The Final - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

The Final - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Which personality type best describes you? Explain.
I believe that I am a pretty hard-working person. I always finish my deadlines on time. I have
to balance between attending university and working part-time. So, I never waste time at work
and always try my best to earn a good income for living expenses. Besides, my friends told
me that I am a friendly person. Maybe I always wear an affectionate smile when I am talking
with everyone. And I really enjoy socializing with new friends and participating in school
activities because I want to learn more knowledge, and experience from everyone.
2. Are you a pessimist, optimist, or realist? Why?
I think I am a realist because I don't mind whether it's good or bad. I only focus on practical
things. I always think of all the ways to solve the problem. For example, When I hear the
news about crime or disaster makes me realize that bad things happen. But sometimes, I am a
little pessimistic. For example, when my boss called me, I was like, " What did I do wrong?
3. Talk about a person has an apposite personality to you.
There is a person named Hau, she has the opposite personality to mine. She is an annoying
pain in the neck. She talks too much and drives me crazy. Moreover, she is an optimist
because she doesn’t care what is happening or even the results. She always thinks things will
get better day by day.
4. world problem
Currently there are many global problems such as crime and political corruption, but the
problem I am most concerned about is environmental pollution. The biggest cause of
environmental pollution is humans. Many people are still unaware of the importance of the
environmental crisis. They throw trash on the streets, on the beach or wherever they can
conveniently throw trash. This leads to serious consequences for our living environment.
First, many people suffer from cancer, pneumonia, cardiovascular disease... Second,
environmental pollution affects the economy. For example, most beaches have plastic trash
from tourists. This causes beaches to lose their aesthetic beauty. However, there are some
ways to protect the living environment such as educating awareness about environmental
consequences, planting more trees and reducing agricultural output
1. Lợi ích âm nhạc mang lại là gì
Reduce stress and anxiety: Listening to music can help reduce stress and anxiety levels,
helping the body and mood to relax more.
Improves mood: Music can stimulate the production of happy hormones such as endorphins,
serotonin, and dopamine, which help improve mood and reduce feelings of boredom.
Improve sleep: Listening to soft and soothing music before bed can help reduce stress, create
a calm environment, and improve sleep quality.
Promotes concentration and creativity: Music can stimulate the brain, helping to enhance
concentration and creativity.
2. Describe how you’re been enjoying the arts
When I'm sad or feel tired or exhausted, I listen to music because it can help me…. Music
plays a pretty big part in my life. In the morning, I often turn on the music when I wake
up. Listening to music in the morning makes me feel excited and full of energy to go to
3. Ca sĩ thích nhất
Nguyen Thi Hoa, also known as Hoa Minzy, is one of the most popular singers in
Vietnam. She is a gifted singer and a real sweetheart. She always wears an affectionate
smile and is helpful to everyone at work. Hoa Minzy is also very outgoing, and not at all
shy. She loves meeting and chatting with new people.
Besides her identity as a singer, she is also an actor and MC. I like her mostly because of
her distinguishable and remarkable vocals. The lyrics and music are catchy and whenever
I listen to her songs, it helps me unwind after work. She is deeply passionate about music,
her songs are often written about broken love. Because she faced many difficulties in love,
her music is so sentimental. But it is said that, at times, she could be quite moody. For
example, at the party, she energetically talked to everyone, but when someone reminded
her about love, her feelings changed completely. She is such a singer who can amuse me
with most of her songs. Because of the rich lyrics and pleasant voice, he has become my
favorite singer.
4. Ko thích ban nhạc
What I really don’t like is traditional music. The lyrics has a little offensive and weird.
Many people say that their music is so silly and take the cake.
5. Bài hát thay đổi bản thân
I love listening to music and there is a song that changed me. It's a Talor Swift song called
" The best day". The lyrics are composed very meaningfully. The lyrics show us that we
need to be determined to overcome obstacles to achieve our goals in life. I think this song
not only brings positive energy to myself but also to many others. I consider this song not
only a song but a lesson for me. Almost I really like all of her songs, it makes me relax,
unwind, and release stress after work. When I hear her song with a danceable beat, I want
to get up and move to the music. So I think music plays a big part in my life.
1. Talk about financial goals and plans
I have a short-term goals is saving money for vacation.
I have some ways to manage financial responsibilities. To begin with, I found a part-time
job to increase my income and spend less than I earn. For example, I just buy some things
that are necessary for me, I don't buy impulse items. Following that, I often keep track of
my expenses. I usually take note of things that I bought, and until the end of the month, I
will check the list to analyze and calculate things that I spent too much. As a final point,
I've saved a little for a rain day, like getting sick and facing many obstacles in my life.
2. Explain reasons for charitable giving
3. 1 tổ chức từ thiện mà mn nên quyên góp
"Save the Children", a charity dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged
children around the world. By donating or volunteering for this cause, you contribute
to initiatives focused on education, healthcare and the protection of children facing
adversity. Your support can provide access to quality education, health care and
protection from harm for vulnerable children in many parts of the world. When the
children receive a lot of contributions from you, they will feel very happy and better.
This will make society change for the better.
4. Describe a purchase you made that you later regretted:
A few months ago, I decided to buy a high-end digital camera impulsively. I had been
dreaming of pursuing photography as a hobby, and the marketing for this particular
camera convinced me it was the best choice. Excitedly, I made the purchase without
thoroughly researching other options or considering my actual photography needs.
As I started using the camera, I realized it was far more advanced than what I required as a
beginner. The multitude of features and settings were overwhelming, and I found myself
struggling to capture decent shots. Additionally, the camera was bulky and not very portable,
making it inconvenient for casual use.
1. Talk about changes in clothing customs
Customs are a part of our lives because they make us more confident to go outside.
However, clothes have changed through the years. In the old days, the retires are
extremely varied and unique. For example, many women wore a loud dress or shirt
combined with jeans when they went outside to meet someone or party. In addition,
Saigon women in the 60s loved to shop and dress up. They are skillful in choosing
outfits with elegant patterns and monochrome colors to create an elegant and luxurious
look. Their outfit in the past was quite formal, modest, and sometimes a little bit
flashy. But now, few people wear like that. Plenty of people have changed to be
trendy, their outfits are fashionable and funky. However, the continuous development
in youth fashion has led to rapid changes in some costume designs that are suitable for
traditional customs. Several young women like to wear sexy styles such as V-neck
shirts, low-cut cocktail dress, etc. It looks immodest, inappropriate, and easy to give
them a second thought.
2. Examine questionable cosmetic procedures
- Are there any cosmetic procedures you think should be illegal? explain
I don't have a personal opinion, but I think breast augmentation…. Breast
augmentation surgery brings many risks. Silicone breast pumps can cause diseases
such as: inflammation, arthritis, chronic fever... Besides, consequences such as scars
around the chest, bleeding in the chest, infections and many other complications
otherwise it is unavoidable.
First, Safe and Effective: Procedures that lack scientific evidence demonstrating their
safety and effectiveness should be carefully examined
3. Mặc đẹp có lợi gì
about communication, costumes also affect confidence. When a person wearing
elegant clothes will be more confident than an inadequate dresser and get a better job
done. Wearing clothes in the right context will convince people to face more,
which is especially important in business communication.
For example, when you apply for a job, between the person who wear elegant clothes
and the person wearing frumpy clothes, of course the employer will choose the person
who wear formal clothes.So, The right outfit makes you feel more noticed.
1. Hành vi làm phiền mọi người ở nơi công cộng
There are a lot of annoying behaviors for everyone in public places. For example, In
restaurant, smoking and spitting on the floor, it really stick everyone off because it’s
unhygienic. Or in movie theaters, people forget to turn off their phones during the
movie. Not only is it distracting to another person, but it’s also bugs audience.
2. Làm thế nào bảo vệ cộng đồng
- Plant flowers or trế where there aren’t any.
- Clean up litter: pick up trash from parks, playground, or the street. I hate seeing
trash on the ground. It makes our community look so ugly
- If we have free time, the best ways to make the community more meaningful is to
volunteer, raise money for a charity or donate blood.
3. Cách tránh trở thành nạn nhân of urban crime
The best way to avoid being the victim of the crime doesn’t tempt criminals.
Wearing valuable jewelry or outstanding clothes, and going out alone at night are
things that shouldn't do. Because purse snatcher, pickpocket will easily steal
valuable items and they can harm you. Try to be careful and upgrade your attention
to protect yourself .
1. Animal treatments
Supporters of animal testing, including many scientific and medical organizations,
argue that it is necessary for developing and testing new medical treatments, drugs,
and vaccines. They claim that animal research has contributed to significant medical
advancements, improved human health, and saved lives. Additionally, they emphasize
that strict regulations and ethical guidelines are in place to minimize animal suffering.
Supporters of animal testing acknowledge the importance of developing and
implementing alternative methods that reduce the need for animal experimentation.
However, they argue that, as of now, these alternatives cannot completely replace the
insights gained from studying whole, living organisms.
1. Do you think advertising is essential in life? Talk about the effects that advertisements
have in our life. Describe one of the advertisements that gets on your nerves or that
you find interesting.
Answer :
I think advertising maybe important in life, Effect that advertisements
in our life is mixed blessing both positive and negative. Some positive
advertising bring to is: it inform people about price, benefit and many of
product, it educate people about social issues, emergency situation
through video that raise awareness about potential dangers.Besides
is: it attract attention people and make them buy it, some time product
advertising is very different
For example, when shopping online, you maybe receive a product that is
significantly different from what was advertised in term of its quality,
quantity or color.
Ví dụ quảng cáo thu hút bạn: I think a Iphone 15 advertisement would be
like this: It starts with visually appealing images that catch my attention.
An exciting headline creates curiosity. Then it provides information about
the features and benefits of product. The message is delivered confidently.
Finally, the advertisement ends with a clear call to action like 'buy now' or
'place your order today'.
U8 :
1. If you could give advice to parents on how to handle their children,
what would
it be? Why?
If I can give advice to parents I just suggest them only should use speech
handle their children. But don’t use some bad word instead use advice to
talk with them. It is important to communicate and explain gently with
their children. When you speak gently, your child will be more easily
receptive. Avoid violence and raising your voice too loudly because your
child may feel scared and might not be able to comprehend what you are
saying. Sometime should go out with children to show the kids how much
they love them.
2. What is the definition of a good parent (father or mother)? Is it easy
to be a good parent nowadays?
I think no have a definition of a good parent because every parent is good
to their children. Noboby not good with their children. But if you asked to
be a good parent difficult or easy. I think to become a good parent not
easy but also not difficult, parent just care about their children and usually
ask them about learning in school and health or them have a problem in
school. However, I still have some curfew such as when my child go out
with friends, my child have to come home before 10pm
2. Do you prefer to live with an extended family or a nuclear one? Talk
about the
advantages and disadvantages of living with a large family
I think I live in extended family. However, when live in extended family, I
think both have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the pros
and cons of living with a large family. First is advantages : Children can
have the opportunity to learn different values and gain a greater
understanding of tradition and culture when they live with multiple
generations of their family .Children can also learn about caring for their
elders and family members can share responsibilities in terms of childcare,
houseworks and finance. Next is disavantaged : Having more people in the
home can make it difficult for everyone to have their own space, resulting
in less privacy. Disagreements tend to happen more frequently between
family members due to generation gaps.
U9 :
What are some news sources you trust most? Why? What are some news
sources you don't trust? Why not?
Some new source I trust is: In national I usually read a page of VN Express,
In international I usually read BBC news. Because, BBC news is a trusted
source of new with extensive international coverage, delivering
information from all around the world. I trust there source because it very
reputation, the news is very exact and fast… Some news sources I don’t
trust is in Facebook. I usually read a fake news in feed. There are some
fake news or incorrect information with the purpose of deceiving or
spreading misinformation. Always check and verify the sources before
sharing or trusting them.
Are you a big T, a small t or somewhere in the middle? Give examples to
support your answer. Do you think big Ts play an important role in human
progress? Why/ why not
I think I somewhere in the middle. Because I will always consider carefully
before taking any action. I will plan clearly for my goals. And I will remain
calm and think positively to solve problems quickly and effectively.
Sometimes, I will also take risks for my passion. The challenges and risks in
my work help me realize my true passion, leading me to pursue a career that
I love and that aligns with my abilities. I will be determined and persistent in
pursuing my passion, not afraid of difficulties and willing to take risks.
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Preview text:

1. Which personality type best describes you? Explain.
I believe that I am a pretty hard-working person. I always finish my deadlines on time. I have
to balance between attending university and working part-time. So, I never waste time at work
and always try my best to earn a good income for living expenses. Besides, my friends told
me that I am a friendly person. Maybe I always wear an affectionate smile when I am talking
with everyone. And I really enjoy socializing with new friends and participating in school
activities because I want to learn more knowledge, and experience from everyone.
2. Are you a pessimist, optimist, or realist? Why?
I think I am a realist because I don't mind whether it's good or bad. I only focus on practical
things. I always think of all the ways to solve the problem. For example, When I hear the
news about crime or disaster makes me realize that bad things happen. But sometimes, I am a
little pessimistic. For example, when my boss called me, I was like, " What did I do wrong?
3. Talk about a person has an apposite personality to you.
There is a person named Hau, she has the opposite personality to mine. She is an annoying
pain in the neck. She talks too much and drives me crazy. Moreover, she is an optimist
because she doesn’t care what is happening or even the results. She always thinks things will get better day by day. 4. world problem
Currently there are many global problems such as crime and political corruption, but the
problem I am most concerned about is environmental pollution. The biggest cause of
environmental pollution is humans. Many people are still unaware of the importance of the
environmental crisis. They throw trash on the streets, on the beach or wherever they can
conveniently throw trash. This leads to serious consequences for our living environment.
First, many people suffer from cancer, pneumonia, cardiovascular disease... Second,
environmental pollution affects the economy. For example, most beaches have plastic trash
from tourists. This causes beaches to lose their aesthetic beauty. However, there are some
ways to protect the living environment such as educating awareness about environmental
consequences, planting more trees and reducing agricultural output U2:
1. Lợi ích âm nhạc mang lại là gì
Reduce stress and anxiety: Listening to music can help reduce stress and anxiety levels,
helping the body and mood to relax more.
Improves mood: Music can stimulate the production of happy hormones such as endorphins,
serotonin, and dopamine, which help improve mood and reduce feelings of boredom.
Improve sleep: Listening to soft and soothing music before bed can help reduce stress, create
a calm environment, and improve sleep quality.
Promotes concentration and creativity: Music can stimulate the brain, helping to enhance concentration and creativity.
2. Describe how you’re been enjoying the arts
When I'm sad or feel tired or exhausted, I listen to music because it can help me…. Music
plays a pretty big part in my life. In the morning, I often turn on the music when I wake
up. Listening to music in the morning makes me feel excited and full of energy to go to school. 3. Ca sĩ thích nhất
Nguyen Thi Hoa, also known as Hoa Minzy, is one of the most popular singers in
Vietnam. She is a gifted singer and a real sweetheart. She always wears an affectionate
smile and is helpful to everyone at work. Hoa Minzy is also very outgoing, and not at all
shy. She loves meeting and chatting with new people.
Besides her identity as a singer, she is also an actor and MC. I like her mostly because of
her distinguishable and remarkable vocals. The lyrics and music are catchy and whenever
I listen to her songs, it helps me unwind after work. She is deeply passionate about music,
her songs are often written about broken love. Because she faced many difficulties in love,
her music is so sentimental. But it is said that, at times, she could be quite moody. For
example, at the party, she energetically talked to everyone, but when someone reminded
her about love, her feelings changed completely. She is such a singer who can amuse me
with most of her songs. Because of the rich lyrics and pleasant voice, he has become my favorite singer. 4. Ko thích ban nhạc
What I really don’t like is traditional music. The lyrics has a little offensive and weird.
Many people say that their music is so silly and take the cake.
5. Bài hát thay đổi bản thân
I love listening to music and there is a song that changed me. It's a Talor Swift song called
" The best day". The lyrics are composed very meaningfully. The lyrics show us that we
need to be determined to overcome obstacles to achieve our goals in life. I think this song
not only brings positive energy to myself but also to many others. I consider this song not
only a song but a lesson for me. Almost I really like all of her songs, it makes me relax,
unwind, and release stress after work. When I hear her song with a danceable beat, I want
to get up and move to the music. So I think music plays a big part in my life. U3:
1. Talk about financial goals and plans
I have a short-term goals is saving money for vacation.
I have some ways to manage financial responsibilities. To begin with, I found a part-time
job to increase my income and spend less than I earn. For example, I just buy some things
that are necessary for me, I don't buy impulse items. Following that, I often keep track of
my expenses. I usually take note of things that I bought, and until the end of the month, I
will check the list to analyze and calculate things that I spent too much. As a final point,
I've saved a little for a rain day, like getting sick and facing many obstacles in my life.
2. Explain reasons for charitable giving
3. 1 tổ chức từ thiện mà mn nên quyên góp
"Save the Children", a charity dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged
children around the world. By donating or volunteering for this cause, you contribute
to initiatives focused on education, healthcare and the protection of children facing
adversity. Your support can provide access to quality education, health care and
protection from harm for vulnerable children in many parts of the world. When the
children receive a lot of contributions from you, they will feel very happy and better.
This will make society change for the better.
4. Describe a purchase you made that you later regretted:
A few months ago, I decided to buy a high-end digital camera impulsively. I had been
dreaming of pursuing photography as a hobby, and the marketing for this particular
camera convinced me it was the best choice. Excitedly, I made the purchase without
thoroughly researching other options or considering my actual photography needs.
As I started using the camera, I realized it was far more advanced than what I required as a
beginner. The multitude of features and settings were overwhelming, and I found myself
struggling to capture decent shots. Additionally, the camera was bulky and not very portable,
making it inconvenient for casual use. U4:
1. Talk about changes in clothing customs
Customs are a part of our lives because they make us more confident to go outside.
However, clothes have changed through the years. In the old days, the retires are
extremely varied and unique. For example, many women wore a loud dress or shirt
combined with jeans when they went outside to meet someone or party. In addition,
Saigon women in the 60s loved to shop and dress up. They are skillful in choosing
outfits with elegant patterns and monochrome colors to create an elegant and luxurious
look. Their outfit in the past was quite formal, modest, and sometimes a little bit
flashy. But now, few people wear like that. Plenty of people have changed to be
trendy, their outfits are fashionable and funky. However, the continuous development
in youth fashion has led to rapid changes in some costume designs that are suitable for
traditional customs. Several young women like to wear sexy styles such as V-neck
shirts, low-cut cocktail dress, etc. It looks immodest, inappropriate, and easy to give them a second thought.
2. Examine questionable cosmetic procedures -
Are there any cosmetic procedures you think should be illegal? explain
I don't have a personal opinion, but I think breast augmentation…. Breast
augmentation surgery brings many risks. Silicone breast pumps can cause diseases
such as: inflammation, arthritis, chronic fever... Besides, consequences such as scars
around the chest, bleeding in the chest, infections and many other complications otherwise it is unavoidable.
First, Safe and Effective: Procedures that lack scientific evidence demonstrating their
safety and effectiveness should be carefully examined 3. Mặc đẹp có lợi gì
about communication, costumes also affect confidence. When a person wearing
elegant clothes will be more confident than an inadequate dresser and get a better job
done. Wearing clothes in the right context will convince people to face more,
which is especially important in business communication.
For example, when you apply for a job, between the person who wear elegant clothes
and the person wearing frumpy clothes, of course the employer will choose the person
who wear formal clothes.So, The right outfit makes you feel more noticed. U5:
1. Hành vi làm phiền mọi người ở nơi công cộng
There are a lot of annoying behaviors for everyone in public places. For example, In
restaurant, smoking and spitting on the floor, it really stick everyone off because it’s
unhygienic. Or in movie theaters, people forget to turn off their phones during the
movie. Not only is it distracting to another person, but it’s also bugs audience.
2. Làm thế nào bảo vệ cộng đồng -
Plant flowers or trế where there aren’t any. -
Clean up litter: pick up trash from parks, playground, or the street. I hate seeing
trash on the ground. It makes our community look so ugly -
If we have free time, the best ways to make the community more meaningful is to
volunteer, raise money for a charity or donate blood.
3. Cách tránh trở thành nạn nhân of urban crime
The best way to avoid being the victim of the crime doesn’t tempt criminals.
Wearing valuable jewelry or outstanding clothes, and going out alone at night are
things that shouldn't do. Because purse snatcher, pickpocket will easily steal
valuable items and they can harm you. Try to be careful and upgrade your attention to protect yourself . U6: 1. Animal treatments
Supporters of animal testing, including many scientific and medical organizations,
argue that it is necessary for developing and testing new medical treatments, drugs,
and vaccines. They claim that animal research has contributed to significant medical
advancements, improved human health, and saved lives. Additionally, they emphasize
that strict regulations and ethical guidelines are in place to minimize animal suffering.
Supporters of animal testing acknowledge the importance of developing and
implementing alternative methods that reduce the need for animal experimentation.
However, they argue that, as of now, these alternatives cannot completely replace the
insights gained from studying whole, living organisms. U7:
1. Do you think advertising is essential in life? Talk about the effects that advertisements
have in our life. Describe one of the advertisements that gets on your nerves or that you find interesting. Answer :
I think advertising maybe important in life, Effect that advertisements have
in our life is mixed blessing both positive and negative. Some positive
advertising bring to is: it inform people about price, benefit and many of
product, it educate people about social issues, emergency situation
through video that raise awareness about potential dangers.Besides negative
is: it attract attention people and make them buy it, some time product and advertising is very different
For example, when shopping online, you maybe receive a product that is
significantly different from what was advertised in term of its quality, quantity or color.
Ví dụ quảng cáo thu hút bạn: I think a Iphone 15 advertisement would be
like this: It starts with visually appealing images that catch my attention.
An exciting headline creates curiosity. Then it provides information about
the features and benefits of product. The message is delivered confidently.
Finally, the advertisement ends with a clear call to action like 'buy now' or 'place your order today'. U8 :
1. If you could give advice to parents on how to handle their children, what would it be? Why?
If I can give advice to parents I just suggest them only should use speech to
handle their children. But don’t use some bad word instead use advice to
talk with them. It is important to communicate and explain gently with
their children. When you speak gently, your child will be more easily
receptive. Avoid violence and raising your voice too loudly because your
child may feel scared and might not be able to comprehend what you are
saying. Sometime should go out with children to show the kids how much they love them.
2. What is the definition of a good parent (father or mother)? Is it easy to be a good parent nowadays?
I think no have a definition of a good parent because every parent is good
to their children. Noboby not good with their children. But if you asked to
be a good parent difficult or easy. I think to become a good parent not
easy but also not difficult, parent just care about their children and usually
ask them about learning in school and health or them have a problem in
school. However, I still have some curfew such as when my child go out
with friends, my child have to come home before 10pm
2. Do you prefer to live with an extended family or a nuclear one? Talk about the
advantages and disadvantages of living with a large family
I think I live in extended family. However, when live in extended family, I
think both have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the pros
and cons of living with a large family. First is advantages : Children can
have the opportunity to learn different values and gain a greater
understanding of tradition and culture when they live with multiple
generations of their family .Children can also learn about caring for their
elders and family members can share responsibilities in terms of childcare,
houseworks and finance. Next is disavantaged : Having more people in the
home can make it difficult for everyone to have their own space, resulting
in less privacy. Disagreements tend to happen more frequently between
family members due to generation gaps. U9 :
What are some news sources you trust most? Why? What are some news
sources you don't trust? Why not?
Some new source I trust is: In national I usually read a page of VN Express,
In international I usually read BBC news. Because, BBC news is a trusted
source of new with extensive international coverage, delivering
information from all around the world. I trust there source because it very
reputation, the news is very exact and fast… Some news sources I don’t
trust is in Facebook. I usually read a fake news in feed. There are some
fake news or incorrect information with the purpose of deceiving or
spreading misinformation. Always check and verify the sources before sharing or trusting them. U10:
Are you a big T, a small t or somewhere in the middle? Give examples to
support your answer. Do you think big Ts play an important role in human progress? Why/ why not
I think I somewhere in the middle. Because I will always consider carefully
before taking any action. I will plan clearly for my goals. And I will remain
calm and think positively to solve problems quickly and effectively.
Sometimes, I will also take risks for my passion. The challenges and risks in
my work help me realize my true passion, leading me to pursue a career that
I love and that aligns with my abilities. I will be determined and persistent in
pursuing my passion, not afraid of difficulties and willing to take risks.