TOP 300 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Lâm Nghiệp

TOP 300 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm tiếng anh chuyên ngành | Đại học Lâm Nghiệp được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
1. Is Peter ill? He …………. at work yesterday.
A. is B. isn’t C. was D. wasn’t
2. Why ………. Ann late for her lessons yesterday morning?
A. is C. does D. didB. was
3. We …………. our car in the car park, opposite the library.
A. drove B. caught C. put D. parked
4. Our first lesson this morning ……… science. It ………. ICT.
A. is / isn’t B. isn’t / was C. was / isn’t D. wasn’t/ was
5. The weather ……….. very nice yesterday. It was wet and cold.
A. was B. wasn’t C. was being D. wasn’t being
6. The test …….. very difficult. I ………. do it and I got a bad mark.
A. was/ could B. wasn’t/ couldn’t C. wasn’t/ could D. was/ couldn’t
7. We …….. see the film because we …….. very far away from the screen.
A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / wasn’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
8. The students ………. buy any snacks because the shops ……… open.
A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / weren’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
9. I ………. find my keys anywhere this morning because they ……… under my brother’s bed!
A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / weren’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
10. When he ……… young he ……….. run very fast, but now he can’t!
A. was/ could B. wasn’t/ couldn’t C. wasn’t/ could D. was/ couldn’t
11. We can swim and do sport at the ………
A. concert hall C. leisure centre D. parkB. swimming pool
12. You can see interesting and very old things at a ……….
A. museum B. art gallery C. town hall D. theatre
13. You can find out about places in the town at the ………..
A. museum B. train station C. police station D. tourist information centre
14. You can get married in a church or at a ………….
A. concert hall C. leisure centre D. theatreB. town hall
15. You can look at famous paintings at an ………..
A. concert hall B. town hall C. museum D. art gallery
16. Excuse me! I'm looking for the ……………….. I want to send a parcel.
A. bank B. shopping centre C. post office D. train station
17. There's a lot of cars in the ………
A. car park B. concert hall C. post office D. church
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
18. My great-granddad …………. speak Italian. He was from Rome.
A. can B. can’t D. couldn’tC. could
19. Martin ……. watch A DVD because his DVD player ………. broken.
A. could / was B. couldn’t/ was C. could/ weren’t D. couldn’t/ wasn’t
20. We ……… understand Kumiko because we can’t speak Japanese.
A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t
21. You can ……. a train to Scotland, or you can go by car.
A. go B. catch C. give D. took
22. You can’t ………a car in the town centre. Use a car park outside the town and ……. the bus in to the
town centre.
A. catch/ get B. drive/ leave C. take / catch D. park/ get
23. Can you phone me at home and tell me the plan? If I’m not there, ………….
A. send a letter C. chat on the phone D. go to a nightclubB. leave a message
24. Let’s ……. in the park. We can take the dog.
A. go for a walk B. chat to a friend C. get a bus D. play video games
25. Mozart could ………… when he was four.
A. play the violin B. play chess D. paint beautiful picturesC. write music
26. Vanessa Mae could …….. when she was five.
A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
27. Dariusz Swiercz could ……… when he was four.
A. play the violin C. write music D. paint beautiful picturesB. play chess
28. Pablo Picasso could ……… when he was seven?
A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
29. Could you …….. to ten when you were two?
A. walk B. read D. rideC. count
30. Could Martha …….. a bike when she was seven?
A. walk B. get C. drive D. ride
31. Sam wasn’t hungry – he couldn’t ……. his dinner.
A. finish B. have C. stop D. invite
32. My sister studies maths ………. university.
A. to B. in C. at D. from
33. Summer starts …….. June.
A. to B. in D. fromC. at
34. My favorite programme starts …………. ten o’clock.
A. to B. in D. fromC. at
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
35. You can see views ………. the opera house at the top of the Harbour Bridge.
A. to B. in C. at D. of
36. You can watch a film ………. 3D at the Imax Theatre.
A. to C. at D. ofB. in
37. ‘Look ……. this!’ shouted the little girl.
A. at B. to C. in D. for
38. Last night I watched TV ………. a long time.
A. during B. on C. in D. for
39. All students passed the test at the end ….. the course.
A. in B. of C. for
40. Choose the odd one out.
A. theatre B. cinema C. leisure centre D. church
41. Choose the odd one out.
A. galleries B. cinemas D. shopping centresC. guests
42. It’s ………. to travel around in London.
A. safely B. slowly D. fantasticallyC. easy
43. You need a lot of money in London. Everything is very ………
A. cheap B. expensive C. cheaply D. expensively
44. There are …………. views from the top of the London Eye.
A. fantastic B. fantastically C. fantasticality D. fantasticism
45. We learn about the past in a ………….
A. museum B. art gallery C. concert hall D. cinema
46. We watch drama at a …………….
A. museum B. art gallery C. concert hall D. theatre
47. We play sports at a ………….
A. stadium B. leisure centre C. town hall D. park
48. Where do the people go to listen to classical music?
A. café B. art gallery D. cinemaC. concert hall
49. I’m ……….. because I was awake all night.
A. bored B. tired C. scared D. worried
50. I’m ………. because I can hear a noise upstairs.
A. bored B. tired D. worriedC. scared
51. I’m ……….. because you aren’t telling the truth.
A. bored B. tired C. nervous D. angry
52. We were …………. because the museum was open all night.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. bored B. surprised C. worried D. angry
53. I was a bit ………… because my mother didn't phone me.
A. tired B. worried C. angry D. happy
54. We are ……….. thinking of you.
A. all B. kind C. proud D. exciting
55. Please phone him …….. his mobile.
A. on B. by C. of D. to
56. We are very ……… of you.
A. all B. kind D. excitingC. proud
57. It was really ……… of you.
A. all B. kind D. excitingC. proud
58. The tourists ……….. a lot of questions at the information office.
A. gave B. made C. had D. asked
59. She ……… the kitchen because she was cooking.door
A. tidied B. closed C. pushed D. knocked
60. I ……….. to school because I was late for my lessons.
A. cycled B. walked C. went D. run
1. I ………… the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive.
A. buy B. didn’t buy C. don’t buy D. bought
2. I don’t want lunch today because I ……… a big breakfast this morning.
A. have B. am having D. was havingC. had
3. We ………… a book by Jane Austen in our English literature class last week.
A. had B. get C. saw D. read
4. We only ………… one fish in the lake at the weekend.
A. catch B. are catching D. will catchC. caught
5. Choose the odd one out.
A. Jamaica B. Slovakia D. BelarusC. Swedish
6. Choose the odd one out.
A. Croatian B. Turkish C. Irish D. Slovakia
7. Choose the odd one out.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. Turkey B. Czech C. Spanish D. Lithuanian
8. Choose the odd one out.
A. Czech B. South African D. PolishC. Belarus
9. Alexander Bell ……… the first telephone call in 1876.
A. bought B. made C. said D. had
10. In the fourteenth century, many people ………. that the Earth was flat.
A. thought B. said D. agreedC. believed
11. Apollo 11 ……… about 76 hours to travel from Earth to the Moon.
A. had B. spent C. made D. took
12. Charles Darwin ……… writing in 1859.On the Origin of Species
A. began B. finished C. liked D. continued
13. My dad’s going to …….. a speech at my sister’s wedding.
A. have B. do D. takeC. make
14. Let’s ……… a train to London, not a bus.
A. have B. do C. make D. take
15. I often …….. a dream about exams.
A. have B. do C. make D. take
16. We don’t …….. French at school.
A. have B. do C. make D. take
17. Jess usually does her ………. on the bus.
A. a dream B. an exam D. a phone callC. chemistry
18. I don’t want to walk to town. Let’s take ……..
A. a photo C. a drink D. a bicycleB. a bus
19. We have to take an English …………. at the end of the term.
A. exam B. lesson C. interview D. friend
20. You can use my mobile phone if you want to make ……….
A. a lunch B. an English lesson D. a jobC. a phone call
21. Emile Zola, the famous French writer, wanted to describe life as truly as possible, and ………... a lot
of research to prepare his books.
A. did B. had C. made D. took
22. ‘Can I change these euros ……….. pounds, please?’ ‘Certainty.’
A. in B. to C. into D. by
23. The weather was awful: it rained ……… two weeks!
A. in B. on C. at D. for
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
24. The police stopped the train ……… Augsburg.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
25. This is home ……… over 2,900 different kinds of animal. Everyone loves the bird show!
A. with B. to D. ofC. for
26. We have thousands …….. fabulous children’s books and magazines …….. around the world.
A. with/ from B. to/ all C. for/ all D. of/ from
27. Every day, Rosa Parks travel to and ……….. work ……… bus.
A. from/ by B. after/ by C. go/ on a D. for / take a
28. On buses, black people had to get on and get ……….. through a different door.
A. in B. out C. into D. off
29. The noisy students always sat ……….. the back of the bus.
A. in B. on D. fromC. at
30. She ……….. until 11o’clock on Saturday morning.
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. was sleeping
31. I broke my watch when I ………. it on the floor.
A. put B. struck C. threw D. dropped
32. Tomas only ………. six of the answers, so he didn’t pass the test.
A. knew B. gave C. answered D. asked
33. Our son …….. four centimetres in six months!
A. got B. grew C. increased D. reached
34. Did you………. the party invitation to Suzie yesterday?
A. give B. ask C D. write. sent
35. Rosa Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement. She fought for …….
A. women’s rights C. men’s rights
B. the rights of black people D. the rights of white people
36. Who was deaf from the age of 40?
A. Jame Dean C. Ludwig van Beethoven
B. Florence Nightingale D. Pablo Picasso
37. Who is the winner of 13 World Championship titles?
A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison
B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
38. Who was American scientist?
A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison
B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
39. Who was a very famous surrealist painter?
A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison
B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
40. Who spent a long time in prison?
A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison
B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
41. Picasso was born in ……….. in 1881.
A. America B. Germany C. France D. Spain
42. Picasso didn’t ………. He worked nearly every day until he died in 1973.
A. study B. relax D. get marriedC. retire
43. He ………. well known in Europe and American for his interesting painting.
A. had B. became C. got D. made
44. Which country did NATO ……….. in 2001?
A. invade B. invent C. discover D. fight
45. What did Guglielmo Marconi invent in 1895?
A. the television B. the car D. the telephoneC. theradio
46. Barack Obama became US ………….. in 2009.
A. scientist B. painter C. composer D. President
47. What did Alfred Nobel invent in 1867?
A. dynamite B. camera C. light bulb D. electricity
48. ‘go on’ can go with ………
A. the theatre B. a nightclub C. D. a social-networking sitewith friends
49. ‘go out’ can go with ………
A. the theatre B. a nightclub D. a social-networking siteC. with friends
50. ‘go to’ can go with ………’t
A. the theatre C. a friend’s house D. a gigB.for a meal
51. What is expression of interest?
A. Really? B. Poor you! C. Oh dear! D. What a disaster!
52. What is expression of sympathy?
A. Cool! B. What a shame! C. Sounds fun! D. Wow!
53. We ………. home from school yesterday afternoon. We took the bus.
A. walked B. went D. didn’t goC. didn’t walk
54. We ……… three weeks in France – only two.
A. stayed B. spent C. didn’t stay D. didn’t spend
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
55. It’s sometimes difficult to ………. new friends.
A. have B. take C. D. understandmake
56. I often ………. a bath in the morning.
A. had B. have C. make D. do
57. I’m tired. I …………. until two o’clock this morning.
A. sleep B. don’t sleep C. D. sleptdidn’t sleep
58. I ………. my bike on eBay. I got £50 for it.
A. bought B. sold C. received D. repaired
59. Black people were often ………….. in the same public places as white people.
A. allowed B. agreed C. D. not agreednot allowed
60. Which continent did potatoes come from?
A. South America B. North America C. Africa D. Australasia
1. The Black ……….. is in Europe.
A. Desert B. Lake D. RiverC. Forest
2. The Sahara ……… is in Africa.
A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
3. The Yangtze ……… is in Asia.
A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
4. ……… Titicaca is in South America.
A. Desert B. C. Forest D. RiverLake
5. The great white shark and the killer whale are both ………… hunter.
A. amazing B. beautiful C. fiercely D. strongly
6. Africa is ……. than Europe.
A. wetter B. drier C. sunnier D. larger
7. February is ……… than August in the northern Vietnam.
A. wetter B. drier C. hotter D. bigger
8. Asia is …….. than Europe.
A. heavier B. bigger C. smaller D. straighter
9. Paper is ……. than cardboard.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. thicker B. larger C. smoother D. thinner
10. Canals (kênh đào) are usually …….. than river.
A. straighter B. more devious C. more beautiful D. larger
11. Which place cannot go with ‘the’?
A. Gobi Desert B. Canary Islands C. Mississippi River D.Mount Olympus
12. Which place cannot go with ‘the’?
A. East Timor B. Nile C. West Indies D. Amazon River
13. Which place can go with ‘the’?
A. Lake Winnipeg B. Japan D. Palm BeachC. Himalayas
14. Which place can go with ‘the’?
A. Mount Fuji (ko the) B. Amazon C. Neptune (ko the) D. Asia
15. ‘How ……… is the Volga river?’ - ‘3,692 kilometres.’
A. big B. deep C. high D. long
16. ‘How …….. is this swimming pool?’ – ‘One metre at this end and two metres at the other end.’
A. big B. C. high D. longdeep
17. ‘How …….. is that block of flats?’ - ‘There are 25 floors.’
A. tall B. deep C. D. longhigh
18. ‘How ……. is the hotel?’ - ‘There are 300 rooms.’
A. big B. deep C. high D. long
19. Africa is ……… Asia.
A. smaller than B. more small than C. bigger than D. more big than
20. Water is ………. ice.
A. lighter than B. more light than C. D. more heavy thanheavier than
21. Spainis ……… Sweden.
A. hotter than B. colder than C. more hot than D. more cold than
22. Chimpanzees are ……… dogs.
A. intelligenter than B. C. stupider than D. more stupid than more intelligent than
23. North America is …………. from Ireland than Asia.
A. far B. farer C. D. more furtherfurther
24. Howler monkeys are …………. animals the
A. noisy B. noisier than C. the most noisy D. the noisiest
25. Who is ………… person your family?in
A. tall B. taller than C. D. the most tallest the tallest
26. August is ……..month to climb Mount Fuji.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. good B. better than C. the most good D. the best
27. Chimpanzees are much ………. humans at climbing trees.
A. good B. gooder than D. the bestC. better than
28. The Antarctic is …………… continent in the world.
A. cold B. colder than C. more coldest D. the coldest
29. ‘Which of these ……… is the furthest south?’ -‘Buenos Aires (Argentina.)
A. countries B. cities C. lakes D. islands
30. ‘What is the deepest …….. in the world?’ -‘ Baikal.’
A. country B. city D. islandC. lake
31. Fuji is a famous ……… in Japan.
A. volcano B. mountain C. lake D. country
32. ………. is the furthest planet from the sun.
A. Earth B. Venus D. SaturnC. Neptune
33. ‘What is the largest ………. in the world?’ - ‘Greenland.’
A. planet B. city C. country D. island
34. In Europe, the longest ………. of the year is 21 June.
A. day B. week C. month D. year
35. The most popular ……… in the world is coffee.
A. dish B. drink C. snack D. food
36. The largest ……. in the solar system is Jupiter.
A. lake B. star D. islandC. planet
37. I don't like going into ……… very much because they're often full of bats!
A. mountains B. lakes C. forests D. caves
38. In Africa and Asia, they sometimes use ……… to pull very heavy objects (kéo vật nặng)
A. lions B. elephants C. dolphins D. crocodiles
39. A/An …….. is a big cat that lives in Africa.
A. lion B. elephant C. dolphin D. crocodile
40. A …….. is an intelligent creature that lives in the sea.
A. white shark B. whale D. crocodileC. dolphin
41. Choose the odd one out.
A. crab B. spider C. shrimp D. lobster
42. Choose the odd one out.
A. Europe B. Africa C. South America D. Australia
43. Choose the odd one out.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. The Himalayas B. Mount Fuji D. Mount EverestC. the Nile
44. Choose the odd one out.
A. a cow B. an eagle (chim ưng) C. a fly(con ruồi)
D.amosquito(tiếng tây ban nha muỗi đốt)
45. Choose the odd one out.
A. skiing B. safari (cuộc đi săn) D. jungle trek (đi rừng)C. forest
46. It’s the heaviest animal on land.
A. a tiger B. C. a hippo (hà mã) D. a lionan elephant
47. It’s a small insect. It lives in every country. It doesn’t usually bit or sting (chích)
A. a mosquito B. a spider D. a dragonfly (chuồn chuồn)C. a fly
48. It’s an insect. It lives in hot places. It bites and it carries diseases (mang bệnh)
A. a mosquito B. a spider C. a fly D. a dragonfly
49. It’s brown or black. It’s got four legs but it can walk on two legs. It usually lives in forests.
A. a tiger B. a lion D. a horseC. a bear
50. It lives in Africa and Asia. It’s big and grey. It’s got a horn on its nose.(sừng trên mũi)
A. an elephant B. a lion C. a hippo D. a rhino (tê giác)
51. In summer, I don't like it when there are a lot of ……… near my food.
A. mosquitoes C. dragonflies D. spidersB. flies
52. You can’t hunt tigers ……… they’re in danger.
A. so B. because C. but D. although
53. The animals look unhappy ………. I hate zoos.
A. so B. because C. but D. and
54. The Great Wall of China is more than 6,000 km ……..
A. away B. wide D. highC. long
55. The sun is150 million km ………. from the Earth.
A. away B. far C. long D. high
56. I don’t like history. It’s a lot more ……… than biology!
A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting
57. In your opinion, which film is more …………, Star Wars or Harry Potter?
A. tired B. tiring D. excitingC. excited
58. Where do polar bears live?
A. Arctic B. Antarctic C. tropical forest D. desert
59. Heathrow is the ………… airport in Europe. Sixty-seven million passengers use it every year.
A. most expensive C. furthest D. most modernB. busiest
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
60. Cheetahs are the ………… animals on land.
A. smallest B. longest D. slowestC. fastest
1. I'm planning to do …….. work for old people at Christmas.
A. voluntary B. training C. kind D. experience
2. Andrea wants to do a/an………. course in nursing after she leaves school.
A. English B. training C. experience D. main
3. Are you going to take a / an ……… year when you finish school?
A. gap B. academic C. good D. relaxing
4. Emma's going to lead a ………. of volunteers in Peru next summer!
A. group B. class C. course D. team
5. Who helps to design new roads and bridges?
A. an architect B. an engineer C. a mechanic D. a plumber (thợ sửa ống
6. Who can fix a bath, a shower or a sink?
A. an architect B. an engineer C. a mechanic D. a plumber
7. Who keeps animals and grow food?
A. a chef (đầu bếp) C. a vet (bs thú y) D. a waterB. a farmer
8. Who answers the phone, takes messages and writes letters?
A. a water B. a journalist D. a programmerC. a secretary
9. Who travels a lot with his/her work?
A. a musician B. a hairdresser (thợ cắt tóc) C. a mechanic (thợ cơ khí) D. a
10. Who usually works outside?
A. adoctor B. a receptionist D. an architectC. a farmer
11. Which word can add ‘-ist’?
A. manage B. cycle C. paint D. assist
12. Which word can add ‘-ian’?
A. therapy B. science C. assist D. electric
13. Which word can add ‘-or’?
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. operate C. design C. build D. engine
14. She'd like to work in the tourist ………when she leaves school.
A. project B course C. industry D. guide
15. He's interested in joining a conservation ……….. in Zambia.
A. project B course C. industry D. job
16. Mike wants to be a mechanic, so he's going to do a training …………. next year.
A. project B. course C. instructor D. job
17. I have an interview for a job as a swimming ……….. at the weekend.
A. athlete B. course D. C. instructor(người hướng dẫn)
18. Foreign languages are one of the most useful ……… you can have.
A. languages B. skills C. qualifications D. subjects
19. She wants to be a vet, but she needs more ………..
A. skills B. qualifications C. ambition D. part-time jobs
20. He’s got a ………… in physics from Harvard University.
A. skill B. job D. courseC. degree
21. My ………. is to work in the USA.
A. ability B. degree C. major D. ambition
22. He’s an actor, but he’s also got ……….. job in a café.
A. hard B. good D. full-timeC. part-time
23. In the UK, it’s against the ………. for the children under fourteen to work.
A. law B. right C. restriction (sự hạn chế) D. duty (nhiệm
24. I ……….. go out tonight. I don’t feel well.
A. don’t B. didn’t D. won’tC. am not going to
25. ‘I’m hungry.’ - ‘I ………. you a sandwich.’
A. make B. made D. will makeC. am going to make
26. I ……. my own computer company here in Florida, the USA.
A. have B. had C. am going to have D. will have
27. My friends …….. a picnic in the park. Do you want to go?
A. has B. had D. will haveC. are going to have
28. ……. you …….. in this town all your life?
A. Do/ live B. Did/ live C. Would/ live D. Will/ live
29. I think this job ……….. my career when I leave school.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. is B. was D. will beC. is going to be
30. ……….. lots of swimming pools and beaches here in Australia so it…….. easy to find a job.
A. There are/ is B. There are/ will be C. There will be/ is D. There will be/ will be
31. …….. you …… last weekend?
A. Do/ go C. Are/ going to go D. Will/ goB. Did/ go
32. Bill Gates …….. finish his degree and he ………. the biggest computer company in the world.
A. doesn’t/ start B. didn’t/ started C. won’t/ will start D. isn’t going to/ will start
33. ……….. when I tell people I’m a lawyer, they always think I’m really rich.
A. So B. Because C. Although D. But
34. I have to work long hours ………… nine o’clock in the evening, sometimes later.
A. to B. before C. after D. until
35. I’m my own boss, ………. I can decide when to take holidays.
A. so B. because C. although D. and
36. I don’t earn a lot of money ………. I work for a charity.
A. so B. because C. although D. but
37. I really love horses ……….. I want to work with them when I leave school.
A. so B. because C. although D. and
38. I probably work about fifteen hours a week, ……. sometimes more.
A. so B. because D. butC. although
39. My sister is at university. She ………. her degree next June.
A. finishes B. finished C. D. will finishis going to finish
40. I…………. at my uncle’s shop this summer.
A. work B. is working D. will workC. am going to work
41. There’s a …………. project to help protect the rainforest.
A. voluntary B. conservation C. charity D. tourist
42. Chamonix is a famous ski resort in the ………. Alps.
A. French B. American C. Spanish D. German
43. In the winter, he’s a ski ………. but in the summer, he teaches surfing.
A. teacher B. athlete C. D. contestant (thí sinh)instructor
44. Languages are useful for people who work in the ………….. industry.
A. heavy B. light C. food D. tourist
45. A job that you train for and do as an adult.
A. a part-time job C. a volunteer work D. a supervisorB. a career
46. Something you get when you pass an exam.
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. qualification B. degree C. ambition D. skills
47. Things that you can do well.
A. qualification B. degree C. ambition D. skills
48. Something that you really want to do.
A. career B. qualification D. skillsC. ambition
49. Hello. ………. Tyler Wallace here. I ……… to speak to Robin Hanson.
A. It’s/ ’d like B. This is/ ’d like C. It’s/ like D. This is/ like
50. Please could you …….. him to ……….?
A. ask/ give me a call C. ask / call me
B. tell/ give me a call D. tell/ call me
51. ‘I can find Sue’s number.’ - ‘I ………… on my phone.’
A. look B. ’m looking C. ’m going to look D. ’ll look
52. Dear Sir. I ……… your advertisement in the local newspaper.
A. saw B. read C. knew D. found
53. Last summer, I worked at a sports centre for six weeks, so I have experience of ……….. with the
A. meet B. meeting C. deal D. dealing
54. I’m ………. my CV with this letter, and I also contact details of two referees.
A. putting B. enclosing (kèm theo) C. offering D. closing
55. I want to earn money in my family …………
A. job B. career D. traditionC. business
56. I want to do the ……….. I dreamed of as a child.
A. job B. career C. business D. tradition
57. ‘lead’ can go with …..
A. a training course C. a year off D. lessonsB. a team
58. ‘give’ can go with …..
A. a training course C. a year off D. lessonsB. experience
59. ‘take’ can go with …..
A. a training course B. a team C. a year off D. a holiday
60. ‘do’ can go with …..
A. a training course B. a team C. a year off D. a holiday
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
1. Choose the odd one out.
A. plane B. bus D. taxiC. coach
2. Choose the odd one out.
A. bike B. motorbike C. car D. scooter (xe trượt đứng)
3. Choose the odd one out.
A. Helicopter (trực thăng) B. train C. ship (du thuyền) D. convenient
4. Choose the odd one out.
A. Lorry (xe tải) B. tram (tàu điện) C. boat (thuyền) D. van (xe cửa lùa bên
5. I …….. the bus to school in the morning.
A. go by C. go on D. getB. take
6. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: Do you cycle to school?
A. Do you go to school by car? C. Do you go to school by bike?
B. Do you take a car to school? D. Do you take a bike to school?
7. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: Mum took the tram to town.
A. Mum went by tram to town. C. Mum drove to school by tram.
B. Mum went to town by tram. D. Mum went to town on tram.
8. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: I sometimes walk to school.
A. I sometimes go to school by foot. C. I sometimes go by foot to school.
B. I sometimes go on foot to school. D. I sometimes go to school on foot.
9. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: They went to the airport by bus.
A. They caught a bus to the airport. C. They went to the airport to catch the bus.
B. They take a bus to the airport. D. They went to the airport to take a bus.
10. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: My brother gives me a lift to the
underground station.
A. My brother and I drive to the underground station.
B. My brother drives me to the underground station.
C. My brother and I go by car to the underground station.
D. My brother and I go to the underground station by car.
11. ‘………. did you get to school?’ -‘Sarah gave me a lift.’
A. What B. Who D. WhenC. How
12. ‘……… do you have to take a bus into the city?’ -‘It takes about 45 minutes in total.’
A. What B. How long C. How D. When
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
13. Look! The rain ……….. We can go out now.
A. stops B. is stopping C. stopped D. has stopped
14. I ………very well. I’ve drunk six bottles of cola!
A. ’m not feeling B. doesn’t feel C. didn’t feel D. haven’t felt
15. She ………. an accident. Now she’s in hospital.
A. has B. is having C. had D. has had
16. He’s lost his ticket. Now he ………. get on the train.
A. can C. could D. couldn’tB. can’t
17. ‘……. you …….. a juice?’ -‘No, thanks. I’ve just had a drink.’
A. Do/ want B. Are/ wanting C. Did/ want D. Have/ wanted
18. Dave can’t play football. He ……….. his leg.
A. breaks B. broke C. ’s broken D. ’s breaking
19. They ……… a pizza. Now they aren’t hungry.
A. eat B. ’ve eaten C. ’re eating D. ate
20. ……….. they ……… what to do yet?
A. Do/ decide B. Are/ deciding D. Did/ decideC. Have/ decided
21. ‘Why are you smiling?’ -‘I ……. my exam results.’
A. have just B. had just C. ’m just having D. ’ve just had
22. They’re very tired because they ………… 15 km today.
A. walk B. is walking C. walked D. ’ve walked
23. I’m afraid Laura ………… her driving test.
A. passed B. didn’t pass C. ’s passed D. hasn’t passed
24. I haven’t packed my bags yet, but I’ve still got time before we ………..
A. ’ve left B. leave C. left D. ’re leaving
25. Sorry we’re late. The car broke ………. on the way here.
A. down B. out C. off D. in
26. Our plane took ……… at 10.00 and arrived two hours later.
A. of B. off C. out D. on
27. The driver got ……. of his lorry and went into the café.
A. down B. in C. on D. out
28. Buy a ticket from the driver when you get ……… the bus.
A. in B. on C. out D. off
29. The tram stopped and everybody got ………
A. in B. on C. out D. off
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
30. We’re going now, everyone. Get …….. the car.
A. in B. on C. out D. off
31. My dad was ……… last week, so he didn’t go to work.
A. sick B. tiring C. enormous D. tiny
32. Babies have got ……….. fingers and toes.
A. sick B. tiring C. enormous D. tiny
33. Pacific Ocean is ………. – it’s over 165,000,000 km .
A. enormous B. big C. long D. large
34. The flight to Australia took 24 hours. It was a very ……….. journey.
A. crowded B. tiring C. tired D. successful
35. She’s rich and ……….. businesswoman.
A. strongly B. happily C. successful D. kindly
36. Motorbikes are more ………… than cars.
A. expensive B. dangerous C. comfortable D. convenient
37. There’s a tram stop right outside my house. It’s very ……….
A. expensive B. dangerous C. comfortable D. convenient
38. Coaches are usually more ……….than buses. The seats are bigger and softer.
A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. convenient D. inconvenient
39. He ……… her four times, but he never answers.
A. phones phoning C. phoned D. ’s phoned
40. Oh, no! I ………. my schoolbag on the bus.
A. leave B. ’ve left C. left D. ’ll leave
41. I’ve ………. learned to climb.
A. recently B. nowadays C. finally D. afterwards
42. I couldn’t find my wallet anywhere, but I’ve ……….. found it.
A. recently B. nowadays C. finally D. afterwards
43. ………….., climbing is a very popular sport.
A. First at all B. Nowadays C. Afterwards D. Then
44. ……… , a dog ran out of road, but the car didn’t hit it.
A. Finally B. Afterwards C. Suddenly D. Then
45. My brother failed his driving test three times. But …………. he passed it.
A. eventually B. nowadays C. afterwards D. suddenly
46. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: does (1) which (2) leave (3) it (4) from (5) platform
(6) ?
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
A. 214365 B. 216345 C. 261435 D. 261345
47. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: to (1) return ticket (2) I’d (3) please (4) London, (5)
like (6) a (7)
A. 3674215 B. 3672154 C. 3615724 D. 3672514
48. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: cost (1) does (2) much (3) ticket (4) how (5) the
(6) ?
A. 526423 B. 542623 C. 523641 D. 532641
49. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: cat (1) take (2) I (3) can (4) my (5) train (6) the (7)
on (8)?
A. 47632518 B. 43271856 C. 47623518 D. 43251876
50. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: is (1) this (2) in (3) our (4) day (5) Italy (6) second
A. 2145736 B. 2147536 C. 2475136 D. 4751326
51. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: spent (1) beach (2) a (3) already (4) I’ve (5) day (6)
the (7) on (8)
A. 51436872 B. 51368724 C. 54136872 D. 53641872
52. A ticket for a journey to a place and back again is ………….
A. a single ticket B. C. a return ticket D. a double ticketaone-way ticket
53. The place where you get on and off trains at a station is ………….
A. a platform B. a train station C. a railway station D. a direct train
54. A ticket for a journey to a place, but not back again is …………….
A. a railcard B. a single ticket C. a return ticket D. a double ticket
55. A train that goes all the way to the place is ……………
A. a train station underground train C. a tram D. a direct train
56. A special card that lets you travel on trains for a lower price is …………..
A. a railcard B. a season ticket C. a train ticket D. a monthly train pass
57. Can I ……….. a ticket to Oxford, please?
A. bought B. got C. have D. take
58. Can I ……… bike on the train?
A. bring B. get C. have D. take
59. Are you coming back on the ……… day?
A. next B. following C. same D. last
60. ‘Is it a direct train?’ -‘No, you have to ……… at Swindon.’
A. change B. arrive C. get on D. leave
Anh văn h c phầần 2 (Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
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Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) UNIT 6
1. Is Peter ill? He …………. at work yesterday. A. is B. isn’t C. was D. wasn’t
2. Why ………. Ann late for her lessons yesterday morning? A. is B. was C. does D. did
3. We …………. our car in the car park, opposite the library. A. drove B. caught C. put D. parked
4. Our first lesson this morning ……… science. It ………. ICT. A. is / isn’t B. isn’t / was C. was / isn’t D. wasn’t/ was
5. The weather ……….. very nice yesterday. It was wet and cold. A. was B. wasn’t C. was being D. wasn’t being
6. The test …….. very difficult. I ………. do it and I got a bad mark. A. was/ could B. wasn’t/ couldn’t C. wasn’t/ could D. was/ couldn’t
7. We …….. see the film because we …….. very far away from the screen. A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / wasn’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
8. The students ………. buy any snacks because the shops ……… open. A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / weren’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
9. I ………. find my keys anywhere this morning because they ……… under my brother’s bed! A. could/ were B. couldn’t/ were C. could / weren’t D. couldn’t/ weren’t
10. When he ……… young he ……….. run very fast, but now he can’t! A. was/ could B. wasn’t/ couldn’t C. wasn’t/ could D. was/ couldn’t
11. We can swim and do sport at the ……… A. concert hall B. swimming pool C. leisure centre D. park
12. You can see interesting and very old things at a ………. A. museum B. art gallery C. town hall D. theatre
13. You can find out about places in the town at the ……….. A. museum B. train station
C. police station D. tourist information centre
14. You can get married in a church or at a …………. A. concert hall B. town hall C. leisure centre D. theatre
15. You can look at famous paintings at an ……….. A. concert hall B. town hall C. museum D. art gallery
16. Excuse me! I'm looking for the ……………….. I want to send a parcel. A. bank B. shopping centre C. post office D. train station
17. There's a lot of cars in the ……… A. car park B. concert hall C. post office D. church 1
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
18. My great-granddad …………. speak Italian. He was from Rome. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t
19. Martin ……. watch A DVD because his DVD player ………. broken. A. could / was B. couldn’t/ was C. could/ weren’t D. couldn’t/ wasn’t
20. We ……… understand Kumiko because we can’t speak Japanese. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t
21. You can ……. a train to Scotland, or you can go by car. A. go B. catch C. give D. took
22. You can’t ………a car in the town centre. Use a car park outside the town and ……. the bus in to the town centre. A. catch/ get B. drive/ leave C. take / catch D. park/ get
23. Can you phone me at home and tell me the plan? If I’m not there, …………. A. send a letter B. leave a message
C. chat on the phone D. go to a nightclub
24. Let’s ……. in the park. We can take the dog. A. go for a walk B. chat to a friend C. get a bus D. play video games
25. Mozart could ………… when he was four. A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
26. Vanessa Mae could …….. when she was five. A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
27. Dariusz Swiercz could ……… when he was four. A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
28. Pablo Picasso could ……… when he was seven? A. play the violin B. play chess C. write music D. paint beautiful pictures
29. Could you …….. to ten when you were two? A. walk B. read C. count D. ride
30. Could Martha …….. a bike when she was seven? A. walk B. get C. drive D. ride
31. Sam wasn’t hungry – he couldn’t ……. his dinner. A. finish B. have C. stop D. invite
32. My sister studies maths ………. university. A. to B. in C. at D. from
33. Summer starts …….. June. A. to B. in C. at D. from
34. My favorite programme starts …………. ten o’clock. A. to B. in C. at D. from 2
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
35. You can see views ………. the opera house at the top of the Harbour Bridge. A. to B. in C. at D. of
36. You can watch a film ………. 3D at the Imax Theatre. A. to B. in C. at D. of
37. ‘Look ……. this!’ shouted the little girl. A. at B. to C. in D. for
38. Last night I watched TV ………. a long time. A. during B. on C. in D. for
39. All students passed the test at the end ….. the course. A. in B. of C. for 40. Choose the odd one out. A. theatre B. cinema C. leisure centre D. church 41. Choose the odd one out. A. galleries B. cinemas C. guests D. shopping centres
42. It’s ………. to travel around in London. A. safely B. slowly C. easy D. fantastically
43. You need a lot of money in London. Everything is very ……… A. cheap B. expensive C. cheaply D. expensively
44. There are …………. views from the top of the London Eye. A. fantastic B. fantastically C. fantasticality D. fantasticism
45. We learn about the past in a …………. A. museum B. art gallery C. concert hall D. cinema
46. We watch drama at a ……………. A. museum B. art gallery C. concert hall D. theatre
47. We play sports at a …………. A. stadium B. leisure centre C. town hall D. park
48. Where do the people go to listen to classical music? A. café B. art gallery C. concert hall D. cinema
49. I’m ……….. because I was awake all night. A. bored B. tired C. scared D. worried
50. I’m ………. because I can hear a noise upstairs. A. bored B. tired C. scared D. worried
51. I’m ……….. because you aren’t telling the truth. A. bored B. tired C. nervous D. angry
52. We were …………. because the museum was open all night. 3
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. bored B. surprised C. worried D. angry
53. I was a bit ………… because my mother didn't phone me. A. tired B. worried C. angry D. happy
54. We are ……….. thinking of you. A. all B. kind C. proud D. exciting
55. Please phone him …….. his mobile. A. on B. by C. of D. to
56. We are very ……… of you. A. all B. kind C. proud D. exciting
57. It was really ……… of you. A. all B. kind C. proud D. exciting
58. The tourists ……….. a lot of questions at the information office. A. gave B. made C. had D. asked 59. She ……… the kitchen because she was cooking. door A. tidied B. closed C. pushed D. knocked
60. I ……….. to school because I was late for my lessons. A. cycled B. walked C. went D. run UNIT 7
1. I ………… the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive. A. buy B. didn’t buy C. don’t buy D. bought
2. I don’t want lunch today because I ……… a big breakfast this morning. A. have B. am having C. had D. was having
3. We ………… a book by Jane Austen in our English literature class last week. A. had B. get C. saw D. read
4. We only ………… one fish in the lake at the weekend. A. catch B. are catching C. caught D. will catch 5. Choose the odd one out. A. Jamaica B. Slovakia C. Swedish D. Belarus 6. Choose the odd one out. A. Croatian B. Turkish C. Irish D. Slovakia 7. Choose the odd one out. 4
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. Turkey B. Czech C. Spanish D. Lithuanian 8. Choose the odd one out. A. Czech B. South African C. Belarus D. Polish
9. Alexander Bell ……… the first telephone call in 1876. A. bought B. made C. said D. had
10. In the fourteenth century, many people ………. that the Earth was flat. A. thought B. said C. believed D. agreed
11. Apollo 11 ……… about 76 hours to travel from Earth to the Moon. A. had B. spent C. made D. took
12. Charles Darwin ……… writing in 1859. On the Origin of Species A. began B. finished C. liked D. continued
13. My dad’s going to …….. a speech at my sister’s wedding. A. have B. do C. make D. take
14. Let’s ……… a train to London, not a bus. A. have B. do C. make D. take
15. I often …….. a dream about exams. A. have B. do C. make D. take
16. We don’t …….. French at school. A. have B. do C. make D. take
17. Jess usually does her ………. on the bus. A. a dream B. an exam C. chemistry D. a phone call
18. I don’t want to walk to town. Let’s take …….. A. a photo B. a bus C. a drink D. a bicycle
19. We have to take an English …………. at the end of the term. A. exam B. lesson C. interview D. friend
20. You can use my mobile phone if you want to make ………. A. a lunch
B. an English lesson C. a phone call D. a job
21. Emile Zola, the famous French writer, wanted to describe life as truly as possible, and ………... a lot
of research to prepare his books. A. did B. had C. made D. took
22. ‘Can I change these euros ……….. pounds, please?’ ‘Certainty.’ A. in B. to C. into D. by
23. The weather was awful: it rained ……… two weeks! A. in B. on C. at D. for 5
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
24. The police stopped the train ……… Augsburg. A. in B. on C. at D. for
25. This is home ……… over 2,900 different kinds of animal. Everyone loves the bird show! A. with B. to C. for D. of
26. We have thousands …….. fabulous children’s books and magazines …….. around the world. A. with/ from B. to/ all C. for/ all D. of/ from
27. Every day, Rosa Parks travel to and ……….. work ……… bus. A. from/ by B. after/ by C. go/ on a D. for / take a
28. On buses, black people had to get on and get ……….. through a different door. A. in B. out C. into D. off
29. The noisy students always sat ……….. the back of the bus. A. in B. on C. at D. from
30. She ……….. until 11o’clock on Saturday morning. A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. was sleeping
31. I broke my watch when I ………. it on the floor. A. put B. struck C. threw D. dropped
32. Tomas only ………. six of the answers, so he didn’t pass the test. A. knew B. gave C. answered D. asked
33. Our son …….. four centimetres in six months! A. got B. grew C. increased D. reached
34. Did you………. the party invitation to Suzie yesterday? A. give B. ask C. sent D. write
35. Rosa Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement. She fought for ……. A. women’s rights C. men’s rights B. the rights of black people D. the rights of white people
36. Who was deaf from the age of 40? A. Jame Dean C. Ludwig van Beethoven B. Florence Nightingale D. Pablo Picasso
37. Who is the winner of 13 World Championship titles? A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
38. Who was American scientist? A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí 6
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
39. Who was a very famous surrealist painter? A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
40. Who spent a long time in prison? A. Grey-Thompson C. Thomas Edison B. Nelson Mandela D. Salvador Dalí
41. Picasso was born in ……….. in 1881. A. America B. Germany C. France D. Spain
42. Picasso didn’t ………. He worked nearly every day until he died in 1973. A. study B. relax C. retire D. get married
43. He ………. well known in Europe and American for his interesting painting. A. had B. became C. got D. made
44. Which country did NATO ……….. in 2001? A. invade B. invent C. discover D. fight
45. What did Guglielmo Marconi invent in 1895? A. the television B. the car C. theradio D. the telephone
46. Barack Obama became US ………….. in 2009. A. scientist B. painter C. composer D. President
47. What did Alfred Nobel invent in 1867? A. dynamite B. camera C. light bulb D. electricity
48. ‘go on’ can go with ……… A. the theatre B. a nightclub C. with friends D. a social-networking site
49. ‘go out’ can go with ……… A. the theatre B. a nightclub C. with friends D. a social-networking site
50. ‘go to’ can’t go with ……… A. the theatre B.for a meal C. a friend’s house D. a gig
51. What is expression of interest? A. Really? B. Poor you! C. Oh dear! D. What a disaster!
52. What is expression of sympathy? A. Cool! B. What a shame! C. Sounds fun! D. Wow!
53. We ………. home from school yesterday afternoon. We took the bus. A. walked B. went C. didn’t walk D. didn’t go
54. We ……… three weeks in France – only two. A. stayed B. spent C. didn’t stay D. didn’t spend 7
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
55. It’s sometimes difficult to ………. new friends. A. have B. take C. make D. understand
56. I often ………. a bath in the morning. A. had B. have C. make D. do
57. I’m tired. I …………. until two o’clock this morning. A. sleep B. don’t sleep C.didn’t sleep D. slept
58. I ………. my bike on eBay. I got £50 for it. A. bought B. sold C. received D. repaired
59. Black people were often ………….. in the same public places as white people. A. allowed B. agreed C. not allowed D. not agreed
60. Which continent did potatoes come from? A. South America B. North America C. Africa D. Australasia UNIT 8
1. The Black ……….. is in Europe. A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
2. The Sahara ……… is in Africa. A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
3. The Yangtze ……… is in Asia. A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
4. ……… Titicaca is in South America. A. Desert B. Lake C. Forest D. River
5. The great white shark and the killer whale are both ………… hunter. A. amazing B. beautiful C. fiercely D. strongly
6. Africa is ……. than Europe. A. wetter B. drier C. sunnier D. larger
7. February is ……… than August in the northern Vietnam. A. wetter B. drier C. hotter D. bigger
8. Asia is …….. than Europe. A. heavier B. bigger C. smaller D. straighter
9. Paper is ……. than cardboard. 8
Anh văn h c phầần 2
(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. thicker B. larger C. smoother D. thinner
10. Canals (kênh đào) are usually …….. than river. A. straighter B. more devious C. more beautiful D. larger
11. Which place cannot go with ‘the’? A. Gobi Desert B. Canary Islands
C. Mississippi River D.Mount Olympus
12. Which place cannot go with ‘the’? A. East Timor B. Nile C. West Indies D. Amazon River
13. Which place can go with ‘the’? A. Lake Winnipeg B. Japan C. Himalayas D. Palm Beach
14. Which place can go with ‘the’? A. Mount Fuji (ko the) B. Amazon C. Neptune (ko the) D. Asia
15. ‘How ……… is the Volga river?’ - ‘3,692 kilometres.’ A. big B. deep C. high D. long
16. ‘How …….. is this swimming pool?’ – ‘One metre at this end and two metres at the other end.’ A. big B. deep C. high D. long
17. ‘How …….. is that block of flats?’ - ‘There are 25 floors.’ A. tall B. deep C. high D. long
18. ‘How ……. is the hotel?’ - ‘There are 300 rooms.’ A. big B. deep C. high D. long 19. Africa is ……… Asia. A. smaller than B. more small than C. bigger than D. more big than 20. Water is ………. ice. A. lighter than B. more light than C. heavier than D. more heavy than 21. Spainis ……… Sweden. A. hotter than B. colder than C. more hot than D. more cold than
22. Chimpanzees are ……… dogs. A. intelligenter than B. C. stupider than more intelligent than D. more stupid than
23. North America is …………. from Ireland than Asia. A. far B. farer C. further D. more further
24. Howler monkeys are …………. animals in the world. A. noisy B. noisier than C. the most noisy D. the noisiest
25. Who is ………… person in your family? A. tall B. taller than C. the tallest D. the most tallest
26. August is ……..month to climb Mount Fuji. 9
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. good B. better than C. the most good D. the best
27. Chimpanzees are much ………. humans at climbing trees. A. good B. gooder than C. better than D. the best
28. The Antarctic is …………… continent in the world. A. cold B. colder than C. more coldest D. the coldest
29. ‘Which of these ……… is the furthest south?’ -‘Buenos Aires (Argentina.) A. countries B. cities C. lakes D. islands
30. ‘What is the deepest …….. in the world?’ -‘ Baikal.’ A. country B. city C. lake D. island
31. Fuji is a famous ……… in Japan. A. volcano B. mountain C. lake D. country
32. ………. is the furthest planet from the sun. A. Earth B. Venus C. Neptune D. Saturn
33. ‘What is the largest ………. in the world?’ - ‘Greenland.’ A. planet B. city C. country D. island
34. In Europe, the longest ………. of the year is 21st June. A. day B. week C. month D. year
35. The most popular ……… in the world is coffee. A. dish B. drink C. snack D. food
36. The largest ……. in the solar system is Jupiter. A. lake B. star C. planet D. island
37. I don't like going into ……… very much because they're often full of bats! A. mountains B. lakes C. forests D. caves
38. In Africa and Asia, they sometimes use ……… to pull very heavy objects (kéo vật nặng) A. lions B. elephants C. dolphins D. crocodiles
39. A/An …….. is a big cat that lives in Africa. A. lion B. elephant C. dolphin D. crocodile
40. A …….. is an intelligent creature that lives in the sea. A. white shark B. whale C. dolphin D. crocodile 41. Choose the odd one out. A. crab B. spider C. shrimp D. lobster 42. Choose the odd one out. A. Europe B. Africa C. South America D. Australia 43. Choose the odd one out. 10
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. The Himalayas B. Mount Fuji C. the Nile D. Mount Everest 44. Choose the odd one out. A. a cow B. an eagle (chim ưng) C. a fly(con ruồi)
D.amosquito(tiếng tây ban nha muỗi đốt) 45. Choose the odd one out. A. skiing B. safari (cuộc đi săn) C. forest D. jungle trek (đi rừng)
46. It’s the heaviest animal on land. A. a tiger B. an elephant C. a hippo (hà mã) D. a lion
47. It’s a small insect. It lives in every country. It doesn’t usually bit or sting (chích) A. a mosquito B. a spider C. a fly
D. a dragonfly (chuồn chuồn)
48. It’s an insect. It lives in hot places. It bites and it carries diseases (mang bệnh) A. a mosquito B. a spider C. a fly D. a dragonfly
49. It’s brown or black. It’s got four legs but it can walk on two legs. It usually lives in forests. A. a tiger B. a lion C. a bear D. a horse
50. It lives in Africa and Asia. It’s big and grey. It’s got a horn on its nose.(sừng trên mũi) A. an elephant B. a lion C. a hippo D. a rhino (tê giác)
51. In summer, I don't like it when there are a lot of ……… near my food. A. mosquitoes B. flies C. dragonflies D. spiders
52. You can’t hunt tigers ……… they’re in danger. A. so B. because C. but D. although
53. The animals look unhappy ………. I hate zoos. A. so B. because C. but D. and
54. The Great Wall of China is more than 6,000 km …….. A. away B. wide C. long D. high
55. The sun is150 million km ………. from the Earth. A. away B. far C. long D. high
56. I don’t like history. It’s a lot more ……… than biology! A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting
57. In your opinion, which film is more …………, Star Wars or Harry Potter? A. tired B. tiring C. excited D. exciting 58. Where do polar bears live? A. Arctic B. Antarctic C. tropical forest D. desert
59. Heathrow is the ………… airport in Europe. Sixty-seven million passengers use it every year. A. most expensive B. busiest C. furthest D. most modern 11
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
60. Cheetahs are the ………… animals on land. A. smallest B. longest C. fastest D. slowest UNIT 9
1. I'm planning to do …….. work for old people at Christmas. A. voluntary B. training C. kind D. experience
2. Andrea wants to do a/an………. course in nursing after she leaves school. A. English B. training C. experience D. main
3. Are you going to take a / an ……… year when you finish school? A. gap B. academic C. good D. relaxing
4. Emma's going to lead a ………. of volunteers in Peru next summer! A. group B. class C. course D. team
5. Who helps to design new roads and bridges? A. an architect B. an engineer C. a mechanic
D. a plumber (thợ sửa ống nước)
6. Who can fix a bath, a shower or a sink? A. an architect B. an engineer C. a mechanic D. a plumber
7. Who keeps animals and grow food? A. a chef (đầu bếp) B. a farmer C. a vet (bs thú y) D. a water
8. Who answers the phone, takes messages and writes letters? A. a water B. a journalist C. a secretary D. a programmer
9. Who travels a lot with his/her work? A. a musician
B. a hairdresser (thợ cắt tóc) C. a mechanic (thợ cơ khí) D. a lawyer 10. Who usually works outside? A. adoctor B. a receptionist C. a farmer D. an architect
11. Which word can add ‘-ist’? A. manage B. cycle C. paint D. assist
12. Which word can add ‘-ian’? A. therapy B. science C. assist D. electric
13. Which word can add ‘-or’? 12
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. operate C. design C. build D. engine
14. She'd like to work in the tourist ………when she leaves school. A. project B course C. industry D. guide
15. He's interested in joining a conservation ……….. in Zambia. A. project B course C. industry D. job
16. Mike wants to be a mechanic, so he's going to do a training …………. next year. A. project B. course C. instructor D. job
17. I have an interview for a job as a swimming ……….. at the weekend. A. athlete B. course
C. instructor(người hướng dẫn) D. teacher
18. Foreign languages are one of the most useful ……… you can have. A. languages B. skills C. qualifications D. subjects
19. She wants to be a vet, but she needs more ……….. A. skills B. qualifications C. ambition D. part-time jobs
20. He’s got a ………… in physics from Harvard University. A. skill B. job C. degree D. course
21. My ………. is to work in the USA. A. ability B. degree C. major D. ambition
22. He’s an actor, but he’s also got ……….. job in a café. A. hard B. good C. part-time D. full-time
23. In the UK, it’s against the ………. for the children under fourteen to work. A. law B. right
C. restriction (sự hạn chế) D. duty (nhiệm vụ)
24. I ……….. go out tonight. I don’t feel well. A. don’t B. didn’t C. am not going to D. won’t
25. ‘I’m hungry.’ - ‘I ………. you a sandwich.’ A. make B. made
C. am going to make D. will make
26. I ……. my own computer company here in Florida, the USA. A. have B. had
C. am going to have D. will have
27. My friends …….. a picnic in the park. Do you want to go? A. has B. had
C. are going to have D. will have
28. ……. you …….. in this town all your life? A. Do/ live B. Did/ live C. Would/ live D. Will/ live
29. I think this job ……….. my career when I leave school. 13
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. is B. was C. is going to be D. will be
30. ……….. lots of swimming pools and beaches here in Australia so it…….. easy to find a job. A. There are/ is
B. There are/ will be C. There will be/ is D. There will be/ will be
31. …….. you …… last weekend? A. Do/ go B. Did/ go C. Are/ going to go D. Will/ go
32. Bill Gates …….. finish his degree and he ………. the biggest computer company in the world. A. doesn’t/ start B. didn’t/ started C. won’t/ will start
D. isn’t going to/ will start
33. ……….. when I tell people I’m a lawyer, they always think I’m really rich. A. So B. Because C. Although D. But
34. I have to work long hours ………… nine o’clock in the evening, sometimes later. A. to B. before C. after D. until
35. I’m my own boss, ………. I can decide when to take holidays. A. so B. because C. although D. and
36. I don’t earn a lot of money ………. I work for a charity. A. so B. because C. although D. but
37. I really love horses ……….. I want to work with them when I leave school. A. so B. because C. although D. and
38. I probably work about fifteen hours a week, ……. sometimes more. A. so B. because C. although D. but
39. My sister is at university. She ………. her degree next June. A. finishes B. finished
C. is going to finish D. will finish
40. I…………. at my uncle’s shop this summer. A. work B. is working
C. am going to work D. will work
41. There’s a …………. project to help protect the rainforest. A. voluntary B. conservation C. charity D. tourist
42. Chamonix is a famous ski resort in the ………. Alps. A. French B. American C. Spanish D. German
43. In the winter, he’s a ski ………. but in the summer, he teaches surfing. A. teacher B. athlete C. instructor D. contestant (thí sinh)
44. Languages are useful for people who work in the ………….. industry. A. heavy B. light C. food D. tourist
45. A job that you train for and do as an adult. A. a part-time job B. a career
C. a volunteer work D. a supervisor
46. Something you get when you pass an exam. 14
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. qualification B. degree C. ambition D. skills
47. Things that you can do well. A. qualification B. degree C. ambition D. skills
48. Something that you really want to do. A. career B. qualification C. ambition D. skills
49. Hello. ………. Tyler Wallace here. I ……… to speak to Robin Hanson. A. It’s/ ’d like B. This is/ ’d like C. It’s/ like D. This is/ like
50. Please could you …….. him to ……….? A. ask/ give me a call C. ask / call me B. tell/ give me a call D. tell/ call me
51. ‘I can find Sue’s number.’ - ‘I ………… on my phone.’ A. look B. ’m looking C. ’m going to look D. ’ll look
52. Dear Sir. I ……… your advertisement in the local newspaper. A. saw B. read C. knew D. found
53. Last summer, I worked at a sports centre for six weeks, so I have experience of ……….. with the public. A. meet B. meeting C. deal D. dealing
54. I’m ………. my CV with this letter, and I also contact details of two referees. A. putting B. enclosing (kèm theo) C. offering D. closing
55. I want to earn money in my family ………… A. job B. career C. business D. tradition
56. I want to do the ……….. I dreamed of as a child. A. job B. career C. business D. tradition
57. ‘lead’ can go with ….. A. a training course B. a team C. a year off D. lessons
58. ‘give’ can go with …..
A. a training course B. experience C. a year off D. lessons
59. ‘take’ can go with ….. A. a training course B. a team C. a year off D. a holiday 60. ‘do’ can go with ….. A. a training course B. a team C. a year off D. a holiday 15
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) UNIT 10 1. Choose the odd one out. A. plane B. bus C. coach D. taxi 2. Choose the odd one out. A. bike B. motorbike C. car
D. scooter (xe trượt đứng) 3. Choose the odd one out. A. Helicopter (trực thăng) B. train C. ship (du thuyền) D. convenient 4. Choose the odd one out. A. Lorry (xe tải) B. tram (tàu điện) C. boat (thuyền) D. van (xe cửa lùa bên hông)
5. I …….. the bus to school in the morning. A. go by B. take C. go on D. get
6. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: Do you cycle to school? A. Do you go to school by car?
C. Do you go to school by bike?
B. Do you take a car to school?
D. Do you take a bike to school?
7. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: Mum took the tram to town. A. Mum went by tram to town.
C. Mum drove to school by tram. B. Mum went to town by tram. D. Mum went to town on tram.
8. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: I sometimes walk to school.
A. I sometimes go to school by foot.
C. I sometimes go by foot to school.
B. I sometimes go on foot to school.
D. I sometimes go to school on foot.
9. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: They went to the airport by bus.
A. They caught a bus to the airport.
C. They went to the airport to catch the bus.
B. They take a bus to the airport.
D. They went to the airport to take a bus.
10. Choose the sentence having the same meaning as this one: My brother gives me a lift to the underground station.
A. My brother and I drive to the underground station.
B. My brother drives me to the underground station.
C. My brother and I go by car to the underground station.
D. My brother and I go to the underground station by car.
11. ‘………. did you get to school?’ -‘Sarah gave me a lift.’ A. What B. Who C. How D. When
12. ‘……… do you have to take a bus into the city?’ -‘It takes about 45 minutes in total.’ A. What B. How long C. How D. When 16
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
13. Look! The rain ……….. We can go out now. A. stops B. is stopping C. stopped D. has stopped
14. I ………very well. I’ve drunk six bottles of cola! A. ’m not feeling B. doesn’t feel C. didn’t feel D. haven’t felt
15. She ………. an accident. Now she’s in hospital. A. has B. is having C. had D. has had
16. He’s lost his ticket. Now he ………. get on the train. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t
17. ‘……. you …….. a juice?’ -‘No, thanks. I’ve just had a drink.’ A. Do/ want B. Are/ wanting C. Did/ want D. Have/ wanted
18. Dave can’t play football. He ……….. his leg. A. breaks B. broke C. ’s broken D. ’s breaking
19. They ……… a pizza. Now they aren’t hungry. A. eat B. ’ve eaten C. ’re eating D. ate
20. ……….. they ……… what to do yet? A. Do/ decide B. Are/ deciding C. Have/ decided D. Did/ decide
21. ‘Why are you smiling?’ -‘I ……. my exam results.’ A. have just B. had just C. ’m just having D. ’ve just had
22. They’re very tired because they ………… 15 km today. A. walk B. is walking C. walked D. ’ve walked
23. I’m afraid Laura ………… her driving test. A. passed B. didn’t pass C. ’s passed D. hasn’t passed
24. I haven’t packed my bags yet, but I’ve still got time before we ……….. A. ’ve left B. leave C. left D. ’re leaving
25. Sorry we’re late. The car broke ………. on the way here. A. down B. out C. off D. in
26. Our plane took ……… at 10.00 and arrived two hours later. A. of B. off C. out D. on
27. The driver got ……. of his lorry and went into the café. A. down B. in C. on D. out
28. Buy a ticket from the driver when you get ……… the bus. A. in B. on C. out D. off
29. The tram stopped and everybody got ……… A. in B. on C. out D. off 17
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10)
30. We’re going now, everyone. Get …….. the car. A. in B. on C. out D. off
31. My dad was ……… last week, so he didn’t go to work. A. sick B. tiring C. enormous D. tiny
32. Babies have got ……….. fingers and toes. A. sick B. tiring C. enormous D. tiny
33. Pacific Ocean is ………. – it’s over 165,000,000 km2. A. enormous B. big C. long D. large
34. The flight to Australia took 24 hours. It was a very ……….. journey. A. crowded B. tiring C. tired D. successful
35. She’s rich and ……….. businesswoman. A. strongly B. happily C. successful D. kindly
36. Motorbikes are more ………… than cars. A. expensive B. dangerous C. comfortable D. convenient
37. There’s a tram stop right outside my house. It’s very ………. A. expensive B. dangerous C. comfortable D. convenient
38. Coaches are usually more ……….than buses. The seats are bigger and softer. A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. convenient D. inconvenient
39. He ……… her four times, but he never answers. A. phones phoning C. phoned D. ’s phoned
40. Oh, no! I ………. my schoolbag on the bus. A. leave B. ’ve left C. left D. ’ll leave
41. I’ve ………. learned to climb. A. recently B. nowadays C. finally D. afterwards
42. I couldn’t find my wallet anywhere, but I’ve ……….. found it. A. recently B. nowadays C. finally D. afterwards
43. ………….., climbing is a very popular sport. A. First at all B. Nowadays C. Afterwards D. Then
44. ……… , a dog ran out of road, but the car didn’t hit it. A. Finally B. Afterwards C. Suddenly D. Then
45. My brother failed his driving test three times. But …………. he passed it. A. eventually B. nowadays C. afterwards D. suddenly
46. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: does (1) which (2) leave (3) it (4) from (5) platform (6) ? 18
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) A. 214365 B. 216345 C. 261435 D. 261345
47. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: to (1) return ticket (2) I’d (3) please (4) London, (5) like (6) a (7) A. 3674215 B. 3672154 C. 3615724 D. 3672514
48. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: cost (1) does (2) much (3) ticket (4) how (5) the (6) ? A. 526423 B. 542623 C. 523641 D. 532641
49. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: cat (1) take (2) I (3) can (4) my (5) train (6) the (7) on (8)? A. 47632518 B. 43271856 C. 47623518 D. 43251876
50. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: is (1) this (2) in (3) our (4) day (5) Italy (6) second (7) A. 2145736 B. 2147536 C. 2475136 D. 4751326
51. Choose the order to make an acceptable sentence: spent (1) beach (2) a (3) already (4) I’ve (5) day (6) the (7) on (8) A. 51436872 B. 51368724 C. 54136872 D. 53641872
52. A ticket for a journey to a place and back again is …………. A. a single ticket B. aone-way ticket C. a return ticket D. a double ticket
53. The place where you get on and off trains at a station is …………. A. a platform B. a train station C. a railway station D. a direct train
54. A ticket for a journey to a place, but not back again is ……………. A. a railcard B. a single ticket C. a return ticket D. a double ticket
55. A train that goes all the way to the place is …………… A. a train station underground train C. a tram D. a direct train
56. A special card that lets you travel on trains for a lower price is ………….. A. a railcard B. a season ticket C. a train ticket D. a monthly train pass
57. Can I ……….. a ticket to Oxford, please? A. bought B. got C. have D. take
58. Can I ……… bike on the train? A. bring B. get C. have D. take
59. Are you coming back on the ……… day? A. next B. following C. same D. last
60. ‘Is it a direct train?’ -‘No, you have to ……… at Swindon.’ A. change B. arrive C. get on D. leave 19
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(Giáo trình Solutions – Elementary, Units 6-10) 20