Vocabulary examples - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128) | Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

The power was out, but we decided to carry on with our game.

lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
carry on
The power was out, but we decided to carry on with our
eat out
Today was our 1-year anniversary, so we chose to eat
out at Haidilao.
give up
The math test was hard, but she didn't give up. ->
take up
He's interested in music, so he takes up guitar lessons.
on me
The train always arrives on me at the staon. ->
in me (for)
We walked quickly and got there in me for our IELTS
for a long me
She's been waing for a long me at the bus stop. ->
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
“Mission Impossible” is my all-me favorite acon
On the beach, we like to collect colorful stones. ->
My brother has a small collecon of comic books. ->
Watching Tiktok in class is a great form of
Son Tung MTP was famous for his musical talent. ->
That musician is very good at singing. ->
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
bored with
Are you bored with playing the same video games?
crazy about
My friend is crazy about handsome men. ->
interested in
She's very interested in painng. ->
Keen on
He’s keen on learning how to swim. ->
a fan of
I am a huge fan of Taylor Swi. ->
popular with
This game is popular with all the kids. ->
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
take part in
Will you take part in the coding compeon? ->
| 1/4

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lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Phrases Meaning Example carry on
The power was out, but we decided to carry on with our game. -> eat out
Today was our 1-year anniversary, so we chose to eat out at Haidilao. -> give up
The math test was hard, but she didn't give up. -> take up
He's interested in music, so he takes up guitar lessons. -> on time
The train always arrives on time at the station. -> in time (for)
We walked quickly and got there in time for our IELTS class. -> for a long time
She's been waiting for a long time at the bus stop. -> lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 action
“Mission Impossible” is my all-time favorite action movie. -> collect
On the beach, we like to collect colorful stones. -> collection
My brother has a small collection of comic books. -> entertainment
Watching Tiktok in class is a great form of entertainment. -> musical
Son Tung MTP was famous for his musical talent. -> musician
That musician is very good at singing. -> lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 bored with
Are you bored with playing the same video games? -> crazy about
My friend is crazy about handsome men. -> interested in
She's very interested in painting. -> Keen on
He’s keen on learning how to swim. -> a fan of
I am a huge fan of Taylor Swift. -> popular with
This game is popular with all the kids. -> lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 take part in
Will you take part in the coding competition? ->