TOP 3 Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST

Xin gửi tới quý độc giả TOP 3 Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 3
Time allowed: 60 minutes
50 questions
Look at the table below and match the opposites. An example is given.
0. Married _____C_____
1. Neat __________
2. Bright __________
3. Important __________
4. Male __________
5. Natural __________
6. Public __________
7. Strong __________
8. Tall __________
9. Close __________
10. Wrong __________
11. Fat __________
12. Hungry __________
Questions 13-22: Circle the odd one out. An example is given.
0. A car B motorbike C bicycle D paper __D__
13. A wine B beer C lemonade D whisky
14. A dog B horse C cat D sandwich
15. A job B vegetable C fruit D meat
16. A bananas B rice C oranges D apples
17. A peas B mushrooms C eggs D beans
18. A bread B tea C salad D tomato
19. A sausages B rugby C tennis D basketball
20. A pasta B piano C tomato D potato
21. A uncle B aunt C nephew D father
22. A eyes B hair C fish D beard
Read the following text and choose the best answers (A, B, C, or D) for
questions 23-27.
There are many causes of headaches, and most people suffer them at some time or
other. Although doctors have come a long way from the old days, when headaches
were ascribed to evil spirits and treatments ranged from cutting our part of the skull to
concoctions of cow brain and goat dung, they are still not sure what sets off
The most significant advance has been the acceptance that they are not the result of
emotional stress. Until recently, many doctors thought that imbalances in the body’s
systems were to blame, but experts now believe it is the brain itself. They point to
malfunctioning chemicals, such as serotonin, whose job it is to send messages to
regulate the contraction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain.
Monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer used in Chinese cooking, can cause
headaches in some people, as do many other common foods. Red wine, aged
cheese, coffee, chocolate, nuts, and preserved meats contain nitrates, caffeine, and
tyramine, chemicals that may produce pounding headaches.
Even though the exact culprit has yet to be found, there are plenty of treatments for
prevention or cure. Over-the-counter preparations such as aspirin are fine for treating
the occasional headache, but often exacerbate severe cases. Beta blockers, usually
used for lowering blood pressure, seem to head off migraines. Antidepressants are
effective, too. But doctors also recommend non-drug treatments such as relaxation
techniques, which can be used in combination with medication, and diet modification,
to cut out foods that cause attacks.
23. According to the passage, many years ago, one way doctors tried to cure
headaches was by …
A praying to spirits.
B sacrificing cows and goats.
C operating on the patient’s head.
D writing prescriptions.
24. It is no longer believed that headaches are caused by …
A emotional stress.
B malfunctioning chemicals in the brain.
C certain kinds of foods.
D contraction and dilation of blood vessels.
25. According to the passage, doctors now believe that headaches are related to …
A imbalance in the body’s systems.
B chemicals in the brain.
C emotional stress.
D high blood pressure.
26. According to the passage, beta blockers can be used to ..
A treat migraines.
B cause migraines.
C contract blood vessels.
D treat depression.
27. According to the passage, severe headaches cannot be successfully treated by
A beta blockers.
B aspirin.
C relaxation techniques.
D serotonin.
Match the statements (28-34) and replies (A-H). An example is given.
0. Carol really liked the film.
28. She’ll love the party.
29. I won’t eat there again.
30. We can’t stand discos.
31. I’d rather go to the cinema.
32. She doesn’t mind opera.
33. We didn’t enjoy the play.
34. Anita is fond of Chinese food.
Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are
correct. Read text carefully, find the extra words and mark them. Tick (ü) any lines
that are correct. Two examples are given.
0 I wanted to go abroad for two reasons: to prove I could ___ü___
00 live on my own and to give myself lot more time to think ___lot___
35 about what I had wanted to do with my life. In the end, I
36 decided to go to Germany as an au pair because of my
37 German was quite good and because it wasn’t too much
38 far away if I did got homesick. I stayed for a year. Some
39 days it was fun but others I wished for I was at home
40 with my mother looking after me. It was quite a boring
41 most of the time. I had to look after a three-year-old
42 boy and do some of housework. I also had to babysit
43 three times a week and work all day Saturday as well as.
44 My only day off was Sunday, which it is not the best
45 day of the week to be free. Some au pairs’ families who
46 help pay for their classes and travel but mine didn’t and
47 I found that it impossible to live on the pocket money
48 what I got and I had to ask my parents for help. But it
49 wasn’t all bad. I made new friends and my German
50 improved a little.
26. A
2. B 27. B
3. D 28. G
4. A 29. H
5. G 30. A
6. I 31. B
7. F 32. C
8. H 33. E
9. K 34. F
10. J 35. Had
11. M 36. Of
12. L 37. Much
13. C 38. Did
14. D 39. For
15. A 40. A
16. B 41. ü
17. C 42. Of
18. B 43. As
19. A 44. It
20. B 45. Who
21. B 46. ü
22. C 47. That
23. C 48. What
24. A 49. ü
25. B 50. ü
Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 2
Time allowed: 45 minutes
60 questions
Read this article about pollution and see how much you agree with what the writer
has to say on the subject. Are these statements (1-8) true (T), false (F) or not given
Pollution is one of the greatest problems facing mankind. The nuclear accident at
Chernobyl and the poisoning of the river Rhine by chemicals are just two recent
examples of disasters affecting the environment. What can be done? Some people
say there is no practical sollution. However, I believe the problem can be dealt with
on three levels: internationally, nationally, and last but not least, on a personal level.
Let us begin by looking at the type of international action that can be taken. The first
point I would like to make is that, when a disaster such as that at Chernobyl occurs, it
affects millions of people. Radiation does not respect international borders. In my
opinion, there should be strict safety regulations governing the construction of
reactors. Furthermore, reactors should be regularly inspected by teams of
international experts. Similarly, if a country wishes to get rid of nuclear waste by
dumping it at sea, it should only be allowed once the matter has been thoroughly
discussed by all the countries that would be affected. Environmental disasters can be
Let us now look at what can be done on a national level. Governments must be
prepared to take action against pollution. For instance, air pollution could be reduced
if car manufacturers and companies were made to fit effective filters on car exhausts
and factory chimneys. These measures would in turn help to reduce the damage
caused to lakes and forests by acid rain.
Lastly, what can we do as individuals? Firstly, I believe we should all be prepared to
make changes to our lifestyles. Personally, I try and use public transport or my
bicycle as much as possible. When I buy petrol, I make sure that it is the lead free
variety. Secondly, we can protest against companies responsible for pollution by
making our opinions known and hitting them in the pocket. For example, if the public
boycotted products such as aerosols, which damage the ozone layer, then
manufacturers would have to change their packaging policies. We would show them
that we are not prepared to let them get away with destroying the environment.
To sum up, I have tried to show that there are steps that can be taken in the fight
against pollution. It is a problem that can be solved given the right levels of
commitment. However, only by acting as individuals first, can we expect
governments to act in their turn.
1. Pollution gets a lot of publicity. __________
2. Many people accept pollution as a part of life. __________
3. The writer is a pessimist. __________
4. Chernobyl was nobody’s fault. __________
5. The writer can’t afford to use his car all the time. __________
6. Consumers have power. __________
7. We can all fight pollution. __________
8. What we do is more important than what governments do. __________
Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are
correct. Read the text carefully, find the extra words and write them down in your
answer sheet. Tick any lines that are correct. Two examples are given.
0 First of all, I must to say that I don’t watch much television. __to__
00 This is because I’ve always got so many other things to do. __ü__
9 My two most favourite programmes are Hard Rock and
10 Open Air – I try not to miss them. Hard Rock is on every
11 Friday night from 9 to 11 and usually has the brilliant rock
12 bands playing live. They interview the bands, who are talk
13 about music, their future plans and how they started playing.
14 Open Air is completely different – it’s for a magazine
15 programme about the environment. It’s on every Sunday
16 evening at 7.30. Each week they investigate into an issue
17 which is connected in some way with the environment. Last
18 week they have looked into pollution, and next week they’re
19 interviewing with the president of Friends of the Earth.
20 There are a lots of people who watch television every night.
21 There are being so many programmes to choose from that
22 they can always find something that interesting. I don’t
23 know why they do it – I think of most TV is just a waste of time.
Questions 24-34: Read the passage below and choose the word that best fits each
space. Mark the correct letterA, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
How are things with you? Since I saw you last, I’ve been very ill. By the time I arrived
home after seeing you on Monday, I __(24)__ an awful headache.
I thought that perhaps my eyes were tired __(25)__ I’d been working so hard, so I
took some aspirins and went to bed. However, when I woke up the next morning the
headache was __(26)__ then ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my
arms and legs __(27)__ stiff.
I saw the doctor and she __(28)__ me I had a temperature. She said I probably had
flu. She advised me to take some medicine and __(29)__ in bed. The medicine
tasted horrible and it didn’t make __(30)__ feel any better. I felt sick and I didn’t want
to eat anything at all, although I was very __(31)__.
I have almost __(32)__ now, and I’m going to start work again tomorrow. I still have a
slight cold and a cough, but my chest doesn’t hurt when __(33)__.
Can we meet on Saturday? I’m looking forward to seeing you.
24. A felt B had C was
D caught
25. A as B though C while D during
26. A worse B hard C more D painful
27. A sensed B moved C felt D looked
28. A examined B told C denied
D said
29. A stay B stayed C staying D stays
30. A some B me C them D its
31. A ill B heavy C hungry D thirsty
32. A improved B decided C recovered D succeeded
33. A breathe B ache C cure D bleed
Look at each sign below and read the sentences next to it. Only one sentence is
completely correct (but the others may be partly correct). Choose the best answers
for questions 34-40.
34. SORRY! We are closed for repairs. Reopening march 1
A Repair work will begin on March 1
B Repairs have been taking place here since March 1
C Repairs are being carried out until March 1
35. last show starts at 8.30 !!!
A The performance will last eight and a half hours.
B The last performance begins at half past eight.
C To see the show you must go to the theatre after 8.30.
36. Warning – dangerous machinery. Please keep this gate closed!
A The machinery might be stolen if the gate is not kept shut.
B The gate is operated by machinery, which is dangerous.
C You must close the gate, because the machinery inside is dangerous.
37. tickets available from the desk at reception after 6.00 p.m.
A You can collect tickets after six o’clock from the desk in reception.
B The desk in reception is closed untill six o’clock.
C You can get tickets from the desk at reception, which is open until six o’clock.
38. all parcels must be left at the desk !
A Parcels must be taken past the desk into the building.
B If you bring a parcel into the building, leave it at the desk.
C If you are collecting a parcel, go to the desk on the left.
39. 10% off all electrical goods ! special offer for christmas season only !
A Ten percent of the electrical goods have been sold at Christmas.
B Nine out of ten electrical things make good Christmas presents.
C For Christmas, all the electrical goods cost ten percent less.
40. Toilet out of order ! Please use staff toilet upstairs !
A Staff are not allowed to use this toilet. They must go upstairs.
B This toilet has been closed. A new toilet has been opened upstairs.
C This toilet is broken, but you can use the ones upstairs.
Write the words in the correct column. Some may go in more than one. An example
is given.
Ice bright sleet fog dull wind
Hail warm cloudy storm snow thunder
Cool clear frost rain sunshine dry
Cold weather Wet weather
41. __________
46. __________
47. __________
48. __________
42. __________
43. __________
44. __________
45. __________
49. __________
50. __________
51. __________
52. __________
53. __________
54. __________
55. __________
Time allowed: 60 minutes
60 Questions
1. NG 31. C
2. T 32. C
3. F 33. A
4. NG 34. C
5. F 35. B
6. T 36. C
7. T 37. A
8. F 38. B
9. Most 39. C
10. To (them) 40. C
11. The 41. Sleet (41–45: any order)
12. Are 42. Wind
13. ü 43. Storm
14. For 44. Snow
15. ü 45. Frost
16. Into 46. Sleet (46-55: any order)
17. ü 47. Fog
18. Have 48. Dull
19. With 49. Wind
20. A 50. Hail
21. Being 51. Cloudy
22. That 52. Storm
23. Of 53. Thunder
24. B 54. Cool
25. A 55. Rain
26. A 56. Bright (56-60: any order)
27. C 57. Dry
28. B 58. Warm
29. A 59. Clear
30. B 60. Sunshine
Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 1
Time allowed: 60 minutes
Questions 1 – 40
Questions 1 – 5
Look at questions 1-5
In each question, which phrase is correct?
For each question, mark one letter A, B or C on your answer sheet
Don’t forget –
flight BA692 6:45 p.m.
The plane arrive at
1. quarter to seven in the morning
2. quarter past six in the evening
3. quarter to seven in the evening
The correct answer is C, so mark your Answer sheet like this
Example A B C
1. You will receive the full amount as soon as the work complete
2. You should finish all the work quickly
3. Full payment will be made soon
4. When you finish the work, you will be paid
1. For further copies of this guide, please phone 01279662714
Call this number if you want to
1. Get more details
2. Receive extra leaflets
3. Photocopy this brochure
Flight number
JAL 415
JAL 425
JAL 435
Mr Muriyama is travelling to London after a lunch-time meeting in Tokyo. Which flight
will he catch?
1. JAL 415
2. JAL 425
3. JAL 435
1. 4. 13.4.97
Dear Mr. Parker,
Re: Conference 21.2.97
Thank you for telephoning yesterday about….
Mr. Parker called on
1. 12 April
2. 13 April
3. 21 April
1. We are pleased to announce the promotion of our Sales Manager, Mr.
Tannerman, to Regional Sales Director.
2. The Sales Manager will become the new Regional Sales Director
3. The Regional Sales Director is looking for a new Sale Manager
4. Mr. Tennerman will be appointed as the new Sales Manager.
Questions 6 – 10
Look at the notice below. It shows the departments in a company
For questions 6-10, decide which department A – H each employee should
For each question, mark ONE letter A H on your Answer Sheet
Do not use any letter more than once
Ground Floor A. Wages and Salaries
1. Marketing
2. Quality Control
First Floor D. Tying Service
E. Export
1. Purchasing
Second Floor G. Personnel
H. Training
1. Ms. Williams needs to send a large order to an important customer in the USA
2. John Carter needs extra staff to help with an unexpected order
3. Mr. Wales wants to discuss advertising for his new product
4. Mary Walden thinks she has been charged too much tax on her pay
10. Ian Whittaker has a box of faulty goods which a shop has sent back
Questions 11-15
Look at the charts below. They show the sales figures of three furniture
companies, K, L and M, for eight different products A – H
Which part does each sentence 11-15 describe?
For each sentence, mark ONE letter A H on each Answer Sheet
Do not use any letter more than once
11. Sales of this product were higher at M than at K or L
12. L has more than half of the market for this product
13. All three companies have an equal share of the market of this product
14. K’s sales of this product have not been as high as those of the other two
15. K has done as well with this product as the other two companies together
Questions 16-22
Read the text below, which is a talk about training courses for new staff
Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page “Right” or “Wrong”?
If there is not enough information to answer “Right” or “Wrong”, choose
“Doesn’t say”
For each sentence 16-22, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet
“These four introductory training courses will generally last two or three hours each
and will be timetabled over the first two weeks of your employment. For all of the
courses, you should go to the Training Centre, except for the Health and Safety
Course, which is held in Room 301
The first course will begin with a tour of the building. You will be shown key places
such as the post room, the first aid room and Chief Executive’s office.
Everyone must attend the second course, on health and safety. This will include what
to do in case of fire. Nay employees who would like to follow a course on emergency
first aid should tell their instructor after this talk.
The third course cover company goals, plus information on the structure of the
company an the senior management team.
The final course looks at hours of work, salaries and sick leave. However, we will not
be able to discuss individual contacts and job descriptions. If you have any doubts
about what your job includes, please speak to your department Head.”
16. Each training course is two weeks long
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
17. Only one training course will be in Room 301
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
18. The tour begins with a visit to the post room
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
19. You do not have to go to the first aid course
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
20. On the third training course, you will meet a member of the senior management
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
21. On the final training course, you will talk about what you will do in your own job.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
22. If you can attend none of the training courses, you should talk to you department
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
Questions 23-30
Read this extract from an annual report written by the Managing Director of a
toy company called Bambinos,and answer questions 23-30 on the opposite page
1996 began well for Bambinos, with the purchase in January of the National Toy
Shops Ltd for £2.3 million. All departments avoided job losses, except Sales, where
both companies had previously had agents serving the same areas. In the
Production department, eighty temporary workers were taken on in February to work
on a contact with a new client in Japan. These jobs will probably disappear by the
beginning of the summer, though staffing levels may rise again soon afterwards when
we launch the new robot toy, Roboman
The export order to Japan has been a major success, but it cannot hide the problems
we have had in this area. Despite the huge amounts we have invested in designing
world-leading tours and in the distribution of our products, I am disappointed to see
we are losing customers to rival firms, especially in Asia. We do not seem able to
offer the same quality of service as our rival. I want to see a system for improving the
way we deal with calls from customers wanting information or help, checking on
details of products, or making complaints. I would like to see major improvements in
this area as soon as possible.
There are many achievements to be proud of. The increase in annual profits in 1996
was partly the result of Mr. Beck’s new system of producing and following up invoices
for company accounts. But I am particularly pleased to see the 50% growth in the
number of staff who are now able to use computers for major parts of their work. This
is an excellent result for the small amount of money invested last year in staff
training. We have now advertised for a new Training Manager and will be increasing
the amount spent in this area to over 3% of annual profits. This will provide a variety
of courses for staff in all departments.
Finally, I would like to mention Roboman. Many of our future plans depend on the
success of this project, which will go into production in February. In 1993 our
engineers in the Research and Development department had already succeeded in
producing one of the world’s smallest radio-controlled robots, so efficient that the
batteries do not need to be changed for at least 25 hours of use. What makes this
new one particularly exciting is that it is controlled simply by the user giving it spoken
instructions. It is this, rather than sales techniques or pricing policy, that will make
Roboman the best-selling toy for the next five years.
For questions 23-26, choose the correct answer
For each question, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your answer sheet
23. Extra staff were employed for
1. a new order from overseas
2. an increase in demand over the summer
3. the development of the new toy
24. The main problem during 1996 was
1. the increase in distribution costs.
2. Competition from other companies
3. The high level of staff turnover
25. The company has improved
1. its advertising methods
2. communication between departments
3. the computer skills of its staff
26. the most important development in the new Roboman is that
1. It doesn’t need batteries
2. It responds to speech
3. It is very small
For questions 27-30, use the information I the text to match each sentence
with one of the company department A – G
For each question, mark ONE letter A G on your answer sheet
Do not use any letter more than once
27. The only department to reduce its staff was…………
28. The Managing Director wants to see urgent changes in …………
29. The company intends to invest more money in …………
30. The success of Roboman will be due mainly to the work done by…………
Question 31 – 40
Read the text about the company pay policy
Choose the correct word from A,B or C on the opposite page to fill each gap
For each question, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet
Company pay policy should have two main goals. Firstly, the policy should
provide (31)……… Acceptable level of reward. This will make it possible (23)………
the company to hire and keep employees. Promotion within the company by (33)
……… Reward for additional responsibility and improved skills. The aim is to make
employees see themselves (34) ….. part of the team.
Pay policy should therefore be decided at the (35)……… level in the organisation.
The Personnel Manager is normally the one (36)……… Takes the final decision.
However, that does not mean that (37)………members of the management tem do
(38)……… have responsibility as well. The issue is (39)………important that one
manager cannot deal with it alone. Everyone in a company is responsible for making
sure (40) ……… Pay policy is successful.
31. A. this B. the C. an
32. A. for B. to C. by
33. A. offer B. offered C. offering
34. A. in B. as C. like
35. A. highest B. higher C. highly
36. A. which B. other C. others
37. A. another B. other C. others
38. A. neither B. never C. not
39. A. too B. so C. such
40. A. any B. much C. many
Questions 41 – 45
Read the memo and letter below
Complete the applicant information form on the opposite page
Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41 – 45 on your answer sheet
From: Susan Maxwell Ext. 5570
Another applicant for the Area Sales Manager post. Please complet the form and file the CV for me.
141 Huntford Road
October 1997
Dear Mr. Fernandez,
I would like to apply for the vacancy advertised in The Times newspaper yesterday.
I have been working as a Sales Executive for the Music Machines Company for three years, but I am now looking for a job with more responsibility. I have a BA in economics and I hope to take an MSc
course one day. Although I come from Japan, my English is now very good as I have lived since 1992.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Keiko Yoshida
Keiko Yoshida
Applicant Information Form
Position applied for: 41 ………………………………
Name of applicant 42 ………………………………
Nationality: 43 ………………………………
Current employer: 44 ………………………………
Present qualifications: 45 ………………………………
Question 46
You have just joined a company as the new Computer Skills Trainer.
You are organizing a meeting on Monday 1
December to introduce yourself to
the staff. Write a memo to the staff:
* saying where and when the meeting will be
* asking all staff to attend
Write about 20 words
You can write here, but you must copy what you have written onto your
Answer Sheet
From: Computer Skills Trainer
To: All Staff
Question 47
Read this letter from Ms. Sano, a business club secretary
13 October 1997
Senator Barns
American Trade Centre
Dear Senator Barns,
I am the Secretary of the Small Business Club in our town. We would like to invite you to give a talk at our next meeting on 16 January. The meeting will start at 7.30 p.m.
are expected to attend.
I would be grateful if you could inform me whether you will be available on 16 January and which particular area of business you would prefer to talk about.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Yuho Sano,
Club Secretary
Write a reply to Ms. Sano:
* thanking her for the invitation
* agreeing to give a talk
* saying what you want to talk about
* asking where the meeting will be
Write 50 – 60 words
You can write here, but you must copy what you have written onto your
Answer Sheet
1. B 26. M
2. C 27. D
3. D 28. K
4. A 29. H
5. B 30. O
6. A 31. Just
7. D 32. Cup
8. C 33. Until
9. B 34. Biscuit
10. C 35. Milk
11. B & D 36. Lunch
12. D 37. Have
13. A & G 38. About
14. C, D, E & G 39. Dinner
15. G 40. A
16. G 41. Don’t
17. L 42. Cheese
18. E 43. Glass
19. N 44. Juice
20. I 45. Meal
21. A 46. Weekend
22. C 47. Restaurant
23. J 48. Can
24. F 49. Lot
25. b 50. Pubs
| 1/21

Preview text:

Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 3
—————o0o————— ENGLISH TEST
Time allowed: 60 minutes 50 questions PART ONE
Look at the table below and match the opposites. An example is given.
0. Married _____C_____ 1. Neat __________ 2. Bright __________ 3. Important __________ 4. Male __________ 5. Natural __________ 6. Public __________ 7. Strong __________ 8. Tall __________ 9. Close __________ 10. Wrong __________ 11. Fat __________ 12. Hungry __________ PART TWO
Questions 13-22: Circle the odd one out. An example is given.
0. A car B motorbike C bicycle D paper __D__
13. A wine B beer C lemonade D whisky
14. A dog B horse C cat D sandwich
15. A job B vegetable C fruit D meat
16. A bananas B rice C oranges D apples
17. A peas B mushrooms C eggs D beans
18. A bread B tea C salad D tomato
19. A sausages B rugby C tennis D basketball
20. A pasta B piano C tomato D potato
21. A uncle B aunt C nephew D father
22. A eyes B hair C fish D beard PART THREE
Read the following text and choose the best answers (A, B, C, or D) for questions 23-27.
There are many causes of headaches, and most people suffer them at some time or
other. Although doctors have come a long way from the old days, when headaches
were ascribed to evil spirits and treatments ranged from cutting our part of the skull to
concoctions of cow brain and goat dung, they are still not sure what sets off headaches.
The most significant advance has been the acceptance that they are not the result of
emotional stress. Until recently, many doctors thought that imbalances in the body’s
systems were to blame, but experts now believe it is the brain itself. They point to
malfunctioning chemicals, such as serotonin, whose job it is to send messages to
regulate the contraction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain.
Monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer used in Chinese cooking, can cause
headaches in some people, as do many other common foods. Red wine, aged
cheese, coffee, chocolate, nuts, and preserved meats contain nitrates, caffeine, and
tyramine, chemicals that may produce pounding headaches.
Even though the exact culprit has yet to be found, there are plenty of treatments for
prevention or cure. Over-the-counter preparations such as aspirin are fine for treating
the occasional headache, but often exacerbate severe cases. Beta blockers, usually
used for lowering blood pressure, seem to head off migraines. Antidepressants are
effective, too. But doctors also recommend non-drug treatments such as relaxation
techniques, which can be used in combination with medication, and diet modification,
to cut out foods that cause attacks.
23. According to the passage, many years ago, one way doctors tried to cure headaches was by … A praying to spirits.
B sacrificing cows and goats.
C operating on the patient’s head.
D writing prescriptions.
24. It is no longer believed that headaches are caused by … A emotional stress.
B malfunctioning chemicals in the brain.
C certain kinds of foods.
D contraction and dilation of blood vessels.
25. According to the passage, doctors now believe that headaches are related to …
A imbalance in the body’s systems.
B chemicals in the brain. C emotional stress. D high blood pressure.
26. According to the passage, beta blockers can be used to .. A treat migraines. B cause migraines.
C contract blood vessels. D treat depression.
27. According to the passage, severe headaches cannot be successfully treated by … A beta blockers. B aspirin.
C relaxation techniques. D serotonin. PART FOUR
Match the statements (28-34) and replies (A-H). An example is given. Example
0. Carol really liked the film.
28. She’ll love the party.
29. I won’t eat there again.
30. We can’t stand discos.
31. I’d rather go to the cinema.
32. She doesn’t mind opera.
33. We didn’t enjoy the play.
34. Anita is fond of Chinese food. PART FIVE
Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are
correct. Read text careful y, find the extra words and mark them. Tick (
ü) any lines
that are correct. Two examples are given.

0 I wanted to go abroad for two reasons: to prove I could ___ü___
00 live on my own and to give myself lot more time to think ___lot___
35 about what I had wanted to do with my life. In the end, I
36 decided to go to Germany as an au pair because of my
37 German was quite good and because it wasn’t too much
38 far away if I did got homesick. I stayed for a year. Some
39 days it was fun but others I wished for I was at home
40 with my mother looking after me. It was quite a boring
41 most of the time. I had to look after a three-year-old
42 boy and do some of housework. I also had to babysit
43 three times a week and work all day Saturday as wel as.
44 My only day off was Sunday, which it is not the best
45 day of the week to be free. Some au pairs’ families who
46 help pay for their classes and travel but mine didn’t and
47 I found that it impossible to live on the pocket money
48 what I got and I had to ask my parents for help. But it
49 wasn’t all bad. I made new friends and my German 50 improved a little. KEY 1. E 26. A 2. B 27. B 3. D 28. G 4. A 29. H 5. G 30. A 6. I 31. B 7. F 32. C 8. H 33. E 9. K 34. F 10. J 35. Had 11. M 36. Of 12. L 37. Much 13. C 38. Did 14. D 39. For 15. A 40. A 16. B 41. ü 17. C 42. Of 18. B 43. As 19. A 44. It 20. B 45. Who 21. B 46. ü 22. C 47. That 23. C 48. What 24. A 49. ü 25. B 50. ü
Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 2
—————o0o————— ENGLISH TEST
Time allowed: 45 minutes 60 questions PART ONE
Read this article about pollution and see how much you agree with what the writer
has to say on the subject. Are these statements (1-8) true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
Pollution is one of the greatest problems facing mankind. The nuclear accident at
Chernobyl and the poisoning of the river Rhine by chemicals are just two recent
examples of disasters affecting the environment. What can be done? Some people
say there is no practical sollution. However, I believe the problem can be dealt with
on three levels: internationally, nationally, and last but not least, on a personal level.
Let us begin by looking at the type of international action that can be taken. The first
point I would like to make is that, when a disaster such as that at Chernobyl occurs, it
affects millions of people. Radiation does not respect international borders. In my
opinion, there should be strict safety regulations governing the construction of
reactors. Furthermore, reactors should be regularly inspected by teams of
international experts. Similarly, if a country wishes to get rid of nuclear waste by
dumping it at sea, it should only be allowed once the matter has been thoroughly
discussed by all the countries that would be affected. Environmental disasters can be avoided.
Let us now look at what can be done on a national level. Governments must be
prepared to take action against pollution. For instance, air pol ution could be reduced
if car manufacturers and companies were made to fit effective filters on car exhausts
and factory chimneys. These measures would in turn help to reduce the damage
caused to lakes and forests by acid rain.
Lastly, what can we do as individuals? Firstly, I believe we should all be prepared to
make changes to our lifestyles. Personally, I try and use public transport or my
bicycle as much as possible. When I buy petrol, I make sure that it is the lead free
variety. Secondly, we can protest against companies responsible for pollution by
making our opinions known and hitting them in the pocket. For example, if the public
boycotted products such as aerosols, which damage the ozone layer, then
manufacturers would have to change their packaging policies. We would show them
that we are not prepared to let them get away with destroying the environment.
To sum up, I have tried to show that there are steps that can be taken in the fight
against pollution. It is a problem that can be solved given the right levels of
commitment. However, only by acting as individuals first, can we expect
governments to act in their turn.
1. Pollution gets a lot of publicity. __________
2. Many people accept pollution as a part of life. __________
3. The writer is a pessimist. __________
4. Chernobyl was nobody’s fault. __________
5. The writer can’t afford to use his car all the time. __________
6. Consumers have power. __________
7. We can all fight pollution. __________
8. What we do is more important than what governments do. __________ PART TWO
Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word. A few of the lines are
correct. Read the text careful y, find the extra words and write them down in your
answer sheet. Tick any lines that are correct. Two examples are given.
0 First of all, I must to say that I don’t watch much television. __to__
00 This is because I’ve always got so many other things to do. __ü__
9 My two most favourite programmes are Hard Rock and
10 Open Air – I try not to miss them. Hard Rock is on every
11 Friday night from 9 to 11 and usually has the brilliant rock
12 bands playing live. They interview the bands, who are talk
13 about music, their future plans and how they started playing.
14 Open Air is completely different – it’s for a magazine
15 programme about the environment. It’s on every Sunday
16 evening at 7.30. Each week they investigate into an issue
17 which is connected in some way with the environment. Last
18 week they have looked into pollution, and next week they’re
19 interviewing with the president of Friends of the Earth.
20 There are a lots of people who watch television every night.
21 There are being so many programmes to choose from that
22 they can always find something that interesting. I don’t
23 know why they do it – I think of most TV is just a waste of time. PART THREE
Questions 24-34: Read the passage below and choose the word that best fits each
space. Mark the correct letterA, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
How are things with you? Since I saw you last, I’ve been very ill. By the time I arrived
home after seeing you on Monday, I __(24)__ an awful headache.
I thought that perhaps my eyes were tired __(25)__ I’d been working so hard, so I
took some aspirins and went to bed. However, when I woke up the next morning the
headache was __(26)__ then ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my
arms and legs __(27)__ stiff.
I saw the doctor and she __(28)__ me I had a temperature. She said I probably had
flu. She advised me to take some medicine and __(29)__ in bed. The medicine
tasted horrible and it didn’t make __(30)__ feel any better. I felt sick and I didn’t want
to eat anything at all, although I was very __(31)__.
I have almost __(32)__ now, and I’m going to start work again tomorrow. I stil have a
slight cold and a cough, but my chest doesn’t hurt when __(33)__.
Can we meet on Saturday? I’m looking forward to seeing you. 24. A felt B had C was D caught
25. A as B though C while D during
26. A worse B hard C more D painful
27. A sensed B moved C felt D looked 28. A examined B told C denied D said
29. A stay B stayed C staying D stays
30. A some B me C them D its
31. A il B heavy C hungry D thirsty
32. A improved B decided C recovered D succeeded
33. A breathe B ache C cure D bleed PART FOUR
Look at each sign below and read the sentences next to it. Only one sentence is
completely correct (but the others may be partly correct). Choose the best answers for questions 34-40.
34. SORRY! We are closed for repairs. Reopening march 1st
A Repair work wil begin on March 1st
B Repairs have been taking place here since March 1st
C Repairs are being carried out until March 1st
35. last show starts at 8.30 !!!
A The performance will last eight and a half hours.
B The last performance begins at half past eight.
C To see the show you must go to the theatre after 8.30.
36. Warning – dangerous machinery. Please keep this gate closed!
A The machinery might be stolen if the gate is not kept shut.
B The gate is operated by machinery, which is dangerous.
C You must close the gate, because the machinery inside is dangerous.
37. tickets available from the desk at reception after 6.00 p.m.
A You can collect tickets after six o’clock from the desk in reception.
B The desk in reception is closed untill six o’clock.
C You can get tickets from the desk at reception, which is open until six o’clock.
38. all parcels must be left at the desk !
A Parcels must be taken past the desk into the building.
B If you bring a parcel into the building, leave it at the desk.
C If you are collecting a parcel, go to the desk on the left.
39. 10% off all electrical goods ! special offer for christmas season only !
A Ten percent of the electrical goods have been sold at Christmas.
B Nine out of ten electrical things make good Christmas presents.
C For Christmas, all the electrical goods cost ten percent less.
40. Toilet out of order ! Please use staff toilet upstairs !
A Staff are not allowed to use this toilet. They must go upstairs.
B This toilet has been closed. A new toilet has been opened upstairs.
C This toilet is broken, but you can use the ones upstairs. PART FIVE
Write the words in the correct column. Some may go in more than one. An example is given.
Ice bright sleet fog dull wind
Hail warm cloudy storm snow thunder
Cool clear frost rain sunshine dry Cold weather Wet weather Ice 46. __________ 47. __________ 41. __________ 48. __________ 42. __________ 49. __________ 43. __________ 50. __________ 44. __________ 51. __________ 45. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________
Time allowed: 60 minutes 60 Questions KEY 1. NG 31. C 2. T 32. C 3. F 33. A 4. NG 34. C 5. F 35. B 6. T 36. C 7. T 37. A 8. F 38. B 9. Most 39. C 10. To (them) 40. C 11. The
41. Sleet (41–45: any order) 12. Are 42. Wind 13. ü 43. Storm 14. For 44. Snow 15. ü 45. Frost 16. Into
46. Sleet (46-55: any order) 17. ü 47. Fog 18. Have 48. Dull 19. With 49. Wind 20. A 50. Hail 21. Being 51. Cloudy 22. That 52. Storm 23. Of 53. Thunder 24. B 54. Cool 25. A 55. Rain 26. A
56. Bright (56-60: any order) 27. C 57. Dry 28. B 58. Warm 29. A 59. Clear 30. B 60. Sunshine
Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 1
—————o0o————— ENGLISH TEST
Time allowed: 60 minutes READING Questions 1 – 40 PART ONE Questions 1 – 5 • Look at questions 1-5 •
In each question, which phrase is correct? •
For each question, mark one letter A, B or C on your answer sheet Example: Don’t forget – flight BA692 6:45 p.m. The plane arrive at 1.
quarter to seven in the morning 2.
quarter past six in the evening 3.
quarter to seven in the evening
The correct answer is C, so mark your Answer sheet like this Example A B C 1.
You wil receive the full amount as soon as the work complete 2.
You should finish all the work quickly 3. Ful payment will be made soon 4.
When you finish the work, you will be paid 1.
For further copies of this guide, please phone 01279662714
Call this number if you want to 1. Get more details 2. Receive extra leaflets 3. Photocopy this brochure 1.
Mr Muriyama is travelling to London after a lunch-time meeting in Tokyo. Which flight will he catch? 1. JAL 415 2. JAL 425 3. JAL 435 1. 4. 13.4.97 Dear Mr. Parker, Re: Conference 21.2.97
Thank you for telephoning yesterday about…. Mr. Parker called on 1. 12 April 2. 13 April 3. 21 April 1.
We are pleased to announce the promotion of our Sales Manager, Mr.
Tannerman, to Regional Sales Director. 2.
The Sales Manager will become the new Regional Sales Director 3.
The Regional Sales Director is looking for a new Sale Manager 4.
Mr. Tennerman will be appointed as the new Sales Manager. PART TWO Questions 6 – 10 •
Look at the notice below. It shows the departments in a company •
For questions 6-10, decide which department A – H each employee should contact •
For each question, mark ONE letter A – H on your Answer Sheet •
Do not use any letter more than once MOLEWORTH PLC CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA
Ground Floor A. Wages and Salaries 1. Marketing 2. Quality Control
First Floor D. Tying Service E. Export 1. Purchasing
Second Floor G. Personnel H. Training 1.
Ms. Williams needs to send a large order to an important customer in the USA 2.
John Carter needs extra staff to help with an unexpected order 3.
Mr. Wales wants to discuss advertising for his new product 4.
Mary Walden thinks she has been charged too much tax on her pay
10. Ian Whittaker has a box of faulty goods which a shop has sent back PART THREE Questions 11-15 •
Look at the charts below. They show the sales figures of three furniture
companies, K, L and M, for eight different products A – H •
Which part does each sentence 11-15 describe? •
For each sentence, mark ONE letter A – H on each Answer Sheet •
Do not use any letter more than once
11. Sales of this product were higher at M than at K or L
12. L has more than half of the market for this product
13. All three companies have an equal share of the market of this product
14. K’s sales of this product have not been as high as those of the other two companies
15. K has done as well with this product as the other two companies together PART FOUR Questions 16-22 •
Read the text below, which is a talk about training courses for new staff •
Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page “Right” or “Wrong”? •
If there is not enough information to answer “Right” or “Wrong”, choose “Doesn’t say” •
For each sentence 16-22, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet
“These four introductory training courses will generally last two or three hours each
and will be timetabled over the first two weeks of your employment. For all of the
courses, you should go to the Training Centre, except for the Health and Safety
Course, which is held in Room 301
The first course will begin with a tour of the building. You will be shown key places
such as the post room, the first aid room and Chief Executive’s office.
Everyone must attend the second course, on health and safety. This will include what
to do in case of fire. Nay employees who would like to follow a course on emergency
first aid should tel their instructor after this talk.
The third course cover company goals, plus information on the structure of the
company an the senior management team.
The final course looks at hours of work, salaries and sick leave. However, we will not
be able to discuss individual contacts and job descriptions. If you have any doubts
about what your job includes, please speak to your department Head.”
16. Each training course is two weeks long
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
17. Only one training course will be in Room 301
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
18. The tour begins with a visit to the post room
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
19. You do not have to go to the first aid course
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
20. On the third training course, you wil meet a member of the senior management team
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
21. On the final training course, you wil talk about what you will do in your own job.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
22. If you can attend none of the training courses, you should talk to you department Head.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say PART FIVE Questions 23-30 •
Read this extract from an annual report written by the Managing Director of a
toy company called Bambinos,and answer questions 23-30 on the opposite page
1996 began well for Bambinos, with the purchase in January of the National Toy
Shops Ltd for £2.3 mil ion. All departments avoided job losses, except Sales, where
both companies had previously had agents serving the same areas. In the
Production department, eighty temporary workers were taken on in February to work
on a contact with a new client in Japan. These jobs wil probably disappear by the
beginning of the summer, though staffing levels may rise again soon afterwards when
we launch the new robot toy, Roboman
The export order to Japan has been a major success, but it cannot hide the problems
we have had in this area. Despite the huge amounts we have invested in designing
world-leading tours and in the distribution of our products, I am disappointed to see
we are losing customers to rival firms, especially in Asia. We do not seem able to
offer the same quality of service as our rival. I want to see a system for improving the
way we deal with calls from customers wanting information or help, checking on
details of products, or making complaints. I would like to see major improvements in this area as soon as possible.
There are many achievements to be proud of. The increase in annual profits in 1996
was partly the result of Mr. Beck’s new system of producing and following up invoices
for company accounts. But I am particularly pleased to see the 50% growth in the
number of staff who are now able to use computers for major parts of their work. This
is an excellent result for the smal amount of money invested last year in staff
training. We have now advertised for a new Training Manager and will be increasing
the amount spent in this area to over 3% of annual profits. This wil provide a variety
of courses for staff in all departments.
Finally, I would like to mention Roboman. Many of our future plans depend on the
success of this project, which will go into production in February. In 1993 our
engineers in the Research and Development department had already succeeded in
producing one of the world’s smallest radio-controlled robots, so efficient that the
batteries do not need to be changed for at least 25 hours of use. What makes this
new one particularly exciting is that it is controlled simply by the user giving it spoken
instructions. It is this, rather than sales techniques or pricing policy, that wil make
Roboman the best-sel ing toy for the next five years. •
For questions 23-26, choose the correct answer •
For each question, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your answer sheet
23. Extra staff were employed for 1. a new order from overseas 2.
an increase in demand over the summer 3. the development of the new toy
24. The main problem during 1996 was 1.
the increase in distribution costs. 2.
Competition from other companies 3.
The high level of staff turnover 25. The company has improved 1. its advertising methods 2.
communication between departments 3.
the computer skills of its staff
26. the most important development in the new Roboman is that 1. It doesn’t need batteries 2. It responds to speech 3. It is very small •
For questions 27-30, use the information I the text to match each sentence
with one of the company department A – G •
For each question, mark ONE letter A – G on your answer sheet •
Do not use any letter more than once
27. The only department to reduce its staff was…………
28. The Managing Director wants to see urgent changes in …………
29. The company intends to invest more money in …………
30. The success of Roboman wil be due mainly to the work done by………… PART SIX Question 31 – 40
Read the text about the company pay policy •
Choose the correct word from A,B or C on the opposite page to fill each gap •
For each question, mark ONE letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet COMPANY PAY POLICY
Company pay policy should have two main goals. Firstly, the policy should
provide (31)……… Acceptable level of reward. This will make it possible (23)………
the company to hire and keep employees. Promotion within the company by (33)
……… Reward for additional responsibility and improved skil s. The aim is to make
employees see themselves (34) ….. part of the team.
Pay policy should therefore be decided at the (35)……… level in the organisation.
The Personnel Manager is normally the one (36)……… Takes the final decision.
However, that does not mean that (37)………members of the management tem do
(38)……… have responsibility as well. The issue is (39)………important that one
manager cannot deal with it alone. Everyone in a company is responsible for making
sure (40) ……… Pay policy is successful.
31. A. this B. the C. an
32. A. for B. to C. by
33. A. offer B. offered C. offering
34. A. in B. as C. like
35. A. highest B. higher C. highly
36. A. which B. other C. others
37. A. another B. other C. others
38. A. neither B. never C. not
39. A. too B. so C. such
40. A. any B. much C. many WRITING PART SEVEN Questions 41 – 45 • Read the memo and letter below •
Complete the applicant information form on the opposite page •
Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41 – 45 on your answer sheet
From: Susan Maxwell Ext. 5570 Memo: Andy,
Another applicant for the Area Sales Manager post. Please complet the form and file the CV for me. Thanks 141 Huntford Road Cambridge 12th October 1997 Dear Mr. Fernandez,
I would like to apply for the vacancy advertised in The Times newspaper yesterday.
I have been working as a Sales Executive for the Music Machines Company for three years, but I am now looking for a job with more responsibility. I have a BA in economics and I hope to take an MSc
course one day. Although I come from Japan, my English is now very good as I have lived since 1992.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Keiko Yoshida Keiko Yoshida
Applicant Information Form Position applied for:
41 ……………………………… Name of applicant
42 ……………………………… Nationality:
43 ……………………………… Current employer:
44 ……………………………… Present qualifications:
45 ……………………………… PART EIGHT Question 46 •
You have just joined a company as the new Computer Skills Trainer. •
You are organizing a meeting on Monday 1st December to introduce yourself to
the staff. Write a memo to the staff:
* saying where and when the meeting wil be * asking all staff to attend • Write about 20 words •
You can write here, but you must copy what you have written onto your Answer Sheet MEMO From: Computer Skills Trainer To: All Staff
…………………………………………………………………………. PART NINE Question 47
Read this letter from Ms. Sano, a business club secretary 13 October 1997 Senator Barns American Trade Centre Dear Senator Barns,
I am the Secretary of the Smal Business Club in our town. We would like to invite you to give a talk at our next meeting on 16 January. The meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. are expected to attend.
I would be grateful if you could inform me whether you will be available on 16 January and which particular area of business you would prefer to talk about. Yours sincerely, Ms. Yuho Sano, Club Secretary • Write a reply to Ms. Sano:
* thanking her for the invitation * agreeing to give a talk
* saying what you want to talk about
* asking where the meeting will be • Write 50 – 60 words •
You can write here, but you must copy what you have written onto your Answer Sheet KEY: 1. B 26. M 2. C 27. D 3. D 28. K 4. A 29. H 5. B 30. O 6. A 31. Just 7. D 32. Cup 8. C 33. Until 9. B 34. Biscuit 10. C 35. Milk 11. B & D 36. Lunch 12. D 37. Have 13. A & G 38. About 14. C, D, E & G 39. Dinner 15. G 40. A 16. G 41. Don’t 17. L 42. Cheese 18. E 43. Glass 19. N 44. Juice 20. I 45. Meal 21. A 46. Weekend 22. C 47. Restaurant 23. J 48. Can 24. F 49. Lot 25. b 50. Pubs