it good?
1. Did Phil lose his luggage on the flight?
4. A: Have your classmates spoken with the school director?
2. Did they drive too fast? B:
Yes, they have. They spoke with her yesterday.
3. Did she write a letter to her uncle?
5. A: Has Beth seen the new language lab?
4. Did they find a wallet on the street? B:
No, she hasn’t. But she has seen the library.
5. Did Claire’s husband spend a lot of money at the mall? C Grammar practice
6. Did Ms. Carter teach her children to play 1. decided the piano? 2. have not seen
The simple past tense: information questions 3. came A 4. have fallen 1. Where did you study 5. have visited 2. When did you meet 6. have been 3. Who did you call 7. went 4. Who bought 8. have learned
5. How long did your parents live
LESSON 2: Greet a visitor to your country A Grammar practice UNIT 1
1. Have you gone sightseeing in London before?
2. She has already tried Guatemalan food. PREVIEW
3. Have they ever been to Buenos Aires? D Focus on language
4. We haven’t taken a tour of Prague yet.
1. I could show you around.
B Listen to activate grammar
2. We should keep in touch.
1. Has she taken a tour of the Taj Mahal yet? 3. You look familiar. No, she hasn’t.
4. What have you been up to?
2. Has he gone sightseeing in Kyoto yet? No, he hasn’t. E Think and Explain
3. Has she ever tried ceviche?
1. He thinks he recognizes him. No, she hasn’t.
2. No. He hasn’t been doing much.
4. Has he already climbed the Pyramid of the Sun?
3. So that they can keep in touch. Yes, he has.
4. To show Taka around in Acapulco
5. Has she ever been to Rio de Janeiro before? No, she hasn’t.
LESSON 1: Get reacquainted with someone
6. Has she taken a tour of Sugarloaf yet? A No, she hasn’t. 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
LESSON 3: Discuss gestures and customs B Pair work
A Identify supporting details
1. A: Has Jake met our new teacher?
1 In most of Europe, a thumb and an index finger mean “two.” B:
Yes, he has. He met her in the office this morning.
2 In North America, a thumb and a pinkie mean
“two.” In China a thumb and pinkie mean “10.”
2. A: Have they been to this class before?
3 Japanese point at pictures with an open palm B:
No, they haven’t. They’re new at this school. facing up.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 2
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4 To be friendly, North Americans greet others UNIT 2
with a light handshake. In North America a
light handshake may seem unfriendly. PREVIEW
5 Everyone uses the thumbs-up sign for “that’s
good.” The thumbs-up sign is rude in Australia D Focus on language and the Middle East. 1. it’s my treat 2. I can’t stand
LESSON 4: Describe an interesting experience 3. Frankly A Listen to classify 4. a bunch of
1 b describes differences in body language 5. I missed
2 c was disgusted by something 6. I’ve heard
1 d is fascinated by other cultures E Infer meaning 2 e tries to be polite 1. film
3 f does some things that other people think 2. violent, bloody are frightening 3. spectacular B Listen for details F Think and explain
1a She visited over 25 countries.
2. Did Anna see Gangs of New York? No.
1b When they say yes, they shake their heads
How do you know? She says, “Nope, I haven’t.” from side to side.
3. What movie does Anna suggest? Ice Age.
2c They prepared a meal with a lot of
How do you know? She says, “Well, there’s Ice delicious dishes. Age.”
2d He didn’t want to seem rude.
4. Who is going to pay for the popcorn? Peter.
How do you know? He says, “I’ll get the
3e She has gone swimming with sharks. popcorn.”
3f She climbed Mount Everest.
LESSON 1: Apologize for being late REVIEW A A Grammar practice 1. for
2. Yes. She’s already visited Gastown. 2. since
3. No. She hasn’t been to the top of Grouse Mountain yet. 3. since
4. No. She hasn’t seen the Capilano Suspension 4. still Bridge yet. 5. always
5. No. She hasn’t tried dim sum yet. 6. always
6. Yes. She’s already gone to the top of the 7. lately Harbour Centre Tower. 8. best
B Answers will vary, but may include the following: 9. so far
1. Have you ever eaten Brazilian barbecue? 10. already
2. Have you climbed Mount Fuji before?
C Listen to activate vocabulary
3. Have you ever gone to the top of the Oriental
1. Ted’s late because he overslept.
Pearl Tower in Shanghai, China?
2. Maude probably couldn’t find a parking space.
4. Have you been to Venice, Italy, before?
3. They’re going to be late because they are stuck in traffic.
4. First they missed the bus. Then they probably couldn’t get a taxi.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 3
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LESSON 2: Discuss preferences for movie
LESSON 4: Discuss effects of violence genres on viewers C Listen to infer
A Understand from context 1. An aggressive 4. harm Movie Genre
1 The Bottom of the Sea documentary 2. encourage 5. prevent
2 Tango in Tap Shoes musical 3. murder 6. a consequence
3 The Ant Who Wouldn't Die horror film
4 Chickens Never Wear Shoes comedy B Confirm content
5 Goldilocks Grows Up animated film
1. Viewing violence can cause a growth in 6 The Equalizer action film
aggression in children; children may find
7 Twelve Angry Women drama
violence “normal” and accept it in society;
8 City Under the Sea science fiction
children may do violent things themselves.
2. Most harmful are realistic violent action A Grammar practice
programs and movies, and violent cartoons. 1. A: I’d like 4. A: Would
3. Some long-term effects of viewing violence are B: I’d rather not B: he would.
that children who view violence may be more 2. A: Would you like 5. A: would like to
likely to behave aggressively as teenagers; they
may commit violent crimes as adults. B: I would B: I would
4. A bad message that may come from violent 3. A: see
programs is that violence is ok or normal. B: I’d rather
5. Parents can prevent young children from
LESSON 3: Describe and recommend movies
seeing any violent programs. For older children,
parents can limit how many violent shows they A
see and discuss violent shows with them to tell Listen for main ideas them that violence is not ok.
1 Popcorn
3 Aquamundo REVIEW
2 The Vacation
4 Wolf Babies
A The following should be checked: B Listen to infer 1. a romantic film 1. weird; boring
2. an animated police story
2. romantic; violent; unforgettable
3. an unforgettable movie 3. thought-provoking 4. a musical tragedy 4. violent
5. a movie only for adults C Listening: Dictation 6. a comedy
1. First up is Popcorn, a new comedy starring David B Bodine and Judy Crabbe.
1. A: Have you seen a good comedy lately?
2. Unfortunately, Popcorn is a complete waste of B:
To tell you the truth, no. But last night we time. saw a great action film.
3. Our next film, The Vacation, is a well-acted and
2. A: How many times have they seen War of serious drama. the Worlds?
4. I highly recommend this wonderful film. B:
That remake of the old science fiction movie?
5. Aquamundo is no science fiction film; it’s based
I think they’ve seen it twice so far. on real scientific research.
3. A: Sally is such a musical fan. How long has she
6. A beautiful film. Don’t miss it.
waited for this film to come out on DVD?
7. Adults will find the story stupid, but children B:
She’s waited for at least six months.
won’t forget these bloody, scary scenes for a
4. A: I haven’t seen a drama as good as Twelve long time. Angry Men. B:
Really? I still haven’t seen it.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 4
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. C B Grammar practice 1. for 2. since 3. since 1. She’ll call 4. for 5. for 6. since
2. your colleagues won’t be 3. He’ll need 4. Who will take UNIT 3
5. Your brother won’t arrive
6. The conference call will start PREVIEW 7. Do I have to 8. Where will you meet D Focus on language 1. put this on C Listen for details 2. give you a hand PHONE MESSAGE 3. checking out of FOR: Judy Diller 4. satisfactory FROM: Mr ✓ . Ms. Mrs. Miss Pearl 5. you‘re in a hurry Please call Will call again Wants to see you Returned your call E Think and explain
Message: He’ll be . . . at the Savoy Hotel for two days.
1. The guest says she’s checking out.
2. The guest says her stay was very nice.
3. The guest says she’d like to put this on her PHONE MESSAGE Vista card. FOR: Hank Pitt FROM: Mr. Ms. ✓
4. The clerk says the shuttle will be leaving in Mrs. Miss (Vicky) Denkus twenty minutes. Please call ✓ Will call again Wants to see you Returned your call SPEAKING
Message: She’ll be at 444-0987 till 6:00. 1. wake-up service 2. bell service PHONE MESSAGE 3. shoeshine service FOR: Collin Mack 4. airport shuttle FROM: Mr. Ms. ✓ (Carol) Braun 5. laundry service Mrs. Miss Please call Will call again ✓ 6. minibar Wants to see you Returned your call 7. room service
Message: She’ll call next week.
LESSON 1: Leave and take a message A Find the grammar PHONE MESSAGE FOR: Patricia Carlton
A: Hello? I’d like to speak to Anne Smith. FROM: ✓Mr. Ms. She’s a guest. Mrs. Miss (Sam) Hill
B: I’ll ring that room for you. I’m sorry. She’s not Please call Will call again
answering. Would you like to leave a message? Wants to see you Returned your call
He’ll be at the meeting at 3:00. He’ll see you then.
A: Yes. Please tell her Tim Klein called. I’ll meet her Message:
at the hotel at three this afternoon. B: Is that all? A: Yes. Thanks.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 5
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LESSON 2: Check into a hotel
LESSON 4: Choose a hotel
A Understand the grammar A Draw conclusions 1. factual
(Answers will vary but may include the following:) 2. future 2. the Hotel Newton 3. factual 3. Yotel 4. future 4. the Plaza Hotel 5. factual
5. Yotel or Casablanca Hotel or the Gershwin Hotel 6. future 6. The Hotel Newton B Grammar practice REVIEW
1. You won’t be able; you don’t hurry A
2. they get; they’ll be 1. dinner; wake-up
3. Will you reserve; it is 2. laundry; hangers
4. Will someone give; I need
3. make up the room; towels
5. will we call; we need 4. shoeshine; room
6. Will I have to; I use B
7. you request; someone will bring
8. does she go; she needs 2. rollaway bed 3. suite C Listen for details 4. king-size bed Type of bed(s)
Non-smoking Bell service? 5. twin beds room? C 1 king-size ✓ ✓
2. If you walk to the restaurant, you’ll be there in 2 king-size & ✓ ✓ fifteen minutes. rollaway
3. Mr. Wang will get a better job, if he does well on 3 queen ✓ his English test tomorrow. 4 king-size ✓ ✓
4. What will Karl do if the airline cancels his flight?
5. If you don’t like your room, who will you call?
LESSON 3: Request housekeeping services B Expand the vocabulary Answers will vary. UNIT 4 A Listen for main ideas
The following should be checked: PREVIEW Room 586: Satisfied D Focus on language Room 587: Not satisfied 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c B Listen for details E Think and explain
Room 586: The guest wants someone to take away
1. Let’s go somewhere for coffee and talk about
the dishes, bring up extra towels and a hairdryer,
the old days and what has happened since we and pick up a load of laundry. last saw each other.
Room 587: The guest wants someone to make up
2. You shouldn’t do other things (like texting or
the room, bring up skirt hangers, and turn down
talking on the phone) when you’re driving a car. the beds.
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LESSON 1: Describe a car accident C Find the grammar B Pair work A: I’m dropping off my car. 1. taillight B: Was everything OK? 2. turn signal light
A: Well, actually the windshield wipers aren’t working. 3. steering wheel
B: I’m sorry to hear that. Any other problems? 4. windshield wiper A: No. That’s it. 5. gas pedal B: Is the gas tank full? 6. seat belt A: Yes. I just filled it up. 7. headlight 8. trunk LESSON 3: Rent a car A Grammar practice A Listen for details 1. had 1. SUV 2. was driving 2. minivan 3. was paying 3. compact 4. was waiting 4. luxury car 5. rang B 6. answered Listen to summarize 7. stopped 1 8. hit
2 The company didn’t have a minivan available at the right time. 9. learned ✓ 3 10. wasn’t speeding 11. had 4 The caller was too young. B
LESSON 4: Discuss good and bad driving
Listen to activate vocabulary
3 bumper, right headlight
A Understand from context 2 hood 1. multitasking 1 windshield 2. following distance 4 trunk 3. aggressive
LESSON 2: Describe a car problem 4. inattentive B 5. accident 1. fill, up 6. blind spot 2. turn, on REVIEW 3. pick, up 4. drop, off A 5. turn, off 1. cut, off 2. tailgating
B Grammar / vocabulary practice 3. honking
1. I can’t turn them on. 4. gestured
2. I’ll drop it off at 10:00. 5. flashing his lights
3. Which button turns it off?
6. weaving through traffic
4. What time can I pick it up? 7. staring 5. Please fill it up.
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Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. B Grammar practice 1. sunroof 1. any 2. brakes 2. lots of 3. windshield 3. a lot of 4. dashboard 4. any 5. seat belt 5. any 6. emergency brake 6. much 7. some C 8. any
1. was not paying attention, had
2. did not stop, was not wearing C Find the grammar
3. was talking, damaged
A: Excuse me. Where would I find sunscreen?
4. was driving, occurred
B: Sunscreen? Have a look in the cosmetics section, in aisle 2. 5. were, standing, saw
A: Actually, I did and there wasn’t any. D
B: I’m sorry. Let me get you some from the back. 1. turn it on. Anything else? 2. fill it up.
A: Yes, I couldn’t find any razors either. 3. turn them on.
B: No problem. There are some over there. I’ll show you. 4. pick us up
LESSON 2: Make an appointment at a salon or spa UNIT 5
A Listen to activate vocabulary and grammar 1. anyone, manicure PREVIEW
2. Someone, shampoo, haircut / cut D Focus on language
3. someone, manicure, pedicure
1. Would it be possible to get a massage? 4. anyone, shave
2. You’re in luck. Our eleven o’clock just
called to cancel his appointment. B Grammar Practice
3. How much will the massage and haircut come to? 2. anyone
4. It will be 110 euros in all. 3. someone / anyone 5. Not a problem. 4. anyone
6. Well, that’s up to you. 5. someone 6. Someone
LESSON 1: Ask for something in a store 7. anyone B Listen to infer 8. Someone 1. shampoo 9. anyone 2. soap 10. anyone 3. sunscreen 11. Someone / No one
4. hand and body lotion 12. someone 5. toothpaste 6. hairspray
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 8
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LESSON 3: Discuss ways to improve B Listen to take notes appearance
warmth: She expresses her love for others easily. A Paraphrase
patience: She’s a wonderful listener and lets
others speak. She doesn’t rush them. 1. “No, thanks.”
goodness and kindness: She spends time 2. unhappy
helping other people who have difficulties. Last 3. won’t
year she taught art to children in a public hospital. 4. easy REVIEW
B Understand from context A Answers will vary. 1. sunscreen
1. liposuction: surgical procedure that can remove fat 2. soap
2. hair restoration: a way of treating hair loss 3. makeup
3. a face-lift: surgical procedure that “lifts” the face 4. toothpaste
and neck to get rid of wrinkles and sun damage 5. body lotion
4. a chemical peel: a procedure that removes the 6. deodorant
top layer of skin without surgery B
C Confirm content and apply information 1. many 2. any Problem Dr. Weiss’s advice 3. any Josephine wrinkles and chemical peel 4. much sun damage 5. a lot of Calvin hair loss surgical procedure 6. someone Dawson overweight try dieting before 7. a lot of considering surgery C 1. shave
LESSON 4: Define the meaning of beauty 2. haircut 3. pedicure
A Listen to recognize someone’s point of view 4. manicure Maya Prasad 5. massage
I’m very lucky to be so beautiful.
✓ All the contestants were beautiful. I was just lucky.
✓ Physical beauty only lasts a short time. Love makes people beautiful. Ricardo Figueroa
Physical beauty is not important at all.
✓ Both physical beauty and inner beauty are important.
Only inner beauty is important.
✓ Prasad represents an almost perfect
combination of inner and outer beauty.
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LESSON 2: Make an excuse to decline food 1. B: face-lift
B Listen to activate vocabulary 2. B: a massage c 1 3. B: hair restoration d 2 e 3 a 4 UNIT 6 b 5 PREVIEW Grammar practice 1. A: Aren’t E Focus on language 2. A: Wasn’t 1. I have no idea. 3. A: Didn’t 2. I’d better pass. 4. A: Hasn’t
3. I couldn’t resist. 5. A: Isn’t
4. I’m watching my weight. 6. A: Didn’t 5. I had a craving for 6. I have to admit
LESSON 3: Discuss lifestyle changes 7. turn down
A Understand from context 8. just a bite 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
LESSON 1: Talk about food passions
LESSON 4: Describe local dishes
B Listen to activate vocabulary A Listen for details 1. is crazy about
c 1 chewy, sweet 2. can’t stand d 2 sweet; soft 3. is a mango lover f 3 crunchy, spicy
4. isn’t crazy about pasta
e 4 salty, looks
5. is an ice cream addict
b 5 tastes, smells Grammar practice
a 6 crunchy, salty 1. used to REVIEW 2. didn’t use to 3. didn’t use to
A The following words should be crossed out: beef 4. used to and broccoli and noodles. 5. used to B 6. used to seafood 7. didn’t use to steak 8. didn’t use to 9. (answers will vary) C
10. (answers will vary) 1. Isn’t 2. Wasn’t 3. Isn’t
4. Haven’t, had/eaten 5. Aren’t
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 10
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. UNIT 7 B Find the grammar
1. Experts say red attracts the most attention. PREVIEW
Using red for traffic lights and warning lights makes them more noticeable. D Paraphrase
2. Studies have shown that being in a yellow Answers may vary slightly.
room makes it more likely for adults to lose their 1. I’m just joking. tempers and for babies to cry.
2. I’m not sure the furniture would match it / look
3. Green is the easiest color on the eye, and it good with it.
causes people to relax. Painting a hospital room
green helps patients get the rest they need.
3. This is true. / Good observation.
4. Research has shown that looking at pink can
4. Maybe we’re not looking at / thinking about
cause people to feel tired. Some sports teams this correctly.
have painted the dressing room of the opposing
team pink to reduce the players' energy. E Think and explain
5. Researchers in marketing have found that using
2. Chad says, “You wanted pink…”
blue in processed foods is unappealing. They
3. Chelsea says, I’m just pulling your leg, silly! Blue
believe that this is because blue is rare in nature. would be great.”
Painting a restaurant red, on the other hand,
4. Chelsea says, “I’m not sure the furniture would
increases the appetite. Many restaurants are go with it.” painted red.
5. Chad says, “I’d hate to have to get all new
LESSON 2: Cheer someone up stuff…”
6. Chad says, “All of a sudden, I’m thinking white.” A Grammar practice
7. Chelsea says, “And it goes with everything.” 1. in telling 2. about working
LESSON 1: Get to know a new friend 3. about having to A Grammar practice 4. of flying 1. wants to make 5. to talking 2. suggest following 6. with being 3. Decide to be 7. of writing
4. don’t feel like socializing 8. (of) taking 5. learn to show 9. about having to 6. Don’t expect 10. of flying 7. to become 11. about going 8. would like to meet
LESSON 3: Discuss personality and its origin 9. Be sure to ask 10. enjoy talking
A Understand vocabulary from context 11. Avoid talking c 1 12. Practice asking d 2
13. begin telling / begin to tell b 3
14. decide to get together f 4 15. plan to do e 5
16. don’t mind trying a 6
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LESSON 4: Examine the impact of birth order A Listen for main ideas
✓ Children in the same family usually have
personalities that are determined by order of birth.
B Listen for specific information Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 1 True 1 the middle child 1 b. 13 months 2 True 2 only a little
2 a. making other people laugh 3 True 3 Brian and Lucy 3 a. She painted it 4 False 4 breaks
4 b. Others pay too much 5 False 5 rebellious and attention to her. C Classify information Personality traits First child Middle child Youngest child Breaks rules ✓
Feels less important than siblings ✓ Grows up fast ✓ Grows up slowly ✓ Has a lot of friends ✓ Is creative ✓ Is rebellious ✓ Is self-critical ✓ Plays by the rules ✓ Shows off ✓ REVIEW B 1. about A 2. in 1. down 3. with 2. an extrovert 4. about 3. an introvert 5. about 4. the environnment 6. to 5. genetics D 1. introvert 2. personality 3. traits 4. birth order 5. personality
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 12
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. UNIT 8 PREVIEW D Activate vocabulary
painting fashion sculpture photography drawing jewelry E Focus on language B 1. I had no idea
1. A: How were the [glass] cups made?
2. I’m just not really into
2. A: What is that [silver bowl] used for? 3. to each his own
3. A: What is this [beautiful] figurine made of? 4. Believe it or not
4. A: Where were these [wood] chairs made?
5. How do you like that!
5. A: How was that [Chinese] bag made?
6. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
6. A: What is this cup made of? 7. I find it
LESSON 3: Talk about artistic talent
LESSON 1: Recommend a Museum
A Recognize the main idea
A Understand the grammar
a Artistic skill can be taught
1. The glass pyramids were added to the Louvre
Museum in Paris by workers in 1989.
B Identify supporting details
3. Antoni Gaudí designed and built some of the 1. True
most famous buildings in Barcelona, Spain. 2. True
His plans for the Casa Milá in Barcelona were 3. False completed by him in 1912. 4. False B Grammar practice 5. False
1. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci 6. True in the sixteenth century.
2. That photograph was taken by Brazilian
LESSON 4: Discuss your favorite artists
photographer Sebastião Salgado in 2007.
A Understand from context
3. The 2013 3D film Gravity was directed by
Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón. 1. Ang Lee
4. That print was made over a century ago by
2. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Japanese master printmaker Katsushika Hokusai. 3. Valentino
5. These beautiful handbags were created by 4. Frida Kahlo
Korean fashion designer Sang A Im-Propp.
6. Beautiful Persian rugs have been produced by B Listen to take notes
weavers for several thousand years. 1. Ang Lee
Films different from each other
LESSON 2: Ask about and describe objects Not afraid to try new things A Grammar practice From Taiwan 1. Where are; made
2. Henri Cartier-Bresson 2. What are; made Images of 20th century 3. Is; dyed Take at the right time 4. How are; sewed French 5. What are; used
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 13
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 3. Valentino B Passion for his art
1. The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur were Dresses; elegant and original designed by César Pelli. Designs flattering to women
2. Children of Heaven was directed by the great
Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi in 1998. Italian
3. The print Icarus was made by Henri Matisse in 1947. 4. Frida Kahlo
4. That photograph of John Lennon was taken by
Hard life, sick as a child, accident Annie Leibovitz in 1980. Her life influenced her work
5. The Great Wave of Kanagawa was produced by Difficult marriage Hokusai in the early 1830s. REVIEW C Answers may vary.
Materials that are expensive: Silver A
Materials that weigh a lot: Stone, wood 1 e; beautiful
Materials that break easily: Glass, ceramic 2 c; fascination; OK 3 d; great; dark D 1. fashion 2. sculpture 3. gold; silver 4. traditional 5. drawing UNIT 9 PREVIEW D Focus on language b 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 d 5
LESSON 1: Troubleshoot a problem
B Listen to activate vocabulary
1 He needs to click on . . . ✓
2 She needs to click on . . . ✓
3 He needs to click on . . . ✓
4 She needs to click on . . . ✓
5 He needs to click on . . . ✓
6 She needs to click on . . . ✓
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Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. C Grammar practice Answers will vary.
LESSON 2: Compare product features A Grammar practice
1. The new Shine keyboard is just as popular as the
4. Comtec’s new mini-tablet is just as small as one from Digitek. Sango’s new mini-tablet.
2. The XCue joystick is just as easy to use as the
5. The CCV speakers are not nearly as powerful as JRock joystick. the Soundtec speakers.
3. The C50 monitor is almost as large as the C30
6. The Sentinel monitors are not quite as monitor.
inexpensive as the Icon monitors.
LESSON 3: Describe how you use the Internet
A Listen for the main idea3 Robert Kuan B Listen for details George Thomas Sonia Castro Robert Kuan Nadia Montasser buys products ✓ downloads music ✓ checks the latest news ✓ participates in online groups ✓ ✓ plays online games sends instant messages ✓ surfs the Internet ✓ uploads photos ✓ uses a computer at work ✓ ✓
LESSON 4: Discuss the impact of the Internet REVIEW
A Understand from context A c 1 First listening: a 2
1 She recommends the C40. T F f 3 2 She recommends the Hip e 4 web camera. T F b 5 3 He recommends the new g 6 Sender tablet. T F d 7
4 He recommends the Play Zone 3. T F Second listening: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b C 1. Click 4. pull-down 2. tool bar 5. save 3. screen; bar
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 15
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LESSON 2: Return someone else’s property 1. hacker 4. scroll A Grammar practice 2. mouse 5. virus hers 3. download 6. attached 2. That is her coat. his
3. The books on that table are Mr. Davison’s. UNIT 10 ours
4. Their car and our car are parked on the PREVIEW same street. hers C Focus on language
5. Are those my tickets or her tickets? hers 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
6. The white house is my mother’s house. D Think and explain yours 7.
Is this painting your painting or Answers may vary. his
1. No, he doesn’t think Matt broke it because he her brother’s painting?
says, “I’ll bet it was already broken.”
8. The newspaper under the chair is
2. Noah thinks it would be easy to leave without hers
saying anything because “The place is empty. his daughter’s paper. No one saw (what happened).” yours theirs
3. He wants to tell the owner to make himself feel
9. Is this DVD your DVD or your friends’?
better about what happened. “…if I ran out his
without telling him, I couldn’t face myself.”
10. Are these your son’s shoes?
LESSON 1: Discuss ethical choices B Grammar practice
A Understand the grammar 1. A: his, hers 4. A: hers
The following should be checked: B: theirs B: my
1 If we ate in a restaurant, I would pay the bill. 2. B: His, My 5. A: their
4 His wife would worry if he came home really 3. A: our B: theirs late. ✓ B: our, ours 6. A: your, mine
5 If I were you, I’d tell him the truth.
7 If they sent me the wrong pants, I would B: my return them.
C Listen to activate grammar B Grammar practice 1. hers 1. put, would, buy 2. his; hers 2. would say, were 3. his
3. found, couldn’t, wouldn’t keep 4. theirs 4. were, would, say
LESSON 3: Express personal values 5. had, would, give
6. would happen, snowed A Listen for main ideas 7. would go, had 1. a not OK 3 a not happy
8. received, would, send b doesn’t convince b stay home 9. were, would tell 2 a wrong 4 a worried b OK b not worried
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 16
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B Understand vocabulary from context
4. Has your father already left? / Has your father left already? 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a B
LESSON 4: Discuss acts of kindness and
1. I haven’t had dinner yet. / honesty I haven’t yet had dinner. B Interpret information
2. She’s already been to London, Berlin, and
Rome. / She’s been to London, Berlin, and Rome
1. Because he had a good heart. already.
2. Because he saw someone who needed help.
3. They haven’t called home yet. /
3. (Answers will vary.)
They haven’t yet called home.
4. We’ve already finished our class. / REVIEW
We’ve finished our class already. A (Explanations will vary.) C Answers will vary.
1. Yes. He thinks it’s OK for young people to get tattoos, but not old people. GRAMMAR BOOSTER
2. Yes. She has different rules for her son’s curfew than her daughter’s. UNIT 2
3. Yes. He wants his son to open the car door for Lesson 1 his date. B A
2. Whose is; It’s his.
1 The Pitts have lived in China since the late nineties.
3. Whose is; It’s theirs.
2 Carmen has been living in Buenos Aires since
4. Whose are; They’re ours. last year.
5. Whose is; It’s mine.
4 Ted has been visiting Paris since 2005.
5 We have eaten in that great Indian restaurant for years. GRAMMAR BOOSTER
7 My brother has been playing tennis for many UNIT 1 years. B Lesson 1 1. has been playing
1. What dishes has she tried in Mérida? 2. has been waiting
2. Who have you invited to the party?
3. have been worrying about
3. Where has he worked before?
4. ’ve been talking about
4. Which movies have they seen? 5. ’ve been coming
5. How have your children been? C
6. Who has climbed Grouse Mountain? 1. finding
7. What have they heard about the new school? 2. being
8. How many times has she taken that class? 3. losing 4. putting Lesson 2 5. getting A 6. saying
1. Has she finished the homework yet? 7. writing
2. They haven’t seen the movie yet. / 8. going
They haven’t yet seen the movie.
3. We’ve tried fried clams several times already. /
We’ve already tried fried clams several times.
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Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 9. making rather 10. fixing
3. My friends would like download movies from the Internet. ^ 11. knowing
4. Would they rather to see an animated film than 12. speaking an action film? 13. hearing Would 14. letting
5. Do they rather see movies at home? ^ 15. coming to 16. leaving
6. Who would like go to the late show tonight? ^ 17. driving would like
7. My husband likes two tickets to the concert. 18. meeting ^ C 19. blowing Answers will vary. 20. giving GRAMMAR BOOSTER 21. running UNIT 3 22. forgetting 23. eating Lesson 1 24. paying A Answers will vary. 25. standing B Answers will vary. 26. thinking C 27. buying
1. She will have to call 28. seeing
2. They will have to reserve 29. beginning
3. We will not have to cancel 30. telling 4. I have to leave 31. bringing
5. You will not have to order 32. taking 6. We have to take Lesson 2 Lesson 2 A A
1. They’d like to see the Woody Allen film.
1. Water freezes when you lower its temperature
2. What time would you rather meet? below zero degrees.
3. Who would like to order eggs for breakfast?
2. Whenever my daughter takes her umbrella to
4. Would they rather watch TV or go out?
school, she forgets to bring it home.
5. Jason would like to have a large container
3. She goes on vacation every August if she doesn’t of popcorn. have too much work.
6. I’d rather rent a sci-fi film tonight.
4. He runs in the park if the weather is dry.
7. Her parents would rather not watch anything
5. In my company, if cashiers make a mistake, they too violent. repay the money.
8. Who’d rather not see that silly animated film? B B 1. like, will see
1. I would rather to stay home than to go out.
2. ’m going to talk, does to 3. buy, ’ll make
2. She would like buy a ticket to tonight’s show. 4. see, ’ll drive ^
5. Are you going to study, offer C Answers will vary.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 18
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. GRAMMAR BOOSTER
3. They don’t need any brushes for the children. UNIT 4
4. She isn’t buying any mascara.
5. The manicurists don’t need any new nail polish. Lesson 1
6. I don’t want any sunscreen on my back.
1. She was taking a test at school when she heard
7. There isn’t any dental floss in aisle 4. the fire alarm.
8. They don’t need any deodorant for the trip.
2. While I was talking to my mother on the phone, B the TV show started. 1. any
3. Mr. Park was cooking dinner when Mrs. Park finished the laundry. 2. any
4. Mr. Kemp was working in the garden when the 3. any rain began. 4. some
5. While Claudia was picking up their rental car, 5. any Alex called their hotel. 6. any
6. While Nancy was shopping at the grocery store, 7. some she saw an old friend. C Lesson 2 1. enough ✔ common 2. too much 1. We love big vans. 3. too much common common 4. too many
2. The children broke the side-view mirror. 5. enough proper common 6. too many
3. Ms. Workman picked up the car this morning. 7. Too many proper common common
4. Rand loves sports cars, and his wife loves 8. too much D them, too. 1. fewer common common 2. less
5. A man driving a sports car hit our minivan. 3. fewer ✔ common 4. fewer
6. I returned the rental car at the airport. 5. fewer proper ✔ 6. less
7. A-1 Rental Agency called me about the reservation. Lesson 2 1. something GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2. something UNIT 5 3. anything 4. something Lesson 1 5. something A 6. nothing
1. There aren’t any razors next to the sink. 7. anything
2. We don’t have any nail clippers.
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 19
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. GRAMMAR BOOSTER E Answers will vary. UNIT 6 F 1. would Lesson 1 2. used to A 3. used to
1. Did there use to be a large tree in front of your 4. would house? 5. would
2. Did Mr. and Mrs. Palmer use to go dancing every weekend? 6. used to
3. Did their grandmother use to put sugar in their 7. used to orange juice? Lesson 2
4. Did Luke use to be very overweight? 1. B: No, he isn’t. B 2. B: Yes, he does.
1. Jason and Trish didn’t use to get lots of exercise, but now they go swimming 3. B: No, I haven’t. every day. 4. B: Yes, I am.
2. There used to be a movie theater on Smith 5. B: No, she wasn’t. Street, but now there isn’t. 6. B: Yes, they do.
3. No one used to worry about fatty foods, but now most people do.
4. English didn’t use to be an international GRAMMAR BOOSTER
language, but now everyone uses English to UNIT 7 communicate around the world.
5. Women in North America didn’t use to wear Lesson 1
pants, but now it’s very common for them to
DO 1 I enjoy watching old movies every night wear them. on TV. C
DO 2 Her greatest dream was to see all of her
1 When the school term ended, I was finally children attend college. used to the new teacher.
OP 3 What’s the point of creating a nice
4 Because we lived in the mountains, we
environment at home if genetics is the only
weren’t used to fresh seafood. thing that counts?
5 I’m sure she’ll get used to her new apartment S
4 Avoiding too much pressure helps children soon. become less critical.
7 I’m sure she’ll get used to wearing high-
DO 5 My niece plans to study personality heeled shoes. development next semester. D Lesson 2 used 1. not being
1 I’ll never get use to the traffic here. 2. gaining
2 We didn’t use to take vacations very often. 3. riding used
3 Is he use to his new roommate yet? 4. feeling used 5. not having
4 Will she ever get use to life in the city? 6. not getting
5 What did you used to do on weekdays when you weren’t working?
Top Notch 2, Third Edition 20
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