Unit 6: U6L1B | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 2 sách i-Learn Smart Start (Cả năm)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 2 sách i-Learn Smart Start trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài soạn của 35 tuần trong cả năm học. Qua đó, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 2 của mình.

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School: ………………………………………..
Class: …………………………….....................
Period: ………………………………….
Lesson 1 (page 41)
1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to obtain the following:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: zoo, beach, park, playground
Sentence pattern: I want to go to the (park).
Skills: Say about where you want to go to.
1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to
be a life-long learner.
1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Being kind and having the love towards the environment .
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Demonstrating problem-solving skills through learning activities.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook..
3. Procedures
A. Warm up (5 minutes)
Fill in the missing letters
a. Objectives: Students can fill in the missing letters.
b. Content: Filling in the missing letters.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly and quickly.
- Task completed: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can fill in the missing letters but with some difficulties.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Sing the song “The Wheels on the bus”
Students sing along and do the actions together
Option 1: Matching” game
Divide the class into four teams.
Have students in each team stand in a line.
Write the vocabulary on the board.
Give students flashcards.
Have students hold the flashcards to match the
vocabulary on the board and speak out the
The first student to match the vocabulary correctly
gets one point for his/her team.
- Team work: hold the flashcards to
match the vocabulary on the board
and speak out the vocabulary.
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The team that gets the most points win.
The team that gets the most points wins.
Option 2: “Thumbs Up or Down” game
Divide the class into four groups.
Hold up a flashcard/object and say a sentence. (E.g., I
want to go to the (zoo).)
If students think that sentence is correct then put their
thumbs up, if not they put their thumbs down.
If all the students in the group are correct, give that
group one point.
The group which has most points wins.
- Follow T’s instructions.
- Join the game.
B. New lesson
1. Task D. Point and say (10 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to point and say the structureI want to go to the park.
b. Contents: Pointing and say the structure “I want to go to the park.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can point and say the structure “I want to go to the park
correctly and fluently.
Task completed: Students can point and say the structure “I want to go to the parkbut with minor
Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in pointing and saying the structure “I want to go to the
- d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
D. Point and say.
Practice (optional).
Show a flashcard to the class.
Have students practice the structure using the new
Repeat with other flashcards.
E.g. (Teacher shows a flashcard "beach".)
Class: " I want to go to the beach."
Point, ask, and answer.
Divide the class into pairs.
Have Student A point to a picture and ask, have
Student B say, e.g. "I want to go to the park.”
Swap roles and repeat.
Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity
in front of the class.
Answer key
1. I want to go to the park.
2. I want to go to the playground.
3. I want to go to the zoo.
4. I want to go to the beach.
- Follow T’s instructions.
- Join in the activity, say the sentences
when T shows the cards.
- Do as guided.
- Pair work.
- Demonstrate in pairs (one points to
the picture and the other says the
2. Task E. PlayGuess the picture game (10 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to playGuess the picture game.
b. Contents: Playing “Guess the picture game.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
Page 3 of 4
- Task completed with excellence: Students can play Guess the picture” game correctly .
- Task completed: Students can play Guess the picture game but with minor difficulty.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in playing Guess the picture” game.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
E. Play " Guess the picture" game.
Have students look at the example.
Divide the class into two teams.
Have a student stand facing away from the board and
stick a flashcard on the board behind them.
Have the student try to guess without looking at the
Give that team one point if it's a correct guess. Have
teams take turns.
- Do as guided.
- Work in teams to play the game.
- Play the game as guided.
3. Consolidation and homework assignment (10 minutes)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
"Whispering" game
Divide the class into four teams.
Have students from each team stand in a row.
Whisper a sentence (E.g., I want to go to the (park).) to
the first students in each row.
Have the first students whisper the sentence to the
second students.
Have teams continue whispering the sentence until it
reaches the last students. The last student in the row has
to say out loud the sentence.
Give the first team to say the sentence correctly one
The team that gets the most points win
- Do as guided.
- Join the game, whispering the
Homework Assignment (Help students do homework
correctly) (5 minutes) Workbook (page 39)
C. Listen and ( √) the box. (WB Track 22)
Have students look at part C, read the words and guess
the answer could be.
Play audio and have students listen and tick the correct
Have students listen again and check.
D. Look and write.
Set up time limit by 1minute timer bomb (source:
Have students start reading and writing the letters.
When the time is up students stop doing their exercises.
Have students change their workbooks together.
Check understanding as a whole class.
- Do the exercises in Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start
Notebook on page 43.
Phần mềm trò chơi tương c DHA
- Play the games in Unit 6, Lesson 1 (Look and find, Listen
and find, Grammar).
- Do as guided.
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5. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:
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Preview text:

School: ………………………………………..
Class: …………………………….. . . . . . . . . .
Period: …………………………………. UNIT 6: AROUND TOWN Lesson 1 (page 41) 1. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to obtain the following:
1.1. Language knowledge and skills
Vocabulary: zoo, beach, park, playground
Sentence pattern: I want to go to the (park).
Skills: Say about where you want to go to. 1.2. Competences
Self-control and independent learning: Building up interests and good habits in learning English.
Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner. 1.3. Attributes
Kindness: Being kind and having the love towards the environment .
Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying.
Accountability: Demonstrating problem-solving skills through learning activities.
2. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs,
Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook.. 3. Procedures
A. Warm up
(5 minutes)
Fill in the missing letters
a. Objectives
: Students can fill in the missing letters.
b. Content: Filling in the missing letters.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly and quickly.
- Task completed: Students can fill in the missing letters correctly.
- Task uncompleted: Students can fill in the missing letters but with some difficulties. d. Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Sing the song “The Wheels on the bus” (source:
Students sing along and do the actions together
Option 1: “Matching” game
− Divide the class into four teams.
- Team work: hold the flashcards to
− Have students in each team stand in a line.
match the vocabulary on the board
− Write the vocabulary on the board. and speak out the vocabulary. − Give students flashcards.
− Have students hold the flashcards to match the
vocabulary on the board and speak out the vocabulary.
− The first student to match the vocabulary correctly
gets one point for his/her team. Page 1 of 4
− The team that gets the most points win.
The team that gets the most points wins.
Option 2: “Thumbs Up or Down” game
− Divide the class into four groups. - Follow T’s instructions.
− Hold up a flashcard/object and say a sentence. (E.g., I want to go to the (zoo).) − - Join the game.
If students think that sentence is correct then put their
thumbs up, if not they put their thumbs down.
− If all the students in the group are correct, give that group one point.
The group which has most points wins. B. New lesson
1. Task D. Point and say (10 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to point and say the structure “I want to go to the park”.
b. Contents: Pointing and say the structure “I want to go to the park”.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can point and say the structure “I want to go to the park” correctly and fluently.
Task completed: Students can point and say the structure “I want to go to the park” but with minor difficulty.
Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in pointing and saying the structure “I want to go to the park”. - d. Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities D. Point and say. Practice (optional).
− Show a flashcard to the class. - Follow T’s instructions.
− Have students practice the structure using the new word.
- Join in the activity, say the sentences
− Repeat with other flashcards. when T shows the cards.
E.g. (Teacher shows a flashcard "beach".)
• Class: " I want to go to the beach."
Point, ask, and answer.
− Divide the class into pairs.
− Have Student A point to a picture and ask, have - Do as guided.
Student B say, e.g. "I want to go to the park.” - Pair work. − Swap roles and repeat. −
- Demonstrate in pairs (one points to
Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity
the picture and the other says the in front of the class. sentence). Answer key 1. I want to go to the park.
2. I want to go to the playground. 3. I want to go to the zoo.
4. I want to go to the beach.
2. Task E. Play “Guess the picture” game (10 minutes)
a. Objectives: Students will be able to play “Guess the picture” game.
b. Contents: Playing “Guess the picture” game.
c. Expected outcomes and assessment Page 2 of 4
- Task completed with excellence: Students can play “Guess the picture” game correctly .
- Task completed: Students can play “Guess the picture” game but with minor difficulty.
- Task uncompleted: Students have difficulty in playing “Guess the picture” game. d. Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
E. Play " Guess the picture" game.
− Have students look at the example.
− Divide the class into two teams. - Do as guided.
− Have a student stand facing away from the board and
- Work in teams to play the game.
stick a flashcard on the board behind them. −
Have the student try to guess without looking at the flashcard.
− Give that team one point if it's a correct guess. Have - Play the game as guided. teams take turns.
3. Consolidation and homework assignment (10 minutes) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities "Whispering" game
− Divide the class into four teams.
− Have students from each team stand in a row. - Do as guided.
− Whisper a sentence (E.g., I want to go to the (park).) to - Join the game, whispering the
the first students in each row. − sentence……
Have the first students whisper the sentence to the second students.
− Have teams continue whispering the sentence until it
reaches the last students. The last student in the row has
to say out loud the sentence.
− Give the first team to say the sentence correctly one point.
− The team that gets the most points win
Homework Assignment (Help students do homework
correctly) (5 minutes) Workbook (page 39)
C. Listen and ( √) the box. (WB Track 22)
− Have students look at part C, read the words and guess - Do as guided. the answer could be.
− Play audio and have students listen and tick the correct box.
− Have students listen again and check. D. Look and write.
− Set up time limit by 1minute timer bomb (source:
− Have students start reading and writing the letters.
When the time is up students stop doing their exercises.
− Have students change their workbooks together.
Check understanding as a whole class.
- Do the exercises in Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Notebook on page 43.
Phần mềm trò chơi tương tác DHA
- Play the games in Unit 6, Lesson 1 (Look and find, Listen and find, Grammar). Page 3 of 4 5. Reflection
a. What I liked most about this lesson today:
b. What I learned from this lesson today:
c. What I should improve for this lesson next time:
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