TOP 25 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm có đáp án ôn tập học phần Business law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

__________________ is the only enterprise which can easily increasing/reducing charter capital?  ______________ is the only enterprise which can issue all types of security? Which of the following is not correct about the right of limited liability partner? According to LOE 2020, In an LLC 2+, members can demand the company to buy back their share of capital contribution if? The owner of a private enterprise has the right to? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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TOP 25 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm có đáp án ôn tập học phần Business law | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

__________________ is the only enterprise which can easily increasing/reducing charter capital?  ______________ is the only enterprise which can issue all types of security? Which of the following is not correct about the right of limited liability partner? According to LOE 2020, In an LLC 2+, members can demand the company to buy back their share of capital contribution if? The owner of a private enterprise has the right to? Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

137 69 lượt tải Tải xuống
Duraon: 45 minutes
Student name ______________________________Student
Part I. Mulple choice
1. _________________ is not an enterprise
a. Internaonal University
b. Hoa Sen Joint Stock Company
c. Hoa Binh Limited Liability Company
d. None of the above
2. __________________is owned by an individual
a. A shareholding company
b. A partnership
c. Limited Liability Company with 3 members
d. A private enteprise
3. _____________ has no charter of the company
a. Partnership
b. Limited Liability Company
c. Shareholding company
d. None of the above
4. ______________ is the only enterprise which can issue all types of security
a. Private enterprise
b. Partnership
c. Limited Liability Enterprise
d. Shareholding Company
5. ______________ can not issue any types of security
a. Partnership
b. Limited Liability Company
c. Shareholding Company
d. None of the above
6. __________________ is the only enterprise which can easily increasing/reducing
charter capital
a. Private enterprise
b. Limited Liability Company owned by 1 member
c. Limited Liability company owned by many member
d. Shareholding company
7. Which of the following enterprise has no legal enty?
a. Household business
b. Partnership
c. Limited liability company
d. None of the above
8. Which of the following is not correct about private enterprise?
a. Private enterprise has no legal enty
b. The owner of private enterprise is the highest decision making authority
c. The owner of private enterprise responsibile for all business operaon to the
extent of his/her capital contribuon
d. The owner of private enterprise must act as plain/defendant when the
enterprise sele a dispute at court
9. Which of the following is not correct about the right of limited liability partner?
a. To manage the company and conduct business acvity of the company
b. To transfer his/her capital contribuon in the parternship to another person
c. To be anually distributed with prot in proporon
d. None of the above
10. The owner of a private enterprise has the right to
a. Increase but not decrease the charter capital
b. Decrease but not increase the charter capital
c. Increase and decrease the charter capital
d. Neither Increase nor decrease charter capital
11. According to LOE 2020, In an LLC 2+, members can demand the company to buy
backtheir share of capital contribuon if:
a. They disagrees with the re-organizaon plan of the company
b. If the company is on the edge of bankruptcy
c. They disagrees with the investment plan of the company
d. they need to get their money back in order to deal with their own nancial
12. Which of the following is correct about General Partner?
a. A general partner shall be allowed to act as the owner of a private
Enterprise or as a general partner of another partnership if he/she has
obtained the consent from other general partners.
b. A general partner has the right to transfer all or part of its share of capital in
the company to another person without the consent of other general
c. An general partner shall be allowed to conduct in his/her own name or in the
name of another person the same line of business as the partnership for
his/her personal benet or to serve the benet of another organizaon or
d. None of the above
13. Which of the following is not true about the organizaonal structure of a 1 member
Limited Liability Company?
a. A 1 member Limited Liability Company must always have a Members’ Council.
b. A 1 member Limited Liability Company may not have a controller board.
c. The owner always has the highest decision-making authority of the company.
d. None of the above
14. In an LLC2 plus, any members who want to become general director need to hold at
least ____________of the total shares
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. None of the above
15. Which of the following is not true about Partnership?
a. The chairman of partner council are chosen among the limited liability
partners and unlimited liability partner
b. An unlimited liability partner shall be entitled to withdraw capital from the
partnership any he/she want
c. limited liability partners shall be entitled to be legal representative before the
law and organize management of the daily business activities of the
d. All of the above
16. Which of the following characteristic group represents the legal form of partnership?,
a. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner and 1
unlimited liability partner
b. Does not have a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner
and 1 unlimited liability partner
c. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 2 limited liability partner and 1
unlimited liability partner
d. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner and 2
unlimited liability partner
e. All of the above
17. Which of the following is an enterprise?
a. Saigon Cooperave
b. Joint stock commercial bank for foreign trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank)
c. Huong Anh business household
d. None of above
18. Thien, 30 years old, wants to establish an enterprise in which he has full control ohe
business operaon. According to the law on enterprises 2020, which of the following
types of enterprise may Thien establish? a. Partnership companies
b. Private enterprises
c. LLC2+
d. Joint Stock company
19. In a shareholding company, only __________________ has the authority to appoint
ordismiss member of the inspection committee
a. Chairman of the inspection committee
b. Board of management
c. Chairman of the board of management
d. None of the above
20. In a shareholding company, if the board of management fail to convene the general
meeting of shareholder, then _______________ will next in line to replace the board of
management and convene the general meeting of shareholder a. Chairman of board
of management
b. Controller Board
c. Shareholder or group of shareholderholding >5% of total ordinary share
d. Founding shareholder
21. According to the law on enterprises 2020, in order to conduct the rst meeng torafy
a resoluon on amendment of the charter, it needs at least aendance of
____________________ in the following case.
Aces Limited Liability Company (hereaer Aces) was established by Alfa Limited
liability Company (hereaer Alfa). Alfa appointed three people to represent it at Aces
including Quynh who represents 200 million dong contributed capital of Alfa in Aces,
Trang 650 million dong and Phuong 150 million dong. Phuong is unable to aend the
a. The meeng cannot be conducted
b. Trang
c. Quynh
d. Trang and Quynh
22. According to the law on bankruptcy 2020, which of the following enterprises
isconsidered as insolvent?
a. Thuong Tin Limited Liability Company is unable to pay 10 billion dong due debt for
about 60 days.
b. Binh Minh Joint Stock Company has no property le and took out a loan from a
bank to pay o its 3 billion dong due debt.
c. A&Z Private enterprise has sll not paid o its 1 million dong due debt for over
180 days.
d. All of above
23. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, who can request for a bankruptcy processin
the following case?
Jesson Limited Liability Company has three members including An (25% of the charter
capital), Thinh (45% of the charter capital), and Thuong (30% of the charter capital).
Thuong is the representave in law and Thinh is the chairman of the members council.
In 2013, the company mortgaged its oce which was valued at 10 billion dong to get
6 billion dong loan from Citybank.
a. Thuong and Thinh
b. An, Thuong and Thinh
c. An, Thuong, Thinh and Citybank
d. Thuong, Thinh and Citybank
24. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, to whom will a bankruptcy request be seno
in the following case?
“Steel Joint Stock Company (hereaer Steel) is a foreign invested company located in
Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City. In 2015, Steel built a factory in Singapore to expand its
business. By June 2016, Steel had not paid o its 20 billion dong debt which had been
due since February 2016.
a. Ho Chi Minh City department of planning and investment
b. Ho Chi Minh people’s court
c. Binh Thanh people’s court
d. The people’s high court in Ho Chi Minh city
25. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, in order to resume business operaons,the
following insolvent enterprise needs at least approvals of__________________ in the
following case.
“In 2013, Mezamart Limited Liability Company took out a 10 billion dong loan from
Daikin Joint stock company which was secured by a property valued at 8 billion dong,
while it borrowed from Toan 2 billion dong and from Huong 1 billion dong. In 2014,
the company entered into a construcon contract, which was valued at 15 billion dong,
to build a factory in Binh Duong with Becamex Limited liability Company. In December
2015, the company was in an insolvent situaon and decided to request for a
bankruptcy process. Til December 2015, the company sll owed Becamex Limited
Liability Company 5 billion dong. Daikin Joint Stock Company disagrees with the
resoluon on resuming the business operaon.a. Becamex Limited Liability Company
b. Toan, Huong and Becamex Limited Liability Company
c. Toan and Becamex Limited Liability Company
d. Huong and Becamex Limited Liability Company
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BUSINESS LAW- QUIZ Duration: 45 minutes
Student name ______________________________Student ID:______________
Part I. Multiple choice
1. _________________ is not an enterprise
a. International University
b. Hoa Sen Joint Stock Company
c. Hoa Binh Limited Liability Company d. None of the above
2. __________________is owned by an individual a. A shareholding company b. A partnership
c. Limited Liability Company with 3 members d. A private enteprise
3. _____________ has no charter of the company a. Partnership b. Limited Liability Company c. Shareholding company d. None of the above
4. ______________ is the only enterprise which can issue all types of security a. Private enterprise b. Partnership
c. Limited Liability Enterprise
d. Shareholding Company
5. ______________ can not issue any types of security a. Partnership
b. Limited Liability Company
c. Shareholding Company d. None of the above
6. __________________ is the only enterprise which can easily increasing/reducing charter capital a. Private enterprise
b. Limited Liability Company owned by 1 member
c. Limited Liability company owned by many member
d. Shareholding company
7. Which of the following enterprise has no legal entity? a. Household business b. Partnership
c. Limited liability company d. None of the above
8. Which of the following is not correct about private enterprise?
a. Private enterprise has no legal entity
b. The owner of private enterprise is the highest decision making authority
c. The owner of private enterprise responsibile for all business operation to the
extent of his/her capital contribution
d. The owner of private enterprise must act as plaintiff/defendant when the
enterprise settle a dispute at court
9. Which of the following is not correct about the right of limited liability partner?
a. To manage the company and conduct business activity of the company
b. To transfer his/her capital contribution in the parternship to another person
c. To be anually distributed with profit in proportion d. None of the above
10. The owner of a private enterprise has the right to
a. Increase but not decrease the charter capital
b. Decrease but not increase the charter capital
c. Increase and decrease the charter capital
d. Neither Increase nor decrease charter capital
11. According to LOE 2020, In an LLC 2+, members can demand the company to buy
backtheir share of capital contribution if:
a. They disagrees with the re-organization plan of the company
b. If the company is on the edge of bankruptcy
c. They disagrees with the investment plan of the company
d. they need to get their money back in order to deal with their own financial problem
12. Which of the following is correct about General Partner?
a. A general partner shall be allowed to act as the owner of a private
Enterprise or as a general partner of another partnership if he/she has
obtained the consent from other general partners.

b. A general partner has the right to transfer all or part of its share of capital in
the company to another person without the consent of other general partners.
c. An general partner shall be allowed to conduct in his/her own name or in the
name of another person the same line of business as the partnership for
his/her personal benefit or to serve the benefit of another organization or individual. d. None of the above
13. Which of the following is not true about the organizational structure of a 1 member Limited Liability Company?
a. A 1 member Limited Liability Company must always have a Members’ Council.
b. A 1 member Limited Liability Company may not have a controller board.
c. The owner always has the highest decision-making authority of the company. d. None of the above
14. In an LLC2 plus, any members who want to become general director need to hold at
least ____________of the total shares a. 10% b. 15% c. 20% d. None of the above
15. Which of the following is not true about Partnership?
a. The chairman of partner council are chosen among the limited liability
partners and unlimited liability partner
b. An unlimited liability partner shall be entitled to withdraw capital from the partnership any he/she want
c. limited liability partners shall be entitled to be legal representative before the
law and organize management of the daily business activities of the partnership. d. All of the above
16. Which of the following characteristic group represents the legal form of partnership?,
a. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner and 1 unlimited liability partner
b. Does not have a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner
and 1 unlimited liability partner
c. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 2 limited liability partner and 1 unlimited liability partner
d. Has a legal entity status; must have at least 1 limited liability partner and 2 unlimited liability partner e. All of the above
17. Which of the following is an enterprise? a. Saigon Cooperative
b. Joint stock commercial bank for foreign trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank)
c. Huong Anh business household d. None of above
18. Thien, 30 years old, wants to establish an enterprise in which he has full control ofthe
business operation. According to the law on enterprises 2020, which of the following
types of enterprise may Thien establish? a. Partnership companies b. Private enterprises c. LLC2+ d. Joint Stock company
19. In a shareholding company, only __________________ has the authority to appoint
ordismiss member of the inspection committee
a. Chairman of the inspection committee b. Board of management
c. Chairman of the board of management d. None of the above
20. In a shareholding company, if the board of management fail to convene the general
meeting of shareholder, then _______________ will next in line to replace the board of
management and convene the general meeting of shareholder a. Chairman of board of management b. Controller Board
c. Shareholder or group of shareholderholding >5% of total ordinary share
d. Founding shareholder
21. According to the law on enterprises 2020, in order to conduct the first meeting toratify
a resolution on amendment of the charter, it needs at least attendance of
____________________ in the following case.
“Aces Limited Liability Company (hereafter Aces) was established by Alfa Limited
liability Company (hereafter Alfa). Alfa appointed three people to represent it at Aces
including Quynh who represents 200 million dong contributed capital of Alfa in Aces,
Trang 650 million dong and Phuong 150 million dong. Phuong is unable to attend the meeting.”
a. The meeting cannot be conducted b. Trang c. Quynh d. Trang and Quynh
22. According to the law on bankruptcy 2020, which of the following enterprises isconsidered as insolvent?
a. Thuong Tin Limited Liability Company is unable to pay 10 billion dong due debt for about 60 days.
b. Binh Minh Joint Stock Company has no property left and took out a loan from a
bank to pay off its 3 billion dong due debt.
c. A&Z Private enterprise has still not paid off its 1 million dong due debt for over 180 days. d. All of above
23. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, who can request for a bankruptcy processin the following case?
“Jesson Limited Liability Company has three members including An (25% of the charter
capital), Thinh (45% of the charter capital), and Thuong (30% of the charter capital).
Thuong is the representative in law and Thinh is the chairman of the member’s council.
In 2013, the company mortgaged its office which was valued at 10 billion dong to get
6 billion dong loan from Citybank.” a. Thuong and Thinh
b. An, Thuong and Thinh
c. An, Thuong, Thinh and Citybank
d. Thuong, Thinh and Citybank
24. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, to whom will a bankruptcy request be sentto in the following case?
“Steel Joint Stock Company (hereafter Steel) is a foreign invested company located in
Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City. In 2015, Steel built a factory in Singapore to expand its
business. By June 2016, Steel had not paid off its 20 billion dong debt which had been due since February 2016.”
a. Ho Chi Minh City department of planning and investment
b. Ho Chi Minh people’s court
c. Binh Thanh people’s court
d. The people’s high court in Ho Chi Minh city
25. According to the law on bankruptcy 2014, in order to resume business operations,the
following insolvent enterprise needs at least approvals of__________________ in the following case.
“In 2013, Mezamart Limited Liability Company took out a 10 billion dong loan from
Daikin Joint stock company which was secured by a property valued at 8 billion dong,
while it borrowed from Toan 2 billion dong and from Huong 1 billion dong. In 2014,
the company entered into a construction contract, which was valued at 15 billion dong,
to build a factory in Binh Duong with Becamex Limited liability Company. In December
2015, the company was in an insolvent situation and decided to request for a
bankruptcy process. Til December 2015, the company still owed Becamex Limited
Liability Company 5 billion dong. Daikin Joint Stock Company disagrees with the
resolution on resuming the business operation.” a. Becamex Limited Liability Company
b. Toan, Huong and Becamex Limited Liability Company
c. Toan and Becamex Limited Liability Company
d. Huong and Becamex Limited Liability Company