Word form - Học sinh giỏi

Word form - Học sinh giỏi  dành cho  các bạn học sinh, sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi. Đồng thời nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh của bạn! Mời  các bạn  cùng  đón xem nhé ! 

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2."#  )*"
2/"8++ D  **"
22" **+*6+"
24"#++ , *"
27" ,5"
2:"#, 0,O
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2>"%+!+ ****
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4"@+* +"
4$"8 **"
4&"0*+!*  " #
4."# *,"
4/"'%++ ,)+
42"   "
44"% %5"0"'DI
47"' )++B"
4:"# * +"
4>"(++  "
7"%%*"% +!"
7$"# * "
7&"# ?*,$>."
7."#*,! **  9
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7/"# +"
72"% I%"
74"# + *"5+
77"#*+ "
7:"# * *"
7>"# , " 
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:$"!* %
:&"5  +%"
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:4"#+ "'*+!"
:7"#6**%  ,"
::"3+*+   " 
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>&"# "B!+*"
>."#! I"
>/"8+%  "
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Preview text:

Nearly all the (0) discoveries (DISCOVER) that have been made through the ages can be found in books. The (1)
(INVENT) of the book is one of humankind’s greatest (2)
(ACHIEVE), the importance of which cannot be overestimated. Books are very
adaptable, providing us with both (3) ( ENTERTAIN). The (4)
(PRODUCE) of books began in Acient Egypt, though not in a form that is (5)
(RECOGNISE) to us today. The books read by the Romans, however, have some (6)
(SIMILAR) to the ones we read now. Until the middle of the 15th century, in Europe, all books were (7)
(WRITE) by hand. They were often beautifully illustrated and always rare and (8)
(EXPENSE). With printing came the possibility of cheap, larze-scale (9)
(PULISH) and distribution of books, making knowledge more (10) (SPREAD) and accessible. II.
Nowadays it is becoming (INCREASE)
popular for students to go on an exchange programme. This is (SPECIAL)
popular in Europe. In such programmes, students can go abroad and (STUDIOUS)
at a forein university for a term or two, and these studies count
towards their agree. This (ARRANGE)
has several advantages. Students have the
opportunity to practise the forein languages they have (LEARN) in school. They meet
different cultures and experience in a different ways of life. In (ADD) , they learn about different ways of (THINK)
in their own subject and get a broader view of the issues. For
example, one Austrian student who was studying agriculture found different types of (FARM)
in England interesting. Finally, they also meet exchange students from other countries,
so they experience a really (NATION)
environment. This experience will (HOPE)
result in a better understanding between nations. III.
Judo is a sport that has achieved great (0) in many parts of the world POPULAR – popularity It was (1)
developed in Japan in the late 19th century based on ancient ORIGIN
methods of self-defence. There are two (2) . Although they use FIGHT physical (3)
against each other, they are respectful to their VIOLENT (4)
and bow to each other before and after each contest. OPPOSE Judo is an (5)
sport to take up because the only equipment you EXPENSE
need is the special loosefitting suit. It is very suitable for (6) if YOUNG
they join a club where the (7)
are properly qualified and pay INSTRUCT
enough attention to safety. Although Judo is a physically (8) sport DEMAND which requires a lot of (9)
, practice and skill, there are many STRONG people who find it (10)
as a means of relaxation in their spare time. ENJOY IV. 1 WOMEN DOCTORS
Throughout history have had (0) – responsibility – RESPONSE for healing the sick. Howerver, it is only in (1)
COMPARE recent times that they have been allowed to train as doctors at (2)
MEDICINE schools in Britain. Yet in that short time, they have made an enormous (3)
CONTRIBUTE to modern medicine.
The first female doctors were priestesses who gave (4) ADVISE about diseases and (5)
INJURE prepared medicines. In ancient Roman, women healers were considered (6) SKILL and respected.
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (7)
SUSPECT of women and who practised medicine (8)
PROFESSION and in 1512 a law was passed making it (9) LEGAL for
them to do so. Women couldn’t study medicine at universities until the 19th century and they only began to gain (10)
EQUAL with male doctors in the 20th century.
1. Our next door neighbour is a who is studying marine life BIOLOGY 2. Laura has been very during my illness. SUPPORT 3. My main
at home is to wash the dishes. RESPONSIBLE
4. Tam usually helps her mother with chores. HOUSE
5. Ms.Hunltley is a very warm and person. CARE
6. If you are worried about their
put your jewels in the hotel safe. SECURE
7. What I am telling you is strictly CONFIDENCE
8. They’ve enough toys to keep them out of for a while. MISCHIVOUS
9. We were relieved that Tom had arrived at the wedding dressed. SUIT
10. Remember you are in the army! If you
orders you’ll get a court martial. OBEDIENT.
11.By doing well at school, he hoped to win his parents’ . APPROVE
12.The Western people are very concerned with phisical when choosing a wife or a husband. ATTRACT 13.Vienna is a real centre for music lovers. CULTURE
14.Would you like to go to our wedding? The
takes place at St John’s church. MARRY
15.David and Mary have been in for five years. PART 2
16.The police are intrerested in the sudden of the valuable painting. APPEAR 17.In our country it is
for the bridegroom to make a speech. TRADITION 18.Micheal has just got
to a girl he’s has known since he was a boy. ENGAGE
19.Almost young Americans want to lead lives. DEPEND
20.Each member of our group has a of opinion. DIVERSE
21.The restaurant manager was very and said we could have APOLOGY our meal for free. 22.They were having an about the children. ARGUE 23.Julia dances a lot more than all of her friends. MARVEL 24.The
of the heating system requires several days. INSTALL 25.He was very
pupil and seemed to spend most of the time ATTEND looking out of the windows.
26.The girl sitting next to Mike smiles very doesn’t she? ATTRACT 27.Mr. Andrew enjoys
with his students after class. SOCIAL
28.At first he was rude, but later he apologised for his . POLITE 29.The atmosphere was very
and everyone was on first name term. FORMALITY 30.The shop
seemed to spend most of the time talking rather than attending to the sustomers. ASIST 31. In Britain education is between the ages of 5 and 16. COMPEL
32. Work experience is an important experience for young people. EDUCATION 33. The
between public and private school system in many countries is quite clear. DIVIDE
34. The lecturewe heard last night was very . INFORM
35. The written English is not
phonetic, which causes difficult for foreigners. SYSTEM 3
36. The strike caused widespread to train services. DISRUPT
37. It is not always easy to earn a living as an ART 38. The British government the railways in 1948. NATION
39. The whole trip to Africa was planned with precision. MATHEMATICS
40.He talks so much because he is a . POLITICS 41.
! You are offered the position. CONGRATULATE 42. Try not to be too if you do not get the job . APPOINT 43. It can be
when preparing for the job interview. STRESS
44. His advice helped me create a good on my interviewer. IMPRESS
45. Remember to bring the letters of form your teachers. RECOMMEND 46. You should show
when the job is explained to you. ENTHUSIAST
47. Always show your best side, you to work. KEEN 48. An
is the person who answers the questions in an interview. INTERVIEW
49. My cousin has been working as an for over twelve years. ACCOUNT
50. I want to become a writer so that I can create characters and events. IMAGINE 51. If we don’t
on electricity, there will be power cuts. ECONOMY
52. There is not anyone living in the island; it’s an island. INHABIT 53.There used to be a
of schools, hospitals in my country. SHORT
54. We believe that we will gain great
and build better life for our people. ACHIEVE 55. Only a
support the new Enterprises Law. MINOR 56. The new laws have
both domestic and foreign private investments. COURAGE 4 57. Vietnam has
substantial changes since Doi Moi. GO
58. The National Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party continued to reaffirm its to Doi Moi. COMMIT
59.I couldn’t get much work done as I was
being interrupted by people telephoning me. CONTINUE
60.Every effort was made to return the purse to its owner. RIGHT 61.We are really
about the peace process in the region. OPTIMISM
62.People believe that he was killed by a group of . TERROR 63.The earth is being by pollution. THREAT
64.As the child’s head went under the water for the third time, I stood and watched to help. I can’t swim. POWER
65.In the future cars can run on anything from to methane gas. ELECTRIC
66.I’m afraid you’ll have to see Mr.Pound. All matters concerning finance are his RESPONSE 67.Although she arrived
, we made her welcome just the same. EXPECT 68.Tom fell into a deep on hearing the news. IMPRESS
69.He was very sad because he was told that his best friend got an disease. CURE
70.I’m sorry I haven’t phoned. I’ve been busy this week. CREDIBLE 71.The desert is in the part of the country. SOUTH 72.They led a
expedition across the sand dunes in 1930. SCIENCE
73.The police are still looking into the
disappearance of the chief cashier shortly after the bank robbery. MYSTERY 74.The Sahara desert is the desert in the world. LARGE 75.It’s the most film I’ve ever seen. FRIGHT 76.There are very few
places on earth today. Man has been nearly everywhere EXPLORE 5
77.The path to the village will be by the local government. WIDE 78.There are
types of dunes in the Simpson desert. DIFFER
79.They have decided to organise the
election by the end of this year. PRESIDENT
80.Many efforts have been made to the national economy. STABLE
81.Smoking during pregnancy can the baby’s health DANGER 82.My only means of was my driver’s licence. IDENTIFY
83.I have read the guilines on the controlled of ocean resources. EXPLOIT 84.
and overpopulation are the two big problems in the developing countries. FOREST
85.Many small towns in our country have been in the past few years. URBAN 86.There are only two
in the air crash. All the other passengers were killed. SURVIVE
87.The Red List has been introduced to raise people’s of conservation needs. AWARE
88.Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife from trade. COMMERCE
89.Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into . EXIST 90.A
is a person who studies plans or animals, especially outdoor. NATURE
91.Vehicles of over 3 metres in pay an additional toll. LONG 92.There is no need tobe so
. I just asked how to get to the bus stop. DEFEND 93.Tyson nocked his out in the first round. OPPOSE
94.We stood and watched the dancers’ graceful . MOVE
95.I would like to show you my lastest
, which I have called “Sound of Nature”. CREATE
96.The player didn’t agree with the refree’s . DECIDE
97.I hate playing badminton with Tom. He’s too . COMPLETE 6
98.I prefer scuba-diving to water polo because it is . ADVENTURE
99.Do you know when synchronized swimming first received major ? PULIC 100. After four hours’
typing I had a terrible headache. CONTINUE 101. The show was so
that nobody knew who was coming on next. ORGANIZE
102. One of the aims of the organization is to provide aid to the refugees. HUMAN 103. Why don’t you take the and arrange a meeting? INITIATE 104. After some
one of the children began to speak. HESITATE
105. International Red Cross has its in Geneva, Switzerland. HEAD
106. After the tsunami many people lost their families, friends and . LIVE
107. The driver of the lorry sustained only minor to legs and arms. INJURE 108. Was the
of international Red Cross inspired by a Sweden? FOUND
109. The dotor gave him and injection to the pain. DIE 110. The mother was
to see her son eating properly again. RELIEF 111.
, there were five countries founding the Association of Southest Asian Nations.ORIGIN 112.
The main goal of the association is to promote peace and in the region and all over the world. STABLE 113. She was the only visitor into the sick room. ADMISSION 114. The two sides are engaged in the discussion. ACT
115. On my salary we have to live as as possible. ECONOMY 116. Don’t
Peter. He’s a skillful campainer. ESTIMATE
117. In the past few years this area has become heavily . INDUSTRY 118. I think there are differences in every country. REGION 119. A
of factors may be responsible for the increase in canser. COMBINE
120. They have agreed to provide
assistance for countryside schools. FINANCE 7