UNIT 10 : SOURCE OF ENERGEY - Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 1 | Trường đại học Điện Lực

UNIT 10 : SOURCE OF ENERGEY - Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 1 | Trường đại học Điện Lực được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. nature B. chance C. gravity D. basic
2. A. cheap B. choose C. children D. chemistry
3. A. available B. safe C. biogas D. stay
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. easily B. abundant C. dangerous D. energy
5. A. engineer B. expensive C. convenient D. enormous
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. The traffic here is very______ for children.
A. dangerousB. endangered C. danger D. dangerously
7. There is a serious __________of food in some areas.
A. short B. shortage C. shorten D. shortening
8. Gas and oil _________ always increases in cold weather.
A. consumers B. consume C. consumption D. consumable
9. Wind is a ________ source of energy.
A. renewable B. non – renewable C. renewed D. renewing
10. This country needs _______ in education.
A. investing B. investment C. invested D. invest
11. ______ energy doesn’t cause pollution.
A. social B. solar C. sociable D. sunny
12. The water ________crises continue to impact on most parts of the country.
A. shortage B.lack C. absence D. scarce
13. Non – renewable _______ sources like coal and natural gases produce a lot of carbon dioxide.
A. power B. fuel C. solar D. energy
14. Making soup is a good way of using ______ leftover vegetables.
A. on B. in C. up D. with
15. Non – renewable energy comes from sources that will eventually______
A. run way B. run down C. run over D. run out
16. Too much work is bad _____ your health.
A. for B. at C. with D. of
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. He’s bought me a smart new camera to my old one.change from
A. recharge B. reuse C. replace D. redo
18. When will the information be made available?
A. accessible B. busy C. plentiful D. abundant
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. No need to hurry – you’ve got time.plenty of
A. same amount B. less C. little D. few
20. You can not grow crops on landexhausted
A. used B. fertile C. empty D. nutritious
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. It’s 3:30. Chris _____ to the football so we’d better not ring.
A. will be going B. went C.goes D. gone
22. I________during rush hour.
A. will be driving B. will have drive C. will be drive D. drives
23. He will not be _____ the train today.
A. take B. taken C.taking D. takes
24. They ____ the square that weekend
A. using B. ‘ll be using C.’re be using D. will have used
25. Nigel ____ be coming to the party
A. won’t B. won’t not C.willn’t D. isn’t
26. I’ll try my best to spot you. What _________ wearing?
A. will you B.are you be C.will D. will you be
27. At noon tomorrow, I _____on a beach somewhere.
A. will relax B. relax C. ‘ll be relaxing D. will being relax
28. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I______ my daughter to work at the time.
A. will be taking B. ‘ll take C. won’t be take D. will have taken
29. This time next week we _____ round the Mediterrancan.
A. will be sailing B. will sail C.will have sailed D. will be sailed
30. Alex _______ late. He’s stuck in traffic
A. Will arriving B. will be arriving C. will have arrived D. will be arrive
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below.
1. The horses will be take to the stable.
2. The whole city will been destroyed by the next earthquake.
3. The door will have be painted sooner or later.
4. The new building will be show to the tourist.
5. Will I be given a job with the employer ?
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
The Automobile
Americans love automobiles. We love to drive them. We don’t want anyone telling us what kind of
car to buy or how much to drive it. Forty years ago, most Americans drove big cars that used a lot of gas.
The gas shortage of the 1970s didn’t change Americans driving habits much. What did change was the
way automobiles were built. Automakers began making cars smaller and lighter. They built smaller and
more efficient engines.
In 1973, there were 102 million cars on the road. Today, there are more than 137 million cars. There are
more cars being driven more miles than ever before. Forty-eight percent of the passenger vehicles sold in
2009 were sport utility vehicles and light trucks. With the recent fluctuations in fuel prices, however,
demand for these big vehicles has dropped, while demand for hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles has
36. Big cars in America used to consume much gas four decades ago.
A. True B. False
37. The shortage of gas started in America in 1970.
A. True B. False
38. Automakers reduce the sizes of cars.
A. True B. False
39. There are fewer cars on the roads today than before.
A. True B. False
40. More people want to buy light trucks recently
A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions
Paper Manufacturing
The United States uses enormous amounts of paper every day – newspapers, books, bags, and
boxes are all made of paper. In fact, the U.S is the world’s leading producer and consumer of paper and
paper products.
Today, with advanced technologies, the energy used to make the same amount of paper would equal just
two gallons of gasoline. The paper and pulp industry uses 42 percent less energy today, mainly because of
better technology and increased use of wood waste to generate electricity on-site. Many industries have
lowered energy use by using recycled materials. In the paper and pulp industry, it is not cheaper to use
recycled paper because it most money to collect, sort, and process the waste paper.
41. How much paper does the US use daily?
A. Many B. A little C. A lot D. A bit
42. How many percent of energy does the paper and pulp industry use less today?
A. 42% B. 2% C. 10% D. 20%
43. What is the reason for the reduction of energy used to produce paper?
A. Improved technology. B. Decrease of wood.
C. More wood waste used D. Both A and C
44. What have many industries used to reduce energy consumption?
A. Gasoline B. Old paper C. Recycled materials D. Bags
45. What is NOT the reason for the fact that using paper is not cheaper in the paper industry?
A. Money is needed to collect waste paper.
B. Money is needed to wrap waste paper.
C. Money is needed to sort waste paper.
D. Money is needed to process waste paper.
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence.
46. How will people learn languages in the future ?
A. How are languages learned in the future? B. How do languages learn in the future?
C. How are languages learn in the future D. How will languages be learned in the future?
47. They will cancel all flights because of the bad weather.
A. All flights will cancel because of the bad weather. B. All flights have canceled because of the bad weather.
C. All flights will be canceled because of the bad weather.
D. All flights have been canceled because of the bad weather.
48. I won't hang these old paintings in the living room.
A. These old paintings won't be hung in the living room. B. These old paintings won't be hanged in the living
C. These old paintings will be hang in the living room. D. These old paintings will be hung in the living
49. They are building a new subway around the city.
A. A new subway is being built around the city. B. A new subway is being built around the city by them.
C. A new subway surround the city is being built. D. Around the city a new highway is being built.
50. People will not use that old building from now on.
A. That old building will not being used from now on. B. That old building will not been used from now
C. That old building will not be used from now on. D. That old building will be used from now on.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. Crash B. pack C. flat D. solar
2. A. Metro B. power C. slow – wheel D. ago
3. A. automated B. powered C. learned D. stayed
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. driverless B. supersonic C. separate D. hospital
5. A. remember B. company C. technical D. interview
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. The new recycling policy is _____ safe.
A. environment B. environmentally C. environmental D. viral
7. _____ vehicle development will change and shape the world more than internet has.
A. Driving B. Driven C. Driverless D. Driver
8. In a minute he _____ with a letter in his hand.
A. reappeared B. disappearance C. appear D. appearing
9. Many deaths from heart disease are actually _____
A. avoid B. unavoid C. avoidable D. avoidance
10. I had an _____ friend when I was a child.
A. imaginary B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginable
11. My life seems _____ since Jim died.
A. mean B. means C. meaningful D. meaningless
12. Wind is renewable source of energy, because it can be easily_______.
A. converted B. changed C. removed D. replaced
13. _______bikes is a good way to protect the environment
A. driving B. riding C. sailing D. flying
14. Children living in the countryside have more space to ______ kites than those living in big cities.
A. fly B. ride C. drive D. book
15. It is expected that ______ trains will appear in Vietnam in ten year’s time
A. super B. rapid C. supersonic D. fast
16. The mini – bus is small enough to get it’s way ________ a traffic jam.
A. into B. out of C. in D. from
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. A video game will provide hours of fun.endless
A. irregular B. short C. deep D. imitless
18. The city is facing pollution problems.serious
A. Hard B. minor C. false D. light
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. The Segway is becoming these days.more popular
A. attractive B. suitable C. likeable D. uncommon
20. Red minibuses often provide more transport for rides.convenient
A. suitable B. unpleasant C. good D. available
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. I will come and see Tom before I ___________ for America.
A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
22. I think the weather __________ nice later.
A. will be B. be C. had D. has been
23. She _______ very angry when she hears about that news.
A. shall be B. has been C. will have been D. will be
24. They ____ badminton when their mother comes back home.
A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
25. Some of these clothes are ______, and the rest of ______ belong to Peter.
A. yours/it B. my/ them C. hers/ their D. mine/ them
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each gap below.
John said it wasn't (1)___ car.(2) ____ is a Mazdamodel. When I asked Jenny if it was(3)___, she said no
(4)___ car is a Ford Explorer . I knew it wasn't (5)___ car, of course.
26. A. he B. him C. his D. it
27. A. his B. him C. he D. it
28. A. her B. hers C. she D. their
29. A. she B. hers C. her D. them
30. A. it B. she C. her D. hers
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below.
31. I know yellow book is , I don't think the red one is .the Peter's but him
32. There be almost no farming left years .would land fifteen from now
33. I wish I have computer own.would a of mine
34. Have you seen theirs glasses anywhere?
35. He for sure he the competition.knows that wins next
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
Smart ears
One way to solve transportation problems is major cities is to make the cars much smaller and
smarter. So-called “smart cars” have been around for many years. But there are signs of progress. Many
automakers, including BMW and Nissan already offer compact electric cars. The BMW i3, already
available in Europe, can brake automatically when your foot off the accelerator, consumes no gasoline and
operates for 80-100 miles per charge.
“I do believe that there is a growing opportunity for new types of vehicles specifically designed for
urban areas” Koslowski said, adding that these cars need more a “wow” factor and will have to become
part of an urban area’s overall plan for better transportation in a city, not just showy small cars for
individual drivers. 36. Producing smart cars is the only way to solve transporting issues in urban areas.
A. True B. False
37. “Smart cars” is not a new concept.
A. True B. False
38. Nissan only produces cars which run on petrol.
A. True B. False
39. The BMW i3 car is powered by electrical energy.
A. True B. False
40. According to Koslowski, smart cars development must be mainstreamed into urban transport plans.
A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions
Hanoi’s Transport Plan
Hanoi’s Transport Plan aims to increase the share of public transport from the current low figure of
9% of trips, to above 60% by 2030, by which time Hanoi is slated to have six new metro lines and three
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines/ But the ambitions get even steeper. Last month, Hanoi’s Party Committee
outlined plans to ban motorbikes from the downtown area by 2025, in line with improved public transport.
A total downtown ban of the vehicles would require a huge lifestyle shift for most residents – and put an
enormous amount of pressure on the new metro system. None of locals I speak to regard the 2025 plan as
41. Currently, public vehicles accounts for _____ of the total transportation in Hanoi
A. half B. on third C. below 10% D. most
42. Private transport is expected to cover _____ of the total transportation in Hanoi by 2030.
A. less than 40% B. half C. over 60% D. 60%
43. According to the city’s plans, motorcycles will not be allowed to use after 2025 in the ____.
A. city’s center area B. suburban area C. metropolitan area D. city’s business
44. The motorbike ban will call for significant changes in the transport habit of _____.
A. a few people B. everyone C. busy people D. nearly everyone
45. What do local people who are asked think about the 2025 plan?
A. It is achievable. B. It is workable. C. It is viable D. It is impracticable
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence.
46. It is predicted that all the areas of Asia can be urbanized by 2050.
A. All the areas of Asia would be urbanized by 2050.
B. All the areas of Asia will be urbanized by 2050.
C. All the areas of Asia shall be urbanized by 2050.
D. All the areas of Asia are being urbanized by 2050.
47. "Why do you lend your cousin your pen, Tun?" – Because she forgot hers.
A. Tun forgot his pen
B. Tun's cousin lent him her pen.
C. Tun's cousin forgot her own pen.
D. Tun's cousin forgot to pay back his pen.
48. As Bong's boyfriend did not have a pet, she gave one of hers to him.
A. Bong's boyfriend lent her a pet.
B. Bong presented one of her pets to her boyfriend.
C. Bong gave her pet a boyfriend.
D. Bong gave her boyfriend het pets.
49. Nobody is allowed to use the automated machine without permission.
A. You can use the automated machine if you ask for permission.
B. No one can't use the automated machine under any circumstances.
C. Someone can use the automated machine without allowance.
D. You are not allowed to use the automated machine because of the permission.
50. It doesn't cost much to run a solar power system.
A. A solar power system is quite cheap to set up.
B. Running a solar power system costs nothing.
C. A solar power system costs so much to run.
D. Running a solar power system is not costly.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. nature B. change C. basis D. car
2. A. pa e B. ame C. o D. g g g gift
3. A.church B. much C. each D. ache
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese
5. A. poverty B. spacious C. overcrowded D. density
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. 300 people were injured in the ____
A. explode B. explosion C. explosive D. exploding
7. A lot of talented students are unable to complete their studies because of_____
A. poverty B. poor C. poorness D. proof
8. The population _______ in this city is very high.
A. density B. dense C. condense D. densely
9. ‘That’s him in front of his store in the _______ market!’
A. air B. bee C. flea D. ant
10. I prefer a more ______ range of music to listen to.
A. open B. diverse C. different D. separate
11. There will also be a new main entrance and more car parking_______
A. space B. lot C. area D. room
12. A truck parked in the middle of the narrow street _______ the road.
A. stopped B. slowed C. ended D. blocked
13. Very few families in big cities have to live below the ____ line.
A. major B. crime C. proverty D. space
14. Tap was greatly ______ by his close friend at school.
A. effective B. effected C. effectively D. affected
15. Young _____ must be punished, but education is the cure.
A. crime B. criminals C. crimes D. criminality
16. Family education has several ______ on young children.
A. effects B. affects C. effect D. effects
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. One major problem of the device is that it can fall over easily
A. main B. small C. secondary D. little
18. People from diverse cultures choose to live in America.
A. same B. similar C. uniform D. varied
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. Why are slums in Hanoi less visible than in other rapidly growing cities ?
A. messy houses B. old square C. poor conditions D. luxury flats
20. It is said overcrowded cities are more likely to be affected by violence.
A. full B. empty C. overpopulated D. crammed
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. So far I’ve saved … money than my close friend does.
A. fewer B. more C. much D. many
22.She only drinks … milk before going to bed.
A. many B. a few C. a little D. a number of
23. Children in VietNam now have chance to visit ______ countries than before.
A. little B. less C. a few D. more
24. This lesson gives me _____ knowledge than the last lesson.
A. a few B. less C. fewer D. lot
25. We have _____ hours left before they come.
A. a little B. fewer C. a few D. lot of
26. Tu hardly has anyone to hang out with at the weekend,_________?
A. has he B. doesn’t he C. does she D. hasn’t she
27. You’ve never been in Italy,_______?
A. haven’t you B. have you C. are you D. had you
28. Money can’t buy everything,_______?
A. can it B. can they C. can’t it D. can’t they
29. Toethanded in her report, ________?
A. had she B. did she C. hadn’t see D. didn’t she
30. We are having a break in five minutes,_____ we?
A. aren’t B. haven’t C. have D. don’t
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below.
31. Ten years from now, we will eat much fewer meat than before.
32. In 2050, sea levels will have risen by almost a little dozen centimeters.
33. Let’s take a break and go out to enjoy some fresh air, will me?
34. Although most teenagers love movies, their parents seldom take them to the cinema, isn’t it?
35. While as many as two million children in Vietnam suffer from malnutrition, Saigon’s childhood
obesity rate has tripled since 2000, aren’t they?
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
Overcrowded hospital in Vietnam
Bach Mai Hospital, one of Vietnam's major hospitals, is often overloaded because patients have lost
faith with the quality of communal and district hospitals and bypass them
Even though Bach Mai Hospital has adjusted their health check-up routines recently, it still can't cope
with the huge number of patients daily. Some patients have to wait for the whole day to get examined so it's
not unusual to see people lying around on the floor, waiting their turn.
The number of patients sleeping in the hospital’s hallways at noon is so high and some people even
sell plastic sheeting for them to lie on.
35. Bach Mai is among biggest hospitals in Vietnam.
A. True B. False
36. Patients trust large hospitals more than provincial ones.
A. True B. False
37. Bach Mai has done nothing to solve their patient overload problem.
A. True B. False
38. A patient lying on the floor is a common scene in Bach Mai hospital.
A. True B. False
39. Plastic mats are sold to patients to lie on the corridor floor at midday.
A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions
Busy streets in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City is a world where old and new competes to survive in this dense populated city. It's a
city filled with skyscrapers, ancient temples, motorbikes, people on bicycles and every inch of it covered in
tall slim buildings. The streets are overcrowded with motorbikes, piled with up to five people each fighting for
way with taxis and even trucks. The streets look like organized chaos with motorbikes drivers talking on cell
phones, not abiding traffic signals, and not even driving in the same direction as the traffic flow. Someday cars
will overtake the streets in Ho Chi Minh City, but for now, motorbikes rule, and 'xích lô' co-exist.
40. Ho Chi Minh City is a _____ city.
A. small B. mountainous C. crowded D. brand new
41. Tall slim houses are seen _______ in this city.
A. anywhere B. in some areas C. nowhere D. rarely
42. The city streets are mostly flooded with ______.
A. motorcycles В. сars C. bicycles D. taxis
43. What is the maximum number of people on a motorbikes as seen by the author?
А. 2 В. 3 С.4 D. 5
44. What will become the most popular means of transport as predicted by the author?
A. Xích lô B. Motorbikes C. Buses D. Automobiles
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that best combines all the words provided in each sentence.
46. Our plan/ will/ cancel/ due/ lack of funds.
A. Our plan will be canceled due to lack of funds. B. Our plan will canceled due to lack of funds.
C. Our plan will cancel due to lack of funds. D. Our plan will be cancel due to lack of funds.
47. It/ take/ me/ little/ time/ write/ than/ type/ this letter.
A. It takes me a little time to write than to type this letter B. It takes me less time to write than to type this
C. It takes me a little time to write than typing this letter. D. It takes me a little time to write than to type
this letter
48. There/ few/ social problems/ wealthy areas/ than/ poor areas.
A. There are fewer social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
B. There are few social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
C. There are a few social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
D. There are fewer social problems in wealthy areas than over poor areas.
49. In/ future/ most/ people/ travel/ flying trains.
A. In the future, most of people will travel by flying trains.
B. In the future, most the people will travel with flying trains.
C. In future, most people will travel by flying trains.
D. In the future, most people will travel by flying trains
50. There/ few/ buses/ than/ there/ use/ be.
A. There are fewer buses than there used to be.
B. There are few buses than there used to be.
C. There are fewer buses than there use was.
D. There are few buses than there use to be.
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Preview text:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. nature B. chance C. gravity D. basic 2. A. cheap B. choose C. children D. chemistry 3. A. available B. safe C. biogas D. stay
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. easily B. abundant C. dangerous D. energy
5. A. engineer B. expensive C. convenient D. enormous II. VOCABULARY
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. The traffic here is very______ for children. A. dangerousB. endangered C. danger D. dangerously
7. There is a serious __________of food in some areas. A. short B. shortage C. shorten D. shortening
8. Gas and oil _________ always increases in cold weather. A. consumers B. consume C. consumption D. consumable
9. Wind is a ________ source of energy. A. renewable B. non – renewable C. renewed D. renewing
10. This country needs _______ in education.
A. investing B. investment C. invested D. invest
11. ______ energy doesn’t cause pollution. A. social B. solar C. sociable D. sunny
12. The water ________crises continue to impact on most parts of the country. A. shortage B.lack C. absence D. scarce
13. Non – renewable _______ sources like coal and natural gases produce a lot of carbon dioxide. A. power B. fuel C. solar D. energy
14. Making soup is a good way of using ______ leftover vegetables. A. on B. in C. up D. with
15. Non – renewable energy comes from sources that will eventually______
A. run way B. run down C. run over D. run out
16. Too much work is bad _____ your health. A. for B. at C. with D. of
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. He’s bought me a smart new camera to change from my old one. A. recharge B. reuse C. replace D. redo
18. When will the information be made available? A. accessible B. busy C. plentiful D. abundant
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. No need to hurry – you’ve got plenty of time. A. same amount B. less C. little D. few
20. You can not grow crops on exhausted land A. used B. fertile C. empty D. nutritious III. GRAMMAR
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. It’s 3:30. Chris _____ to the football so we’d better not ring. A. will be going B. went C.goes D. gone 22. I________during rush hour. A. will be driving B. will have drive C. will be drive D. drives
23. He will not be _____ the train today. A. take B. taken C.taking D. takes
24. They ____ the square that weekend A. using
B. ‘ll be using C.’re be using D. will have used
25. Nigel ____ be coming to the party A. won’t B. won’t not C.willn’t D. isn’t
26. I’ll try my best to spot you. What _________ wearing?
A. will you B.are you be C.will D. will you be
27. At noon tomorrow, I _____on a beach somewhere. A. will relax B. relax C. ‘ll be relaxing D. will being relax
28. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I______ my daughter to work at the time. A. will be taking B. ‘ll take C. won’t be take D. will have taken
29. This time next week we _____ round the Mediterrancan. A. will be sailing B. will sail C.will have sailed D. will be sailed
30. Alex _______ late. He’s stuck in traffic A. Will arriving B. will be arriving C. will have arrived D. will be arrive
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below. 1. The
horses will be take to the stable.
2. The whole city will been destroyed by the next earthquake. 3. The
door will have be painted sooner or later. 4. The
new building will be show to the tourist. 5. W
ill I be given a job with the employer ? IV. READING
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B) The Automobile
Americans love automobiles. We love to drive them. We don’t want anyone telling us what kind of
car to buy or how much to drive it. Forty years ago, most Americans drove big cars that used a lot of gas.
The gas shortage of the 1970s didn’t change Americans driving habits much. What did change was the
way automobiles were built. Automakers began making cars smaller and lighter. They built smaller and more efficient engines.
In 1973, there were 102 million cars on the road. Today, there are more than 137 million cars. There are
more cars being driven more miles than ever before. Forty-eight percent of the passenger vehicles sold in
2009 were sport utility vehicles and light trucks. With the recent fluctuations in fuel prices, however,
demand for these big vehicles has dropped, while demand for hybrids and fuel-efficient vehicles has increased.
36. Big cars in America used to consume much gas four decades ago. A. True B. False
37. The shortage of gas started in America in 1970. A. True B. False
38. Automakers reduce the sizes of cars. A. True B. False
39. There are fewer cars on the roads today than before. A. True B. False
40. More people want to buy light trucks recently A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions below. Paper Manufacturing
The United States uses enormous amounts of paper every day – newspapers, books, bags, and
boxes are all made of paper. In fact, the U.S is the world’s leading producer and consumer of paper and paper products.
Today, with advanced technologies, the energy used to make the same amount of paper would equal just
two gallons of gasoline. The paper and pulp industry uses 42 percent less energy today, mainly because of
better technology and increased use of wood waste to generate electricity on-site. Many industries have
lowered energy use by using recycled materials. In the paper and pulp industry, it is not cheaper to use
recycled paper because it most money to collect, sort, and process the waste paper.
41. How much paper does the US use daily?
A. Many B. A little C. A lot D. A bit
42. How many percent of energy does the paper and pulp industry use less today? A. 42% B. 2% C. 10% D. 20%
43. What is the reason for the reduction of energy used to produce paper?
A. Improved technology. B. Decrease of wood.
C. More wood waste used D. Both A and C
44. What have many industries used to reduce energy consumption?
A. Gasoline B. Old paper C. Recycled materials D. Bags
45. What is NOT the reason for the fact that using paper is not cheaper in the paper industry?
A. Money is needed to collect waste paper.
B. Money is needed to wrap waste paper.
C. Money is needed to sort waste paper.
D. Money is needed to process waste paper. V. WRITING
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence.
46. How will people learn languages in the future ?
A. How are languages learned in the future? B. How do languages learn in the future?
C. How are languages learn in the future
D. How will languages be learned in the future?
47. They will cancel all flights because of the bad weather.
A. All flights will cancel because of the bad weather. B. All flights have canceled because of the bad weather.
C. All flights will be canceled because of the bad weather.
D. All flights have been canceled because of the bad weather.
48. I won't hang these old paintings in the living room.
A. These old paintings won't be hung in the living room. B. These old paintings won't be hanged in the living room.
C. These old paintings will be hang in the living room.
D. These old paintings will be hung in the living room.
49. They are building a new subway around the city.
A. A new subway is being built around the city.
B. A new subway is being built around the city by them.
C. A new subway surround the city is being built.
D. Around the city a new highway is being built.
50. People will not use that old building from now on.
A. That old building will not being used from now on.
B. That old building will not been used from now on.
C. That old building will not be used from now on.
D. That old building will be used from now on.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. Crash B. pack C. flat D. solar 2. A. Metro B. power C. slow – wheel D. ago 3. A. automated B. powered C. learned D. stayed
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. driverless B. supersonic C. separate D. hospital 5. A. remember B. company C. technical D. interview II. VOCABULARY
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. The new recycling policy is _____ safe. A. environment B. environmentally C. environmental D. viral
7. _____ vehicle development will change and shape the world more than internet has. A. Driving B. Driven C. Driverless D. Driver
8. In a minute he _____ with a letter in his hand. A. reappeared B. disappearance C. appear D. appearing
9. Many deaths from heart disease are actually _____ A. avoid B. unavoid C. avoidable D. avoidance
10. I had an _____ friend when I was a child. A. imaginary B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginable
11. My life seems _____ since Jim died. A. mean B. means C. meaningful D. meaningless
12. Wind is renewable source of energy, because it can be easily_______. A. converted B. changed C. removed D. replaced
13. _______bikes is a good way to protect the environment A. driving B. riding C. sailing D. flying
14. Children living in the countryside have more space to ______ kites than those living in big cities. A. fly B. ride C. drive D. book
15. It is expected that ______ trains will appear in Vietnam in ten year’s time A. super B. rapid C. supersonic D. fast
16. The mini – bus is small enough to get it’s way ________ a traffic jam. A. into B. out of C. in D. from
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. A video game will provide endless hours of fun. A. irregular B. short C. deep D. imitless 18. The city is facing pollution problems. serious A. Hard B. minor C. false D. light
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. The Segway is becoming more popular these days. A. attractive B. suitable C. likeable D. uncommon
20. Red minibuses often provide more convenient transport for rides. A. suitable B. unpleasant C. good D. available III. GRAMMAR
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. I will come and see Tom before I ___________ for America. A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
22. I think the weather __________ nice later. A. will be B. be C. had D. has been
23. She _______ very angry when she hears about that news. A. shall be B. has been C. will have been D. will be
24. They ____ badminton when their mother comes back home. A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
25. Some of these clothes are ______, and the rest of ______ belong to Peter. A. yours/it B. my/ them C. hers/ their D. mine/ them
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each gap below.
John said it wasn't (1)___ car.(2) ____ is a Mazdamodel. When I asked Jenny if it was(3)___, she said no
(4)___ car is a Ford Explorer . I knew it wasn't (5)___ car, of course. 26. A. he B. him C. his D. it 27. A. his B. him C. he D. it 28. A. her B. hers C. she D. their 29. A. she B. hers C. her D. them 30. A. it B. she C. her D. hers
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below.
31. I know the yellow book is ,
Peter's but I don't think the red one is . him 32. There be almost no farming would
land left fifteen years from now.
33. I wish I would have computer a of mine own. 34. Have
you seen theirs glasses anywhere?
35. He knows for sure that he wins the competition. next IV. READING
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B) Smart ears
One way to solve transportation problems is major cities is to make the cars much smaller and
smarter. So-called “smart cars” have been around for many years. But there are signs of progress. Many
automakers, including BMW and Nissan already offer compact electric cars. The BMW i3, already
available in Europe, can brake automatically when your foot off the accelerator, consumes no gasoline and
operates for 80-100 miles per charge.
“I do believe that there is a growing opportunity for new types of vehicles specifically designed for
urban areas” Koslowski said, adding that these cars need more a “wow” factor and will have to become
part of an urban area’s overall plan for better transportation in a city, not just showy small cars for
individual drivers. 36. Producing smart cars is the only way to solve transporting issues in urban areas. A. True B. False
37. “Smart cars” is not a new concept. A. True B. False
38. Nissan only produces cars which run on petrol. A. True B. False
39. The BMW i3 car is powered by electrical energy. A. True B. False
40. According to Koslowski, smart cars development must be mainstreamed into urban transport plans. A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions below.
Hanoi’s Transport Plan
Hanoi’s Transport Plan aims to increase the share of public transport from the current low figure of
9% of trips, to above 60% by 2030, by which time Hanoi is slated to have six new metro lines and three
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines/ But the ambitions get even steeper. Last month, Hanoi’s Party Committee
outlined plans to ban motorbikes from the downtown area by 2025, in line with improved public transport.
A total downtown ban of the vehicles would require a huge lifestyle shift for most residents – and put an
enormous amount of pressure on the new metro system. None of locals I speak to regard the 2025 plan as feasible.
41. Currently, public vehicles accounts for _____ of the total transportation in Hanoi A. half B. on third C. below 10% D. most
42. Private transport is expected to cover _____ of the total transportation in Hanoi by 2030. A. less than 40% B. half C. over 60% D. 60%
43. According to the city’s plans, motorcycles will not be allowed to use after 2025 in the ____. A. city’s center area B. suburban area C. metropolitan area D. city’s business district
44. The motorbike ban will call for significant changes in the transport habit of _____. A. a few people B. everyone C. busy people D. nearly everyone
45. What do local people who are asked think about the 2025 plan? A. It is achievable. B. It is workable. C. It is viable D. It is impracticable V. WRITING
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence.
46. It is predicted that all the areas of Asia can be urbanized by 2050.
A. All the areas of Asia would be urbanized by 2050.
B. All the areas of Asia will be urbanized by 2050.
C. All the areas of Asia shall be urbanized by 2050.
D. All the areas of Asia are being urbanized by 2050.
47. "Why do you lend your cousin your pen, Tun?" – Because she forgot hers. A. Tun forgot his pen
B. Tun's cousin lent him her pen.
C. Tun's cousin forgot her own pen.
D. Tun's cousin forgot to pay back his pen.
48. As Bong's boyfriend did not have a pet, she gave one of hers to him.
A. Bong's boyfriend lent her a pet.
B. Bong presented one of her pets to her boyfriend.
C. Bong gave her pet a boyfriend.
D. Bong gave her boyfriend het pets.
49. Nobody is allowed to use the automated machine without permission.
A. You can use the automated machine if you ask for permission.
B. No one can't use the automated machine under any circumstances.
C. Someone can use the automated machine without allowance.
D. You are not allowed to use the automated machine because of the permission.
50. It doesn't cost much to run a solar power system.
A. A solar power system is quite cheap to set up.
B. Running a solar power system costs nothing.
C. A solar power system costs so much to run.
D. Running a solar power system is not costly.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. nature B. change C. basis D. car 2. A. pa e g B. ame g C. o g D. gift 3. A.church B. much C. each D. ache
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese 5. A. poverty B. spacious C. overcrowded D. density II. VOCABULARY
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below
6. 300 people were injured in the ____ A. explode B. explosion C. explosive D. exploding
7. A lot of talented students are unable to complete their studies because of_____ A. poverty B. poor C. poorness D. proof
8. The population _______ in this city is very high. A. density B. dense C. condense D. densely
9. ‘That’s him in front of his store in the _______ market!’ A. air B. bee C. flea D. ant
10. I prefer a more ______ range of music to listen to. A. open B. diverse C. different D. separate
11. There will also be a new main entrance and more car parking_______ A. space B. lot C. area D. room
12. A truck parked in the middle of the narrow street _______ the road. A. stopped B. slowed C. ended D. blocked
13. Very few families in big cities have to live below the ____ line. A. major B. crime C. proverty D. space
14. Tap was greatly ______ by his close friend at school. A. effective B. effected C. effectively D. affected
15. Young _____ must be punished, but education is the cure. A. crime B. criminals C. crimes D. criminality
16. Family education has several ______ on young children. A. effects B. affects C. effect D. effects
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
17. One major problem of the device is that it can fall over easily A. main B. small C. secondary D. little
18. People from diverse cultures choose to live in America. A. same B. similar C. uniform D. varied
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following.
19. Why are slums in Hanoi less visible than in other rapidly growing cities ? A. messy houses B. old square C. poor conditions D. luxury flats
20. It is said overcrowded cities are more likely to be affected by violence. A. full B. empty C. overpopulated D. crammed III. GRAMMAR
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. So far I’ve saved … money than my close friend does. A. fewer B. more C. much D. many
22.She only drinks … milk before going to bed. A. many B. a few C. a little D. a number of
23. Children in VietNam now have chance to visit ______ countries than before. A. little B. less C. a few D. more
24. This lesson gives me _____ knowledge than the last lesson. A. a few B. less C. fewer D. lot
25. We have _____ hours left before they come. A. a little B. fewer C. a few D. lot of
26. Tu hardly has anyone to hang out with at the weekend,_________? A. has he B. doesn’t he C. does she D. hasn’t she
27. You’ve never been in Italy,_______? A. haven’t you B. have you C. are you D. had you
28. Money can’t buy everything,_______? A. can it B. can they C. can’t it D. can’t they
29. Toethanded in her report, ________? A. had she B. did she C. hadn’t see D. didn’t she
30. We are having a break in five minutes,_____ we? A. aren’t B. haven’t C. have D. don’t
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentense below.
31. Ten years from now, we will eat much fewer meat than before.
32. In 2050, sea levels will have risen by almost a little dozen centimeters.
33. Let’s take a break and go out to enjoy some fresh air, will me?
34. Although most teenagers love movies, their parents seldom take them to the cinema, isn’t it?
35. While as many as two million children in Vietnam suffer from malnutrition, Saigon’s childhood
obesity rate has tripled since 2000, aren’t they? IV. READING
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
Overcrowded hospital in Vietnam
Bach Mai Hospital, one of Vietnam's major hospitals, is often overloaded because patients have lost
faith with the quality of communal and district hospitals and bypass them
Even though Bach Mai Hospital has adjusted their health check-up routines recently, it still can't cope
with the huge number of patients daily. Some patients have to wait for the whole day to get examined so it's
not unusual to see people lying around on the floor, waiting their turn.
The number of patients sleeping in the hospital’s hallways at noon is so high and some people even
sell plastic sheeting for them to lie on.
35. Bach Mai is among biggest hospitals in Vietnam. A. True B. False
36. Patients trust large hospitals more than provincial ones. A. True B. False
37. Bach Mai has done nothing to solve their patient overload problem. A. True B. False
38. A patient lying on the floor is a common scene in Bach Mai hospital. A. True B. False
39. Plastic mats are sold to patients to lie on the corridor floor at midday. A. True B. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best ansewrs each of the questions below.
Busy streets in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City is a world where old and new competes to survive in this dense populated city. It's a
city filled with skyscrapers, ancient temples, motorbikes, people on bicycles and every inch of it covered in
tall slim buildings. The streets are overcrowded with motorbikes, piled with up to five people each fighting for
way with taxis and even trucks. The streets look like organized chaos with motorbikes drivers talking on cell
phones, not abiding traffic signals, and not even driving in the same direction as the traffic flow. Someday cars
will overtake the streets in Ho Chi Minh City, but for now, motorbikes rule, and 'xích lô' co-exist.
40. Ho Chi Minh City is a _____ city. A. small B. mountainous C. crowded D. brand new
41. Tall slim houses are seen _______ in this city. A. anywhere B. in some areas C. nowhere D. rarely
42. The city streets are mostly flooded with ______. A. motorcycles В. сars C. bicycles D. taxis
43. What is the maximum number of people on a motorbikes as seen by the author? А. 2 В. 3 С.4 D. 5
44. What will become the most popular means of transport as predicted by the author? A. Xích lô B. Motorbikes C. Buses D. Automobiles V. WRITING
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that best combines all the words provided in each sentence.
46. Our plan/ will/ cancel/ due/ lack of funds.
A. Our plan will be canceled due to lack of funds.
B. Our plan will canceled due to lack of funds.
C. Our plan will cancel due to lack of funds.
D. Our plan will be cancel due to lack of funds.
47. It/ take/ me/ little/ time/ write/ than/ type/ this letter.
A. It takes me a little time to write than to type this letter
B. It takes me less time to write than to type this letter
C. It takes me a little time to write than typing this letter.
D. It takes me a little time to write than to type this letter
48. There/ few/ social problems/ wealthy areas/ than/ poor areas.
A. There are fewer social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
B. There are few social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
C. There are a few social problems in wealthy areas than in poor areas.
D. There are fewer social problems in wealthy areas than over poor areas.
49. In/ future/ most/ people/ travel/ flying trains.
A. In the future, most of people will travel by flying trains.
B. In the future, most the people will travel with flying trains.
C. In future, most people will travel by flying trains.
D. In the future, most people will travel by flying trains
50. There/ few/ buses/ than/ there/ use/ be.
A. There are fewer buses than there used to be.
B. There are few buses than there used to be.
C. There are fewer buses than there use was.
D. There are few buses than there use to be.