Test 8 reading - Tiếng anh 1 | Đại học Kinh tế Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp

Skim and Scan: Practice quickly skimming through passages to get the general idea (skimming), and scanning to locate specific details (scanning). Context Clues: Pay attention to the surrounding text of unfamiliar words to infer their meaning. Vocabulary Practice: Build your academic and business-related vocabulary to better understand passages, especially for topics in economics, management, and technology.

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Test 8 reading - Tiếng anh 1 | Đại học Kinh tế Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp

Skim and Scan: Practice quickly skimming through passages to get the general idea (skimming), and scanning to locate specific details (scanning). Context Clues: Pay attention to the surrounding text of unfamiliar words to infer their meaning. Vocabulary Practice: Build your academic and business-related vocabulary to better understand passages, especially for topics in economics, management, and technology.

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