Work - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128) | Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

The older people who need employment have to compete with younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions?

lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
1. (11/4/2015) The older people who need employment have to compete with
younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions?
It is true that fierce competition in the
job market between older people and
their younger counterparts has become
an increasingly widespread concern.
Several problems have resulted from
this tendency and they should be tackled
by a number of effective solutions from
both individuals and the government.
Competing with the young, the older
generation has to face up to two main
issues. [1] Firstly, due to age
discrimination, older people often
suffer more disadvantages when
seeking the same positions as young
candidates, even when they have similar
abilities and qualifications. As a result,
a number of them become unemployed,
which prevents them from meeting
basic human needs. [2] Secondly, old
employees might be under strong
pressure, stemming from the fact that
their young colleagues seem to be more
creative and adapt themselves to
changes at the workplace more easily
than they could do. This may lead to
both physical and
counterpart = a person who has the
same position or function as someone
else in a different place or situation.
age discrimination = the practice of
treating older people unfairly compared
with young people.
stemming from = resulting from.
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
psychological problems, including heart
disease and depression.
Since such issues are serious, the
government and individuals should take
steps immediately to address these
problems. [1] The first solution is that
the government should encourage
enterprises to apply the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967 in order to protect employees who
are 40 years old or more from
employment discrimination based on
age. As a result, they would be given
greater opportunities to find suitable
jobs and earn a living. [2] On an
individual level, older workers should
be willing to update their skills through
attending training courses.If younger
colleagues also help them to adapt to
changes in the working environment,
older workers will gain confidence and
improve their work performance.
In conclusion, there are various negative
consequences of increasing rivalry
between the old and the young in the job
market and appropriate steps need to be
taken to tackle these problems, not only
by the government but also by
307 words
depression = an illness, when a person
feels very sad or anxious.
earn a living = to get money for the work
that you do.
update = to make something more
rivalry = a situation in which people are
competing for the same thing.
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
2. (08/10/2016) Some people think that men and women have different
qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are
suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that some people still believe
that men and women are born with
different qualities which determine what
jobs are open to them. While there were
strong arguments to justify this view in
the past, I completely disagree that it
should apply to the world of work
On the one hand, it used to be thought
that men and women have some distinct
characteristics which affect the range of
jobs open to them and which
traditionally affect their choice of career.
In terms of physical strength, when most
work was still performed manually, it
was argued that women were simply not
strong enough to work on construction
sites or drive heavy trucks. They were
also believed to be unsuited to
dangerous jobs, so few women entered
the army. In terms of traditional
stereotypes, women were considered to
be more caring and sensitive than men,
so they tended to enter professions such
as nursing or the care of children and the
the world of work [expression]: the
type of work people do, the job market
and the possibilities for employment
manually [adverb]: by hand
construction site [noun]: an area of land
where something is built stereotype
[noun]: a fixed idea or image that people
have of a particular person or thing,
which is often not true in reality
sensitive [adjective]: aware of and able
to understand other people’s emotions
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
On the other hand, the workplace has
changed dramatically, and I believe that
there is no room for outdated attitudes
towards the capabilities of men and
women. Men and women should enjoy
equal opportunities in all careers.
Firstly, changes in education have given
women the same chance to gain
qualifications as men. If they work hard,
they deserve the opportunity to reach
the top in their chosen field. Secondly,
a more modern outlook has broken the
traditional barriers, which effectively
prevented men and women from doing
certain jobs in the past: construction
workers, truck drivers or soldiers in the
case of women; nursing, cooking and
cleaning jobs in the case of men.
In conclusion, I would argue that there
is no room today for sex discrimination
at work either against women or
against men.
298 words
and feelings
outdated [adjective]: no longer useful,
because it is old-fashioned and not
suited to today’s needs
reach the top [expression]: to arrive at
the highest position in your company or
barrier [noun]: a problem, a rule or a
situation that prevents you from doing
sex discrimination [noun]: treating
somebody or a particular group in
society less fairly than others because of
their gender
3. (22/04/2017) Some people think that people who choose a job early and
keep doing it are more likely to have a satisfying career life than those who
frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
If asked whether it is keeping a job or
switching jobs that gives more job
satisfaction, many would struggle to
make the final choice. In my opinion,
while job hopping has its own benefits,
choosing a job earlier on and keeping it
would provide people with a greater
sense of fulfillment.
On the one hand, there are several
merits to job hopping. Firstly, by
switching from one job to another,
people have the chance to try their hands
at different fields and thus acquire
more skills. Job hoppers may find job
satisfaction in being able to put the
knowledge gained from previous
employment into practice at the new
workplace and receiving recognition for
their capabilities. Secondly, people who
change work more often and experience
various working environments have
the opportunity to find what suits them
best. For example, many young people
dislike the idea of having a steady job
or a desk job and therefore, switch
career to seek more dynamic
opportunities that could later prove
more fulfilling.
On the other hand, there are strong
reasons why holding down the same job
for a long time appeals to many
to acquire
experience/knowledge/skill: to gain
experience/knowledge/skill by your
own efforts or behaviour
job satisfaction: the good feeling that
you get when you have a job that you
enjoy put knowledge gained into
practice: to put to practical use the
knowledge that you have acquired
working environment: the conditions
that you work in
to have a steady job: to have a job
which you are unlikely to lose, but
which is not a high amount of money.
a desk job: a job in an office, where you
sit and work all day at a table or
job prospects: the chances of being
successful and having more
opportunities at work
promotion opportunities: chances to
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
adults. First, people would benefit from
better job prospects, which include
promotion opportunities and pay rises,
if they stayed in a job long term. As
experience and commitment are both
taken into consideration when a
company decides who to promote or to
dismiss, those who work longer for an
organization stand a higher chance of
moving up the ladder and earning a
more lucrative living. Besides, there
are various perks that follow when
people keep the same job, namely sick
leave, holiday entitlement, a generous
retirement package or yearly bonuses.
In addition to improved job prospects,
people who stay in the same job may
establish a wide and steady network of
partners as well as gain supportive
long-term colleagues.
In conclusion, I believe that despite the
excitement that changing jobs entails,
whether for people bent on pursuing a
successful career or for those with few
career ambitions, it is staying with the
same job that is more likely to bring
greater job fulfillment.
347 words
move to a more important position in a
company or organization
to take something into consideration/
account: to consider or remember
something when judging a situation
to dismiss somebody (from
something): to officially remove
somebody from their job
to move up the career ladder: a series
of stages by which you can make
progress in your career
to earn a living: to earn money to
sustain life
holiday entitlement: the number of
days off work that you are allowed as
sick leave: permission to stay away
from work because of illness or injury a
generous retirement package: A lot of
money or other benefits that you receive
from a company or organization when
you stop working there because of your
supportive work colleagues: people
that you work with who give you help
and encouragement
to pursue a successful career: to have
a series of jobs in a particular area of
work, with more responsibility as time
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
to have no career ambitions: to have
no desire to be successful or to move up
the career ladder
4. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route
to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight
after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Upon graduating from high school,
the young often wonder whether they
ought to keep on studying further or not.
Many people believe that continuing to
study at a university or college will be
the best way to guarantee a successful
career, whereas others believe that
working right after school is a better
Working straight after graduation is
beneficial in some ways. Firstly, by
working, young people will be able to
earn money as soon as possible, and
since they will likely be mature enough,
they will be able to live
upon graduating from: you use upon
to talk about once you have finished
doing something, in this case
graduating from a school
guarantee a successful career: to
ensure that someone has a good career;
to make sure someone has success in
their career
straight after: when you do something
directly after another thing
to earn money: to make money; to be
paid for your work
to live independently: to live on your
own, outside of your parents’ home
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
independently on their own income. It
is also common knowledge that having
a job leads to even more maturity.
Secondly, a person who chooses to get a
job instead of pursuing higher
education is likely to progress rapidly
in their career. This may help them to
obtain a lot of real experience and
skills in their chosen profession.
On the other hand, there are a variety
reasons why people tend to choose to
continue their education after high
school. First, a college education
prepares young people to meet
higherlevel qualifications, which is
what most employers expect these days.
University graduates usually get a much
higher salary than those without a
university education. Furthermore, the
job market is becoming more and more
competitive and nowadays people are
well-advised to get a degree, as
hundreds of applicants often chase the
top jobs. Having a degree is an obvious
advantage that university
leads to: to go from one state to another;
something that causes a change that
makes you go from one state to another;
something causes another thing
pursuing higher education: to
continue to study at higher and higher
progress rapidly: to improve very
to obtain a lot of real experience: to
obtain means to get and real experience
means real-life experience in the real
word versus just learning things from
textbooks or lectures
chosen profession: the career that a
person chooses is their chosen
to tend to do something: to usually do
a certain thing
to meet higher-level qualifications: to
be able to do higher-level jobs; the
qualifications are the things that you are
supposed to be able to do if you
want a specific job
chase the top jobs: to go after the best
jobs; to try to get the most important
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
graduates have. In Vietnam, students
who graduate with an engineering
degree are highly paid and have an easy
time getting a good job.
In conclusion, it seems evident that both
working right after school and choosing
to continue higher-level studies each
have their own unique advantages.
263 words
to have an obvious advantage: to have
a clear advantage; to be clearly
better at something than another
it seems evident that: to appear clear
that something is true
unique advantages: special, one-of-
akind advantages; things that make you
better than another
5. (08/09/2018) In countries where there is high unemployment, most pupils
should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering
secondary education to those who will have no hope of finding a job. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that in countries which are
suffering from high rates of
unemployment, it seems hardly
worthwhile to offer education beyond
primary level to most pupils. While I
accept that this appears logical, I believe
that this is a very narrow perspective, and
I completely disagree with the statement.
worthwhile [adjective]: important and
worth spending time, effort or money on
upturns and downturns [nouns]: a
situation in which things either improve
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
or get worse over a period of time
the job market [expression]: the number
of jobs that are available
to meet the needs of [expression]: the
things that somebody requires for a
particular purpose
heavy industry [noun]: the production
of goods using heavy and powerful
workforce [noun]: the people who work
for companies or organisations
the world of work [expression]:
employment in general to be nothing
less than [expression]: used to
emphasise how great or extreme
something is
acquisition [noun]: the act of getting
something, such as knowledge or skills
critical skills [noun]: the ability to make
careful judgments about the good and
bad qualities of something
welfare system [noun]: a system by
which a government provides a range of
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
free services to people who need them
the distribution of wealth [expression]:
the way that goods or money is shared
among a particular group of people.
citizenship [noun]: the state of being a
citizen of a country and accepting the
responsibilities of a citizen
volatile [adjective]: unstable and likely to
change suddenly
to be subject to [expression]: to be likely
to experience something
intangible [adjective]: that exists, but is
difficult to describe or measure
6. (10/02/2019): In most successful organisations, some people believe that
communication between managers and workers is important, while other
people said that other factors are more significant. What is your opinion?
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
It is true that many people argue that, in
any efficient organisation, it is vital that
there is good communication between
managers and workers. In my opinion,
while this is one aspect to consider, I
consider that other factors are more
On the one hand, in order to conduct a
business or organisation effectively,
communication among all the workforce
is necessary. A breakdown in
communications may be one reason why
to conduct a business: to operate a
business in a particular way
a breakdown in communications: a
misunderstanding which results from
people failing to discuss and resolve
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
a production process in a factory comes
to a stop. The management may not be
aware, for example, of problems with a
machine or the raw material, if they do
not regularly consult the workers. In a
store, the manager must train the staff to
offer good customer service, so that the
employees understand how to provide
this. In an organisation such as a
hospital, the managers have to see the big
picture, and talk constantly to doctors,
nurses and support staff to ensure that
everyone knows their tasks and has
everything they need to carry them out.
On the other hand, I would argue that
job satisfaction is the most important
factor in creating a successful working
environment. No organisation can
prosper if the workers are dissatisfied.
An authoritarian style of management
which dictates to the workforce is no
basis for reaching a consensus. When
workers enjoy a decent salary, with sick
leave, holiday entitlement and a
retirement package, then the organisation
will benefit enormously from the loyalty
of their staff. Supportive work
colleagues cooperate to ensure that things
run smoothly, and therefore I believe that
worker cooperatives without
management are the future.
In conclusion, in a traditional
something raw material: a basic
material that is used to make a product
to see the big picture: to understand all
the important aspects of a situation
job satisfaction: the good feeling that
you get when you have a job that you
working environment: the conditions
that you work in to prosper: to develop
in a successful way, to be successful
authoritarian: believing that people
should obey authority and rules, even
when these are unfair, and even if it
means that they lose their personal
freedom to dictate: to tell somebody
what to do, especially in an annoying way
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
management structure, communication
with the workers is important.
However, when the workforce organises
itself, this results in an effective
organisation with satisfied workers.
293 words
to reach a consensus: to come to an
agreement sick leave: permission to stay
away from work because of illness or
injury holiday entitlement: the number
of days off work that you are allowed as
holidays retirement package: the money
or other benefits that you receive from a
company or organization when you stop
working there because of your age
supportive work colleagues: people that
you work with who give you help and
encouragement workers cooperative:
owned and run by the workers involved,
with the profits shared by them
7. (02/03/2019) The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot
depend on the same job or the same conditions of work for life. Discuss the
possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people
should prepare for work in the future.
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
It is true that in the modern
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
workplace, employees can no longer
rely on keeping the same job, or even
the same working conditions, for life.
While there are some important reasons
for this, there are also ways in which
people might prepare for work in the
The most important cause for such
changes is the introduction of new
technology. In terms of manufacturing,
few workers can expect to have a steady
job. This is an inevitable consequence of
mechanisation and, while this increases
labour productivity, it also reduces the
need for workers. In product design, for
instance, advances in technology, using
computer software packages, have
resulted in the loss of conventional
skills of creative drawing. In service
industries, online shopping and self-
service supermarket checkouts result in
fewer staff. Order pickers, working
alongside robots, in vast warehouses
like Amazon mean fewer
to have a steady job: to have a job which
you are unlikely to lose, but which is
usually the same routine
an inevitable consequence: certain to
happen and unable to be avoided or
mechanisation/mechanization [noun]:
changes made to a process, so that the
work is done by machines, not people
labour productivity: the rate at which a
worker, a company or a country produces
goods, and the amount produced,
compared with how much time, work and
money is needed to produce them
advances in technology: the
improvement or development in
conventional skills: traditional and
common skills service industries
[noun]: the part of a country’s economy
that provides
services to customers
online shopping: shopping while
connected to the internet
supermarket checkouts: the place
where you go to pay for the things that
you have bought
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order pickers [noun]: people used to pick
goods from storage and package or
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
assistants in stores to provide personal
service to customers.
However, people must prepare for the
future world of work. One suggestion
is that workers should be prepared to
welcome change by accepting the need
for flexible working hours, or even
moving to another area or country to
find employment. Another suggestion
is that employers ought to play their part
by providing vocational courses and
training at work, so that their employees
can learn new skills. For example, a
person serving customers in a store
would also be able to tackle
administrative work requiring them to
be computer literate.
In conclusion, although leading-edge
technology has changed how people
work, employers and employees must
find ways to adapt to such changes.
261 words
deliver them for customers
to welcome change: to accept change
with enthusiasm
flexible working hours: hours of work
that can be changed by agreement
between the employer and the employee
vocational courses: courses which
provide students with the skills and
knowledge that they need to do a
particular job
to tackle [verb]: to make a determined
effort to deal with a difficult problem or
to be computer literate: able to use
computers well
leading-edge technology: the most
advanced position in technology
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lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
(11/4/2015) The older people who need employment have to compete with
younger ones. What problems can this create? What are some solutions? ANSWER:
It is true that fierce competition in the
job market between older people and
their younger counterparts has become counterpart = a person who has the
an increasingly widespread concern. same position or function as someone
Several problems have resulted from else in a different place or situation.
this tendency and they should be tackled
by a number of effective solutions from
both individuals and the government.
Competing with the young, the older
generation has to face up to two main age discrimination = the practice of
issues. [1] Firstly, due to age treating older people unfairly compared
discrimination, older people often with young people.
suffer more disadvantages when
seeking the same positions as young
candidates, even when they have similar
abilities and qualifications. As a result,
a number of them become unemployed,
which prevents them from meeting
basic human needs. [2] Secondly, old
employees might be under strong stemming from = resulting from.
pressure, stemming from the fact that
their young colleagues seem to be more
creative and adapt themselves to
changes at the workplace more easily
than they could do. This may lead to both physical and lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
psychological problems, including heart
disease and depression.
depression = an illness, when a person feels very sad or anxious.
Since such issues are serious, the
government and individuals should take
steps immediately to address these
problems. [1] The first solution is that
the government should encourage enterprises to apply the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967 in order to protect employees who
are 40 years old or more from
employment discrimination based on earn a living = to get money for the work
age. As a result, they would be given that you do.
greater opportunities to find suitable
jobs and earn a living. [2] On an
individual level, older workers should update = to make something more
be willing to update their skills through modern.
attending training courses.If younger
colleagues also help them to adapt to
changes in the working environment, rivalry = a situation in which people are
older workers will gain confidence and competing for the same thing.
improve their work performance.
In conclusion, there are various negative
consequences of increasing rivalry
between the old and the young in the job
market and appropriate steps need to be
taken to tackle these problems, not only by the government but also by individuals. 307 words lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 2.
(08/10/2016) Some people think that men and women have different
qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are
suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that some people still believe
that men and women are born with
different qualities which determine what
jobs are open to them. While there were
strong arguments to justify this view in
the past, I completely disagree that it
should apply to the world of work the world of work [expression]: the today.
type of work people do, the job market
and the possibilities for employment
On the one hand, it used to be thought
that men and women have some distinct
characteristics which affect the range of jobs open to them and which
traditionally affect their choice of career. manually [adverb]: by hand
In terms of physical strength, when most
work was still performed manually, it
was argued that women were simply not
strong enough to work on construction construction site [noun]: an area of land
sites or drive heavy trucks. They were where something is built stereotype
also believed to be unsuited to [noun]: a fixed idea or image that people
dangerous jobs, so few women entered have of a particular person or thing,
the army. In terms of traditional which is often not true in reality
stereotypes, women were considered to sensitive [adjective]: aware of and able
be more caring and sensitive than men, to understand other people’s emotions
so they tended to enter professions such
as nursing or the care of children and the elderly. lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 and feelings
On the other hand, the workplace has
changed dramatically, and I believe that
there is no room for outdated attitudes outdated [adjective]: no longer useful,
towards the capabilities of men and because it is old-fashioned and not
women. Men and women should enjoy suited to today’s needs
equal opportunities in all careers.
Firstly, changes in education have given women the same chance to gain
qualifications as men. If they work hard, reach the top [expression]: to arrive at
they deserve the opportunity to reach the highest position in your company or
the top in their chosen field. Secondly, organization
a more modern outlook has broken the
traditional barriers, which effectively
prevented men and women from doing barrier [noun]: a problem, a rule or a
certain jobs in the past: construction situation that prevents you from doing something
workers, truck drivers or soldiers in the
case of women; nursing, cooking and
cleaning jobs in the case of men.
sex discrimination [noun]: treating
somebody or a particular group in
society less fairly than others because of
In conclusion, I would argue that there their gender
is no room today for sex discrimination
at work – either against women or against men. 298 words 3.
(22/04/2017) Some people think that people who choose a job early and
keep doing it are more likely to have a satisfying career life than those who
frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Essay lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
If asked whether it is keeping a job or
switching jobs that gives more job
satisfaction, many would struggle to
make the final choice. In my opinion,
while job hopping has its own benefits,
choosing a job earlier on and keeping it to acquire
would provide people with a greater experience/knowledge/skill: to gain sense of fulfillment.
experience/knowledge/skill by your own efforts or behaviour
job satisfaction: the good feeling that
On the one hand, there are several you get when you have a job that you
merits to job hopping. Firstly, by enjoy put knowledge gained into
switching from one job to another, practice: to put to practical use the
people have the chance to try their hands knowledge that you have acquired
at different fields and thus acquire
more skills. Job hoppers may find job
satisfaction in being able to put the working environment: the conditions
knowledge gained from previous that you work in
employment into practice at the new
workplace and receiving recognition for
their capabilities. Secondly, people who to have a steady job: to have a job
which you are unlikely to lose, but
change work more often and experience which is not a high amount of money.
various working environments have
the opportunity to find what suits them
best. For example, many young people a desk job: a job in an office, where you
dislike the idea of having a steady job sit and work all day at a table or
or a desk job and therefore, switch desk
career to seek more dynamic job prospects: the chances of being
opportunities that could later prove successful and having more more fulfilling. opportunities at work
On the other hand, there are strong promotion opportunities: chances to
reasons why holding down the same job
for a long time appeals to many lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
adults. First, people would benefit from move to a more important position in a
better job prospects, which include company or organization
promotion opportunities and pay rises,
if they stayed in a job long term. As to take something into consideration/
experience and commitment are both account: to consider or remember
taken into consideration when a something when judging a situation
company decides who to promote or to
dismiss, those who work longer for an to dismiss somebody (from
organization stand a higher chance of something): to officially remove
moving up the ladder and earning a somebody from their job
more lucrative living. Besides, there
are various perks that follow when to move up the career ladder: a series
people keep the same job, namely sick of stages by which you can make
leave, holiday entitlement, a generous progress in your career
retirement package or yearly bonuses.
In addition to improved job prospects,
people who stay in the same job may to earn a living: to earn money to
establish a wide and steady network of sustain life
partners as well as gain supportive holiday entitlement: the number of long-term colleagues.
days off work that you are allowed as holidays
sick leave: permission to stay away
In conclusion, I believe that despite the from work because of illness or injury a
excitement that changing jobs entails, generous retirement package: A lot of
whether for people bent on pursuing a money or other benefits that you receive
successful career or for those with few from a company or organization when
career ambitions, it is staying with the you stop working there because of your
same job that is more likely to bring age greater job fulfillment.
supportive work colleagues: people 347 words
that you work with who give you help and encouragement
to pursue a successful career: to have
a series of jobs in a particular area of
work, with more responsibility as time lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 passes
to have no career ambitions: to have
no desire to be successful or to move up the career ladder 4.
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route
to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight
after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ANSWER:
Upon graduating from high school, upon graduating from: you use upon
to talk about once you have finished
the young often wonder whether they doing something, in this case
ought to keep on studying further or not. graduating from a school
Many people believe that continuing to
study at a university or college will be
the best way to guarantee a successful guarantee a successful career: to
ensure that someone has a good career;
career, whereas others believe that to make sure someone has success in
working right after school is a better their career option.
straight after: when you do something directly after another thing
Working straight after graduation is
beneficial in some ways. Firstly, by to earn money: to make money; to be
working, young people will be able to paid for your work
earn money as soon as possible, and
since they will likely be mature enough,
they will be able to live
to live independently: to live on your
own, outside of your parents’ home lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
independently on their own income. It
is also common knowledge that having leads to: to go from one state to another;
something that causes a change that
a job leads to even more maturity. makes you go from one state to another;
Secondly, a person who chooses to get a something causes another thing
job instead of pursuing higher pursuing higher education: to
education is likely to progress rapidly continue to study at higher and higher levels;
in their career. This may help them to
obtain a lot of real experience and progress rapidly: to improve very quickly
skills in their chosen profession.
to obtain a lot of real experience: to
obtain means to get and real experience
On the other hand, there are a variety means real-life experience in the real
reasons why people tend to choose to word versus just learning things from
continue their education after high textbooks or lectures
school. First, a college education
prepares young people to meet chosen profession: the career that a
higherlevel qualifications, which is person chooses is their chosen
what most employers expect these days. profession
University graduates usually get a much
higher salary than those without a to tend to do something: to usually do
university education. Furthermore, the a certain thing
job market is becoming more and more
competitive and nowadays people are
well-advised to get a degree, as to meet higher-level qualifications: to
hundreds of applicants often chase the be able to do higher-level jobs; the
top jobs. Having a degree is an obvious qualifications are the things that you are
advantage that university
supposed to be able to do if you want a specific job
chase the top jobs: to go after the best
jobs; to try to get the most important lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
graduates have. In Vietnam, students positions
who graduate with an engineering
degree are highly paid and have an easy to have an obvious advantage: to have
a clear advantage; to be clearly time getting a good job.
better at something than another
In conclusion, it seems evident that both it seems evident that: to appear clear
working right after school and choosing that something is true
to continue higher-level studies each unique advantages: special, one-of-
have their own unique advantages.
akind advantages; things that make you 263 words better than another 5.
(08/09/2018) In countries where there is high unemployment, most pupils
should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering
secondary education to those who will have no hope of finding a job. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
It is true that in countries which are suffering from high rates
of worthwhile [adjective]: important and unemployment, it seems
hardly worth spending time, effort or money on
worthwhile to offer education beyond doing
primary level to most pupils. While I
accept that this appears logical, I believe
that this is a very narrow perspective, and
I completely disagree with the statement. upturns and downturns [nouns]: a
situation in which things either improve lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
Firstly, the prediction of upturns and or get worse over a period of time
downturns in the job market is extremely the job market [expression]: the number
difficult. At one period there may be a of jobs that are available
demand for workers in many sectors of a
country’s economy. Wages are high, and
the education system needs to prepare
large numbers of students up to and
beyond secondary school level, with the
skills to meet the needs of employers.
For example, while technology is to meet the needs of [expression]: the
things that somebody requires for a
replacing many traditional jobs in such particular purpose
areas as agriculture, transport and heavy
industry, it is also creating new jobs in heavy industry [noun]: the production
other sectors. Thus, in economic terms, of goods using heavy and powerful
it is almost impossible to say how many machines
highly-educated young people will be
required for a nation’s workforce.
workforce [noun]: the people who work
for companies or organisations
Secondly, I contend that the purpose of
education is much more fundamental the world of work [expression]:
than simply to prepare young people for employment in general to be nothing
the world of work. Education is nothing less than [expression]: used to
less than the acquisition of lifelong skills emphasise how great or extreme
in thinking critically about all aspects of something is
life. At its best, secondary education
plays an essential part of helping young acquisition [noun]: the act of getting
people to develop these critical skills. If something, such as knowledge or skills
the citizens of a country are informed and critical skills [noun]: the ability to make
enlightened, problems such as a welfare careful judgments about the good and
system or the distribution of wealth can bad qualities of something
be intelligently debated. Without mass
education to this level, a country can
welfare system [noun]: a system by
which a government provides a range of lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 have no responsible citizens.
free services to people who need them
In conclusion, although in today’s the distribution of wealth [expression]:
volatile global economy, any country’s the way that goods or money is shared
employment situation is subject to rapid among a particular group of people.
changes, the intangible but real
objectives of education dictate that citizenship [noun]: the state of being a
young people should be educated to at citizen of a country and accepting the least secondary level. responsibilities of a citizen 294 words
volatile [adjective]: unstable and likely to change suddenly
to be subject to [expression]: to be likely to experience something
intangible [adjective]: that exists, but is
difficult to describe or measure 6.
(10/02/2019): In most successful organisations, some people believe that
communication between managers and workers is important, while other
people said that other factors are more significant. What is your opinion?
lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Essay:
It is true that many people argue that, in
any efficient organisation, it is vital that
there is good communication between
managers and workers. In my opinion,
while this is one aspect to consider, I
consider that other factors are more to conduct a business: to operate a important. business in a particular way
On the one hand, in order to conduct a a breakdown in communications: a
business or organisation effectively, misunderstanding which results from
communication among all the workforce people failing to discuss and resolve is necessary. A breakdown in
communications may be one reason why lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
a production process in a factory comes something raw material: a basic
to a stop. The management may not be material that is used to make a product
aware, for example, of problems with a
machine or the raw material, if they do
not regularly consult the workers. In a
store, the manager must train the staff to
offer good customer service, so that the
employees understand how to provide to see the big picture: to understand all
this. In an organisation such as a the important aspects of a situation
hospital, the managers have to see the big
picture, and talk constantly to doctors,
nurses and support staff to ensure that
everyone knows their tasks and has
everything they need to carry them out.
job satisfaction: the good feeling that
you get when you have a job that you
On the other hand, I would argue that enjoy
job satisfaction is the most important
factor in creating a successful working working environment: the conditions
environment. No organisation can that you work in to prosper: to develop
prosper if the workers are dissatisfied. in a successful way, to be successful
An authoritarian style of management authoritarian: believing that people
which dictates to the workforce is no should obey authority and rules, even
basis for reaching a consensus. When when these are unfair, and even if it
workers enjoy a decent salary, with sick means that they lose their personal
leave, holiday entitlement and a freedom to dictate: to tell somebody
retirement package, then the organisation what to do, especially in an annoying way
will benefit enormously from the loyalty
of their staff. Supportive work
colleagues cooperate to ensure that things
run smoothly, and therefore I believe that worker cooperatives without management are the future.
In conclusion, in a traditional lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
management structure, communication to reach a consensus: to come to an
with the workers is important.
agreement sick leave: permission to stay
However, when the workforce organises away from work because of illness or
itself, this results in an effective injury holiday entitlement: the number
organisation with satisfied workers.
of days off work that you are allowed as
holidays retirement package: the money 293 words
or other benefits that you receive from a
company or organization when you stop
working there because of your age
supportive work colleagues: people that
you work with who give you help and
encouragement workers cooperative:
owned and run by the workers involved,
with the profits shared by them 7.
(02/03/2019) The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot
depend on the same job or the same conditions of work for life. Discuss the
possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people
should prepare for work in the future.
lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Essay:
It is true that in the modern lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
workplace, employees can no longer
rely on keeping the same job, or even
the same working conditions, for life. to have a steady job: to have a job which
you are unlikely to lose, but which is
While there are some important reasons usually the same routine
for this, there are also ways in which an inevitable consequence: certain to
people might prepare for work in the happen and unable to be avoided or prevented future.
mechanisation/mechanization [noun]:
changes made to a process, so that the
The most important cause for such work is done by machines, not people
changes is the introduction of new
technology. In terms of manufacturing, labour productivity: the rate at which a
few workers can expect to have a steady worker, a company or a country produces
job. This is an inevitable consequence of goods, and the amount produced,
compared with how much time, work and
mechanisation and, while this increases money is needed to produce them
labour productivity, it also reduces the
need for workers. In product design, for advances in technology: the
instance, advances in technology, using improvement or development in
computer software packages, have technology
resulted in the loss of conventional conventional skills: traditional and
skills of creative drawing. In service common skills service industries
industries, online shopping and self- [noun]: the part of a country’s economy
service supermarket checkouts result in
fewer staff. Order pickers, working that provides
alongside robots, in vast warehouses services to customers like Amazon mean fewer
online shopping: shopping while
connected to the internet
supermarket checkouts: the place
where you go to pay for the things that you have bought lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
order pickers [noun]: people used to pick
goods from storage and package or lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
assistants in stores to provide personal deliver them for customers service to customers.
However, people must prepare for the to welcome change: to accept change
future world of work. One suggestion with enthusiasm
is that workers should be prepared to flexible working hours: hours of work
that can be changed by agreement
welcome change by accepting the need between the employer and the employee
for flexible working hours, or even vocational courses: courses which
moving to another area or country to provide students with the skills and
knowledge that they need to do a
find employment. Another suggestion particular job
is that employers ought to play their part
by providing vocational courses and to tackle [verb]: to make a determined
training at work, so that their employees effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
can learn new skills. For example, a
person serving customers in a store to be computer literate: able to use computers well
would also be able to tackle leading-edge technology: the most
administrative work requiring them to advanced position in technology be computer literate.
In conclusion, although leading-edge
technology has changed how people
work, employers and employees must
find ways to adapt to such changes. 261 words