The Environment - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128) | Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?

lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
1. (31/01/2015) Some people say that too much attention and too many
resources are given in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or
disagree about this opinion?
It is argued that protecting wild animals
and birds is drawing/attracting too
much concern and too many resources
of society. Personally, I totally agree
with this point of view.
There are two main reasons why I think
people have paid too much attention
to the protection of animals. One reason
is that many non-governmental
organizations have been established in
order to protect animals all over the
world. However, they are too
concerned about animal-related
activities in many parts of the world.
For example, it is unreasonable that
PETA, an animal-protecting (2)
organization, accused Katy Perry of
using tigers and elephants in her own
music video ‘Roar for commercial
purposes while she did not.
Furthermore, news about wild animals
can be shared rapidly on the Internet.
If a bear is imprisoned somewhere, this
news will be widespread on social
attracts too much concern: to attract
means to bring to; so in this case you are
bringing attention to something
have paid too much attention to: to
pay attention to means to think about or
work on; to address
have been establishedin order to: to
create something or start something
with the purpose of doing X
concerned about: worried about; when
you think about something a lot that
troubles you
unreasonable: something that is not
reasonable or is ridiculous or
outrageous, not appropriate
be shared rapidly: to share quickly, in a
speedy way
imprisoned: to be put in prison or in a
widespread: to go from one place to
another across space and time
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networks such as Facebook on a large
scale immediately.
In addition, people have also spent too
many resources protecting wild birds.
Firstly, a great deal of money is required
to carry out any project to protect wild
birds, in which infrastructure and
research are the two most expensive.
The more difficult research to preserve
the DNA of wild birds is, the more it
costs. Secondly, the expenditure for
this protection is quite unnecessary to
some extent. While funds should be
raised to improve the living standards
in some regions, investment in bird
protection appears to be a waste of
In conclusion, it seems to me that both
concern and resources are focused too
much on the protection of wild animals
and birds in this modern world.
265 words
on a large scale: in a big way; in this
case so that a lot of people see it on FB
infrastructure: things that are needed
for people to do other things, like roads,
railways, phone lines, plumbing
preserve: to save something
expenditure for: money spent on
unnecessary: not necessary; to express
that you don’t need to do something
funds should be raised: to raise funds
means to collect money for some cause
a waste of money: to spend money in a
frivolous or not good way
focused on: to put your attention on one
2. (01/08/2015): The world natural resources are being consumed at an ever-
increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?
It is true that the world is experiencing
the problem of the overconsumption of
natural resources. This has resulted
overconsumption [noun]: the act of
using too much energy, food or
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in serious consequences which should be
addressed urgently.
This unsustainable growth in the
exploitation of natural resources has
already had some damaging impacts,
both on the environment and on
communities. In environmental terms,
contamination of land, air and water
has reached alarming levels owing to
dependence on fossil fuels to meet
growing energy demands. For
instance,coal is the main source of
energy in China and Australia. The
burning of coal and oil result in air
pollution and global warming, through
the release of greenhouse gases. In
social terms, forest destruction results in
a shortage of timber and commercial
over-fishing devastates fish stocks.
These environmental problems then
impact on local communities and
fishing villages like Napflio in Greece,
for example, threatening jobs and
traditional ways of life.
It is evident, therefore, that some
immediate measures should be taken by
governments to tackle such problems.
Firstly, citizens must be encouraged to
use renewable energy sources. In
particular, governments need to increase
investment in alternativesources
including solar power and wind power
to make them
unsustainable [adjective]: that cannot be
continued at the same rate or level.
exploitation [noun]: the use of land, oil
or other natural resources.
contamination [noun]: the process of
making a place dirty by adding a
substance that is dangerous.
global warming [noun]: the increase in
temperature of the atmosphere of the
greenhouse gases [noun]: gases that
cause the temperature of the earth to rise
when they are released into the air.
over-fishing [noun]: catching too many
fish, leaving not enough in the sea for
the numbers to increase quickly.
devastates [verb]: to
completely destroy.
fish stocks [noun]: the supply of fish
available in a particular area of the sea.
renewable energy [noun]: energy that
is controlled carefully or replaced
naturally, so that there is no risk that it
will completely finish.
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viable for public use in years to come.
Secondly, governments should impose
and enforce laws to protect and
conserve natural resources. In this way,
sustainable levels of the use of natural
resources can be determined and those
who exceed these limits or break these
rules can be severely punished.
Traditional fishing communities will be
safeguarded and the timber industry
can be controlled, so that there will
always be a supply of wood for building
houses in the future.
In conclusion, the overconsumption of
natural resources worldwide is already
having major impacts and immediate
measures are called for in order to
mitigate the consequences.
293 words
impose and enforce [verbs]: introduce
new laws and make sure that people
obey them.
safeguarded [verb]: to protect
something or somebody from harm or
called for [phrasal verb]: needed or
mitigate [verb]: make something less
harmful or serious.
3. (14/11/2015) The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.)
is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions?
It is true that global natural resources
such as oil and water are being depleted
at an alarming rate. There are a number
of reasons behind this phenomenon and
several solutions should be adopted to
solve the problem.
depleted [verb]: reduced by a large
amount, so that there is not much left.
phenomenon [noun]: a fact or event
in nature or society that is not fully
adopt [verb]: to accept a suggestion or
a policy.
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There are two primary reasons why the
world’s resources are being
overexploited. [1] Firstly, developing
countries nowadays are heavily
dependent on natural resources to drive
their economy, especially in
transportation and energy fields. As
their citizens are getting wealthier, their
demand for energy consumption is
increasing to the level of demand in
developed countries, in terms of gas for
cars, and electricity for bigger homes
and offices. [2] Secondly, it is easier to
use natural resources rather than
spending money to develop and convert
sustainable alternatives, like solar or
wind energy. Politicians fear to risk
unpopularity by raising energy prices to
fund such developments.
Some measures should be taken to
mitigate the problem of
overconsumption of these resources. [1]
One step is that governments must
impose a higher tax on the use of natural
resources to reduce the demand. By
raising tax, people’s pockets are
affected directly, thus, they will use
these resources more responsibly. For
example, water meters should be
installed in homes and workplaces. [2]
Another essential measure is to develop
and introduce renewable sources like
solar or wind energy as alternatives..
These clean energies not only minimize
drive [verb]: to influence something
and cause it to move in a certain
sustainable [adjective]: involving the
use of natural products or energy in a
way that does not harm the
renewable [adjective]: replaced
naturally or controlled carefully to
ensure that something is never
completely destroyed.
minimize [verb]: to reduce something
especially something bad to the
lowest possible level.
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human reliance on the Earth’s natural
resources but also help protect the
environment. [3]
Furthermore, individuals must be
educated to use vital resources sparingly
and wisely. Even simple things like not
leaving taps running or leaving lights
switched on unnecessarily can all help
reduce consumption.
In conclusion, the overuse of the
world’s resources is a big problem for
all countries and solutions should be
implemented urgently to tackle this
293 words
sparingly [adverb]: in a way that is
careful only to use a little of something.
leaving taps running: [verb phrase] in
the kitchen or bathroom, we leave taps
running when we do not close them and
the water continues to come out.
implement [verb]: to make something
that has been officially decided start to
4. (24/09/2016) Many countries use fossil fuels such as coal or oil as the main
sources of energy. However, in some countries the use of alternative sources of
energy is encouraged. Do you think this a positive or negative development?
As a result of the environmental
problems which have resulted from
traditional dependence on fossil fuels,
some countries have invested in
alternative energy sources. Although
there are some dangers in this new
approach, I believe that the benefits
outweigh the drawbacks.
On the one hand, there are certainly
dependence [on] [noun]: the state of
needing something in order to survive or
be successful
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some negative consequences of
increasing reliance on alternative
energy sources. Perhaps the main
concern is the issue of safety. Nuclear
power is criticized for its potential to
pollute the environment, and incidents
such as the disaster at Fukushima
Daiichi in Japan remind the public of the
dangers of nuclear plants. The
poisonous and radioactive emissions
produced by the explosion not only
killed many people, but also left a
legacy of cancer deaths for the future.
Another energy source, wind power, is
criticized for a different reason. For
example, many local communities
oppose the installation of wind farms
because they may affect the landscape
and create too much noise from their
On the other hand, the key factor is that
alternative energy sources do not cause
as much pollution as the burning of
fossil fuels, such as oil or coal. Firstly,
green power sources are eco-friendly
and do not contribute to air pollution.
As there are no carbon emissions,
problems of climate change and poor air
quality can be tackled by increasing use
of alternative energy. Secondly, wind
and solar power are both renewable
sources of energy. Instead of depending
on fossil fuels, which are becoming
exhausted, the use of
reliance [on] [noun]: a synonym for
‘dependence on
nuclear plants [noun]: a factory or
place where power is produced
radioactive [adjective]: sending out
harmful rays when atoms are broken up
emissions [noun]: substances that are
sent out into the air
legacy [noun]: a situation that exists
now, because of something which
happened in the past
installation [noun]: the act of fixing
something in position, so that it can be
wind farms [noun]: areas of land on
which there are many windmills to
produce electricity
eco-friendly [adjective]: not harmful or
damaging to the environment
contribute [verb]: to be one of the
causes of something
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renewable energy will guarantee a
boundless supply of energy for the
future generation.
In conclusion, I consider that it is
important for governments and the
public to support the use of alternative
energy sources, despite the safety
concerns and other impacts.
289 words
carbon [noun]: a chemical element,
released when coal or oil, for example,
are burned
renewable [adjective]: that is replaced
naturally and is unlikely to be exhausted
boundless [adjective]: without limits,
seeming to have no end
5. The best way to resolve the international environmental problems is to
increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
International experts have proposed
many solutions to tackle global
environmental issues. While raising
fuel prices would be a useful measure to
fight climate change, I disagree that it
would represent the best way to
alleviate environmental problems.
National authorities should raise taxes
on the cost of fuel. By adopting this
policy, governments would almost
certainly ensure that people used their
cars less. Fewer car journeys would
mean a reduction in exhaust emissions.
This would have global consequences,
slowing the process of
to fight climate change: To try to
prevent changes in climate patterns,
such as rainfall, temperature and winds.
to alleviate environmental problems:
to make bad environmental problems
less severe
national authorities: government
organizations acting at a national level
or within a smaller, local area to raise
taxes on: to increase the amount of tax
on something
to adopt policies: to start to use
particular policies
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global warming as the quantity of
greenhouse gases released into the
atmosphere was reduced.In terms of the
depletion of natural resources, world
supplies of oil will not last forever, and
by increasing petrol prices there would
be less dependence on fossil fuels.
Thus, I believe that international
bodies should exert pressure on
countries to raise fuel prices.
However, I would argue that there are
more effective ways to tackle
international environmental problems.
Firstly, from the perspective of transport
policy, introducing restrictions on the
use of private vehicles must be high on
the government agenda in all
countries. For example, the congestion
charge on vehicles in London has
improved air quality. Secondly,
governments must allocate resources
to the development of alternative
energy sources to power motor vehicles
and machinery used in factory
production. Finally, as part of the wider
effort to achieve sustainable
development, international cooperation
to share scientific knowledge and
advances in technology should be a top
priority.This would range across issues
such as the exploitation of renewable
energy, marine
to cut down on emissions: to reduce the
amount of gases sent out into the air
global warming: the process by which
the Earth is getting hotter, as a result of
the greenhouse effect
the greenhouse effect: the natural
process by which the sun warms the
surface of the Earth.
to deplete natural resources: To
reduce the amount of natural resources.
to reduce the dependence/reliance on
fossil fuels: to decrease people’s
consumption of fossil fuels, like oil,
coal or gas.
international bodies: organizations
which operate in many countries
to exert pressure on: to use power to
influence somebody or something
to introduce restrictions on: to limit
what people can do or what can happen
high on the agenda: something which
is among the first things in the list of
actions to be taken
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conservation and the reclamation of
agricultural land, halting the spread of
deserts in places such as sub-Saharan
In conclusion, although raising the cost
of fuel would be a welcome measure,
more effective steps are required to deal
with a wider range of global
environmental tissues.
299 words
congestion charge: an amount of
money that people have to pay for
driving their cars into the centre of some
cities, as a way of stopping the city
centre from becoming too full of
to allocate resources to: to make money
and materials available to do something
alternative energy sources: refers to
any energy source that is an alternative
to fossil fuel to achieve sustainable
development: economic development
that is achieved without depleting
natural resources
to be a government priority:
something which is so important that the
government should deal with it first.
renewable energy: energy is renewable
when it source, like the sun or wind,
cannot be exhausted or can easily be
replaced (like wood, as we can plant
trees for energy)
6. As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road
systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others,
however, think that the user should cover the costs. Discuss and give your
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The growing volume of traffic on the
roads puts road systems under
tremendous pressure with the demand
for new roads and the need to maintain
the existing road infrastructure. While
some people believe that governments
should provide funding to build and
repair roads, I agree with those who
argue that road users must shoulder this
financial responsibility.
On the one hand, there are strong
arguments that governments should be
held accountable for the upkeep and
improvement of allroad systems. In
terms of road safety measures,
investing in transport infrastructure
by installing speed cameras and
introducing traffic calming must be
undertaken by governments. Such
measures will benefit everyone, not only
car owners, and therefore all should
contribute through general taxation to
provide the necessary revenue. From
the perspective of the economy, if the
authorities do not invest in speeding up
journey times, and in easing traffic
flow through road improvements, the
overhead costs of all businesses will
increase, as precious time is wasted in
transporting goods by road.
to provide funding: to give money to
enable something to be done
shoulder [verb] to accept
responsibility for something
to be held accountable for: to consider
somebody to be responsible for
upkeep [noun] the cost or process of
keeping something in good condition
road safety measures: actions to ensure
that roads are made safer
to invest in transport infrastructure:
to spend money on improving roads,
railways, bus and train stations
to install speed cameras: to put
cameras on certain roads to check that
cars are obeying the speed limits
traffic calming: building raised areas on
roads, as a way of making sure that cars
go more slowly
revenue: the money that a government
receives from taxes
the authorities: government
organizations acting at either a national
or local level
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On the other hand, I concur with the view
that road users should pay.
Firstly, this will discourage the growth
of private car use. When motorists have
to pay according to how much they use
their cars, there will be a dramatic
reduction in unnecessary journeys.
Raising taxes on petrol and charging
tolls are two essential measures, along
with a congestion charge as imposed in
London, to reduce rush hour traffic
jams in cities. Secondly, people have to
pay for their consumption of water,
electricity and gas, so roads are no
different from any other public utility.
Governments will then be able to
prioritize expenditure on health and
In conclusion, governments should not
provide public subsidies to maintain
and improve road systems, the user
should be made to pay.
297 words
to speed up journey times: to reduce the
amount of time spent travelling
to ease traffic flow: to enable traffic to
move more easily overhead costs:
regular expenses involved in running a
raising taxes on petrol: increase petrol
toll [noun] money that you pay to use a
particular road or bridge
congestion charge: an amount of
money that people have to pay for
driving their cars into the centres of
some cities rush hour traffic jams: the
time when most people are travelling to
school or to work and so there is too
much traffic on the roads
to prioritize expenditure on: to put the
need to spend money on certain things
to provide public subsidies: to give
government money to reduce the costs
of services or goods in order to keep
prices low
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7. Animal species are becoming extinct as a result of human activities on
land and in sea. Why has this happened? What's the solution?
It is true that many terrestrial and marine
animal species are now endangered as
a result of the actions of humans.
Various forms of environmental
destruction have brought about this
situation, and solutions must be found
and implemented urgently.
The decline in many animal species
stems from pollution or habitat
destruction. Pollution resulting from
human activity is one of the main
reasons why many animals are on the
brink of extinction. Aquatic life, such
as coral reefs, are particularly sensitive
to such irresponsible behaviour as the
dumping of toxic waste into oceans and
rivers. Another important factor is the
environmental degradation caused by
deforestation and the industrialization
of agriculture.
endangered species: plants or animals
that exist only in very small numbers, so
that in future they may disappear
to stem from: to be caused by
habitat destruction: the process that
occurs when a natural habitat, like a
forest or wetland, is changed so
dramatically by humans that plants and
animals which live there.
on the brink of extinction: an animal
or plant which has almost disappeared
from the planet
aquatic life: plants or animals living in
or near water
toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted waste
produced by factories
environmental degradation: the
process or fact of the environment
becoming worse
in the wild: in a natural environment
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Tigers in Indonesia, for example, rarely
survive in the wild following the
clearing of rainforests, and they are now
protected in designated wildlife
reserves where, at least, they have
freedom to roam, to exhibit their
natural behaviour andto breed.
Solutions must be adopted to deal with
this decline in animal species.
Investment in sanitation systems will
help protect water sources on which
humans and animals both depend to
survive. The marine environment must
be cleaned up and international
legislation strictly enforced to prevent
actions such as the discharge of
chemical waste into the sea or the
practice of whaling. In order to save
species from extinction, the
conservation role of zoos must be
prioritized. Many zoos and safari
parks, for example, now have
successful captive breeding
programmes, of which the giant panda
is perhaps the most famous.
Endangered species must be protected
also in their natural habitats through
the elimination of poaching and the
creation of more wildlife reserves.
In conclusion, humans are part of the
animal kingdom and have a moral duty
to save species from extinction by
not controlled by people
wildlife reserves: protected areas for
wild animals
freedom to roam: to be able to walk or
run around an area without restrictions
to exhibit their natural behaviour: to
behave in a natual way, as they would if
they were not in a zoo
sanitation systems: the systems for
taking dirty water and other waste
products away from buildings in order
to protect people's health
to discharge chemical waste: to
dispose of waste products from
chemical processes.
the practice of whaling: the activity of
hunting and killing whales
the conservation role of zoos: the
purpose of zoos in making sure that
species of animals continue to survive
and produce young ones.
safari parks: parks in which animals
can move around freely and visitors
watch them from their cars
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taking steps to curb pollution and
habitat destruction.
297 words
captive breeding programmes: raising
wild animals in zoos in order for them
to produce young
the elimination of poaching: to stop all
illegal hunting of wild animals
the animal kingdom: a category of
living things which comprises all
8. (12/05/2018) Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is
spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better
spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this opinion?
While there is so much human suffering,
the spending of resources to protect wild
animals presents an ethical dilemma.
However, I disagree with the opinion
given, because it is possible to allocate
resources intelligently to benefit both
the animal and the human population.
The protection of wild animals must be
high on the agenda of every individual
citizen and government. Firstly, the red
list of endangered species in increasing
every year. If
an ethical dilemma: a situation in
which a difficult choice has to be made
between two different things, relating to
beliefs about what is morally right and
to allocate resources to: to make
money and materials available to do
to be high on the agenda: to be among
the first things in the list of actions to be
endangered species: plants or animals
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wildlife extinction continues, then
humans may face an ecological crisis
which impacts on their own survival.
For example, if the practice of whaling
is not halted, the ecosystems of our
oceans will be altered forever, and this
may affect fish stocks on which so many
communities depend for a living.
Secondly, protecting wild animals
means protecting the habitats in which
they live, such as rainforests and
wetlands. If habitat destruction is
permitted, climate change will affect
our capacity to produce food to sustain
the growing human population.
The formation of wildlife reserves not
only protects wildlife, it also brings
benefits to communities. In order to
generate revenue for their management
and to eliminate poaching, responsible
ecotourism to observe animals in the
wild can be developed further. This has
been shown to create jobs in such places
as the Serengeti National Park in Africa.
The result is increased prosperity when
local communities, especially in
developing countries, are involved in
the running of wildlife safaris, which
attract visitors to the reserves. Thus, the
application of intelligent strategies
brings benefits for humans and wildlife.
that exist in only very small numbers, so
that in future they may disappear
an ecological crisis: a serious situation
that occurs when the environment of a
species or population changes in a way
that threatens its continued survival
the practice of whaling: the activity of
hunting and killing whales
an ecosystem [noun]: all the plants and
creatures living in an area, considered in
relation to their environment
habitat destruction: the process that
occurs when a natural habitat, like a
forest or wetland, is changed so
dramatically by humans that the plants
and animals which live there can no
longer survive.
wildlife reserves: protected areas for
wild animals
to eliminate poaching: to stop all illegal
hunting of wild animals
ecotourism: organised holidays which
are designed so that tourists damage the
environment as little as possible
in the wild: in a natural environment not
controlled by people
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In conclusion, I disagree with the view
expressed in the statement. It is in the
interest of everyone to protect wildlife,
and creative solutions have shown that
this need not be a drain on scarce
resources. 285 words
running [noun]: the action of operating
or managing something
wildlife safaris: holidays (often in
Africa) to see wild animals
to be a drain on [expression]: a thing
that uses a lot of time, money or energy
9. (28/07/2018) Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end
hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the
environment so it must be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is true that some people contend that
economic growth is the only solution to
the global problems of hunger and
poverty. Others, however, argue for an
end to economic growth in order to
conserve our environment. I agree
completely with this second view.
Those who see economic growth alone
as the sole cure for the tragedy of world
hunger and poverty propose one major
argument. Only the growth of the
economies of the developing countries
will provide the poor with the wealth to
afford the basic necessities of life. The
profits made by
to contend [verb]: to say that
something is true (especially in an
tragedy [noun]: a very sad event or
the basic necessities of life
[expression]: the things which you must
have in order to live and survive
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(31/01/2015) Some people say that too much attention and too many
resources are given in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or
disagree about this opinion?
It is argued that protecting wild animals attracts too much concern: to attract
and birds is drawing/attracting too means to bring to; so in this case you are
much concern and too many resources bringing attention to something
of society. Personally, I totally agree with this point of view.
have paid too much attention to: to
pay attention to means to think about or work on; to address
There are two main reasons why I think
people have paid too much attention have been establishedin order to: to
to the protection of animals. One reason create something or start something is that many
non-governmental with the purpose of doing X
organizations have been established in concerned about: worried about; when
order to protect animals all over the you think about something a lot that
world. However, they are too troubles you concerned about animal-related
activities in many parts of the world.
unreasonable: something that is not
For example, it is unreasonable that reasonable or is ridiculous or
PETA, an animal-protecting (2) outrageous, not appropriate
organization, accused Katy Perry of
using tigers and elephants in her own be shared rapidly: to share quickly, in a
music video ‘Roar’ for commercial speedy way purposes while she did not.
imprisoned: to be put in prison or in a
Furthermore, news about wild animals jail
can be shared rapidly on the Internet.
If a bear is imprisoned somewhere, this widespread: to go from one place to
news will be widespread on social another across space and time lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
networks such as Facebook on a large on a large scale: in a big way; in this scale immediately.
case so that a lot of people see it on FB
In addition, people have also spent too
many resources protecting wild birds. infrastructure: things that are needed
Firstly, a great deal of money is required for people to do other things, like roads,
to carry out any project to protect wild railways, phone lines, plumbing
birds, in which infrastructure and preserve: to save something
research are the two most expensive.
The more difficult research to preserve expenditure for: money spent on
the DNA of wild birds is, the more it something
costs. Secondly, the expenditure for
this protection is quite unnecessary to unnecessary: not necessary; to express
some extent. While funds should be that you don’t need to do something
raised to improve the living standards
in some regions, investment in bird funds should be raised: to raise funds
means to collect money for some cause
protection appears to be a waste of money.
a waste of money: to spend money in a frivolous or not good way
In conclusion, it seems to me that both
concern and resources are focused too focused on: to put your attention on one
much on the protection of wild animals thing
and birds in this modern world. 265 words 2.
(01/08/2015): The world natural resources are being consumed at an ever-
increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do? Essay:
overconsumption [noun]: the act of
It is true that the world is experiencing using too much energy, food or
the problem of the overconsumption of materials.
natural resources. This has resulted lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
in serious consequences which should be addressed urgently.
unsustainable [adjective]: that cannot be
This unsustainable growth in the continued at the same rate or level.
exploitation of natural resources has
already had some damaging impacts, exploitation [noun]: the use of land, oil
both on the environment and on or other natural resources.
communities. In environmental terms,
contamination of land, air and water
has reached alarming levels owing to
dependence on fossil fuels to meet contamination [noun]: the process of
growing energy demands. For making a place dirty by adding a
instance,coal is the main source of substance that is dangerous.
energy in China and Australia. The
burning of coal and oil result in air global warming [noun]: the increase in
pollution and global warming, through temperature of the atmosphere of the
the release of greenhouse gases. In earth.
social terms, forest destruction results in
a shortage of timber and commercial
over-fishing devastates fish stocks. greenhouse gases [noun]: gases that
These environmental problems then cause the temperature of the earth to rise
impact on local communities and when they are released into the air.
fishing villages like Napflio in Greece, over-fishing [noun]: catching too many
for example, threatening jobs and fish, leaving not enough in the sea for traditional ways of life.
the numbers to increase quickly. devastates [verb]: to
It is evident, therefore, that some completely destroy.
immediate measures should be taken by fish stocks [noun]: the supply of fish
governments to tackle such problems. available in a particular area of the sea.
Firstly, citizens must be encouraged to renewable energy [noun]: energy that
use renewable energy sources. In is controlled carefully or replaced
particular, governments need to increase naturally, so that there is no risk that it investment in
alternativesources will completely finish.
including solar power and wind power to make them lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
viable for public use in years to come.
Secondly, governments should impose impose and enforce [verbs]: introduce
and enforce laws to protect and new laws and make sure that people
conserve natural resources. In this way, obey them.
sustainable levels of the use of natural
resources can be determined and those
who exceed these limits or break these safeguarded [verb]: to protect
rules can be severely punished. something or somebody from harm or loss.
Traditional fishing communities will be
safeguarded and the timber industry
can be controlled, so that there will called for [phrasal verb]: needed or
always be a supply of wood for building required. houses in the future.
mitigate [verb]: make something less
In conclusion, the overconsumption of harmful or serious.
natural resources worldwide is already
having major impacts and immediate
measures are called for in order to
mitigate the consequences. 293 words 3.
(14/11/2015) The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc.)
is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions? Essay:
It is true that global natural resources depleted [verb]: reduced by a large
such as oil and water are being depleted amount, so that there is not much left.
at an alarming rate. There are a number
of reasons behind this phenomenon and phenomenon [noun]: a fact or event –
several solutions should be adopted to in nature or society – that is not fully solve the problem. understood.
adopt [verb]: to accept a suggestion or a policy. lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
There are two primary reasons why the world’s resources are being
overexploited. [1] Firstly, developing drive [verb]: to influence something countries nowadays are
heavily and cause it to move in a certain
dependent on natural resources to drive direction. their economy, especially in
transportation and energy fields. As
their citizens are getting wealthier, their
demand for energy consumption is
increasing to the level of demand in
developed countries, in terms of gas for sustainable [adjective]: involving the
cars, and electricity for bigger homes use of natural products or energy in a
and offices. [2] Secondly, it is easier to way that does not harm the
use natural resources rather than environment.
spending money to develop and convert
sustainable alternatives, like solar or
wind energy. Politicians fear to risk
unpopularity by raising energy prices to renewable [adjective]: replaced fund such developments.
naturally or controlled carefully to
ensure that something is never completely destroyed.
Some measures should be taken to mitigate the problem of
overconsumption of these resources. [1] minimize [verb]: to reduce something
One step is that governments must – especially something bad – to the
impose a higher tax on the use of natural lowest possible level.
resources to reduce the demand. By
raising tax, people’s pockets are
affected directly, thus, they will use
these resources more responsibly. For
example, water meters should be
installed in homes and workplaces. [2]
Another essential measure is to develop
and introduce renewable sources like
solar or wind energy as alternatives..
These clean energies not only minimize lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
human reliance on the Earth’s natural
resources but also help protect the
sparingly [adverb]: in a way that is environment. [3]
careful only to use a little of something.
Furthermore, individuals must be
educated to use vital resources sparingly
and wisely. Even simple things like not leaving taps running: [verb phrase] in
leaving taps running or leaving lights
the kitchen or bathroom, we leave taps
switched on unnecessarily can all help running when we do not close them and
the water continues to come out. reduce consumption.
implement [verb]: to make something
In conclusion, the overuse of the that has been officially decided start to
world’s resources is a big problem for happen.
all countries and solutions should be
implemented urgently to tackle this issue. 293 words 4.
(24/09/2016) Many countries use fossil fuels such as coal or oil as the main
sources of energy. However, in some countries the use of alternative sources of
energy is encouraged. Do you think this a positive or negative development?
As a result of the environmental
problems which have resulted from
traditional dependence on fossil fuels, dependence [on] [noun]: the state of
some countries have invested in needing something in order to survive or
alternative energy sources. Although be successful
there are some dangers in this new
approach, I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
On the one hand, there are certainly lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 some negative consequences of
increasing reliance on alternative reliance [on] [noun]: a synonym for
energy sources. Perhaps the main ‘dependence on’
concern is the issue of safety. Nuclear
power is criticized for its potential to nuclear plants [noun]: a factory or
pollute the environment, and incidents place where power is produced
such as the disaster at Fukushima
Daiichi in Japan remind the public of the radioactive [adjective]: sending out
dangers of nuclear plants. The harmful rays when atoms are broken up
poisonous and radioactive emissions
produced by the explosion not only
killed many people, but also left a emissions [noun]: substances that are
legacy of cancer deaths for the future. sent out into the air
Another energy source, wind power, is
criticized for a different reason. For legacy [noun]: a situation that exists
example, many local communities now, because of something which
oppose the installation of wind farms happened in the past
because they may affect the landscape
and create too much noise from their generators.
installation [noun]: the act of fixing
something in position, so that it can be used
On the other hand, the key factor is that
alternative energy sources do not cause wind farms [noun]: areas of land on
as much pollution as the burning of which there are many windmills to
fossil fuels, such as oil or coal. Firstly, produce electricity
green power sources are eco-friendly
and do not contribute to air pollution.
As there are no carbon emissions, eco-friendly [adjective]: not harmful or
problems of climate change and poor air damaging to the environment
quality can be tackled by increasing use
of alternative energy. Secondly, wind contribute [verb]: to be one of the
and solar power are both renewable causes of something
sources of energy. Instead of depending
on fossil fuels, which are becoming exhausted, the use of lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
renewable energy will guarantee a carbon [noun]: a chemical element,
boundless supply of energy for the released when coal or oil, for example, future generation. are burned
In conclusion, I consider that it is
renewable [adjective]: that is replaced
important for governments and the
naturally and is unlikely to be exhausted
public to support the use of alternative
energy sources, despite the safety
boundless [adjective]: without limits, concerns and other impacts. seeming to have no end 289 words 5.
The best way to resolve the international environmental problems is to
increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Essay:
to fight climate change: To try to
prevent changes in climate patterns,
International experts have proposed such as rainfall, temperature and winds.
many solutions to tackle global
environmental issues. While raising
fuel prices would be a useful measure to to alleviate environmental problems:
fight climate change, I disagree that it to make bad environmental problems
would represent the best way to less severe
alleviate environmental problems. national authorities: government
organizations acting at a national level
National authorities should raise taxes or within a smaller, local area to raise
the cost of fuel. By adopting this taxes on: to increase the amount of tax
policy, governments would almost on something
certainly ensure that people used their
cars less. Fewer car journeys would to adopt policies: to start to use
mean a reduction in exhaust emissions. particular policies
This would have global consequences, slowing the process of lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
global warming as the quantity of
greenhouse gases released into the
atmosphere was reduced.In terms of the to cut down on emissions: to reduce the
depletion of natural resources, world amount of gases sent out into the air
supplies of oil will not last forever, and
by increasing petrol prices there would global warming: the process by which
be less dependence on fossil fuels. the Earth is getting hotter, as a result of
Thus, I believe that international the greenhouse effect
bodies should exert pressure on
countries to raise fuel prices.
the greenhouse effect: the natural
process by which the sun warms the
However, I would argue that there are surface of the Earth.
more effective ways to tackle
international environmental problems. to deplete natural resources: To
Firstly, from the perspective of transport
policy, introducing restrictions on the reduce the amount of natural resources.
use of private vehicles must be high on to reduce the dependence/reliance on
the government agenda
in all fossil fuels: to decrease people’s
countries. For example, the congestion consumption of fossil fuels, like oil,
charge on vehicles in London has coal or gas. improved air quality. Secondly,
governments must allocate resources international bodies: organizations
to the development of alternative which operate in many countries
energy sources to power motor vehicles
and machinery used in factory to exert pressure on: to use power to
production. Finally, as part of the wider influence somebody or something effort to achieve sustainable
development, international cooperation to introduce restrictions on: to limit
to share scientific knowledge and what people can do or what can happen
advances in technology should be a top
This would range across issues high on the agenda: something which
such as the exploitation of renewable is among the first things in the list of energy, marine actions to be taken lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
conservation and the reclamation of
agricultural land, halting the spread of
deserts in places such as sub-Saharan congestion charge: an amount of Africa.
money that people have to pay for
driving their cars into the centre of some
cities, as a way of stopping the city
In conclusion, although raising the cost centre from becoming too full of
of fuel would be a welcome measure, traffic
more effective steps are required to deal
with a wider range of global to allocate resources to: to make money environmental tissues.
and materials available to do something 299 words
alternative energy sources: refers to
any energy source that is an alternative
to fossil fuel to achieve sustainable
: economic development
that is achieved without depleting natural resources
to be a government priority:
something which is so important that the
government should deal with it first.
renewable energy: energy is renewable
when it source, like the sun or wind,
cannot be exhausted or can easily be
replaced (like wood, as we can plant trees for energy) 6.
As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road
systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others,
however, think that the user should cover the costs. Discuss and give your opinion. lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Essay:
to provide funding: to give money to enable something to be done
The growing volume of traffic on the roads puts road systems under
tremendous pressure with the demand shoulder [verb] to accept
for new roads and the need to maintain responsibility for something
the existing road infrastructure. While
some people believe that governments
to be held accountable for: to consider
should provide funding to build and
somebody to be responsible for
repair roads, I agree with those who something
argue that road users must shoulder this financial responsibility.
upkeep [noun] the cost or process of
keeping something in good condition
On the one hand, there are strong
arguments that governments should be road safety measures: actions to ensure
held accountable for the upkeep and that roads are made safer
improvement of allroad systems. In
terms of road safety measures,
investing in transport infrastructure to invest in transport infrastructure:
to spend money on improving roads,
by installing speed cameras and railways, bus and train stations
introducing traffic calming must be
undertaken by governments. Such
measures will benefit everyone, not only to install speed cameras: to put
car owners, and therefore all should cameras on certain roads to check that
contribute through general taxation to cars are obeying the speed limits
provide the necessary revenue. From
the perspective of the economy, if the traffic calming: building raised areas on
authorities do not invest in speeding up roads, as a way of making sure that cars
journey times, and in easing traffic go more slowly
flow through road improvements, the
overhead costs of all businesses will revenue: the money that a government
increase, as precious time is wasted in receives from taxes transporting goods by road. the authorities: government
organizations acting at either a national or local level lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
On the other hand, I concur with the view that road users should pay.
Firstly, this will discourage the growth
of private car use. When motorists have
to pay according to how much they use to speed up journey times: to reduce the
their cars, there will be a dramatic amount of time spent travelling
reduction in unnecessary journeys.
Raising taxes on petrol and charging to ease traffic flow: to enable traffic to
tolls are two essential measures, along move more easily overhead costs:
with a congestion charge as imposed in regular expenses involved in running a
London, to reduce rush hour traffic business
jams in cities. Secondly, people have to
pay for their consumption of water, raising taxes on petrol: increase petrol
electricity and gas, so roads are no prices
different from any other public utility.
Governments will then be able to
prioritize expenditure on health and toll [noun] money that you pay to use a education.
particular road or bridge
In conclusion, governments should not congestion charge: an amount of
provide public subsidies to maintain money that people have to pay for
driving their cars into the centres of
and improve road systems, the user some cities rush hour traffic jams: the should be made to pay.
time when most people are travelling to 297 words
school or to work and so there is too much traffic on the roads
to prioritize expenditure on: to put the
need to spend money on certain things first
to provide public subsidies: to give
government money to reduce the costs
of services or goods in order to keep prices low lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 7.
Animal species are becoming extinct as a result of human activities on
land and in sea. Why has this happened? What's the solution? Essay:
It is true that many terrestrial and marine endangered species: plants or animals
animal species are now endangered as that exist only in very small numbers, so
that in future they may disappear
a result of the actions of humans. forever.
Various forms of environmental to stem from: to be caused by
destruction have brought about this
situation, and solutions must be found habitat destruction: the process that and implemented urgently.
occurs when a natural habitat, like a
forest or wetland, is changed so
dramatically by humans that plants and
The decline in many animal species animals which live there.
stems from pollution or habitat
destruction. Pollution resulting from
human activity is one of the main on the brink of extinction: an animal
reasons why many animals are on the or plant which has almost disappeared
brink of extinction. Aquatic life, such from the planet
as coral reefs, are particularly sensitive
to such irresponsible behaviour as the aquatic life: plants or animals living in
dumping of toxic waste into oceans and or near water
rivers. Another important factor is the
environmental degradation caused by
deforestation and the industrialization toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted waste of agriculture. produced by factories environmental degradation: the
process or fact of the environment becoming worse
in the wild: in a natural environment lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
Tigers in Indonesia, for example, rarely not controlled by people
survive in the wild following the
clearing of rainforests, and they are now wildlife reserves: protected areas for wild animals
protected in designated wildlife freedom to roam: to be able to walk or
reserves where, at least, they have run around an area without restrictions
freedom to roam, to exhibit their
natural behaviour andto breed.
to exhibit their natural behaviour: to
behave in a natual way, as they would if
Solutions must be adopted to deal with they were not in a zoo
this decline in animal species.
Investment in sanitation systems will
sanitation systems: the systems for
help protect water sources on which
taking dirty water and other waste
humans and animals both depend to
products away from buildings in order
survive. The marine environment must to protect people's health
be cleaned up and international
legislation strictly enforced to prevent
actions such as the discharge of
to discharge chemical waste: to
chemical waste into the sea or the
dispose of waste products from
practice of whaling. In order to save chemical processes.
species from extinction, the
conservation role of zoos must be
the practice of whaling: the activity of
prioritized. Many zoos and safari hunting and killing whales
parks, for example, now have
successful captive breeding
, of which the giant panda the conservation role of zoos: the is perhaps the most famous.
purpose of zoos in making sure that
Endangered species must be protected species of animals continue to survive and produce young ones.
also in their natural habitats through
the elimination of poaching and the
creation of more wildlife reserves.
safari parks: parks in which animals
In conclusion, humans are part of the can move around freely and visitors
animal kingdom and have a moral duty watch them from their cars
to save species from extinction by lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
taking steps to curb pollution and
captive breeding programmes: raising habitat destruction.
wild animals in zoos in order for them to produce young 297 words
the elimination of poaching: to stop all
illegal hunting of wild animals
the animal kingdom: a category of
living things which comprises all animals 8.
(12/05/2018) Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is
spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better
spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion
? Essay:
an ethical dilemma: a situation in
which a difficult choice has to be made
While there is so much human suffering, between two different things, relating to
the spending of resources to protect wild beliefs about what is morally right and
animals presents an ethical dilemma. wrong
However, I disagree with the opinion
given, because it is possible to allocate
intelligently to benefit both to allocate resources to: to make
money and materials available to do
the animal and the human population. something
The protection of wild animals must be to be high on the agenda: to be among
high on the agenda of every individual the first things in the list of actions to be
citizen and government. Firstly, the red taken
list of endangered species in increasing every year. If
endangered species: plants or animals lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
wildlife extinction continues, then that exist in only very small numbers, so
humans may face an ecological crisis that in future they may disappear
which impacts on their own survival. forever
For example, if the practice of whaling an ecological crisis: a serious situation
is not halted, the ecosystems of our that occurs when the environment of a
oceans will be altered forever, and this species or population changes in a way
may affect fish stocks on which so many that threatens its continued survival
communities depend for a living. the practice of whaling: the activity of
Secondly, protecting wild animals hunting and killing whales
means protecting the habitats in which
they live, such as rainforests and
wetlands. If habitat destruction is an ecosystem [noun]: all the plants and
permitted, climate change will affect creatures living in an area, considered in
relation to their environment
our capacity to produce food to sustain the growing human population.
habitat destruction: the process that
occurs when a natural habitat, like a
forest or wetland, is changed so
dramatically by humans that the plants
The formation of wildlife reserves not and animals which live there can no
only protects wildlife, it also brings longer survive.
benefits to communities. In order to
generate revenue for their management wildlife reserves: protected areas for
and to eliminate poaching, responsible wild animals
ecotourism to observe animals in the to eliminate poaching: to stop all illegal
wild can be developed further. This has hunting of wild animals
been shown to create jobs in such places
as the Serengeti National Park in Africa. ecotourism: organised holidays which
The result is increased prosperity when are designed so that tourists damage the
local communities, especially in environment as little as possible
developing countries, are involved in
the running of wildlife safaris, which in the wild: in a natural environment not
attract visitors to the reserves. Thus, the controlled by people
application of intelligent strategies
brings benefits for humans and wildlife. lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
running [noun]: the action of operating or managing something
In conclusion, I disagree with the view
expressed in the statement. It is in the
interest of everyone to protect wildlife, wildlife safaris: holidays (often in
and creative solutions have shown that Africa) to see wild animals
this need not be a drain on scarce resources. 285 words
to be a drain on [expression]: a thing
that uses a lot of time, money or energy 9.
(28/07/2018) Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end
hunger and poverty, while others say that economic growth is damaging the
environment so it must be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is true that some people contend that to contend [verb]: to say that
something is true (especially in an
economic growth is the only solution to argument)
the global problems of hunger and
poverty. Others, however, argue for an
end to economic growth in order to
conserve our environment. I agree tragedy [noun]: a very sad event or
completely with this second view. situation
Those who see economic growth alone the basic necessities of life
as the sole cure for the tragedy of world [expression]: the things which you must
hunger and poverty propose one major have in order to live and survive
argument. Only the growth of the
economies of the developing countries
will provide the poor with the wealth to
afford the basic necessities of life. The profits made by