Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus Unit 7 Puzzles and Games

Xin giới thiệu Soạn Tiếng Anh 7 Friend Plus theo từng Unit các hướng dẫn giải chi tiết cho từng phần trong SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 7 mới, kèm với đó là file nghe giúp các em hiểu bài học dễ dàng hơn.

Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus Unit 7 Puzzles and Games
1. Find nine more music words. Then put them in the correct list.
(Tìm thêm chín t v âm nhạc. Sau đó đưa chúng vào danh sách chính xác.)
Gi ý đáp án
Musical instruments: piano, bass, violin, keyboards, vocals
Types of music: hard rock, pop, rap, classical
2. ALI’S WEEK. Look at the pictures in Ali’s diary for next week. Follow the
(TUN CA ALI. y xem nhng hình nh trong nht ca Ali cho tun ti. Làm
theo ch dn.)
Gi ý đáp án
1. What’s Ali going to doon Monday morning?
He’s going to learn the bass.
2. What’s he going to doon Monday afternoon?
He’s going to practise the bass alone.
3. What’s he going to doon Monday evening?
He’s going to practise the bass with his band.
4. What’s he going to doon Tuesday morning?
He’s going to arrive the airport.
5. What’s he going to doon Tuesday afternoon?
He’s going to check in at the airport and fly to the capital for a music competition.
6. What isn’t he going to doon Tuesday evening?
He isn’t going to eat in a big restaurant.
7. What isn’t he going to doon Wednesday afternoon?
He isn’t going to win the competition.
8. What is he going to doon Wednesday evening?
He’s going to attend a concert.
9. What is he going to doon Thursday?
He’s going to perform on a street.
10. What is he going to doon Friday?
He’s going to receive a ticket for a big concert from a very famous rock star.
3. Use the code to write nouns and adjectives in the correct column.
(S dụng mã để viết danh t và tính t o đúng cột.)
Gi ý đáp án
2. confidence
3. kindnesss
4. fame
4. SCHOOL TRIP ARRANGEMENTS. Work in pairs. Work out the right order
for the school trip and then ask and answer questions about the trip.
(SP XP CHUYẾN ĐI CỦA TRƯNG. Làm vic theo cp. Lp trình t phù hp cho
chuyến đi và sau đó hi và tr li các câu hi v chuyến đi.)
Gi ý đáp án
7:30 Coach leaves school.
9:30 Visit the Natural History Museum.
12:30 Have lunch in a rooftop restaurant.
14:00 Go to see a musical.
17:30 Coach picks up students from the theatre.
19:30 Arrive back at school.
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Preview text:

Tiếng Anh 7 Friends Plus Unit 7 Puzzles and Games
1. Find nine more music words. Then put them in the correct list.
(Tìm thêm chín từ về âm nhạc. Sau đó đưa chúng vào danh sách chính xác.) Gợi ý đáp án
Musical instruments: piano, bass, violin, keyboards, vocals
Types of music: hard rock, pop, rap, classical
2. ALI’S WEEK. Look at the pictures in Ali’s diary for next week. Follow the instructions.
(TUẦN CỦA ALI. Hãy xem những hình ảnh trong nhật ký của Ali cho tuần tới. Làm theo chỉ dẫn.) Gợi ý đáp án
1. What’s Ali going to doon Monday morning?
He’s going to learn the bass.
2. What’s he going to doon Monday afternoon?
He’s going to practise the bass alone.
3. What’s he going to doon Monday evening?
He’s going to practise the bass with his band.
4. What’s he going to doon Tuesday morning?
He’s going to arrive the airport.
5. What’s he going to doon Tuesday afternoon?
He’s going to check in at the airport and fly to the capital for a music competition.
6. What isn’t he going to doon Tuesday evening?
He isn’t going to eat in a big restaurant.
7. What isn’t he going to doon Wednesday afternoon?
He isn’t going to win the competition.
8. What is he going to doon Wednesday evening?
He’s going to attend a concert.
9. What is he going to doon Thursday?
He’s going to perform on a street.
10. What is he going to doon Friday?
He’s going to receive a ticket for a big concert from a very famous rock star.
3. Use the code to write nouns and adjectives in the correct column.
(Sử dụng mã để viết danh từ và tính từ vào đúng cột.) Gợi ý đáp án Nouns Adjectives 1. energetic 2. confidence 3. kindnesss 4. fame 5. weak 6. ambitious
4. SCHOOL TRIP ARRANGEMENTS. Work in pairs. Work out the right order
for the school trip and then ask and answer questions about the trip.

(SẮP XẾP CHUYẾN ĐI CỦA TRƯỜNG. Làm việc theo cặp. Lập trình tự phù hợp cho
chuyến đi và sau đó hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về chuyến đi.) Gợi ý đáp án 7:30 Coach leaves school.
9:30 Visit the Natural History Museum.
12:30 Have lunch in a rooftop restaurant. 14:00 Go to see a musical.
17:30 Coach picks up students from the theatre. 19:30 Arrive back at school.