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10 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples | môn Tiếng anh | trường Đại học Huế
Ex1: Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future. You should say. What it is. Where you will do it. Whether it is easy or difficult . And explain why you would like to try it. Ex2: Describeatraditionalfestivalinyourcountry. Youshouldsay:Whatitis. Whenitisoftencelebrated. Howitiscelebrated. Andexplainwhatyoufeelaboutthisfestival .Ex3: Describeajobyouthinkisinteresting. Youshouldsay: Whatitis. Howyouknewit.Whatskillsitrequires. Andexplainwhyyouthinkitisinteresting. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
English A12(ĐHH) 18 tài liệu
Đại học Huế 272 tài liệu
10 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples | môn Tiếng anh | trường Đại học Huế
Ex1: Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future. You should say. What it is. Where you will do it. Whether it is easy or difficult . And explain why you would like to try it. Ex2: Describeatraditionalfestivalinyourcountry. Youshouldsay:Whatitis. Whenitisoftencelebrated. Howitiscelebrated. Andexplainwhatyoufeelaboutthisfestival .Ex3: Describeajobyouthinkisinteresting. Youshouldsay: Whatitis. Howyouknewit.Whatskillsitrequires. Andexplainwhyyouthinkitisinteresting. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: English A12(ĐHH) 18 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Huế 272 tài liệu
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Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future You should say What it is Where you will do it
Whether it is easy or difficult
And explain why you would like to try it
Well, honestly, I am an adventurous soul, meaning that I am always ready to try new things
in mylife, especially different kinds of sports. That’s why today I would love to talk about
scuba diving, which is the sport that I plan to have a crack at this summer during my trip to Nha Trang.
Based on my research on this type of sport, I know that it is too hard for beginners to get
used to. Although everyone needs to have some basic swimming skills before they can delve
deeper into this sport, I don’t think it is too challenging once you get used to it. Since I
already have basic knowledge about swimming, I suppose that I only need some guidance
from a personal trainer to get started. Maybe one or two sessions would be enough for me
to learn the ropes of scuba diving.
With that being said, this is still a very interesting sport for me. Basically, I have never tried
any kind of water sport before so this would be one of my firsts. Scuba diving is quite
different from other kinds of sport that I do since going to the beach isn’t my thing at all and
I have never imagined myself going too deep into the sea to see what is down there. Plus
the fact that I am quite scared of shallow water even though I know how to swim, going
diving is like tackling one of my fears. Also, I have seen a bunch of videos on Youtube in
which divers are able to immerse themselves in the beauty of the coral reefs in Nha Trang.
And to be honest, I wish I would be able to do so some day. This desire has motivated me
to try this sport for the first time in my life. lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
Just thinking about putting on my diving mask and diving headfirst into the crystal-clear
water of Nha Trang makes me brim with the feeling of excitement. I am pinching my
pennies for my holiday in Nha Trang this summer and I can’t wait to be there.
Among all the traditional festivals in Vietnam, the one that I hold close to my heart is the
Vu Lan festival, which is a heartwarming event that celebrates the values of filial piety
and respect for our ancestors.
Well, traditionally, the Vu Lan Festival falls in the middle of the seventh lunar month, which
is typically around August or September. It’s actually believed to be the Ghost Month, when
spirits visit the Earth, which is very important since Vietnamese people hold a strong belief
that the deceased will still have an effect on people of the living world.
There are actually a wide range of festivities that people do as a means of honouring their
parents. While many people would visit pagodas and temples to participate in prayer
services, my family only does some charitable acts, like giving food to the poor and releasing
birds and fish because at this time of the year, those spiritual places would be too crowded.
Whenever I think of this festival, I am laden with a sense of respect and comfort. For me,
the festival fosters a feeling of connection with my roots and a reminder of the importance
of family ties. It's also a day when everyone slows down from their busy lives to focus on
showing gratitude and love to their parents and ancestors. Besides that, this festival is also
a much-appreciated fabric in the rich cultural tapestry of my country, making it even more
special for all Vietnamese people alike.
I hope that in the future, the Vu Lan festival will still be an important part of my country’s
traditions and the practice of celebrating it will be preserved by generations to come. IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
Today I have noticed that there are plenty of new professions emerging every day to cater
to new demands of people and the one that I find particularly interesting is wedding planning.
I first heard about it when I attended a very well-organised wedding of one of my close
friends a few weeks ago - after the party, I had a chance to talk to the person behind the
magic and at that very moment, I was totally taken aback by how interesting the job of a wedding planner is.
First of all, organisational skills are definitely the bread and butter of this profession. Every
wedding planner needs to know exactly what should go where and what time each event
should take place to ensure that everything would go off seamlessly without a hitch. Of
course, communication and people skills are also much needed since wedding planners
should be the person who interacts with everyone in a wedding. If they lack these skills,
they would push the whole event into a swirl of confusion.
Well, I mean, the reason why this job is very interesting is manifold. The first thing that
comes to my mind is how people can learn about so many different fields when they plan
a wedding such as catering, staffing, event organising, and so on. Had I been in this line of
work, by now I would have gained a wealth of experiences dealing with all kinds of people
and situations. And of course, playing an important role in making someone’s special day
memorable already gives this job a charm. As a person who loves doing dynamic activities,
I would find the job of a wedding planner very intriguing since people have to be on their toes all the time.
Maybe if I am given the chance to be a wedding planner, I would not hesitate to tackle this
challenge and try my best to finish the work perfectly.
Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future You should say: IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232 What the adventure is Where you would go Who you would be with
And explain why you would like to take the adventure
Honestly, I am not an adventurous soul at all. But there is one single adventure that I've
been daydreaming about recently. It is embarking on a spiritual journey to the mystical
land of Ladakh, which is nestled in the northernmost region of India.
My interest in this journey was piqued after I listened to my friends’ adventure to this area
a few months ago. After that, I searched on Google to gather more information on this and
surprisingly, there are so many destinations that tourists can visit there. So among all the
places, I am planning to set the focal point of my adventure at the Thiksey Monastery,
which is a beautiful Tibetan Buddhist monastery located in the heart of Ladakh. As I know,
people can explore the local villages, take part in some traditional festivities, and soak in
the serene beauty of nature there.
For this spiritual retreat, I would prefer the company of my best friend, who also shares a
similar fascination for spirituality and cultural exploration. Well, I mean, travelling with
someone who appreciates the essence of such a journey would undoubtedly enhance the overall experience.
Actually the main reason behind my interest is my longing for inner peace and a deeper
understanding of life. I feel like I have been losing touch with my inner self recently as a
direct result of work stress. So, I believe that immersing myself in the tranquillity of Ladakh,
could provide me with a much-needed spiritual revival.
I am pinching my pennies for this trip and I hope that I can make it come true next summer.
Describe a speech experience that you had You should say: Who you gave the speech to What the speech was about IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232 Why you gave the speech
And explain how you felt about the speech
As a university student, I used to have a lot of presentations in front of a large group of
people and one of the most memorable speech experiences I've ever had occurred in my
senior year. It was the thesis presentation day on which I had a thorough speech about the
problems with vocational training in Vietnam, which was actually the focus of my final paper.
I can still remember quite vividly the content of the speech since I had to prepare for it for
such a long period of time, maybe three or four weeks in advance. It was to shed light on
the deficiencies in vocational training in my country, such as outdated curriculums, lack of
practical exposure, and the mismatch between skills acquired and market needs. These
problems were hindering the career path of many and I wanted to emphasise the urgency
of reforming our vocational training system, to better equip our students for the job
market, which is central to lowering unemployment rates.
Besides that, I think the speech was very meaningful to me academically, as it was a
testament to the hard work and effort I had put in not only probing into this problem but
also preparing the presentation. Also, I could receive constructive feedback from a wider
audience on my findings, which would further pave the way for further research into the subject.
To be honest, I was brimming with anxiety right before the speech since my performance
would dictate whether I could graduate or not. But once I started speaking, I found myself
getting in the groove. Everything went extremely well and after that a sense of
accomplishment showered all over me. The whole speech experience was truly enriching,
giving me not only academic recognition but also self-confidence.
Describe a game you played in your childhood You should say: What the game was When you played it Who you played it with IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
And explain how you felt about playing the game
Well, you know, back in the day, there weren’t many games that children could play, so to
talk about a childhood game, I would love to describe Tic Tac Toe, which is an age-old game
that was quite popular with young children in the early 90s.
As I can vividly recall, it was my go-to pastime when I was in elementary school and I used
to play it during those short breaks between classes, or on lazy weekend afternoons with
my friends. It was such an easy thing to do since we only needed a piece of paper and a
pencil to have a good session of this simple game.
So basically, the game was often a battle of wits between my close friends and me. And, it
was more than just a game. I mean it was more like a bonding ritual as we would huddle
around a notebook, drawing the grid and plotting our next moves, trying to outsmart each other.
Well, for me, the feelings associated with playing Tic Tac Toe are manifold. On the one hand,
it brought immense satisfaction, especially when I managed to secure a win with a clever,
unexpected move. On the other hand, the game could also be nerve-wracking, particularly
when the competition was neck and neck. But regardless of the outcome, the game always
instilled a sense of joy and friendly competition among us.
I have to admit that I was really indulging myself in this game in the past. Even today, the
mere mention of Tic Tac Toe brings a warm smile to my face, as it evokes memories of
carefree, laughter-filled moments spent with my childhood friends.
Well, I’ve always been intrigued by major events in world history and for this topic, I would
love to talk about the Great Depression, which was a period of severe worldwide economic downturn in the 1930s. IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
I first learnt about it in my history lesson in highschool, which highlighted some major
events like the Wall Street crash and bank failures. At that time, I didn’t pay much attention
to this since I knew basically nothing about economics as a highschool student.
But when I started pursuing my higher education in Finance and Banking, my interest in
this era was piqued as I learned about it in the History of Finance class. Since then, I have
just wondered how a prosperous nation like the States could fall into such a deep economic
crisis overnight, which led to massive unemployment and widespread poverty. And I also
want to delve deeper into the underlying picture of this crisis, and the human stories
behind the headlines so that I could further understand the socio-political changes that
came along with this tragic event in world economic history.
To be honest, my desire to look further into this period stems from my own curiosity. I'd
like to understand how ordinary people coped with such hardships and how it affected their
lives. And I also believe studying past financial crises could provide invaluable insights for
my academic paper on the current global economic situation.
Even though I know that the Great Depression is a dark chapter in human history, the
lessons it offers are timeless and relevant, making it an era I'm eager to explore further.
Describe an advertisement you don’t like You should say:
Where and when you first saw it
What type of advertisement it is
What product or service it advertises
And explain why you don’t like it IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
Well, honestly, I’ve had my fair share of advertisements on TV, Facebook, and other social
media platforms. Among those advertisements, there is actually one that has really left a
bad taste in my mouth. That’s the advertisement on some random weight loss pills.
As I can remember, I first saw it when I was scrolling through my Tiktok suggesting videos
and the ads kept popping up after every few videos. That’s when my curiosity kicked in so
I decided to watch the whole advertisement to see what kind of product this was. And
honestly, I was quite shocked with what I saw.
The videos were promoting some kind of miraculous remedies to help people lose weight
very easily without the need of taking any exercise or changing their habits. The only thing
that people had to do was to consume two small pills in the morning and in the evening.
But as a person who has been through a rough weight loss journey, I knew this would be too good to be true.
Despite the enticing promise, this advertisement and the product itself really rubbed me
the wrong way for several reasons. First of all, these kinds of fast weight loss products often
prey on many people’s insecurities about their body image and their desires to have a
shortcut in getting a toned physique, which is a psychological trap to increase their sales.
More importantly, they were making false claims that their products would magically help
people become thinner but I knew that there was no scientific evidence to back up that
over-exaggerated function.
To tell you the truth, I was really disheartened to see such unethical and irresponsible
advertisements showing up everywhere on the Internet. I could not really predict the
effects of those but I think people who believe in the advertisements and use the products
might be prone to very serious health problems. I think we should have stricter regulations
on Internet advertisements.
Describe an unusual meal you had You should say: When it was Where you had the meal What happened during the meal IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
And explain why it was unusual
I mean honestly, I am not an adventurous eater at all so my food choices are quite
pedestrian. But for an unusual meal that I had, I would love to talk about the first time I
tried eating blue cheese on my trip to France last summer.
As I can remember, I visited a fancy restaurant in Paris on my second day of the trip because
it is really famous for their cheese plate with six different kinds of cheese paired with
crackers, dried fruits, fresh berries and a great bottle of wine. Before going on this trip, I had
heard a lot about this pungent and unique cheese, and obviously I was both excited and
apprehensive at the same time about trying it. It took all of my courage to order the cheese
plate when I arrived at the restaurant.
When I took my first bite of the blue cheese, I was totally blown away by the intense, tangy,
and incredibly rich flavor. Even the texture of the cheese was extremely different from all
kinds of cheese that I had tasted, as it is quite crumbly and grainy instead of being soft or
smooth, which really enhanced my tasting experience. Many people were quite afraid of
trying blue cheese because of its strong smell, but I guess my nose was trained quite
intensively in Vietnam since my country has all kinds of smelly foods that would scare people off.
I mean the whole experience was unique by itself since most foreigners coming to Paris or
France would like to try their world-renowned croissant instead of something too smelly
like this. I think I fell in love with the cheese itself, and when I came back to Hanoi, I even
went to several restaurants in my city that offer blue cheese to seek the same gratifying
feeling but I haven’t got any result yet. I hope that in the future, I will be able to eat
authentic blue cheese again. IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45467232
As an avid news reader, the first website that springs to my mind when I saw this topic was
the Guardian UK, which is an online news portal that I visit basically every day.
I actually stumbled upon this website a few years ago during a school project that required
me to stay updated on current events. A teacher of mine recommended The Guardian for
its balanced reportage and insightful commentary, and since then, it's been my go-to
source for news on all kinds of topics, from politics and global issues to arts and culture.
I frequent the site almost daily to catch up on the latest happenings around the globe. And
I have to say that the Guardian has become a staple in my daily routine as I visit it twice a
day, once during my morning tea and once right before bed.
The main thing that draws me to the Guardian is its commitment to independent
journalism, which means that the site would report news under no influence of any political
party or cooperation. That’s why I can ensure that I am getting unbiased reports of global
events, which apparently makes it easier for me to analyse and choose my own positions.
For me, the Guardian really stands out as a beacon of reliable and balanced news source
and I would highly recommend this site for anyone who loves to keep themselves informed
with the latest events around the world. IELTS Chính Chuyên lO M oARcPSD| 45 4672 32
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