Tài liệu tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Quốc tế Hồng Bàng

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Tài liệu tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Quốc tế Hồng Bàng

Tài liệu tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Quốc tế Hồng Bàng được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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2022 JULY 6
1. A shift in + sth
There will be a shift in the global ageing
population from 7% today to 20%
2. S + force changes in + sth
It will force changes in systems, have
impact on families, and will require new
3. S + have outdated beliefs about + sth
Many societies have outdated beliefs
about ageing
4. Polarize sth :
to cause something, especially somethi
that contains different people or opinio
ns, to divide into
two completely opposing groups
Polarize public opinion, polarize the
5. Stretch sth : to go as far as or past the
usual limit of something
Be fully stretched to the limit/breaking
point = work hard a lot and can not
Bend/ stretch the rules : allow s.o that
is not usually allowed
The budget is stretched thin
6. Greying population = ageing
population = the prolongation in
people’s age
7. Capitalise on : use the available things
to take the benefits = derive
advantages from something
She capitalized on her knowledge and
experience to get a better job.
8. Powerhouse : a country, organization,
or person with a lot of influence, power,
or energy
She's a powerhouse of original ideas
and solutions
economic powerhouses
9. Luminary : a person who is an expert or
a great influence in a special area or
Various leading luminaries of the arts
were invited.
10. a wealth of sth
11. adopt a view:
12. irreversible: not possible to change;
impossible to return to a previous
an irreversible impact
13. longevity
the longevity of the company.
14. attribute: a quality or characteristic that
someone or something has
personal attributes, physical attributes
15. harm/hamper the progress of society
16. Stereotype: khuôn mẫu.
The attitudes and stereotypes about
ageing still persist.
17. Holistic: toàn diện / dealing with or
treating the whole of something or
someone and not just a part
Holistic view
18. Frail: easily damaged, broken
Older adults are often described as frail
in many societies.
19. Reigning over : to be the main feeling
or quality in a situation or person
a panic which reigned over the city.
older adults are a reigning economic
20. lagging behind : to move or make
progress so slowly that you are behind
other people or things
He's lagging behind - I think we'd better
wait for him to catch us up
21. unprecedented
took the unprecedented step, without
presents an unprecedented set of
22. add such enormous pressure on
23. it goes without saying that
24. avert : turn away your eyes or thoughts
avert our thoughts from our massive
financial problems.
his eyes averted.
25. Given that : nghĩa là “ Với việc ….. là”
26. Given that he is a famous doctor, he
definitely makes a lot of money every
27. allocation : the act of giving something
to somebody for a particular purpose
the allocation of food to those who
need it most
28. allocate sth for sth: give a particular
amount of time, money, etc. to
someone or something, so that it can
be used in a particular way
29. concur: to agree or have the same
30. cater for someone/something: provide
what is wanted or needed by someone
or something
31. constitute: be considered as / make or
form sth
twelve months constitute a year,
Climate change constitutes a major
threat to life
32. utmost: important or serious something
a matter of the utmost importance
33. do/try your utmost
34. spend + money + on sth
spend + money/time + doing sth
35. burden: something difficult or
unpleasant that you have to deal with
or worry about
growing burden on sth
36. workforce: the group of people who
work in a company, industry, country,
37. aimed at
38. several problems associated with
39. reap more benefits
40. draw on something : to use sth
(information or your knowledge of
something ) to help you
41. onerous: difficult to do or needing a lot
of effort
42. contend: to say that something is true
or is a fact
Some people contend that
43. generate revenue : make money, earn
44. boast sth : to have or own something to
be proud of
Vietnam boast a lot of famous
45. drive up : to make something such as
prices rise quickly
drive up the payment
Ageing: Looming crisis or booming opportunity?
Ageing and Longevity
There will be a shift in the global ageing population from 7% today to 20% in the next few decades. This
growth will be one of the greatest social, economic, and political transformations of our time. It will
force changes in systems, have impact on families, and will require new solutions.
Though older adults are a reigning economic segment, the attitudes and stereotypes about ageing still
persist and market innovation to meet their needs is lagging behind.
Collaboration among policy-makers, civil society, academia, and the private-sector is crucial to creating
holistic solutions that promote the safety, autonomy, well-being, and dignity of older adults.
Many societies have outdated beliefs about ageing. Older adults are often described as frail, as
“challenges” to be addressed, and they are discriminated against, particularly in the workplace, where
their experience and knowledge should count.
While we celebrate the birth and growth of children and their early adulthood, we fail to respect those
with wisdom and important stories to pass down to younger generations. Marketing companies tend to
focus on millennials and Gen Z, but one of the largest economic segments, the baby boomers, are largely
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Preview text:

2022 JULY 6 1. A shift in + sth
9. Luminary : a person who is an expert or
There will be a shift in the global ageing
a great influence in a special area or
population from 7% today to 20% activity
2. S + force changes in + sth
Various leading luminaries of the arts
It will force changes in systems, have were invited.
impact on families, and will require new 10. a wealth of sth solutions. 11. adopt a view:
3. S + have outdated beliefs about + sth
12. irreversible: not possible to change;
Many societies have outdated beliefs
impossible to return to a previous about ageing condition 4. Polarize sth : an irreversible impact
to cause something, especially somethi 13. longevity ng the longevity of the company.
that contains different people or opinio
14. attribute: a quality or characteristic that ns, to divide into someone or something has two completely opposing groups
personal attributes, physical attributes
Polarize public opinion, polarize the
15. harm/hamper the progress of society debate
16. Stereotype: khuôn mẫu.
5. Stretch sth : to go as far as or past the
The attitudes and stereotypes about usual limit of something ageing still persist.
Be fully stretched to the limit/breaking
17. Holistic: toàn diện / dealing with or
point = work hard a lot and can not
treating the whole of something or more someone and not just a part
Bend/ stretch the rules : allow s.o that Holistic view is not usually allowed
18. Frail: easily damaged, broken The budget is stretched thin
Older adults are often described as frail
6. Greying population = ageing in many societies.
population = the prolongation in
19. Reigning over : to be the main feeling people’s age
or quality in a situation or person
7. Capitalise on : use the available things
a panic which reigned over the city.
to take the benefits = derive
older adults are a reigning economic
advantages from something segment,
She capitalized on her knowledge and
20. lagging behind : to move or make
experience to get a better job.
progress so slowly that you are behind
8. Powerhouse : a country, organization, other people or things
or person with a lot of influence, power,
He's lagging behind - I think we'd better or energy wait for him to catch us up
She's a powerhouse of original ideas 21. unprecedented and solutions
took the unprecedented step, without economic powerhouses precedent
presents an unprecedented set of challenges
22. add such enormous pressure on 33. do/try your utmost
23. it goes without saying that
34. spend + money + on sth
24. avert : turn away your eyes or thoughts
spend + money/time + doing sth
avert our thoughts from our massive
35. burden: something difficult or financial problems.
unpleasant that you have to deal with his eyes averted. or worry about
25. Given that : nghĩa là “ Với việc ….. là” growing burden on sth
26. Given that he is a famous doctor, he
36. workforce: the group of people who
definitely makes a lot of money every
work in a company, industry, country, year etc
27. allocation : the act of giving something 37. aimed at
to somebody for a particular purpose
38. several problems associated with
the allocation of food to those who 39. reap more benefits need it most
40. draw on something : to use sth
28. allocate sth for sth: give a particular
(information or your knowledge of
amount of time, money, etc. to something ) to help you
someone or something, so that it can
41. onerous: difficult to do or needing a lot be used in a particular way of effort
29. concur: to agree or have the same
42. contend: to say that something is true opinion or is a fact
30. cater for someone/something: provide Some people contend that
what is wanted or needed by someone
43. generate revenue : make money, earn or something profit
31. constitute: be considered as / make or
44. boast sth : to have or own something to form sth be proud of
twelve months constitute a year, Vietnam boast a lot of famous
Climate change constitutes a major delicacies threat to life
45. drive up : to make something such as
32. utmost: important or serious something prices rise quickly is drive up the payment
a matter of the utmost importance
Ageing: Looming crisis or booming opportunity? Ageing and Longevity
There will be a shift in the global ageing population from 7% today to 20% in the next few decades. This
growth will be one of the greatest social, economic, and political transformations of our time. It will
force changes in systems, have impact on families, and will require new solutions.

Though older adults are a reigning economic segment, the attitudes and stereotypes about ageing still
persist and market innovation to meet their needs is lagging behind.

Collaboration among policy-makers, civil society, academia, and the private-sector is crucial to creating
holistic solutions that promote the safety, autonomy, well-being, and dignity of older adults.

Many societies have outdated beliefs about ageing. Older adults are often described as frail, as
“challenges” to be addressed, and they are discriminated against, particularly in the workplace, where
their experience and knowledge should count.

While we celebrate the birth and growth of children and their early adulthood, we fail to respect those
with wisdom and important stories to pass down to younger generations. Marketing companies tend to
focus on millennials and Gen Z, but one of the largest economic segments, the baby boomers, are largely forgotten.