Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success Unit 3 Project

Trong bài viết này, giới thiệu tới các em Soạn Anh 7 Project Unit 3 Community Service. Sau đây mời các em tham khảo chi tiết.

Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 3 Project
Work in groups.
(Làm vic theo nhóm.)
1. Think about some environmental problems in your neighbourhood.
(Nghĩ v vài vấn đề v môi trường khu vc ca bn.)
2. Discuss and find the answers to the questions.
(Tho lun và tìm các câu tr li cho các câu hi.)
- What problems can you find?
(Vấn đề bn có thm thy là gì?)
- What do you want to do to solve the problems?
(Bn muốn làm gì để gii quyết vấn đề đó?)
- How are you going to do them?
(Bạn định làm chúng như thế nào?)
3. Present them to your class.
(Trình bày chúng trưc lp.)
Gi ý đáp án
Nowsaday, pollution has become one of the most alarming problems in our life. There are
many problems of environmental pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, soil
pollution, noise pollution and deforestation but I think the most serious problem in my
neighbourhood is rubbish. We should reduce the rubbish in the daily activities . Firstly, I
can reuse bottles of milk, juice,….Secondly, I want to collect people and recycle them to
make useful things. Thirdly, I want to join some book festivals and exchange books,
newspapers with others. Finally, I should use reusable things such as paper bags, reusable
bags. So I don’t need to use plastic bags. We can protect the environment with some little
actions. I think everyone can do it to have a better life.
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Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 3 Project Work in groups. (Làm việc theo nhóm.)
1. Think about some environmental problems in your neighbourhood.
(Nghĩ về vài vấn đề về môi trường ở khu vực của bạn.)
2. Discuss and find the answers to the questions.
(Thảo luận và tìm các câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi.) - What problems can you find?
(Vấn đề bạn có thể tìm thấy là gì?)
- What do you want to do to solve the problems?
(Bạn muốn làm gì để giải quyết vấn đề đó?)
- How are you going to do them?
(Bạn định làm chúng như thế nào?)
3. Present them to your class.
(Trình bày chúng trước lớp.) Gợi ý đáp án
Nowsaday, pollution has become one of the most alarming problems in our life. There are
many problems of environmental pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, soil
pollution, noise pollution and deforestation but I think the most serious problem in my
neighbourhood is rubbish. We should reduce the rubbish in the daily activities . Firstly, I
can reuse bottles of milk, juice,….Secondly, I want to collect people and recycle them to
make useful things. Thirdly, I want to join some book festivals and exchange books,
newspapers with others. Finally, I should use reusable things such as paper bags, reusable
bags. So I don’t need to use plastic bags. We can protect the environment with some little
actions. I think everyone can do it to have a better life.