Unit 12: Robots( Tiết 7) | Bài giảng PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 6 | Global Success

Bài giảng điện tử môn Tiếng Anh 6 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống bao gồm đầy đủ các bài giảng trong cả năm học 2022 - 2023, được thiết kế dưới dạng file trình chiếu PowerPoint với nhiều hiệu ứng đẹp mắt.

Write the correct words to
complete the phrases.
Fill the blanks with the verbs
from the box.
Complete the following sentences
with superlative form of the
adjectives in brackets.
Use the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets to complete
the paragraph.
Write the correct words to complete the phrases.
_______ the clothes
_______ heavy things
_______ fruit
do the _______
_______ the dishes
iron the clothes
move heavy things
pick fruit
do the washing
do the dishes
Fill the blanks with the verbs from the box.
Robots can
Can you
We rarely go to restaurants because my father can
Can robots
My father and I
every morning.
water make repair work understand
_______ as guards when we’re away.
work as guards when we’re away.
_______ delicious meals at home.make delicious meals at home.
_______ my broken clock?
repair my broken clock?
_______ our feelings?
understand our feelings?
_______ the plants in our garden
water the plants in our garden
Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets
to complete the paragraph.
Welcome to our company. We’ve made the (1. smart)
robot in the world. Its the (2. small) and the (3. light)
we’ve made but it can do many things in your house.
It can even fly to clean the ceilings. It can teach children all
school subjects. Its also the (4. strong) in our lab
because it can move more than 200 kg. Its not difficult to own
a robot like this because its one of the (5. cheap)
robots in the world.
Complete the following sentences with
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
What is the (high)
What is the (large)
What is the (long)
What is the (wide)
What is the (hot)
Do you know the answers?
_______ mountain in the world?highest mountain in the world?
_______ lake in Viet Nam?
largest lake in Viet Nam?
_______ beach in Viet Nam?
longest beach in Viet Nam?
_______ river in the world?
widest river in the world?
_______ desert in the world?
hottest desert in the world?
You are taking part in a robot design competition. Work in
groups, decide what your robot is like and complete this table.
Robot name
Appearance (weight,
height, etc.)
it can work
it can do
Draw your robot here
Present your designs to other groups.
Vote on the best robot.
I can
use the words for daily activities.
say statements with correct tones.
compare people and things using superlative
express agreement and disagreement about
read about a robot show.
talk about what robots can do.
listen about what robots can do.
write a paragraph about a robot.
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Vocabulary Grammar
Write the correct words to
Use the correct form of the complete the phrases.
adjectives in brackets to complete the paragraph.
Complete the following sentences
Fill the blanks with the verbs
with superlative form of the from the box. adjectives in brackets. Vocabulary
Write the correct words to complete the phrases. 1. _ 1 _ . _ i _ r __ on _ ththe e cl cloth otheses 2. 2 ____ mov _ e __ h hea e v av y t y hithin ngs gs 3. _______ fruit 3. pick fruit 4. 4 do the _____ do the washi__ ng 5. _ 5 _ . __ d _ o __ t the he di dish shes es
Fill the blanks with the verbs from the box. water make repair work understand 1. Robots can _______ work as gu as guar ards when ds when we’w r e’ e r a e w a a w y. ay.
2. We rarely go to restaurants because my father can ___ ma _ k _ e __ del d ice i licio ous us m meal e s als t at hom home. e. 3. Can you __ r __ epa_ i _ r _ m m y y brbro ok ke en n cl cloc ock?k? 4. Can robots _____ under_ s _ t ou and r fe ou el r fing eels i ? ngs? 5. My father and I __ w _ a _ t _ er__ the the pl pl anant ts i s in n o ou ur gr g ar arde den n every morning. Grammar
Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets to complete the paragraph.
Welcome to our company. We’ve made the (1. smart) smartest
robot in the world. It’s the (2. small) small e st and the (3. light)
lightest we’ve made but it can do many things in your house.
It can even fly to clean the ceilings. It can teach children all
school subjects. It’s also the (4. strong) s tr ong es t in our lab
because it can move more than 200 kg. It’s not difficult to own
a robot like this because it’s one of the (5. cheap) che apes t robots in the world.
Complete the following sentences with
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. What is the (high) __ hi ____ ghest _ mou moun n t ta ai in n i in the w n the w o orlrld d? ?
2. What is the (large) _ l __ ar _ g _ es _ t _ l la ak k e e i in n V V ieie t t Nam Nam? ?
3. What is the (long) _l___ ong __ es _ t bea bea ch ch i in V n Vi ie e t Nam t Nam??
4. What is the (wide)___ wi ___ dest_ r ri iv v e er r i in the n the w w or orl ld d? ?
5. What is the (hot) ___ hot _ t __ est _ desert desert i in the n the w w o orlrld d? ?
Do you know the answers?
You are taking part in a robot design competition. Work in
groups, decide what your robot is like and complete this table.
Robot name
Appearance (weight, height, etc.) Where it can work What it can do Draw your robot here
Present your designs to other groups. Vote on the best robot. Now I can …   
• use the words for daily activities.   
• say statements with correct tones.   
• compare people and things using superlative  adjectives.  
• express agreement and disagreement about    something. • read about a robot show.   
• talk about what robots can do.   
• listen about what robots can do.   
• write a paragraph about a robot.   