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Answer grammar - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại học Kiên Giang

Answer grammar - Tiếng anh 1 | Trường Đại học Kiên Giang được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1: Underline the Participles of
Participial Phrases used as Adjectives and cross
out the Participles used as Verbs in the following
1. The dancer, gyrating wildly, was discovered to
be insane.
2. My brother, taking a calculus class, has
forgotten all his algebra.
3. The crazy dancer was taking a basket-weaving
class instead of calculus.
4. Pushing aside all his inhibitions, my brother
will dance while he is memorizing his
geometric formulae.
5. Unfortunately, the Spanish class fulfilling my
language requirement includes my brother and
the dancer.
6. Usually, a class harboring insane dancers and
incompetent brothers is a difficult learning
7. Rising out of the sea in front of us, the sun
started to warm our faces.
8. Printed on the very first press, the document
was extremely valuable.
9. Broken by a government whistle-blower, the
news is all over the media.
10. These days most people are using email
instead of writing letters.
Exercise 2: Each of the following sentences
contains one or more participles. Underline all
of these participles and then circle the word that
each participle qualifies.
1. All broken test must be replaced by the(tubes)
chemistry students.
2. Bill appeared on the stage, his painted(face)
beyond recognition.
3. I saw leaning out the window, shouting(him)
and waving at the passer-by.
4. (Otto), busily mixing the formula, didn’t
notice the in the beaker boiling dry.(water)
5. Running to catch a bus, tripped and(Doris)
sprained ankle.
6. Having got home, went to sleep(he)
7. (Alex), looking very unhappy, was leaning
against the fence, watching the game.
8. Marching up to the counters, (the woman)
pointed to through the stack of freshly folded
9. Forest fires are often caused by smoldering
(embers) left by careless campers or
10. Blinded by the dazzling (snow), almost frozen
after the long journey, had great(the explorer)
difficulty in finding and striking his matches.
Exercise 3: Wherever possible, change the
subordinate clauses into participial phrases.
1. The tune that is being played is quite familiar
to me.
- The tune that is (being) played is quite
familiar to me.
2. When the work was done, they went home.
- When The work (being) done, they went
3. When I had done my work, I went home.
- Having done my work, I went home.
4. They could not make the trip as they had no
- Having no money, they could not make a
5. The letter you sent to me arrived safely.
- The letter you sent to me arrived safely.
6. Do you know the lady who is just entering the
- Do you know the lady who is (just) entering
the house?
7. As she was afraid, she did not want to go
home alone.
- Being afraid, she did not want to go home
8. Although he was badly hurt, he walked all the
way home.
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
- (Being) badly hurt, he walked all the way
9. If the weather permits, we shall leave early.
- The weather permitting, we shall leave early.
10. As I had broken my pen, I had to buy a new
- Having broken my pen, I had to buy a new
Exercise 4: Underline the gerund phrases and
then tell their functions.
1. Joining club meeting new is a good way of
people. (S of V; O of Prep.)
2. Harold doesn’t like making speeches in front
of the class. (O of V)
3. Standing next to Ed made Joan appear taller
than she is. (S of V)
4. All Bill’s friends have been worrying about his
quitting school in June. (O of prep)
5. We ended by and going downtown watching
the parade. (O.s of Prep.s)
6. Without a doubt helps in dancing developing
grace, poise, and confidence. (S of V; O of
7. After looking all over the house for the
missing copy of Hamlet, Helen stopped
searching and bought a new one. (O of Prep; O
of V)
8. Without , Nerohaving stirred from his chair
Wolfe had succeeded in . solving the mystery
(O of Prep; O of Prep)
9. The reporter’s constant worry is meeting a
deadline. (Complement)
10. Larry’s first job, ,interviewing Mickey Mantle
made him the envy of the staff. (Appositive)
Exercise 5: Underline the infinitive phrases in
the following sentences and tell their functions in
the sentence.
1. Doris’s only ambition is to become a great
actress. (complement)
2. Young people should learn to think for
themselves. (Object of ‘learn’)
3. Bert’s summer job, clerking in a store, helped
(to) pay his college expenses. (O of ‘helped’)
4. We weren’t particularly eager to appear in the
variety show. (Adverb modifies ‘eager’)
5. Ann went to Canada for a to visit relatives
week, and then decided . to work there
(Adverb modifies ‘went’, O of ‘decided’)
6. Don is sure if you don’t to forget the key
remind him. (Adverb modifies ‘sure’)
7. To be successful to doesn’t necessarily mean
be wealthy. (Subject, Object/Complement)
8. Does Mr Theodore intend to come on Saturday
to play for the auditions? (O of ‘intend’;
9. Sometimes it is hard to understand dad’s
mood. (Adverb modifies ‘hard’)
10. She wants to know if anyone has an umbrella
to lend her. (O of ‘wants’, Adverb modifies
‘has’/Adjective modifies ‘umbrella’)
Exercise 6: Underline the Prepositional Phrases
and circle the Preposition in the following
Example: The cat is hiding behind the door .
1. The teenager in the red jacket ran past the
2. Under the tree in the back of the lawn is a
wrecked car.
3. Among young men , suits and ties are not the
4. I would love to dance in The Nutcracker like
5. Between you and me , I think this exercise is
too easy.
6. We will be back in a few days .
7. We’ve got a new television with a thirty one
inch screen.
8. The lion was killed by the hunter .
9. Helen is the girl in the red dress .
10. They drove to Glasgow .
Exercise 7: Underline the prepositional phrases
in the following sentences and tell whether the
phrase is used as an Adjective or Adverb.
1. We scrambled and ran over the fence through
the orchard at break-neck speed .
(Adverb, Adverb, Adverb)
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
2. The girl is Jerry’s cousin with black hair from
Washington D.C. (Adjective, Adjective)
3. By Friday in the first tent the girls were no
longer speaking .to each other
(Adverb, Adjective, Adverb)
4. Martha piled Tommy’s toys behind Dad’s
chair, flicked dust cloth , and over the tables
smoothed the cushions . (on the sofa Adverb,
Adjective, Adjective)
5. The sweet potatoes are in the vegetable bin
green . (Adjective, Adverb)with mold
6. The new tennis ball rolled and off the table
bounced down the porch stairs into a puddle of
water. (Adverb, Adverb, Adverb)
7. He quickly stood up and from an arm-chair
stepped . out of the room (Adverb, Adverb)
8. In spite of his sarcasm I knew he was happy
about his job. (Adverb, Adverb)
9. Ken was sitting between Alice and Sue in the
booth . near the window (Adv, Adv, Adv)
10. Because of her encouraging remarks , he has
been working . like a steam engine
(Adverb, Adverb)
Exercise 8: Underline the noun phrases based on
their structure in each sentence and tell their
1. As an actor, I had appeared in innumerable
school broadcasts. O of prep., O of prep.
2. It was a humorous programme, but sometimes
it also managed to raise controversial issues.
SC, O of V
3. That week’s programme had a piece on the
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
war. S of V, O of V
That week’s programme had a piece on the
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
war. O of prep.
That week’s programme had a piece on the
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
war. O of V
That week’s programme had a piece on the
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
war. O of prep.
4. I was filming at the time, and my The Paras
manager had to come down to Wales with the
script. O of V, O of prep., S of V, O of prep., O
of prep.
5. My hands were so cold I dropped the script
several times. S of V, O of V, modifier of V
6. Our closest friends have just bought
a new house in the village. S of V, O of V, O of
7. Both of my younger brothers are married. O of
8. The eight-year-old boy attempted to rob a
sweet shop with a pistol. S of V, O of V, O of
9. That attractive young woman in the blue dress
sitting over there in the corner is my aunt. S of
That attractive young woman in the blue dress
sitting over there in the corner is my aunt. O of
prep., O of prep., SC
10. Many buildings were destroyed in the
earthquake. S of V, O of prep.
11. Akbar's son Prince Sultan Salim, later known
as Jehangir wrote that nobody could make out
that Akbar was an illiterate. S of V, Appositive,
12. Akbar was a very hard-working King. SC
13. Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults
and children. SC
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults
and children. O of prep.
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults
and children. O of prep.
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults
and children. O of prep.
14. Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly
administrative and military but he was a very
close friend of Akbar too, because Akbar
loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. S of
V, SC, O of V
Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly
administrative and military but he was a very
close friend of Akbar too, because Akbar
loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. O of
15. He was a minister in the administration of
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. SC
He was a minister in the administration of
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. O
of prep., O of prep.
He was a minister in the administration of
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. O
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
of prep., O of prep.
He was a minister in the administration of
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. O
of prep.
16. He was a poet and an author too. SC
17. It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
River Yamuna. SC
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
River Yamuna. O of prep.
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
River Yamuna. O of prep.
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
River Yamuna. O of prep.
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
River Yamuna. O of prep.
18. According to a popular legend, he died on an
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a
large military force due to treachery. O of
prep., O of prep.
According to a popular legend, he died on an
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a
large military force due to treachery. O of
According to a popular legend, he died on an
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a
large military force due to treachery. O of
19. It is also said that when Birbal died, Akbar
mourned him for several months. O of prep.
20. The exchanges between Akbar and Birbal have
been recorded in many volumes. S of V, O of
The exchanges between Akbar and Birbal have
been recorded in many volumes. O of prep.
Exercise 9: Underline the adjective phrases in
the following sentences and circle the head word
of the phrase.
1. The water was extremely cold .
2. They are completely exhausted from the trip .
3. I am too tired to go out tonight .
4. Is your coffee hot enough ?
5. This coffee is too hot .
6. She's not experienced enough for this job .
7. The dress was too small for her .
8. She's not old enough to get married .
9. You're too young to have grandchildren !
10. The teacher was rather nice .
11. Why are you so angry about it ?
12. I was pleased with the present you gave me .
13. I'm not ashamed of what I did .
14. I'm not very good at repairing things .
15. Florence is famous for its art treasures .
16. Many courtiers were jealous with Birbal and
often plotted for his downfall.
17. There are a couple of other stories too which
are of the same time and type and are as
interesting as Birbal's ones .
18. It was cold, bleak, biting weather.
19. The very small kitten jumped at the big dog.
20. “Marge, you're as pretty as Princess
Leia and as smart as Yoda."
Exercise 10: Underline the adverb phrases in the
following sentences and circle the head word of
the phrase.
1. He didn't work hard enough .
2. He works too hard.
3. He worked very quickly .
4. The man drove really badly .
5. I go to the movies quite frequently .
6. Very slowly , we edged down the mountain.
7. Somewhat reluctantly , she returned home a
week early.
8. People view things totally differently from
each other.
9. The weather report is almost always right.
10. He talks extremely fast .
Exercise 11: Underline the verb phrase in each
following sentence.
1. Many sea otters do live off the coast of
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
2. Karen can almost always memorize anything.
3. Next month I will volunteer at Children's
4. By the end of Saturday's football game, our
quarterback had completed six touchdown
5. Drew might audition for a part in the school
6. The swim team does not often practice for
more than an hour each morning.
7. My brother has forgotten his locker key again
this week.
8. Sarah may be running in the relay race
9. My family has not invited John to the party.
10. The Kansas City Royals did win the 1985
World Series.
Exercise 12: Underline the absolute phrases in
the following sentences if any.
1. Her suspicions confirmed , the police officer
made the arrest.
2. Backing out of the driveway, I hit the mailbox.
3. They will take the daytime train, the landscape
4. My doubts relieved , I gained confidence as the
game progressed.
5. Peering through a microscope, the scientist
identified several microbes.
6. His dogs panting with exertion , Hagos took a
break from his run.
7. Its shutters hanging limply in the wind , the
house looked abandoned and forlorn.
8. The car rusted and worthless , I left it at the
9. Wearing a red plaid outfit, Lydia looked like a
character in a novel.
10. Everything planned in advance , the party went
like clockwork.
11. We scrambled from the car, racing to the
amusement park gates.
12. Moving quickly, the lion cut off the fleeing
13. My garden is dying, pesticides having been
applied by mistake.
14. As the parole board met to decide the fates of
several people, the prisoner was hoping for
15. Legs quivering , our old dog Gizmo dreamed of
chasing squirrels.
16. Its leaves burned off by the fire , the dead tree
17. We hurried to the game, our anticipation being
18. She returned to her bench, her face showing all
the unhappiness that had suddenly overtaken
19. The boy watched, his eyes bulging in the dark.
20. About the bones, ants were ebbing away, their
pincers full of meat.
Exercise 13: Write the name of the underline
phrases and their functions on the lines.
1. The girl with brown eyes is my sister.
Name: prep. Phrase
Function: Adj modifies ‘girl’....................
2. (a) For two years I worked (b) in Chicago.
a. Name: Prep. Phr.
Function: Adv of sentence
b. Name: prep. Phr.
Function: Adv. Modifies the verb ‘worked’
3. The library located in the campus needs repair.
Name: Past participial Phr.
Function: Adj modifies the N ‘library’
4. Keeping a budget requires great patience.
Name: Gerund Phr.
Function: Subject of V ‘requires’
5. I am glad to see you.
Name: Inf. Phr.
Function: Adv. modifies Adj ‘glad’
6. He entered the room through the door on the
Name: Prep. Phr.
Function: Adv. modifies the V ‘entered’..
Name: Prep. Phr.
Function: Adj. modifies the N ‘door’.......
7. Paying one’s bill is sometimes difficult.
Name: Gerund Phr. ................................
Function: S of the V ‘is’ ..........................
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
8. John wanted to become an engineer.
Name: Inf. Phr.
Function: O of the V ‘wanted’
9. Playing handball is pleasant exercises.
Name: Gerund Phr.
Function: S of the V ‘is’
10. The boy flying the kite was envied by other
Name: Present. Part. Phr.
Function: Adj. modifies the N ‘boy’.........
Name: Prep. Phr.
Function: Adv modifies the V ‘envied’....
Exercise 1: For each sentence, underline the
phrase(s) that function(s) as a Noun and tell
their name based on structure and their
function in the sentence.
1. Georgie Porgie was a cheeky little boy.
N.P-S of V; N.P – S.C
2. He liked to tease people especially little girls.
- Inf.P – O of V
3. One afternoon, he went to the park near his
- N.P – O of Prep.
4. He found a little girl and tried to kiss her.
- N.P – O of V; Inf.P – O of V
5. The girl cried and sobbed because she did not
like Georgie.
- N.P – S of V
6. Then, some boys came to the park and saw
Georgie chasing after the girl.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of Prep.; Present
Part.P. – O.C
7. They shouted and laughed loudly at Georgie.
No NP based on function.
8. Georgie stopped chasing the girl and ran away
feeling embarrassed.
- Gerund P – O of V
9. Thereafter Georgie hesitated to play with his
- Inf.P – O of V
because he remembered his embarrassment
that he faced in front of his friends.
- N.P – O of V; N.P – O of prep.
10. This incident prohibited him from chasing
girls thereafter.
- N.P – S of V; Gerund P – O of Prep.
Exercise 2: For each sentence, underline the
phrase(s) that function(s) as a Noun and tell
their name based on structure and their
function in the sentence.
1. Once upon a time, there was a peaceful
- N.P – S.C
2. The king heard rumors that barbarians were
going to attack his castle soon.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of V
3. So he called his two favorite pets - the huge
grey goose and gander.
- N.P – O of V; N.P - appositive
4. Our kingdom is in danger.
- N.P – S of V; Prep.P – S.C
5. “Take my daughter to a safe place on top of
the tallest hill,” said the king.
my daughter: N.P – O of V; to a safe place …
hill: Prep.P – O.C; a safe place: N.P – O of
prep.; top of the tallest hill: N.P – O of prep.;
the tallest hill: N.P – O of prep.
6. So the grey goose and gander flew the
princess who sat in a red sheet to the top of
the tallest hill. - the grey goose and gander:
N.P – S of V; the princess … sheet: N.P – O
of V; a red sheet: N.P – O of prep.; to the top
… hill: Prep.P – O.C; the top of the tallest
hill: N.P – O of prep.; the tallest hill: N.P – O
of prep.
7. Six months had passed but the kingdom was
not attacked.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – S of V
8. The king regretted his decision and told the
grey goose and gander to bring home his
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of V; N.P – O of V;
Inf.P – O.C
9. Then the king understood that he had to be
careful before taking actions based up the
rumors which need not be true.
- N.P – S of V; Gerund P – O of prep.; N.P –
O of prep.
10. The king was aware of his discretion before
taking any decision.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of prep.; Gerund P. –
O of prep.
11. What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet.
Infinitive Phrase - SC
What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet.
NP – O of V
12. The decision was to extend the deadline by
three months. – NP – S of V
The decision was to extend the deadline by
three months. – Infinitive P – SC
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
The decision was to extend the deadline by
three months. – NP – O of V
The decision was to extend the deadline by
three months. – NP – O of Prep.
13. Being a student sometimes means spending
long hours in the library. – –S of VGerund P
Being a student sometimes means spending
long hours in the library. – Gerund P – SC
Being a student sometimes means spending
long hours in the library. – NP – O of V
Being a student sometimes means spending
long hours in the library. – NP – O of prep.
14. Your only responsibility is to babysit your
younger siblings. – NP – S of V
Your only responsibility is to babysit your
younger siblings. – Infinitive P – SC
Your only responsibility is to babysit your
younger siblings. – NP - OC
15. My favorite hobby is gardening in the
morning. – NP – S of V
My favorite hobby is gardening in the
morning. – Gerund P - SC
Exercise 3: For each sentence, underline the
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adjective and
tell their name based on their structure.
1. The lamp felt very proud of itself that it was
the brightest object in the universe. - Adj. P
The lamp felt very proud of itself that it was
the brightest object in the universe. - Prep.P
2. I am not very expert in this task. - Adj.P
3. There was a small puppy lying on an old rug
which my mother had put outside the door.
- Present Participial P
4. There were questions in my mind. - Prep.P
5. Once, there lived a washer man named
Bheema. - Past participial phrase
6. One night, few thieves broke in the house of
that washer man. - Prep.P
7. The sack of salt on the donkey’s back fell into
the water. - Prep.P
The sack of salt on the donkey’s back fell into
the water. - Prep.P
8. The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
its back. - Adj.P
The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
its back. - Prep.P
The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
its back. - Prep.P
The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
its back. - Prep.P
The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
its back. - Prep.P
9. From that day, it became a regular practice for
the donkey to slip and fall in the pond
whenever they crossed the pond to the market.
From that day, it became a regular practice for
the donkey to slip and fall in the pond
whenever they crossed the pond to the market.
Infinitive P
10. That cruel snake eats all the eggs in the nest. –
Exercise 4: For each sentence, underline the
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adjective and
tell their name based on their structure.
1. Watching this behind the tree , the swan and
the crab heaved a sigh of relief. – Present
Participial Phrase; Prep.P
2. The next day, the mongoose, looking for more
fish, came upon the swan’s nest. - Present
Participial Phrase; NP
3. Many years ago, the members of the jungle did
not have any King. – Prep.P
4. The nearby motel offers cheap but
comfortable rooms. – Adj.P
5. These are unbelievably expensive shoes. –
6. Sarah was fairly bored with you . – Adj.P
7. The extremely tired lioness is losing patience
with her overly enthusiastic cub. – Adj.P
The extremely tired lioness is losing patience
with her overly enthusiastic cub . – Prep.P
The extremely tired lioness is losing patience
with her overly enthusiastic cub. Adj.P
8. The dog covered in mud looked pleased with
himself. – Past participial P
The dog covered in mud looked pleased with
himself. - Adj.P
9. The frames beautifully carved by monks are
worth more than the painting. – Past
participial Phrase
The frames beautifully carved by monks are
worth more than the painting. – Adj.P
10. The woman on the boat is my aunt Carol. –
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
11. The fire has made the room much warmer. –
12. The tour guides announced the most dangerous
place to swim along the southern shore. –
The tour guides announced the most dangerous
place to swim along the southern shore . –
Infinitive P
13. The reviewer named the most organized
classrooms in the English building. –Adj.P
The reviewer named the most organized
classrooms in the English building. – Prep.P
14. I want you to leave now. – Inf.P
15. I found him somewhat recovered. – Past
participial P
Exercise 5: For each sentence, underline the
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adverb and tell
their name based on their structure in the
1. I am suffering very much with pains. – Adv.P
I am suffering very much with pains. – Prep.P
2. It was raining very heavily on the day we
shifted. – Adv.P
It was raining very heavily on the day we
shifted. - Prep.P
3. In the midnight I heard a loud thud outside the
main door. – Prep.P
In the midnight I heard a loud thud outside the
main door. – Prep.P
4. It was difficult to see the little one. – Inf.P
5. He was trying to get inside the curved rug to
avoid the chilling air outside. - Inf.P
6. The next day morning , everyone in the family
came to know about the unusual guest. - NP
The next day morning, everyone in the family
came to know about the unusual guest. – Inf.P
7. He came to my room and sat near me. –
He came to my room and sat near me. –
8. She quickly tied a bandage around his leg. –
9. After this incident my relation with Spotty
became more intense. – Prep.P
10. One midnight we heard Spotty barking
breathlessly. – NP
One midnight we heard Spotty barking
breathlessly. – Adv
11. In a dense forest , there was lake. – Prep.P
12. It takes place every day. NP
13. I'll do it in a minute. – Prep.P
14. You couldn't park anywhere near the place. –
You couldn't park anywhere near the place. –
15. Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the
back and, instead of bleeding, he sings. –
Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the
back and, instead of bleeding, he sings. –
16. He would always talk with a nationalistic tone.
17. He sings in a low register. Prep.P
18. People who say they sleep like a baby usually
don't have one. – Prep.P
19. Dad spoke softly to calm her fears. – Adv.P
Dad spoke softly . – to calm her fears Inf.P
20. With much consideration , he made his
decision. – Prep.P
Exercise 6: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
a. Infinitive phrase
b. Present participial phrase
c. Past participial phrase
d. Gerund phrase
e. Prepositional phrase
f. Noun phrase
g. Adjective phrase
h. Adverb phrase
(ii) Name according to its
a. Noun phrase
b. Adjective phrase
c. Adverb phrase
(iii) Function
a. Subject of Verb
b. Object of Verb
c. Object of preposition
d. Subjective Complement
e. Objective complement
f. Appositive
g. Modifier of Noun
h. Modifier of Verb
i. Modifier of Adverb
j. Modifier of Adjective
k. Modifier of the whole sentence
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
1. Steven's book, which made Oprah's Book
Club this month, is not s. in any store
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function NP
Function: Subjective Complement
2. While , Joe couldn'tpreparing for the speech
help but worry about his entrance.
- Name according to : structure Present
Participial P
- Name according to : Adjfunction .P
Function: Modifier of the S ‘Joe’
3. Ahmad wants , but he will to visit Quebec
need to wait for his next vacation.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the V ‘wants’
4. Hoping for a miracle , the doctors continued
the surgery.
- Name according to : structure Present
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of the S ‘the doctors’
5. Our boss supports . donating time to charity
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the verb ‘supports’
6. Melanie hoped for the disease, to find a cure
but she tried to be realistic.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the verb ‘hoped’
7. After the banquet *, the cooks will take a
well-deserved break. (Bữa tiệc lớn)
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adverb P
Function: modifier of the whole sent.
8. Joey is hoping for a chance to play pool*
with his uncle. (bida 16 viên)
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of the noun ‘chance’
9. The dog that Sam chose seemsfrom the litter
to be healthy.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: Modifier of the verb ‘chose’
10. Sam Smith, who recently spoke to the youth
group, excels at . motivating young people
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the Prep. ‘at’
11. Pushed beyond endurance , the runner
dropped the baton.
- Name according to : structure Past Par.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: Modifier of the S ‘the runner’
12. The shoes he saw in the catalogue are
available . down the street
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of the Adj ‘available’
13. The reporter got crouched* behind that tree
the best picture of the arrest. (Núp,né)
- Name according to : structure Past Par.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of the N ‘reporter’
14. Keith tried , but his supporting both teams
heart was with Oregon.
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the verb ‘tried’
15. Katrina, who resented being left at home,
drew on the walls . with her crayons
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of the verb ‘drew’
Exercise 7: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
i. Infinitive phrase
j. Present participial phrase
k. Past participial phrase
l. Gerund phrase
m. Prepositional phrase
n. Noun phrase
o. Adjective phrase
p. Adverb phrase
(ii) Name according to its
d. Noun phrase
e. Adjective phrase
f. Adverb phrase
(iii) Function
l. Subject of Verb
m. Object of Verb
n. Object of preposition
o. Subjective Complement
p. Objective complement
q. Appositive
r. Modifier of Noun
s. Modifier of Verb
t. Modifier of Adverb
u. Modifier of Adjective
v. Modifier of the whole sentence
1. Arnold hoped to the to find an answer
funding shortfall.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Object of the verb ‘hoped’
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
2. Pressed for time , the agent ran the red light.
- Name according to : structure Past Par.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of the S ‘the agent’
3. His uncle thinks that working for the
government is the key to stability.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of ‘working’
4. Richard's chance t slipped o make his point
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of ‘chance’
5. Is it possible that Joshua will compete*
against that man? (Intransitive Verb)
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of the verb ‘compete’
6. Disneyland and Hollywood are popular places
to visit in California.
- Name according to : structure Infinitive P.
- Name according to : function Adj. P
Function: modifier of N ‘place’
7. When buses are delayed, students are usually
late for school.
- Name according to : structure Adj. P
- Name according to function: N.P
Function: Subjective Complement
8. He used his computer to make party
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of V
9. A boy on the roof is singing a song.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
10. She is shouting in a loud voice.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of V
11. He sat in a corner of the room.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of V
12. He sat in a corner of the room.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
13. He likes to read books.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function NP
Function: O of V
14. He made a plan to buy a car.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
15. She started thinking about the problem.
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: O of V
Exercise 8: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
q. Infinitive phrase
r. Present participial phrase
s. Past participial phrase
t. Gerund phrase
u. Prepositional phrase
v. Noun phrase
w. Adjective phrase
x. Adverb phrase
(ii) Name according to its
g. Noun phrase
h. Adjective phrase
i. Adverb phrase
(iii) Function
w. Subject of Verb
x. Object of Verb
y. Object of preposition
z. Subjective Complement
aa. Objective complement
bb. Appositive
cc. Modifier of Noun
dd. Modifier of Verb
ee. Modifier of Adverb
ff. Modifier of Adjective
gg. Modifier of the whole sentence
1. Sleeping late in night is not a good habit.
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: S of V
2. I received a letter mentioning about my exam.
- Name according to : structure Present
Participial P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
3. The crazy old lady in the park feeds the
pigeons every day.
- Name according to : structure N.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: S of V
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
4. The crazy old lady in the park feeds the
pigeons every day.
- Name according to : structure N.P
- Name according to : function Adv.P
Function: modifier of V
5. Tashonda's goal in life, to become an
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this
year, at last.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: appositive
6. Tashonda's goal in life, to become an
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this
year, at last.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: Subjective complement
7. Tashonda's goal in life , to become an
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this
year, at last.
- Name according to : structure N.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: S of V
8. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
9. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to : structure N.P
- Name according to : function N.P
Function: O of V
10. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to : structure NP
- Name according to : function NP
Function: O of prep............................................................
11. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to : structure Prep.P
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
12. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to : structure N.P
- Name according to : function NP
Function: S of V
13. To know her is to love her.
- Name according to : structure Inf.P
- Name according to : function NP
Function: SC
14. The best exercise, walking briskly, is also the
least expensive,
- Name according to : structure Gerund P
- Name according to : function NP
Function: appositive
15. Working around the clock , the firefighters
finally put out the last of the California brush
- Name according to : structure Present
- Name according to : function Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
Exercise 1: Find out the noun clauses in the
following sentences and tell their function.
1. The king ordered that the traitor should be put
to death. O of V
2. He said that he would not go. O of V
3. That he is not interested in the offer is known
to us. S of V
4. He said that he was not feeling well. O of V
5. I cannot rely on what he says. O of Prep
6. I don’t know where he has gone. O of V
7. He asked whether the servant had polished his
shoes. O of V
8. The news that he is alive has been confirmed.
Appositive to the N ‘news’
9. The belief that the soul is immortal is almost
universal. Appositive to the N ‘belief’
10. It is certain that we will have to admit defeat.
Real subject
11. It was fortunate that he was present. Real
12. The report that only ten persons were killed in
the riots is not true. Appositive to ‘report’
13. That he believes his own story is
remarkable. S of V
14. He knows all about art, but he doesn't
know what he likes. O of V
15. My one regret in life is that I am not someone
else. SC
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 2: If the given words are questions,
insert a capital letter and a question mark. If the
given words are a noun clause, write ‘I don’t
know’ and a final period.
Example: _____________ where is heW ?
I don’t know_where he is.
1. _________I don’t know what he did.
2. __________________W what did he do?
3. __________________H how old is he?
4. _________I don’t know how old he is.
5. __________________W where did he go?
6. _________I don’t know where he went.
7. _________I don’t know why he said that.
8. __________________W why did he say that?
9. _________I don’t know who he is.
10. __________________W who is he?
11. __________________W when will he arrive?
12. _________I don’t know when he will arrive.
13. __________________W who is he talking to?
14. _________I don’t know which one he bought.
15. _________I don’t know what his name is.
Exercise 3: Finish the second sentence with a
noun clause based on the preceding direct
Example: How do you say this?
- Can you tell me ?how you say this
1. How much did it cost?
- He doesn’t remember how much it cost
2. How much does it cost?
- Ask the manager .how much it costs
3. Which do you prefer?
- Please tell the clerk .which you prefer
4. What cities did you visit?
- Please tell us . what cities you visited
5. What country is he from?
- Let’s ask Bill .what country he is from
6. Whose book did he use?
- I wonder . whose book he used
7. Whom should I speak to?
- I would like to know whom I should speak
to .
8. Who wrote this paper?
- Can you tell me who wrote this paper
9. Why did you buy it?
- Please tell me why you bought it
10. When are they leaving?
- Let’s ask them when they are leaving
11. Where does Mr Nam live?
- Do you remember where Mr Nam live
12. Who is that man?
- I don’t know who that man is
13. Why did she leave?
- Do you know why she left
14. Where will he be?
- Let’s ask him where he will be
15. When did Tom return?
- Please tell me when Tom returned
Exercise 4: Make a question from the given
sentence. The words in parentheses should be
the answer to the question you make. Then
change the question to a noun clause.
1. That man is .(Mr. Robertson)
Question: Who is that man?
Noun clause: I want to know who that man is.
2. George lives in (Los Angeles).
Question: [Where does he live?]
Noun clause: I want to know .[where he lives]
3. Ann bought (a new dictionary).
Question: [What did Ann buy?]
Noun clause: Do you know [what Ann
4. It is to Denver from here.(350 miles)
Question: [How far is it to Denver from here?]
Noun clause: I need to know [how far it is to
Denver from here].
5. Jack was late to class (because he missed the
Question: [Why was Jack late to class?]
Noun clause: The teacher wants to know [why
Jack was late to class].
6. That is pen.(Ann’s)
Question: [Whose pen is that?]
Noun clause: Tom wants to know [whose pen
that is].
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
7. Alex saw at the meeting.(Ms. Frost)
Question: [Who did Alex see at the meeting?]
Noun clause: I don’t know [who Alex saw at
the meeting].
8. (Jack) saw Ms. Frost at the meeting.
Question: [Who saw Ms Frost at the meeting?]
Noun clause: I don’t know [who saw Ms Frost
at the meeting].
9. Alice likes book best, (this) (not that one).
Question: [Which book does Alice like best?]
Noun clause: I want to know [which book
Alice likes best].
10. The plane is supposed to land (at 7:14 p.m.).
Question: [What time is the plane supposed to
Noun clause: Could you tell me [what time the
plane is supposed to land].
Exercise 5: Use the words in parentheses to
complete the sentences. Use any appropriate
verb tense. Some of the completions contain
noun clauses and some contain questions.
A: Where ? She’s not in her room. did Ruth go
(Ruth, go)
B: I don’t know. Ask Tina. She might know where
Ruth went . (Ruth, go)
1. A: John is searching every drawer. Do you
know what ? (he, look for) he is looking for
B: I have no ideas. Why don’t I just ask him?
John? What ? (you, look are you looking for
2. A: Oops! I made a mistake. Where is my
eraser ? Didn’t I lend it to you? (my eraser,
B: I don’t have it. Ask Sally where . I it is
think I saw her using it. (it, be)
3. A: I heard that Sam changed his mind about
going on the picnic. Why to did he decide
stay home? Is something wrong? (he, decide)
B: I don’t know. Maybe Jane can tell us why
he decided not to come with us. Let’s ask her.
I hope he’s okay. (he, decide)
4. A: Whose book ? (this, be) is this
B: It’s not mine. I don’t know whose book it
is . (it, be)
5. A: Did Jack get enough food when he went to
the market? How much fish ? It did he buy
takes a lot of fish to feed 12 people. (he, buy)
B: Just relax. I don’t know exactly how much
fish , but I’m sure there’ll be he bought
enough for dinner for all of us. (he, buy)
6. A: The door isn’t locked! Why didn’t Fred
lock it before he left? (Fred, lock, not)
B: Why ask me? How am I supposed to know
why it? Maybe he just forgot. he didn’t lock
(he, lock, not)
7. A: The Lee family are recent immigrant, aren’t
they? How long in this have they been
country? (they be)
B: I have no idea. Would you like me to ask
Mr. Lee how long he and his family have
lived here? I’ll be seeing him this afternoon.
(he and his family, live)
8. A: I need a math tutor. Do you know who
John’s tutor is ? (John’s tutor, be)
B: No. Let me ask Phil. Excuse me, Phil? Who
is John’s tutor ? Do you know? (John’a tutor,
9. A: You’re a student here? I’m a student here,
too. Tell me what classes you are taking
this term. Maybe we’re in some of the same
classes. (you, take)
B: Math 4, English 2, History 6, and
Chesmistry 101. What classes are you taking
? (you, take)
10. A: Lucy, why for the didn’t you study
exam? You could have done much better if
you’ve been prepared. (you, study, not)
B: Well, Professor Morris, why I didn’t study
for the exam is a long story. I intended to, but
… (I, study, not)
Exercise 6: Circle the best choice.
Example: He asked me where [B].
A.did I live B. I lived C. do you live D .that I lived
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. D
16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B
Exercise 7: Circle the letter of the correct
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C
Exercise 8: Write THAT or WHAT in the
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 9: Using a dictionary if necessary,
complete each definition with a noun and or that
what. Put brackets round (that) where it could
be left out.
conception confession condidence
confirmation confusion contempt
Example: Confidence is believing (that) you can
be successful, or feeling (that) you are certain
about something.
1. Confirmation is a statement or letter telling
you (that) something is correct, or that an
arrangement is definite.
2. Confession is a statement made by
someone admitting (that) they are guilty of
a crime, or that they are ashamed of
3. Contempt is feeling that somebody or
something is without value and deserves no
respect, or showing no concern for what
might be against the rules or dangerous.
4. Conception is the process of forming an
idea or an understanding of what
something is, or what something should be.
5. Confusion is a state of uncertainty about
what is happening, or what something
Exercise 10: The original version of this
paragraph included the ten words listed here
introducing noun clauses. Put them back in
appropriate places in the paragraph.
how that (x5) what where
whether why
I had a strange experience when I got a summer job
as a temporary office assistant in a big company.
On my first day, I didn’t know I was supposedwhat
to do and nobody seemed to care I was whether
doing anything or not. Since I didn’t understand
how anything worked in the office, I just sat down
at an empty desk and waited. When the office
manager walked in, she stared at me and asked why
I was sitting on her chair. I remember I felt that
really embarrassed and tried to explain nobodythat
had told me I should sit. She announced where
quite loudly I wasn’t being paid to sit around that
and I should go and find some work to do. So Ithat
tried to act as if I was busy and started cleaning out
all the wastebaskets. I only discovered later in the
morning I had gone to the wrong office.that
Exercise 11: Rewrite these sentences, beginning
with .It
1. It wasn’t my fault that the weather wasn’t very
2. It is absolutely disgraceful that nobody
stopped to help the old woman after the
3. It can be hard to work out two months in
advance what you’re going to need on a trip.
OR It can be hard to work out what you’re
going to need on a trip two months in
4. It remains a mystery to everyone how Adrian
became so rich so fast.
5. It doesn’t bother me whether he eats the fish
or not, but he should eat something.
Exercise 12: Add and where appropriate it that
to these sentences.
1. They concluded in their report didn’t that it
make any difference if the vehicles had air
bags or not.
2. If you say is important I should (that) it that
attend the meeting, I can assure you I’ll (that)
be there.
3. They notified everyone living near the
riverthat it possible (that) was the water was
4. None of the staff likes now every it that
Thursday is a late night. OR
None of the staff likes now every it that
Thursday is a late night.
5. That she delivered a marvelous
performance pleased her parents.
Exercise 13: Rewrite each sentence with a
meaning similar to the one above it.
1. The boys considered an honour that they’ve it
been chosen to play for their country.
2. People used to outrageous that womenthink it
were smoking in public. OR
People used to was outrageous think that it
that women were smoking in public.
3. Won’t they see it as a sign of weakness that
we didn’t fight back?
4. No one regarded at the time as an it
indication that anything was wrong. OR
No one regarded as an indication that it
anything was wrong .at the time
5. Many people regarded as a bad idea that it
the police have started carrying guns
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 14: Correct the ten mistakes in these
1. That the audience stood up and applauded our
performance convinced we had a us that
successful show.
2. Whether you want to take one class or twenty
makes no difference because you have to it
register first and the university doesn’t like it
that people have been attending classes
without being registered.
3. Mr. Trotter was trying to show how the
equipment be used, but they weren’t should
4. Didn’t you think strange nobody told it that
his car lights were left on all night?
5. I tried to warn the trail was them that
dangerous, but it didn’t surprise they me that
went hiking anyway.
Noun with noun clauses
Exercise 15: Rewrite each pair of sentences as a
single sentence using a noun derived from the
verb in the sentence above it, plus other
appropriate changes.
They concluded that the child’s death was
an accident. It made a lot of people angry.
- Their conclusion that the child’s death
was an accident made a lot of people angry.
1. Manfred’s explanation that a friend’s dog had
eaten his homework wasn’t very convincing.
2. Their expectation that everyone will just go
along with their plans is unrealistic.
3. Her sudden realization that she was drifting
out to sea caused her to panic.
4. Our discussion of how we might solve the
proble went on for over three hours.
5. The belief that there are aliens from outer
space living among us. It’s quite widespread.
Exercise 16: Using a dictionary if necessary,
complete each definition with a noun and or that
what plus a preposition where necessary.
belief example fear
knowledge statement
1. If you do something with apprehension, you
have a fear that something bad may
2. Oblivion is an unconscious state in which you
have no is happening knowledge of what
around you.
3. When you say or do something with
conviction, you have a strong belief that
you are right.
4. A precedent is an earlier action or decision
used as a good should be example of what
done in other similar situation.
5. An estimate is an appropriate idea or
statement of/about what something will
Exercise 17: Correct the ten mistakes in these
1. They discussed people were the fact that
getting into the country illegally and the issue
of whether those people would be able to
become legal citizens./ Or They discussed
people were …./ Or They discussed who how
people were ….
2. His theory is cutting down the trees that
causes more flooding due to the fact
that/because there is nothing left on the hills
to hold the soil in place and absorb the rain.
3. Alfred tried to explain away the fact that/ how
he had missed several meetings, but he had
nothing to say on the question what had of
happened to his quarterly report.
4. It seems to be they didn’t have a lot of that
applicants so they overlooked that I the fact
didn’t have much experience and offered me
the job.
5. The German research team’s discovery, which
that the addition of milk to a cup of tea
reduces its health benefits, seems to have been
based on the assumption which the only that
benefit of hot tea is an improvement in the
flow of blood which goes to the heart because
that is all they measured.
Adjective with noun clauses
Exercise 18: Rewrite each pair of sentences as a
single sentence containing a noun clause.
1. It’s rather surprising that so many young
people don’t know how to swim nowadays.
2. It seemed very strange that all the lights
were on, but nobody seemed to be at home.
3. You were lucky (that) nobody complained
about all the noise you were making.
4. My friend will be disappointed that she has
to work and can’t go to the concert.
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
5. I was angry (that) he made such a mess.
Exercise 19: Complete each sentence with an
adjective and or , with prepositions that what
where necessary.
Confident happy (x2) not sure
sorry (x2) worried surprised
Example: My parents are happy that I do well at
1. I’m ‘savoire faire’ means. not sure what
2. We’re none of the children got happy that
hurt in the accident.
3. I made you cry. I’m sorry about/for what
I said. I’m really I spoke that sorry that
4. Aren’t you you’ll fail the test worried that
or are you really you’re confident that
5. I’m he didn’t come. sorry that
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 20: Complete each sentence using
appropriate forms of one pair of words and
noun clauses.
Afraid/have amazed/win
essential/wear certain/have
fortunate/not be
Example: Were you frightened by the muggers? –
Yes, I was knives. afraid that they had
1. Isn’t it astonishing that Rick finished first? –
Yes, I’m the race. amazed that he won
2. Are you sure that Stella took the car keys? –
Yes, I’m them. certain (that) she has
3. You’re lucky that you weren’t hurt. – Yes, it’s
fortunate (that) I wasn’t near the front of the
4. jacob doesn’t think safety glasses are
necessary. – Well, it is essential that he
(should) wear them.
Exercise 21: Add in five appropriate places that
in this paragraph.
The philosopher David Hume’s argument that
people cannot be certain about anything not directly
taken in through their senses was destined to lead
him to the idea we cannot be certain about that
God. Hume also argued our expectation that that
the future will be like the past (e.g. the sun willthat
rise tomorrow morning) had no basis in reason.
Exercise 22: Complete each paragraph with one
set of words (not necessarily in this order).
if/that/that how/that/the fact that
1. The claim you live can that where
determine healthy you feel seems how
rather obvious, doesn’t it?
2. Are you one of those people who leave the
house and can’t remember they if
switched off the oven, or walk away from their
parked car with the suspecion they that
didn’t put the handbrake on, or even leave the
supermarket just hoping they didn’t that
forget to pick up all their bags?
3. More people are taking pills containing
glucosamine for pain in their knees. the
fact that how no one is quite sure
this ‘medicine’ works doesn’t mean that
we should ignore its reputation for relieving
pain and increasing mobility.
Subjunctive in noun clauses
Exercise 23: Choose an ending (a-d) for each
beginning (1-4) and appropriate forms of these
words, using the subjunctive or should where
Demand propose vital
wish be become
resign stay
1. At some point every
individual wishes
( )b
2. The planners have
already proposed
( )d
3. It’s for vital (a)
rural comminities
4. The protest leaders
are demanding ( )c
a. that local clinics
(should) stay
b. that he or she
were/was richer.
c. that the prime
minister (should)
d. that part of the
town centre
(should) become a
pedestrian area.
Exercise 24: Complete the sentence, using the
idea of the words in parentheses.
Example: (You should organize a camping trip.)
The girls proposed that their scout
leader a camping trip. organize
1. Ms. Hanson recommended that our class be
divided into two sections.
2. Dan’s parents insisted that he home call
every week.
3. It is essential that she the truth about be told
her illness.
4. The customs official demanded that all
passengers their suitcases. open
5. The counselor recommended that Ann take
some art courses.
6. It is vital that all parts of the motor in be
proper working order.
7. The director requests that all packages be
mailed at the central office.
8. It is imperative that soldiers their obey
9. It is important that the babysitter be given
phone numbers to call in case of emergency.
10. Don recommended that I the party. join
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
Noun clauses as subjects and objects
Exercise 25: Rewrite these sentences in a less
formal style beginning with .it
1. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they don’t
have any money left.
2. It just astonishes me that children would
rather sit watching TV instead of playing
3. It has never been explained why the
government didn’t act immediately to stop the
movement of all animals.
4. It wasn’t clear whether Nicole’s father had
been for or against her marriage, but he did
participate in the wedding ceremony.
5. It really helped us that the other team played
Exercise 26: Add one set of words to each
paragraph (not necessarily in this order).
It/that/that it/that/what that/where/whether
A. He wanted to know (1) we were doing, what
but (2) was obvious (3) he didn’t it that
really seem very interested in our answer.
B. Sometimes one of them will say (4) that
he or she actually prefers (5) (6) it that
the other has separate interests.
C. (7) Robert’s new schedule will be an Whether
improvement remains to be seen, but no one
liked it (8) he just decided (9) that where
the changes would be made without consulting
Exercise 27: Correct the mistakes in these
1. That Mr Baker complained about the noise
was predictable, but we assured it him (that)
wouldn’t happen again. OR
- Mr Baker complainedIt was predictable that
about the noise, but we assured it him (that)
wouldn’t happen again.
2. The headmaster warned during our us
meeting some teachers wouldn’t like that it
that/the fact that their classrooms had
suddenly been changed.
3. They told me about Geoff had said in what
the meeting, but I thought strange he it (that)
hadn’t mentioned money.
4. The police regarded suspicious the it as that
dead woman’s husband had recently taken out
a life insurance policy in her name.
5. The prosecutor showed the jury how the crime
could have been committed by Feldman, but
he didn’t convince that Feldmanthem/the jury
was guilty.
Wish’ sentences
Exercise 28: Cloe is on holiday in a foreign city.
She was so busy admiring the sights that she has
got lost. What does she wish? Write sentences
with ‘ . I wish’
1. I wish I had a map.
2. I wish the streets didn’t all look the same.
3. I wish I’d brought my mobile phone.
4. I wish I could speak the language.
5. I wish I’d bought a phrase book.
6. I wish I wasn’t/weren’t hot and thirsty./ I wish
I had a drink.
7. I wish I hadn’t come here alone./ I wish I’d
come here with someone else.
8. I wish someone would help me.
9. I wish I hadn’t come here.
10. I wish I was/were back in my hotel.
Reported speech
Exercise 29: Complete each sentence, using
indirect speech, with a meaning similar to the
one above it.
Example: ‘It’s a strange story.’
- .They said that it was a strange story
1. He just blurted out that he was in love with
my sister and he wanted me to tell her.
2. One of them asked us where we were going
next and how we planned to get there.
3. The old woman said that she had lived/lived
there before any of the old houses had/had
had electricity or indoor plumbing.
4. Darren told me on Monday that he couldn’t
do the work then , or even the next day/ the
following day , but he would try to do it later
in the week.
5. Carolyn said (that) she was sorry. (OR
Carolyn apologized .) She had been rather
obsessed with herself and her own problems
recently. OR Carolyn apologized for
being/having been rather obsessed with
herself and her own problems recently.
6. Peter told Elizabeth (that) he would give her
£50 after he got paid
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
7. Jackie says (that) Emile is from Montreal and
speaks French.
8. Celine asked me what she should wear if she
was invited to dinner?
9. Fraser mentioned to Simon that he was
looking for a cheaper flat.
10. Mark assured Bridget (that) he would look
after her .
11. Malcolm invited Fiona to stay at his place.
12. Andrew’s mother ordered him to take off his
dirty boots.
13. She warned me not to go there after dark.
OR me that I should not go there after dark.
14. Jason refused to pay for the tickets.
15. Melvin suggested buying a railpass. OR
(that) I should buy a rail pass.
Exercise 30: Complete this text with appropriate
forms of one pair of verbs in each space.
ask/become be/remind
encourage/give join/persuade
promise/provide volunteer/work
A charity is an organization that helps people in
need such as the poor, the homeless, children and
refugees. Some people for a volunteer to work
charity while others (1) promise to provide/promise
that they will provide_ support with money or other
gifts. Many charities (2)_ _ well-known people, ask
such as film stars, a representative for to become
their organization in the hope that they will (3)
persuade to join/ that they should join others the
organization or (4) encourage them to give
money to the charity. Charities not only help
people, they also (5) those who have a remind
comfortable life to be/that they should be
generous to those who have much less.
Exercise 31: Complete the sentences to report
what was said using one of the verbs below and a
to-infinitive phrase. You may need to use a verb
more than once. If necessary, add an
appropriate object after the verb.
Ask demand invite
remind threaten volunteer warn
‘Would you like to come on a picnic with us?’
- He invited me/us to come on a picnic with them.
1. He threatened to resign (if I/we didn’t give
him a pay rise).
2. He asked to borrow my pencil./ OR He asked
me to lend him a pencil.
3. He He demanded to know my decision soon.
4. He reminded me to go to the supermarket after
5. He asked me to give him a lift to the station.
OR He asked to get a lift to the station.
6. He warned me to stay away from him.
7. He volunteered to drive me to the airport (if I
couldn’t find anyone else).
Exercise 32: Underline the correct verb. If either
is possible, underline them both.
1. promised
2. suggested
3. promised/volunteered
4. demanded
5. agreed
6. agreed
7. advised/proposed
8. expected
9. requested
10. promised
Exercise 33: Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) on
the line before each sentence.
1. C
2. I (missing S- should…) I
3. I
4. C
5. I (missing V – it going…)is
6. C
7. I
8. I (missing S)
9. C
10. I
11. C
12. )I (extra S – omit it
13. C
14. I (missing V – who )was
15. I
16. C
17. C
BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2 Keys to Grammar Exercises
18. I (omit )it
19. C
20. I (missing V – what )was
21. I (it is doubtful)
22. I (omit )he
23. C
24. I
25. I
26. C
27. I (which )was
28. I (that )she
29. C
30. C
Exercise 34: Circle the best choice.
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. B
Exercise 35: Correct the mistakes in these
Example: If you disagreed with what I was
proposing, why didn’t you say me earlier that you
didn’t like it? … why didn’t you say/say to me/tell
me earlier …
1. At first he argued ( ) that his answer with me
was correct, but then I convinced that..him
2. … reminded that … she urged not to me me
give up
3. He …, but I offered to pay suggested splitting
it/suggested (that) we should split it
4. … recommended /recommended ( ) taking that
I should take
5. complaining his problems/complaining about
that he had problems
6. … deny responsible/deny being that they
were responsible
Exercise 36: Complete each sentence in indirect
=> Corinne was complaining that she had too much
work to do that until her mother pointed out (1)
she had done/did nothing the day before/the
previous day .
=> I asked him (2) who broke/had broken the
and he mumbled (3) that he didn’t know.
=> When my sister told Paul during dinner last
night (4) that she had/has ten cats
his only comment was (5) that he
preferred/prefers dogs.
=> They wanted Stan’s wife to tell them (6) where
she thought he hid/had hiddens/hides his money
but her response was (7) that she didn’t think he
had/has any.
=> Mrs Hawkins asked (8) how I felt
and I had to tell her (9) ( that) I was angry.
=> She wanted to know (10) why I hadn’t
said/didn’t say anything earlier
I explained to her (11) that she hadn’t
allowed/didn’t allow anyone else to speak.
=> Then she apologized and asked (12) if/whether
I could tell her what was/is wrong
I told her (13) (that) she was ignoring a
dangerous situation.
=> I then asked her (14) if/whether she had read
my report or not. OR whether or not she had read
my report. that Her reply was (15) she hadn’t had
=> Jessica’s mother always tells (16) her not to
forget her umbrella./that she mustn’t forget her
=> The traffic warden insisted (17) that I/we (had
to) move my our car.
=> Sebastian pleaded (18) pleaded with Beatrice
not to leave him.
=> I asked (19) Jenny if I might/could borrow
borrow Jenny’s calculator.
Exercise 37: Correct the eight mistakes in this
On our way up the mountain we got lost and so we
asked an old man tell us/ us the to if he could tell
way to the waterfall. He was really nice. He didn’t
recommend any driving/(that) we (should) drive
further on that road. He told us to go/that we had
to/must go back about a mile to a bridge. He
suggested just pastparking/(that) we (should) park
the bridge and to walk up the trail on the left. He
warned be/( to that) we must/had to/should be
careful crossing the streams and he advised us not
to/us (that) we (should) not drink/us against
drinking the water. That’s how we found the
waterfall. I thought was really (that) it was
| 1/39

Preview text:

Keys to Grammar Exercises
(Otto), busily mixing the formula, didn’t STRUCTURES
notice the (water) in the beaker boiling dry. PARTICIPIAL PHRASES 5. Running
to catch a bus, (Doris) tripped and sprained ankle.
Exercise 1: Underline the Participles of
Participial Phrases used as Adjectives and cross
6. Having got home, (he) went to sleep
out the Participles used as Verbs in the following immediately. sentences. 7.
(Alex), looking very unhappy, was leaning 1.
The dancer, gyrating wildly, was discovered to
against the fence, watching the game. be insane. 8. Marching
up to the counters, (the woman) 2.
My brother, taking a calculus class, has
pointed to through the stack of freshly folded forgotten all his algebra. shirts. 3.
The crazy dancer was taking a basket-weaving 9.
Forest fires are often caused by smoldering class instead of calculus.
(embers) left by careless campers or picnickers. 4. Pushing
aside all his inhibitions, my brother
will dance while he is memorizing his 10. Blinded
by the dazzling (snow), almost frozen geometric formulae.
after the long journey, (the explorer) had great
difficulty in finding and striking his matches. 5.
Unfortunately, the Spanish class fulfilling my
language requirement includes my brother and the dancer.
Exercise 3: Wherever possible, change the 6.
Usually, a class harboring insane dancers and
subordinate clauses into participial phrases.
incompetent brothers is a difficult learning environment. 1.
The tune that is being played is quite familiar to me. 7. Rising
out of the sea in front of us, the sun
- The tune that is (being) played is quite started to warm our faces. familiar to me. 8. Printed
on the very first press, the document 2.
When the work was done, they went home. was extremely valuable.
- When The work (being) done, they went 9. Broken
by a government whistle-blower, the home. news is all over the media. 3.
When I had done my work, I went home.
10. These days most people are using email
- Having done my work, I went home. instead of writing letters. 4.
They could not make the trip as they had no money.
- Having no money, they could not make a trip.
Exercise 2: Each of the following sentences 5.
The letter you sent to me arrived safely.
contains one or more participles. Underline all
- The letter you sent to me arrived safely.
of these participles and then circle the word that 6.
Do you know the lady who is just entering the
each participle qualifies. house? 1.
All broken test (tubes) must be replaced by the
- Do you know the lady who is (just) entering chemistry students. the house? 2.
Bill appeared on the stage, his (face) painted 7.
As she was afraid, she did not want to go beyond recognition. home alone.
- Being afraid, she did not want to go home 3.
I saw (him) leaning out the window, shouting and waving at the passer-by. alone. 8.
Although he was badly hurt, he walked all the way home.
Keys to Grammar Exercises
- (Being) badly hurt, he walked all the way 4.
We weren’t particularly eager to appear in the home.
variety show. (Adverb modifies ‘eager’) 9.
If the weather permits, we shall leave early. 5.
Ann went to Canada to visit relatives for a
- The weather permitting, we shall leave early.
week, and then decided to work there.
(Adverb modifies ‘went’, O of ‘decided’)
10. As I had broken my pen, I had to buy a new one. 6.
Don is sure to forget the key if you don’t
- Having broken my pen, I had to buy a new
remind him. (Adverb modifies ‘sure’) one. 7. To be successful
doesn’t necessarily mean to
be wealthy. (Subject, Object/Complement) GERUND PHRASES 8.
Does Mr Theodore intend to come on Saturday
to play for the auditions? (O of ‘intend’;
Exercise 4: Underline the gerund phrases and Adverb)
then tell their functions. 9.
Sometimes it is hard to understand dad’s 1. Joining club is a good way of meeting new
mood. (Adverb modifies ‘hard’) people. (S of V; O of Prep.)
10. She wants to know if anyone has an umbrella 2.
Harold doesn’t like making speeches in front
to lend her. (O of ‘wants’, Adverb modifies of the class. (O of V)
‘has’/Adjective modifies ‘umbrella’) 3. Standing
next to Ed made Joan appear taller than she is. (S of V) PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES 4.
All Bill’s friends have been worrying about his
quitting school in June. (O of prep)
Exercise 6: Underline the Prepositional Phrases
and circle the Preposition in the following
We ended by going downtown and watching sentences. the parade. (O.s of Prep.s)
Example: The cat is hiding behind the door . 6.
Without a doubt dancing helps in developing
grace, poise, and confidence. (S of V; O of 1. The teenager in the red jacket ran past the Prep.) door. 7.
After looking all over the house for the 2. Under the tree in the back of the lawn is a
missing copy of Hamlet, Helen stopped wrecked car.
searching and bought a new one. (O of Prep; O of V) 3. Among young men
, suits and ties are not the fashion. 8.
Without having stirred from his chair, Nero
Wolfe had succeeded in solving the . mystery 4.
I would love to dance in The Nutcracker like you. (O of Prep; O of Prep) 9.
The reporter’s constant worry is meeting a 5. Between you and me
, I think this exercise is too easy. deadline. (Complement)
10. Larry’s first job, interviewing Mickey Mantle, 6. We will be back in a few days .
made him the envy of the staff. (Appositive) 7.
We’ve got a new television with a thirty one inch screen. 8. The lion was killed by the hunter . 9. Helen is the girl in the red dress . INFINITIVE PHRASES
Exercise 5: Underline the infinitive phrases in 10. They drove to Glasgow .
the following sentences and tell their functions in the sentence. 1.
Doris’s only ambition is to become a great actress. (complement)
Exercise 7: Underline the prepositional phrases
in the following sentences and tell whether the
Young people should learn to think for
phrase is used as an Adjective or Adverb.
themselves. (Object of ‘learn’) 1.
We scrambled over the fence and ran through 3.
Bert’s summer job, clerking in a store, helped
the orchard at break-neck speed .
(to) pay his college expenses. (O of ‘helped’) (Adverb, Adverb, Adverb)
Keys to Grammar Exercises 2.
The girl with black hair is Jerry’s cousin from 5. My hands
were so cold I dropped the script
Washington D.C. (Adjective, Adjective)
several times. S of V, O of V, modifier of V 3. By Friday
the girls in the first tent were no 6. Our closest friends have just bought longer speaking to each other. a new house
in the village. S of V, O of V, O of (Adverb, Adjective, Adverb) prep. 4.
Martha piled Tommy’s toys behind Dad’s 7.
Both of my younger brothers are married. O of
chair, flicked dust cloth over the tables, and prep. smoothed the cushions . ( on the sofa Adverb, 8. The eight-year-old boy attempted to rob a Adjective, Adjective)
sweet shop with a pistol. S of V, O of V, O of 5.
The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are prep.
green with mold. (Adjective, Adverb) 9.
That attractive young woman in the blue dress 6.
The new tennis ball rolled off the table and
sitting over there in the corner is my aunt. S of
bounced down the porch stairs into a puddle of V
water. (Adverb, Adverb, Adverb)
That attractive young woman in the blue dress
sitting over there in the corner is my aunt. 7.
He quickly stood up from an arm-chair and O of
stepped out of the room. (Adverb, Adverb) prep., O of prep., SC 10. Many
buildings were destroyed in the 8. In spite of his sarcasm I knew he was happy earthquake.
about his job. (Adverb, Adverb) S of V, O of prep. 11. Akbar's son
Prince Sultan Salim, later known 9.
Ken was sitting between Alice and Sue in the
as Jehangir wrote that nobody could make out
booth near the window. (Adv, Adv, Adv)
that Akbar was an illiterate. S of V, Appositive,
10. Because of her encouraging remarks , he has SC
been working like a steam engine.
12. Akbar was a very hard-working King. (Adverb, Adverb) SC
13. Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults and children. SC
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
in Indian history equally regarded by adults STRUCTURES
and children. O of prep.
Exercise 8: Underline the noun phrases based on
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures
their structure in each sentence and tell their
in Indian history equally regarded by adults function.
and children. O of prep.
Birbal is surely one of the most popular figures 1.
As an actor, I had appeared in innumerable
in Indian history equally regarded by adults
school broadcasts. O of prep., O of prep.
and children. O of prep. 2.
It was a humorous programme, but sometimes 14. Bi
rbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly
it also managed to raise controversial issues.
administrative and military but he was a very SC, O of V
close friend of Akbar too, because Akbar 3. That week’s programme had a piece on the
loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. S of
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the V, SC, O of V war. S of V, O of V
Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly
That week’s programme had a piece on the
administrative and military but he was a very
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
close friend of Akbar too, because Akbar war. O of prep.
loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. O of
That week’s programme had a piece on the prep.
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
15. He was a minister in the administration of war. O of V
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
That week’s programme had a piece on the
members of inner council of nine advisors. SC
impossibility of avoiding any mention of the
He was a minister in the administration of war. O of prep.
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the 4.
I was filming The Paras at the time, and my
members of inner council of nine advisors. O
manager had to come down to Wales with the of prep., O of prep.
script. O of V, O of prep., S of V, O of prep., O
He was a minister in the administration of of prep.
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. O
Keys to Grammar Exercises of prep., O of prep. 7. The dress was too small for her .
He was a minister in the administration of 8. She's not old enough to get married .
Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the
members of inner council of nine advisors. O 9. You're too young to have grandchildren ! of prep. 10. The teacher was rather nice .
16. He was a poet and an author too. SC 11. Why are you so angry about it ?
17. It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of 12. I was pleased with the present you gave me . River Yamuna. SC 13. I'm not ashamed of what I did .
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of 14. I'm not very good at repairing things .
River Yamuna. O of prep. 15. Florence is famous for its art treasures .
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
16. Many courtiers were jealous with Birbal and River Yamuna.
often plotted for his downfall. O of prep.
It is believed that he was a son of poor
17. There are a couple of other stories too which
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
are of the same time and type and are as
River Yamuna. O of prep. interesting as Birbal's ones .
It is believed that he was a son of poor
Braahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of
18. It was cold, bleak, biting weather.
River Yamuna. O of prep.
19. The very small kitten jumped at the big dog.
18. According to a popular legend, he died on an
20. “Marge, you're as pretty as Princess
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a Leia and as smart as Yoda."
large military force due to treachery. O of prep., O of prep.
According to a popular legend, he died on an
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a STRUCTURES
large military force due to treachery. O of prep.
Exercise 10: Underline the adverb phrases in the
According to a popular legend, he died on an
following sentences and circle the head word of
expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a the phrase.
large military force due to treachery. O of 1. He didn't work hard enough . prep. 2. He works too hard.
19. It is also said that when Birbal died, Akbar
mourned him for several months. O of prep. 3. He worked very quickly .
20. The exchanges between Akbar and Birbal have 4. The man drove really badly .
been recorded in many volumes. S of V, O of 5. I go to the movies quite frequently . prep.
The exchanges between Akbar and Birbal have 6. Very slowly , we edged down the mountain.
been recorded in many volumes. O of prep. 7. Somewhat reluctantly , she returned home a week early.
ADJECTIVE PHRASES BASED ON THEIR 8. People view things totally differently from STRUCTURES each other.
Exercise 9: Underline the adjective phrases in 9. The weather report is almost always right.
the following sentences and circle the head word 10. He talks extremely fast . of the phrase. 1. The water was extremely cold . 2. They are completely exhausted from the trip . VERB PHRASES 3. I am too tired to go out tonight .
Exercise 11: Underline the verb phrase in each 4. Is your coffee hot enough ? following sentence. 5. This coffee is too hot . 1.
Many sea otters do live off the coast of 6. She's not experienced enough for this job . California.
Keys to Grammar Exercises 2.
Karen can almost always memorize anything.
13. My garden is dying, pesticides having been applied by mistake. 3.
Next month I will volunteer at Children's Hospital.
14. As the parole board met to decide the fates of
several people, the prisoner was hoping for 4.
By the end of Saturday's football game, our parole.
quarterback had completed six touchdown passes. 15. Legs
quivering , our old dog Gizmo dreamed of chasing squirrels. 5.
Drew might audition for a part in the school play. 16. Its leaves burned off by the fire , the dead tree fell. 6.
The swim team does not often practice for
more than an hour each morning.
17. We hurried to the game, our anticipation being high. 7.
My brother has forgotten his locker key again this week.
18. She returned to her bench, her face showing all
the unhappiness that had suddenly overtaken 8.
Sarah may be running in the relay race her. tomorrow.
19. The boy watched, his eyes bulging in the dark. 9.
My family has not invited John to the party.
20. About the bones, ants were ebbing away, their
10. The Kansas City Royals did win the 1985 pincers full of meat. World Series.
Exercise 12: Underline the absolute phrases in
Exercise 13: Write the name of the underline
the following sentences if any.
phrases and their functions on the lines. 1.
The girl with brown eyes is my sister. 1. Her suspicions confirmed , the police officer Name: prep. Phrase made the arrest.
Function: Adj modifies ‘girl’.................... 2.
Backing out of the driveway, I hit the mailbox. 2.
(a) For two years I worked (b) in Chicago. a. Name: Prep. Phr. 3.
They will take the daytime train, the landscape Function: inviting. Adv of sentence b. Name: prep. Phr. 4. My doubts relieved , I gained confidence as the
Function: Adv. Modifies the verb ‘worked’ game progressed. 3.
The library located in the campus needs repair. 5.
Peering through a microscope, the scientist
Name: Past participial Phr. identified several microbes.
Function: Adj modifies the N ‘library’ 6. His dogs panting with exertion , Hagos took a 4. Keeping a budget requires great patience. break from his run. Name: Gerund Phr.
Function: Subject of V ‘requires’ 7.
Its shutters hanging limply in the wind , the
house looked abandoned and forlorn. 5. I am glad to see you. Name: Inf. Phr. 8. The car rusted and worthless , I left it at the
Function: Adv. modifies Adj ‘glad’ junkyard. 6.
He entered the room through the door on the 9.
Wearing a red plaid outfit, Lydia looked like a right. character in a novel. Name: Prep. Phr.
10. Everything planned in advance , the party went
Function: Adv. modifies the V ‘entered’.. like clockwork. Name: Prep. Phr.
Function: Adj. modifies the N ‘door’.......
11. We scrambled from the car, racing to the amusement park gates. 7. Paying one’s bill is sometimes difficult.
Name: Gerund Phr. ................................
12. Moving quickly, the lion cut off the fleeing
.................................................................. zebra.
Function: S of the V ‘is’ ..........................
Keys to Grammar Exercises 8.
John wanted to become an engineer.
Exercise 2: For each sentence, underline the Name: Inf. Phr.
phrase(s) that function(s) as a Noun and tell
Function: O of the V ‘wanted’
their name based on structure and their
function in the sentence. 9. Playing handball is pleasant exercises. Name: Gerund Phr. 1.
Once upon a time, there was a peaceful
Function: S of the V ‘is’ kingdom. - N.P – S.C
10. The boy flying the kite was envied by other children. 2. The king
heard rumors that barbarians were
Name: Present. Part. Phr.
going to attack his castle soon.
Function: Adj. modifies the N ‘boy’.........
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of V Name: Prep. Phr. 3.
So he called his two favorite pets - the huge
Function: Adv modifies the V ‘envied’.... grey goose and gander.
- N.P – O of V; N.P - appositive
C1, U2: NOUN PHRASES BASED ON 4. Our kingdom is in danger. FUNCTIONS
- N.P – S of V; Prep.P – S.C
Exercise 1: For each sentence, underline the 5.
“Take my daughter to a safe place on top of
phrase(s) that function(s) as a Noun and tell
the tallest hill,” said the king.
their name based on structure and their
my daughter: N.P – O of V; to a safe place …
function in the sentence.
hill: Prep.P – O.C; a safe place: N.P – O of
prep.; top of the tallest hill: N.P – O of prep.; 1. Georgie Porgie was a cheeky little boy.
the tallest hill: N.P – O of prep. N.P-S of V; N.P – S.C 6.
So the grey goose and gander flew the 2.
He liked to tease people especially little girls.
princess who sat in a red sheet to the top of - Inf.P – O of V
the tallest hill. - the grey goose and gander: 3.
One afternoon, he went to the park near his
N.P – S of V; the princess … sheet: N.P – O house.
of V; a red sheet: N.P – O of prep.; to the top - N.P – O of Prep.
… hill: Prep.P – O.C; the top of the tallest
hill: N.P – O of prep.; the tallest hill: N.P – O 4.
He found a little girl and tried to kiss her. of prep.
- N.P – O of V; Inf.P – O of V 7. Six months
had passed but the kingdom was 5. The girl
cried and sobbed because she did not not attacked. like Georgie.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – S of V - N.P – S of V 8. The king
regretted his decision and told the 6.
Then, some boys came to the park and saw
grey goose and gander to bring home his
Georgie chasing after the girl. daughter.
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of Prep.; Present
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of V; N.P – O of V; Part.P. – O.C Inf.P – O.C 7.
They shouted and laughed loudly at Georgie. 9.
Then the king understood that he had to be No NP based on function.
careful before taking actions based up the 8.
Georgie stopped chasing the girl and ran away
rumors which need not be true. feeling embarrassed.
- N.P – S of V; Gerund P – O of prep.; N.P – - Gerund P – O of V O of prep. 9.
Thereafter Georgie hesitated to play with his 10. The king
was aware of his discretion before friends taking any decision. - Inf.P – O of V
- N.P – S of V; N.P – O of prep.; Gerund P. –
because he remembered his embarrassment O of prep.
that he faced in front of his friends.
11. What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet.
- N.P – O of V; N.P – O of prep.
Infinitive Phrase - SC 10. This incident prohibited him from chasing
What is essential is to maintain a healthy diet. girls thereafter.
NP – O of V
- N.P – S of V; Gerund P – O of Prep. 12. The decision
was to extend the deadline by
three months. – NP – S of V
The decision was to extend the deadline by
three months. – Infinitive P – SC
Keys to Grammar Exercises
The decision was to extend the deadline by its back. - Prep.P
three months. – NP – O of V
The donkey felt very happy about the
The decision was to extend the deadline by
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
three months. – NP – O of Prep. its back. - Prep.P
The donkey felt very happy about the 13. Being a student sometimes means spending
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
long hours in the library. – Gerund P –S of V its back. -
Being a student sometimes means spending Prep.P
long hours in the library. – Gerund P – SC 9.
From that day, it became a regular practice for
Being a student sometimes means spending
the donkey to slip and fall in the pond
long hours in the library. – NP – O of V
whenever they crossed the pond to the market.
Being a student sometimes means spending – Prep.P
long hours in the library. – NP – O of prep.
From that day, it became a regular practice for
the donkey to slip and fall in the pond 14. Your only responsibility is to babysit your
whenever they crossed the pond to the market.
younger siblings. – NP – S of V
Your only responsibility is to babysit your Infinitive P
younger siblings. – Infinitive P – SC
10. That cruel snake eats all the eggs in the nest. –
Your only responsibility is to babysit your Prep.P
younger siblings. – NP - OC 15. My favorite hobby is gardening in the morning. –
Exercise 4: For each sentence, underline the NP – S of V
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adjective and
My favorite hobby is gardening in the morning. –
tell their name based on their structure. Gerund P - SC 1. Watching this behind the tree , the swan and
the crab heaved a sigh of relief. – Present
Participial Phrase; Prep.P FUNCTIONS 2.
The next day, the mongoose, looking for more
Exercise 3: For each sentence, underline the
fish, came upon the swan’s nest. - Present
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adjective and Participial Phrase; NP
tell their name based on their structure. 3.
Many years ago, the members of the jungle did 1.
The lamp felt very proud of itself that it was
not have any King. – Prep.P
the brightest object in the universe. - Adj. P
The lamp felt very proud of itself that it was 4. The nearby motel offers cheap but comfortable rooms. –
the brightest object in the universe. - Adj.P Prep.P 2.
I am not very expert in this task. - 5. These are unbelievably expensive shoes. – Adj.P Adj.P 3.
There was a small puppy lying on an old rug
which my mother had put outside the door. 6. Sarah was fairly bored with you . – Adj.P - Present Participial P 7. The extremely tired lioness is losing patience 4.
There were questions in my mind. -
with her overly enthusiastic cub. – Adj.P Prep.P
The extremely tired lioness is losing patience 5.
Once, there lived a washer man named with her overly enthusiastic cub . – Prep.P
Bheema. - Past participial phrase
The extremely tired lioness is losing patience with her overly enthusiastic cub. 6.
One night, few thieves broke in the house of Adj.P
that washer man. - Prep.P 8. The dog covered in m ud looked pleased with himself. – 7.
The sack of salt on the donkey’s back fell into Past participial P
The dog covered in mud looked pleased with the water. - Prep.P himself. -
The sack of salt on the donkey’s back fell into Adj.P the water. - Prep.P 9. The frames beautifully carved by m onks are
worth more than the painting. – 8.
The donkey felt very happy about the Past
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on participial Phrase
The frames beautifully carved by monks are its back. - Adj.P
worth more than the painting. –
The donkey felt very happy about the Adj.P
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
10. The woman on the boat is my aunt Carol. – its back. - Prep.P Prep.P
The donkey felt very happy about the
reduction in the weight of the sack of salt on
Keys to Grammar Exercises
11. The fire has made the room much warmer. –
The next day morning, everyone in the family Adj.P
came to know about the unusual guest. – Inf.P
12. The tour guides announced the most dangerous 7.
He came to my room and sat near me. –
place to swim along the southern shore. – Prep.P Adj.P
He came to my room and sat near me. –
The tour guides announced the most dangerous Prep.P place to swim along the southern shore . – 8.
She quickly tied a bandage around his leg. – Infinitive P Prep.P
13. The reviewer named the most organized 9.
After this incident my relation with Spotty
classrooms in the English building. –Adj.P
The reviewer named the most organized
became more intense. – Prep.P
classrooms in the English building. – Prep.P 10. One
midnight we heard Spotty barking
14. I want you to leave now. – breathlessly. – NP Inf.P
One midnight we heard Spotty barking
15. I found him somewhat recovered. – Past breathlessly. – Adv participial P 11. In
a dense forest , there was lake. – Prep.P
12. It takes place every day. NP
13. I'll do it in a minute. – Prep.P FUNCTIONS
14. You couldn't park anywhere near the place. –
Exercise 5: For each sentence, underline the Adv.P
phrase(s) that function(s) as an Adverb and tell
You couldn't park anywhere near the place. –
their name based on their structure in the sentence. Prep.P
15. Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the 1.
I am suffering very much with pains. – Adv.P
back and, instead of bleeding, he sings. –
I am suffering very much with pains. – Prep.P Prep.P 2.
It was raining very heavily on the day we
Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the shifted. – Adv.P
back and, instead of bleeding, he sings. –
It was raining very heavily on the day we Prep.P shifted. - Prep.P
16. He would always talk with a nationalistic tone. 3. In the midnight
I heard a loud thud outside the – Prep.P main door. – Prep.P
17. He sings in a low register.
In the midnight I heard a loud thud outside the Prep.P main door. – Prep.P
18. People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. – 4.
It was difficult to see the little one. – Prep.P Inf.P
19. Dad spoke softly to calm her fears. – 5.
He was trying to get inside the curved rug to Adv.P Dad spoke softly . –
avoid the chilling air outside. - to calm her fears Inf.P Inf.P 20. With much consideration , he made his 6. The next day morning , everyone in the family decision. –
came to know about the unusual guest. - Prep.P NP
Exercise 6: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
(ii) Name according to its (iii) Function structure function a. Subject of Verb a. Infinitive phrase a. Noun phrase b. Object of Verb b. Present participial phrase b. Adjective phrase c. Object of preposition c. Past participial phrase c. Adverb phrase d. Subjective Complement d. Gerund phrase e. Objective complement e. Prepositional phrase f. Appositive f. Noun phrase g. Modifier of Noun g. Adjective phrase h. Modifier of Verb h. Adverb phrase i. Modifier of Adverb j. Modifier of Adjective
k. Modifier of the whole sentence
Keys to Grammar Exercises 1.
Steven's book, which made Oprah's Book
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
Club this month, is not in any stores.
- Name according to function: Adj.P
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
Function: modifier of the noun ‘chance’
- Name according to function: NP 9.
The dog that Sam chose from the litter seems
Function: Subjective Complement to be healthy. 2.
While preparing for the speech, Joe couldn't
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
help but worry about his entrance.
- Name according to function: Adv.P
- Name according to structure: Present
Function: Modifier of the verb ‘chose’ Participial P
10. Sam Smith, who recently spoke to the youth
- Name according to function: Adj.P
Function: Modifier of the S ‘Joe’
group, excels at motivating young people.
- Name according to structure: Gerund P 3.
Ahmad wants to visit Quebec, but he will
- Name according to function: N.P
need to wait for his next vacation.
Function: Object of the Prep. ‘at’
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
11. Pushed beyond endurance , the runner
- Name according to function: N.P dropped the baton.
Function: Object of the V ‘wants’
- Name according to structure: Past Par.P 4. Hoping for a miracle
, the doctors continued
- Name according to function: Adj.P the surgery.
Function: Modifier of the S ‘the runner’
- Name according to structure: Present
12. The shoes he saw in the catalogue are Par.P
available down the street.
- Name according to function: Adj.P Function:
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
modifier of the S ‘the doctors’
- Name according to function: Adv.P 5.
Our boss supports donating time to charity.
Function: modifier of the Adj ‘available’
- Name according to structure: Gerund P
13. The reporter crouched* behind that tree got
- Name according to function: N.P
the best picture of the arrest. Function: (Núp,né)
Object of the verb ‘supports’
- Name according to structure: Past Par.P 6.
Melanie hoped to find a cure for the disease,
- Name according to function: Adj.P
but she tried to be realistic.
Function: modifier of the N ‘reporter’
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
14. Keith tried supporting both teams, but his
- Name according to function: N.P Function: heart was with Oregon.
Object of the verb ‘hoped’
- Name according to structure: Gerund P 7. After the banquet
*, the cooks will take a
- Name according to function: N.P
well-deserved break. (Bữa tiệc lớn)
Function: Object of the verb ‘tried’
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
15. Katrina, who resented being left at home,
- Name according to function: Adverb P Function:
drew on the walls with her crayons.
modifier of the whole sent.
- Name according to structure: Prep.P 8.
Joey is hoping for a chance to play pool*
- Name according to function: Adv.P
with his uncle. (bida 16 viên)
Function: modifier of the verb ‘drew’
Exercise 7: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
(ii) Name according to its (iii) Function structure function l. Subject of Verb i. Infinitive phrase d. Noun phrase m. Object of Verb j. Present participial phrase e. Adjective phrase n. Object of preposition k. Past participial phrase f. Adverb phrase o. Subjective Complement l. Gerund phrase p. Objective complement m. Prepositional phrase q. Appositive n. Noun phrase r. Modifier of Noun o. Adjective phrase s. Modifier of Verb p. Adverb phrase t. Modifier of Adverb u. Modifier of Adjective
v. Modifier of the whole sentence 1.
Arnold hoped to find an answer to the
- Name according to function: N.P funding shortfall.
Function: Object of the verb ‘hoped’
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
Keys to Grammar Exercises 2. Pressed for time
, the agent ran the red light.
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
- Name according to structure: Past Par.P
- Name according to function: Adv.P
- Name according to function: Adj.P
Function: modifier of V
Function: modifier of the S ‘the agent’ 9.
A boy on the roof is singing a song. 3.
His uncle thinks that working for the
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
government is the key to stability.
- Name according to function: Adj.P
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
Function: modifier of N
- Name according to function: Adv.P
10. She is shouting in a loud voice.
Function: modifier of ‘working’
- Name according to structure: Prep.P 4.
Richard's chance to make his point slipped
- Name according to function: Adv.P away.
Function: modifier of V
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
- Name according to function:
11. He sat in a corner of the room. Adj.P
- Name according to structure: Function: Prep.P
modifier of ‘chance’
- Name according to function: Adv.P 5.
Is it possible that Joshua will compete*
Function: modifier of V
against that man? (Intransitive Verb)
12. He sat in a corner of the room.
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
- Name according to function:
- Name according to structure: Prep.P Adv.P
- Name according to function: Function: Adj.P
modifier of the verb ‘compete’
Function: modifier of N 6.
Disneyland and Hollywood are popular places 13. He likes to read books. to visit in California.
- Name according to structure:
- Name according to structure: Inf.P Infinitive P.
- Name according to function:
- Name according to function: NP Adj. P Function: Function: O of V
modifier of N ‘place’
14. He made a plan to buy a car. 7.
When buses are delayed, students are usually late for school.
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
- Name according to structure:
- Name according to function: Adj.P Adj. P Function:
- Name according to function: modifier of N N.P
Function: Subjective Complement
15. She started thinking about the problem.
- Name according to structure: 8.
He used his computer to make party Gerund P invitations.
- Name according to function: N.P Function: O of V
Exercise 8: Identify the underlined phrase and write the answer on the line.
(i) Name according to its
(ii) Name according to its (iii) Function structure function w. Subject of Verb q. Infinitive phrase g. Noun phrase x. Object of Verb r. Present participial phrase h. Adjective phrase y. Object of preposition s. Past participial phrase i. Adverb phrase z. Subjective Complement t. Gerund phrase aa. Objective complement u. Prepositional phrase bb. Appositive v. Noun phrase cc. Modifier of Noun w. Adjective phrase dd. Modifier of Verb x. Adverb phrase ee. Modifier of Adverb ff. Modifier of Adjective
gg. Modifier of the whole sentence 1. Sleeping late in night is not a good habit. 3. The crazy old lady in the park feeds the
- Name according to structure: Gerund P pigeons every day.
- Name according to function: N.P
- Name according to structure: N.P Function: S of V
- Name according to function: N.P Function: 2.
I received a letter mentioning about my exam. S of V
- Name according to structure: Present Participial P
- Name according to function: Adj.P
Function: modifier of N
Keys to Grammar Exercises 4.
The crazy old lady in the park feeds the
10. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide pigeons every day.
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to structure: N.P
- Name according to structure: NP
- Name according to function: Adv.P
- Name according to function: NP
Function: modifier of V
Function: O of prep............................................................ 5.
Tashonda's goal in life, to become an
11. Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this
acceptance among urban politicians. year, at last.
- Name according to structure: Prep.P
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
- Name according to function: Adj.P
- Name according to function: N.P
Function: modifier of N
Function: appositive 12. Her pl an to subsidize child care won wide 6.
Tashonda's goal in life, to become an
acceptance among urban politicians.
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this
- Name according to structure: N.P year, at last.
- Name according to function: NP
- Name according to structure: Prep.P Function: S of V
- Name according to function: N.P
13. To know her is to love her.
Function: Subjective complement
- Name according to structure: Inf.P 7. Tashonda's goal in life , to become an
- Name according to function: NP
occupational therapist, is within her grasp this Function: SC year, at last.
14. The best exercise, walking briskly, is also the
- Name according to structure: N.P
- Name according to function: least expensive, N.P
- Name according to structure: Function: Gerund P S of V
- Name according to function: NP 8.
Her plan to subsidize child care won wide
Function: appositive
acceptance among urban politicians. 15. Working
around the clock , the firefighters
- Name according to structure: Inf.P
finally put out the last of the California brush
- Name according to function: Adj.P fires.
Function: modifier of N
- Name according to structure: Present 9.
Her plan to subsidize child care won wide Part.P
acceptance among urban politicians.
- Name according to function: Adj.P
- Name according to structure: N.P
Function: modifier of N
- Name according to function: N.P Function: O of V CHAPTER 2: CLAUSES C2, U1: NOUN CLAUSES 9.
The belief that the soul is immortal is almost universal.
Exercise 1: Find out the noun clauses in the
Appositive to the N ‘belief’
following sentences and tell their function.
10. It is certain that we will have to admit defeat. 1.
The king ordered that the traitor should be put Real subject to death. O of V
11. It was fortunate that he was present. Real 2. He said that he would not go. subject O of V
12. The report that only ten persons were killed in 3.
That he is not interested in the offer is known the riots is not true. to us.
Appositive to ‘report’ S of V 13. That he believes his own story is 4.
He said that he was not feeling well. O of V remarkable. S of V 5.
I cannot rely on what he says. O of Prep
14. He knows all about art, but he doesn't 6.
I don’t know where he has gone. O of V
know what he likes. O of V 7.
He asked whether the servant had polished his
15. My one regret in life is that I am not someone shoes. O of V else. SC 8.
The news that he is alive has been confirmed.
Appositive to the N ‘news’
Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 2: If the given words are questions, 7. Whom should I speak to?
insert a capital letter and a question mark. If the
- I would like to know whom I should speak
given words are a noun clause, write ‘I don’t to .
know’ and a final period. 8. Who wrote this paper?
Example: _____________W where is he?
- Can you tell me who wrote this paper ? I don’t know_ where he is. 9. Why did you buy it? 1.
_________I don’t know what he did.
- Please tell me why you bought it 2.
__________________W what did he do? . 3.
__________________H how old is he? 10. When are they leaving?
- Let’s ask them when they are leaving 4.
_________I don’t know how old he is. . 5.
__________________W where did he go? 11. Where does Mr Nam live? 6.
_________I don’t know where he went.
- Do you remember where Mr Nam live ? 7.
_________I don’t know why he said that. 12. Who is that man? 8.
__________________W why did he say that?
- I don’t know who that man is 9.
_________I don’t know who he is. 13. Why did she leave?
10. __________________W who is he?
- Do you know why she left
11. __________________W when will he arrive? 14. Where will he be?
- Let’s ask him where he will be
12. _________I don’t know when he will arrive. .
13. __________________W who is he talking to? 15. When did Tom return?
14. _________I don’t know which one he bought.
- Please tell me when Tom returned
15. _________I don’t know what his name is.
Exercise 4: Make a question from the given
sentence. The words in parentheses should be
Exercise 3: Finish the second sentence with a
the answer to the question you make. Then
noun clause based on the preceding direct
change the question to a noun clause. question. 1. That man is . (Mr. Robertson) Example: How do you say this?
Question: Who is that man?
- Can you tell me how you say this?
Noun clause: I want to know who that man is. 1. How much did it cost?
2. George lives in (Los Angeles).
- He doesn’t remember how much it cost
Question: [Where does he live?] .
Noun clause: I want to know . [where he lives] 2. How much does it cost?
3. Ann bought (a new dictionary).
- Ask the manager how much it costs .
Question: [What did Ann buy?]
Noun clause: Do you know [what Ann bought]. 3. Which do you prefer?
- Please tell the clerk which you prefer .
4. It is (350 miles) to Denver from here.
Question: [How far is it to Denver from here?]
Noun clause: I need to know [how far it is to 4. What cities did you visit? Denver from here].
- Please tell us what cities you visited .
5. Jack was late to class (because he missed the bus). 5. What country is he from?
Question: [Why was Jack late to class?]
- Let’s ask Bill what country he is from .
Noun clause: The teacher wants to know [why Jack was late to class]. 6. Whose book did he use? 6. That is pen. (Ann’s)
- I wonder whose book he used .
Question: [Whose pen is that?]
Noun clause: Tom wants to know [whose pen that is].
Keys to Grammar Exercises
7. Alex saw (Ms. Frost) at the meeting.
why he didn’t lock it? Maybe he just forgot.
Question: [Who did Alex see at the meeting?] (he, lock, not)
Noun clause: I don’t know [who Alex saw at the meeting]. 7.
A: The Lee family are recent immigrant, aren’t
they? How long have they been in this
8. (Jack) saw Ms. Frost at the meeting. country? (they be)
Question: [Who saw Ms Frost at the meeting?]
B: I have no idea. Would you like me to ask
Noun clause: I don’t know [who saw Ms Frost
Mr. Lee how long he and his family have at the meeting].
lived here? I’ll be seeing him this afternoon. (he and his family, live)
9. Alice likes (this) book best, (not that one).
Question: [Which book does Alice like best?] 8.
A: I need a math tutor. Do you know who
Noun clause: I want to know [which book
John’s tutor is ? (John’s tutor, be) Alice likes best].
B: No. Let me ask Phil. Excuse me, Phil? Who
10. The plane is supposed to land
is John’s tutor ? Do you know? (John’a tutor, (at 7:14 p.m.). be)
Question: [What time is the plane supposed to land?] 9.
A: You’re a student here? I’m a student here,
Noun clause: Could you tell me [what time the
too. Tell me what classes you are taking plane is supposed to land].
this term. Maybe we’re in some of the same classes. (you, take)
Exercise 5: Use the words in parentheses to
B: Math 4, English 2, History 6, and
complete the sentences. Use any appropriate Chesmistry 101. What classes
verb tense. Some of the completions contain are you taking ? (you, take)
noun clauses and some contain questions.
10. A: Lucy, why didn’t you study for the Example:
exam? You could have done much better if
A: Where did Ruth go ? She’s not in her room.
you’ve been prepared. (you, study, not) (Ruth, go)
B: Well, Professor Morris, why I didn’t study
B: I don’t know. Ask Tina. She might know where
for the exam is a long story. I intended to, but Ruth went . (Ruth, go) … (I, study, not) 1.
A: John is searching every drawer. Do you
know what he is looking for ? (he, look for)
Exercise 6: Circle the best choice.
B: I have no ideas. Why don’t I just ask him?
John? What are you looking for ? (you, look
Example: He asked me where [B]. for)
A.did I live B. I lived C. do you live D .that I lived 2.
A: Oops! I made a mistake. Where is my 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
eraser ? Didn’t I lend it to you? (my eraser, 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. B be)
B: I don’t have it. Ask Sally where it is . I 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. D
think I saw her using it. (it, be) 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. B 3.
A: I heard that Sam changed his mind about
going on the picnic. Why did he decide to
stay home? Is something wrong? (he, decide)
Exercise 7: Circle the letter of the correct
B: I don’t know. Maybe Jane can tell us why answer.
he decided not to come with us. Let’s ask her.
I hope he’s okay. (he, decide) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 4. A: Whose book 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C is this ? (this, be)
B: It’s not mine. I don’t know whose book it is . (it, be)
Exercise 8: Write THAT or WHAT in the 5.
A: Did Jack get enough food when he went to blank.
the market? How much fish did he buy ? It 1. WHAT 2. THAT
takes a lot of fish to feed 12 people. (he, buy) 3. WHAT 4. THAT
B: Just relax. I don’t know exactly how much 5. WHAT 6. THAT
fish he bought , but I’m sure there’ll be 7. WHAT 8. WHAT
enough for dinner for all of us. (he, buy) 9. THAT 10 WHAT 6.
A: The door isn’t locked! Why didn’t Fred
it before he left? (Fred, lock, not)
B: Why ask me? How am I supposed to know
Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 9: Using a dictionary if necessary, 1.
It wasn’t my fault that the weather wasn’t very
complete each definition with a noun and that or nice.
what. Put brackets round (that) where it could be left out. 2.
It is absolutely disgraceful that nobody
stopped to help the old woman after the
conception confession condidence accident. confirmation confusion contempt 3.
It can be hard to work out two months in
Example: Confidence is believing (that) you can
advance what you’re going to need on a trip.
be successful, or feeling (that) you are certain
OR It can be hard to work out what you’re about something.
going to need on a trip two months in 1. Confirmation
is a statement or letter telling
you (that) something is correct, or that an 4.
It remains a mystery to everyone how Adrian arrangement is definite. became so rich so fast. 2. Confession is a statement made by 5.
It doesn’t bother me whether he eats the fish
someone admitting (that) they are guilty of
or not, but he should eat something.
a crime, or that they are ashamed of something. 3. Contempt is feeling that somebody or
Exercise 12: Add it and that where appropriate
something is without value and deserves no to these sentences.
respect, or showing no concern for what 1.
They concluded in their report that it didn’t
might be against the rules or dangerous.
make any difference if the vehicles had air 4. Conception is the process of forming an bags or not.
idea or an understanding of what 2.
If you say (that) it is important that I should
something is, or what something should be.
attend the meeting, I can assure you (that) I’ll 5. Confusion
is a state of uncertainty about be there.
what is happening, or what something 3.
They notified everyone living near the means.
riverthat it was possible (that) the water was contaminated. 4. it that
Exercise 10: The original version of this
None of the staff likes now every
paragraph included the ten words listed here
Thursday is a late night. OR
introducing noun clauses. Put them back in
None of the staff likes it that now every
appropriate places in the paragraph.
Thursday is a late night. 5. That how that (x5) what where
she delivered a marvelous whether why
performance pleased her parents.
I had a strange experience when I got a summer job
as a temporary office assistant in a big company.
Exercise 13: Rewrite each sentence with a
On my first day, I didn’t know what I was supposed
meaning similar to the one above it.
to do and nobody seemed to care whether I was
doing anything or not. Since I didn’t understand
1. The boys considered it an honour that they’ve
how anything worked in the office, I just sat down
been chosen to play for their country.
at an empty desk and waited. When the office
2. People used to think it outrageous that women
manager walked in, she stared at me and asked why
I was sitting on her chair. I remember that I felt
were smoking in public. OR People think that it
really embarrassed and tried to explain that nobody used to was outrageous
had told me where I should sit. She announced
that women were smoking in public.
quite loudly that I wasn’t being paid to sit around
3. Won’t they see it as a sign of weakness that
and that I should go and find some work to do. So I we didn’t fight back?
tried to act as if I was busy and started cleaning out
all the wastebaskets. I only discovered later in the
4. No one regarded it at the time as an
morning that I had gone to the wrong office.
indication that anything was wrong. OR
No one regarded it as an indication that
anything was wrong
at the time.
Exercise 11: Rewrite these sentences, beginning 5. with Many people it It.
regarded as a bad idea that
the police have started carrying guns
Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 14: Correct the ten mistakes in these 2.
Oblivion is an unconscious state in which you sentences.
have no knowledge of what is happening around you. 1.
That the audience stood up and applauded our
performance convinced us that we had a 3.
When you say or do something with successful show.
conviction, you have a strong belief that you are right. 2.
Whether you want to take one class or twenty
makes it no difference because you have to 4.
A precedent is an earlier action or decision
register first and the university doesn’t like it
used as a good example of what should be
that people have been attending classes
done in other similar situation. without being registered. 5.
An estimate is an appropriate idea or 3.
Mr. Trotter was trying to show how the
statement of/about what something will
equipment should be used, but they weren’t cost. listening.
Exercise 17: Correct the ten mistakes in these 4.
Didn’t you think it strange that nobody told sentences.
his car lights were left on all night? 1.
They discussed the fact that people were 5.
I tried to warn them that the trail was
getting into the country illegally and the issue
dangerous, but it didn’t surprise me that they
of whether those people would be able to went hiking anyway.
become legal citizens./ Or They discussed
people who were …./ Or They discussed how people were …. 2.
His theory is that cutting down the trees Noun with noun clauses
causes more flooding due to the fact
that/because there is nothing left on the hills
Exercise 15: Rewrite each pair of sentences as a
to hold the soil in place and absorb the rain.
single sentence using a noun derived from the
verb in the sentence above it, plus other 3.
Alfred tried to explain away the fact that/ how appropriate changes.
he had missed several meetings, but he had
nothing to say on the question of what had Example:
happened to his quarterly report.
They concluded that the child’s death was 4.
It seems to be that they didn’t have a lot of
an accident. It made a lot of people angry.
applicants so they overlooked the fact that I
- Their conclusion that the child’s death
didn’t have much experience and offered me
was an accident made a lot of people angry. the job. 1.
Manfred’s explanation that a friend’s dog had 5.
The German research team’s discovery, which
eaten his homework wasn’t very convincing.
that the addition of milk to a cup of tea 2.
Their expectation that everyone will just go
reduces its health benefits, seems to have been
along with their plans is unrealistic.
based on the assumption which that the only
benefit of hot tea is an improvement in the 3.
Her sudden realization that she was drifting
flow of blood which goes to the heart because
out to sea caused her to panic. that is all they measured. 4.
Our discussion of how we might solve the
proble went on for over three hours.

Adjective with noun clauses 5.
The belief that there are aliens from outer
space living among us. It’s quite widespread.

Exercise 18: Rewrite each pair of sentences as a
single sentence containing a noun clause.

Exercise 16: Using a dictionary if necessary,
complete each definition with a noun and that or 1.
It’s rather surprising that so many young
what plus a preposition where necessary.
people don’t know how to swim nowadays. belief example fear 2.
It seemed very strange that all the lights knowledge statement
were on, but nobody seemed to be at home. 1.
If you do something with apprehension, you 3.
You were lucky (that) nobody complained have a fear that something bad may
about all the noise you were making. happen. 4.
My friend will be disappointed that she has
to work and can’t go to the concert.

Keys to Grammar Exercises 5.
I was angry (that) he made such a mess.
Exercise 19: Complete each sentence with an
adjective and that or what, with prepositions where necessary. Confident happy (x2) not sure sorry (x2) worried surprised
Example: My parents are happy that I do well at school. 1.
I’m not sure what ‘savoire faire’ means. 2.
We’re happy that none of the children got hurt in the accident. 3.
I made you cry. I’m sorry about/for what I said. I’m really I spoke that sorry that way. 4.
Aren’t you worried that you’ll fail the test
or are you really confident that you’re ready? 5. I’m he didn’t come. sorry that
Keys to Grammar Exercises
Exercise 20: Complete each sentence using
Subjunctive in noun clauses
appropriate forms of one pair of words and
Exercise 23: Choose an ending (a-d) for each noun clauses.
beginning (1-4) and appropriate forms of these Afraid/have amazed/win
words, using the subjunctive or should where essential/wear certain/have appropriate. fortunate/not be Demand propose vital
Example: Were you frightened by the muggers? – wish be become
Yes, I was afraid that they had knives. resign stay 1.
Isn’t it astonishing that Rick finished first? – 1. At some point every a. that local clinics Yes, I’m the race. amazed that he won individual wishes (should) stay 2.
Are you sure that Stella took the car keys? – ( ) b opens.
Yes, I’m certain (that) she has them. 2. The planners have b. that he or she 3.
You’re lucky that you weren’t hurt. – Yes, it’s already proposed were/was richer. ( ) d
fortunate (that) I wasn’t near the front of the c. that the prime bus. 3.
It’s vital (a) for minister (should) rural comminities 4.
jacob doesn’t think safety glasses are resign
necessary. – Well, it is essential that he 4. The protest leaders d. that part of the (should) wear them.
are demanding (c) town centre (should) become a pedestrian area.
Exercise 21: Add that in five appropriate places in this paragraph.
The philosopher David Hume’s argument that
Exercise 24: Complete the sentence, using the
people cannot be certain about anything not directly
idea of the words in parentheses.
taken in through their senses was destined to lead
Example: (You should organize a camping trip.)
him to the idea that we cannot be certain about
The girls proposed that their scout
God. Hume also argued that our expectation that
leader organize a camping trip.
the future will be like the past (e.g. that the sun will
rise tomorrow morning) had no basis in reason. 1.
Ms. Hanson recommended that our class be divided into two sections. 2.
Dan’s parents insisted that he call home
Exercise 22: Complete each paragraph with one every week.
set of words (not necessarily in this order). 3.
It is essential that she be told the truth about if/that/that how/that/the fact that her illness. how/that/where 4.
The customs official demanded that all 1.
The claim that where you live can
passengers open their suitcases.
determine how healthy you feel seems rather obvious, doesn’t it? 5.
The counselor recommended that Ann take some art courses. 2.
Are you one of those people who leave the house and can’t remember 6.
It is vital that all parts of the motor be in if they
switched off the oven, or walk away from their proper working order.
parked car with the suspecion that they 7.
The director requests that all packages be
didn’t put the handbrake on, or even leave the mailed at the central office.
supermarket just hoping that they didn’t
forget to pick up all their bags? 8.
It is imperative that soldiers obey their officers. 3.
More people are taking pills containing
glucosamine for pain in their knees. 9.
It is important that the babysitter be given the
phone numbers to call in case of emergency.
fact that no one is quite sure how
this ‘medicine’ works doesn’t mean that
10. Don recommended that I join the party.
we should ignore its reputation for relieving pain and increasing mobility.
Keys to Grammar Exercises
Noun clauses as subjects and objects 5.
The prosecutor showed the jury how the crime
Exercise 25: Rewrite these sentences in a less
could have been committed by Feldman, but
formal style beginning with it.
he didn’t convince them/the jury that Feldman was guilty. 1.
It doesn’t surprise me at all that they don’t Wish’ sentences have any money left.
Exercise 28: Cloe is on holiday in a foreign city.
She was so busy admiring the sights that she has 2.
It just astonishes me that children would
got lost. What does she wish? Write sentences
rather sit watching TV instead of playing
with ‘I wish’. outside. 1. 3. It I wish I had a map.
has never been explained why the
government didn’t act immediately to stop the 2.
I wish the streets didn’t all look the same.
movement of all animals. 3.
I wish I’d brought my mobile phone. 4.
It wasn’t clear whether Nicole’s father had 4.
I wish I could speak the language.
been for or against her marriage, but he did
participate in the wedding ceremony.
I wish I’d bought a phrase book. 5.
It really helped us that the other team played 6.
I wish I wasn’t/weren’t hot and thirsty./ I wish badly. I had a drink. 7.
I wish I hadn’t come here alone./ I wish I’d
Exercise 26: Add one set of words to each
come here with someone else.
paragraph (not necessarily in this order). 8.
I wish someone would help me.
It/that/that it/that/what that/where/whether 9.
I wish I hadn’t come here.
A. He wanted to know (1) what we were doing, but (2)
10. I wish I was/were back in my hotel.
it was obvious (3) that he didn’t
really seem very interested in our answer.
B. Sometimes one of them will say (4) that Reported speech
he or she actually prefers (5) it (6) that
the other has separate interests.
Exercise 29: Complete each sentence, using
indirect speech, with a meaning similar to the

C. (7) Whether Robert’s new schedule will be an one above it.
improvement remains to be seen, but no one liked it (8)
Example: ‘It’s a strange story.’
that he just decided (9) where
the changes would be made without consulting
- They said that it was a strange story. anyone. 1.
He just blurted out that he was in love with
Exercise 27: Correct the mistakes in these my sist er and he wanted me t o tell her. sentences. 2.
One of them asked us where we were going 1.
That Mr Baker complained about the noise next and how we planned to get there.
was predictable, but we assured him (that) it 3.
The old woman said that she had lived/lived
wouldn’t happen again. OR there
before any of the old houses had/had - Mr Baker complained It was predictable that had
electricity or indoor plumbing.
about the noise, but we assured him (that) it wouldn’t happen again. 4.
Darren told me on Monday that he couldn’ t do the work then , or even the next day/ the 2.
The headmaster warned us during our following day , but he would try to do it later
meeting that some teachers wouldn’t like it in the week.
that/the fact that their classrooms had 5. Carolyn suddenly been changed. said (that) she was sorry. (OR Carolyn apologized .) She had been rather 3.
They told me about what Geoff had said in obsessed with herself and her own problems
the meeting, but I thought it strange (that) he recently. OR Carolyn apologized for
hadn’t mentioned money. being/having been rather obsessed with 4.
The police regarded it as suspicious that the herself and her own problems recently.
dead woman’s husband had recently taken out 6.
Peter told Elizabeth (that) he would give her
a life insurance policy in her name. £50 after he got paid
Keys to Grammar Exercises 7.
Jackie says (that) Emile is from Montreal and 2.
He asked to borrow my pencil./ OR He asked speaks French.
me to lend him a pencil. 8. Celine asked me what she should wear if she 3.
He He demanded to know my decision soon. was invited to di nner? 4.
He reminded me to go to the supermarket after 9. Fraser mentioned to Simon that he was work.
looking for a cheaper flat. 5.
He asked me to give him a lift to the station.
10. Mark assured Bridget (that) he would look OR
He asked to get a lift to the station. after h er . 6.
He warned me to stay away from him.
11. Malcolm invited Fiona to stay at h is place. 7.
He volunteered to drive me to the airport (if I
12. Andrew’s mother ordered h im to take off his
couldn’t find anyone else). dirty boots. 13. She warned me not to go t here after dark. OR
Exercise 32: Underline the correct verb. If either
me that I should not go there after dark.
is possible, underline them both.
14. Jason refused to pay for the tickets. 1. promised
15. Melvin suggested bu
ying a railpass. OR 2. suggested
(that) I should buy a rail pass. 3. promised/volunteered 4. demanded
Exercise 30: Complete this text with appropriate
forms of one pair of verbs in each space.
5. agreed ask/become be/remind 6. agreed encourage/give join/persuade
promise/provide volunteer/work 7. advised/proposed
A charity is an organization that helps people in 8. expected
need such as the poor, the homeless, children and 9. requested
refugees. Some people volunteer to work for a charity while others (1) 10. promised
promise to provide/promise
that they will provide_ support with money or other
Exercise 33: Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) on gifts. Many charities (2)_ _ well-known people, ask
the line before each sentence.
such as film stars, to become a representative for 1. C
their organization in the hope that they will (3) 2. I I
persuade others to join/ that they should join the (missing S- should…)
organization or (4) encourage them to give 3. I
money to the charity. Charities not only help people, they also (5) 4. C
remind those who have a
comfortable life to be/that they should be
5. I (missing V – it is going…)
generous to those who have much less. 6. C 7. I
Exercise 31: Complete the sentences to report
what was said using one of the verbs below and a
8. I (missing S)
to-infinitive phrase. You may need to use a verb 9. C
more than once. If necessary, add an
appropriate object after the verb. 10. I Ask demand invite 11. C remind threaten volunteer warn
12. I (extra S – omit it) Example: 13. C
‘Would you like to come on a picnic with us?’
14. I (missing V – who was )
- He invited me/us to come on a picnic with them. 15. I 1.
He threatened to resign (if I/we didn’t give him a pay rise). 16. C 17. C
Keys to Grammar Exercises
18. I (omit it) she had done/did nothing the day bef ore/the 19. C previous day . => I asked him (2) 20. I who broke/had broken the
(missing V – what was) window
21. I (it is doubtful)
and he mumbled (3) that he didn’ t know.
22. I (omit he)
=> When my sister told Paul during dinner last night (4) that
she had/has ten cats 23. C
his only comment was (5) that he 24. I
preferred/prefers dogs. 25. I
=> They wanted Stan’s wife to tell them (6) where
she thought he hid/had hiddens/hides his 26. C money
but her response was (7) that she didn’ t think he
27. I (which was) had/has any.
28. I (that she)
=> Mrs Hawkins asked (8) how I felt
and I had to tell her (9) ( that) I was angry. 29. C
=> She wanted to know (10) why I hadn’ t 30. C said/didn’ t say anything earlier
I explained to her (11) that she hadn’ t allowed/didn’
t allow anyone else to speak.
Exercise 34: Circle the best choice. 1. C
=> Then she apologized and asked (12) if/whether 2. C I could t ell her what was/is wrong 3. A
I told her (13) (that) she was ignoring a 4. B dangerous situation. 5. D
=> I then asked her (14) if/whether she had read 6. C my report or not. OR
whether or not she had read 7. D
my report. Her reply was (15) that she hadn’ t had 8. B time. 9. C 10. B
=> Jessica’s mother always tells (16) her not to
forget her umbrella./that she mustn’t forget her

Exercise 35: Correct the mistakes in these umbrella. sentences.
=> The traffic warden insisted (17) that I/we (had Example:
If you disagreed with what I was to) move my our car.
proposing, why didn’t you say me earlier that you
didn’t like it? … why didn’t you say/say to me/tell
=> Sebastian pleaded (18) pleaded with Beatrice me earlier … not to leave him. 1.
At first he argued (with me) that his answer
=> I asked (19) Jenny if I might/could borrow
was correct, but then I convinced him that..
borrow Jenny’s calculator. 2.
… reminded me that … she urged me not to give up
Exercise 37: Correct the eight mistakes in this 3.
He offered to pay …, but I suggested splitting text.
it/suggested (that) we should split it
On our way up the mountain we got lost and so we 4.
… recommended taking/recommended (that) asked an old man to tell us/ if he could tell us the I should take
way to the waterfall. He was really nice. He didn’t
recommend driving/(that) we (should) drive any 5.
complaining about his problems/complaining
further on that road. He told us to go/that we had that he had problems
to/must go back about a mile to a bridge. He 6.
… deny being responsible/deny that they
suggested parking/(that) we (should) park just past were responsible
the bridge and to walk up the trail on the left. He
warned to be/(that) we must/had to/should be
careful crossing the streams and he advised us not
Exercise 36: Complete each sentence in indirect
to/us (that) we (should) not drink/us against speech.
drinking the water. That’s how we found the
=> Corinne was complaining that she had too much
waterfall. I thought (that) it was was really
work to do until her mother pointed out (1) that beautiful.