Tiếng anh giao tiếp thường ngày - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128)| Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

Tiếng anh giao tiếp thường ngày - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128)| Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
PHẦN 2. F AMILY ........................................................... 6
Bài số 2. FAMILY – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ............................................................... 6
Bài số 3. FAMILY – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ................................................................ 6
Bài số 4. FAMILY – Role-play (Đóng vai) ................................................................... 9
Bài số 5. FAMILY – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) 10
Bài số 6. FAMILY – English Reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .............................................. 12
Bài số 7. FAMILY – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói)......................................... 16
Bài số 8. FAMILY – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................................... 16
PHẦN 3. HOBBIES ................................ ........................ 20
Bài số 9. HOBBIES – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ............................................................ 20 Bài
số 10. HOBBIES – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 20 Bài số
11. HOBBIES – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 24
Bài số 12. HOBBIES Role-play (Đóng vai) ............................................................. 30
Bài số 13. HOBBIES Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng)
........................................................................................................................................ 31
Bài số 14. HOBBIES – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ....................................... 32
Bài số 15. HOBBIES – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ........................................... 35
Bài số 16. HOBBIES – Listening practice (Luyện nghe) .......................................... 38
Bài số 17. HOBBIES – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ..................................... 39
Bài số 18. HOBBIES – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................................ 40
PHẦN 4. JOBS .............................................................. 44
Bài số 19. JOBS Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .................................................................. 44
Bài số 20. JOBS Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .................................................................. 45
Bài số 21. JOBS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) .... 49
Bài số 22. JOBS English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ............................................... 50
Bài số 23. JOBS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................................................... 52
Bài số 24. JOBS – Listening practice 1 (Luyện nghe) ............................................... 56
Bài số 25. JOBS – Listening practice 2 (Luyện nghe) ............................................... 58
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Hannah Phạm
Bài số
Bài số
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bài số 26. JOBS – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ............................................. 60
Bài số 27. JOBS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................................................... 61
PHẦN 5. DAILY ROUTINE ............................................. 63
28. DAILY ROUTINE – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ........................................... 63
29. DAILY ROUTINE – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ........................................ 64
Bài số 30. DAILY ROUTINE – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ........................................ 66
Bài số 31. DAILY ROUTINE Role-play (Đóng vai) .............................................. 69 Bài
số 32. DAILY ROUTINE – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc
hữu dụng) ...................................................................................................................... 71
Bài số 33. DAILY ROUTINE – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ........................ 72
Bài số 34. DAILY ROUTINE – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ............................. 74
Bài số 35. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ........................... 77
Bài số 36. DAILY ROUTINE – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ...................... 78
Bài số 37. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................. 80
PHẦN 6. CLOTHES ................................ ....................... 81
Bài số 38. CLOTHES – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ........................................................ 81
Bài số 39. CLOTHES – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ......................................................... 82
Bài số 40. CLOTHES Role-play (Đóng vai) ............................................................ 86
Bài số 41. CLOTHES Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu
dụng) .............................................................................................................................. 88
Bài số 43. CLOTHES – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .......................................... 91
Bài số 44. CLOTHES – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ........................................ 94
Bài số 45. CLOTHES – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .......................................... 95
PHẦN 7. SHOPPING ...................................................... 97
Bài số 46. SHOPPING – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ....................................................... 97
Bài số 47. SHOPPING Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 98
Bài số 48. SHOPPING – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu
dụng) ............................................................................................................................ 101
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bài số 49. SHOPPING – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ...................................... 103
Bài số 50. SHOPPING – Listening Practice 1 (Luyện nghe).................................. 106
Bài số 51. SHOPPING – Listening Practice 2 (Luyện nghe).................................. 107
Bài số 52. SHOPPING – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ................................ 108
Bài số 53. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ........................... 109
PHẦN 8. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE ................................ 111
Bài số 54. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ......................... 111
Bài số 55. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .......................... 111
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Hannah Phạm
Bài số
Bài số
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
56. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCERole-play (Đóng vai) .............................
118 57. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Useful expessions/structures (Câu
cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................ 119
Bài số 58. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCEEnglish translation (Chuyển ngữ) ....... 119
Bài số 59. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ........... 121
Bài số 60. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ......... 124
Bài số 61. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) .... 125
Bài số 62. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ........... 127
PHẦN 9. CHARACTER TRAITS ..................................... 129
Bài số 63. CHARACTER TRAITS – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ................................ 129
Bài số 64. CHARACTER TRAITS – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ............................. 130
Bài số 65. CHARACTER TRAITS – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ............................. 132
Bài số 66. CHARACTER TRAITS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu
trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................................
Bài số 67. CHARACTER TRAITS – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ............. 136
Bài số 68. CHARACTER TRAITS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .................. 139
Bài số 69. CHARACTER TRAITS – Listening Practice (Thực nh nghe) ........ 141
Bài số 70. CHARACTER TRAITS – Speaking Practice (Thực nh nói) ........... 142
Bài số 71. CHARACTER TRAITS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................. 144
PHẦN 10. F OOD .......................................................... 146
Bài số 72. FOOD Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .............................................................. 146
Bài số 73. FOOD – Từ vựng – Hoa quả (Vocabulary - Fruit)................................ 147
Bài số 74. FOOD Từ vựng – Rau củ (Vocabulary - Vegetables) ........................ 150
Bài số 75. FOOD Từ vựng – Bánh và món ăn (Vocabulary – Cakes and dishes)
Bài số 76. FOOD Từ vựng – Igredients and describing adjectives (Vocabulary
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Gia vị và tính từ mô tả) .............................................................................................. 156
Bài số 77. FOOD Từ vựng – Cooking process (Vocabulary – Quy trình nấu ăn)
160 Bài số 78. FOOD – Role-play (Đóng vai) .................................................................
Bài số 79. FOOD Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) . 164
Bài số 80. FOOD – English translation (Chuyển ngữ)............................................ 165
Bài số 81. FOOD – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................................................ 167
82. FOOD Listening practice (Luyện nghe) .............................................. 170
83. FOOD Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ......................................... 171
Bài số 84. FOOD – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ................................................ 172
PHẦN 11. HEALTH PROBLEMS ..................................... 174
Bài số 85. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ................................. 174
Bài số 86. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ................................. 176
Bài số 87. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu
trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................................
Bài số 88. HEALTH PROBLEMS – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) .............. 180
Bài số 89. HEALTH PROBLEMS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................... 182
Bài số 90. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ................. 185
Bài số 91. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ................... 186
PHẦN 12. VACATION ................................................... 187
Bài số 92. VACATION Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .................................................... 187
Bài số 93. VACATION Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .................................................... 187
Bài số 94. VACATION Role-play (Đóng vai) ....................................................... 191
Bài số 95. VACATION – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu
dụng) ............................................................................................................................
Bài số 96. VACATION – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ................................. 193
Bài số 97. VACATION – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ)...................................... 195
Bài số 98. VACATION – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) .................................... 198
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Bài số
Bài số
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bài số 99. VACATION – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ............................... 199
Bài số 100. VACATION – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................................... 201
Bài số 2. FAMILY Warm-up (Khởi ộng)
Fill in the chart with information
Is Cheryl’s
Marital status
Bài số 3. FAMILY Từ vựng (Vocabulary)
My mothers husband is my ……..
My fathers wife is my ……..
My mother and my father are my ……..
My mother calls my father ……..
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
My father calls my mother ……..
The boy I gave a birth to is my ……..
The girl I gave a birth to is my ……..
My son or my daughter is my ……..
My son and my daughter are my ……..
My parents’ son is my ……..
My parents’ daughter is my ……..
My mothers brother or my fathers brother is my ……..
My mothers or fathers sister is my …..
My sisters or brothers son is my ……..
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
My sisters or brothers daughter is my ……..
My mom’s or dads mother is my ……..
My grandmothers husband is my ……..
My grandmother and grandfather are my ……..
My mother or father calls my son ……..
My mother or father calls my daughter ……..
My aunt’s or uncles son/daughter is my ……..
Godfather /ˈgɑ:dfɑ:ðər/
Godmother /ˈgɑ:dmʌðər/
Godson /ˈgɑ:dsʌn/
Goddaughter /ˈgɑ:dɔ:tər/
Stepfather /ˈstepfɑ:ðər/
Stepmother /ˈstepmʌðər/
Stepson /ˈstepsʌn/
Stepdaughter /ˈstepdɔ:tər/
Stepbrother /ˈstepbrɑ:ðər/
Stepsister /ˈstepsɪstər/
Half-brother /ˈhæf brɑ:ðər/
Half-sister /ˈhæf sɪstər/
Mother-in-law /ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔ:/
Father-in-law /ˈfɑ:ðər ɪn lɔ:/
Son-in-law /ˈsʌn ɪn lɔ:/
Daughter-in-law /ˈdɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:/
Sister-in-law /ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔ:/
Brother-in-law /ˈbrɑ:ðər ɪn lɔ:/
Immediate family /ɪˈmi:dɪət ˈfæməlɪ/
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Nuclear family /ˈnuklɪər ˈfæməlɪ/
Extended family /ɪksˈtendɪd ˈfæməlɪ/ Family tree /ˈfæməlɪ tri:/
Distant relative /ˈdɪstənt ˈrelətɪv/
Loving family/close-knit family
/ˈlʌvɪŋ ˈfæməlɪ/, /kləʊz nɪt ˈfæməlɪ/
Dysfunctional family /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənl ˈfæməlɪ/
Carefree childhood /ˈkrfri: ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/
Troubled childhood /ˈtrʌbld ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/
Get divorced /get dɪˈvɔ:rst/
Bitter divorce /ˈbɪtər dɪˈvɔ:rs/
Broken home /ˈbrəʊkən həʊm/
Single mother /ˈsɪŋgl ˈmʌðər/
A/the blue-eyed boy /eɪ/ðə blu: aɪd bɔ:ɪ/
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Homework: What are their relationships?
Bài số 4. FAMILY – Role-play (Đóng vai)
Bob: That’s your cousin, Teddy. He’s a waiter. He’s single, and he likes rock music.
Cheryl: It’s my brother Eddy. He’s a doctor. He’s got a wife and two kids, and he likes
classical music. How about this one?
Bob: I don’t know. Your cousin?
Cheryl: No.
Bob: Your brother?
Cheryl: No!
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bob: Your uncle?
Cheryl: It’s my aunt, Judie.
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bob: Sorry, Mrs Morris. She looks like your uncle.
Cheryl: Tell me something about her.
Bob: She’s an architect.
Cheryl: Artist.
Bob: Married.
Cheryl: Divorced.
Bob: Two kids. Three kids. Four…Five kids?
Cheryl: No kids. Only eight more. Here’s an easy one.
Bob: I don’t know.
Cheryl: It’s my father.
Bob: I know who your father is. Why are you showing me photos of your father?
Cheryl: My family is coming in one hour. Now pay attention.
Bob: Why do you have such a large family?
Cheryl: It’s not that large.
Bob: Not that large? You have six brothers and sisters, fourteen aunts and uncles. Who
knows how many cousins, nieces and nephews. I’d say that’s a large
Cheryl: They’re not all coming over.
Bob: No, just eighteen of them.
Cheryl: I’m sorry, honey. I just want them to like you. Calm down. It’s OK. You’re doing
Bob: OK, I’m OK. Your cousin, John?
Cheryl: Ohhhh.
Bài số 5. FAMILY – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc
hữu dụng)
- How many people are there in your family?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
- Do you have any sisters or brothers?
- Do you have any siblings?
- I’m the only child of my family.
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- I have 1 older sister and 2 younger brothers.
- How old is your brother?
- What do your parents do?
- What do your parents do for a living?
- My parents are both farmers.
- Does your family get along well?
- Get along well with sb = Get on well with sb - Do you get on well with all of your
family members?
- Who do you look like in your family? - I look like my father.
- Who do you love most in your family?
- Does your family spend a lot of time with one another?
- I’m taller than my sister.
- My mother is older than my father.
- Are you the black sheep of your family?
- To be jealous of sb
- Are you jealous of any of your family members?
- My family is really important to me.
- To be important to sb.
- Get tired of sb/st
- Do you ever get tired of family duties?
- Is your life influenced by your parents?
- To be influenced by sb/st
lOMoARcPSD| 44729304
Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
- Control sb/st
- Try to do st
- Do your parents try to control your life?
Bài số 6. FAMILY – English Reflex (Luyện phản xạ)
1. Eddy is Cheryl’s brother.
- Is Teddy Cheryl’s brother?
- Who is Cheryl’s brother?
- Is Eddy Cheryl’s cousin?
- What is Cheryl’s brothers name?
2. Eddy is a doctor.
- Is Eddy a waiter?
- What does Eddy do?
- Is Cheryl a doctor?
3. He has a wife and two kids.
- Who has a wife and 2 kids?
- Is Eddy single?
- How many wives does Eddy have now?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
- How many children does Eddy have?
4. Eddy likes classical music.
- What kind of music does Eddy like?
- Who likes classical music?
- Do Cheryl and Bob like classical music?
- Does Eddy like Rock music?
5. Judie is Cheryl’s aunt.
- Who is Cheryl’s aunt?
- What is Cheryl’s aunt’s name?
- Is Judie Cheryl’s uncle?
6. Judie’s an architect.
- Who is an architect?
- Is Judie an engineer?
- Is Judie an architect?
- What is Judie’s job?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
7. She has no kids.
- Who has no kids?
- Does Judie have any kids?
- How many kids does Judie have?
- Does Judie have two kids?
8. Judie got divorced.
- Who got divorced?
- Is Judie married?
- Did Eddy get divorced?
9. Cheryl has six brothers and sisters, fourteen aunts and uncles.
- How many brothers and sisters does Cheryl have?
- How many aunts and uncles does Cheryl have?
- Who has six brothers and sisters?
- Does Cheryl have 2 brothers and sisters?
- Does Cheryl have fourteen aunts and uncles?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
10. Bob thinks Cheryl has a large family.
- What does Bob think?
- Who thinks Cheryl has a large family?
- Who has a large family?
- Does Bob have a large family?
11. Cheryl’s family is coming in one hour.
- Who is coming in one hour?
- Is Cheryl’s boyfriend coming in one hour?
- When is Cheryl’s family coming?
- Is Cheryl’s family coming tomorrow?
- Is Bob’s family coming in one hour?
12. Cheryl wants her family to like Bob.
- Who does Cheryl want her family to like?
- Who wants her family to like Bob?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
- Does Cheryl want her friends to like Bob?
- Does Cheryl want her family to hate Bob?
Bài số 7. FAMILY – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói)
How many people are there in your family?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
How old is your brother or sister?
What do your parents do?
Do you get on well with all of your family members?
Alright. Who do you look like in your family?
Who do you love most in your family and why?
Does your family spend a lot of time with one another?
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Hannah Phạm
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày
Bài số 8. FAMILY – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe)
Exercise 1. Listen and choose the right answer to each question
1. So, what does your father do for a living?
A. He lives in Paris. B. He's an architect.
C. His name is Greg.
2. How many _____________ are in your family? A.
There are five people in my family.
B. My father has two brothers.
C. My sister isn't married.
3. How _______ is your ________________?
A. Since 1978
B. He's seventeen.
C. She turned 10 in May.
4. ___________________________________________________? A.
They're both lawyers.
B. They're from Australia.
C. They live in London.
5. ____________________________________________________?
A. I'm single.
B. I have two sisters.
C. I live with my brothers.
6. ____________________________________________________? A.
His name is Chris.
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Preview text:

Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm MỤC LỤC
PHẦN 2. F AMILY ........................................................... 6
Bài số 2. FAMILY – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ............................................................... 6
Bài số 3. FAMILY – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ................................................................ 6
Bài số 4. FAMILY – Role-play (Đóng vai) ................................................................... 9
Bài số 5. FAMILY – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) 10
Bài số 6. FAMILY – English Reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .............................................. 12
Bài số 7. FAMILY – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói)......................................... 16
Bài số 8. FAMILY – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................................... 16
PHẦN 3. HOBBIES ................................ ........................ 20
Bài số 9. HOBBIES – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ............................................................ 20 Bài
số 10. HOBBIES – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 20 Bài số
11. HOBBIES – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 24
Bài số 12. HOBBIES – Role-play (Đóng vai) ............................................................. 30
Bài số 13. HOBBIES – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng)
........................................................................................................................................ 31
Bài số 14. HOBBIES – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ....................................... 32
Bài số 15. HOBBIES – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ........................................... 35
Bài số 16. HOBBIES – Listening practice (Luyện nghe) .......................................... 38
Bài số 17. HOBBIES – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ..................................... 39
Bài số 18. HOBBIES – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................................ 40
PHẦN 4. JOBS .............................................................. 44
Bài số 19. JOBS – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .................................................................. 44
Bài số 20. JOBS – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .................................................................. 45
Bài số 21. JOBS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) .... 49
Bài số 22. JOBS – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ............................................... 50
Bài số 23. JOBS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................................................... 52
Bài số 24. JOBS – Listening practice 1 (Luyện nghe) ............................................... 56
Bài số 25. JOBS – Listening practice 2 (Luyện nghe) ............................................... 58
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm Bài số Bài số
Bài số 26. JOBS – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ............................................. 60
Bài số 27. JOBS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................................................... 61
PHẦN 5. DAILY ROUTINE ............................................. 63
28. DAILY ROUTINE – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ........................................... 63
29. DAILY ROUTINE – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ........................................ 64
Bài số 30. DAILY ROUTINE – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ........................................ 66
Bài số 31. DAILY ROUTINE – Role-play (Đóng vai) .............................................. 69 Bài
số 32. DAILY ROUTINE – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc
hữu dụng) ...................................................................................................................... 71
Bài số 33. DAILY ROUTINE – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ........................ 72
Bài số 34. DAILY ROUTINE – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ............................. 74
Bài số 35. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ........................... 77
Bài số 36. DAILY ROUTINE – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ...................... 78
Bài số 37. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ............................. 80
PHẦN 6. CLOTHES ................................ ....................... 81
Bài số 38. CLOTHES – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ........................................................ 81
Bài số 39. CLOTHES – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ......................................................... 82
Bài số 40. CLOTHES – Role-play (Đóng vai) ............................................................ 86
Bài số 41. CLOTHES – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu
dụng) .............................................................................................................................. 88
Bài số 43. CLOTHES – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .......................................... 91
Bài số 44. CLOTHES – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ........................................ 94
Bài số 45. CLOTHES – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .......................................... 95
PHẦN 7. SHOPPING ...................................................... 97
Bài số 46. SHOPPING – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ....................................................... 97
Bài số 47. SHOPPING – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ....................................................... 98
Bài số 48. SHOPPING – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu
dụng) ............................................................................................................................ 101
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
Bài số 49. SHOPPING – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ...................................... 103
Bài số 50. SHOPPING – Listening Practice 1 (Luyện nghe).................................. 106
Bài số 51. SHOPPING – Listening Practice 2 (Luyện nghe).................................. 107
Bài số 52. SHOPPING – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ................................ 108
Bài số 53. DAILY ROUTINE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ........................... 109
PHẦN 8. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE ................................ 111
Bài số 54. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ......................... 111
Bài số 55. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .......................... 111
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm Bài số Bài số
56. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Role-play (Đóng vai) .............................
118 57. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Useful expessions/structures (Câu
cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................ 119
Bài số 58. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ....... 119
Bài số 59. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ........... 121
Bài số 60. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ......... 124
Bài số 61. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) .... 125
Bài số 62. PEOPLE’S APPEARANCE – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ........... 127
PHẦN 9. CHARACTER TRAITS ..................................... 129
Bài số 63. CHARACTER TRAITS – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ................................ 129
Bài số 64. CHARACTER TRAITS – Từ vựng 1 (Vocabulary) ............................. 130
Bài số 65. CHARACTER TRAITS – Từ vựng 2 (Vocabulary) ............................. 132
Bài số 66. CHARACTER TRAITS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu
trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................................ 135
Bài số 67. CHARACTER TRAITS – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ............. 136
Bài số 68. CHARACTER TRAITS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) .................. 139
Bài số 69. CHARACTER TRAITS – Listening Practice (Thực hành nghe) ........ 141
Bài số 70. CHARACTER TRAITS – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ........... 142
Bài số 71. CHARACTER TRAITS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................. 144
PHẦN 10. F OOD .......................................................... 146
Bài số 72. FOOD – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .............................................................. 146
Bài số 73. FOOD – Từ vựng – Hoa quả (Vocabulary - Fruit)................................ 147
Bài số 74. FOOD – Từ vựng – Rau củ (Vocabulary - Vegetables) ........................ 150
Bài số 75. FOOD – Từ vựng – Bánh và món ăn (Vocabulary – Cakes and dishes)
...................................................................................................................................... 152
Bài số 76. FOOD – Từ vựng – Igredients and describing adjectives (Vocabulary –
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
Gia vị và tính từ mô tả) .............................................................................................. 156
Bài số 77. FOOD – Từ vựng – Cooking process (Vocabulary – Quy trình nấu ăn)
160 Bài số 78. FOOD – Role-play (Đóng vai) ................................................................. 162
Bài số 79. FOOD – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng) . 164
Bài số 80. FOOD – English translation (Chuyển ngữ)............................................ 165
Bài số 81. FOOD – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................................................ 167
82. FOOD – Listening practice (Luyện nghe) .............................................. 170
83. FOOD – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ......................................... 171
Bài số 84. FOOD – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ................................................ 172
PHẦN 11. HEALTH PROBLEMS ..................................... 174
Bài số 85. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) ................................. 174
Bài số 86. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) ................................. 176
Bài số 87. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu
trúc hữu dụng) ............................................................................................................ 179
Bài số 88. HEALTH PROBLEMS – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) .............. 180
Bài số 89. HEALTH PROBLEMS – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ) ................... 182
Bài số 90. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) ................. 185
Bài số 91. HEALTH PROBLEMS – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) ................... 186
PHẦN 12. VACATION ................................................... 187
Bài số 92. VACATION – Warm-up (Khởi ộng) .................................................... 187
Bài số 93. VACATION – Từ vựng (Vocabulary) .................................................... 187
Bài số 94. VACATION – Role-play (Đóng vai) ....................................................... 191
Bài số 95. VACATION – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng)
............................................................................................................................ 192
Bài số 96. VACATION – English translation (Chuyển ngữ) ................................. 193
Bài số 97. VACATION – English reflex (Luyện phản xạ)...................................... 195
Bài số 98. VACATION – Listening Practice (Luyện nghe) .................................... 198
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm Bài số Bài số
Bài số 99. VACATION – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói) ............................... 199
Bài số 100. VACATION – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe) .................................... 201 PHẦN 2. FAMILY
Bài số 2. FAMILY – Warm-up (Khởi ộng)
Fill in the chart with information Eddy Judie Is Cheryl’s Job Hobbies Marital status
Bài số 3. FAMILY – Từ vựng (Vocabulary)
My mother’s husband is my ……..
My father’s wife is my ……..
My mother and my father are my ……..
My mother calls my father ……..
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
My father calls my mother ……..
The boy I gave a birth to is my ……..
The girl I gave a birth to is my ……..
My son or my daughter is my ……..
My son and my daughter are my ……..
My parents’ son is my ……..
My parents’ daughter is my ……..
My mother’s brother or my father’s brother is my ……..
My mother’s or father’s sister is my ……..
My sister’s or brother’s son is my ……..
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
My sister’s or brother’s daughter is my ……..
My mom’s or dad’s mother is my ……..
My grandmother’s husband is my ……..
My grandmother and grandfather are my ……..
My mother or father calls my son ……..
My mother or father calls my daughter ……..
My aunt’s or uncle’s son/daughter is my …….. Godfather /ˈgɑ:dfɑ:ðər/ Godmother /ˈgɑ:dmʌðər/ Godson /ˈgɑ:dsʌn/ Goddaughter /ˈgɑ:dɔ:tər/ Stepfather /ˈstepfɑ:ðər/ Stepmother /ˈstepmʌðər/ Stepson /ˈstepsʌn/ Stepdaughter /ˈstepdɔ:tər/
Stepbrother /ˈstepbrɑ:ðər/ Stepsister /ˈstepsɪstər/
Half-brother /ˈhæf brɑ:ðər/ Half-sister /ˈhæf sɪstər/
Mother-in-law /ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔ:/
Father-in-law /ˈfɑ:ðər ɪn lɔ:/ Son-in-law /ˈsʌn ɪn lɔ:/
Daughter-in-law /ˈdɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:/
Sister-in-law /ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔ:/
Brother-in-law /ˈbrɑ:ðər ɪn lɔ:/
Immediate family /ɪˈmi:dɪət ˈfæməlɪ/
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
Nuclear family /ˈnuklɪər ˈfæməlɪ/
Extended family /ɪksˈtendɪd ˈfæməlɪ/
Family tree /ˈfæməlɪ tri:/
Distant relative /ˈdɪstənt ˈrelətɪv/
Loving family/close-knit family
/ˈlʌvɪŋ ˈfæməlɪ/, /kləʊz nɪt ˈfæməlɪ/
Dysfunctional family /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənl ˈfæməlɪ/
Carefree childhood /ˈkeərfri: ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/
Troubled childhood /ˈtrʌbld ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/
Get divorced /get dɪˈvɔ:rst/
Bitter divorce /ˈbɪtər dɪˈvɔ:rs/
Broken home /ˈbrəʊkən həʊm/
Single mother /ˈsɪŋgl ˈmʌðər/
A/the blue-eyed boy /eɪ/ðə blu: aɪd bɔ:ɪ/
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
Homework: What are their relationships?
Bài số 4. FAMILY – Role-play (Đóng vai)
That’s your cousin, Teddy. He’s a waiter. He’s single, and he likes rock music.
Cheryl: It’s my brother Eddy. He’s a doctor. He’s got a wife and two kids, and he likes
classical music. How about this one? Bob: I don’t know. Your cousin? Cheryl: No. Bob: Your brother? Cheryl: No!
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm Bob: Your uncle?
Cheryl: It’s my aunt, Judie.
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm Bob:
Sorry, Mrs Morris. She looks like your uncle.
Cheryl: Tell me something about her. Bob: She’s an architect. Cheryl: Artist. Bob: Married. Cheryl: Divorced. Bob:
Two kids. Three kids. Four…Five kids?
Cheryl: No kids. Only eight more. Here’s an easy one. Bob: I don’t know.
Cheryl: It’s my father. Bob:
I know who your father is. Why are you showing me photos of your father?
Cheryl: My family is coming in one hour. Now pay attention. Bob:
Why do you have such a large family?
Cheryl: It’s not that large.
Bob: Not that large? You have six brothers and sisters, fourteen aunts and uncles. Who
knows how many cousins, nieces and nephews. I’d say that’s a large family.
Cheryl: They’re not all coming over. Bob: No, just eighteen of them.
Cheryl: I’m sorry, honey. I just want them to like you. Calm down. It’s OK. You’re doing fine. Bob:
OK, I’m OK. Your cousin, John? Cheryl: Ohhhh.
Bài số 5. FAMILY – Useful expessions/structures (Câu cụm/cấu trúc hữu dụng)
- How many people are there in your family?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
- Do you have any sisters or brothers? - Do you have any siblings?
- I’m the only child of my family.
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- I have 1 older sister and 2 younger brothers. - How old is your brother? - What do your parents do?
- What do your parents do for a living?
- My parents are both farmers.
- Does your family get along well?
- Get along well with sb = Get on well with sb - Do you get on well with all of your family members?
- Who do you look like in your family? - I look like my father.
- Who do you love most in your family?
- Does your family spend a lot of time with one another?
- I’m taller than my sister.
- My mother is older than my father.
- Are you the black sheep of your family? - To be jealous of sb
- Are you jealous of any of your family members?
- My family is really important to me. - To be important to sb. - Get tired of sb/st
- Do you ever get tired of family duties?
- Is your life influenced by your parents? - To be influenced by sb/st
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm - Control sb/st - Try to do st
- Do your parents try to control your life?
Bài số 6. FAMILY – English Reflex (Luyện phản xạ)
1. Eddy is Cheryl’s brother.
- Is Teddy Cheryl’s brother? - Who is Cheryl’s brother? - Is Eddy Cheryl’s cousin?
- What is Cheryl’s brother’s name? 2. Eddy is a doctor. - Is Eddy a waiter? - What does Eddy do? - Is Cheryl a doctor?
3. He has a wife and two kids. - Who has a wife and 2 kids? - Is Eddy single?
- How many wives does Eddy have now?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
- How many children does Eddy have?
4. Eddy likes classical music.
- What kind of music does Eddy like? - Who likes classical music?
- Do Cheryl and Bob like classical music? - Does Eddy like Rock music?
5. Judie is Cheryl’s aunt. - Who is Cheryl’s aunt?
- What is Cheryl’s aunt’s name? - Is Judie Cheryl’s uncle?
6. Judie’s an architect. - Who is an architect? - Is Judie an engineer? - Is Judie an architect? - What is Judie’s job?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm 7. She has no kids. - Who has no kids?
- Does Judie have any kids?
- How many kids does Judie have?
- Does Judie have two kids?
8. Judie got divorced. - Who got divorced? - Is Judie married? - Did Eddy get divorced?
9. Cheryl has six brothers and sisters, fourteen aunts and uncles.
- How many brothers and sisters does Cheryl have?
- How many aunts and uncles does Cheryl have?
- Who has six brothers and sisters?
- Does Cheryl have 2 brothers and sisters?
- Does Cheryl have fourteen aunts and uncles?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
10. Bob thinks Cheryl has a large family. - What does Bob think?
- Who thinks Cheryl has a large family? - Who has a large family?
- Does Bob have a large family?
11. Cheryl’s family is coming in one hour. - Who is coming in one hour?
- Is Cheryl’s boyfriend coming in one hour?
- When is Cheryl’s family coming?
- Is Cheryl’s family coming tomorrow?
- Is Bob’s family coming in one hour?
12. Cheryl wants her family to like Bob.
- Who does Cheryl want her family to like?
- Who wants her family to like Bob?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
- Does Cheryl want her friends to like Bob?
- Does Cheryl want her family to hate Bob?
Bài số 7. FAMILY – Speaking Practice (Thực hành nói)
How many people are there in your family?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
How old is your brother or sister?
What do your parents do?
Do you get on well with all of your family members?
Alright. Who do you look like in your family?
Who do you love most in your family and why?
Does your family spend a lot of time with one another?
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày lOMoAR cPSD| 44729304 Hannah Phạm
Bài số 8. FAMILY – Listening Test (Kiểm tra nghe)
Exercise 1. Listen and choose the right answer to each question
1. So, what does your father do for a living?
A. He lives in Paris. B. He's an architect. C. His name is Greg.
2. How many _____________ are in your family? A.
There are five people in my family.
B. My father has two brothers. C. My sister isn't married.
3. How _______ is your ________________? A. Since 1978 B. He's seventeen. C. She turned 10 in May.
4. ___________________________________________________? A. They're both lawyers. B. They're from Australia. C. They live in London.
5. ____________________________________________________? A. I'm single. B. I have two sisters. C. I live with my brothers.
6. ____________________________________________________? A. His name is Chris.
Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thường ngày