Translation 1 - Tiếng Anh | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế

Translation 1 - Tiếng Anh | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Task 1. Translate the following into Vietnamese
Making college pay off
1. College is an experiment in hope. It s also a risky investment for us all. Whether it is graduate
or undergraduate school, a two-year program or an eight-year one, we entrust time in our lives
to school for both a new identity and a ticket to the outside world. We come to college with
unspoken anticipation of all that will be done for us. We expect to be made acceptable,
valuable, and finally employable in the eyes of the world. We also hope that magic answers will
be revealed to us through academic study, leading us to guaranteed success in the outside
world. By graduation or completion of our chosen program, we presume everything will be
clear; we will be made brilliant, and all knowledge will be accessible to us.
2. I have been a consultant to countless people who all had faith in this magic - many of whom
were disappointed when the expected alchemy never took place. They discovered, years later,
that this powerful, magical process just doesn t happen.
3. We have been all conditioned to wait for things to happen to us, instead of making things
happen. Most of us learned that we would excel, or at least pass, if we did the work assigned to
us by our teachers. We learned to find out what was expected to us, do it, and wait for a
response. After we took all the required courses, we were promoted, say, from first to second
year. But what did we really learn? System Dependency! We learned that the person who knew
the greatest number of right answers was rewarded by being the first of her class.
4. Nothing like this happens in real life. Yet too many of us never recognize it. We are the same
passive students at ten or twenty five or forty four as we are at fourteen, continuing the
teacher-student dichotomy, which we automatically transfer to the employer-employee
relationship. And we found that though studying history or art or whatever might be
interesting, it alone didn t lead to much else - like new experiences, contacts, or even a job.
5. Much disappointment resulted from this misuse of college. It s time to retrain ourselves to
approach school in the same positive, productive, active way that successful people approach
6. College can become all that you wished for - a time for learning, for broadening horizons, a
time to discover who you are and how you work with others, for setting goals and making
things happen. In short, college is a time for developing skills that will serve you far beyond
your college years, which, even more than your degree, will prepare you for entrance into the
real world.
7. So instead of thinking of college as a more difficult twelfth grade, learn to use college like the
real world. Step up and out of the suffocating box and stop pulling the lid tighter down on your
own possibilities. Remember, the longer you sit and wait, the harder it is to move up. The
passive good student attitude absolutely stifles any chance for people to become motivated,
impassioned, or connected to new ideas and network of people. Don t be afraid to make that
extra effort. Doing only the minimum requirement is the grossest misunderstanding of what
college is all about!
Task 2. Vietnamization
When translating, it is more important to convey the message in the most natural way possible,
rather than stick to the English words or phrases. Look back at the examples from task 1:
College is an experiment in hope
The longer you sit, the harder it is to move up
Now try to Vietnamize the following sentences:
1. The rural women have to work very hard from morning till night.
2. Have a safe journey home!
3. Its hard to overstate her beauty.
4. Time is what you make of it.
5. The sun also rises.
6. Your home away from home. (on the front door of a hotel)
7. Bacchus drowned more men than Neptune.
8. He talks to me as if there were nothing between us.
9. My new assistant is very efficient.
10. Unlike managers, leaders only use power as a last resort.
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Task 1. Translate the following into Vietnamese Making college pay off
1. College is an experiment in hope. It’s also a risky investment for us all. Whether it is graduate
or undergraduate school, a two-year program or an eight-year one, we entrust time in our lives
to school for both a new identity and a ticket to the outside world. We come to college with
unspoken anticipation of all that will be done for us. We expect to be made acceptable,
valuable, and finally employable in the eyes of the world. We also hope that magic answers will
be revealed to us through academic study, leading us to guaranteed success in the outside
world. By graduation or completion of our chosen program, we presume everything will be
clear; we will be made brilliant, and all knowledge will be accessible to us.
2. I have been a consultant to countless people who all had faith in this magic - many of whom
were disappointed when the expected alchemy never took place. They discovered, years later,
that this powerful, magical process just doesn’t happen.
3. We have been all conditioned to wait for things to happen to us, instead of making things
happen. Most of us learned that we would excel, or at least pass, if we did the work assigned to
us by our teachers. We learned to find out what was expected to us, do it, and wait for a
response. After we took all the required courses, we were promoted, say, from first to second
year. But what did we really learn? System Dependency! We learned that the person who knew
the greatest number of right answers was rewarded by being the first of her class.
4. Nothing like this happens in real life. Yet too many of us never recognize it. We are the same
passive students at ten or twenty five or forty four as we are at fourteen, continuing the
teacher-student dichotomy, which we automatically transfer to the employer-employee
relationship. And we found that though studying history or art or whatever might be
interesting, it alone didn’t lead to much else - like new experiences, contacts, or even a job.
5. Much disappointment resulted from this misuse of college. It’s time to retrain ourselves to
approach school in the same positive, productive, active way that successful people approach life.
6. College can become all that you wished for - a time for learning, for broadening horizons, a
time to discover who you are and how you work with others, for setting goals and making
things happen. In short, college is a time for developing skills that will serve you far beyond
your college years, which, even more than your degree, will prepare you for entrance into the real world.
7. So instead of thinking of college as a more difficult twelfth grade, learn to use college like the
real world. Step up and out of the suffocating box and stop pulling the lid tighter down on your
own possibilities. Remember, the longer you sit and wait, the harder it is to move up. The
passive “good student” attitude absolutely stifles any chance for people to become motivated, 1
impassioned, or connected to new ideas and network of people. Don’t be afraid to make that
extra effort. Doing only the minimum requirement is the grossest misunderstanding of what college is all about! Task 2. Vietnamization
When translating, it is more important to convey the message in the most natural way possible,
rather than stick to the English words or phrases. Look back at the examples from task 1:
College is an experiment in hope
The longer you sit, the harder it is to move up
Now try to Vietnamize the following sentences:
1. The rural women have to work very hard from morning till night. 2. Have a safe journey home!
3. It’s hard to overstate her beauty.
4. Time is what you make of it. 5. The sun also rises.
6. Your home away from home. (on the front door of a hotel)
7. Bacchus drowned more men than Neptune.
8. He talks to me as if there were nothing between us.
9. My new assistant is very efficient.
10. Unlike managers, leaders only use power as a last resort. 2