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WORD FORM THEO DẠNG PASSAGE cực hay dành cho ôn luyện các Kỳ thi học sinh giỏi THPT dành cho  các bạn học sinh, sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi.  Mời  các bạn  cùng  đón xem nhé ! 

217 109 lượt tải Tải xuống
Spam spam spam spam 1
If you’ve been deleting a lot of (0) _________e-mail recently, you’re not alone. Perhaps the (1) ....
headache for web users today is dealing with spam - those endless (2) .... we find in our e-mail inboxes.
As many as 100 million spam messages are sent everyday, and downloading and deleting them entails
both (3) .... _and expense, costing web users as much as $1bn a day in lost time. And perhaps even more
(4) .... is the fact that the content of the spam can be (5) .... or even dangerous. But attempts to make
spam (6) .... have met with opposition in the USA by supporters of free speech. So for now it is up to the
individual to stop spam. But without help this can be a (7) .... process, deleting individual emails by
hand. One (8) ....method has been to install a spam filter which (9) .... which emails are spam and ‘kills’
them. Unfortunately, these filters can also delete normal emails too. Technology, it would seem, is no
(10) .... for an old fashioned stamp and envelope.
Food Production 2
In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to live (0) NATURAL lives in what we would now
term 'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however, were not able to supply the rapidly
growing (1) ... of the world and the increasing demands on food (2) ... In order to cope with this rising
demand, factory farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... of genetically engineered
(4) ... hormones, which resulted in a massive increase in food (5) ... However, these developments in
the use of factory farming and drug (6) ... have led to a widespread feeling that animals are being
caused a lot of distress and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a consequence. Certainly, many
people (7) ... with the idea of keeping animals in one building for their entire (8) ... and argue that
more emphasis should be given to (9) ... farming methods. A growing number of people are choosing
to eat organic food, supporting farmers who use free-range methods, a system which has proved to be
both (10) ... and more humane.
Dress Code 3
UK companies have received (0) CRITICISM from a business forum for what their report refers to as
a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress code for office workers. This follows a case in
which a male (1) ... working in the post room of a large (2) ... in the United Kingdom received a (3) ...
for wearing jeans to work. Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for people dealing with (4) ...
to look well dressed, it questions whether employees who work behind the scenes necessarily need to
dress formally. The authors of the report made a (5) ... between the UK and other European nations
where employers seem (6) ... about the need for their workers to wear smart clothes in the office. Their
(7) ... is based on research that claims workers are far more (8) ... when they have the (9) ... to dress in
a way that they feel most (10) ... in.
Kitchen Hygiene 4
The next time you go to the supermarket don't forget to buy the (0) BIGGEST bottle of kitchen
cleaner you can to (1) ... your work surfaces. Recent (2) ... research in America has shown that
the kitchen is often the most (3) ... of all the rooms in the home. The (4) ... of food, heat and
dampness means the kitchen is (5) ... a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause stomach
upsets and vomiting. The study at the University of Arizona examined 15 homes over 30 weeks.
Levels of (6) ... were certainly not below average yet cutting boards and dishcloths were found
to contain bacteria in far greater number than elsewhere in the home. (7) ... say ignorance is the
cause of the problem and point out that (8) ... cleaning can lead to serious food poisoning. The
(9) ... ? Make sure you clean all work surfaces (10) ... and keep an eye on that dishcloth!
Individual 5
The procession moved further away until there was (56).......... again.
He explained that the woman would receive harsh (57)...........
The procession consisted of many religious (58)...........
As the woman was drugged she could offer no (59)...........
Sir Francis became very (60).......... about the project.
The plan to rescue the woman was full of (61)...........
Sir Francis wondered if the guide would offer his (62)...........
Fogg suggested that they should wait until nightfall before taking any (63)...........
The woman had fair skin and looked (64)...........
He explained that only government (65).......... would prevent her death.
Second language 6
There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a
second language. This has been especially fuelled in recent times by the increasing 1…..
placed on the English language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a
substantial amount of 2…….on additional tuition on language lessons to give their
children every 3………edge. In the past decade, language institutes have sprung up in
4…..urban centers, all claiming to provide rapid 5….. in English. There has been a push
by many parents to expose their children to English in their 6….. years. This, many claim,
will make the language more 7….. and ensure that all pronunciation errors can be avoided.
There is some evidence which points to youngsters who have been raised in 8…. families,
where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they 9…with in their
external environment. While these children can switch between two languages with
greater 10…., it remains to be seen whether this is 11 ….when learning additional
Agriculture in Australia 7
Traditionally, Australia was 1…. for producing wheat and wool, but times have changed
in 2 ….years, with many farmers 3….. to be more diverse in their crop and livestock
range. It is now quite common to see farms with more exotic fruit and vegetables.
Farmers are 4…. to sell their produce locally nowadays, but rather to the factories in the
cities. As a result, farms are now large-scale 5….. where thousands of tons of crops are
6… Another aspect that is different nowadays is 7…. . In the past, farmers would just
flood the fields but now it is common to see sprinkler 8…. everywhere. This means that
more water is 9… , which has been helpful with the drought that has severely impacted the
10… of the farms in the 11…. states of the country. Hopefully, the 10…. the farmers
have shown in recent times will continue.
Text 8
1. Now that we are running out of oil and gas, the world should focus on (new) resources such as solar power, biomass etc.
2. Many of Shakespeare's plays are (time) classics. People will enjoy them in 400 years just as they did 400 years ago.
3. Our high school teacher was quite (insist) that we use British English in class. American English was considered
4. Two weeks after possible (conceive) is a good time to test for pregnancy.
5. Because of several contract violations we have decided to (continue) our co-operation with them.
6. Average life (expect) at that time was 72 years for men and 80 years for women.
7. There's an (write) rule between friends: Never hook up with your friend's ex.
8. His body lay (motion) on the floor and everyone thought he was dead.
9. We all listened to his (word) presentation, wishing it would end. The man obviously just liked listening to himself.
10. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation considerably influences the (occur) of skin cancer.
Text 9
1. Everyone was looking at him in (believe).
2. Most drugs are highly (addict).
3. You can't just eat any berries you find in the woods. Some might be (poison).
4. Human history, according to the Bible, started with an act of (obey).
5. They came to see me when I was in the hospital and wished me a (speed) recovery.
6. I don't understand why the legal age for drinking is 21 in the US. 18 is more (sense).
7. The climb was very (risk). One slip would have been fatal.
8. What a (incident)! I have a bag that's just like yours!
9. The dog bared its teeth and growled (threat).
10. Only then did I realize how (mature) he was. He was just an overgrown child.
Correct answers:
Spam spam spam spam 1
1. unwanted
2. biggest
3. advertisements
4. inconvenience
5. annoying
6. embarrassing
7. illegal
8. lengthy
9. successful
10. identifies
11. competition
Food Production 2
1. population
2. consumption
3. development
4. growth
5. production
6. treatment/s
7. disagree
8. existence
9. alternative
10. economical
Dress Code 3
1. employee
2. organization/organization
3. suspension
4. customers
5. comparison
6. unconcerned
7. argument
8. productive
9. freedom
10. comfortable
Kitchen Hygiene 4
1. disinfect
2. scientific
3. unhygienic
4. combination
5. potentially
6. cleanliness
7. researches
8. inadequate
9. solution
10. daily
Individual 5
1. silence
2. treatment
3. fanatics
4. resistance
5. enthusiastic
6. difficulties
7. assistance
8. action
9. European
10. intervention
Second language 6
1. importance
2. funds
3. competitive
4. numerous
5. advancement
6. formative
7. instinctive
8. bilingual
9. converse
10. ease
11. advantageous
Agriculture in Australia 7
1. famous
2. recent
3. electing
4. unlikely
5. producers
6. cultivated
7. irrigation
8. systems
9. conserved
10. majority
11. southern
12. creativity
Text 8
1. renewable
2. timeless
3. insistent
4. conception
5. discontinue
6. expectancy
7. unwritten
8. motionless
9. wordy
10. occurrence
Text 9
1. disbelief
2. addictive
3. poisonous
4. disobedience
5. speedy
6. sensible
7. risky
8. coincidence
9. threateningly
10. immature
| 1/3

Preview text:

Spam spam spam spam 1
If you’ve been deleting a lot of (0) _________e-mail recently, you’re not alone. Perhaps the (1) .... WANT
headache for web users today is dealing with spam - those endless (2) .... we find in our e-mail inboxes. BIG
As many as 100 million spam messages are sent everyday, and downloading and deleting them entails ADVERTISE
both (3) .... _and expense, costing web users as much as $1bn a day in lost time. And perhaps even more CONVENIENT
(4) .... is the fact that the content of the spam can be (5) .... or even dangerous. But attempts to make ANNOY
spam (6) .... have met with opposition in the USA by supporters of free speech. So for now it is up to the EMBARRASS
individual to stop spam. But without help this can be a (7) .... process, deleting individual emails by LEGAL
hand. One (8) ....method has been to install a spam filter which (9) .... which emails are spam and ‘kills’ LONG
them. Unfortunately, these filters can also delete normal emails too. Technology, it would seem, is no SUCCEED
(10) .... for an old fashioned stamp and envelope. IDENTITY COMPETE Food Production 2
In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to live (0) NATURAL lives in what we would now NATURE
term 'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however, were not able to supply the rapidly POPULATE
growing (1) ... of the world and the increasing demands on food (2) ... In order to cope with this rising CONSUME
demand, factory farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... of genetically engineered DEVELOP
(4) ... hormones, which resulted in a massive increase in food (5) ... However, these developments in GROW
the use of factory farming and drug (6) ... have led to a widespread feeling that animals are being PRODUCE
caused a lot of distress and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a consequence. Certainly, many TREAT
people (7) ... with the idea of keeping animals in one building for their entire (8) ... and argue that AGREE
more emphasis should be given to (9) ... farming methods. A growing number of people are choosing EXIST
to eat organic food, supporting farmers who use free-range methods, a system which has proved to be ALTERNATE
both (10) ... and more humane. ECONOMY Dress Code 3
UK companies have received (0) CRITICISM from a business forum for what their report refers to as CRITIC
a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress code for office workers. This follows a case in EMPLOY
which a male (1) ... working in the post room of a large (2) ... in the United Kingdom received a (3) ... ORGANIZE
for wearing jeans to work. Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for people dealing with (4) ... SUSPEND
to look well dressed, it questions whether employees who work behind the scenes necessarily need to CUSTOM
dress formally. The authors of the report made a (5) ... between the UK and other European nations COMPARE
where employers seem (6) ... about the need for their workers to wear smart clothes in the office. Their CONCERN
(7) ... is based on research that claims workers are far more (8) ... when they have the (9) ... to dress in ARGUE
a way that they feel most (10) ... in. PRODUCT FREE, COMFORT Kitchen Hygiene 4
The next time you go to the supermarket don't forget to buy the (0) BIGGEST bottle of kitchen BIG
cleaner you can to (1) ... your work surfaces. Recent (2) ... research in America has shown that INFECT
the kitchen is often the most (3) ... of all the rooms in the home. The (4) ... of food, heat and SCIENCE
dampness means the kitchen is (5) ... a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause stomach HYGIENE
upsets and vomiting. The study at the University of Arizona examined 15 homes over 30 weeks. COMBINE
Levels of (6) ... were certainly not below average yet cutting boards and dishcloths were found POTENTIAL
to contain bacteria in far greater number than elsewhere in the home. (7) ... say ignorance is the CLEAN
cause of the problem and point out that (8) ... cleaning can lead to serious food poisoning. The RESEARCH
(9) ... ? Make sure you clean all work surfaces (10) ... and keep an eye on that dishcloth! ADEQUATE SOLVE, DAY Individual 5
The procession moved further away until there was (56).......... again. SILENT
He explained that the woman would receive harsh (57)........... TREAT
The procession consisted of many religious (58)........... FAN
As the woman was drugged she could offer no (59)........... RESIST
Sir Francis became very (60).......... about the project. ENTHUSIASM
The plan to rescue the woman was full of (61)........... DIFFICULT
Sir Francis wondered if the guide would offer his (62)........... ASSIST
Fogg suggested that they should wait until nightfall before taking any (63)........... ACT
The woman had fair skin and looked (64)........... EUROPE
He explained that only government (65).......... would prevent her death. INTERVENE Second language 6
There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a IMPORTANT
second language. This has been especially fuelled in recent times by the increasing 1….. FUNDING
placed on the English language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a COMPETITION
substantial amount of 2…….on additional tuition on language lessons to give their NUMBER
children every 3………edge. In the past decade, language institutes have sprung up in ADVANCED
4…..urban centers, all claiming to provide rapid 5….. in English. There has been a push FORMATION
by many parents to expose their children to English in their 6….. years. This, many claim, INSTINCT
will make the language more 7….. and ensure that all pronunciation errors can be avoided. LANGUAGE
There is some evidence which points to youngsters who have been raised in 8…. families, CONVERSATION
where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they 9…with in their EASY
external environment. While these children can switch between two languages with ADVANTAGE
greater 10…., it remains to be seen whether this is 11 ….when learning additional languages. Agriculture in Australia 7
Traditionally, Australia was 1…. for producing wheat and wool, but times have changed FAME
in 2 ….years, with many farmers 3….. to be more diverse in their crop and livestock RECENTLY
range. It is now quite common to see farms with more exotic fruit and vegetables. ELECT
Farmers are 4…. to sell their produce locally nowadays, but rather to the factories in the LIKE
cities. As a result, farms are now large-scale 5….. where thousands of tons of crops are PRODUCE
6… Another aspect that is different nowadays is 7…. . In the past, farmers would just CULTIVATE
flood the fields but now it is common to see sprinkler 8…. everywhere. This means that IRRIGATE
more water is 9… , which has been helpful with the drought that has severely impacted the SYSTEMATIC
10… of the farms in the 11…. states of the country. Hopefully, the 10…. the farmers CONSERVATION
have shown in recent times will continue. MAJOR SOUTH, CREATE Text 8
1. Now that we are running out of oil and gas, the world should focus on (new) resources such as solar power, biomass etc.
2. Many of Shakespeare's plays are (time) classics. People will enjoy them in 400 years just as they did 400 years ago.
3. Our high school teacher was quite (insist) that we use British English in class. American English was considered incorrect.
4. Two weeks after possible (conceive) is a good time to test for pregnancy.
5. Because of several contract violations we have decided to (continue) our co-operation with them.
6. Average life (expect) at that time was 72 years for men and 80 years for women.
7. There's an (write) rule between friends: Never hook up with your friend's ex.
8. His body lay (motion) on the floor and everyone thought he was dead.
9. We all listened to his (word) presentation, wishing it would end. The man obviously just liked listening to himself.
10. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation considerably influences the (occur) of skin cancer. Text 9
1. Everyone was looking at him in (believe).
2. Most drugs are highly (addict).
3. You can't just eat any berries you find in the woods. Some might be (poison).
4. Human history, according to the Bible, started with an act of (obey).
5. They came to see me when I was in the hospital and wished me a (speed) recovery.
6. I don't understand why the legal age for drinking is 21 in the US. 18 is more (sense).
7. The climb was very (risk). One slip would have been fatal.
8. What a (incident)! I have a bag that's just like yours!
9. The dog bared its teeth and growled (threat).
10. Only then did I realize how (mature) he was. He was just an overgrown child. Correct answers: Individual 5 Text 9 1. silence 1. disbelief Spam spam spam spam 1 2. treatment 2. addictive 1. unwanted 3. fanatics 3. poisonous 2. biggest 4. resistance 4. disobedience 3. advertisements 5. enthusiastic 5. speedy 4. inconvenience 6. difficulties 6. sensible 5. annoying 7. assistance 7. risky 6. embarrassing 8. action 8. coincidence 7. illegal 9. European 9. threateningly 8. lengthy 10. intervention 10. immature 9. successful 10. identifies Second language 6 11. competition Food Production 2 1. importance
http://www.helpforenglish.cz/testy/ 2. funds word-formation--tvary- 1. population 3. competitive slov-/c2010080202-Word- 2. consumption 4. numerous formation--7.html 3. development 5. advancement 4. growth 6. formative 5. production 7. instinctive 6. treatment/s 8. bilingual 7. disagree 9. converse 8. existence 10. ease 9. alternative 11. advantageous 10. economical
Agriculture in Australia 7 Dress Code 3 1. famous 1. employee 2. recent 2. organization/organization 3. electing 3. suspension 4. unlikely 4. customers 5. producers 5. comparison 6. cultivated 6. unconcerned 7. irrigation 7. argument 8. systems 8. productive 9. conserved 9. freedom 10. majority 10. comfortable 11. southern 12. creativity Kitchen Hygiene 4 1. disinfect Text 8 2. scientific 1. renewable 3. unhygienic 2. timeless 4. combination 3. insistent 5. potentially 4. conception 6. cleanliness 5. discontinue 7. researches 6. expectancy 8. inadequate 7. unwritten 9. solution 8. motionless 10. daily 9. wordy 10. occurrence