Test on speaking - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế

Test on speaking - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 1
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your family:
-Tell me about your family?
-Where do you live?
-What do you like doing when you are with your family?
-My family has 4 people including my parents, my sister and me. My father is 46 years old, he has
a small body but is very strong. His job is as a famer. My mother is 46 years old, she is very brave
and gentle. she is a farmer. My sister is 16 years old. he is a hardworking student. As for me, I'm
19 years old and currently a student at an open university.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes-3 points)
You are going to celebrate your birthday. Where are you going to organize the party: at
home, in a restaurant or in a park ? Why?.
I will celebrate my birthday at home. Because celebrating a birthday at home will cost less
and create a more cozy space.
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes -4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The most important inventions.
Your talk should focus on:
- What the most important inventions are.
- Which has changed the world most.
- What benefits we can get from these inventions.
The most important inventions were the wheel, compass, internal combustion engine, the telephone, light
bulb, the Internet, etc. Before our Common Era, the development of human society was severely limited
because of the difficulties of shipping. The development of wheeled carts facilitated agriculture and
commerce as it made moving goods from one place to another easy, limiting human and human losses.
Ancient sailors often relied on stars to find directions for their boats, but that method could not be used
either during the day or in cloudy nights. However, that was no longer an important issue when the
Chinese invented the first compass. The compass allows the crew to find a safe direction. The internal
combustion engine is a type of thermal engine that creates mechanical work by burning fuel inside the
engine. It has opened a new chapter in the Industrial Age, allowing for the advent of many important
inventions such as modern cars and airplanes. The telephone is in the vanguard of electronic voice
transmission. It is a key element in the global media and commerce revolution. Light bulbs change the
world by allowing people to operate at night. The Internet, global Information systems of interconnected
computer networks, are now familiar with commodities.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 2:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your reading habit.
-What do you like to read the best?
- Do you often read newspaper?
- Why do you like to read?
- I like reading manga the most.
- Yes, I often read it
- Because, I want to know more about society
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making plan for your holiday. Where do you prefer to go: To the beach, to the mountain
or to a foreign country? Why?
I love going to a foreign country. Because I love to discover new things
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic Watching films.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- Whether you prefer seeing films on TV or DVD, or in the cinema
- Whether you prefer seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles
- Whether you prefer Vietnamese films or American films.
I grew up with the movie Doraemon, a movie I've watched on DVD since I was a kid. The movie has an
entertaining plot. It's a fun program that develops children's creativity with "unreal" gadgets. This
program follows a formula, starting with Nobita's troubles, Doraemon's treasure solves those problems,
but then it gets misused and thus causes other problems. Once in a while, the movie breaks out of that
formula, and teaches much deeper, more emotional values. I also read a lot of doraemon manga. I like
the narration episodes because the Vietnamese voice acting is very loving and genuine. The episodes and
stories are really heavy with complex emotions. Besides, this series also teaches about friendship. All the
main characters have personality defects, but the friends have learned to accept each other sincerely.
Nobita is a lazy and compassionate child, and Doraemon is a good friend who always helps Nobita in
most situations.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 3:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your study:
- what are you studying?
- What do you like about your studying?
- What do you like about learning English?
-I am studying automation at Hanoi Open University.
-I like about my studies is learning subjects related to technology, electronics and English.
-I like learning English because English is the most widely used language, English opens up
many opportunities, makes it easy to watch movies, With English I will travel anywhere easily.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have to make decision of the university you are going to apply. There are 3 groups of
people: Family, teachers and friends . Who do you think you could get the best advices? Why?
When deciding on which university to apply to, I think asking the teacher would be the
best advice. Because the teacher has been teaching in the educational path and is a teacher for
me, he understands my academic strengths and the university I can study in.
Part 3:Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic A person you admire.
Your talk should focus on:
- His/her profile
- The reason why you admire him/her
- His/her impact on you.
My mom is my favorite person ever. For what she did, she deserves the world. My mother is a 46 year old
housewife. She has a petite figure and especially she has a very beautiful long black hair. She is always
smiling so people consider her a friendly person. My mother wholeheartedly loves every member of the
family. She agreed to become a housewife instead of going out to work. My mother takes care of all the
housework. She is the first to wake up in the morning and the last to go to sleep at night. And during the
day, she is very busy. I remember one time my mother was sick, no one did the housework and everything
was so messy. Since then, both father and son help their mother with housework in their spare time. My
mother is very happy about that. When I was a child, my mother raised me very thoughtfully and
carefully, she also told me moral stories and I am very happy about that. We appreciate mom's efforts,
patience and tireless work to keep the family happy. Mom is an integral part of my life. What I really
admire about my mother is that no matter how much housework she does, she still makes time for me but
she never complains. my mother is very strong and that is what many people want from her
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 4:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about sport.
- Do you play any sport?
- What are the most popular sport in your country?
- Is it better to play sport or to watch TV? Why?
-I play a sport that is football
-Popular sports in my country are football, volleyball, swimming and track and field
-Playing sports is better than watching TV because playing sports can exercise and improve
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is visiting Hanoi. You are going to take him or her around Hanoi. Which means
of transport do you choose; motorbike, bus or car? Why?
I will take him around Hanoi by bus. Because because taking the bus will not be affected by the
smog and heat of the weather.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic .Reading books
You should say:
- The advantages of reading books
- The disadvantages of reading books
- Your reading habits.
Reading has many benefits. Firstly, books are a huge source of information, so reading gives us
new knowledge. Books can be described as an open door to the world and even beyond. Reading
improves your memory and concentration. Another advantage is that reading relaxes and relieves
stress. When you read something, you have to be quiet and calm down. Our bodies can rest and
we have nothing to worry about when we focus on reading a book. Some funny books like jokes,
romance novels or comics make you happy and relieve your sadness. Last but not least, reading
will improve your communication skills. The book offers a large amount of vocabulary, and each
sentence in the book is carefully selected. As a result, you have more new words and grammar to
use when speaking, especially when you have to give speeches or presentations. The habit of
reading is good, but it has the disadvantage that I often have to travel to find books that I like and
reading a lot will damage my eyes. In short, it cannot be denied that books play an important role
in life. And if you want to achieve success, read a lot of books. I also love reading books myself
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 5:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your name.
- What is the meaning of your given name?
- Does your name affect your personality?
- Who can give children’s name in your country?.
- My name has no meaning.
- My name has nothing to do with my personality.
- In my country, children are usually named by grandparents or parents.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making an advertisement of a competition. There are three groups of advertising
methods: Poster, video clip and brochure. Which one do you choose ?/ why?
I will choose to advertise using video clip advertising. Because video clip ads will introduce the
contest to people more effectively.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Sports.
- Kinds of sports you know
- Popular sport(s) for Vietnamese youth. (Why is it/are they popular?)
- Advantages of playing sport.
In the world there are many sports such as badminton basketball boxing horse racing racing
weightlifting handball many different types of sports. In Vietnam, popular sports are football and
volleyball because soccer is a king sport loved by many age groups and has early access to the
ball. Volleyball too. It is enjoyed by the young and the middle-aged to the elderly because it is
light and effortless. The similarity between these two sports is a team sport. coordination and
bring fun with the ball. The difference is that volleyball is gentle using flexible hands, while
football has a competition in terms of health and flexibility of the legs. Any sport is good to bring
joy and health. helping young people to grow taller, helping the elderly to have a happier and
healthier life. Sports are good, so people actively play sports.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 6:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hometown.
- What part of your country do you come from?
- What’s the weather like in your hometown?
- Can you describe your hometown?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A friend is going to take a summer job where she can meet new people. a volunteer nurse, a
tour guide and a sale employee at bakery. Which one would be the best choice? Why?
+ If my friend was going to take a summer job I would recommend her to works as a
tourist guide because of the following reasons:
+ When she / he works as a tourist guide she will also have a chance to travel. She will
meet new people and she can visit a lot of beautiful places.
+ Working as a tourist guide is a way travelling without paying money
+ She can earn a lot of money for school fee next year.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Factors that make people happy.
-What factors that make people happy
- What factor is the most important one
- When is the happiest time of person’s life (when we are young or old?).
-What factors that make people happy
+ I think the factors that make people happy are the good health and the wealth.
What factor is the most important one
+ The most important factor that makes people happy is good health because when we have a good
health we can make a lot of money have both main factors.
When is the happiest time of person's life (when we are young or old?).
+ I think the happiest time of a person's life is when they are young.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 7:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about shopping.
- How often do you go shopping?
- Do you prefer to go shopping alone? Why?/ Why not?.
- What do you find annoying about shopping? Why?.
I shop online and usually I shop once a month.
I like to go shopping alone, because I feel comfortable.
I find it annoying when shopping offline that is time consuming and expensive. That's why I often
shop online.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have an evening free and you intend to watch a film. Where do you prefer to watch ; .at
home, at the cinema or at your friend’s house? Why?
If I had an evening free and watch a film I would choose to watch it at the cinema because of
the following reasons:
+ The atmosphere at the cinema is very exciting I can share my comments about the film
with other viewers.
+ it is very easy to see the film with the large and multi-dimension screen.
+ Going to the cinema is a good chance to make new friend.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The Internet.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- What has changed because of the Internet
- What will happen with the Internet
- What you would do with the Internet.
What has changed because of the Internet
+ There are a lot of things changed because of the internet such as the way we work, the way we
communicate, the way we live...
What will happen with the Internet
+ Ithink that Internet will be the most effective ways of communication in the future.
What you would do with the Internet.
+ use internet to communicate with others and also use it as a source of entertainment.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 8:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hobbies.
-Tell me about any hobbies you have now or had in the past.
-Do you feel you have enough free time for hobbies? Why? / Why not?
-If you had a chance to take up a new hobby, what would it be? Why?
My current hobbies are hanging out with friends, picnics with friends, playing games.
I feel that I have enough free time for those things because I am currently in my hometown and
about to finish the 1st semester exam.
if i had a chance to have a new hobby. I think it will be the fact that I have a girlfriend. since I don't
have a girlfriend yet, it must be interesting.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is going to England for a year and you want to buy her a present. Three items
are suggested: a camera, an English grammar book and a sweater. Which one would be the best
choice? And why?
+I think that I would choose a sweater for my friend who is going to England to study
because of the following reasons:
+ A sweater is not expensive so it can be a good choice.
+England is known for its freezing and snowy winter, so a sweater can help her to keep
warm in cold weather.
+ When she puts on the sweater she may think of me as well as our beautiful friendship.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic The wonders of modern world in the family.
Your talk should focus on:
- What is the wonder of the world in the your family (for example the equipment in the kitchen)
- What’s good about it.
- What troubles it brings about.
- What is the wonder of the world in the your family (for example the equipment in the
+ There are a lot of the wonders of the world in my family such as a TV, A washing machine,
A computer..
What's good about it.
+The wonders make our lives much easier and convenient.
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 9:
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your friends.
- How important is friendship to you?
- Do you have friends who live in other countries?
- What kind of things do you like to do when you get together with your friends?.
For me, friendship makes me happy, they are the driving force with me to overcome difficulties in
study and life, share my sorrows and joys.
I have no friends in another country.
When I meet friends, I like to eat together, have a picnic, play games together...
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A group of friends are going to celebrate the end of exams. Three locations are suggested: a
pool, a party club and a restaurant . Which place would be the best choice? Why?
+ I think the best place where we would choose to have end of exam celebration is in the
party club because :
+ We can drink some wine and beer to celebrate our good marks.
+ We can share our experiences about our exam there
+ We can dance and sing together.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Describe the best day in your life.
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Preview text:

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 1 *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your family: -Tell me about your family? -Where do you live?
-What do you like doing when you are with your family?
-My family has 4 people including my parents, my sister and me. My father is 46 years old, he has
a small body but is very strong. His job is as a famer. My mother is 46 years old, she is very brave
and gentle. she is a farmer. My sister is 16 years old. he is a hardworking student. As for me, I'm

19 years old and currently a student at an open university.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes-3 points)
You are going to celebrate your birthday. Where are you going to organize the party: at
home, in a restaurant or in a park ? Why?.
I will celebrate my birthday at home. Because celebrating a birthday at home will cost less
and create a more cozy space.
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes -4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The most important inventions. Your talk should focus on: -
What the most important inventions are. -
Which has changed the world most. -
What benefits we can get from these inventions.
The most important inventions were the wheel, compass, internal combustion engine, the telephone, light
bulb, the Internet, etc. Before our Common Era, the development of human society was severely limited
because of the difficulties of shipping. The development of wheeled carts facilitated agriculture and
commerce as it made moving goods from one place to another easy, limiting human and human losses.

Ancient sailors often relied on stars to find directions for their boats, but that method could not be used
either during the day or in cloudy nights. However, that was no longer an important issue when the

Chinese invented the first compass. The compass allows the crew to find a safe direction. The internal
combustion engine is a type of thermal engine that creates mechanical work by burning fuel inside the

engine. It has opened a new chapter in the Industrial Age, allowing for the advent of many important
inventions such as modern cars and airplanes. The telephone is in the vanguard of electronic voice
Spk.E 3
transmission. It is a key element in the global media and commerce revolution. Light bulbs change the
world by allowing people to operate at night. The Internet, global Information systems of interconnected
computer networks, are now familiar with commodities.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 2 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your reading habit.
-What do you like to read the best? - Do you often read newspaper? - Why do you like to read?
- I like reading manga the most. - Yes, I often read it
- Because, I want to know more about society

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making plan for your holiday. Where do you prefer to go: To the beach, to the mountain or to a foreign country? Why?
I love going to a foreign country. Because I love to discover new things
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic Watching films.
You should include the following ideas in your talk: -
Whether you prefer seeing films on TV or DVD, or in the cinema -
Whether you prefer seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles -
Whether you prefer Vietnamese films or American films.
I grew up with the movie Doraemon, a movie I've watched on DVD since I was a kid. The movie has an
entertaining plot. It's a fun program that develops children's creativity with "unreal" gadgets. This

program follows a formula, starting with Nobita's troubles, Doraemon's treasure solves those problems,
but then it gets misused and thus causes other problems. Once in a while, the movie breaks out of that

formula, and teaches much deeper, more emotional values. I also read a lot of doraemon manga. I like
the narration episodes because the Vietnamese voice acting is very loving and genuine. The episodes and
Spk.E 3
stories are really heavy with complex emotions. Besides, this series also teaches about friendship. All the
main characters have personality defects, but the friends have learned to accept each other sincerely.
Nobita is a lazy and compassionate child, and Doraemon is a good friend who always helps Nobita in
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 3 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your study: - what are you studying?
- What do you like about your studying?
- What do you like about learning English?
-I am studying automation at Hanoi Open University.
-I like about my studies is learning subjects related to technology, electronics and English.
-I like learning English because English is the most widely used language, English opens up
many opportunities, makes it easy to watch movies, With English I will travel anywhere easily.

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have to make decision of the university you are going to apply. There are 3 groups of
people: Family, teachers and friends . Who do you think you could get the best advices? Why?
When deciding on which university to apply to, I think asking the teacher would be the
best advice. Because the teacher has been teaching in the educational path and is a teacher for
me, he understands my academic strengths and the university I can study in.
Part 3:Topic (3 minutes-4 points)
You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic A person you admire.
Your talk should focus on: - His/her profile -
The reason why you admire him/her - His/her impact on you.
My mom is my favorite person ever. For what she did, she deserves the world. My mother is a 46 year old
housewife. She has a petite figure and especially she has a very beautiful long black hair. She is always

smiling so people consider her a friendly person. My mother wholeheartedly loves every member of the Spk.E 3
family. She agreed to become a housewife instead of going out to work. My mother takes care of all the
housework. She is the first to wake up in the morning and the last to go to sleep at night. And during the
day, she is very busy. I remember one time my mother was sick, no one did the housework and everything

was so messy. Since then, both father and son help their mother with housework in their spare time. My
mother is very happy about that. When I was a child, my mother raised me very thoughtfully and

carefully, she also told me moral stories and I am very happy about that. We appreciate mom's efforts,
patience and tireless work to keep the family happy. Mom is an integral part of my life. What I really

admire about my mother is that no matter how much housework she does, she still makes time for me but
she never complains. my mother is very strong and that is what many people want from her
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 4 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points) Let’s talk about sport. - Do you play any sport?
- What are the most popular sport in your country?
- Is it better to play sport or to watch TV? Why?
-I play a sport that is football
-Popular sports in my country are football, volleyball, swimming and track and field

-Playing sports is better than watching TV because playing sports can exercise and improve health
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is visiting Hanoi. You are going to take him or her around Hanoi. Which means
of transport do you choose; motorbike, bus or car? Why?
I will take him around Hanoi by bus. Because because taking the bus will not be affected by the
smog and heat of the weather.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic . Reading books You should say: -
The advantages of reading books -
The disadvantages of reading books - Your reading habits. Spk.E 3
Reading has many benefits. Firstly, books are a huge source of information, so reading gives us
new knowledge. Books can be described as an open door to the world and even beyond. Reading

improves your memory and concentration. Another advantage is that reading relaxes and relieves
stress. When you read something, you have to be quiet and calm down. Our bodies can rest and

we have nothing to worry about when we focus on reading a book. Some funny books like jokes,
romance novels or comics make you happy and relieve your sadness. Last but not least, reading

will improve your communication skills. The book offers a large amount of vocabulary, and each
sentence in the book is carefully selected. As a result, you have more new words and grammar to

use when speaking, especially when you have to give speeches or presentations. The habit of
reading is good, but it has the disadvantage that I often have to travel to find books that I like and
reading a lot will damage my eyes. In short, it cannot be denied that books play an important role

in life. And if you want to achieve success, read a lot of books. I also love reading books myself Spk.E 3 HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 5 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points) Let’s talk about your name.
- What is the meaning of your given name?
- Does your name affect your personality?
- Who can give children’s name in your country?.
- My name has no meaning.
- My name has nothing to do with my personality.
- In my country, children are usually named by grandparents or parents.

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making an advertisement of a competition. There are three groups of advertising
methods: Poster, video clip and brochure. Which one do you choose ?/ why?
I will choose to advertise using video clip advertising. Because video clip ads will introduce the
contest to people more effectively.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Sports. - Kinds of sports you know
- Popular sport(s) for Vietnamese youth. (Why is it/are they popular?) - Advantages of playing sport.
In the world there are many sports such as badminton basketball boxing horse racing racing
weightlifting handball many different types of sports. In Vietnam, popular sports are football and
volleyball because soccer is a king sport loved by many age groups and has early access to the
ball. Volleyball too. It is enjoyed by the young and the middle-aged to the elderly because it is
light and effortless. The similarity between these two sports is a team sport. coordination and
bring fun with the ball. The difference is that volleyball is gentle using flexible hands, while
football has a competition in terms of health and flexibility of the legs. Any sport is good to bring
joy and health. helping young people to grow taller, helping the elderly to have a happier and
healthier life. Sports are good, so people actively play sports.

_____________________________________________________________________________ Spk.E 3 HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 6 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hometown.
- What part of your country do you come from?
- What’s the weather like in your hometown?
- Can you describe your hometown?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A friend is going to take a summer job where she can meet new people. a volunteer nurse, a
tour guide and a sale employee at bakery. Which one would be the best choice? Why?
+ If my friend was going to take a summer job I would recommend her to works as a
tourist guide because of the following reasons:
+ When she / he works as a tourist guide she will also have a chance to travel. She will
meet new people and she can visit a lot of beautiful places.
+ Working as a tourist guide is a way travelling without paying money
+ She can earn a lot of money for school fee next year.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Factors that make people happy.
-What factors that make people happy -
What factor is the most important one -
When is the happiest time of person’s life (when we are young or old?).
-What factors that make people happy
+ I think the factors that make people happy are the good health and the wealth.
What factor is the most important one
+ The most important factor that makes people happy is good health because when we have a good
health we can make a lot of money have both main factors.
When is the happiest time of person's life (when we are young or old?).
+ I think the happiest time of a person's life is when they are young. HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 7 : Spk.E 3 *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about shopping.
- How often do you go shopping?
- Do you prefer to go shopping alone? Why?/ Why not?.
- What do you find annoying about shopping? Why?.
I shop online and usually I shop once a month.
I like to go shopping alone, because I feel comfortable.
I find it annoying when shopping offline that is time consuming and expensive. That's why I often shop online.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have an evening free and you intend to watch a film. Where do you prefer to watch ; .at
home, at the cinema or at your friend’s house? Why?
If I had an evening free and watch a film I would choose to watch it at the cinema because of the following reasons:
+ The atmosphere at the cinema is very exciting I can share my comments about the film with other viewers.
+ it is very easy to see the film with the large and multi-dimension screen.
+ Going to the cinema is a good chance to make new friend.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The Internet.
You should include the following ideas in your talk: -
What has changed because of the Internet -
What will happen with the Internet -
What you would do with the Internet.
What has changed because of the Internet
+ There are a lot of things changed because of the internet such as the way we work, the way we
communicate, the way we live...
What will happen with the Internet
+ Ithink that Internet will be the most effective ways of communication in the future.
What you would do with the Internet.
+ use internet to communicate with others and also use it as a source of entertainment. Spk.E 3
____________________________________________________________________________ HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 8 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hobbies.
-Tell me about any hobbies you have now or had in the past.
-Do you feel you have enough free time for hobbies? Why? / Why not?
-If you had a chance to take up a new hobby, what would it be? Why?
My current hobbies are hanging out with friends, picnics with friends, playing games.
I feel that I have enough free time for those things because I am currently in my hometown and
about to finish the 1st semester exam.
if i had a chance to have a new hobby. I think it will be the fact that I have a girlfriend. since I don't
have a girlfriend yet, it must be interesting.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is going to England for a year and you want to buy her a present. Three items
are suggested: a camera, an English grammar book and a sweater. Which one would be the best choice? And why?
+I think that I would choose a sweater for my friend who is going to England to study
because of the following reasons:
+ A sweater is not expensive so it can be a good choice.
+England is known for its freezing and snowy winter, so a sweater can help her to keep warm in cold weather.
+ When she puts on the sweater she may think of me as well as our beautiful friendship.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic The wonders of modern world in the family. Your talk should focus on:
- What is the wonder of the world in the your family (for example the equipment in the kitchen) - What’s good about it. Spk.E 3
- What troubles it brings about.
- What is the wonder of the world in the your family (for example the equipment in the kitchen)
+ There are a lot of the wonders of the world in my family such as a TV, A washing machine, A computer.. What's good about it.
+The wonders make our lives much easier and convenient. HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY TEST O N SPEAKING SKILLS
ENGLISH 3 - Test number 9 : *****
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your friends.
- How important is friendship to you?
- Do you have friends who live in other countries?
- What kind of things do you like to do when you get together with your friends?.
For me, friendship makes me happy, they are the driving force with me to overcome difficulties in
study and life, share my sorrows and joys.
I have no friends in another country.
When I meet friends, I like to eat together, have a picnic, play games together...
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A group of friends are going to celebrate the end of exams. Three locations are suggested: a
pool, a party club and a restaurant . Which place would be the best choice? Why?
+ I think the best place where we would choose to have end of exam celebration is in the party club because :
+ We can drink some wine and beer to celebrate our good marks.
+ We can share our experiences about our exam there
+ We can dance and sing together.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Describe the best day in your life.