Unit 9 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success

Trong bài viết này, giới thiệu tới các em Soạn Unit 9 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success. Sau đây mời các em tham khảo chi tiết.

Unit 9 lp 7 Project sách Global Success
Work in groups.
(Làm vic theo nhóm)
1. Think of a new festival that you would like to celebrate. Discuss the following
(Hãy nghĩ về mt l hi mi mà bn mun t chc. Tho lun v nhng điểm sau:)
- Name of the festival (Tên l hi)
- Time and place of the festival (Thời gian và địa đim ca l hi)
- Festival activities (Các hot đng ca l hi)
Gi ý đáp án
- Name of the festival: Vietnamese food festival
- Time and place of the festival: every year in January in Hanoi
- Festival activities:
cook traditional dishes in Vietnam
decorate and give a presentation about a dish
2. Draw pictures of the new festival or cut out pictures from magazines.
(V hình nh v l hi mi hoc ct hình nh t tp chí.)
3. Present your festival to the class.
(Trình bày v l hi ca bạn trước lp.)
Hello everyone, today I would like to tell you about a new festival in my country. That is
a Vietnamese food festival. It is held in January and once a year in Ha Noi,. All
attendants will cook a traditional dish in Vietnam with available ingredients. Then, they
will decorate and give a presentation about their dish. The winners are those ones who
have the most creative dish and good presentation about their dish. It is held to promote
the value of Vietnamese food and introduce it to international friends. It will interesting
to join the festival.
4. Vote for the best festival.
(Bình chn cho l hi hay nht.)
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Preview text:

Unit 9 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success Work in groups. (Làm việc theo nhóm)
1. Think of a new festival that you would like to celebrate. Discuss the following points:
(Hãy nghĩ về một lễ hội mới mà bạn muốn tổ chức. Thảo luận về những điểm sau:)
- Name of the festival (Tên lễ hội)
- Time and place of the festival (Thời gian và địa điểm của lễ hội)
- Festival activities (Các hoạt động của lễ hội) Gợi ý đáp án
- Name of the festival: Vietnamese food festival
- Time and place of the festival: every year in January in Hanoi - Festival activities: 
cook traditional dishes in Vietnam 
decorate and give a presentation about a dish
2. Draw pictures of the new festival or cut out pictures from magazines.
(Vẽ hình ảnh về lễ hội mới hoặc cắt hình ảnh từ tạp chí.)
3. Present your festival to the class.
(Trình bày về lễ hội của bạn trước lớp.)
Hello everyone, today I would like to tell you about a new festival in my country. That is
a Vietnamese food festival. It is held in January and once a year in Ha Noi,. All
attendants will cook a traditional dish in Vietnam with available ingredients. Then, they
will decorate and give a presentation about their dish. The winners are those ones who
have the most creative dish and good presentation about their dish. It is held to promote
the value of Vietnamese food and introduce it to international friends. It will interesting to join the festival.
4. Vote for the best festival.
(Bình chọn cho lễ hội hay nhất.)